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The Oshawa Times, 16 Jan 1959, p. 1

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THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve tising RA 3.3492 All other ealls ........RA 3-3474 fie Oshawa Times WEATHER REPORT Cloudy and colder with snows flurries tonight and Saturday; winds north to northwest, Price Not Over 7 ts Per VOL, 88 -- NO, 13 OSHAWA-WHITBY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1959 Authorized As Second Clos Mail Post Office Department, SIXTEEN PAGES Ottawe GOVERNOR - GENERAL | the throne before members of | and thelr wives at Massey reads the speech from | the Commons and the Senate | Ing of the second session of the Four Major Surprises In Throne Speech Int. Harvester And UAW Reach Contract CHICAGO (AP)--The UAW-In ternational Harvester Company oouncll meets today Approve or reject: a propose agreement to end a long and costly strike of 37,000 workers against the farm implement firm. |a heavy legislative program that! The council's recommendations, dirty {0 Crease fn turn, will be presented---prob ' would ably during the weekend to each of the Harvester locals for final action The council, composed of a del egate from each of the Harvester locals, meets amid reports of dis sension among UAW negotiators concerning the pact hammered out after weeks of bargaining Reversing a previous announce ment, the UAW negotiating team Thursday said that after a ma jority vote by its members it will|Prises government plans recommend rejection of the set Besides legally defining obscen:| oral provincial fiscal tlement, Parliament will 'he asked to jn the near future to OTTAWA (CP)--A new round|000,000 may be of formalities engage Parliament government's plan into the. discriminatory contrac today before legislators dig freight aimed in books he ranges from foreign ald The formal Commons mover and tional reply The government tive plan read at I'hursday b It of it pomp and glitter opening bebind the The hears addresses from 14 cconder of the tradi'? . to the throne speech BERRION as Progressive Conservative year from outlined its legisla-| provinces the throne speech|foderal session opening | raised Governor-General ago as contained few sur A larly 2,000-word years--opening of the 24th extension next 13-per-cent personal from 10 per ¢ a temporary in the Massey There was no iy development projects, eral a The majority vole is bind. national ' crop insurange,. Duane (Pel) Greafhoyse, a credit i gotiator, said he will recommend to African and Asian democrac- mie matters, This scceptance of the term al ie though, he added me of the pegotiators were not satisfied We---- Ex-Servant Of | $100,000,000 I'here has heen a federal subsidy of some $30. mittee consisting of Queen Gagged | Canada Builds LONDON (AP Buckingham Palace Thursday slapped a | gag on a former rova who crashed peep at the Queen An order was High Court forbidding William Ellis to publish any intimate information gleaned from the Royal Family durin nine years a iperintendent Windsor Castle An article week's issue day Pictorial of homey details the Queen Prince Philip frequent visit Among other the Queen ran her a thrifty housewife pennies when buyin and patching up ole they In future article isted to I bout splashin swimmin some new \ financing Margaret «Py ob mance £4.000,000 to $5,000,000 on it Officer Accused Of Toy Gun Theft: In 'Memoirs' | Flying Saucer P)Any vieinity saucer may ™ ga ervant flying off saucer and io print Al OTTAWA ~ (( I'he Toronto or flying months person think to in the!lt well be helicopter or rection at The hine | it could m over the rong hill thy valleys, Maximum al m i] 10,000 feet Roger 18 two pr We e of thelr who to take they next old right see a dart subsonle granted In the few J1.year day ( de ched for the more sald Thur saucer, under years, Is the aly or June an | ( Informant flying obvious use aa rec army hisfopment for si of ul to May aueer i$ the Buck round take 0 tak and time Flying mer hecause y bundle! ish in hy Eli in th of the 8 erved no about tabloid Sun I toy V. Roe Dobson Limited, i ahout machine is | cet In diameter hushand {op three men their Ay Alreraft Limited to the castle ton, near Toronto, the things, Ellis sald|developing the unique vehicle, i household ike not yet sure it function vatehin Principles embodied In the sc ol project cannot he proven un flight trials are undertaken, If machine does work, there | ihility HI be the United for U8 project up ahout the way| and carric } her du ind has under developme "aerocar" the first ince 195 Hnve ro of \ 1a da compan) his he an or was project Liberal Minister the will net Defence