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The Oshawa Times, 20 Jan 1959, p. 9

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INE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesoey, Mwsusry WW, 1vov y 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' Ist Period Fd 4 hat on all '69 Sea-Horses! : " 021 See why Dynsutical Design goes better with your boat , , . makes your boat go better, The "new look" in outhosed motors is functional inside as well as outside. Don't miss our showing of all the new idess from Johnson for 1959, Complete range of power, from 3 hp to the great V.50 MITH PORT Exclusive Oshawa Dealers 353 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA O M N U Maddock } u End (®) n oor rc ery 8 464, snd 453 respectively, with! SIGNS CONTRACT SP RTS E S the closest challenger 24 points) CLEVELAND (AP) = Outs ™ down from the last mentioned fielder Rocky Colavite, who led By Gee. H, Camphal ; Proving Popular on S n ed en ar & large American outdoors mag-|\with the Cleveland Indians Mone azine reports 8 west const bow-|day, The signing followed a hrief | "They said it couldn't be done quipped right back at his tormen-| 4, Tony's, Smith (15th) : o J [ tating that his squad cinch (Gyurks) 10.46 and stiendance are moving up legal for clubs who could not se hut Les Maddock's White Rose!lors, sisting a y and the competition is keen. | cure the longer shooting ares ing the big Canadian Football Lengue's "closed" meetings, out|Bowmaenville Arena, nipping pre-[lwo weeks away, | LATE RALLY EARNS TIE ling indoors with the Codprvale first attempt at the shorter range in Winnipeg this past week-end, 1! would take hours and pages|viously unbesten Tony's Refresh: TONY'S: Goal Melnlek; de-| A four-gosl outhurst in the final €roup In Toronto, pos ne Keith Cameron, 8 local bowman Toront« fall but (hey haven't decided whether the big gamelnut low-scoring lefiwinger was|Locke, Berwick, J. Reid, Her-\cap action _ The standard range indoors is petitors this season, Placing six om November 28 will be played at 'he new CNE Sadium or #tighe hero, heing mobbed by his mon, Button, Irvine, Smith, Husky Jimmy Shaw picked up 20 yards, at a 24-inch target face, (consecutive arrows in a four-neh bargain for a rental figure. The Canadian professional football nark th elybs also decided to do away with the East-West Shrine all-#tariiaie jn the final stance to break hock; forwards -- Bannon, Ford, Jack Armstrong and deked (wo strives for up a 22 tie, Gordie Bannon and Bradley, ¥, Button, G, Sutton,|Hoy defenseman, in firing the The highest possible score (len $, ( attraction, Any rule changes have hewn left lo . committee of ape six, three from the west and three from the - hd Tony's, down two goals, tried (play. Ronnie Lintner, Jack Mar: gamely fo pull the encounter out (shall and Larry Steffan eounted| 11 on Oshawa mercantile Hock fellow v Rorontonisn Gerry Anite . |W , BER 8 ACKnOw dent that the pro elubs have little or no interest in supporting oy League game on Sunday eve this worthy eniise, at any sacrifice to themselves, er's stout netminding wasn't tol (Ford, Bradley) , 0,38 showing Improvement since be denied, as only Bove Gyurka| 2, Maddock, Wilson (8rd) {Christmas once again were viel oe ne appear that he will get some hot " " {competition from his team mate Ding"! England and Ev up' that doesn't mean they'll all continue to play foothall, i Ju, A " y 0 chedule out took quite a ribbing after the tit Srd Perlod Ron Brown petied the Pavers ' roup placed third with 8 score howaver, Winnipeg Blue Romhets wilt apen the sch but passed it off as a law of| 8. Tony's, Gyurka (ind) scores, goals, three within 85 second of 0, | Canadinn foothall commissioner, Meanwhile, Toronte Argos at ooumia mora the following scores were made Bea drying a el Ronnie Know 40 3 auarierimol from rte bioc aelally in ane fal por in the i as Bill Towns scored! by Oshawans: Keith Cameron nn Do brand new Intermediate entry| Enjo in Close (Games very, Brown, Brabin, Fleming, team's goals, was the hig scorey| Lge 424, Mike Childerhose #70, BRIGHT BITS; Jshawa's brand n nter Yi ' ' ' i ils, w Ter ga ovee Smith 3565, John Poch B15 tn Ontario basketball playdowns, was granted use of Donevan| J Y g ryce Smith oh och 315 the local observance of "Minor Hockey Week"--a Canadian-wide Pee Corbell; forwards The game was fairly rough " \ : afar, from Tan. 24-Jan, 81, which here in Oshawa will be cer-|turning out in full force for their| minutes of the game, This lower: Shaw, Armstrong, Arnold, Rich: with one 10-min, misconduct and ol, thtee Lis week a" sere the major leagues in slugging last SPORTS EDITOR [ Indoor archery is definitely on(As an allernative, M yards ot 4 hunter downed & bok pt 95 conference with General Manas the F i tof the top spot hack on January 4, B, Maddocks, Fitchett (5th) pulled olf the bigtu hit of the od 16.68 Three members of York County! Clarence Schred of Toronto to desl) all that happened hut summing it up briefly, 8 few Im \menis 82 fense, Gyurak, McCabe, RB, Reid; period enabled Belko Redy-Miy C078 while visiting the Oshawa marked up one six gold as the ' Stadium the iden heing, of course, lo let these IWo\ieammates when the little guy! MADDOCK'S: Goal Vielder; a checker hoard pressing play circle at 42 fest is the coveled | ko's Wi game and It is felt that the Shriners will reject the suggestion Mac 0 8 in y rookie Don Wilson fired the other! gl, Cockerton, Fitchett,|tying marker for Belko's, with "six golds') is B40 points, No ssorin tn about two weeks, They are sill limiting the elubs to 12 US, Ld of the fire however Maddock's the ether Cemenimen (allies, ning at Bowmanville Arena, Geo, [lo be one of the best free siyle i V ity stars, In the business of deatiing Cinadian unites and Sambo Smith were able to Bradley, Ford) 12,54|tims to a third period downfall, . b 1" " this season wards were the "big guns / ane y August 1==whieh Is Just shout : i ond at Vancouver with a game on Angus average loss, The smiling Siblock (Smith) 3 . Gary Kunkel, the talkative Hoy during the third period while Fd |" With the exception of Waller Bears and (hey are iso interested In signing Frank Trivucts HOYS: Goal Kunkel; de-|a couple for the winners, as did 466, Dave Livingstone 458, Walt) Myles for the Juveniles while Middle: pis | BELKO: Goal Del Wannamaker 276, Bill Wal tainly energetically supported and promoted by the hard working | regular Saturday morning compe: ed Kingside's morale consider. ards, McQuaid, Lintner, Marshall,! gi minor terms heing meted out Cameron with averages of 480 040 TUVENILES goal, M, Nichol FOOTBALL NEWS and not all of i "good" is 8 major current UAW. Hockey Lengue and his boys sre just relaxing (Mapes, Cockerton) Penalties -- Wilson nd p y Varsit Argos had first eholee and picked Larry Blacey, the y dent the twine, | penalties -- Wilson, Gyurks, as Ronnie Myles, with a pair, rushing (he season as much as It can stand, we would say. ib Pry Kunkel, the talkative Hoy Cras notched a total of five of husk, Roughriders, the chap who announced after the tense -- Burnoski, Feegan, Lodge, George Romanuk Hutcheon 458, John Torok 430, olleginte gym saturday night, when the local Board of Edu. - Vanstone; de-|ton. Nicholishen and Wright scor , 4 Colleginte gym on Baturday night, when v Cold weather didn't stop the(in", Elliott of Fastview broke tense vi gy len 222, Bll Ling 156, David Cam men of the Oshawa Minor Hockey Assoc DICK VESEY, son titlons ably making thelr diligent effort Clarke : | MACKO'S goal, Cirks; G 2. Mickey McMas | | i REMEMBER WHEN ? . By THE CANADIAN PRESS | In its Hest such tribute, the PHONE ishen; Porteous, Middleton, Sad 15.40 | Owns, thousands of cribbage players never reach, Playing in a three-(at 6:30 a.m, when Sunnyside and « |ter and Mel Suddard, Fdwards, MacLellan, England, ho game with his PAY over the week-end, he came up|Southmead battled to a two-all BATHE PARK WINS 1st Period aah ag i with a perfect "29" hand DETROIT RED WINGS, slumping|tie, Young Burke started by ac:| The final game was also a1, Hoys, Brahin (2nd) down In the NHI, race to within one point of the eellar-dwelling|eounting for the two Sunnyside|close one when Bathe defeated) (Fleming, Barnoski) Mapleos, have lost Terry Sawchuck for a game, due to an in-goals, one in the first perio and Connaught 2-1 Hoys, Myles (5th) fury, at a time when they need to he at full strength "ROCK:one In the second period, 8am: The first period was seoreless (Savery, Brown) BT RICHARD, hit on the ankle by a shot from Geoffrion's stick|kovas of Southmead ted