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The Oshawa Times, 20 Jan 1959, p. 8

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NEWLYWEDS and hath of Jsihel Rahert f Carnoehan Raile Kehanged Lorna Charles Oshawa VOW Linited () da the Railey the Mi hridegronm sn Hohert 1] 1 nuptial n Andre and Mi yeeent i" of A ' Onlarin { fn I ald Carnochan of Oshawa and Hornshy 'Uhallenger Group Lntertains Capsule Sisters At Banquet The Challenger group of (he WA of Abert Brest United Chureh. held is Capsule Sister hanguet in the lower hall recent ly The banquet was prepared sd served hy the Pearl group of the WA The Reverend md Mrs 8 C,H Atkinson were specinl guests and the flowers thal cen tered the table were prosenled to Mrs, Akingon who has helped the group in many ways. Mrs Clayon ee, president, presented the flowers and read a posm she had composed A short business meeting was held with Mrs, Clayton 1ee pre siding and a discussion was held om the futire work of the WA md I was decided to report fromm the Challenger group that mostly all 1arge events he han died at WA, with each group as sisting, therefore 1 wil strength on the group work Each member told the name of | her Iast year's capsule sister GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES RENDEZVOUS CLUB in the UAW hall; a bingo on Jan- The regular meeting of the Ren: uary 22 and social snd genern) dezvous Club was neld st Ade meeting on January 20 & Bathe Iaide House, Mrs. Hiniph Cooper Park. It. was also announced presided and Mrs. Vadward Carl-ithat nylons (or Korea are (0 be tom vend the mines of the pre. collecied for next month's mest vioms meeting and gave (he trea ing. The election of vice-presi- surer's report i dent will also be held Plans weve made to atiend the The bingo raffle was won hy fee Vollies on February 4, in To- Mrs, Ainslie Aldridge and the! ronto "heetle" drive hy Mrs, Aldridge After the husiness meeting and Mrs, James Exley Br Miss Margaret Pellow showed, Wefreshmenis were served hy slides of her United Church cara Mrs. Aldridge and Mrs, Philip van trip ' Rreeve The next meeting will be held on Feburary 27 and cards will be ST. MATTHEW'S WA played the first meeting of bf {Matthew's Woman's Auxiliary of | CHRINT CHURCH AYPA the Ahglican Chureh in Canada, | The regular meeting of Christ for 19, the members heard Memorial Church Young Peo very encouraging reporis of the ple"s Association was held In the meetings and financial commit parish hall ments during the past yen The minutes were read and de. A decision was made to plan tails of the Fast Loral Counellifor a special meeting on Febru meeting discussed . ary 11, when a speaker will he It was decided to have n VA geoured, If possible, to talk on entine party and dance on Veh gooinl service, the study for the rusry 11, The meeting closed vegy Letters will be sent to other with games, prayers and ves WA's in the eity, inviting their pers members to aitend COMMINGLE GROUP The next work meeling will he | The Commingle group of the held on January 26, at the church, WA of Bimeoe Bireel United When members will quilt or do Church held Its first meeting of Other sewing on hand the New Yusr in the Sunday| Mrs, Blake Allard gave a ihal- school room lenging New Year's devotional A pot luck supper was enjoyed enlling for a rededication of each hy 16 members. Vollowing supper member, to the many demands of a short business meeting was me, talents, and money that held would come. The group attended the Week Mrs, K. R, Pletcher presided, of Prayer service at Bt, Andrew's and the closing prayer was sald United Church by the Rev, KR, K. Sharp oLn COUNT ny CLUn ALBERT NTREET CHOIR iu (Ladies' Group) Following choir practice at Al The Ladies' Group of the Osh per Sireet United Church last the list of names, Members were reminded of the pot-diek supper meeting fov the WA, at 6.15 on Fiuesdny evening, January 2, n the Charen. Mrs, Harold Cornish president of the Oshawa Preshy tery WA will he guest