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The Oshawa Times, 10 Jan 1959, p. 4

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The Oshawa Times Published by Canadian oe, Justice May Newspapers Limited, 57 Simcos 5t, §., Oshawa, Ont, " Saturdey, January 10, 1969 pi -- tw Be Evaded When Courts Bypassed There will be general approval of Chief Justice McRuer's proposs! that a study be made of "sll tribunsls that deal with property and personal rights knd particularly those where any right of appeal to the eourts has heen den fed." The ehiet Justice directed his remarks to members of the legal profession, but they have just as much force for ey ; RY citizen "We cherish as a rich inheritance the Independence of the judiciary," the chief justice shld, "and we look with suspicion and apprehension on such ef» forts to encroach an that independence Wherever the final determination of the rights of an individual is withs drawn from Her Majesty's courts and vested in authorities that have not the traditional Independence of the courts of justice, avenues of freedom tend io be closed and avenues leading to re striction of freedom are often opened." Justice McRuer has good reason for his foreboding, The Warld War spawned many evils least of which was » tremendous growth in the power of central governments, All sorts of hoards, commissions ard government pgencies were appointed to restrict I dividual aetivities during » period of GUEST EDITORIAL Beeond not the emergency; most of them were dis banded following the end of the war, but governments hy then had grown enormously in size and power and obs viously religied thelr increased suthe ority to direct the lives of citizens fortunately, very large numbers of eitis rens did not m'nd the direction and were willing t+ trade 8 certain loss of liberty for the vague promise of secur ity, They still do--and government mus thority eontinnes to grow, robbing the soil of freedom to sustain and enlarge that growth The judiciary 1s the strongest guards ian of the individual's liberty, But it aan act only within the processes of law, If the individugrl does not bother about the loss of such a vital safeguard #8 the right te appeal decisions of some government agency, the courts of just lee are bypassed cannoL view without some a, prehension," sald Just ie MeRuer, "s tendency in some guar ters to evade the administration of justice in courts through processes that determine the of individuals COUELs We haope the legal profe ervalion they of the is nf Une "One rihgts without secess (no Lhe that the sion will members of heed his ob lead he Istanen individ the ni Hal In crosehmer huresn rad God's Use Of Hands By the Rev, Harold Turner Paul's United Chureh, Bowmanville Some of will remember reading 8 story of Irish peasant life writien several vears ago and entitled "My Lady of the "himney Corners," Anna Irving lived In an alley and she was a stranger to many of the pleas ant thirgs of life. But she tried to make the little place clean and sweet and more like Cod intended it should be, One of her neighbors received word that her only was dead fy Flanders, Anna was trying te eamfart her "Where is Henry's spirit now hed the hereaved woman "It may be here hy bedside, Eliza," was Anna's response, "but you're more in need of knowing where God's spirit fa" Then she hade the stricken woman kneel and talk te God through hes "Tell Him te lay His hand on your head as a sign that He has heard you." Ax the stricken one made her res nuest, Anna laid her hand en Eliza's forehead "Oh, Anne," whispered "He's done It, There # nice feeling went all through me; and, Anna, the hand was just like yours." "Yes," replied Anna, "the hand was y Bs mine, But {t was God's hand He Ll] vou hay 1" moh your the waman, ton takes a hand wherever He ean find ane ta use, Sometimes He takes a Bishop's hand and lays it on a little ehild in benediction, Bametimes He takes the hand of a doctor to relieve pain; and sometimes He takes the hand of 8 mos ther ta guide her ehildren, Bometimes He takes the hand of a poor ald ereature like me to give a hit of eomfort to a neighbor, But they are all hands touehed by His spirit and His spirit 1s everys where looking for hands to use In the wise words of that humble woman is placed hefore us the whole duty of Christians, We are God's rep» resentatives, If we fall, He fails Through us He must still feed the huns gry, clothe the naked, eamfort the sors rowing, heal