thelpyt two penalties were handed| Penalties -- Lodge in Chicago Sunday night, will miss tomorrow night's game in To-|game In the first portion at 17|out, Mobbitt for playing with a tnd Period ronto ENGLISH SOCCER action was disrupted badly last|minutes, In the second stanzalhroken stick and Foster for|s, Hoys, Brown (Tth week by foe, snow and frost on their playing fields , . , DETROIT Waters put his team in front atipoarding, At 1:15 of the second (Unassisted) WINGS called up Gordon Strate from Hershey, to sub for thelr|2 minutes 45 seconds, Then Burke|perjod Rollo of Bathe scored put:| Penalties injured defence star "Red" Kelly and in order to make room, |of Sunnyside came Into the ple-liing them out front, N. Foster 8rd Period (Arnold, Armstrong) 11.26 dieps and Toronto Maple Leafs they had to put Gus" Mortson on walvers--and N.Y, Rangers ture for the second time and tled|scored (0 put Bathe ahead 2 to 0.| 4, Belko, Marshall (bth) 7, Hoys, Myles (6th) The Chicago . Maroon game at promptly claimed him for the usual $15,000 tag GALT TER: it up again, The only penalty off At 19:40 Davies of Connaught hit (McMahon, Steffan) 1 (Unassisted) 16.22 Montreal Jan, 28, date of the RIVERS will operate in the Intercounty Baseball League again thisithe game was dealt to Hobbs of ihack but a little too late In the| B, Belko, Lintner (11th) #, Belko, Bhaw (4th) 7 king's fu I, also was called summer after all--but under new management SOLLY HF: Bouthmend in the second period, |contest so the game ended Bathe (Corbell) 5.08 (Arnold, Armstrong) 19 ", ng's funeral, MUS, new manager of 8t, Louis Cards, bs boing. all ot w five oid for charging 2, Connaught | I 8, Belko, Steffan (5th) | Penalties -- Brabin off 3 y sie rookies a real chance to catch a berth, when they ope Lh a fd L i LL alles) ¢ next month . , , K-W DUTCHIES beat Maroons in FERNHILL WINS i night and just about clinched first place in their]! Bout number two saw Fernhill ue schedule JONN THOMAS, a 17-year-old Bos: down Woodview 4.0 sity freshman, set a new world's record for the high| Hornsby and Dawson were re- Saturday night, at six feet, 11% inches MONTREAL sponsible for the four goals, each whey fans anid they can get about as excited as most or managing a pair, Hornsby scored moreso are worked up over the fact their favorite oalle|in the first period, The remainin, Jacques Plante wasn't named all-star NHL goalie in the poll for|three came In the second perl the first half of the season, He has seven shutouts and the best|by Dawson, Hornsby and Dawson goalv-against average and the fans insist he's entitled to the(in thelr respective order, Penal berth-pooh-poohing the suggestion that his records are only thatities were handed out to Werry good because he has the best team in front of him. Plante has/for tripping and Bryan for Inter won the Vezina Trophy a few times but has won the NHL all: ference, both in the first period star berth, only once, his first season in the league RUNDLE TIES RADIO Maple Cleaners Win [Sirs To Take League Lead in a 1-1 deadlock, Sunday afternoon at Ajax, inlvictory gives them a two point Morrison of Rundle scored in the first period and Doug Weeks on Oshawa Industrial Basketball lead over Cay's for first place League tit, Maple Cleaners,|plus two games in hand tied the game when he scored for playing a great team game Carl Cheskl played a whale of a Radio In the second frame, De. mille was the only "penalty set fer', He wan charged with eross checking late in the first period STORIE BLANKED moved Into undisputed possession|game for the Cleaners to show of first place with .an 89-79 vie-|why he is leading the league with tory over the cellar-dwelling Ajax 24.8 average The three orev stars went to Carl Cheskl, Gord, Maples wasted little time in|Davidson and Bob Reynolds Welsh, Garry and Garrard, Baker, In the field of hunting srehery, season, signe] his 1959 contract the upswing in Oshawa, Bcores|164nch face has heen declared or' i" or Robin Hood! ger Veank Lane, ple on the tongues of Canadian sports fans this week, follow: season Sunday morning st the|untll play-off time, which is only) Penalties -- Gaudet, Bowmen, who have been #hool- scored two six gold ends on his portant decisions stand out. The Grey Cup is going to be played In| Howie Fitchett, 