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The Oshawa Times, 20 Jan 1959, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdoy, Jonvery 20, 1999 § City Council Declares All-Out War On Rabies Vocational Study Program Strict Control 'May Be Approved Here All Canines | The voeationsl stidy program| For the first time In many!" "Too many of our ehildren are My y Bd doar! Yor Oshawa will have an Inter: going to Whithy and Bowman-| Oshawa has ended the eblg war| Ald, Brady praised the work h Institute could assume a new im-| mediate haskethall representative ville now for recreation, | sup: BEAINSL rabies {the three-man oly dog contr Iportance as a result of prepara-iin the all Ontario playdowns, | port Mr, Drynan's view," City eouncll Monday night depariment. Since June, 608 dogs {lury steps approved hy the Osh-| Encouragement was given the pug more we can use public Opened up is big guns against had been collecied, of which #50 awn Board of Education Monday newly « formed club when the wuildimgs for things such as this, he dread disease by were claimed hy (heir owners night at Oshawa Collegiate and hoard approved a motion to al (he heller," added Trustee G, A. (1) ordering the confinement of and the rest destroyed, A total of Vocational Institute low the team use of the gymna [Flot her x all dogs 10 the properties of their (404 cals had heen picked up and The hoard granted permission|sium at Dr, ¥, J, Donevan Col The Donevan gym was chosen Whers, unless restrained hy 410 of them destroyed, fo N, A, Bisco, Donevan principal, legiate Institute on Baturday| Gon ("000 pointed out hy A, Ash | Under the department of agri: [to visit Belleville and study a|nights between now and the anti Lunney, maintenance supervisor. '#' the rounding w and deten- [culture's program initiated in liwa-year vocational (raining pro-|cipated March playdowns Alar if was doubtful whether op Hon of all dogs at large on the August, 1800 dogs had been ime (gram at a collegiate Institute| temporary rental fee of $10 was Co nc St de sinee Mreets, |munized against rabies, There {which Is worked In as # founda: allowed for In the motion by go Tr oe (1) approving fox hunts In the 2800 licences Issued in the eity {tion to graduation from a voea:|Trustee M, Brown [eity ot any time under the super: and many owners had had thelr tional collegiate, Permission was! A letter from VV, Whalley stated BANQUET SANCTIONED vision of the police chief dogs immunized st thelr own ex also granted for G, McLaughlin, the tgam had encountered diffi mye hoard granted permission (4) authorizing the payment of pense prior to the department's shop supervisor at Donevan, tolewlty in finding a place to play o (the Oshawa Bafety Counell to a 84 bounty on every fox killed scheme accampany the principal on the and would he willing to pay Jan yee The Donevan gymnasium for within the city limits, It was thus felt that good one-day visti tor's fees and other expenses, Ali annual hanguel Peh, 28 with wi coverage had heen provided, ale | Mr, Bison cited a policy Intro: request was made for either) ue oovision that in future the MAY BY, RENEWED though It was: not known how duced hy the department of edu: Donevan or Oshawa Central Col: gounoil he sure and secure hoard] The measures were recom many dogs there actually were cation a year ago which allowed legate dnatitite iH F. Mu permission hefore sending out In [ened by the medical Mticor uy in the city, |sehools 'sueh as Donevan to give Joth Mr. Bisco and ' WEtyitatinons, Through what was he: health, Dr, C, €, Stewart, and the D. FA S EAA SCOTS PREPARE FOR GALA BURNS DINNER the first and second years of phy, OCCI principal, id thers lieved to he a misunderstanding general purposes commitiee, |W PER er EFFI mye + ' voeatlonal study provided it is{would he no objection when of hoard palic the safety eoun:|They expire on July 81, but may| In at least B0 per een When Oshawa and district | important part in the proceed MacGregor, master of ceremons | perform on the hagpipes at the |vosdtia out with a vocational eol- didn't interfere with functions ell se hd 1 flog, th Hate y a he a eases immunized a eould he Boots assemble next Saturday | Ings, All members