the sick, hring hack the wanderer, and gather the little ones to Himself, We are His medium of coms spaau A(peq 181) Prom wo up uepeaiuni Him Two thousand years have gone hy since Christ trod the ways af men, hut! "Whenever strong and tender clasp a lonely heart doth bless, Wherever rian: his brother halds in helpfulness The Christ of Cod ANSWering a stricken world's demands And leading wandering hy touch af human hands" man up 8 hack a race Without A Newspaper What happens to a elty when (ts dally newspapers stop publishing was graphs feally demonstrated recently In New York City New Yorkers first found In what amounted ta a news vacuum Radia and television =tations made a frantic effort ta keep citizens informed about what was happening in the eity, the country and the warld, But they failed, hecause they oould not handle the valume, they could net provide a lasting record, and people could net take time to listen or wateh throughout the day for the news as It was presents ed, Indeed, research agencies that keep a regular eheck on hroadeast audiences reported that fewer people were tuning in their sets during the newspaper strike, a curious eceurrence whieh they found difficult ta explain Outside newspapers that arrived In New York were quickly grabbed, and often were resold for more than the original purchase price, Business in New York suffered a tremendous blow, One group of stores estimated they lost better than $28 mils The Oshawa Times ToL WILSON Ruble and General Manages, CG. GWYN KINSEY, Edites ne Oanawa Fimes, sambining The Oshawa Times (satanished (871) and the Vihilby Gasetle ad Lr e (aatanlaned (BA3L Ww published daddy (Sui daa and satyt alidavy sxcepied Mempers ot Canadian Dally Newipapaiy Publishan Ancciation The Canadian Presa Audit Busay of Jaton ana the Ontane Previngal Datlies ciation The Canadian Press oa exclusively sm to the wae tor republication of all news derpalehsd in the papel ciedited a tw te The Avice ated Pan or Reuters and ale the leeal news published therein, All rights of special daapatehm are ave ese ved Oihcen 44 King Steaat Wat, #40 Cathsart 51, Menkgal, PQ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Whithy, Alas, Prince ehman yy Bay Lanse, Claremont, Kinsale Rage Part Hops nal ave week of Ontanial auliide saiien shawherg 1500 par year themselves [ ¥ Totenta, Ontarie in Oshawa ail tin prevings slivery ares 13.00 AVERAGE DAILY NET PAID 16,166 worth of business hecause they not properly advertise their and this was during the pres Christmas buying rush, Many stores aes tually lost money their sales volume was net enough to caver costs, a serious blow to them because the nors mal high volume af seasonal buying ia expected to tide many businesses aver slack periods during the year The merchants tried every other poss sible means of advertising thelr wares, from billboards ta direot mail, but fails ed to get the heavy response needed to justify their expenditure, Ry Christmas Eve, most of them estimated they had lost upward of 20 per cent of their exs pected husiness, The Newsprint Infars mation Committee canvassed retailers and advertising executives and got the answer that the strike proved that newspapers were vital te husiness, The committee ealled the strike the costliest media test In history lian eould goods herause Other Editor's Views JOHN NO PUPPET (Seattle Times) Although Diefenbaker is not ene te discount the ditticulties In United States-Canadian relationships indeed In running for atfice, he placed some emphasis an these difficulties he is, essentially, aur elose friend, As a friend but no pupret---of bath Washington and Landon, he can be counted upon te seek the strengthening of the ties that hind all the free nations of the world Bible Thoughts tha Lard's cansumed fail nat | thousand da pa mureies that hecause his vmentations I ia of not AMOns Ten phy defender we coms 1:33 \ sl0al Ye shall hind vest Matthew 11:98 We know that at la last only will come ta God's children very best and leave the results with our Father, FOULS good Da vow ' TERNS ON BERLIN RESTLESS GUNS UNITED KINGDOM OPINION Of Different Classes = Bymeenmr Pound Action Reflects Fine British Recovery M, MUINTYRE HOOD Apecial London (King) Correspondent for The Oshawa Times LONDON Ihe great rush of front page headlines whieh greet &l the announcement that (he pound sterling was (0 he made fully and freely converuble for foreign residents and traders has leit the great mass