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The Oshawa Times, 16 Jan 1959, p. 5

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. A p. 2 WDHS WRESTLING TO COMPETE IN TORONTO he holds David Hinton down Ray | in the 1954 British Empire | first home meet Friday, Feb, with one of the holds he may Glen | Games, ays at least two of | 23, #5 hosts to Oshawa ocvi when he and other mem Fd | the 26 boys taking wrestling | Mr, Clutchey says everyone is of an 1l-man wrestling rear | cold win Ontario champion. | vied to altend, He also team compete in wrestling | are; Wayne Brooks, Boh Core | ships and go farther if they | pointed out that the boys are competitions at Winston | rell and John Tushingham, Mr, | wanted, The activity was in. | using college rules, similar to Churchill Collegia'e in Toronto | Clutchey, former Canadian | troduced to the school's | olympic rules, and do not Saturday. Other members of | flyweight wrestling champion | athletic activities the first of | wrestle like the pros the e, from the left and Canadian representative | this year, They will hold their Times Staff Photo add CP&T Fund To| Purchase Chair On Monday, the CP and T Branch of the Whithy Oddfellows {and Hebekahs held its monthly meeting in the Lodge Hall with Brother Bremner in the chair General husiness included the purchase of a second wheel chair The two wheel chairs as well as the available hospital beds are for the use of anyone whe may require such equipment for a rea sonable period of time, The Christ mas committee was thanked for| [the able manner in which they handled their appointments dur ing the festive season On Tuesday, the regular meet ing of the Oddfellows was held in the hall under the leadership. of Noble Grand Garnet Crawford Following completion of general business the Initiatory Degree was exemplified for Lome Kemp, Ther egular officers of Brothers Crawford, Swain, Burdge, A Carr, Gordon and Stevens, ably assisted by Brother Ray Green tree, handled their respective charges of office under direction of Degree Captain Brother Wick ett, followed hy a fine display of} floor work hy the Degree Team | {to accordion musie hy Brother| | Mitruk | On Jan, 12, Doug Swain, Ron Cooper William Quan, Winacott, Standing at the kneeling Reeson, Brooks, ihere are no ooh's, ah's or torture holds like the pros use being applied here as "Whithy Distriet High School phy education teacher Dave Clutehey gives students poin ers on the proper way to apply a half nelson. This business to Bruce Clairmont a use sical | bers | Is serio eam al ¥ el . the Dart Rasehall Team visited Alax and came away with an 18 to 4 win members were reminded of a gen eral meeting to he held in the Lodge Hall at 8.00 p.m, on Fri day evening, Jan, 16, and upon leompletion of business a social evening of euchre is planned commissioner, mimes Siatt Photo | Ingtal Officers To Consider New | WHITBY PERSONALS |r mie rtaty lt 1.4 WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSON office night, In | Albert Randall Bryant, commissioner; Public Utilities = Commi the front are, from the Back row are shown here at their left: Oscar Moore. commis PUC general augural meeting held at sioner; James Ross, chairman Pringle, PUC MEMBERS OF Members of the 1059 Whith Puc vice-chairman Harry Simpson, manager; H, L engineer; E, J Tuesday Mayor sion row in the | Harry Jermyn, Imatron, Mrs On Tuesday evening the offi cers and members of Whithy Star No ing of the new year in Masonie Hall with the worthy|¢ the Following opening siding extended & warm welcome to the| following guests who were intro-|y duced hy Mrs. Kathleen Browne, |, erland, agsociate conduetress le Mrs, Tena Roberts, PDDGM,| and (Honorary member of Whit by Chapter), Mrs, Marion Bandi-| son, Bue Ray chapter, Port Perry, and Mrs, Ethel Notting-| ham, past matron of Blue Ray chapter, Past officers of Whithy chapter present were: Mrs, Anna| Patterson, Mrs, Elsie Goose (Grand representative to the State of Texas), Mrs, Veronica Manning, Mrs, Julia Thomas (in office), Mrs, Mae Phair and Mr James Martin (in office), Mrs, | Florence Ormiston, Sunland] chapter, Sunderland, was also| given a cordial welcome hy the| worthy matron as were the mem- | bers of Whithy chapter | The officers were pleased to| confer the degrees of the order on a new member, Members| were sorry to learn of so many| sick and hereaved members from | reports given hy sick and) sunshine conveners, Mrs, Elsie Goose, PM, and Mrs, Jessie Johnston, associate matron, Mrs, Julia Thomas, Benevolent convener, reported that two fam ilies had heen given assistance] during the holiday season and asked all officers and members| to keep in mind the rummage and home baking sale to he held on Mareh 14 The eorrespondence was read hy the secretary, Mrs