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The Oshawa Times, 16 Jan 1959, p. 10

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10 THE OIHAWA TIMES, Peder, Jensery 18, 1999 ° 'City League Hockey Is Keen Competition Canadian Tire Bantams wom lead, then Byinyk potied (wo what might prove thelr biggest | goals in the second period in give game of the season, mm Monday Local 20% their 82 win, Willough might at the Children's Arvens, (by and ¥Viegg scored the goals for when they came up with a 7-4 win [Civitan over the second place Hondallle BANTAM BTANDING Industry Bantams, The win for LT PTS Canadian Tire moved them three Canadian Tire | points ahead of thelr rivals who Houdaille Ind were getting close to that first |Locel 206 pace position. In other Bantam | local 2704 games of the night, Police Asso: |\Civian elation and Local 1817 played t0|local 1817 a 22 tie, Local 2764 handed B'Nal|B'Nal B Rith HB RIth & 52 defeat, while In the! Police Assoe last game of the night, Local Wh 5 Civitan 42 § MIDGET LEAGUE . | Klong continue 10 lead the | CANADIAN TIRK {Midget section of the Oshawa HOUDANAK, Minor Hockey Assoc, as they I Ae first And second place came up with & 440 vielory over teams in the Bantam section of (the Rotary Midgets, The win for the Oshawa Minor Hockey Assoc ithe Lions club gives them a Incked horns om Monday nightifive-point spread over the second and the game was important fo] pias @ Local 222 club. In the other hth clubs, in fact, first place was! Midget games al the Children's al slake Arena, Kiwanis edged Kinsmen Phe final outcome saw Coane 48 and Local 222 handed Cana dian Tire come up with a 7-4 win dian Legion a 5:0 Joss tn. hold. onto the first place post LIONS AND ROTARY tion, three points ahead of the X wow. The winners| 1Aons club Midgels hianked the Houdallle eve | {Rotary Midgets hy the score of started off on the right fool hy| svnws>2an$E 24 took a 20 first period Tesd then picked up thelr third goal in the second frame, Braiden was given cvedit for the shutout in the nets for Loesl 224 MIDGET STANDING WwW LTP, Tons L] 1 19 Local 22% 4 2 16 Kinsmen ] i 7 | Rotary ] 2 {Kiwanis 2 2 4 Legion 7 i JUVENILE PLAY Hayden Macdonsld Juveniles displayed ton much power on Wednesday night at the Chil dren's Arena when they swamped {the last place Beaton's Dalry Ju {veniles hy the score of B40), The win for Hayden Macdonald {moved them into first place In {the standing, three points over |e second Jince Tony's eluh who dropped a 2:1 decision to Oshawa Dalry | HW, MACDONALD, BEATON'S Paced hy Nicholishen and Jack Sneddon, the Hayden Macdonald Juveniles kept thelr hold on first place In the Juvenile section of {National HOCKEY'S BIG 7 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Don MeKenney, Boston's 1anky centre, fired his 2rd gon) of the Hockey League senson Thursday night to elimh 8 noteh in the list of Individual scoring lenders The lenders; Geoffrion, Montrenl Bathgate, New York Howe, Detroit I Mrenherger, Chicago Moore, Moniresl MeKenney, Fnsion M, Richard, Montreal 6G APs 9 "nH 2% % Mm 19 24 4 INN mums shen with three goals to give his club 8 840 edge, and these three {gosls come within two minutes. | |The last period saw Sneddon | seve his third goal, while Ty-| mosik notched the other, Morden came up with the shutout in the Hayden Macdonald nets OSHAWA DAIRY, TONY'S Oshawan Dalry Juveniles moved to within two points of the se Sd place Tony's Juveniles when (hey | edged the Tony's club 21 in A real close hockey game Both elubs notched & gos! In the first period with Dowe scor ng for Oshawa Dairy and Sib nek blinking the Light for Tony's Both teams failed (o score in the second stanza although hath clubs had plenty of chances I'he winning goal was fired hy LOCAL LADS SEEK ONTARIO SCHOOLBOY TITLE [| 18 also a compelent scholar This rink of "schoolboy eur ors' will represent this distriet in the annual Ontario "sehool hay' championship playvdowns tomorrow in Welland, with the sine ities require the hays (0 have Ah fore (hey Jumping into a 40 hirst period lead