of the Britigh publie quite cold, There has heen no sign of public enthusiasm for what, to the financial world, 1s a marked demonstration of the ex tent to Britain's economie re vavery, Opdinary citizens who have talked with me about (he Abnouncement are (rankly al a loss know Just what it will mean to them, personally And since there (8 nothing In the announcement which will have any effect an them, their inter esl ends abruptly The press, however the announcement as advance slep lowards trade between Britain and the vest of the world, hey rejoice that Britain's reserves and dol lar position has reached a point al which the removal of some of the harviers has heen made pos sible YPhis is a proud day for the pound, And a proud day for Brit Aln" gloats the Dall Kapre Uieariessly, sterling stands hgh among the currencies of the world, Today IL Is a sign of eon fidence the confidence of the world in this buoyant nation of ours,' ere 18 a strong tendency, however, ta wall and see how the freeing of sterling works out over the next few months GAITAKELL CRITICAL T™e volee of Hugh leader of the Noeialist Party, in condemnation of the freeing of sterling, sounds out like a volee in the wilderness, He regards the decisions of the government as great mistakes. His view Is that Iwill produce even greater eom petition with British exports, and will lead to an Increase In une employment, But nape of the economists writing in the press aireen With him, They contend BYGONE DAYS 4 YEARS AGO Ward was received that the 116th Battalion would return to Canada as a unit and he demo hilized In Oshawa Ry has hailed A Bloat greatey Claltakell, John Stacey was elected mayor for 1010. Gordon DD, Conant with drew from the mayoralty eandl dacy because of {Il health FL, Fowke, of Oshawa, at tended to the presentation of Christmas treats which had heen sent hy loeoal eitizens to erew members of the "Olympia at Halifax where the ship docked T. BR Mitchell was slected ree 'e anc' N. I. Tonkin, deputy reeve of East Whithy township Ar, and Mis of Maple Grove golden wedding William Foley ealehrated the ANNIVOrsary Jahn Sykes and son raised the frame of thelr new planing mill 0 he ready hor the spring trade The fvemile streteh of toll road between Cobourg and Port Hope was purchased hy the gov ernment at a cost of $000 FE Elis and De TE Kas A Were the (Dahawa repwesenta ves elected axecutive of the Conservative A f NOW Oana 10 the LITT A reception was given fw ¥ Lo Polley, newly appointed bays secretary of the loeal YMCA in the Club rooms aver the Reform havs othe Oshawa wel Wane I averseas the Pras. Navin Ollie, Singer, Kacey med follow 0 annoy and Corp LAL] soldiers hada Leslie na was a that slivee Wie Bocialisl party he LT mo hiinging everything under government control; IIs nafural tal 1 should disapprove of anything which cemoves eon trols and tends (oo give greater freedom (0 private enterprise IMPORTANT ANGLE I'he Important angle of the freeing of sterling (thal 18 stress ed hy competent commentators 18 that It reflects the tremendous progress Britain has made In production and exports since the the war, They point le the fact that since 1000, total oul pul of all goods In Willan has increased hy 60 per cent, Keel production ha incieased hy oven milion tons a 'vear In the period, Bince 1058), aule exports have increased from £450 million te £570 mil Hon, Alrevalt exports for 1958 will reach £100: million compared with £60 million in 1087. Ali plane engine sales of £50 million are double what they were In 1047 ' Never buoyant, and days of plme mobile heen so while the man in the street still does not fully understand what all the fuss is about, he is satisfied with 'what he reads in the newspapers, and hos a general hellel that It may all lead to better times for him in of employment and WHEPS NEW BOMBER PROJECT Hopes of the AVIO company of Cangda that it nught be able to well ia CP10G, equipped with the Iroquois engine, tv Britain for use as a Jet homber, are nol now likely to be realised, The de fence ministry has decided to go ahead with Project Jiu, Ite own new tactical atom bomber, and a £8 milton contract tor ie de velopment 1s to he shared hy Vickers Arm English Kleetrie has Hritaln ers Wo culpanie along aed the Company his decision brings to an end A lengthy controversy over the divection In which Britain's alr defences should move, Manned alreraft for use as combal planes are definitely on the way out, It Is nol likely