ROCKY TARGETS SYDNEY, Australis (CP) y | dlo-controlied modified Canberra Jét nireraft will join the Aus tralian-made Jindivik and Meteor pllotless aircraft already in use at the Woomers rocket the wood instead of the usual pet. soul, Is reported to have developed tee al » tu ity ot uriversity Trondnerm, : The y Christadelphians § 57/6 BRETHREN ~~ SEE = (CHIIAT: ev 12146-80) - Invite seekers after Truth to opply for Free Bible literature. NO OBLIGATION Write: CHRISTADELPHIAN ECCLESIA ' Post Office Box 12) Oshawa, Ontario 0 PULP ADVANCE OSLO (CP) =~ A more efficient fa A i as PN James and John asked Christ if one of thew might sit on His right hand and one on His left In heaven, He sald this was not His to grant, --~ Mark 10:35-40, (1% / Frohne by Woy birsar byed ma | rr de BYNG AVE. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH C. MORGAN . PASTOR DIAL RA 5-1318 10 AM, =Sunday School 11 AM.--=Morning Worship ALL ARE WELCOME Christ told His Apostles that even He "eame not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many," Mark 10:45, MEMORY VERSE ~Mark 10:43, ostles were angry with James and John because of their request, Jesus sald to them; "Who- soever of you will be the chiefest shall be servant of all," Mark 10:43-44, On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus told The other 10 A His Aposties what would happen to Him e, He would be delivered to the chief priests who would condemn Him to death, Mark 10:32-43, - SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Christ Sets Example | Store Manager Inspires Great Prayer Campaign By R, BARCLAY WARREN ney responded and still continue David RB, Enlow, director of|thelr morning devotional period, Young people began holding ves to be ministered unto, but to| ministér, and to give His life a rapsom for many," Mark 10:42 46, THIS THE IDEA This; then, Is the ideal which we must impress on our young people, from the" small to the adult groups, Jesus came to min lister to others, not to save Him v ds elt "Whosoever, wil De rent mont; Sve oil be your min # DEVEr Wi great. amo ou, # ister ~Mark 10:43, io id | WESTMOUNT | UNITED CHURCH I On Flove of Gibbon 9 Minister; Rev, Wm, A, Gibb | cluding each of the eight nights this statement from Editor J, direct from the auditorium, Gaskill McDaniel of The New Bunday services in the church os brought hundreds 10 the alters per™ Mimow as it was gwen to Weeping leary of yepentance, fact clearly established Is this: Of Ministry To Others By NEWMAN CAMPBELL self, So we all must strive to fol- And Christ sald to them: "Ye 100 His example, | What constitutes greatness in 1 | hall indeed drink of the cup thet 7, the small girls in 8 class it) man or woman? Is it his or hei | drink of; and with the baptism nyioht he asked, do they do cheer:| station in life? Or is it character | hat I am baptized withal shall, displayed and concern and help [ve he baptized: Bu' to sit on My | ole homes? The dishwashing, | fulness given In words and| ight hand and on My left hand 4 cing ote,? Do the boys in 8 deeds? 1s It, In other words, min-{is not mine to give; but it shall goooiiv" ake over thelr 'chores' istry to others, regardless of|be given to them for whom It of keeping the lawn mowed, self? prepared." --~Mark 10:3040, [shoveling snow In winter, know: The younger classes in the Sun. |DID NOT FOLLOW ling that is the service which day school might be asked, Dr.! Although these companions of cyisi meant ss applied to our Wilbur M, Smith suggests, M|Jesus had been with Him and odern day? they had only one favor to ask of witnessed His selfless service (0 where are many fine organiza. {J , " . _e | -- === tions In our own country whose MEMORY VERSE |aims and ideals are contained in "Whosoever will be great among you, shall be your mine [ihe words, "institutions for sery:| ister. Mark 10:43 lice." How many can you name in| -- mene | YOU OWN COMMuUNity and in the| world? You and I may never attain greatness In the way that our names appear In NEWSpapers, magazines, ete, "hut we ean all attain the greatness thet Jesus aecounts greatness, giving serv ice to others, even If it involves "Dr, Wilbur M, Smith Jesus, would they ask it for many, they still did not follow themselves or for someone else'? His example in thelr desire to he The answer would show the in. honored before thelr companions dividual's characier I'hey were not perfect Christians, The older cla time. After Christ's death asked to name faithfully followed In His who, in their estimation, have steps, forgetful of themselves heen great people in history The apostles sacrifice now, Would they not choose MeN goog by (his request of James suggests who had been of great help lo| i their countries and to the people!and John, but Jesus "called them of thelr countries" to Him, and saith unto them, Ye UF p T0 JERUSALEM know that they which are ac:| I RAGUE (Routers) a Ride 4 counted to rule over the Gentiles|Prave, the chief Czechoslova Jesus and His apostles were OB |x orcfse lordship over them; and|/Communist news pape F com thelr way to Jerusalem, although ye, great ones exercise author: pains that the Czech cosmetics Christ knew that He would there upon them, But so shall it not| Industry marketing light blue face arvest and finally death [be among you! but whosoever and pea-green lipstick "to copy Two brothers, James and John | in be great among you, shallthe west "Phe party organ urged sons of Zebedee, came lo Jesus| your minister: And whoso:|Crech women not to copy west asking Him this favor "Grant | TRinfast 0 M ( Id soon ever of you will be the chiefest,|ern fashion, or they wou unto us that we may sit, one ono wo" ne servant of all might he men or women they or were other an GRUESOME LIPSTICK \ 4 Wor|he wearing "black lipstick for Thy en a Ihe btlet, on even the son of Man came not!mourning," } " } y Mark 10:86:87, The request was certainly selfish of (hese (wo Apostles, Why should they he honored In heaven before others? The Lord's answer was: "Ye know not what ye ask: can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? and he baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?" They answered In the affirma tive, probably not knowing of the | martyrdom which Jesus knew was to be His, GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 150 Albert St Pastor, CARL A, KARTECHNER GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU ST EVANGELISTIC | | SERVICES Conducted by T, G. WILKIE of Forest F. C. PEARCEY of Port Credit | | 8:30 AM ily the household tasks given ino publications for the Christian Bu siness Men's Commitiee, tells an interesting story of what happen ed last year in New Dern, North arolina (population 26,000) A balding, unassuming man of fifty-one, Ernest Smith, a furni ture store manager, felt that his Iife had heen wasted, He told God he wanted to he 'used in His ser-| viee for blessings to others, He humbled himself, He told a few others of his burden, At 6,20 every Wednesday morning they met and talked with God, They believed per services at the river, joining their elders In praying God's blessing on liwic elty, Smith and his faithful Inter cessors sought the support of pastors, Beveral joined enthusiast tantly to east thelr lot with an evangelistic crusade to be