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The Oshawa Times, 16 Jan 1959, p. 11

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"TUR FI ID CANPTIR AYILAS ESSA WA TIMES, PRSey, Jemuewy 18, T7y OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS [Marcel Pronovost Is | rai attacks and this year, | ' " same application he brings to om y Be with 748 9900) followed by Mitchells 4 Motor City 0; Western | A roved As All-Star with five goals and 14 sesists Do AIRY a MU" wow (toate umn Tos (WEI HI), Way Mar | Tire. 4 Saywells 0; Henderson's § [after 38 games, may be his hest hockey, one of the game's most "ar oll with #8 bh by taking the bin 718 (310748), Jack Bente 700 (W: Bubway Launch Li and Burse 5 Nes ever In 8 woring way, bilingual players, ities for # 3 pis or I "n Cant Warr A i Auch W's | By KENNEDY WELLS Pronovost, a native of Lae Tor Although his features -- ---- - 8 [ hy 1, Y 1 remsected Jiiveus Had tor fis aaa Orme Van' or iva Win| | Over #0 Finns Well 641, June Poi Canadian Press Ball Writer ue, Que, began his hockey We a i pb pM hd 3nd 1 victory over WA's faltering | (35200200), Wille Trivess 87 (2110), | AEC SLC BIEEY Creek 08 wna Frunces| The results of the mid-season as a forward | | Dintan, Ken's Trovicanas and Ben's Mavis Taylor 665 (E2000), J & #0) Aieaander 60) voting for the. National Hockey| acted 1 Ing stick make Pronovost look Krimkos he to & 5 and § te, thus Lawrence $54 (11441), Georks Walls! No Lemon sores this week It ' | e aliracted Detroit scouts Bb like a typical product of the | saving Ih fh and bth spot, Wn he 648 (AIBN), Vielen Winch B48 (BIR | Standing: Henderson's 1340; Western wangue's all « star (eam wasls left wing and centre hut When rock'ema sock - 'em defensive vanding with Bas Pixies seting se. an (213812), Lan Brnch 028 (A020), Bigs 1247; Minehell's 1045; Motor reeled by the expected quota of (he (urned professions at 19 with! s. chor. eam of the league wih bug wi Clark 020 (27), Frank Kiat 613 C6 \Civy 6475 Burne W210 West's 625i anguished cries and outraged ase F; U school he usually gets a little vingle point in the WIL yours section, Wi, George Lawrence 0h (gah), Wonk \Gubway Lunch 640; Beywell's 643! aniehmont hot 'af least 4 |the Omaha Knights of the United more than 80 minutes in penal: Tngkoon 008 (164) and Orie Weeks O08 his tne 6.28 and Bints 446 (tonishment, hut at least one sel Grates Hockey League It was #8) (ies dur and off the or the ihe was Bob Fork wh {action met with general approval. ls defenceman, 8 during A esAon [ H Mile ims Good ingles were Mary Williamson) tear VW LEAGUE That was the eholce of Detroit" p " " |angueinnding average of 1, Kd Cor he hadn't forgotten hi i packed to ' " . gotten I] 440) wether Haniimy Tor the second seeviom,| WE Wings' Rene Marcel Prono-| oni "0 sees" and with the] REMEMBER WHEN ? , . puCK FEATHERS CRIN Heating Problem 7 For the finest in ¢ OIL HEATING FLAN, Clark 2 by and Barry Henderson aise had good | 078, Johnny Trot #4, Doers es oA, Im ne) 1 ing Ri iy sen mis Radnor moved int contenton| YO, 8 28-year-old hardrock rear Knights he set a league record | Soren of aver 40 which are worthy [Alice Henderson 441, Jarl Fick Blwith a 41 win over Nick's Wiliards| guard, for one of the first-team | ; llostad Br / By THE CANADIAN PRESS (| © GAS HEATING of mention were rolled hy Bam Grant| Dive Mishel Ay A boraeh Wis, Mip| #04 Oshawn Glass tollowed with & 41 defensive spots, (for points collected ya Yont Babe Ruth took a $15,000 cut uh, Tom Weal 28, KA Henderson 249, Ma Me whe oid, ban Byine D, L4 yan vey Kvann Lam and Gravel, do (yon none the solidly built six |Buard, won the league's rookie 0) a trem | Wha 401, Keith mith 417 ath, "We With s 40 os of aie roid