new ci I>. Howe put He were hevond the into it, prom-| a good po. iw ma sald _at that Queen|produced for tate Army nadian Ar the Ca took over! 000,000, when spendin 1 and perhaps bute m I'he of the vithdrew after QUEREC (Cp 1 ocean [freighters month in Lawrence River early today but!ihe Havana Rotary Club Thurs. Moule to manoeuvres the day convicted TORONTO in constable decision on charges 1 children's hoo holster sel. t and a food [$2.60 chopper y { ld mean in old, | Bartrem John A. Hanna fishing ro arlier Magi con tealing a timated month Ch-A toda faced a strate with able i0-yea judge ing to the prospect of Atlantic Ni cap p he ole worth an es nel the other es, 70 miles of City VS wo upr jai Involved to effects ecent horizontal (percentage) in rates.' helping West and the Maritimes, particu speech for April 1 Income indication another The speech It did not amplify the state [furnish funds for winter works, said only that the subject of fed provincial fiscal relations wxpandod farm |ghould receive continued study by forward to she summe {nereased Sunemployment (hel existing federal « provincial! Queen ; UAW vice-president and chief ne-| insurance benefits and more help|ecommittee on fiscal 'and econo.| Philip for the opening of the St.| committee 1s made up of senior civil servants peculation that working under direction of a com- {come land would be able to hover off speed for mnai chairman sald don last month that his company reference amount of money Canada had time project, if carried through cost In the neighborhood of $100 ~ Vessels Steam ' To Atlantic ¥ trapped lee-clogged Montreal arbor were still in the upper St Ught of the for Six of the eight were at Quebec licy two WILL SHOOT STRAYS Tie Up Whitby Dogs Canine Has Rabies With the confirm-|required that all dogs he tied uplthe Health of Animals Laboratory case of rabies injuntil further at Hull, Que and tests showed Whithy, Mayor Harry W, Jermyn! "This is a serious local health the eat was rabid, has Issued a proclamation calling matter," he said Wie I It was also learned. today thal for all dogs in Whithy to be tied!dog owners will co-operate andi six to eight persons In Whitby up immediately we earnestly request their sup. Tow ip are also receiving anti It was learned late Thursday port, rabie afternoon that a dog owned bY | SERIOUS MATTER MOH for Whithy Township, WHITBY ing of the first 1 notice hope "a I the open- | 24th Parliament, ' CP Wirephoto stray dogs found will he I hate doing this," he but this is, a ald, a serious 0 hecoming 2 wlhien {1 the when Po ed a project the the mishap occurred, t Hope fire brigade answer en!ll from a George { 0 poured concrete pillars surround ed by a mass of scaffolding anc tarpauling was a mass of flames IMiremen worked for an hour and control Flaherty Flizabeth and outside to ground them It Queen suffered and to The province Seaway visit all the first North Lawrence will be: | visit! and face, He was taker Hope Hospital for treat her to Piekerin th bod Port ment When the gas can exploded the hi lo ok of her lo sovereign he federal the Far federal th undergo ( head steur I'he | his cat's fire forms, flamed pane gas remaining wed instantly tanks of gas Massey-Ferguson And URW Meet TORONTO (CP) Contract talks resume Saturday between the United Auto Workers America (CLC) and Massey Ferguson Limited Towa att 14 years | old 100 pep who about has not released It ined 21-year a8, |i full of Cherokee hirth his took a demands, of referring to them vertically like any a di seeks a in cut the ma with ince a nip throu would Contracts recently signed with workers Iked the his in plants in Toronto, Brantford and Woodstock, Nego tiations broke down Dec 10 when Mthe Union walked out of a con Pe oiliation hoard meeting protest Ing company representatives' in Canadian gistence on reading a long re day he wa home round ad ude union tlay for Involved ihe h to renew or day down off the WE whichever larger ler companic of Lon wile in ; or dinner like other family n nt in ( flying mn joop to for Production referred to fing so ha hy two when LL) workers that the rent rables epidemic issued local health matter when shel Dr, I, J. Woolsey said the de- '¥: 21, of of the Authorization for the setting up was feeding the dog the second 1g Sea An extension of the insurance she stated, Mrs, Strutt sald she| said his department would carry the opening of Parliament, He is 71|the dog since it was a pup. It, completed her treatment was chained up again," ing suspleiou Luis Carrizale: nelec deadline for next Tuesday has|yage Earlier In the a walkout wage hoosts « 13 month in age from 7 to 13. He ployes, The company was hit by employment benefits* totalling 