of the Bi les; Dr, Walter Bapty, honors | hanquet and later al a dance to leginte, like OCVI, The program | previously scheduled [ing permission anproved The operation may go # stage carriers of rabies, Some Im» evening In the UAW Hall, Bond | Andrew's Boclety of Oihawa, | oo president of the BL, Ane | he held for the guests in the [is limited to schools with IW grRICT RULES FAVORED A request hy the Oshawa Civic further later on the suggestion of munizations, though, might not street, to pay honor to the | they are, left to right Wa K drew's Bociety: Guy Wilson and | UAW Hall shops, the category of the new din Mr Riser tlt cortaih tan Club to show a non - denomi-|Mayor Lyman A, Gilford who|take memory of Robbie Burns, | Dalgleish, ehalrman of the en n Bi Mastin i vill Oshawa: Tinos: Pucks |eollegiate | However | ; } i ? oll serial national veligions motion pleture|ealled for the immunization of alll Ald, Brady sald there was » these gentlemen will play an | tertalnment committee; Jack | Donal ackellan a Rhawa. Fim i, 1. Roberts, OCVI principal, | rules iy ie a Bh Ar OCVI Mareh 26 was put aside, [dogs picked up by eity collectors big danger from eats, Many had inld It would he a desirable de hining ih hm ore. should hel Because the date would fall in|hefore being returned (0 their|been immunized, but It was not COUNCIL CONFLICT | velopment If it could he worked Snel Smt ne a down as to Holy Week, the hoard decided to] owners [known how oats could he proper ogus oe out, [what fs expected of them," he Ask (he club to submit another| Ald, John Wrady, general pur: (ly confined, If anyone was bitten ve | WELCOME ADVANTAGE hi late bivore permission could be|poses oie ing Log Pg o wyished by a eat, It should n J J 6, A. Lee, chalrman of the 8! Aniet It was regretted this kind of ae: he peporie S le man ore Bike ful ered Tian pn WR commitiee, sug f Fhe hoatd Wiptoved permission ton Jaa to he (aken He uried the co-operation. of a or eqads Ire are d S vecome advantage of making gested the situation could he ade A ocr net) Lig yo . MY "The Ontario Department of all pet-owners In enforcing the his suhool eligible for a vocation: quately controlled through prop Mt n Woh io Al 18 Visit Alirk ture ho Jominued. ha bylaw BT. Hovkins ashi ne " t { p y | ver rules Wen aware o 8 danger or 1] Oop 1] il ™ Is Sou ht Ay Jane iy " The sooner we have a lapger|the students wuld he hermilied some time, but whatever action public's attention he especially at OCVE, It would alse make It number of sportsmen who pe: !0 HO AM holastie el@ihly hey have taken has not heen of |oalled to the danger from oats a possible for students in the viein |auire these facilities the sooner DAsis, Permission was also RIAN {gaotive Ag usual the community as they were handled more than Cuy police yecelved a oom: orn ios 20" take their Hirst) they may he amply looked after," #6 for the OCCT Band to take nartip." 0 do" something," lother pets plain, Monday about 6 DOES 0" eury vaoational training in|was the opinion of Trustee , K, (In the Kiwanis Musle Festival a Subdued conflicts between Ald, | 1058, or six or seven as previous that at the caucus the mayor had shoe salesman, {their own district Drvnan, He continued: "If we|In Peterborough 4 0 ) Christine Thomas and some other 1 1058" requested the assurance that no IK. Carter, of Eglinton Ave He requested permission to nip this sort of request in the | 1 ! Tr b t members of city eounch, Inelud (0 In electing these. commit alderman would discuss the pro Toranto, smpleved hy an 0 AWA git Belleville to find out what hud we will never have a public . . | owing 1 u e ing Mayor Lyman A, Gifford, ex ceedings with members of the auto dealer, told police tha Mosquirements would have to he outery for a YMCA or other fa alr mit | ploded. in. public Monday . night, 100% did they wish to do so hy public afterward Ree, 10, & man repre OIG vot at Donevan before the pros eilities, We should grant the re:| | . . Ald, Thomas hinted ai alleged secret vole or open vole" "I refused to be smothered in himself as a salesman Wi Haram could he undertaken. Alquest with the hope it won't hel ' Attempts lo mather" her and I'he result was, he greater any way she