sperker Many thoughts were expressed in remembering Mes. M. M. Hood who is now Living in England and i was suggested that Mrs, lee write A letter to her telling her of all the important events thal lave taken place and to keep her updodaie, Also an chureh calendar is to he sent to her A short devirionnl period was held with Mrs. Lloyd Fowler vending the Beripliure lesson Thanks were expressed (oo the Pearl group Mrs, Harry Lomghottom and Mrs. Alex. Maracle were ap pointed to the kitchen committee, Mrs, Bert Bathe to the parson age commitiee, Mrs, Victor Phaly fo the nominating commitiee and Mrs. Thomas Peters to look af New eapsiile sister names were (er the birthday hook during the drawn and Mrs. Gordon Beoll year. The evening comeluded with was appointed to he in charge of games Passing On Youngster's Shoes Harmful To Growing Feet Putting your ehlidren in some: adults for that matter, have the hody else's shoes Is a practice same shape feel, being In same that can only lead to footaches, hody else's can seriously f Granted, when you have to onl. damage a child's feel fit a couple of youngsters or! If WANL (0 save more, hand-me-downs Aare Just voungelers a of pain part of the growing game. Bul comfort AN expense | i * f shoes you your dis when \ Int 4 TOMORROW Women, Jo Aldwinekle, 8 Women's Editor OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, January 20, 1959 Golden Age Club Is Appreciative THE LODGES AND SOCIETIES CHAPTER meeting of RUNREAM I'he regular of Kun The regular meeting of heam hapten ! OF Rit Golden Links group of the WA of held In the Masonic Temple, Miss Ihert Flora VP Warth Matron, Ahel presiding ted Mrs, Wile held recent Mis Warthy Patron Mrs 1. Haley I'he and placed AI Mis A Ktreel United Church was ide With the president Adams, presiding f n lam Henderson Farl minutes Khemill gave report. The membhbers wi Decemhey Mrs (PERSUTeY thanked sUppor . vere f hall fl lar ned the it read Gordon th ne nil onored position ail exept | hh he in the Heverend H the following Honorary pres Harvey, presi William Ntallihrass esldent, Mrs, Earl Fol retary, Mrs. Wilhui rea Mrs, Gordon Mis gi eammitiee M committe itlent thelr Co IG I'n Introductions 4 were as follows: Mis. A PODGM, an honorary of Moore, and Past [re lor fol IAs Lik ollie Years and Hu Atkinson installed slate of officers ident, Miss Cora dent, Mrs vie n I My ( Heard ENON nunheam Chapley PODGM, Past Patrons, Mra Mrs. Haley Vii Wight Mr H Iv and he Worth thanked | member M M Matron 08 Kemlo Mrs Dunlop Mr. FP I welcomed fo come member Mis MeKinsty sinshine convener port. Ther and then alan a numb Warth i had and flow I Chapter Durham Down I'er | hemi MALEON | (3h past Samuel Mrs Lawson Mis Mis CALATINE ain Clon and hve their don and Park Rhiemil nificers werest and ain) (8 shut-in knell ol Atkinson | Adams poke hriefly an of 1s impor and the sup a8 A Whole and Jame { M M \ reminded the n pani H | gave Ie Press reporter member i h al home ished fo Al} ale a few familie 0 pital | \ Inson I'he a Matron chnreh the WA tance in the Bi recn Wh part ft M Stallithra the fal I'he rps Karl Foe new wpe l AVE heen altended to hh card noCharge | of devotional rend heme fal I'he Hoad read hy My Cora Harvey nwing CR hy for We lame My ation upto fonith i Fehirua Ihe Hi 10 Foranto Chapt Ie After Thiers AL 6 Ananvil 1] rave! \ Mi Prayer Fabhiuary ebirial A A night aeont! J offers Matron 0 Vill Wartn ell at the V meelin of wave fara f the ln Hirthday tn Mrs, H Down, and I' greetings were vorth, Mrs, Wilhw Leon Parks for a family 14. The fallow and offices the St. George's WA Installs Officers I'he afternonn hranch Memaol meetin Mis Plans were made nght an February Ing commities Ad for the vear Karl Adam Giearge Parson WA Mrs nating f PATSONAge Kitehen, Mrs nominating, fo Shemilt, nom Golden Links, Mis Mis, William Stal Frank Sullivan ling | of W Chureh fahn the of ogular, meskng Gordon for Harvey Mis Cerald Dar he WA pol weld Tue ok \lis he ng A Mw Nt held Nawye Murrall PRY