80 wage increase to raise the labor would Batista's dictatorship. Cuba's affairs." Mayor Jermyn has "It had got|partment wag uncertain how the within seconds of of a national energy board to en- entangled in a tree Parliament ; maximum to seven from [fveinotified the Health of Animalsjout the mayor's orders and any fed and due to retire this fall after a/was two and one-half years old|of this weck, Mrs, Puckrin Mayor Jermyn was advised of was acting, He In the international field wide attention added urgency to a new round of yi : . As 'a substantial wage increase a mile from his are 3,300 workers at a three-year contract or 24 seven other children a 122.day walkout in 1046, per cent of wages rate to $1.85 an hour United States comes! To avoid misunderstanding, the orders to the police to destroy| "More serious is the problem of {any dogs found running at large, (stray cats, They will also have by its chainldog had contracted the disease, [blazing human torch sure prudent and effective use ol land when 1 released it I noticed| "We hope it was not transmit a five gallon can of gaso- another y of the Years may he involved In the pro-|Branch the Department [stray dogs found by offiger Agriculture in Bowmanville] would be destroyed conference 4 7% years as governor-gen-|when it died, she was bitten hy a neighbor's eral, | "It was kept chained in our|cat that staggered Into her home the dog's death by Dr, 1. J, Wool-|W, W. Tomlinson ey of the Health of Animals who ordered government promised to steadfastly and with genuine co ago when he hride at the contract talks expected today be 1t WO aH tween the Chrysler Corporation| 0-year agreement and increased pension and sup county courthouse gun permit main plant here and 250 at cont Chatham, The union called for re | Chry previous marriages W U S T Castro arns v.o. D N t I t f will make trenches in(U.S. Navy cancelled previous the rebel leader told|Plans for 3.000 U.S, Marines en| Mrs, Emily Strutt," B68 Byron| ¥ not available for comment, [street north, had died of rabies,| "All It is the first case of rabies to Senvoved A sald, "1 like dogs ] I S Rolls In Snow [The order is effective immediate. |!0 he dlestroved They ay ji A ly, and also affects stray cats, [88 likely a carrier of ihe diseas ] F ; om = as dogs and cat owners are ask | 0 ue ire FROTHING AT MOUTH ed to co-operate with us in| in the finance minister and provincial Mrs, Strutt sald energy resources will be sought. it was frothing at the mouth," she ted by another do he said, He/line exploded in his hands ; This, having particular bearing|said also sald he hoped the people of Was starting a "torpedo burner on the oll and gas industry, wa "I backed it into its doghouse Whithy would accept the mayor's a recommendation of the Borden with a hoard and locked the door decision and act accordingly | share of posal to Increase the range and|of e taxes, clfectiveness of the Export Cred-'and Monday a veterinarian was! It was learned today that ent A vous its Insurance Act sent to her home to get the dog's Frank Puckrin of RR 2, Whithy y Mr. Massey probably was per- head for rabies tests the first woman in Whithy Town x shot ' y pI Nb december " Car n look | Yard all the time," she sald The on 1 The speech sald Canadians Lonly time it was released Was a r visit of [ie | law. Prince mil did was run around the!So it bit her, She sald her hus Branch In. Bowmanville The mayor, In proclamation, has operation toward settlement of outstanding world issue UAW C 1 | FULL OF PEP | y hry sier | age years old and still Carrizales, a half Indie " tennial Canada and the United Auto Jaa} ar ° Wedn 4) iy ' Blk RR vy L( 4 plementary unemployment hene pip : > sit fits President Charles Brooks of Local 444 sald Thursday night the) 4 R10, 4 Aursday nig Ford and General Motors of Can I'hen he topped hy taking hi town restaurant sumption of negotiations today His new consist The last strike at Chrysler here ar seeks. a threes port wits in 1054 when a five-day walk year contract I'he old agreement An estimated 300 llems need out by 27 pawerhouse workers re. expired Aug, 15 te be resolved, inclutling a union | HAVANA (AP) Fidel Castrd] Noting some U.S, congressional has warned against any United protests to the executions, Assis: | States intervention to stop execu tant State Secretary Roy Rubot | tions ordered by military courts tom sald, "We are not going to near Puertof at the American Guantanamo Bay, at the opposite he reported in Whithy In the cur have already she first|this current crisis," he concluded! PORT HOPE Frank Flaher "alleviate lreasurers noticed the symptoms gest |, 8 88 Ores longest iyoyal commission on encrg The next