Delphine' Ry CLIFF GORDON Tomorrow night should see the largest crowd of the season the local arena as cup champion Belleville MeFar- | Mr, and & J. A Lee, of year, Hydro Rate Sked. | Ex, Companion William David 213 Henry street, will entertain Whithy Publie ' Pi Installed and Invested the and family, of Barrie. Mr, and fficers of Keystone Chapter at their home on Saturday even 14 In honor Mr, and Mrs mission ls considering a proposed overall decrease new four. rate structure for Mrs, A. Watson, of Kingston, Roval Arch Marws. No. 85. Mr am Burnett on the occasion "The hydro consumers which would wi of ver and and of Utilities Com. some consumers ut not. an friends of Mr George VPallon are happy to The many new structure would eliminate many of the lands invade the Whithy arena to play the world Champion Whithy Dunlops, The are hot off a 6:2 win over Dunnies will be out to make It two in a row and show the coun try they are worthy representa: were holiday guests at the home Davidso., assisted hy past : A | 804, By Jd Ma A. E, Luke, of nvineipal, conducted the instal or, Decasid) lation at the regular meeting in iry, The guests will he Mr Mrs, Don MeCannell, Mr mean a lower hydro bill for however some users, Also under consideration Whithy this month Mrs. Charles Currie, Mir the commission is a 20 The officers for 1060 are Llord learn that he is now econvalese. P, Camphell, Zi E.R, Stafford, and Mrs. Owen Goldring, Mr ind Mrs. John BeatiéMr, and boost in the minimum rate commercial and domestic ing-at his home after a lengthy|l'%: James K. Sandison, Hi stay at the Oshawa General Blaney J Smith, wud Mrs, Jack Wallis, Mr, and Mrs, (Hospital, Happy to report that|; TIDEIe. treasurer; €, A fred Read, Mr, and Mrs, Doug (he Is making progress, Wishes ford, hd R McNee, ASE; W, Madden for a complete recovery are ex: ©: Price, PRI A TF, Foote, 88: sumers, Both will | by the commission ruary meeting The new rate structure Is designed so customers whose tended to Mr. Fallon. J, Kadwell, J8&; V, Williams, M 9 fin of 4th Vi D, McKeag, M of Sd consumption of electricity is low will pay a fairer share of th Mr, David Stefura, of EL|Vi W. Jamieson, M of nd V, cost of providi. g the service It dorado, Saskatchewan, and Con.|J. E. Martin, M of 1st V; Wil will mean an adjustment for fahle HB. Kolodkewyeh, RCMP, liam Hoar, OG, Fr) kK (4) C Phone MO 8-3618 of the Saskatchewan detachment, were recent visitors of Mr. Ron . Kinsmen Score Win Over Rotary ROW LAYING EVENING SHOWS 7.9 P.M, SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 Gambell, When leaving Whithy Roh Comphell starred with a 20™ Century; Fox brings you the world o they left for Las Vegas and other four-goal performance as he » differenc:s that the undesirable under present rat Harry Simpson, PU( said hy | exist ent fe structure, eerelary-manager example domestic rates the new structure will affect only those consumer vhose usage exceed 100 kilo watt hours a month, These users will enjor a reduction in their ac units, as will commercial users whose usage 10( Mrs, J. Beattie, of. 911 Henry hours (regular and not kilowatt street, opened Ler home ta the hours) a month omen's service the Canadian ( Surgical dressing Next Tuesday Mrs Centre street north her home for meeting Mu pent with law i" con For The many friends of Mrs R. Magill are sorry to 1 rn that she is in the Oshawa General Hospital, the result of a had-fall Wishes for a speedy recover are extended to Mrs, Ma«ill ed Fel he at it exceeds committee [ ancer Society were made Pirie of 201 has off i another group ol | | Mrs, Gratton Curtis, of Fene lon Falls, has returned to her home after spending a few days as the guests of Mr, and Mrs, \/ v \ a wi arl, of Calbourne| poary in hantam league hockey : action at Whithy Arena Monday Mrs Mrs, F. Simpson and Miss MEht holiday Flora Simpson, of Toronto, who Clayton thelr danghter have just returned from a vaca. Other goal for the winners, Mi. and Mrs tion spent in. Miami, Florida, McBride, Dennis Stevens were dinner guests on Wednes-| Scott Lindsay were best day at the home of Mr. and! Rotary, Mrs, Wm. Simpson and family and the Leslie A, Luck in Kitchener and son-in Robert Johns Mackay added the| and for Mr Mrs, F and MeSharry (4 Nearly Suffocates Rebel Lead | #9 In Plastic Car Crib art League This changes | 0 toy five alarm and firemen equipped| Men's Dart League, cheers for ntocating with a resuscitator rushed to the! some teams and tears for others | 1 Hy the they he Rebels, as strong as ever wrived Perry had vevived StH kept ont In front with an | impress 1 podit dover their nearest vivals, The Too ww called to! lates moved into second place treated the while the Shamrocks. far hehind, lifted then hy leagues with six wins they picked up he standing 