on goals hw Clapp, Tatton King and Murdoch, The Houdaillle lelith came hack in the second stanza and potted three goals off the stick of Macdongld, however the Canadian Tire club scored two more in the middle period and held a 68 lead. The Canadian Fire goals in this period were | schoolhoy eurlers In his Nelsure" hours; Douglas Brock, vieesskip, who at 18, has four years curling experience In addition to being a member e the local teaching author igh academic standing br permit them to In Lemon in the third period JUVENILY, STANDING W LTP AD. The league « leading 1000 {he Oshawn Minor Hovkey ABAOC Midgets held a 20 frst period wien they hianked (he Jas place lead then added two more mark: geaion's Dairy Juveniles #4 ers In the third period. Dalde s gin wien hig oh ae Hayden Macdonald club took a Soloman each scored for the 20 Hrs Joven 8 i mn oala " n J aadon | wn 1 | Rirke the third period It was Nieholl Macdonald 6 1 1 13 2 2 3 2 7 3 Hayden Tony's Oshawa Dalry kl Iwinners, White was given eredit Bealon's Dalry ] for the shutout in the Lions cage | KIWANIS AND KINSMEN Kiwanis Midgets, led hy. Yahn COLAPTAING OPPOSED Nansen, may be going against ATHENS, Ga, (AP Georgia's each other on rival Western In 1958 cocapinin and iackle, Nalllerprovineial Foot hall Union Dye, and his undersiudy, George teams next season. Head conch | PLYWOODS ! 4'x4'x4" STANDARD AND WATERPROOF UNDERLAY ALSO V4" to ¥4" Sheets of FIR PLY M. GREENBERG & SONS LTD. 308 BLOOR ST, EAST OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY RA 3.7333 While Your Car Is idle , . , curling, The 0OCVI curlers are shown of a well-known eurling family Inhn Ansley, 18, 18 the second stone member of the rink and has heen curling in schoolboy competition for four years while Cameron Finley, 17, Ihe lead, Is the youngest membher of the | rink and has heen In local schoolhoy action for two ses MINS scored by Murdoch and Lation In {with four goals, came up with a the last period both clubs seored (45 win over the Kinsmen Midge! sinfile. markers with Murdo hin a real thrilling hockey game searing Ws third goal of the night | Both clubs scored a goal in the for Canadian Tire and Wayling|first period with Yahn scoring potting the goal for Woudaille Tn-{his first of four for Kiwanis while dust Konavowskl potted the goal for (Kinsmen, Dowe gave (he Kine {men Midgets a 82 second period lead when he scored (wo goals In the second stanga while Yahn wa pleking up his second goal for Kiwanis, in the third period Yahn added two more goals In the 1ast period to give Kiwani the 48 win Loe Loeal second dulge In sehonlhoy | above, with their teacher-coah Flgin Munday. Teil to vig (hark row is shown John Ryan, 16, the skip, who has five vears of experience In eurling and 15 also regarded as a lop winners earning the right to rep resent (miario in the Canadian championships, nex! month out in Calgary. "This vink, from | Oshawa Collegiate and Voea tional Institute, won the Ineal district honors In elignination playdowns, a couple of weeks agn. Kaoh member of the rink | notch haseball prospect hy he Is recognized as a proficient ath riot Vigers: Elgin Munday, 1ete In various forms and each | OCVI teacher and coach of the | SPORTS MENU By Geo, H, Campbell | SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' Bring Your Car In Before You Go To Work . . . Piok It Up When You're Through CALL NOW AND RA 5.1021 RESERVE YOUR DAY MoLellan Tire & Battery Ltd. CORNER OF PRINCE & BOND §T5, OSHAWA NEW REDUCED PRICE STOVE OIL 20 in. For Delivery By Metered Trucks Phone: VIGOR OIL C0. LIMITED OSHAWA MO 8.3644 RA 5.1109 WHITBY Premiuwr Quality ® Prompt Deliver ® Courteous Service ® Reasonable Price RNAI W'RITH AND LOCAL TM Local 2764 moved into a tie for third place In the Bantam section [when they scored a 3 win over B'Nal B'RIth, The winners led 21 al the end of the first period, 4-1 al the end of the second then [added another tally in the lasl | period to win the game hd Vurey paced the winners' attack with hardy hreed. 