sald I claimed Montreal sho RAY hi led ON oilnt tourse 1s being eondueled permanent' al (®) 1 urns declared she would not be party majority of members voled for'the right to tell anyone about the him avd that WL yi hoi wi al Belleville Trustee Mrs, M, Khaw sald tore 1 t to "intrigues and pettiness", The four committees and, in the de caucus if they wanted (0 know Sor Ng pal 8 de 2 ho ' i | "Although he lived only #7 have been written about him, He mayor admonished licr for what cision of an open-or secret vole, about it," | Carter said that the man had . Magistrate , 8 Whhs heard years, he left for mankind a had many faults, but he had so he described as her failure dur: they decided, by an overwhelm:| Aq that point she said she wish: an order hook, catalogue, shos I ( 'arnival At Monday how the assistant man:| priceless heritage founed firmly many lovable tralis that his Ing 1058 10 discuss committee ing majority, that it would he & ed to thank Jack Gearin for his slge chart and other documents ce Ader of the KB HB, Kresge store on solid rock', declared Hon, Dr, [faults could he overlooked, To work with him secret ballot (weekly column in The Oshawa which led hm tn believe that he (Bimeoe street south, "shadowed" |M, B, Dymond, of Fort Perry, | the day of his death he remain. The row was sparked by a lel sau RE CHANGED [Times and the ladies' auxiliary was a legitimate salesman, He two shoplifters, to eateh them | Ontario Minister of Health, at the ed a simple plowboy, ter from the UAWA Ladies' Aux "Befor m il 1ifere for thelr interest heard no mare about his order. | armon uccess [red-handed with thelr loot a block meeting of the Rotary Club of| He was considered an athelst Ilary Local 27 critielsing as! hare vohing vy ne ¢ Brent Ald, Thomas continued: "1 had, which was te arrive COD, He " {away from the store [Oshawa on Monday by some as he carped at the shameful' the way city counell Jogitithe ™ died 8 ove, Bie no intention of saying anything wre) to the Montreal company | Russell Franeis Bulpit, 28, and| Dr. Dymond addressed the elub | narrowness of the clergy; but he Nd the mayor had treated Ald. Cog ol oil that whatever was '0 anyone, which replied that they had no HARMONY The skating ear: Girls, 10 and 11 Busan Me: (Gregory Dillon, #84, both of 48 on Robbie Burns, the famed exposed the wrongs of hin day, In . done In electing our committees MAYOR WALKED OUT record of the order, and had nojnival held at Harmony Publie/Conkey, Linda Ogden, Donna King street west, pleaded willy Boots hard, the bioantenary of reality he had an abiding faith "THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE" lin this manner, would it he the "For the al low i tt salesman answering the de soripsfehool rink last Friday after Huxtable [to stealing two food mixers from whose birth will be marked by in the supreme being as the arbis The letter referred to Ald. thought of any alderman to undo hd Me i he any on " tu Man Who tock Carinoon was an unqualified pueChinl Hoye, 12 and 18 = Rost Cheese he ape, a Lo ol | Hoattiah. folk throughout the world|irator of human lite, A great Thomas as "the people's choles' at our Inaugural meeting what committee (to propose who should iy Ho fold alice that the i fom = bekinning to end. The man, Hon Willoughby, Alan Pi f The slave {old the court thal next weekend, The speaker was moralist, he was never afeeted, and expressed the opinion that as| was decided upon in caucus, and (in oommittee pos You, Mr lg No his Val " MT pan weather was fine, the interest joy one of hi Stok men pr the| {reduced hy aames HB Reld, Hix lite was marked by sincerity she headed the polls during the were they prepared to stand he Mayor, have walked out of eau he ey ne a A Nard thigh and the pleasure of partie Girls, 12 and 18 Diane Mi « ift the i \ ) bh president of the 8M, Andrew's Bo: and his roots were deep in the December municipal elections she! hind the decisions made at thal J Was ied helweon 40 and 80 and pation was very evident on the y ql) Frances Sparkes, Susan 8!" WH the onde from the elee:igio "of Oshawa, Me thanks of | soil cus hecause secret hullots were weighed around 160 hs, He sald ' L zkate an, ! ni 1 trie applianees counter and stow I faces of the young skaters the members was voiced by Presi 9 Reid § Robert Burns had a deep faith should have heen named finance particular time With the re: jig that the man w hout five feet them under their coats { I Mi } 1 3 p ) eommitiee chairman -- her 103 ult nat one of the 'aldermen In "Sie waid sho had had no inten 0 inener 44 out tive foe ah the a valng Auber mej The teaching staff, with the ald 1 followed them out of the om James Bkinner that Burns. IN 80d hope for the brotherhood post dicated but what they were will | of Tom Cote, supervisor of phy: door and un the street," he said. |. 