held in August About a dozen businessmen from various walks of life, flying in to take part, invaded every area of the eity by witnessing on { leally; the majority agreed hesl-| cook Among those whose lives were | changed was & forty-one-year-old *" dope addiet, Smith and his friends accepted the challenge of 2 Chron. icles 7:14; "If my people, which are called by my 'name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and| my face, and turn from their wicked ways; than will 1 he Re from heaven. and will forgive|%ong In thelr hears thelr sin, and will heal thelr land." | doned hy bitter enemies, folks and young folks are walk In The Alliance Witness includes bonne in Paris in 1470, the streets, in Fb houses and at the high school auditorium Radio Station WHIT, with Man: He would answer prayer from cleansed hearts, Smith asked stores and business firms to join their faithful few in fervent inter: cession, A number Including Montgomery Ward, and J, C, Pen GIBBONS STREET BAPTIST Pastor A, G. E, Mitciiw A revival, had several broadcasts dally devoted to the crusade, In: BROOKLIN BAPTIST CHURCH TOWNSHIP HALL OO0KLIN, ONTARIO Rev f M CHOOL 9.45 JNDAY 9.45 M A Bible 11,00 AM ENING SERVICE Nelson 11:00 AM Marning "THE Warshiy MI WORD OF Cecil 7,00 P.M EVENING SE VICES f Cecil Nelson SPECIAL MUSIC FRIENDLY CHURCH" 7:00 PM Evening Worshig "THE EVANGEL' VISITORS CORDIALLY WELCOME THE | Lm ---- | CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 64 COLBORNE.ST, EAST 9:30 AM, SUBJECT FIRS" SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM LIFE Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 a'clock Includes testimonials of healing through Christian Sclence, READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH ECIFICE: Monday 7:00 pm. te 9.00 pm Tuesday and Thursday 2 00 p.m, te 4:30 pm, EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS CHURCH 11,00 AM, SERVICES 945 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY-7 P.M. MONDAY-7:30 P.M, Youre PEOPLE) TUESDAY to FRIDAY = 8 P.M. A VERY HEARTY INVITATION TO ALL 945 AM ADULT BIBLE CLASS 10100 AM Lutheran Hour; CFRB "THIS IS THE LIFE" Channel 11 4 PM Yau Just can't afford to miss seeing the exciting film, "THE GREAT LIGHT" "Filmed in Germany and featuring Helen Barth Soprane TONIGHT IN McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY AT 7:45 PM THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Oshawa Salvation Army and ather interesting Enjoy the special Instrumentalists features The next Y FC Rev, Newell Gat your tigket tonight for the Y.F.( Musical Programme Dorothy Merri laist Town Hall, January 24th Speaker rally In Whithy Turkey Banquet January 27th KNOX ST. PAUL'S Simeoe St. N. (four blocks frem King St) WILSON AND ROGERS Patek Allen, BA, TCD, Minister The Rev. Robert B, Milroy, MA, Minister 445 Beverley RA R-6014 Mr, David Jenkins, Musical Diector Re Mr, Frank Walter, Organist and Choir Master 10:00 AM, JUNIOR BIBLE CLASS 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION REV, DEREK ALLEN BATCD, 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP "THE TRUTH OF GOD AND THE FUTURE" 7PM EVENING MEDITATION "DREAMS THAT NEVER CAME TRUE" ~Chureh School and Bible Classes South Sunday Scheol at the Ukrainian Presbyterian Church 145 AM 30 AM 2:15PM, King St 7:00 PM, -- EVANGELISTIC RALLY 11:00 AM.