1s as follows with] Jim Hill sooring 108 for top man| far three dart { Peam Flaved Won Lost Pta| | Mm MA 1 J (1) Tan 0 21 20 63 0 0 0 southern cities paced Kinsmen to a 58 win over from the land of the Vikings! week there are some| seven-week-oln 'a was saved from hen | hursd him lyin mn | wl I hone iy face down in a plastic el to deed! Davie the Instrument was we l¢ moti him 0 pa not 1 needed Mi shoe Ella Whitk Pert I Ruddy and w sad | hom he \ I oh hopes When turned rib betore making lunch AGNER - De AN ANE PAGET he returned to Teed the James MASON Janel LEG {Robert W Sterling HAYDEN I fra ATHAWAY + DUDLEY NICHOL EPIDEMIC OTTAWA OP on | OF MUMPS Ottawa in y BARRY X child he w med H A mump ENRY § PLUS Comedy e Cartoon e Sport ee | 1a Helw Ww I'oo Lates Rlack and (Shamrocke ne Peal the epidemic tage" in the Since Jan. 1 119 cases have been reported, W ( ely I The police sounded the |tario tives In the world tournament, The Dunnies on the other hand maintain that they were below par for this game and that things will be much different tomorrow night, The refereeing perhaps played a big part in the game but that is a thing that is hard to overcome, The referee in the Belleville game was Goyer, who handed the Dunnies a pair of misconduets and a game mis conduet, This meant that the Dunnies played the best part of the game with only three defence men and ten minutes of that was played with only two blueliners The erowds in the Kastern On league have heen on the uptrend ever since Christmas and they had a complete sell out in Belleville for the game the other night, This shows the interest | Macs | They have added a pair of new| " ---- 8 | Boucher and Graham HASSARD Conihear High Park chapter, Toronto, Chapter, Order of the ¥astern|March 4 was accepted, An in 248, held its first meet-|vitation the chapter, Toronto, to visit Whith Maude Boyes, pre: |held on Feb conductress, and Mrs. Jean Buth- work able to visit Blue Ray chapter visit on | An invitation to to Oriole y chapter for inspection night to he 10 Marion Sandison, presid is to he sent Mrs ceremonies the worthy matron ing matron of Blue Ray chapter, | hanked the worthy matron for) wer sincere welcome and com nended the new officers on theh ghe stated that members of Whithy chapter would always he welcomed whenever they were Mr, James Bandison, presiding matron of Blue Ray chapter, also spoke hriefly, The farewell was given hy Mrs, Maude Boyes, worthy matron Following the close of the meet ing refreshments were served hy Mrs, Jean Sutherland and her we B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pidey, Jonvery 14, FRENCH SOLDIERS AND VETERANS ATTEND SERVICE FOR RCAV PILOTS Many Guests At OES Meeting Whitby Woman Recalls Crash Of RCAF Crew By DOUG, GLYNN fervicemen and veterans, towns. When she was 12 years old, folk, youngsters, all who remems Mrs, Geard Bedue, now of B21 ber, and even some who are (oe Dundas street west, Whithy,|young to remember pay hom huddled In the hasement of her|age to an RCAF crew, who died home in a small village near fighting for freedom Paris, France, while overhead, Mrs, Bedue returned home in RAF hombers dropped hombs, . |Beptember 1068, for the first ime It was April 20, 102, The|since coming to Canada In Oe. mighty hombers were aiming al|toher of 1046, While there she was two targets, One an industrial presented with a photo of the ares only a short distance from {monume nt taken during one of her home, The other, a nearhy (the services hridge, which was a vital link In| FOR LEGION the German transportation route. It was given to her by her As she watehed she saw one of (father, Max Coutuler, a veleran the hombers crash In a field of the second World War, She was {ahout a quarter-of-a-mile from|asked to bring the pleture hack her home, Its crew were killed [and present it to the local legion They were all members of the where she was living Royal Canadia Air Force, at:| Mrs, Bedue plans to make the tached to the RAY | presentation to the Whithy Leglon SAVED GUNS in the immediate future, People of the village went fo! The monument Is Inseribed ag the scene and although they were follows unable to help any of the erew "To the memory of Canas committee, which were enjoyed hy all Vimy Ridge LOBA Has Regular Meet The Vimy Ridge LOBA No 639 held its first meeting of the new year at the LOL, Hall last Monday with the worthy mistress sister Madeline Ash- more. assisted hy past mistress sister Beatrice Palby, presiding The devotional exercise was conducted hy the chaplain, sister Iillan Kirk, Lecture was re peated hy sister Dolly Anderson and sister Lillian Kirk, The minutes of the previous meeting were read hy secretary sister Elaine Anderson After a brief business session lodge closed In the usual manner with prayer