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The Oshawa Times, 16 Jan 1959, p. 13

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(§D=nWaal Borate Por Bale (AD-Neai Rotate Por THREE Maiev, sigh ionm hrick tn GOOD brisk wilting, hiss GUE ROME, COIR, COMMICIEIY A866 VEry camiinli well kept, srestiont FRIEA, 180TER0OR FROM, 10iead BF 0 same Rome. Blame 187 100meis Renting, Wil tinde 168 Bungniow, Bub spsitmenis; Sous Baiafe; immed Hankin! Bown pyar. BA STUB. 11 00 fais "possesvion $008 down, 1 Inier- #hewes, Cal MA SHIH I sete WA b 149) i ED. DISNEY A J SCHATZ Fa he AVE Bk home. hake $i. Call Tih |maroon and wine finish, radi, suis | FOR ssle 7 fea) REALTOR $2 ' GENERAL INSURANCE 4544, John A. J. Boiahood 144, Henl [man wxiarior god trim, less ton 19, . "9 WHITBY MO 8.3337 RA tore dan. 18, 18, Wn Miles New ENF WRITER, Ye | OWE swher Weick home, ok rooms md Winry. Moore, 10 Dundes Vash 55 Austin, besulldl send OSHAWA RA 5-846) ~~ ORTOP AVE PICKERING 590 LISTING PRICE $13,000 Wiihy {imianhied third floor, fully furnished, | payment, only Wil » Umno Wome room and mantel, tied | WHOLESALE « Used ear suis, for iwolrune ren well, only $16 » Akg io tary brick home, 6 11 SUITE APARTMENT newly decorated, oil BUILDING Bathroom, moasrn Kenan, exirs wash: | WEeKs only [rie 16 the tremens re West Motors, apponis lot §5% = 160, morn 111 CRAYDON ROAD sum and tiniest, oil hentia, double gar |Cotion of the 1090 Ford we sie aver , Aone, renily sharp, Omly $005, Wing West gage cares ot 5% with WHITBY ak, 15 mimes walk from downtown Hocked 1h Weed ry A In tha ow wo b 54, ¢ 1 JU | WEEE WE BIE BONE 14 ped carp Wine Box 4 yhawe Times A ng I id fr Motors, opposite Shopping Contre, IM € - SEE IT NOW Wo VLYMOUN od "cindilion, WT vale, MO 84818 hy soon payments 6f $77.00 a month, iareet and taxes FOR SALE in payment, Coop Leased gf revenue, #ecirieslly mien these buys, Open HH 16 p.m, Bes why Motors, 40 Dundas Wet, Whnby $2,000 DOWN Buys lovely fiveroom, V4 193 equipped, well 16eated, inves tigate this dandy invesiment 8 (49-~Rea! Etats Por Bele | fionre, Wil BOWE, thiss room bungalow with 0 madern hese pace hth, newly Aecor OF Ried, RERiE BER, Beri BI BERooie Full price omy Sanh. Coll BA §Assd Bean! Bate Por D810 Abo Panl EMate Por Bois ONLY 3 LEFT--$300 DOWN For These Dream Bungalows FEATURING ® Wallis wir ¥] TEEN Cividad basements with AhVor Rent THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pidey, Jenvery 1 VO RE WC Rs me, WHR Be Ld ws, WeRVY Aly BIE Rnet. LIimER nie possssniin ON] WHR THR Fob bol, hepled, wh Vale IERREE LCE empire eh irk | WW Wiking cowie HA AoW. IW] 134 vi HARE MENT ye PHRREUER eanik and Walh, We pov 2404 i Ahr Rent TWA pooma, completely irmihed, " "oh Pity Wh JREvie Biss WEW Dive pom Wick Bungalow BA B04 THREY FI cuiopide, TY wlisl wh Thames Bice APARTMENT, Wise non Bisel; adui BA BIW TWO room spaitment with bath, self CORiIngd, CEMER acation RA hig / aisr b RA Vii VNFURNISRER wi Foeme cheneie, Wil in Funnide reasonable. Phone KA § hide we ham wailment, paithy "wh shad, KEEN, IVE mies walk in Ini kaEners. Vhone WA § 4 wu TWO rooms And Kiehen, close Lo Buh Hh General Motors. Phone BA S#06 1158, FURNIBHERN bachelor apartment. all SURVEIERGRE, - LEIVME ERI RREE. Ah wainers. RA B86 ie FURNISHEN ar partly furnished, five Tm house. IR VINREE. YReNE TIER Gahawn. Convemences, Call