8 hard-working forwards Sneddon, Davis, [lo tie Hoy Paving 44 In wight. archers, first scored hy Oshawa com YArsily triggered the winning marker| defense -- Gaudet, Wilson, Rora-|from linemates Byd Arnold and mark that every target hid that the Canadian Junior final be used as a replacement for this Gargemen counters, less than 30 seconds remaining to 0 ] il | High man this week: Clarence ver uven es {Schred, B14, followed closely by tmports. As tar as the Shrine Game is concerned, it Is quite evi. th fleree checking and Mert Fled-| 1, Maddocks, Bannon (Hh) Hoy Paving, whe have been Macko's A's defeated Oshawa Ju. Brehers in this eountry, It would) 0, , champions were "picked ! | sensation, In all, 10 of the of 7T, ¢ Pp Peter Siblock, coach of Tony's R, Reld, |George Brabin snd playing conch RA in Norm Danlorth of the Woes) | The Big Vour G, Sydney Halter of Winnipeg was re-appointed H " his "believe or Not" type of|tallies, a hat trick trio in the Huteheon, whe is from Toeronio, d, | 0 4 i Shrine Game in Hamilton, that he wanted to be trade gl id ee. rusian with two. of 'hla Bill Perryman 428, Harvey Armi on asl evening CITY COUNCIL last night endorsed) Hartford, McMahon, ed singles fl 4 jp : eation met Inst evenin ¢ Wee Hockey clubs from|ioose and scored in the dying Steffan, on eron 98 and David MeCann 65 of Mr. and Mrs, Krle Vesey of this city, attained a goal that] The first game got underway sejess, OFFICIALS (Lawrence, A. Lawrence, T ?, he aciston, als National Hockey League on the |owski, Sorachan, Frolick, oh: | '" 4 ln | bie, Mapes, Sneddon. DD. Nichol death of King George V, 23 years RA 3-931 | [ishen, Cooper, Wright, Westfall #%0 today, ordered postponement 5 and Butler of the game scheduled the follow Fleming ing night hetween Montreal Cana: DOLES I'l WITLI The fourth match between North Oshawa and Storie looked breaking out in front, turning on thelr scoring power to jump out like it was still anybody's game in front 10-10. Carl Cheskl, the Tuesday night down at Simcoe Hall at nine o'clock, Ernie Cay Lumberkings tangle with Maple Cleaners In an Important game had the only goal in the frst frame The score was still. 1.0 in the SWIVEL SEATS! Plymonth does ft with a #{fference at the end of the first period, Al though the score was 1-0 (n favor of North Oshawa the teams look od very evenly matched, B, White league's leading scorer, fired In| 11 points with his fine Jump shot] while Joe Dickson netted four to) keep Ajax In there dying minutes when suddenly 7 Reld broke loose and scored at 17:10, then at 10 minutes B. White came back again and scored the clincher, The game ended North Oshawa 3, Storie no score, LOST TOUGH ONE Kingside lost a '"heart-breaker' to Eastview by a score of 4 to 8, In the first period It looked like Eastview was going to swamp for both teams MAPLES ~Chesk!, 84; Wrubel, 4; Olinyk, 7; Worsley, 1; David son, 19; Winter, 6; Risebrough, 8, Fouls 11 out of M vi. neats that swivel! Open the door and the front seat swings out to meet you, 8it down iti you swing easily behind the wheel, the seat automatically locks in place and you are ready to drive! Differ Check the differences and you'll buy Plymouth! Kingside, Sutton scored a palr, ---------- - ---- g : Kingside however came back In FEATURES the second frame to show Kast. N---------- view that they were no easy Total-Oontact brake design to assure even operation, even wear, pushover, Although at 4:15 of the | jp v ---- - - - ---- - second period Balsom scored put Torslon-bar front suspension for maximum driving control and superior ride, ting the Eastview ahead 3.0, the| j= . -- "never say die" team started Elootronle headlight dimmer available to automatically dim your headlights, thelr march, First B, Robinson| jo pr ---- - - a -- found shooting room followed hy Noakes. Robinson got loose again] }- and accounted for another to tle the game 3-3, "Thent he roof fell] |. NHL LEADERS Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS Standings: Montreal, 24 wins, nine losses, 10 ties, 5 Points: Geoffrion, Montreal, M Gonls: Bathgate, New York, 23. Asslstn: Geoffrion, 38 | Penalties: Fontinato, New York 100 minutes Shutouts: Ajax fought back in the second uarter and the losers did knock three points off the Cleaners' v lead. Big Gord, Schmidke