tonter the selectors rewrded the "Ward and was called up to De-(in salary and slgned for #35000] GAS WATER HEATERS a In i gd hy J i! oh " 4 rH " d a BW 0 Hart wn Ji (Bemis, $00, AL Lavin snus, Meh Hows Restuurant wis ellmbed hy tok \quiet determination with whieh | FOIL the next season, to play another season with N installation bv Exiaits Willie #01, 904; Wah Veeney 718, ats (PARFER EEN CREEL SERS 317, Myrl David | Ing Ban's kharpening 81 and Pickwick peonovost has set shout learning] Midway through the season|York Yankees 25 years ago to y p UNDER A Koh Temperion Wis and yoo wie i [son 217, Mase Crawior 18, doe Horn Cleaners Jou ground with a 31 Tans) do teh have made him|Wings sent him to Indianapolis|day. His fire major league con. A i" we 0 |g ol A ' ' Li Pi in rh We wear" Davoiny urna Gtr, Pome PI ore 40001 | wandings - Kueh Khoed 13, Sans ONE Of the league's best defence: {Capitals of the American Hockey tract with Boston Fed Box in 1914 vd Juan To H 7, Diveas lv Lane 4, dean ( Artes nu Rusty Sharpening 16, Kemp's Radiator 16, men {League to learn some of the finer had heen for $1,800, and his top 1, enn by Trovianee 5, Weimnon 5, Howard BA Kio Lannion had Caron \ahuick Clesnery 1, Mick's Millay) "ig Arowth to allatar satus has points from uoach OI Heller and annuel salary with tha Yankess | WY o orrowaaie Pixies | Veara 90 ank 14, Johansen Biuliders 13, Torches DEEN SIOW hut sure since he he 4 a 4 : MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE | Lemons for the week were Esther 14nd" GUu's Von and Gravel 1. (came 4 regular. member of the/at the Capitols he ended up on iis last Wining. with Brooklyn HEATING SALES PV pid 4 PAA Soday, Adair of Basiview Wadeoutse with 80 M04 0 "ete case with a Red Wings baek in the 1051.62) the league's second all-star team. in 1038, was for $16,000, Waid Yeorh RA 3.4878 eontracts aphone bE ay, Jordan's | ! J fook § from Crows a and Wi wr three | Kinie MeCabe of Connwught with 93, | CJ UA ih wh Arle Chasing Wm | son son, His progression from " Next year he was In the NHI, gether Wt soma A " 's, Go edn) lel Jury ' y La were allem 717 (26h, 282), K, Giny . . e(L0 sLay, reac plus Ll 5 WV BGS from Spring's ig | #7, GEORGE'S GREEK CATH \ i! Bi i, oh position on the second a)l-star|lo 8 0, ps | 4 TERTIAR ES ed \ a " Iikawie a "Bred's and A vent effort wee made by wl (008 58, G10 Waren Neslon 008 (M6) 1Ge. Tin of season to first team ai] YAch year there was steady|($600,000 from World Beries games AR| " I I 4 did Sint to end the second [A Hamlyn 641 (5h), K. Bracey #77] y | by (pu ) over, mM Lasenko riding Yamin nan Is still im: improvement both in defensive'and other sources, . \ - Mar | ------ ------ hY ly (0), A Coavewnty #15 (293 ARO ow he J) XN ver Wn doubles = Mary Lawnko section, ¥emiler names on the high | (#80) oreWy i) and 8. mid-season show | A yh ben LB (bled, The single clase again had only two IAN PRIMARIES oo, V1 oN ha 1 * A - A ------------ -- a # 0 When you travel on business... : » Jury and Lovell 8, Crowell's Shell Bia: |oik Swonk 04 0. Club | Barta 661 - (278) (proving, Vy y 70 (IN, 888), Adal [! any names In the Lemon I IS tn raver. the WHA Cat, 1ed| members with 1, Newte hitting for 20 PLAYED FORWARD pre Tonkin 448 (344, 204), Edna Elliott 420) Lengus, However, "ul { 27 (1, 295), | 5 wore the sestion win land T Hammond for 968 { 4 An are {hv J: Kapow We are hack in form with twa Lemon Not a natural defenceman like BECONDARIES WING PATCH Milner oz/leammate Red Kelly or Doug " RLM Marg MeNelll 418 (202, 316), Helan | pep, | Mule 408 (168, 840), Marion Hulehing | High Doubles J, Hrice 450 (218 28), | Lenguery to report in 7 | Iapow 440 (226819), A, Boroveky| and WH, Thompson # Harvey of Montreal Canadiens, @ -_ ATI ITRR, 401 (240, 180) Phi Over B00 singles = Merle Pooh 830,500 "001.0001, B, Yurwa. 