WA oie ww nine Weniad WHINE, ROY ME Bie im 47 Automobiles For Sale (47-~Automobiles For Sele ad 1 Ww PONTIAC detune, lourdoms, 3000 "H VONTIAL "sedan delivery, sulle ohn Ad Beihovs Lad, Wasliors CL TL ven, Can nonce, WA 59180, masse, Patio, Mivectionel Feb, 168 Good condition, Best ier, P| hriek on Glad } WOR Tardioy, lite Cit |" WORN custom, Wh, Forder, spotless, | MA 89080 radio, windsmield washers, KA wh Piha 1 ARLE w nd rR] rid EM Bown Lown : Futuramic ar Vine KA a) hi He Lhe BRA EVE RIRE ; 4 Estate & Insurance | ; yBIGHEe IN Ceramic batty wall Wrought ron Pierson iii ohed niin dds { hiss hms in HALT « ange JImecoe windows Ure modern kitchens Autemane sil heating Lhe AVERNg, LJ TONEY Bel Ale, seden, LEanamiselon, suptam winiw plumving Aided lawns Ww (Had LL harAwin | fim HEIR "w wh | Hawi ai ale sek smh | iis 14 ' ; J Capps VW {4d HA & iim es Wm TURIN RRRFimEmt wees Darth "wi Ay hii Fk OL 1h wr WA Twa minutes 16 20 mines bus service 5 any aay Call at site fiom 1:5 Wilsen Bead 16 school, Yun 16ft, and look win mani | sehopl = Phone BA inh W hiss with Hh Viki | 197 Gh 14 4 FORD ranch wagon, cuslom lids, fekutiful dark ius snd white finish, Fadia, mutamatic window washers, mir Fore, wie, vary low mileage, Filly gus antasd. Don't mise Wis by, Seaway Motors, 9 Dundes Whithy / MH METEOR Tudor, sharp green, molar Vike new, four excellent tires. Fully gunranised. Special for this week only, VIO. Beawey Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whithy 19 [1 MONARCH Lucerne sedan, hesull ful Winek and yellow finish with mateh 14 111% req "BEFORE You BUY GIVE "STEW" A TRY y $OLIN Gr 161 hese flog storey brick home, om) heated, wes! end location, $9,800 Gerald 5 Burk ili piahed hath, Wh [IPT Aipiy Kohli nek wi heat and Witte LF TL WElthng low taxes, full price Barrow, Broker, RA 53852 Wes, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION re J PHONE RA 8-8921 ANYTIME i heting Hie ib 0 ned thie toum Tirnished in Bowmanville hone i RYERINEE i 121 Fiew mevwing 130 gartment adil penty of © } hme masrh Jd fi THREE kitehen hy Fo ht WRIEE henied dd shed We have income homes ow down payments yi1b ifuininhied sonme, snk with ol maninly, hye ih wih. Would sil campie 10 Riel Phone KA 103814, wh kitehen whl ronma apd furmished . reir igersing ale ar sami. Flask 1a wiv 841 Merrie sire FWA furnished Fannie will BoIR, ERY PR Wh Vaeiie Aven am wl wi Available ¥uly wii king wh wh I ehh wo ARply WOULN share pies Tous lahed apartment with sehanliuie ehilA rasan ahlE FER Ww TWO Jiehen shnmiis Parking Kap APARTMENT Hwy Himes PARKING, anita Apply 214 LL Sunbisman phane HA FOR onl lure care Io Fan henied hepping LLL hii immedinle pi Hime Appl (I [1] I ARG MRT TT AEE, RERT hu ol Eling Bluest fiawitn hans waar Wilding Bie furnished om Apply nl Fw Th wh rain ne Woden hia Apari | Wilsnn Re furnished TWO hedraem he ent Apply between ad Oshawa Bivi, Marth NICE hig shared with fi Phone HA Bh 7011 1 AECATH alas find MODERN sis AIBA. IN medina po A 1098 before 8 and RA by pr ream, Aouhie end; men the right truck Wh Rutekiy In Trucks far Bale REALTY AGEN LLOYD RENTAL Our tes less or IRENE raliahle Real im f RAVE MODERN 2:-BEDROO APARTMENT tree! Fehiruary | WBEBON STREET WILL RENT 100 APPLE hy call chmpletely ary reananahie wile than a 1 M TREES 115A Nath HA whiten Wp (THREE ried 14h Cndar