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The Oshawa Times, 16 Jan 1959, p. 6

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AB pm, Comets vy Gener : 4 Remains of the Animal Are be. Py Collie Brings Fox [i esd for rabies. The collie THE OSHAWA TIMES, Frdey, Janusry 16, 1999 ; f . : -- 'Minor Hockey [MONDAY SCHEDULE To Kitchen Door {io in quarantine, ATOM 446 pm, ~ Indlans ve Barons, PETERBOROUGH (CP) LJ] At Bowmanville parma + renin. ot vel FOR MISSED VIE WEE TIMES BUREAUS Mrs, George Jones opened a PAPERS he pecting the family eollie BOWMANYILLE All minor hockey teams swung back ol 700 a.m, R Wings vs B : be A tty wh rvs 1 ow Bay jax 426 he andi | 5 pee DE ry es or a) + 4m hauls va Rviuis John Mills Mrs, Jones trapped the vixen BOWMANYVILLE [Ferner oon aud fetta ant an | 4,100 have aot vastived yous of rest didn't geem to biAher anyl 8.40 a.m Bruins vs Cana of the teams as they took 10 theldians Wwe for the second half of the {husband then clubbed it to death. || Times by 7 p.m, |. |sovtie DANIAN a | MARKET 3.7282 | mt [BANTAM LEAGUE My ' yA Jr Rae Hopkins CKACH BOTHER NG} AJAX TAXI J 7] In the first Bantam game pIay:| 11.00 a.m, -- Braves vs Huskies @ Baturday morning Huskies de fenton I~ place Tigers 1-/| ATOM WEADS WENTER ld bejfve 16 Woah | Asax '333 5 4 to move four pois In front of 1.60 a.m Indians vs Rams, LONDON, Ont DEWITT IONS (| the Pirates in the longue stand yuna py Mckwan wes elected president ALARA | AN tolls must bo placed before | ngs 2.90 Orih of the Western Vair Association | ICANT RITE YE 20 pm. [James Finn (3), Alan Oshorni|,, 2% Pm. = Orphans vs Raid: Thursday suceeeding 7, 0. Rob: 4 21, David Weolner and Russel) I1nson, Ball were the goal scorers for the | Huskies |" Pat Vinish (John Phillips) nee |eoumted for the Tiger's lone goal | David Woolner of the Huskies | | collected the only pennity of the game 1 fr hooking In the second game Pirates de fented the Braves 41 10 move | [into second place In the league standings Torry Wallon (2), Ricky Gay land Bill Depew were the goa) | getters for Pirates John Hughes (2), George Ball and WI Depew pleked up assists h } i Albert Goodwin scored the " : a a Braves' lone goal late in the first period, The Braves enlleoted two AUTOMAT FOR THE BIRDS of the three penalties | In the final Bantam game Cubs womat!" for wild birds | as 86 different species of birds | for Wrd-walchers who are | the feeder 1s used, If the de |yeiq (he third place Lions to a ine | can find their particular food | able to see many &pecies of | vice proves siece sful, the [2.2 (ie at the Metropolitan To at this newdype diner designed | birds at one ine Here Marion | Authority may establish simi | Blaine Adams aceounied for and Weglon Conservation | to prevent eats, squirrels and | Moorison, of Woodbridge, a | lar stations at is other conser [oth the 1dons goals with Larry it Bova conservation | other animals from interfer member of the Authority's | vation areas in Heart Lake Hogers assisting on the first about 10 miles | ing with the food, The feeder | staff, uses a stuffed red-winged | Albion Hills, Greenwood and Don Rickard and Glen Clarke to demonstrate how | Dalziel -Photo hy Gilbert Milne | (gigkard) accounted for the Cubs' RECREATION PROGRAM AJAX PERSONALS | PISS@SSOTS [sii ov ir poss' FURNITURE - APPLIANCES - CARPETS - yr APES New Progrom |." su Ji REX 1Aot SAVE FOR ve Ji In the first Pee Wee game Ran ody' bol igi Rao Boind Meet At [oe dented Giants £4 i ake wrens A | ver the lesgue leadership hy Lawrence, Ren Moluois, smith . MA point LAITY Lanneman od : i ator of the hospital, Mrs. Janet B n n : h Guy Parks) were AS ounce Bmith, superintendent of nurses, 100 in Hradley Tacas | ! A don] sen sf nger " HN, Ajax, [the woul scorers for the Rangers Take advantage of this semi-annual clearance--Selection has never been so complete, and Mrs, J, Gorman, y Cor vy We Cyril Morl | ¥ / John Cunningham scored the ILLE -- The recee:| Classes are open to afyone County Waiden Evil MeRaY Wl BROOKLIN «= At the first ah-\ gion, Jone goal or prices so very, very low--If you need furnishings or are thinking of buying in the | f il! ttendl hon! Mis, Marley, ai Mr ml Mrs, | ag 4 ' o Fmt Ads avaadneed over 10 sol gtievding seag a nual meeting of the County of On| "qld Webh of the Giants near future----MNow Is the time--Free storage--if required--Rutherford's Liberal Budget io necessary work on | George Bimpson, Flokering, Were (arin. Assessors' Association held HOME, NURSING [among those who attended thes Hrooklin Wednesday, the fo {oolleoted the only penalty of the Terms of course! I at the train chool five Yaluing po Jour: | People interested in attending opening of the new Collage Hos lowing officers were elected o| HOME for interference art this week will have the Joma Nursing slats aie pital at Uxbridge Monday [serve fo 1060 TAKE THIRD PLACE L § \'} ] bk &G R (+ ] te), ny of the elasses nec, Ho in Npacted Neld RA ey do at Memo: Mumps, which has attacked al Ww, ¥, Noble, assessment Com: In the second Pee Wes game hedules will be Je vial Park Club House at 0.00 pm, Humber of adults as well as ell: missioner, Ajax, was re-elected|of the 'morning Red Wings de 2 ONLY w= SKLAR 2.PC, CHESTERFIELD SUITES w= 2 ONLY «= WINE TONE. ON.TONE CARPETS we it ih hil he|The olass 1s under the direction Ven, during the past few weeks, (president for HBO and Kdgar|feated Canadians 4-1 to move into Larger size airfoam seating, beautifully styled, green nylen le® x TVA; 19 x 1014 Sn : fie Wi trom of Mrs, A, Witherspaon Is stated to be on the wane | Herron, assessor, Whithy Town: third place in the league stand Regularly 349,00, of JANUARY CLEARANCE 49, ond 69.00 jesday evenin wn | | y leote 90re / 0.00 pm, for approxi: DISCUSSION GROUP [ship waa Floated Ls retary ings JANUARY CLEARANCE L 1 ONLY w= 9 x 12 TONE.ON.TONE Green WILTON weeks | aries ' Feasurers el Closlin, assess James Homenluk scored both 1 ONLY we SKLAR 2.PC, CHESTERFIELD SUITE -- "Famil CARPET, R Due to the lines of ¥. Morle ment commissioner for Plokering| wings' wiki " y + Regularly 149,00, he large reglatration| there will he a short delay In the dan eeting Township WHS re-elected a Wiig goa! wh Danny " grou 4 Pi Ay LRARANCE 239 00 JANUARY CLIARANCY : ome necessary 10 break siapting of the Reading and Dis +4 assisting on both Regularly 299,00, JANUARY CLEARANCE " 2 ONLY = 60" x 9' T man of the Manual Revision Com:|™ Gary Butler accounted for the L x 9 TRIPLE TWIST WILTON CARPETS into three sections, AS ougsion Groun winter activities mittee and