11's an neoupation | WO BORIS while single £0unters of ups and downs went to MoNeeme, Laxton AN Anderson, Gibbons and Glimore Typienl is the case of Don Kim scored for B'Nal B'Rith mons, the shim goaltender for Boston Rrains who shut out ie trait Red Wings 80 in the Na OSHAWA'S ANNUAL ewrling bonspiel, a three-day efhssio| ional Hookey League's lone eon The Police Association Han with five handsome trophies and 20 sels of valuahle prizes to he [est hursday night (ams put tip A determined hid 10 won, was coneluded Wednesday night hut this hy no means indi The fap! for Pod vame in the win thelr ign jae of ihe veh : ) ps | y Btanley Cup playoffs last year, son, but the hest they could ma cates that there'll be a lull in on al eurling seuvhy. Yevlorda (when his agile work fived an un age was a 2:4 tie with Local 1017 the Governor-General's Distriet Cup playoffs for this district weve ago 0 gasion team through two! he HE i ny way held here, with Unionville winning out aller Tam O'Shanter six-game sels en B iuha missing. mam curlers nosed out Oshawa on an extraend in the first draw | The Bpuing lost out to Mont scoring ohances. Local 117 Ied 2:1 There's a full 82rink Inoal honspiel here on Saturday and the real's power-rieh Canadiens for at the end of the first period following week, the local ladies will hold sway--with the OMArio fhe cup in the second series, Bul however the Police ted things ip Ladies' Tankard double-rink ehamplonships, (o he held in Oshawa' that wasn't Don's fault in the second and then hattled 10 this season. The -day honsplel was once ARAN a tervifio Sooess, | pq Port the 2:8 draw. Kitehen and Pinoh thanks ta the efficient preparation planning and SrRanIsaLic) Colborne came up with the ery: scored for Looal 1017 While Fail headed i hy chattman Rent Woe end a Working yom oial stop time after time and in and Ryan seored for the Police mittee members Id { Ny 4 didi ey A Thilife limited the home elub ta only four entries hut when they hiCher Jirales averione Wat bie AsEOCIATION : veached the finals fn the five trophy competitions Wednesday | ood "oso oli this vear LOCAL 208 AND CIVITAN night all four Oshawa vinks were still in the running. As 1500s Some the down" part for Paced hy Syinyk with three turned out, only Dr. John Broek's ving copped a traphy=They won poe 80 ing ME hy injuries goals, the Local 908 Bantams The Duplate Canada Lid. Trophy over the Camphell brothers, but yug' vaparts of dissention among died Civitan Bantams hy the the other local rinks each made a fine showing as finalists personnel, couldn't put together a score of 4-2 in a real close game couple of wins Civitan took a 21 first period limes Staff Photo Boston Blanks Detroit Wings Professional athleles are 212 AND LEGION Midgets maved Into place In the Midge! League slanding when the) hianked the Canadian Legion Midgets hy the seore of 8:0 Lutton paced the winner's al tack with twa goals while Cover notehed the third marker, Local Didnt I Tell You... THIS WOULD HAPPEN LOCAL 1817 and POLICE ANROC, 2yenrold nalive of The visiting curlers were loud In thelr praises of the fa oltities and aceommodation at The Oshawa Curling Club, they Innded the excellent lee conditions and were especially appre. olative of the hospitality extended hy the Oshawa commitiee One of the few traly "amatenr' sports loft the curling on thusasts are always grateful for the enloyment of good lee and goad fellowship and acoarding to reports, the Oshawa Club's annual honsplel Is a highlight of the season for all privileged to attend, Speaking of curling, reminds us that an Oshawa rink of lady curlers copped tap honors, The Really Trophy, with three wins in the annual Parry Sound honsplel, last week-end. The local "gals' who chalked up three wins io take the honars, were Mes, Roh (Helen) Broadbent, Mrs, Wal lace (Muriel) Young: Mrs, John (Fran) Maroosis and Mrs AT, (Relva) Caln, skip, Another Oshawa ladies' entvy reach the semifinals In the Namiiton Thistles annual hanspiel this week hut "howed out to London in the sembfinal round, This rink included Mesdames G, Camphell, A, Lawrence, N, Hes