Mise! Ll nicely Aesp Wealud grind Hany and slave, In apart ph wlier 8 pm al apnitiment oh FHA will with FRIFiaes mia ne. HA INF Hus i " wh rams and bit fen, up and Euihnaie | Minne ire (1A BRIT [FURNISHED (wn + #0 A IL] (owl LL in Wo RREHREN FURNISHED ane Kirt i 8 HsekRERINE / ne | wi APARTMENTS FOR RENT yriment J MANOR (IMENT Real Estate For Sale WEED ' omen his wilh COMBINATION WINDOWS RA B-B5/71 MO B 4891 jredl in Whit COLONIAL ALUMINUM NOW CALI Whithy $995 | MORTGAGE ONE NH A 1 MODELS OPEN DAILY ITY Bt AVA) } ON RA 813 LT RY TRUCTI }38 WHITBY CLASSIFIED PONTING MO FOR KENT 1 \ FOR REND Wh \ A VOR REN NIT ' FOR BEN nei | RELL) FOR AT SRLEAL Phang FOR REN n { NI And v Awe lad REND FOR BEND wig. TN paalan AMO LLL WATER skER\Hs LW gallon Ww PANY Why [RIAL MO ne REMARING FOR RENY ATO per month AT JOHN'S Healing ner shies Thien FAam ARATE SRI ME BATH W all ha Ou R0rviee installation Call 81 Jahn a slap Wi the chimney | installed Fhane AREY IE ¢ RORLAN ¢ heat fram & no Haat Baver i FOR REND wind Haar il Iheee heated reams oN duly wiring preferred. MO oo | It Reavy Hin Fi I APARTMENT | Al IE PY \ Apply 1 anmed (RL oil am pletely WENT Ne NOALlY W Apply Ala wil Middleton MO KATE 13 William Whithy WANTER wa Ale lag tment Aral lay \ AY MO RAs working With CRU wile arian Anytime i | alterations, hebiag | Womeasiie | Feb | Arg ALE BAA YE pe Highest valle SEPTIC tanks new Lanks Installed West Wade L108} I WR Nard WEY alan feathers Wriees pad BORE Wy waned Phane Feb narkel MO vane the MARALY Walter Wad MO RBA MOR Phone NEWLY 0 ETT Hea CLEARANCE SALE 0% OFF! ANTILL RY MERC DEPT. S1( SCHOFIELD 14 Insurance Associates Ltd, REAL ESTATE ( OMME RCIAL PROPERTY e 15 Mill any type of Lakarow Ef frentage 43 hy Biibi nes Fe svenings, RA AREA in beautiful and modem hath up ail heating further 1746 mechs | la Zoned "for Jahr ale 6 af 13% fleas NORTH WSET syle hams dining reem bedrooms and Fareed hot S00 dow Far svenings BA 5 ACREAGI ep bOAY4 intimate cal condivion, com Kitehen brick, elder livir rim good wine higsement faved drive call Bill MeFesiers Z-4larey prised of 1611 } Foam 1 down wlll 48 argo frontage on house. Large ind hier KGuse Must he I Cwner 168 I Henry 500 & PM RA 3 600 PM g 2460 RA HB BEFORI BETWEEN 5.00 1674 135 BLOOR §T, W,, OSHAWA, RA, 5-3406 CRAWFORD McCULLOUGH ONSTRUCTION LTD. OPEN FOR INSPECTION f situated on Burns Street SUBDIVISION room Bungalows WESTVIEW HEIGHTS WHITBY auth of Whithy District NHA MORTGAGES OPEN WEEKENDS | PM, to 430 PM | & LIVE DOWNTOWN IN A MODERN BUNGALOW LOCATION RIDGEWAY AVENUI ABOVE LOUISA ST, OFF PARK ROA VICE PRICED FROM $13,080 LOW DOWN PAYMENTS NO PAYMENTS TILL MAY 31st Brick Conatruetion Arborite Counter | Tiled Bath Chopping Front Lawns Light Fixtures Closet Daary athe (2nd street High 0 N IR RE] NO DITCHES, CURRY OR GUTTERS lid Rolled Laramie Built-in % fed Eloptrie Ing And many HE MODEL PM TO 5 OR CALL IR] uthing Board many fantu " QPEN HOUSE P.M. DAILY RA 5 6544 JOHN A, J) BOLAHOQOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE John Wacko REAL ESTATE INSURANCE WHILE LAST Ua lows with modem LOTT TY ehonl and + mation MH are walk NHA tinaneed payment Only « RA 1 WHaW FARM and THEY 1 hedioam LJ 1 all i fie K ated on low basement nents and easy hy wry Hahh ACRI loam mi RSP large wt Wn pay m tow +00 Tel Call We alse have for sale ir f FA 3.3301 BA