418 (21) and Rose ' Wavin 810, Anette Fille' 6, Helen Gourlie 408 (251) | Helen Gourlie Aid, Rerniece drama S07 200 Club: 8, Bienduke 238, ¥, Her Tum, wana -- Jordans Viera. cia tar, EB. Defiant 918, H. Mendmiik By x olf Wy vais, 0, Hrieo 818, P. Tureski ATA a4 v a '| larh's id! 5, Nu-Way Rug Cleaners 3, Husul ju, M Mushynski 208, J " DIVING PUCK A Yor, pUGDLE A y] PueK, PELOW ry NEWS IN ENGLAND Snow And Ice Forces English Cup Postponing By M, MeINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON Snow, lee and giving Forest a penalty hy acel frost played havoe with the fourth| dentally handling the ball, There 4 " LS ton 8, Fred's Drivedn 8, Spring Bros Jean Cromsmmn M0, | A Lemon Langue ] Furniture 0 0, Peters 94, A Black na Milenduke | i 4 Eo o tonsily : MOTOR CITY MIXED LEAGUE o, J. Pratt 86, and A, Herein # : . SPEED : Second Bection totala: Die Harde "| 8 ECONOMY High triple for the night was rolled | wild Cate 19, Alley Cals 19, Jets # by Archie Bruce with a seore of 730. Blowers # and Rockets 7 [ next was Joan daekson 725, Matt Kate Total Pins: Die Hards 10,018, Wild] ko 600, Ken Batley 661, Ben Hows 800, | cats 9,745, Alley Cats 0,624, Jota 9,545, om Forestall 658, George Turnir 640 giowers 9,041 and Rockets 8,768 Shorty Davis 6338, Chris Collinge 604, Al| Jumieson 604 Pil ' GMO, PLATERS LEAGUE i nae umption of howling last wn 3, A the resumption 1] Team standin | k layoff over| ball into his own goal, and Inter seven Ups 0 Ply hy Nights 8, Bp mursday, the twa week layoff o GO TILDEN all the way -- or arrange to have a sparkling new car waiting for you when you arrive at airport or railway station, You'll suave time and trouble and enjoy a car as private as your own, It's inexpensive too! | | thelr back, Murphy, putting the, Joan sunt wp NIKE the halidays wag reflected in the bow 8, Houla Hoops 4, Beroungers § an : } sonres recorded {rein Hors 3 Only van Morrison 849 and Gord | round Fnglish Cup games and! is plenty of controversy over that CRA LEAGUR Dawson 818 showed (heir tiie form. | | ' Wied Wm seer 16 4 y 4 ; | tandin Wingo Markers 48, Con [Morrison's performance ens soccer league matches, five eup| penalty, with press writers de i Jogo MA Hh im 10 Tend the Shiners ta a 40 Vieory and 13 league games having tofelaring that it was not Justified JHA, SER AIESEEES 56) Blowpakes over the Kromers, and hy so doing | he postponed hecause the grounds under the playing conditions 94, Troubleshooters 37, Bpades AL entahlished the Miners te Sham pions | V ( | T J se | Flops 36, Woodview No, § 84, Bathe Nolof the first seetion of the (ournamen were unfit for play " the Now Footing and Mitcham have [l HA Dumbelis 8%, Brows 80, Fadeouts| Last season It was the Kromers who games played, the most sensa-(lo travel to Nottingham for the|y, "gS Toke 51, Southmead No. § 3014, | bent the Shiners out of the ehampion. | tional was that whieh saw Man (replay Kiorie 40, Bunshiners 50, Blowers 20%, | ship in the Test game, This year the | chester United, cup finalists for! Fulham, one of the leaders In [Ace JJ Thorntons #7, Bathe No. 3 36) papition wie reversed and venganee Rtn 4 " Mey | BNE ristoera wiete for 1] ners the Inst two years, soundly heaten|the second division, were Jucky "go Cy Sunivaide, tn striving 10] "mba Lenka sANINGS of Mrs aoe by a 8 to 0 score hy lowly Nor:(to hold Peterborough to a goal onteh the leaders, both scored shutouts, gon Shiners 99, Mixers 86, Follshers wich City, Manchester are third less draw In thelr game al foes snd Dumhails heing ihe Trenme | 89, Automatics 4, Kromars 88, Gyros " J ' | A 7 | in the first division of the fool: Craven Cotiage, In spite of the | hoater Connaught, Woedview No, 8, 0 Jaen B,C) ison 304 Hah ball league, while Norwich Are faot that all thelr stars were back Blowers, Rasesis, and Bird Dogs, the | C0 2YOIRECG SER COREG AN inate: | 10th in the third division. Yel,(in the Iineup, 'That they got a|shor ng 10 "order, gunshinert;| FIP under the frozen ground eondi:|draw at all was due to the hri). [Aedes Wethe Fo 4 Beuthmens No | re being in order, Bunshiners 7 Catton 840 ? \omtons, Blowpakes and Bathe No || Lemon Langue George Bittner and tions, the rough and ready fool: |llance of their goalkeeper, Tony | the point splitters were Flops hall of the Norwieh team was Macedo, who saved shots that!outs, Aristocrats « Storie, and Brews Vado | Johnny Clary LADIES MAJOR "BR" LEAGUE far more profitable than all the would have beaten most goalies mo ho MATtIs. wat. boll AF ial skill and selence of United, who| The other favorites for the Points taken: Whites 4 Mats 0; | completely falled to master thee up, Arsenal, Wolverhampton, vigor and enthusiasm of the win. Bolton Wanderers and Blackpool, S ie REDUCTIONS ners all survived the third round, as Matt Bushy, Manchester Unit did Tottenham, who did well to "The modern way to travel is by air' i | ES For information regarding any form of tra- vel... DIAL RA 3-944] We have o direst Toronta telephone line far prompt Arline Reservations MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE Owned and Operated by Thomas Meadows and Co, Ganade Ltd, 22 SIMCOR 57, SOUTH, OSHAWA DIAL RA 3.9441 TILDEN rent-a-car 45 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA RA 5-6553 od manager, after the game sald heat West Ham hy 2 to 0 In a that on the day's play, the better good game between these two team won, That was quite an|London teams admission for the manager of [SCOTTISH LEAGUE one of the most star + studded) Only four games were possible sides In Engli.h football to make (in the first division of the Seot In view of the much lower rating | tish League, the other five being of thelr opponents postponed heciuse of snowbound Two other top-ranking teams grounds, None of the leading narrowly escaped defeat at the/teams were Involved In the hands of potential giant killers, | games played, Hibernians oon: | hut managed to earn a replay hy/tinued thelr run of success, heats drawing thelr games, Amateur|ing Queen of the South 4 to 2 at Tooting and Mitcham dese) to(Dumfrvies, while Xilmarnook, at win thelr game against first divi:| home, had a noteworthy 1.0 vie slon Nottingham Forest, as they tory over Dundee, Partick fol were ahead 2 to 0 at half time. [lowed up their defeat of Rangers The draw came as a result of 'by winning 2 to 0 at Falkirk | 'Y Badminton Club Tourney Goes On Ab Gilbert and Shirley Plelding) Ladies singles: M. Hawley va were the standouts In Monday|o, Britton; J. Brooks ve C. Por Mght's play of the Oshawa "'Y" N Petia va D. Rusnell; M | Badminton Club's Ranking Tour.| ®t nament, each advancing without| Weldon ve J. Wilson, B, George * TELEVISION SETS HI-FI COMBINATIONS TAPE RECORDERS too much difficulty CHibert, In gaining the quarter: Mnals, scored a major upset over Wendell Brewster, weeded no. 3 in the tournament Gilbert, In his mateh with Brewster, came from hehind a 63 soore to forge ahead gradual 1y, outlasting Rrewster (in the ral lea While taking nothing from Gil bert's performance it 1s only fale to state that Brewster had Just returned from an linesa and It was hs first game In about a three month period; as a result ha timing was off and some of bia usually effective drop shots 'were netting by bare fractions of Inches, Gilbert played a steady game throughgut and kept Hrewster well back. The