1 Was pointed out that urn: lof man, Dr, Dymond continued, Hon of speaking on the subject slightly graying halv and a mus y a ¥ a : | g . y the Ingenaity and Imagination of [through MW ms, pe It also claimed (hat in other INE to go along with these same of the letter, but claimed the tache the contestants was seen in ohars al education In the Oshawa "Phov went into another store through his poems, cast a ape He never sought areal wealth Ontario cities the alderman who decision Me public has been Constable John Me . 44 that has lasted throughout the ol h t te ball i Ung informed. of the of that Mayor, hy his remark had acters they portrayed such as the 20hools and Constable John And haught two shopping bags, 1} fe voars sinoe his death. Widely [21 Position and always denounced opped the polls was made acting @ result o al Dermald Offoerdn-charge OF saw they still had something M | forced her to do so thee Blooges an fl \[elass distinetion, ' Canes ) ) A He an organ grinder | y we ) mato! ( oi ph ip 5 void hi lo mak AL all tim he continued Aged Home Plan (with monkey) hoboes, dancers ®afeLy In all schools had a busy under their coats, so I went up HN dred ba Joven, Hur . Mayor Gifford replied to the } that there has heen a con 1p have coapeiated with every and sieol afternoon, Mr, Cotie and Conlin them and sald: "How about Mrthplaee LIAL LLL jes ry 7 repaied Ht 2h Bieler bagi > Hh routed! ane on this council, but 1 don't Is Now Read Prizes were awarded to the fol stable MeDermald together with what you took from Kresge's!!| 1013 thousands of visitor each a un n Oo wing Ll] ¢ erence o h y Y a] HW "a iBall ind Ah I hy my u fh yithat because an . ; Te a | think § hat that kind of co-opora Y lowing pupil ih the various Mee. I} Norn. Ree ecied 4g Phey each Wioduced a food to avoid being drawn Inte con: [the polls they should have priority plang for Oshawa's events He Name: zai Bihact Azadaia hiner | asked the store manager OF HUMBLE RIRTH | Rw [ : a albtle wa home for the aged are now! Fancy dress, Marty Harding 4 | 19 001 Piles Ring was the son of a humble troversy with organizations of any!in being made chairman of cer Hon with Mes, Ron Omden, the! ye told the court that the re: | | Mayor Gitlord intervupted 10 paady, Ald, Coll Bint, chairman best comic, Daphne Hart; pal e told the eq Al He TO opafion, who built a eottage of type, hut since the UAWA Ladies" tain committe I 1 irman [president and her committee (ail value of the machines | ' B 1 | fy Would have, loved more of the home committee told eity totic, Bherry MacDonald; best ¥ hablo iE ath "latones and mud on the seven Auxiliary, No. 27, has seen i (0 Let me say vight here that han the co peration 1 recely ed | id | Lil oy », Caroline Garvison, Ga [Rerved hot dogs and drinks, Need: 15 05 ppeh | ble | eh 1 k ' ¢ ¢ (Oper anda (IN [ i Ll 1 " ¥ "ne yw ) 0 purchase segregate me from council by headed the polls for three sue last yea RoRAR, Mandh BE Raainder: {ah Pamela 1058 to say, they did a very Neither man gave any explana. | 0068 he Was able PIERRE] Daftly brandishing a sawed-off ¢ fenders for heating and other briel Waxsinger faney, Pamela oon nade and evervhody had tion for taking the appliances, ||"oM Nia employer, 1t was from |, a0 "aan PARES Riek 0 1 \ / \ stating, and I quote, "We think 11] © YOars and at no tine | i i y { Bo 4 N MoCarl; best fancy, Alan Pilkey; ) ) \ is shameful the way oity council{when those respective councils WANTS T0 COOPERATE anecifications would he called for MOAT; beat Taney, Alun Pilkey | \andontul time They were remanded one week !'