W, (Hliddon, assessor, | ans Hy oy. wa, 1 ONLY w= SKLAR wo 2.PC, CHESTERFIELD SUITE | green; | rose beige ¢ a Atvahsed [The class is aipeeted to to shart) n ecreation [r viokering Township was elected ough the ione, bo A mart Vtushions ods. alr foam throughout, Chocolate Regularly 9 « JANUARY CLEARANCE 69 ers, 78 pom. Advanced, gaegin around the end of amb ' 4 nylon sgularly ' ' Dn A, al aro BOWMANVILLE -- A oneday| Membership chairman i WI JANUARY CLEARANCE 49 00 2 ONLY == 6'9" x 9' AXMINSTER CARPETS -- | red ond Reereationa, bh Pi wonth : Gavin - Brandon, assessor and [BRUINS W Ll ray; | beige floral Requlerly 79.40. [CHILDREN'S CRAPT OLASSES | conference of people Interested In Clerk « Treasurer of Cannington) fn the third and Anal Pee Wee 1 ONLY «= SKLAR 2.PC, CHESTERFIELD SUITE - T. JANuARY CLEARANCE |, ,, number © piistratio te oly JR gd gH ig ' The first session of the Chil|recreation for this part of Ontario| was chosen chairman.of a special game of the morning Bruins fusion "it, with airfeam, Emerald green boucle, FLOOR oh hoth | ) committee to co-ordinate the as: same from behind to defeat Leafs eguiarly 90, interested In attending|dren's Craft Class was held Bal woth laymen and professional | I ame fro JANUARY CLEARANCE . LAMPS | e8 ( sister at thelurday morning at the Rowman will be held at the Lindsay|t€880r's . assistance to oivilga in a four point game, The Ie n affibe J nel he Pid ville Badminton Club, There are Coll inte ody Feb yt "| defence In the five northern town:| [win moved HRruine Into fourth 1 ONLY w= SKLAR 2.PC, CHESTERFIELD SUITE -- Scan 1 Group--0DD TABLE LAMPS<Rogularly 12.95 to 24.98, January 20, Consideration will] stil a few Openings for ehildren(10.0 a.m shite of Oniatio bounty plage in (he league Randings Reuter '329.80, anlar oie 2 9 00 eAtAW he given to those members who|interested he class Is Wider the Various forms of recreation ae J aig. and Hoh Mat Harold Cooney, Henry Kooy Regularly 329,00, JANUARY CLEARANCE CARARANGE ven Cir 2 ' previously registered, with|direetion of Verna Foran, Anne A ddd IF HE (Cooney) and Danny emon 2 ONLY «= "SKLARINER" SOFA BED CHAIR wn Group == ODD § Cottesgdte on wo ie ¢ pre of Bowmanville getting|Wilsan and Linda Colwell "and will he discussed at the meeting| assessment division of the depart:| (Casey Denhertog) were the seor Chocolate and brown Naugehide; | Beige boom » a Resulorty 15.95 to 3 80, PRI meets Saturday at 9,80 a.m designed to geal with commeon|ment of municipal affairs Werelgu for Heung gohide, Regularly 239, 00, JANUARY CLEARANCE - ble it present and Mr, Jelly pointed out|™ mom Worden (Ricky Lucas JANUARY CLEARANCE problems and to exchange Ideas, [Lo important factor in ARKEEN Wi pul) and Morris Honey " 2 ONLY === BABY CRIBS «= gray plextons, complete with A TEEN TOPICS The program has heen planned ment sometimes forgotten by the| en mom " " fen) were the 1 SET ONLY -- SKLAR 3 HALF SOFAS -- Airfoom plastic covered spring:filled mattress, Al X to Interest members of recre ation | sensor He and Mr. Marshall man ( Tom Wore 4 n ; throughout, Belge nylon 219 00 JANUARY CLEARANCE ' 'ae -- committees and community Ae: (were later voled memberships in wou jolte iy Jor pa Saviand Regularly 319.00, JANUARY CLEARANCE " 1 ONLY == Unfinished DROP-LEAF