wlwond and WH, Garrle RARIGHT BRITS: Lh bh bad odd dd ddd hdd bd' Gauth Bonus Heat Reclaimer! CRA APPROVIR LULL] Boston Bruins blanked Detroit Red Wings AO last night and hesides putting Don Simmons back in good graces "and leaving Tovonto Leafs "all alone' in the NHI, cel Ww j i atl, far, the game also served ta put the Rruins hack In the running - w 8 [1 es for a plaveff herth and proved what a lot of us have heen sus atfore * ATER - TW peeling this season Detroit Red Wings are not the 'patent puck THE BONUS HEATER CAN BF INSTALLED IN VARIOUS POSITIONS power of vesteryears PREMIER FROST is getting the "heal SAVE DOLLARS FROM FLYING UR THE CHIMNEY treatment a lot of rural communities have joined forees with one or twa hig oily organizations, in putting on a hid for per DELIVERS CLEAN BRY HEAT WHERE YOU NEED IT FREE OF FUN mission to have night harness racing, with pari mutugl hetting o COLD RASEMENTS, RECREATION ROOMS, PLAY ROOMY, It will save "fall faivs" for the small centres and of course will HALLWAY he big business in Toronto, ete. The increasing popularity of ® CANNOT RELEASE S007 OR GAN harness racing under floadlights, in Quehee and across the hor o GUARANTEED hy Gouth Floste der, 1s Likely to force the Ontario bosses to relent and consent . NORTH BAY Trappers upset KW Dutehmen §3 last night and Cornwall Chevies surprised the Hull-Ottawa Canadiens 4.2 JOE CRONIN, top man of Boston Red Sox, was named the new American League president on Wednesday and a few hours latey Stanley CHueky Haris was offered Cronin's Joh as general man ager at Hoston and of course, he took TED ATKINSON, Taranto horn jockey and vated ane of the greatest riders of all time, may have to quit the game, because of a painful hack ail ment ARCHIE MOORE, got the Ed, J Neil Award last night fram the Boxing Writers' Assoe., at their hig dinner in New York As the 1980 "Aghter of the Year ONHAWA'S OCVT sehoal hoy euvlers move inte Welland tomarraw to contest the Ontario championship honors and right to represent the province out at Calgary, in the Canadian finals, next month HOCKEY SCORES AND STANDINGS National League WLY FP APs f RAR AR SR S16 14 10 114 191 42 2 Models to Choose Fram , + Mode! 101 Single Unit Sian 499% Made! 101A Dauble Unit 69.9% Call or Drop In for Further Information Stan's Sharpening Service Authorized Distributar for Oshawa & Distriet Cor, King and Burke St, RA 3.32.4 a A dd lr i Yes Mom! You're right as usual Mom predicted that they would enjoy their Holidays this vear, She insisted that Dad build the Rec-Room this winter and Dad in turn saved enough by using Canadian GYPSUM SHEETROCK to make Mom's prediction come true Assure yourself of a happy holiday this summer by having your work done naw, and you always save when vou use CANADIAN GYPSUM SHEETROCK available in, , , ARRANGE NOW FOR AUTOMATIC WEATHER CONTROLLED DELIVERY OF... McLAUGHLIN'S HEHE FURNACE FUEL OIL Thursday's Results _rm Detroit & Roston Saturday's Games Roston at Montreal Detroit at 1 New York at Chicage Eastern OHA Senlar WLY § Whith " RIL 16% Montreal MN TR (LR) Chivcagn New York Detron Roston 1 aranta SABLEWOOD This ultra medern straight-grained walnut Nnish hay & warm beige tone that will tind favar with all wha prefer the Nghter-salored woody RANCH PINE The ever-popular 'knot and grain' pattem that provides the casual appearance af pine planks «ut in intereating random width, CHERRYWOOD A new radiances has heen given ta this deep natural tone ta achieve a neh setting suitable to either traditional or made decor, WORIO Relley A Hull tttan a } 8 Kingston A1% 310 Carnwa AN AM And remember . . . You pay nothing until April 1a Millwork s Building Supplies 1279 Simcoe St. N. OSHAWA ® 10 MONTH BUDGET PLAN NOW AVAILABLE FOR FULL INFORMATION CALL, , | McLAUGHLIN HEATING 117 A DIVISION OF McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD, Ay 104 KING ST. W » OSHAWA ia RA 3.340 Thursday's Results Hull Oy \ Carnw an Tonight's Game ab Relley idle OHANOHA Sealar A XLT # A Ps RA 3.4694

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