Honig \ Als the np AM recent with read Fhomas for Tm iW ni ng Aver Wi Is k hal al Kk supper church lower fanuary 20 I speaker ho Group of the nex "udl the ney nthe dling he report 10 son ia I'he gue Fwart Corn in on minute Al treasurer Aiinual on of oliver A president Vere read VEPOrts jy ar the a Pre hanarary \i a p A charge 10 | yp Mi Hranton William ton, United Ethel William re 'homa Ali Tle ent Sawyer Wepre ( tilen Mrs retary Miay arrespond ing Ernest HW Tames dent Thank-offering; Mes Colling, sevipture, Mes Murvall, wrayer part Wilbert Hal, card oan Chaplin ( We LAITY on My Aly cation. \h vas; Mis REV OF Seeley, tppa Ners Mis port sey Hrowne, edy Hooks, dor Fhomas Keast gave a re the Diocesan Roa I'he next meeting wil Fobra 10 oma Mis Wo Ni Ham Aly AOC A on ymphell Wo Wat Meeting ldving Me he held on Dial RA 3:3474 | Of Kindness Shown the WAS Euest speaker Mri. sung Meliglon was caught Nore presided f Hon this practice should halt at the they've older, you'll see that (hes Ankles when vou start passing wear good Niling. healthful shoes one youngster's shoes to another, duving the time when his feel are vou Also pass along a lol of poten: (ender and growing (ial fool troubles, This is & point qwye hest type of footwear for (hat hears attention All YOAT wath hoys and girls, say the fool round, and If It's heen neglected, | sonoinlist, Is shoes with leather a good time to gel hack In Sep oners and soles, Because of right now during Natonali aq ers softness and resilience Health Week it conforms 10 the fool contour Improperly fitted shoes are (he and gives (the necessary suppor only item of apparel (hat canto growing feel without hind actually cause body deformity, ing or causing constriction, Like With wearing. leather shoes con skin, leathe whic) form to the shape of the fool allow Aly and since no two children, or (on evaporate for ehildren Come-Double Club foniher Ja api give their feet corn ( apers, the midwinter dance Hears Address On Hypnotism he cushioning they need on hard ge Jubilea Pavilion arranged hy I'he Business and Professional Mi % J ' MISS ZAROWNY, AGED TWO All Avessed to go visiling Is Brenda Lorraine, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Zarowny Ritson road south, Brenda 1s the granddaughter of Mr, and Mi Peter Znrowny, Oshawa PERSONALS Ww ( awa and District Old Country week a business meeting and so Club held its monthly meeting al ojal was held, Mrs, Carlton Mor Bimeoe Hall with Mrs, J Am € 8 gan president presided The McKeever presiding, Nineteen gwasurer, Mrs, Albert Blateh members were present reported a nice halanee on hand The minutes of the December Mrs, Harry Longbottom reported meeting were read hy Mrs, 1e0- (hat (he sick had all been re. | nard Riley, It was reported that! membered . the secretary, Mis Charles War: A discussion was held regard ren, was ill and wishes were ex<\ing the choir gowns and a com-| pressed for her speedy recovery. mittee will be in charge to look Mrs, Ernst Langdnle gave a after them report of the children's Christ The slate of officers for 1960 WED, JAN, 2{ granddaughter of Walter Styyehalski, Osh and Mrs, Anna Zarowny, Hamilton, Ontario Photo and Mrs AWA great hy Ireland In Quantity Limited WHILE THEY LAST LADIES' 100% "ORLON" "PULLOVERS" "CARDIGANS" ( Mrs Mis I. 0 man Claude I". Kehoenau, Dv and M. Elliott, Dr, and Mrs Ruddy, My. and Mrs, Hey Goldstein, Dr. and Mrs H. Vipond fins | Workman 4) far il the Mr, and {Mu nn important | ol whose active feet] freel FFlexihle Kal Pe to enter And moistine Toronto | Ma | 111 f ervations for Capri ton ground and also give greater prosfihe Women's Auxiliary of the Women's Club ehartered a ection against the possibility oflOshawas General Hospital have for members and friends and penetration of sharp stones, nails | Mrs. IH Greer tended (the revie This ticks and so forth those reser First Affair" at the (rest Before vou buy these and AM Ww atve, Toronto, last night Heath, hypnotist, shoes for your youngsters and