and (he singing of "God Bave The Queen", Battle Of Champs Slated Saturday ha at | the Allan | F MeFarlands who | the § GEORGE SAMOLENKO last appearance here, They are Dennis Boucher and Rilly Gra ham, a pair of hard skating for wands, A fellow that is really showing the Helleville fans and team the nil[that 1s centering around the|way around the ice and making it hot for the opposing teams Is Jean-Paul Lamirande, "Lammy" faves to their line-up since their aq he 4s known by the local team wai a tremendous help to the Dununies last year in thelr march to the world title and he appears to have all the spark and know how that he had last year both ap: pear to be right at home with the Belleville team, and will give them some fast skating on the! ee Hob Hassard, the latest arrival in the Dunnies fold, has heen go ng great guns for the Dunnies, searing a goal a game for the locals an he Is fast connding into shape Geo, Namolenko, a dead game little right winger that he is, eon tines to hold his spot in the top 10 of the scoring race. He will he out to Inerease his standings as he 1s the last slat of the coveted olrele Lo fohn Henderson, the ering goalie Bunnie ties to lead the le goal tender's division as he sports a 301 average in MW games, tow oon ng ul Lhe WUE in the \ ™ | Freeman 122 | { lheen placed on {trate Frank Ebbs in Whithy they salvaged two machine guns| dian aviators of the RAY {and a part from the alrerafl Fallen here April 9, It is a tribute to the men whe After the liberation of France| 1042." {and the end of the Beeond World War the guns and airplane part died in a fight they helped win, were hrought out of hiding A monument to those who helped Although it was more than four|liherate France, To the crew of years later the people of an aireraft that never made W Maisons Laffitte, a village about |back across the channel, [16 miles from Paris, remembered) It was April 20, 1042 now » the crew of that aireraft, (dgte In Mstory, RAF hombers A monument was built in the flew over France, Their targets crew's honor and beside It were|were an Industrial area and ® placed the two machine guns and bridge, Hoth targets were de airplane part, |stroyed, The price pald one Every year since then on RCAF crew and a little 1% April 20 a memorial service {s year-old girl watched them erash held by the people of the village. 'to their death, Y.BY. 'Name Delegates DAY 21-a3 ' For St, Andrew's The January meeting of the ylerian W. .8 was convened the chureh hall of ©, Andrew's last Tuesday afternoom with a good attendance, The president, Miss M, Ross, pre |sided, The devotional was cons ducted hy Mrs, E, Guthrie and Mrs, DD, Wilson; The annual reports were glven hy Mrs, D, Kast and West: Mrs, Wisem in| Wilson indicating a vail and Mrs, Heron 180; Mrs, | 1058, Pringle and Mrs, Melntyre 188,| Miss M, Ross and Mys, H, 8, Mrs, Baxter and Miss Forsythe MoCann were appointed deles 126%; Mr, Carscallen and Mis, gates to the annual meeting of Sanderson 196; Mr, and Mrs (the Preshyterial to he held in | Toronto on Jan, 28. The main feature of the afternoon was am interesting address by Mrs, P, |Newton, Her theme was "The [Women's Missionary Boeleties stock taking", In closing she ves minded the members that the chureh 1s a mission churelt and suspended 5en- (hero is much latent power 'on tence for two years for his part he developed among the women in the theft of a car, WIV ho can accomplish much in Delraekeleer, of 800 Walnut (he great work to be done street, was sentenced hy Magis: he poxt meeting of . the (society will he held on Feb, 10 lat the usual place, DUPLICATE RRIDGE The following are the top scores at Tuesday's Duplicate Pred Bridge in North and South: Mr, and (Mrs, Bal. 161%; Mrs, Medland and Mrs. Davies 120; Mr, and Mrs, Wells 118; Mr, and Mrs Mcleod 116; Mr, and Mrs Irwin 112 | Suspend Sentence For Car Theft A 17-year-old Whithy youth has police court on Tuesday, Fvidence against the accused was given last week, It was stal:| ed at that time that he and| Lorne Matthews, 20, of RR Whithy, had both driven a car whieh had heen stolen from its| parking spot on Trent street on Dee In addition to the suspended sentence, the accused was order ed to keep out of all poolrooms| and restaurants in Whithy during the two years, He was also for hidden to associate with Gordon | Stephenson, Lorne Matthews and] Gary Weir during that time, | MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO 8-3111 it you have net tseived your ol BELL TAXI laced between All galls must be ¥ and 7130 pm, 92 4 LOANS $50 to $5000 without endorsers or bankahle security 100 3 033 C0) 8 md 00: VN OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 12 NOON 17 SIMCOE ST, N, RA 5.6541

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