TABLE 9 05 Hyity groups the county association Irull oe the Bruin. collected the 2 ONLY SKLARLINER SOFA BED & CHAIR -- Gray or Regularly 14.95, JANUARY CLEARANCE " fed boucio. Regularly, 319.00, 49.00 ! ONLY -- BUNK BID SET -- Red maple; 3 Beckers Anyone Interested in attending Malor Waltten, Civil Defence eo | rrull A ™ ( 1 1 the conference Is- asked to con:|ordinatar of Ontario County and|®Y penalties of We gan [ JANUARY CLEARANCE ee < Q tant fice ond olty of Oshawh, outlined serv ATOM LE AGUE i 4 ONLY = T.V. ROTOR ROCKER CHAIRS Ny Headboards (plaid), Spring-filled mattresses, springs, guard feeder station just near here 1 est of Torontu, As many ' station also serves as # Mecca | blackbird preference the recreation lors | | larly 129.00, ™ MArket 86761 ios assessors could render to the] tu the Atom league game play friezes, ete, Regularly 59.50, 96 toll und fodder, Rapin y N For Bi ow Some of the subjects lined up|eivil defence organization, A eom:| oq faturday Indians defeated Hor JANUARY CLEARANCE TT [] 7 ONLY Chrome and Plastic STEP 'STOOLS AOI for discussion are: drama, minor fites was later formed to Ass id pets 20. Randy Heauprie and 7 ONLY 269 OFF color Regular) a, 9" 1 athletle senior eltl { In the necessary work In he panald Webl 1h al soon | ) ' Netles, sohlor cliisens, feon-{ih TI0 BoCENOEY or County, | |Tionaid Webs wire the goal hor, ASSORTED BRASS SMOKERS ...... 0 oR CE, py GEORGETTE DUTHEIL (school and launch activities for | RE ind a Lr eg TU gd en NER o i rounds Ml Aci eH, 800A JERKInA | tn @ game AJAX Preparations are helng|the year recreation, girls' activities and ordinator for Plokering Township] Vi de ah i ho in play made at Ajax High fichool for| PASKETRALL special groups for members of Also kpoke briefly . Tryouts for girls' baskethall, Krouy A thorough discussion of meth:| led Monday HRarons defeated the Ng | Feereatlt n eommitt WOPOUED A180 TEM [i @ it. TH 4 4 Ya bot junior and senior are now| Im oda to be aed in determining] [at place Hordes 4 Lie feie 4 1 ONLY = 3.PC, BEDROOM SUITE -- Shantung mahogany, Mr. end Mrs, Dresser, Chest and x fod [four pol Bookcase Bed, Plate Mirrors and Cedar Chest Drawer, 00 \ " nd wehools from AJAX, | ver and final teams have heen | US. INCOME RECORD pounty location factors was tandinda ng, Whithy, Oshawa, Bow: | post 'ractice will start in pre hid Wi ) ) ARO ordon| * ™ and Port Hope partiel Jowted. } Jos Re ih 4 a ofl WABHINGTON (AF) Je an ie n amy i] YON : i Dennis Terney Donald Rog Regularly 259.00, JANUARY CLEARANCE the season to he held at PDHA, (nual rate of personal Income Inigamplete survey of the vounty|*Te David Wri 1?) oe gon 1 ONLY ~ LARGE 3-PC, BEDROOM SUITE «= Beige mahogany Plate Mirrors, Double Dresser, Monday, Jan, 19 [the U ited Hlatel tell more than [will he made this vear to de ald Rogers were the goal scorers Chest, Bookcase Bed Regularly 295.00, Ley member schools Venue| $1,000.000,000 in December, but N [for Harons Members of the girls' junior {mine what sueh location factors Paul Meadows scored the Hor: | Save $100, JANUARY SALE from year lo year and J for the whole of 1060 It was al X | basketball te are: Pam Vick { will ¥ : REG A out in yearend divi ! pels' lone goal, Gary Wilson of | 2 ONLY «= SEAMIST BEDROOM SUITES -- Double