Mrs, W, RK ( and perform: sure to have the salesman care and Mi RJ Double Club! fully measure their feet chil Kimmerhy and My Donald Sngeiff Helty Avenue street Northminster dren's feet grow at a rapid rate Camphell and Mi | has heen a patient in the and sizes change even in the Hennlek Mrs. Mortimer Oshawa General Hospital for the span of a few weeks or months, | Brow M I, Murs past three weeks, will he glad te Neshift that she expecting to he M during week end hue al Our The keeping LL] Among Mi heen Ing A ; (ATE new Lahle he Holland Larmer Are | In Mr Mi Mi Mi Edwin Inch I'he many friends of Mis or Al the Come meeting held at United Church recently In his preliminary speech Mr. Heath explained the use of hypnotism as an aid to the medi Cal profession In cases where an nesthesia cannot he used. He has had outstanding success In the area of assisting with nafural childbirth, He also gave some. of the history of hypnotism and mes merism from the time of (he early Egyptians to (he present day when It is no longer consid ered one of the hiack aris Using several of the club mem I Mr. Heath gave a. demon stration of hypnosis and proved the power of hypnotic and post Ahn and and ini My fre. § J n Vy nnd Mis | 5 hen home this A in Her | and 1] Ir, and AM King thelr social « (ale Harvey Hunt Aux, Names Slate '59 Ie annual pelved and A vey Hunt | meeting held recent Letters member Orangeville Ward On Lenore he Vi [] reports cepted at the All were re MANY SHADES ALL SIZES Regular 3,95 and 4.08 Limit 2 Sweaters per customer ening Mr Hamilton Mrs, Broce Thornton's Corners and Mrs Tames ¥ Mantrave avenue Sunday afternoon An the gue of Floyd Hamilton and (inry Ay Hamilton pent ast Burlington Mis read fram former and M i] vere and etel (HIE \ Cordon Kaye Florida Mis n i185 Is A hire president and expressed thanks Joveived during tenure of office [] Cilans the in any of Noell little tens Anni ning AN charae RA You invited hy Department to send ame. coopera: (items of interest AL Patter, ne HIprise parties Ihe officers for 1050 ver and comin Honorary presi are very acceptable for Alp her three and bespoke ton for My president we a support no Vear the News Ww shower Arie is andl follow alway mas party held in Bathe Park js as follows President, Mrs club house, 1 was proposed (hat Carlton Morgan; vice president ronto he made in the near future. ar, Mrs Joseph Wiltshire: secre It was announced tht a soccer |inpy, Mrs Fred Coleman; gown {shire, Mrs. Ross Clark; sick list Golden Links Group committee, Mrs, Harry Longhot N . ton, Miss Doris Carbman, Miss! ames Officers Joan Gray, Miss Gwen Kemp Coleman, Mrs, Clayton Lee;! town Is the Golden Age Club at 4 t Wha shi Simcoe Hall, Its members, all/P"** Mrs. Clayton Lee dred. Many are In their eighties' The January meeting of the and the oldest, Mrs. J, Wiliam: Oshawa Weavers' Gulld was held to the good times they have Rrooklin very Thursday the lub meet Mrs, Hans Gelssherger pre avenue, are ohserving Ith wedding anniversary|"0om at Simeone Hall and once a1 Phe Guild members made plans month a husiness meeting is held. iy, wold a weekend workshop di ootple he at 101 gouble canny i" home 9 hey Fred Kirhy; secretary, Mrs, 8igouh Landing Craft Contre W. Watton and treasurer, Mi Queenston, Ontario, It will Ie ial y pia With four sewing machines, |e oqqon Kingston road, Whithy donated by (he Oshawa Hotell ' 14, and q : . stiteh layettes from material pro heey JF ehrlnry Fa? | vided hy the Iv welfare depart 'e remaincer o 18 evening Ny Init garments for the Women's MAY AnCrews Siredtor of the Weltare League. Mrs. 8 Turpin irenfel salon at St. Anthony The Golden Age Club Is grafe. [8A for a short time ful all the city organizations] A bale of used clothing was of the eluh. The Golden Jubilee 8nd Will he sent to the Grenfell Chapter of the Tmperial Opdep |MIston and distributed by Miss (Vides and serves refreshments al every Thursday meeting A trip to General Motors and To My William Wallace treasur dance is to