that any more strate gle bombers will be ordered, and there will be no more manned fighters after the PI series has heen completed It was reported here a couple of months ago that AVRO of Canadas was making a strong bid to having its CF:105 adopled as a stop-gap until Wriltein's own Project 380 had been developed Hine the CV-108 was already in production, Its. sponsors were quite hopeful of making some Kind of a deal with Britain's de fence ministry, But there is to be no stop-gap, and work is to go Fight ahead on Project 339 TAX CHANGES COMING There 1s a strong feeling In husiness eireles that the govern. ment's next budget will see signi fleant tax reductions, Everyone expecta a reduction in the income tax levels, But men in? business are even more hopeful that there will be a reduction In purchase taxes, and In the case of some items, a complete elimination of this tax This feeling Is reflecied In » statement issued by one of (he country's largest manufaciurers of household utensils, It Is great: ly concerned because relallers are keeping thelr stooks down to the lowest possible level in antie eipation of a reduetion in pur chase taxes, These elroum. stances, It says, can seriously af fool production in general and have a disastrous effect on trade until April, "We feel sure,' says the public statement, "that In the cause of national prosperity a slalement from the government A% KOON AA possible on purchase lax In essential.' No government response to the statement is likely, Nothing will be told the publie about purchase or any other taxes until the bud. gel 1x brought down in due course some Lime In April FOR BETTER HEALTH When Arteries Harden, Patient Can Help, Too HERMAN N, RUNDESEN, MD High blood pressure and har dening of the arteries seem (0 go together, but not all the time Arterioselerosis hardening of the arteries and hyperten son hgh hlood pressure are not one and the same (hing, although - many think they are, Many persons have hardening of the arteries although thely hood pressure (8 normal or even low, Hy the same token, many vietims of hypertension have per foctly normal arteries for thee ® Actually, we don't know for sure Just what eauses hardening of the arteries although we sus pect certain fatty substances of playing a villainous role We do Know that arteriosclerosis Is associated with age. Yow Arteries are Just as old as youn are. And with advancing age they lose a good deal of their elastie iy Usually arteriosclerosis is dis covered during a routine physi Cal examination, Sometimes it is ¢ateeted hy an eve doctor when he lin al the tiny arteries deep In the eye IF you have arteriosclerosis, the arteries just under your skin probably will feel like pipe stems Of the Process goes hand in hand with a thieken TIVE the walls. Na such a thickening slows down th oF Blod In oases, the blood is slowed sa much that clots form Wein large often dislog then plug up branches of hardening Arlen) turally on RUT Wan Hw arteries, they Rut: they we He ainaliey that artery Ita small artery in the hrain becoines completely plugged, \he LR OY A ed nay ol result {x a stroke, or apoplexy, And this means real trouble Doctors have drugs, of course, to keep the blood from elotting, reaver, doctors ean do much In other ways to ald a person with hardening of the arteries, But the patient himself can help his own cause, loo, So let me pass on a few pales for those With arteriosclerosis to follow: 1, Maintain a good diet, 2 Stay at a good healthy weight, Your doctor will tell you what weight this Is 3 Yead a relatively quiet lite, Avold undue excitement and eon: tinued overwork In short, don't overdo anything, QUENTION AND ANSWER WEC: Is the location of an affected avea of the hody any In dication as ta whether ar not it may he cancer" Answer: Looation 1a no indica tion of the nature of the condi tion, Cancer can occur: in any region of the body, although it is MOS © AMOR In some areas than in others CANADIAN GALLUP POLL Probe Race Prejudice By CANADIAN INWTITUTE OF PUBLIC OVINION Wow free are Canadians from race prejudices? 