* Juthot fhae tle, Rock nberied iggy, QC, told Magistrate ¥, 8, ofore May vas hoped WH i f [Kibhs, Monday: "There is nothing and you have dealt with Alder: had their caucus did they evel Ald. Thomas continued: "1 am man Christine Thomas, 1 believe approach me or consider any spe. Nol going to enter into any of Mayor Lyman A. Gifford hoped SKATING RACES fey ing And love and thirst sinister about this" of i He was pointing out to the . . <1 have a personal right to explain] cial favor hould be given me | your intrigues ar petting I am the work could he stared in May Forward, hoys 6 and 7 Nor M A d t the position taken hy me at the URG by TY not going to intertere, | am here| He Said he was voceiving applica: man Ogden, Robert Hazell, Ken nor CCl en S unk deep in poverty, whieh did) ! cause 1 headed the polls, and | ' NEE tions at the average rate of (we! not permit of his receiving even COUrt that there was no evidence time the various committees wore never expected any lo cooperate and do my job for : , y WO meth Maelnally [] | ecover al + I that the Improvised hand gun sot up i the people of Oshawa, a day far entry to Fairview Girls, 6 and 7 Catherine 1 ted the cheapest of sehooling, Bums found in the Bb ak tw [ or three of the four years Lodge, Whithy which will con: | Kvantz, Heather Harrison, Judy nv ga [was taught hy his father and \ he possession of ih ¢ Mayor Giff I sald: "TI \ EXPLAINS POSITION that 1 was an alderman and a mig Xf 3 S3 g q ¢ '€ ine ta take in old folk unt Rwart 4 learned from books he was able/!'am White, 33, of Uxbridge, was "11 approached city council some CAUCUS Was held, 1 walked aut af ACER TES BN AG pe a Oshawa's home 1s ready Buys, Band § -- John Krantg, |, TWO accidents were reported er d 10 horrow, At the age of 14 he/Intended for, or had been used, » 5 i me Is welcome come ) ' H p two weeks or more previou oj ie, Say hop only a hy XW Not once did you ever come to Alan Hare, David Orton to oly Pili Manday I Dut (had 10 do a man's work and at dl egal purpose, such ay r inaugural and asked tl {an #1 Was hecalss they hel 8 H \ ) A oar iven h 5) IT] i ve 5 : » Pesponsil : our Inaugural and asked them | my office to discuss anyihing to Girls, 0 and 0 Valeria Bd! A car driven hy Wa mek driver Wiliam Bolan totd | 1 Yoira A nigh hoy naib White was placed on suspended ! 13) ¢ Al # | . by they wanted a caucus of council @ secret ballot, but hefore doing 4 Ald C t wards, Angelas Otvos, Judy Roe, newyek, 284 Chadburn street, ! iy . | ith eo it e es ¢ LAR SHALL Ab { y F,§ } So , ' shap to plek our chairmen. vice-chair 80 1 assured the members of Wy 4) wih Ab Nbhba t think rman 1 Hays, 10 and 11 -- David Have. Was involved in an acoidemt with Magirae § o. gs Molwiay Sensitive and artistio, the poet (Aentence for a year on the charge INAS dn \ Williams. a car driven hy Wilhup Frederiek|'"'®! Oh He 6 10080 RUE Cubieet to fits of de p depres: [OF Possessing a sawed-off rifle men and members af our various Nose councils that | would sup figs He Members hr hii port whatever decision they sa there was anything in my eam Hi h G Bill Richard Kingston 150 Simeoe street [AT 10 a fellow worker, Murray ston. As a result of the vilification WIth & barrel less than 20 inches unanimously agreed that they Tived at at caucus, This 1 dig, Mee Which required your very 1g as 1 | [south, The accident apeurred at Nesbitt, of Toronto, for an hour and condemnation heaped upon /!OM The barrel In: this ease was when 18nd lot me state clearly that ai *Peclal attention | A iiual B h I" M k the Intersection of King strept MO EOL his car back some 200 Wm he tioned to drink as a ve feven inehes long, half the length say caucus | mean a secret OW lit caucus [gave them MUCH MISUNDERSTANDING |o awe hl hi ol er ih qa a 1 ar S west and Park road, and vesult hts later lief from his surroundings of the weapon, A second charge meeting of the 1086 council for the AMple time to do jo and not ane Ald, Gordon Attersley sald he peat $70 fii) for 1d pling pi i ol in 178 damage ; he magistrate, on heaving the . Ar sks of having beer in a car brought above purpose alderman offered to leave the was pleased the mavor had re house. for 30 days Ne Hg R li 1 D At Stevenson's road