day I found it had died,"| Police Chief Rankine measure forming his last functions at an! Mrs, Strutt said she had owned|ship to take anti - rabies Monday yard for a few minutes and it band killed the cat after becom DES MOINES AP WINDSOR (CP) A strike] The union wife and their children has set 3 pom, EST: Tues nas ! ada resulted in six-cent hourly two boys and four girls ran ulted the layoff of 6,000 em The union wants increased un- demand for a 31 cent hourly murder and torture during/intervene in what is essentially from Havana Fulgencio "If the here, we the streets," tice to navy Cuba stop hase at The hase is end the island DEATH FOR GRINGOS clear sail day. The state department sald in Washington that American po strictly non-in In Cuban domestic af WAS one of 1 of ver tervention fairs." Trois Defence counsel Hugh Locke argued that Hi ment admitting arrested | when de ni quiet a prison \ 1 al fron the force Arthur rockwell wa among 12 poli three months ned a state theft od the the the ofle from ectives dismissal Metro .2| LATE NEWS FLASHES Castro earlier Thursday, in re marks to a group in his hotel lobby, had said that if US. Mar | ines sent to Cuba 200,000] gringos will die," Gringo the are is tha n 1 police force Locke vid emen politan Mr 100 count stolen appea W. Bartren tin Ha ind take f invest threatened to get BRANTFORD ha treatment today led the anima My R.A. Ward and SA precautionary dog which Brockiwe late Thu gainst Defence ONE FREED oi The courtro clestone ded Thu cers Brockwe CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1133 . fon clarifies ) FIRE DEI'. RA 5-6571 HOSPITAL RA 11 PARIS op I pu Gaulle! elu 10 wl Ma vill the Barrie Woman Hoey remain nol BARRIE (CP home was sty uspension until \ had had walked a mile by the car he constable m pped awa wr conduct unbecom plined | officer. | ° \ ling an 0 Couple Takes Anti-Rabies Treatment heen a threat sly canited conctanie wai French House Says No To Algeria followed deman on Highway atory Latin American term S. citizen, of whom there 000 living in Cuba the Rotary realized. thi published but dero for 1 we 12 Cn cp A adopted" a in an who Was i other person O'Sullivan couple found rabid with three Vb F. A William Bund were to take mea told not wonld be | later had ro ong who he ind 1 nment we stood hy Un NEW MAILING SERVICE STARTS and TL. Wilson, nablisher of I'he Oshawa Times. Before posts letter, Mayor Gif "This morning and the citiz of Oshawa are areatful to Moran and the: post office this added service. The peos appreciative of this which will not enjoved by Oshawa, but outsiders." Oshawa nee rebal chief Ihe vision of US troops landing in Cuba oof Us l Is by crities in that the United| stop the One of the| Demaocra-| sentative Wavpe. Hays id Thursday # meant rel ition not. the | Curhsid Thar \ hy mailing was inaugur day in Osh Hi G ated awa Lyman A located ou Past Off marnn Worship rd. The id th Congr th iwverwhelming the first tated ance's parliament of Mavor ing box is | for Oshawa marks progre o omething to Newry } uban | \ quads ical settien eriti approval lo negotiate a pol n ha 10S( el Repre m the Colina street Killed By Car oi Mr 82, a patient in a nurs Shown depositing the Mayor Gitlord for right Nor ple will b wt postmaste new device he boulevard first From fete left to Aa sending of wre Wie relations United NS s--ves. But sub stro told the Ro Rosa Spear killed hom ng man Ww | Mann issistant master: Ald. Walter BR By chairman of the board of works by a todas ood with only. partly d when she on her pos only m he 400 mission Club weather wa no," ( | tary limes Photo treatment, Dr McKinney, | jo Was Dublin, Ontario, came a Thursday | He to protect freshly-poured concrete construction The new overpass, Alico, ada where the RCMP handles junction of Highways 401 and 28, The southern end of the bridge Mrs, Project, which consists of freshly-| said(a half to bring the blaze underis tourist attraction," 4 |" "While it may be a compliment | : told firemen Maio realize that visitors to Can: Ney oya clothes caught five and he leaped ada are anxious to see men in| She sald she tried fo wrap the through a gap in the taspaulinioue traditional uniform, 1 fee Mays before Christmas, Thenieat in a blankel and while doing and volied on the snow-covered|ithat this tendency must be Kept extinguish within reasonable bounds, severe burns at the way the cat(o one hand and lesser burns tolthis demand it over-emphasizes of I'he dispute involves some 5,000 location, but RCMP RCMP RESENTS USE AS 'TOURIST SHOW" | Short-Staffed ' For Crime Hike | OTTAWA (CP) The RCMP {says a general upward trend in|57 against the smuggling and sale {crime is piling up cases