1s It mainly lack of problems, as some people believe, which kesps the country fairly clenr of (rouble? As approach to the answer the oatiup Poll has completed #8 couple of studies designed (o ses how people would reset Wf eol- ored people came (0 live next door, or moved In grest num. bors into their ares, Today's findings show that one fn twenty Canadians - say (th would definitely move if & ool ored family took the house next [7] But 80. per cont say they would not, Business and Professional peo- ple are highest In prejudices of this kind with twice as many in these occupations saying they would definiely move, as com pared (0 farmers, to those in clerical work, or In labor, Inarviewesrs for the Gallup Poll asked a national sample of mon and women, this question "ty COLORED Trading Post Rich In Early Ontario Relics KAVANNE, Ont, (CP) An old tlie trading post In the once busting community of Savanne 1a rich In relies of anrly days in Northwestern Ontario Wullt Inte in the 1th esntury hy George A. MeLaurin, 8 prose porous fur trader with 13 posts pentiored along Lake Bt, Joseph sil the Albany River, the busi ness was purchased In 1910 hy Veank Vdwards The post, about 76 miles north west of the Lakehead, still is known as the "old Edwards store" NOTABLE FIGURE A well-known figure In the re glon's early history, Fdwards died 1064, leaving the now closed post to his sons and daughters, Bill, the eldest, 1s at tempting to reonen the business as a tourist outfitting project Several museums have Ap proached the family in an at tempt tn obtain some of the post's historie articles, So far none has heen suecessfil The post has a muzzleloading Belgium: Brownie shotgun, first brought Into this area and today still In working condition, Other prized articles include & zither piano, hullet moulds, a complete gun implement set which sold for A200, an original Oliver Standard Visine typevriter produced in 1606, ceremonial drums used by the Ojibway Indians, earthen erocks--one containing gin ship ped from The Netherlands and bottled in 100A Frank Edwards was known from Rat Portage (now Kenora) in the west to the Lakehead in the east and the Hudson Pay In the north FAMOUS FEAT Of his many exploits and ex: periences, hest remembered Is his record as the first man to take a steamboat Into Lake St, Joseph Nill Bdwards recalls his father telling him they crossed 17 port ages hetween Dinorwle, where the trek began, and their destina tion, Prior to the start, officials of the Hudson's Bay Company told Edwards and his erew "it couldn't be done But 10 days later, aided by canvas dams, block and tackle, rollers and strong backs the boat steamed Into Lake St. Joseph, Kdwards recalled the HNC later accepted the fact the steamboat wan there to stay and eventually used (t te freight thelr own sup plies Into the Albany. The Edwards' post, about B00 yards north of today's Highway io, 17, was one of many busi: ness enterprises In the area, Valuable Meissen China To Be Sold TORONTO (CP) An antique ehina collection, said to be worth £200,000 and the largest of ita kind In North America, is up for ale, "Rut Twill sell It only te someone Who appreciates it," sald Joe Heuberger, owner of a serap and metal yard, The collection, started by his grandfather in 1804 and passed on to Mr, Heuberger by his father in 1082, was left in Europe when Joe fled from Nawl Ger many in the 1090s, It was kept for him by friends until he eame to Canada, Then he brought it over to this country In small shipments "Now," says Mr, Heuberger, "1 think people should see it." Born In Leipsig M yearn ago, he has a collection af mare than £000 pieces of Hine Meissen china consisting of Hgurines, candelahia chandeliers and clocks, some 200 years old "In the last 30 years Mp Heuberger has added paintings, silverware and antigue furniture to hin treasures in Dial RA New, J. Walde Monteith, MP, RE, RCA, Robart I Lights, CA, Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 135 SIMCOE ST. N, Gordon W, Rie, €C A Rea, Partner == RA-S.4478 Licenced Trustems «= AJAX 730 35-3527 A. Brock Monteith, 8 Comm, CA George § Trathwey, CA. PEOPLE CAME TO 1IVE NEXT DOOR, WOULD YOU MOVE YOUR OME?" finys Canada; es, would definiiely move ; Might do so % "" [] trikes " Compared to (his IR % to 4 orage here's how the eastern provinces and the West rescts, compared to Oniario, Wo, world not move sree nbaRetii ris You IIIT Might do so No, would not... rebar 100% There's a fairly clear contrast in answering this question as be- tween men and women in the various occupational Aroums. These columns compare atti Might do #0. iooviivinnens No, would not... IT 100 Wowever, while only one in twenty Ca~adians would move i colored people moved In next door, what (A the situation if col. ored people were (o come In QUEEN'S PARK Business and Profesional % 16 7" 