south, an '0ue, fosarved Judgment on the REMAINS AN ENIGMA a $10 fine for White "When we met in caucus to CAUCUS plied to the lettor as there had Ald, A. H. Murdoch in oily My e igion ay aceldent occurred involving oars i) ii Dil ABRIL Nes: | Rypns, Di Dymond stated, ve Constable Morley Riohardson, appoint the above committees "What 1 have stated above is been much misunder landing in ell Monday ; Oshawa members of the Baha'l dviven hy Lyle Hollinger, Clos Holan ™ i f he | ad the Malia ab hina aml a conta ot Ihe Whithe Detachment GPP. I distinetly asked the members: acourate, but unfortunately the the city about the committee The alderman said he had World Faith observed the 10th ane ©'1eal Matel, Taranto sreet, andl os ta Nesbit a Oonaoaned de diotion despite the volume that luig the SIAR the he hat found ; \ i ai 4 : | 7 ving ' \ \ 8 hep ) a 1p 1) How many committees (hey general public are not at all ehalrmanships {heard of other complaints of Mgh nual World Religion Day last/Porothy May Wright, 7? King wlevstanding that the ear would al W tes efi ln the tn desired, whether it be four, as in/times Informed of the true facts! "All members of this council prices for gas in the oily Sinday street west, Damage totalled W velurned in an hour. Bolan . pA and, as a result, controversy were elected hy the people of the He was speaking on a letter! Peter Dyett, chalvman of the $08 [sald that he next saw the vehick High Park MPP Hidektwaten ang Lib Arlacs eit, which 1s the democratic sent by legal representatives of | Osha: Baha'l group, stated that| No Injuries resulted from eith {in Taronto, nine days ater, minus \ y hal Miltiee psig AY a. COMING EVENTS DEPUTY MAYOR process, Bul some people like the Ontario Fuel Hoard advising/the purpose of World Religion er accident the spare tire, with ane flat tive od S¥p Ane to Ne dun he "As far aa the elooting of a democracy only a emg as It 1s council that prior 10 ehangimg | Day whieh Was inaugurated hy He added that a quantity of elath To Speak Her a iy for A Pili ho a RUCHRE = Valleyview Club ous deputy mayor is concerned. that SOE their way," he said oxisting rates of Consumers Gas the United States Raha'l commu Ing had been taken tram the ear back yard. H A id that he had ig TA Hy Wax Tan has heen and is dope hy the Ald, Atterstey felt the apon bal bompany a public heating should EY In TINO, 18 to bring ahowt a PM May Debate Nesbitt, who told the count that Members of the Oshawa Pro 4 i J) th boo a yh FEANWILL Park Ringe tonight Avalon | Members of council and 1 have OF 00Uld be used to exert pres: he held Clearer understanding of the he has started to make restitution | Ars8Ive « Conservative Assaola BL CH IH GR ER AEE he had A pm. One card free an purchase of [always taken the attitide in eau ore fle did not like ane indi The present vate schedule ex. (World's great religions, and of the . for the missing articles, said that [HON WI hold a dinner meeting forgotten ph four. 20 games 3 and $10. Seven Mi oux that no chairman oF a stand vidual eh as Ald, Thomas pres Oct, 1 and it was necessary Dasio unity of the original teach Fiscal Stand when he got the car, he had been! ™ Hotel lenosha Wednesday Orgotien | o laekipets, Free doar prise ing committee ould he denaty being singled aut as an example for the company to satisfy the MES laid down hy their vespee drinking. "I started out far Ta Jan, 21, with Alfved H Cowling, | mayor, if for no other reason than | HoH untaieng He Wiedlhoand that 'earnings would be WN foie . ronte', he said, "aad 1 dint (PE Member of the lepistanie BINGO he Th TRA The COURC 13 AMY af epeny mr 4 west 4 Teuromabie, wnt the es ws eoebrated tn Tey Provinces vp, 1 aint want tobe picked Sh Bont Park: Toronto, an the wooL up of 12 aldermen an We : y hy \, y . Up for deinking ®t Chelstmas | Ww WRI \ tha Ucar Ho i 3 ld Sve und raat (compare them with aldermanic The board, it said, would ex. PaNa'ls in Canada, where the OTTAWA (CP) Prime Minis. Hime. 1 Just Rr. I iii a William "Rill" Newman, Scatter Rugs standings today Amine lose > N faith has become established in h \ candidate for Oshawa riding in [ this y 0 N L 0 Very closely the operation ter Diefenhaker | he # the left the car. there