faster|of stolen U.S, autos in Canada, than it can add men to the force, [Most had been returned to thelr | And there is growing pressure owners |for the organization to perform| In all, the RCMP handled 68,- as a tourist attraction, |461 smuggling, narcotics and The RCMP handled 283,460 in- (bootlegging cases In the 1057-58 vestigations in the year ended|fiscal year, up more than 11,000 last March 31, an over - all in-|over the previous year, It atiribe crease of 19 per cent, says the|uled the increase to more border annual report of Commissioner |patrols, L. H. Nicholson, tabled today in| There were 473 convictions Commons {under the Opium and Nargotie "While the Increases are not as Drug Act, against 354 the prev. sharp as last year, the upward|ious year, trend persists," he sald, The in , opts creases were "spread generally HEROIN SEIZURES DOWN |uvtughout the country with no| Seizures of heroin, prinélpal major crime pattern present | addiction drug in Canada selling {other than a rise in the number at an average $5 a capsule, Were lof breaking, entering and theft down sharply at 24 ounces from [cases 4 60 the previous year, [CASES UP 75 PER CENT Cifatels Main predominated in he commercial smuggling, 9,177 car- | commissioner sald the Who he RCMP cases had in.|lons being seized compared with ) . , 4 7403 the previous year, There creased by 73.7 per cent In the| ore 196 stills seized. highest last five years while the regular| oy Poo oo eos Tin. the Sa iierease had been only 153 catch in gallons dropped by. 50 The annual statistics represent |"! oot. . work conducted by land, sea and| As result of RCMP werk, air in the North, in eight prov-|there were 10,681 prosecutions under the Income Tax Act, n inces--Ontario and Quebec ex- cluded--where the RCMP oper.| from the 11,110 a year earliest but volume remains high." Conwies |ates as the provincial police force| hy J p tions totalled 9,122, {by agreement, and throughout OTTAWA (CP) ~~ The propa. ganda effect of the proposed Doukhobor migration back. te Russia has been "exploited to the fly operations begun late in 1056 {breaches of federal statutes They do not cover cases handled iby the RCMP under separate contracts with 123 cities, towns!p.n by a small group of leaders" and municipalities s the annual RCMP report : pian rine HRY, Reporting on the Qrowing| tabled today in the Commons, pressure to present the force as -- he said: er se-- "In Showdown Over Germany WASHINGTON (AP)--Anastas "If we go too far In meeting [parade and 'show' features at the expense of police work, which Is A . and must remain our primary|l. Mikoyan and State Secretary function, 1 am also convinced | Dulles confront each' other today vas taken to heating unit immediately caught|{that morale would be affected if{for a showdown talk on U.S, So I'he scaffolding and concrete|we permitted the uniform and Viet differences over divided Gers well as the tarpaulins, A tank of pro. also explodad, but two! respect," were {reputation of the force to he cap. Many italized on unreasonably in this Russia's deputy premier and y Dulles first conferred almost twe weeks ago OTTAWA (CP) Enterprising] As the two men met today, auto thieves recently smuggled a|Dulles wanted to know primarily | stolen United States car into Can: (whether the Soviet government is ada where it was sold, stolen a prepared to. enter Into serious second time, re-smuggled back! negotiations later this year looks |across the border and then sold|ing toward an eventual German |again, settlement, This bit of illegal auto juggling] Mikoyan presumably was anxi- was disclosed in the annual re-|ous to find out whether the United port of the RCMP for the year|States has any counter-proposals ended last March 31, which was{to make to Russia's recent des tabled today in the Commons, |mands for withdrawal of Western The report did not give the forces from West Berlin and for sources here an early start on writing a Gers sald it was an Ontario border|man peace treaty (Polat, possibly Windsor, Mikoyan told a New York press Dealing with infractions of fed: conference Thursday Russia still eral statutes, the report said the wants a summit conference on RCMP had completed satisfactor-| world problems, He said the West [cannot sidestep one forever, | He expressed interest in Dulles' | THOUGHT FOR TODAY statement Tuesday that free elec. tions were not the only waV te The Atlas satellite has one |reunity Germany. But he cons | distinctly feminine character. [tended that Dulles 'did not come Istie, It tells all it knows, [up with a constructive altesna. and keeps repeating it, tive to the Russian plan

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