--~ MORNING WORSHIP 10 AM ~=SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS FOR EVERY AGE ALL SERVICES IN MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST, THE CHURCH WHERE YOU ARE NEVER A STRANGER reet. Pentecostal Church HEV. J M. MocKNIGHT == ~ Church where a friendly people will help you Chrintian Fellowship, a CHURCH SCHOOL EC Ef -- | -- |-- Larvany BarTisT CHURCH CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS YILIATED WITH THE FELLOWSHIP OF EVANGELICAL BAPTIST CHURCHES OF CANADA) Nl -------- SIMCQE STREET Pantocostal Church REV, R, A, BOMBAY, PASTOR 11 AM PASTOR and MRS, BOMBAY say "Farewell, as They go to Kenya, 7 AM.--REV, C. SCRATCH, Missionary Promotion Secretary Preaching SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES AT 10 AM EV. WILLIAM RAE WORLD MISSIONARY TRAVELLER FROM STOUFFVILLE, ONT, AM. and 7.00PM. . BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES WAYS A WELCOME AT CALVARY" - FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (CONVENTION OF ONTARIO AND QUEREC) R12 HORTOP STREET N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A, Minister Mrs. M. Joyce, Director of Musie Rev 11:00 AM CONVERSION, WHAT IT IS PILGRIMAGE '59 (4) AS WE JOURNEY LET US SING! 7.00 PM ager Nay Williams a product of 17 ERIE 57, DIAL RA 85-3872 REV, R, E, DARGAN, Paster race METHODIST CHURCH MUSIC FEATURE; wee GOSPEL HARMONY TRIO ALL DAY 10 AM ==SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11 AM==MORNING WORSHIP 7,00 P.M, --=THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR You ere always Welcome af The Church of the Light and Life Hour STEN EVERY SUNDAY 900 CHML at 9:00 AM Bern Is a better place of hetter people than it was & few short days ago, Lives have heen changed, feuds have heen " 0 [ing the streets of our town with ar/pence of mind and soul, and 8 The first printing presses fin] Enlow's article as it appeared France were set up at the Sor: Organist: Mrs, Willard Coed, ARCYT, HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Rev, N, 1, Holmes, BA, B.D Minister Ross Metcalt, ARCT, Organist and Chelrmaster 11,00 AM MORMING WORSHIP (Nursery during the Service) 9.45 AM CHURCH SCHOOL Junier to Senior | | 10 a.m =Sunday School | 2:00 PM CHURCH SCHOOL Nursery to Primary 11 a.m. Kindergarten Class 11 a.m. ~~Morning Worship A HEARTY WELCOME 10 ALL "Your Community Church" NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD MINISTER == REV, H, A, MELLOW, BA, ORGANIST == MR, J, R, ROBERTSON | | | | SUNDAY SCHOOL SESSIONS -- 9:30 AM, AND 11:00 AJA, 11:00 AM,--""GOD'S AMBASSADOR 7.00 PM~"FRIENDLY HOUR" (in the Ladies' Parlor) Topic: "PRAYER ==Mrs, R, B, Galbraith will lead | The Christian and Missionary Alliance and Central Park Blvd between Codillge N FARMER Richmond E | PASTOR==REY MR J. NEWELL PIANIST T. CHEIR DIRECTOR==MR, W, PEEL LAKEVIEW MUSICAL GROUP (TORONTO) 0 SAXAPHOMIST == JOSH MAFFIS ® MANY VOCAL ARRRANGEMENTS WM, J, NEWELL---THE PASTOR WILL PREACH PROMOTION SUNDAY IN BIBLE SCHOOL 10 AM 11 AM, ==MORNING WORSHIP=-THE PASTOR WEDNESDAY BPM Annual Congregational Meeting Nembers 2 REV, and Friends Welcome the discussion 9:50 = FRIENDLY CHAT OVER CKLB St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER; REV, GEORGE TELFORD M.A, DD, Organist and Choirmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES A. T.CM, 11:00 AM---THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER 9:50 AM,--Senior, Intermediate and Junior Classes 11:00 AM, =Nursery, Primary and Begiriners Classes CE IN SIMCOE ST, THE BAHA'I WORLD FAITH The foundation of the King- dom of God is laid upon Justice, Fairness, Mercy, Sympathy and Kindness to every Soul, For Further Information Write m= OSHAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY Secretary: 293 Glenview Ave, == Phone RA 3.328) 7:00 P.M. JOINT SERVI CHURCH REV, J, K. MOFFAT WILL PREACH Albert Street United Church REV, §, C, H, ATKINSON, Minister MRS, BRUCE SEARLE, Organist end Cholr-leader 11:00 AM ==MORNING WORSHIP "REACHING FOR THE STARS" Nursery at this service 7:00 PM.