B4954 12h Irish isriey | $500 JIL DOWN PAYMENT PUTS YOU A site apartment LOTS OF LOTS We have 8 number of vied lots In Whithy sult able for erection of houses apartments 61 COMMEIEIR buildings Buy now early spring €onstruetion Builders easy arranged FOR RENT Modern apartment sulies Whithy bullding information en thes Mi Daly, evenings, BA775 WHITBY SPECIAL $5,500 cule hed bungalow of 134 Ion kitchen living "er LL] farms con H HEW I BUNGALOW LOOK Brie) 6h « Maddern ¥ { gone Coloured Balk cuplnards Windows pe. hat full basement, ¢ heated, garage, If looking for Ho! u } thi new two situated ra0m wild Ultra dul Bair room ) sie Shing yOu daed Front mel me infarme I KE 7440 FOR RENT three hedio Made! no obligation 6544 B OLAHO )D FAL ee 1h HA 5-B425 TORY . I PHOT ) CO OF 1619 OLIVE HOWE, Realtor 0 BROCIC STREET NORTH WHITBY MO 8.2527 plit nih! LRG] Ia ear old, $95 OSHAWA led price ithaut garage, | Full morgage 19139, or with or kitehin, large living area $1 700 Mis, maderr 200 o HA BH BZZH vltra with $1 Hinkson MO B.25327 One fA nar down olsen Whithy WHITBY jal i w with a large bright £11.000 Three hiedy \ | low taxi M nil Total thee den wgheut Two hed heating $7 Vii ier nei and price $1) attractive living room $12,900 MO Three hel fl entrance hall ained mahoagun NHA Whithy Call ultra mi \ vith $1 5H A 2h%/ morgnge COUNTRY LIVING CITY CONYENIENG| ( of land hath, oil AEWRIA $e Wowith ace heating, gerage price $ 1,000 DOWN five oom hungalow large Int RO TAA nlirage £0 vith YENI BAERS nears Two Rea Landsd raoms fir sonable whe Shoppmg Centre shed inh oil heating Full price $11,500 $1,400 DOWN home un a ement 12" » old and hath nly yea Mink Ape Large 4 hick st and a halt narthowest distrie! stool dawn m rey ms up with butt in cupboards kitchen, dinette and landscaped decorated 2 hadinoms, living room oll heating, garage ond NEW N.H.A Valley Riva, Y-bhedroom brick extras, expert workmanship $11,008 00 $1,790.00 down Only LL] left on large lat Full price monthly payments CLIENTS WAITING FOR 5 AND 6 ROOM HOMES, NORTH AND EAST DISTRICTS PREFERRED. REA SONARLE DOWN PAYMENTS, YOU CAN HELP CALL QZZIE ADDISON LLOYD AYERS Cedar bungalow through eany on many oul only with RA 3.2254 REALTOR V Whithy an sight and a five | 4 he Far MO consists of | OPEN Fi) BUILDER'S SACRIFICING FROM $395 DOWN YOU QUALIFY 6-7-ROOM RANCH INGALOWS Bl FINISHED PLIT LEVEL! DELUXE TO OFFERS PAYMENT RECREATION ROOMS COLORAMA $67 MONTHI NHA HOFF MA KITCHENS CA MORTGAC RRY i MURRAY WARSI bir RI Al 43 n fl Al oe ESTAT AL FSTATI Bond A 5.0429 SW i business, a A. narth plant dl ures, real hq by equipped ight in, Y 500 ar $2 ee Aation fully In from Osh Narth room living quar treet on good high dry corner Th A i wn le 9 ght J | $1 U) oy i |45a 13a INCOME HOME | Oshawa Rivet, South ha thong kitchen and bedroom plus hot water with ail. heating $10,900 with $2,000 . living room garage aluminum storms mon each Hoos nicely decorated dawn HARRIS COURT Built 0 appeal ta the 1-hedionm hrigk and Ange wd lot m phy Noraem hed anity ust completed o most discriminating bungalow wetion, Beau fixture alum hiiy es Aone with made rm large atta ong net fehen, v in hathio toured TE windows wesion, $14 and doo AE] 000 LANE wher owner aceupied early. pos 500 with PARK down DRIVE CONIC HER a hath this ehoice ded tion $12 99% WWE tile m MIE windows with