Dresser, Chest ond pds are divided among ro NANCY Kerton, Marly [record ; | Dasiels. Andrea Walker, Hib dend payments hy corporations PEAK OF ELOQUENCE [le Hruis Slee ie omy Bookease Bed. Regularly 179.00, JANUARY CLEARANCE ; 1 ONLY = 3-PC, WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE ~ Double Dresser, Chest and Bookcase Bed, Centre hy is given to the best ary Hunter, Pauline Niehall, (accounted for most of the Dee ' p ) Hyahurg address " a performer, and an \ + Marg BElirick, mily | rber drop, Far all of 1068, per Lincoln's Cle YORT AAGUR Huth King, Marg Kiriok, Baily) SEE Goth oiled $969,400, | in 1663--government of the peo MIDGET LIA drawer guides, solid gables, etc. Regularly 189.00, 00 pis given for the school | MacDonald : 000 000--which was $5,800,000,000 ple, hy the people, for the pee In the Hest Midget game of the ' { afternoon the Comets upset the JANUARY CLEARANCE he hest overall talent The senor team consists of the | \ more than 1047 le=took only | words riety of talent eluding followin: Simone Poukeit, Chat RO a si - league leading Orphans by a 81 1 ONLY «= 3-PC, GENUINE WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE «= Double Dresser, Chest and Bookcase ns wingers gymnasts | leen TT W\ umentalists, takes part [Joanne MeMahon, Lis O'Rrien, | ee ne Hancock (David Kerr), Bed, Plate Mirror, Re ularly 219.00, 149 50 vy and all talent 1s acoepled|Noreen Plekell, Georgette Andy Mathews and Rae Plokell JANUARY CLEARANCE . is » each school presents a sec: Duthell Anne erase, Gall Car (®) ers 1 (David Thompson) scored for 1 ONLY «= SAMPLE -- 3.PC, BEDROOM SUITE - Large Triple Dresser, 5.Drawer Chest and i the program. Judges de: michael, Nina Layter, Comets Bookcase Bed, Plate mirrors, Peach and grey due Rickard sored Wa OF Regularly 299.00. Seve. 100, JANUARY CLEARANCE |... .....ciivvvviiiiins 199.00 the merits of the performers INTERFORM BASKETRALL award points accordingly (rade 12A girls won the sehool M phans' lone goal, The Orphans wel ie going on throughout [basketball interform ehamplon arc n jax collected three of the four penal High Sohool for available] ship of Grades 11 and 18, ties handed out in the game ie 4 re] ETT i {from whieh the outstanding| Andrea Walker's Grade 10A In the second Midget game L will be selected to com: | team was winner of the Grade 10) AJAX -- There are more than Dimes Is to restore abllity to) pdgers broke a 8:2 first period 1 ONLY «= LIBERTY 5.-PC, CHROME DINETTE -- Black and white. Large 36" 49 8 i the program held in one shown ih the nelghboring schools. | interform basketball tournament, [3000 vietims of paralytic. polio In these persons, to help eachiije (0 defeat the Generals 43 to one hy treatment and training 10) move into a third place tie in the inlaid table and 4 chairs, Massive styling, Regularly 149,00, JANUARY CLEARANCE fhe school badminton elub will] Grade 9 interform basketball Ontarle for whom the Salk | SR, (0 HEAT Neatly all|A0heve his highest potential off jpage standings 1 ONLY «-- LARGE 5.PC, BLACK AND WHITE CHROME DINETTE -- 2 End tournament will start next week. [vacoine came too late wi ls new season and will WN ' : y , In the contest between boya'lof them are young adults op|PCTSonal independence Eh Don Smith (9, Geant Flintoff Extension