--=THE SUNCAY EVENING HOUR Broadeost CKLB "THE UNCHANGING CHRIST 9:45 AM, =~Primary through Senior $8. | THE SALVATION ARMY OSHAWA CITADEL SIMCOE S. AND OAK STREET MAJOR AND MRS, MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps. Officers "MAKING A FUTURE" "A BAD BARGAIN" SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT BIBLE CLASSES Tuesday, 2:30 p.m ~The Home Luague (Women's Meeting) Wednesday, 8 p.m, Prayer and Praise Meeting 11:00 AM 7:00 PM 2.00 PM.- 11:00 AM, ==Nursery, Beginners, Kindergarten, Jan, 25 «= Holy Communion FJ CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH | Rev, Warren G, Dickson, B.A, Minister Mr, RK, Kellington, Qrganist and Choir Master 9:45 AM --DIVINE WORSHIP Church House, 1109 Cedar 51 Sunday School fellows Service At 2 pm, first meeting of 'the Board of Manages 10:00 AM.~--~Centre St, Sundey School, A class for all ages 11:00 AM~--DIVINE WORSHIP a ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES ST, GEORGE'S CHURCH Centre and Bagot Streets Rev, Clinton D, Cross, B.A, LTh, ADVENT 2 9.30 AM HOLY COMMUNION 11,00 AM~~MORNING PRAYER 7:00 PM--EVENING PRAYER CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Mary end Hillcroft Streets The Ven, H, D. Cleverdon == Phone 5.579% 8.00 AM, == 11:00 AM, == 7:00 PM, HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Corner Court and Barrie Streets, one block east of Albert REV. A, GORDON BAKER, Mus, Baoc., B.D, 11:00 AM, - 7.00 P.M, 11,00 AM~=REV, WM, PORTMAN, Diocese of Qu'Appele RA 5.2386 REV, P. TRANT REV. C, CROSS Rector; ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD, SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE, Incumbent: The Rev, R. A Sharp «= RA 5.7064 8:00 AM, == 11:00 AM, = 7:00 P.M, ST. MARK'S CHURCH STEVENSON RD, NORTH ON BEURLING AVE THE REV, J. N. LOTHIAN, §,Th 476 Beurling Ave, . = Priest in Charge 8:00 AM, == 11:00 AM, == 7:00" P.M, ST, THOMAS CHURCH, BROOKLIN REV. E, W. FULLER, BA, BD, STM, RECTOR 10:00 AM «=MATTINS, 1st and 3rd SUNDAY OF THE MONTH 10:00 AM==EUCHARIST 2nd and 4th' SUNDAY OF THE MONTH 10:00 AM CHURCH SCHOOL entre St, Chureh Tople: THE KINGDOM OF GOD" EVERYBODY WELCOME AT ALL SERVICES SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the Werld en its heart, MINISTER: REV, JOMN K, MOFFAT, B.A, Director of Music: Mr. R, G, Geen, L.1.C.M, 11 AM==SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER AND RE. CEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS Communion Meditation: "Nourishment for Eternity' 7 PM.=JOINT SERVICE IN SIMCOE ST, CHURCH The Minister will Preach "A FUNCTIONAL FAITH" Installation and Dedication of Young ficers, SUNDAY SCHOOL ; 9:45 AMesJunior; Intermediate and Young People 11,00 AM ==Infants cared for in the Hall 1100 AM ==Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary Annual Meeting of the congregation. - Wednesday People's Union 4 lan, 31, 30 pm, REV, MERVIN A, BURY, MA, B.D, Minister Mr, Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist Youth Department Nursery and Chureh Schocl 10:00 a.m, Baby Creche 11:00 a.m ADMISSION AND SETTING APART OF ELDERS INSTALLATION OF STEWARDS 11:00 AM=="NATHANIEL BARTHOLOMEW == The Religious Fisherman"' Read: St. John 1; 45.81, Anthem: "0 Love Of Ged" (Thiman) 3130 PM ==CHURCH SCHOOL GRADUATION SERVICE IN CENTENNIA HALL PRESENTATION OF AWARDS h: 7.00 P.M.~=BIBLE STUDY (CHURCH PARLOUR) Read: Aes 21 1.1} ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH Listen to Friendly Chat Sunday Night at 9:50 pm over Radio Statien CKLB