iy tite wa I 1 Hike 0, OI Wd earnings of the oumpany VET 100 contres during the past enhake % seeking the ar. there, | didn't Know the next provinelal election, will Sale 1.50 each wo aldermen could be some ¢ I] \ ' ¥ 3 0 operation of the provineial it had been broken inte | 4 nf nko Ww Ad pl : What greedy evar the Posiina CELEBR T NOW hat supplice and combacts A oH ne We al \ go Ta premiers in a continuing study of Crown Attarmey Alex Hall BBY ae ed Shaker, of NV. AY RUG MH. Bd ; Ase N & $40 iacks % ) 1 Count the. aha ktaa: had been established on a long Ali A h i i W Whi) 54 federal-pravineial fiscal velations QC, commended Bolan for lay he ORCA, sald the dinner meet SALES term basis following completion hb hb Yihat has given no hint when he ing the car theft charge, pointing ing is open for all whe wish. to 174 MARY §Y RA 100 wealth { ] An IHS nel take AL In the bi i | 1 at igo \ y : 1 Hy BIRT HDAYS of the Trans-Canada pipeline Sh : "in Hy . rend 24 may simon a full-fledged Dam: out that if the ear had been in attend "" 3 3 « i 1] ARN L} 1 | A h 4 \ Ke ! : WITNESS FOR THI iy |The letter noted that the board bias tr 8 : oF ot id oh Inlon-pravineial conference volved in an aceldent, and suoh i | 1} ny ii 1} \ Wa LALLY " PROSECUTION \ Commons questioners sought & Charge wot laid. Balan would | would he influenced ny 1hinis i \ \ Replying, Ald. Thoma 5 wishes ta the following res : ons on ty meral theme of the oplying | IN { | | ns from municipality 1 ning have heen le N, ) dents cof Oshawa and disteiet \ unity ab all divine revelations tarmation an the convening af [have heen legally responsible to ! : wha are celebratin hirth Raha'ls have taught for many Neh a conference. Monday bat damages vesalting from the ac CU | Crock Market iri a tht ras i ES A | THE FOOD PLAN THAT 1 days today JAN 27 ND ¢ Seek Extension All n RR 4 of all the world's great faiths has! Piefenbaker who tabled his latest heen an Hall \ : een Ihe Same and that jrcommunication with the pre H ~ Pp \ vitally Important at this time, [M78 | j fi "wR Hon last year. It was all done in Structural for sentence wanted a caucu a day January nay have had Congratulation and he Oshawa | My N. Palmer, 1420 Simcoe T MEMORIA \ MH | MEN Of Work Program [street north; Robert Kidd, #1 : i \ 0 x of ob GQ " Me: Mrs. 3 et arnings when we ave .rapidly moving ta Phe letter asks the premiers oe : ; : wards for "vow coconeration™ in a pro council 1s to app diord avenus united world society wither $440 worth of work toa b \ \ ookling Reade Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS (that svmnathy and understand: Dosal in the throne speech that OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE w shortly under 1h al Houekley, 17 Quebec street Canada Permanent Mortgage ing shoud he promoted between fiscal relations "receive contin ' 1] Lorp, year ended Dee, 310 1968, 1a) peli as part of the estab. ved active cocaperative study" hy 1S STAN BRYNING wovineial winter work Lie y Harbara Osden, Teall's road an ram north, Courtice; Linda Oliver £2. 106,040, $2.08 a shave WAT lishment of a true and lasting & committes of deputy tinanes Clearing and tidy al 89 Louisa street $1,900, $3.60. (103 profits based peace ministers under supervision of 1061 RAVINE ROAD RA 8.5358 first five ON on 800.000 share FA0.000 in 193 Raha'nw'Nah. the founder of the the finance ministers. The com \ bk A he } \ Ww done at Simeos ( \ ! ! Kinsmen Bingo A park . A i form Thy Osha § N Internationa Harvesty Haha'l World Faith, stated that mittee of deputies was set up in b, { birthday A av will Vear end () (BEES \ nraphets of the other eat IAA As a continuing had | TUESDAY JAN Le ai louh in a 0 $i \ WwW \ A ¥ y ey h 18 dd hat Finance t \ 3 i \ he ( | A ne \ woof tl \ eming will got in toneh K \ 3 Jubilee Pavilion . \ eek pe \ IX Vea il le af many A fe provincial finance min i A A ; fc r ; ' nos A ol ! 8 \ ha ro Wn mes We OFS 10 Arrange a ministeria) las! > C PRIS A A A LLARLIDG Raha'ls In one worship and one meeting Later, Me. Fleming said Specially touted oie boil 65 UNDERWRITERS RD. OX. 9.1 188 common Faith, (he has wet yel done this. Breaks up phieg nea "

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