Table Regularly 124.95, JANUARY CLEARANCE 93. Ww relaxations rer a faiy added, "and to fit each ane to] i oh p atudonta teams in Grade 12 and LIA, the|teenagers whose careers, if they| : and Roger Meadows were the YREE ANEY i junior grade edged out Grade 12(are to have careers, lie ahead, Soaite Mua velihond fn (uate. 1 soars for Dodgers 1 ONLY = 5.PC, BLACK AND WHITE CHROME DINETTE -- Large REF DANCE | te Ro § by & slight marin of 13 N twa nid Mrs. Iris Andrews at OIG Ne oe pension) John 3 wis Lollected Wo as wrap-around chairs, Regularly 109.00, JANUARY CLEARANCE First dance a o\ (2) e antam a W (\ \ iL) A els y 4 her of soclety. wearers for Didgers 1 ONLY -- BLACK AND WHITE CHR ME D } be held this week, sponsored basketball teams continued their the Maroh of Dimes gy I knowledy David Werry scored both Gen L INRTYH wee 2 aru aiteiseion table the '38 Student Ooune i Atte : hedule with Kamen at Whithy pHhore are ie and hin hi eal y tie hy "fon AlN goals a Don Rudman as Regularly 30. JANUARY CLEARANCE holiday fun and the lull High School Tuesday abled hy accident and hy other! pipes 1s making it available, to] 85!nE on both bah, a th ERTY o start of anothew The Juniors lost 33:28, but the diseases who oan be restored t0/all wha need I ross A of, Walter Gibson of Generals and ebony; | set yellow i CHROME DINITIS 30 ao ond Gy 1 gray 69 95 tance Is expected to Hantama kept up their winning independence, she said race, 0olor, creed of cost, she! Picked up a hoarding penalty and ' 4 ebony Lid arly ada UA CLEARANCE y . social life of the'streak by a 38:84 victory "The purpose of the March ofltold the meetine John Goode of the Dodgers el 1 ONLY -- §-PC, CHROME DINETTE -- Yellow and black Large contour chairs, ly { looted & penalty for tripping Regularly 99.50. JANUARY CLEARANCE : 95 - -- sg FATURDAY SCHEDULE 9 ONLY -- ODD CLOTHES HAMPERS -- Assorted styles and colors. 20% OFF, : w : 1 Games soheduled for Satur 1 ONLY «= KITCHEN CABINET -- White enamel, cutlery drawer, linen drawer, pu out day ave as follows arborite work table. Regularly 99.50, JANUARY CLEARANCE 69. 95 : 00D CHROME TABLES AND CHAIRS -- Mismatched items left over rom higher priced suites \ Yaa 30% OFF SUBSCRIBERS 4 ONLY -- ODD NIGHT TABLES -- Blonde and walnut THE TIMES Regularly to 49.95, LESS THAN HALF PRICE EL 'e 12.00 BOWMANVILLE -- oon TOR MISSED PAPERS AND OPEN g 3 MINUTES BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST STEVEN'S TAXI TILL OPENS AN ACCOUNT MA 3.5822 NE NI NO OUTSIDE IH you have nat received your Times phone your carrier boy / : / fit 1 you are unable to eon FRIDAYS y F toet him by 7:00 pow / INANCING TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI L ING MOTHERS" of | tween 7 and & pm. The march BE. Donald; area secretary of | Donald, Mrs. Andrews. Mrs { | plans for | ing mothers have been drawn | Oshawa | Mes. by Andrews | Margaret Rrownl ahd Nis Cally Accepted Between canvass of the | fram all parts of town and will | of Toronto briefed a meeting of | Elsie Skelton, campaign ohad 7 «7:30 pom. Only 154 - 156 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5.6559 esday, Feb 2 be | work under area captaing, Mrs. | marchers. From the left, Mrs, | man Ajax district ARR

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