tallied Wags 8) Rayuoide, 10; Mech, Te on ined Schmidke, 8; Hill, 4; Piotrowski, and Carl Cheskl divided 10 Bly, 3; Blosaw, 3 Glenn keep the Cleaners ahead, Maples) apiolals-Loo Kelly and Ernie 80, Alax 33 at halftime Mills; timekeeper, Dave Kelly, sutacoring Alex 22 + 1 to pill HOCKEY SCORES AND STANDINGS farther ahead, Carl Cheski net By TRE CANADIAN PRESS ted. 11 more along with Gord Davidson's six while Bob Rey OHANOHA Senlor A WELT F AP, nolds, flashy centre, fired home eight for Ajax to leave Maples M1117 14 81 M18 0147 130 80 out In front 61.46 Ajax put on a great rally in the last quarter but time ran out on them, Bob Reynolds and n Myron Mech eombined for 13 fo teherar Stk while Call Chonki am Gord's qyre 16 17 3 139 139 38 seven to keep Maples out in * § Marte 17 10 0 130 138 MW tant | Windsor 1620 2 153 147 M North Bay 838 0100 178 18 HIGH SCORERS ORA Junior A Carl Cheski, with a sensational WL r Mepoint vith Gord, St. Cath 27 6 3 In Davi 19 were the leaders! Pete 218 41 for Maples while Bob Reynolds, | XSt, Mike's 15 14 8 118 Gord Schmidke and Myron Meech Guelph 13 10 12 136 with 1 | nd 12 Marihgros 1221 6108 apectivel 0 the host Barrie 1119 6108 CAGE COMMENT Hamilton UA rm h-- Plymouth |Our 0" Yi$ | WM YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO BE Swivel seats to make car entrance and exit aslo, Safoty-Rim wheels to help prevent accident In case of a blow-out, N Remote-sontre sido mirrors avaliable, adjust inside car, Wight bodigh bt rotoctd from and sires, vhlle Carl Elootrle windshield wipers for positive action regardless of ngine y A Pls, 113 §7 111 48 113 41 | 130 34 150 30 110 28 130 18 Dual headlights for maximum nighttime driving safety, Push-button driving sontrol available for easiest gear selection, Two wheel aylindors In each front brake for maximum stopping power, Oonvex parking light lenses for visibility from sides as well as front, game along On Push-butten driving! Think automatio transmissions are all the same? Well, think again! Plymouth does it with a difference . , . push-button controls! You're off at the touch ol a finger with Plymouth pushbutton Tarqueklite! points re for Alax Maples' Plante, Push-button heating! There hasn't heen a really new idea in car heaters for years, That is, not until this year! Now Plymouth does it with a difference , , , its new push-button heating and defrosting system! A fingertips nudge keens you warm as toast on cold winter days, red-rollor wheel bearings for longer life, better service, Push-button heating, detrosting for simplest, finger-tip climate control, Independent parking brake~separate from regular brakes for maximum safety, Montreal, 7 Oriflow shook absorbers to provide best ride and oasier handling, Low loading rank for easiest loading and unloading. / / An RCAF Mobile Recrulting Unit especially prepared to provide upto-fhe / minute Information on career opportunities in the Royal Canadian Alr Force, Bla / / / / Whether you qualify for Alrcrew training or one of the many Inferesting / / Technical Trades, you can oblain full Information as to rates of pay and [-/ } / Torslon-AIRE Ride! All cars have suspension systema to : : smother the humps, But Plymouth does it with a difference Positive Interlook salety door lateh with self-tightening action, ++ Torsion AIRE Ride! This most-efficient:of-all suspens ---- ey --- sions absorbs hounce, eliminates sidesway, ends brake-dive, Qonstant-sentrol power steering available for most positive turn control, And Plymouth gives it to you at no extra cost, ressure eve ow engine § ¥ Rotary-type oll pump to assure pressure even at | Kine speeds CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED other importgnt benefits from the RCAF Career Counsellor, Why not drop In and talk over, Find out about the Officer, Airman and Alrwoman positions available in the RCAF, ARMOURY ED. JAN. 21st Mom 6pm, / / 59 PLYMOUTI VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. 149 KING ST. W. OSHAWA, ONTARIO Wateh Lawranas Walk Wadnasday nisht an TV Bhask vaur local program listing for time and channel -< Feel the difference! vave the difference! q -------- C TUTHERE'S A FUTURE FOR YOU IN AVIATION™ ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE

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