he held on March 6 committee, Mrs, Joseph Wilt tom; librarians, Miss Helen La One of the happlest clubs In social committee Mrs, Fred over 68, number over one hun WEAVERS GUILD on, 18 B56. it age Is no deterrent a1 the home of Mrs, KB. Stuart Mis, Manley Wilson for a ening in the elub sided and the mi Me Ie nutes were read aday, Unfortunately this year the py (5 = ne" nranident is Mi rected by Mrs, Bannigtey of the tient in the Oshawa General Hos George Timmins i held at the home of Mrs, Frank ssociation, the women members| oh Saturday, February ment, They also plece quilts and Was pent Visiting with Miss ix In eharge of sewing Newfoundland, who was In Osh that contribute to the happiness collected by the Guild members y Dieters of the Kmpire Andrews, I'he Pilot Club transports mem Is nn SILENT WIVES Devout wives in ancient Persia hers to and fram Faleview Lodge were not permitted to speak in ind when required (vives mem: (he presence of their hushands n he Ontario! Regimen! = has provided tickets for the "Pop" concerts and the Oshawa theatres for special ple lures. The Rotary Club and the or telephone ALMA hovPe ws Faronto VITAMINS NDY FORM road Mrs, Keith Taggart for the husiness don and welcomed AMiooand Mrs Mao Slessor to the eluh It was announced that the next howling night would he Januar Mota be held at the shopping centre A spacial meeting will he held On Friday, February & for dis i fussion of the proposed eonstity and for recreation vo The sum of $38 was voled to 1 the missionary and maintenance t fund of the echureh A huffel lunch was served Wm the committee In charge headed hy Mr. and Mrs. Mooreroft in CA especially for children! LLL} OPEN DAILY 10AM, TO 6 P.M, FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M, HOUSEHOLD HINT The easy way to make slip covers for stralght chair backs Is to pin the material together on Lthe chair, with the vight side to | ward the chair. Then sew and slip in place ARTHUR | | Pr I'm sure that Niagara helps In orense the etreulation of blood wher {over applied and | Knew i gives Ime a Very special feeling of relax {tion and T've aoen plenty of SPECIAL HALF PRIGE SALE One SUIT or DRESS . . . Reg. 1.50 SECOND SUIT or DRESS .. 7 5¢ YOU SAVE . .. 75 LIMITED Time RINKER'S CLEANERS 23 ATHOL W 4 RITSON N PHONE RA 5.1191 ONLY $1 BURN elinteal proof that Niagara Ciel Massage helps relieve the moderate paling of arthritis and Thew MAtlam, Whenever TT Nese Words of are echoed. © of people In all age all walks of libs ke M (hese poopie Know PISURARE ah NIARATA'S very Apecial hisasings GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED FAMILY FAIR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE sity hey i wit! | # VITAMINS Including A, ©, 0 and Bp in Candy form | DELICIOUS WILD CHERRY FLAVOUR vi he naw, modern way a. give Hal vitaming for growth and ao0d haath, Via Pops contain ® Naw Oxala-Massage® helps relieve Waal, Jittery nerves Maw IL caresses And helps relieve [diacamtart af sare aehing mnaeles PY 1 helps being on a state of | Bla ul relanatie vitalising, ® Haw { holps a Intian tavally Maw 1 helpe relieve many Kinds pain partionlarly the moder Pains ab arthritis, hurts and rhonmatism, whenever they strike wonderfully ve oY ae hlaad elven ehding A 0 and M2 I delim WIRD CHERRY CANDIES 1 10 plasiont 10 take, (40 W0ad far your ehiidran | Bach child neads only one VitPap a day! § WERKS 2 520 . SUPPLY at your druggin VitasPops "with children they're tops" NENRY K, WAMPOLE & COMPANY LTD PERTH, ONTARIO I | | Nia n PITAMING, MINERALS AND TRACE PLENENYS "PARAMETTES" junior "MARANRTTE ayrup "PARANETTRS The secret atten ivenssy controlled hea nw NIAGARA CYCLO MASSAGE 259 Simcoe St § Oshawa, Ontarie 1100 Fred Booklet, Mall Coupon Today | | Nsasnsnsnnny | | [Please send PREF miarmation with hypnotic suggestion, This demon stration was the source of much amusement to the onlookers Mr Heath was introduced hy My hy Mr. Keith Taggart Ie meeting was opened with A rousing singsong led hy Mrs