100% shown by tho who are in bush ness and the professions, in skilled and onakilled labor, or who live on the nation's farms, Labor 4% 10 LL] "100% 100% ent numbers into the area? ww does this affect racial pre Judice? The Gallup Poll reports on this one next week, 15 World Copyright Reserved cme ------ Settlement Seen In Hydro Dispute By DON O'HEARN Bpecinl Correspondent (so The Oshawa Times TORONTO « The possiblity of a Hydro strike brings up some in teresting points--and a lot of worry for the government It Is taken for granted here that » strike would never he per: mitted A Hydro shutdown could be Just as effective as a general strike We are now so dependent on electricity that there would be collapse without it Not only transportation and lighting, but every aspect of the economy would be knocked out Today we can't even produce bread and milk, for city con sumption at least, without elec: trie power, STEP IN It would be a elrcumatance In which the government would have to Intervene more directly than It ever has to date. There have been hehind-the scene Interventions In various strikes, hut publicly Premier Frost has been able to maintain A "hands-off" policy, He couldn't do so here. Publie alarm at the prospect of a shut down would be such he would have to directly step in, Ift he strikers were adamant this could mean one of the most PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM "It Is reported from deepest Afriea that pterodactyls may still flourish there." Presa report, This Information In encouraging to people who have always wants od a flourishing pterodactyl, "'I should like to remind those who complain se much about the high cost of living that living is. n't compulsory," says a col umnist, True, but most people consider It highly essential, A man with his head In the olouds ean't put his shoulder to the wheel Many a person, one of whose favorite ways of pursuing happls ness la to drive fast, overtakes death first ITs OUTDOOR SPORTS TIME |. St. process became common, difficult situntions Mr. Frost has ever faced He and the eabinet would have to arbitrarily order a return ot work and even perhaps have lo enforce I However, the feeling here is that this extreme difficulty will not arise This feeling Is that the Hydre employes have heen mainly de. termined to force better recoge nition than they have been gets ting For a long time they had a very amiable relationship with the Commission, In recent years there has been [] ndency towards a "big busi ness' outlook In the Hydro ad. ministration, and staff relations reportedly have suffered as a re sult, With any government interven. tion at all, It is helleved, the em- ployes would happily and quickly abandon thelr strike, ONE BENEFIT One possible real gain out of the Issue Is that it puls a severe light on the whole Quastion of the bargaining and striking rights of public servants, This Is a question which eould Mand reassessment and clarificas on, Because of the dispute there Is a good chance it may get it, Book Collection Library Treasure SASKATOON (CP) «= A collee. tion of books and manuscripts dating back to the 12th century in treasured by the Murray Memorial Library of the Univers pity of Saskatchewan, Librarian D, C. Appelt says the value of the collection is not huge--the most expensive Item coats #780-but "it's Important for students to see what was done In the past." Most prized item Is a collec. tion of 80 leaves from manuscripts compiled by monks of the Mids dle Ages, They date from the 12th to the 10th century and are a record of musie, hymns and chureh services, The oldest printed volume Is a religious and philosophical treatise printed in Venlee In 1401, only 40 years after the printing N / Som ™ Petersburg The outdoor sports center of Florida is St, Potarsburg--winter or summer, RIGHT NOW IS PERFECT, In this friendly vacation land you'll find partners for golf, fishing, swims ming, bowling, or your favorite sports, Racing is "in season," We invite you to visit our clean, green "Sunshine City." Send for the infor mation you need A Moms 300 To Fb Davenport, Meneser Chamber of Commaren, 3 Patensburg, Horlde 3 da of mnhine & your adda | PLEASE SEND FREE NAUSTRAYED polos | 0) Apartments [3 Netehy 2 beadhr © Small hotehe | ©) MeterCours [rales Parks | [2 Ouest Nouren Time of arrival No. In party... \ NAME ADDREM..... Git mmmsmm-------- th acmm---- | Rin a a am 1 an a wm

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