storm oI down $1092 DOWN LOW ONLY | DOWN PAYMEN LEFT HOMES LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE ¢ ? or 5.05% ng Stre kitchen ull m il Ori ined Is worth the $17,500 $5 of et and Wilson brick living | ural fireplace down, and four 1165 hardw forced alr we, lor 49 Only $3,000 do hydro thre 1, choice land, Only $1 win Wi Real Estate Exchange H VA AVE OTHERS RIOUS TYPES 0 WANTED HOUSES ACREAGE Y SMALL HOLDINGS We have a number of clients wanting to re locate in this area you are thinking of sell contact MERV. BIRD ( ] Ph Brooklin one 255.W l. A. Willoughby & Sons Limited, Realtors lan f A. 1 SCHATZ | M. O. TINDALL J asl ale (ih all O00 wa Store ters, lot iriee 000 two up wn 100 acres near Fenelon Falls wl hutldings igh 200 13a If LE |46--Real Estate Wanted MObE sired PRY Me LRT amy | pay [Oy ented WN In Collage Hi LIT RA n hy HOWN " hedronm haw God ARAL} Wanted wan APALAIES FORO 1F possiile MORIIY WIL Pent a house which Write Rox MUrFANe of WO 4 w M1 Oshawa 0 de down IAT) Maley Will LL LL PATH Times 1 |A7--Automobiles For Sele Wh FORD Mtge | AEA dan Went Hout | Motors M POW hi Wn ho ANA MEvhanivally LLL] 0 Dundas West STUDEBAKER hoantinil Wong o APARSIIARINI | ant | ioned Matai PRIVA Alay A WUREVROLEY "En URLS Quaranteed Dundas West Al wil ry We al aw Phone ALES ALY nal Ay N SOR wd LL LU) NEAWRY Black, oxy Canton Matar Whithy DODGE RIAA phaoh, Teh Whithy Champion hue, ante Walls, ely Completely LN Whit While ™w DODGE A800 LU ranaddey Na afte Wa doar. radia Terms afte Wivage RA A W0 Xe ollent FR LLU RIT 1h Neaway 14h RO mati Wak oni AWAY 14h radia Hn heat five Jan In 1a Insurance WIRY 18 pay Nave AL VAUE hae eal MOPONTIAE (olay " ARS SERVICE rw IRA | | wp te ling |mshy Yah Whithy 8 MERCURY sedan, Wack, good tires, enveliont Seaway | Whithy LL | Wisk Ale HA EL Whithy LL and poriation, Wh Aas West, MERCURY Ww fininh Vinh Whithy WF While on | 0 mie dun Went CUSTOM bilit eur radios, slectrohome wna CLE 1] il LIVE with Hale hiyey Foun (1 rain and Miki IN We manager "i whith Wh heal ment Her Manareh ' Maton LEN | oop ne wie PHY enn him SABYAN MOTOR « 3 60 Just RA D. Law easy terms the pa 1958 OLDS ALL GUARANTEL LAR COMI TRY 1) \ J NT | 5d Interior, hae alter MM FORD custom two door, Bantt ori (HEV FAIRLANE ele, white walls and GAher exis nu. 8 FR aad Seaway Motors, 200 Dilndes Went im MID-WINTER SALE ® EASY TERMS ® FRIENDLY SERVICE ® LOW LOW PRICES ® WRITTEN GUARANTEE 53 METEOR Very clean car "54 PONTIAC Laurentian, "wh Went 1h | GINEMORILE super B5 sedan naile eansiiiasion, 18000 miles, | wndition, one gwiet, Terms, Phone | bpm 1% | mechanically Matar, 10 Bpecinl Dundas heniitiful | with matehing in | meehanionlly, $505 wi Dundes West, | ih Wlue finish, Fouunliont ny Matars $4695 DAMOBILE, (wo tone, brown an, mutomatie, radia, good trans Seaway Motors, 200 Dun Whithy EL] 879% two « tons, Exceptional value $1195 Outstanding $1195 beauty $1198 radio $1295 radio CHEY Two-tone FORD Customline DODGI Regent | '856 FORD Customline, CHEY Deluxe BUICK Dynaflow HILLMAN New guarantes AND MORE AT TEE WELLWAN'S My Hag Vig [ HILLMAN-RAMBLER SALES & SERVICE Nonquon Rd RA 3-443) OFEN UNTIL 9 PM sedan, beautiful Wak 55 Don't mies this hy, Wo Dundas West 1h hain TL oli Muturs A ORD custom Tudor, tulone tan and alin, #le, mor In top sondi new tires, 81106 Beawny Motors Hindus West, Whithy 