Kenneth Farrow. The devotional dent, Miss Cora Harvey past for which there president, Miss Lenore Class [Pease write {| Moorerfol, assisted ny Mr Hay iol Hawkshaw he Reverend vies president AM Cilndys A > Mullod Jake Mai Prise; 3nd vlee « president, Miss Tt.» lal on the Influence of parents N | P H Margaret Patterson Lreasuren Mme Kovri na en aval Promotion Jie, Nieminen 9 (gious education on thelr ohil L H P TH dren. He stressed (he fact that For Oshawa Wren Mrs. Frank Ross; Baby Rand! oses er osition not taught superintendent, Mps Reginald Tt Women's Welfare League are al and that it was necessary for par Soh-Lientenant (Wr Alma | Pinder assistants, Mes, Cyril In USSR Ministry ways ready with comforts. and J Doupe, formerly of Oshawa, has|{Soueh, Mrs, Clavion Hewer, Mps treats and Oshawa's senior elt Hive day M tenant (Wh. Lieutenant Doupe 1s Rose, Mes, Sidney Lalloy red gaupiging, the Soviet | Unioh's|done to make life Interesting for on the staff of the Flag Officerionrding secretary. Miss Evelyn'galy woman cabinet © minister [them Atlantio Coast, at Halifax, N.& (Gay; envelope secretary, NS wha fod a campaign for a better] Lieut, Doupe served as a wren Irene Roos; corresponding secre geal for Russian women, has! IG EN FEEL Naval Service from August, 1044 munity friendship secretsey: Mos yninister of health in connection 'I'VE Re ILL until March, 108. She entered Clarence Guy: mite Box secre: with her transfer ta other work," SO Ml ( H RETIL | (Re tary, Mrs. Frank Ross; Mission: ihe gove \ A ounced. | SINCE I'VE BEEN he Royal Canadian Navy (Re he government has announ rie ' serve) in Ootoher, 1031, as a wren [Ary Monthly secretary, Miss] oy 0 Kovrigina, appointed in USING NIAGARA Taranto naval division. She was Mrs Inu 2 Saver) (rons Me hours and less arduous work for promoted to the vank of acting retary, Miss Mary Wales: Chris egomen who form a large part sub-leutenant (Wy {n October, [Lan stewardship secretary Mest ihe Soviet 1abor. foros 1042 A. Ro Sanderson; Christian eitl | . In 1047 she appealed for the in Perrault literature secretary HMCS Shearwater, naval aly NS ve Fetve ; ) |"effective, convenient and hapm station near Dartmouth, N.S, and I A anounced that the less means of birth control to MOS Cornwallis, RCN train WAS anhnlinhe hh p the need | hort Ih N World Day of Praver is to he fliminate the need tar abortions ing establishment near Dighy 18 Which are legal In Russia Miss Lenore Glass led in keeping officer in the operations a | meditation. Her topic was Faith \ ) \ hom of the Flag Officer Atlantic Miss Gladys Frise reviewed the study hook "Concerns of a Conti Mrs, George Doupe, formerly of as Mexico Oshawa, now residing at Halifax, | rn and nlece of Mroand Mes. James Daupe, Prince Albert, Ontario | DIETARY SUPPLEMENT ] for children and adults too No BI Torch T If or when your rave pipes freeze just $1.00 Tours - Documents TO YOU! (ALL FREE OF CHARGE) ETTE Plumbing Co. Lid. oman Mooveroft and thanked service wan led hy Mis. Thomas! president, My AC Potter; 1st M7, Toeal LIEU altitudes towards chureh and re Phyllis Gla assistant planist ents to make Sunday an attrac heen promoted to the rank of Heo Hugh Gilehrist My Edward, MOSCOW (Reuters) Maria zens appreciate deeply all that (s with the Women's Royal Canadian tary, Mrs. Philip Perry COM: heen released from her Joh as naval Airwoman, at MCS York, [Helen Batty supply secretary (ose "hag campaigned for fewer | |[CYCLO-MASSAGES" re perel M Jule Lieut, Doupe has served In eNship secretary 4 4ita troduction in the Soviet Union of N& Slip (8 at present a watoh Lf Id on Friday, Fehruary the Lieut, Doupe In the daughter of nani and the country dealt with FRO ] EN ¥ , Fast, Modern ' IT'S WORTH * Air «+ Rail + Holels 23 Colina RA 5.0279 57 King Street East, Oshawa PHONE RA 8.6201 DRUGS 28 KING §T. & RA 3.4621 DRUGS 1 King St E, Dial RA 3.482) (AGATA oo Regular City-Wide Deliveries (+11 NTT TTRTETITTTRN J SO ay

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