former was un seeded in the tournament as he ia A new member and no previous Information regarding his playing ability was available to the com mittee, Gilbert now meets Stan Rooks in what should prove to be one of the hest matches of the tournament Bhivley Fielding with her stoadi Besa and extra smasning power dou ned Doreen Laughlin and Lot {va PF, Hiller; B, Murray va win: | ner Parks-Rusnell; N. Carter va | le Cooper Sd round! D. Holding ve 8 Armstrong; D. Whiteside vs win ner Hawley-Rritton; M, Homes vs winner HrooksForest; ¢ Hamil: | ton va winner Weldon Wilson; 8 | Warren va D. Davidson; 8, Field. | [ng va B, Lynds | COME IN and COMPARE... station wagon with the most room for the least money A n Js "BY STUDEBAKER AT IMPORT COMPANY 82 SIMCOE N, RA 5.8293 THE te Levine, Neither opponent was able to advance heyond Hve| points Miss Fielding now meets | Barbara Lynd who advanced when Linda Meese of Ajax was defaulted Doona Davidson and Sophie Warren also advanced and met] ina third round mateh Thursday night Doreen Holding was lo play 8 Armstrong third round Peery for the oN wa faroed 0 default to WHO was th meet A) fare tinal vil his berth seheduled also a mateh i lam, oa night shih \OOKS Wak Dick Turner Nivell in a Alvell gain tWIth a faultless dis Nay badminton over Peter Kraws Krawels was unable to) ! wine due to Nivel went tat match placements of hy Moheduled Thurs lowing mrna natohes foe day MN oieludat the | Mem bers hut all members § loft in the \ the lourianen Velo expected he | on hand In case there was tine avaiable tor matches dl round: RR. Laviolette vs Rill Haokdi ] lyons: J Dewsbury vs J Fos ter) Id wn Co Root va win net Dewsbury Foste Lo Tuner Va A. Kivel; A. Gubert va | Brooks. additional ng Fim Nelson vs hg SA a L I LEAs XN \ Pl Fam'liest wagon of all. Full 9% eu. fr. cargo space an 11% inch wheelbase, yeu shatter outside tor easier handling, turning, parking Optional rear-facing hideaway seat brings Passenger capacity up to eight "Leonomy six or super V8 delivers top mileage, peak performance, on regular low-cost gan A700 less to buy, far less to operate. Smart, Sensible, Spirited, I's Your New Dimension in Station Wagons Come in and Compare at, ,, Sr-- SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. 334 RITSON ROAD SOUTH She Got a RECREATION ROOM Her husband attended an OSM. AWA WOOD PRODUCTS FREE instruction course and completed (HIMSELF) a lovely recreation room at a savings he never thought possible, WINTER FINANCING PLAN PAYMENTS START APRIL 30 Notice To All Do-It-Yourselfers REMODELLED KITCHEN Her husband is not handy with tools BUT Oshawa Wood Pro- ducts "Home Improvement Dive ision", completely remodeled her kitchen in a minimum of time and cost, She Got a NEW HOME She ond her husband plenned thelr new hema with the assistance of Oshawa Weed Products' HOME PLANNING DEPARTMENT. By buying all of thelr materials fram Oshawa Wood Pros duets, they were assured of quality, service and economy, They found it se helpful in selecting their material in the speci showroom at Courtice and ot 84 Simeon Street South, Mortgages Arranged OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LAST FREE Recreation Room Instruction Course for the season will commence "MONDAY JANUARY 26 at? p.m, ENROLL NOW and avoid disappointment, HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR BULDING NEEDS! SHAWR WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED Dawntawn Shawreom 84 Simcoe St, S.--RA 81617 7 Oshawa Telephones To Serve You BOWMANVILLE - MA 3.2130 Main Office and Showroom Courtice--=RA 8.1611 AJAX ZEnith 2.9600 ® DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 PM. ©

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