1h WIUDEBAKEN v, VIB Beaway Whithy two-tone wnoellont wo bun 1h "neh Motors radi $1295 radio $1398 are veh, 1| PANREAREY hinwt A 1 wutamatie, Dominion Tire fond Birest West OLDEMORILE two-tone, Kond HA Hhioh radio five condition BEOCK sell fast Clusnified win al HA 30408 tude fo nt yours custom radio, white wall mileage, only $308 down ne month King West Motors, opm Wapping Centre Hf cuntom urguioine West El wedin fi tane SOs. Kink Waoppmng Centre Bisonyne milenge Only rh Oppose Jw white 12h so 4B--Automobiles Wan EUROPEAN 1 ONRUL sedan, grey and maroon ani Interior, lean than A000 miles to the gallon, Driven bh (inranieed, - #140 [ Matus 200 Dundas West iy 1h WANTED wound '40 18 Cash, WA 5.7880 in type onr convertible model immedintely 'hon HN Vord or Metsor In perfect condition Fenlly ihroughout, Also "48 or '80 Ford eoupe) 88 nigoing to sand down and eustamise (8 Wake the in fair condition, Will pay oash WI Write Box 418, Oshawa Times [1] on LAKESHORE Auto Wisokers want oars for wreeking. Highest prices paid, KA HIRE or HA B1ING FORA R OT) PRY INEnis VOPORREARION i month Wu month. King whopping dey ul, take h ver oppnaite HICK fully powe IAB KA Hnod) Jan 81 Super fordor low mileane Owner. Finanes terms HIGHEST PRICES BT Ty Vasant PAID FOR A A100 1 G oe DODD MOTOR 114 PARK RD RA 3.9421 ATE Hon 0 HA d clean cars. Trade up or Liens paid off SALES LH] SALES LTD UDERAKER VOLKSWAGEN SALES anu SERVICE 134 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT RAnduiph 3 | MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good clean cars. Pay TEL 1461 off liens, Sell on consignment, Trade up or down, NEW LOCATION Street BUYING or SELLING [ED CAMPIN MOTORS 7 KING ST OSHAWA East of Wilson Road) 14494, Res, RA 5.5574 G. SPENCER CAR MARKET LTD. 146 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY, ONT MO 8-485] SALE NOW ON ONLY 10% DOWN Up to 2 vears to pay. All ears roughly reconditioned, your present cor as down yment King Fost Formerly Varcoe's Driven RA 5.5743 '47 Automobiles For Sale 98 HARDTOP electric window electric seat speaker A heautiful $1895.00 with $149 50 brakes, rear ONLY power eat steering tire every power radic way ww car in down PONTIAC DELUXE tires This car ix In A) $139.50 down PONTIAC ONLY $1 METEOR original 2:DR 6 Cyl condition w/w all 195 00 radic ONLY §) 2:DR 195 00 DELUX 6 CY with $139 80 down NIAGARA PRICE $495 00 radio, w/wall 4:.DR Tar New Hires #9 50 w wall ONLY Very down METEOR ONLY $795 CUSTOM A $79 50 down sharp little ear for HILLMAN MINX 4.DR SEDAN A Sound little Rear and very economical, ONLY $295.00 with $29 50 down MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM LATE MODELS, 100% 955 AND NEWER WARANTEE ON CARRY ROTH YEAR PARTS AND OUR IN WHILE THEM OUT! WINTER CLEARANCE Meteor two-door sedan ranty at a reduced price Ford 300 sedan new car warranty THE SALE LASTS . , , BROWSE AROUND 1a brand new, full war automatic, radio and heater, $2395 Chevrolet coach, radio and heater 6.000 miles. $1998 white walls, Ldsel sedan tor $2600 Pontine 1 AIRS fully equipped, cost $4300, selling enti eddon equipped Buick tourdoc 01498 hardtop sedan, tully equipped Qldsmabile 88 sedan. tully $1098 equipped $950 sedan. tully CASH OR: TERMS DODD MOTOR SALES Rd. 5 RA 3 equipped MANY MORE TRADI 0421 12a

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