The newly elected warden of | poses with the two women of | his life in the photo on the Ontario County, Reeve Walte, | his ife in the photo on the | elected on the first ballot in Beath, of East Whitby Twp., | left, They are his mother and J Whitby on Tuesday, In the Dunnies Double Score Kingston Merchants filled in his place and did a great job picking up a pair of goals and one assist , Captain Harry Sinden checked in with a trio of well-earned assists as he was playing heads up game ++. The next home game for By CLIFF GORDON Paced by their playing coach Bid Smith who fired three goals last night the Whitby Dunlops dumped the red hot Kingston Merchants 6-3 in a keenly con- [ # photo on the right, County Clerk William Manning ad- 'East Whitby R Named 1959 Warden ministers. the oath of office to gowned Warden Beath, Oshawa Times photos | WHITBY COUNCIL BRIEFS LIBRARY BUDGET Councillor John Woolton's finance committee was handed the 1959 budget for the Whithy Public Library, This year's hudget is set at $12,500, Last year, the library received $8,200 The hoard also asked the towr to make arrangements for rais ing money to build a new library building. TOWN HALL ESTIMATE (Hockey Week in Whithy, Minor Hockey Night will be on Jan, 81 al the arena, NEW POLLING SUBDIVISIONS A bylaw was passed re-sub- ™ OIVAWA TIMES, Wodnovbey, Jowewry ", 199 i | eeve Is He then Invited all the ex- v/ardens present to take seals be- side him and each of these in turn offered his congratulations to the sew warden, They were Oscar Downey, TR bial lai Beg Morley Bain, David Walls, and four members of the 1959 county council, Reeve Rae Ferguson, of Uxbridge, Reeve Patrick Duffy, of Mara Twp., Deputy - reeve Heber Down, of Whithy Twp,, and Reeve Cyril Morley, of Pickering village, Beated with thé ex-ward- ens was Alderman Norman Norman Down, representing Osh- awa, Mr, Wesiney, surveying the two lady. members of council, Deputy - reeve Mary Reid, of Ajax, and Deputy-reeve Jean McPherson, of Pickering Twp, predicted that the day was not too far distant when Ontario County would have a woman warden, Reeve Duffy paid tribute to ex-warden Cyril Morley and sald that he was probably the most conselentious and earnest warden the county had had in many Years, He also suggested that it might he time for the election of On- tario County's warden to be tele- vised, He noted that this is being done In other counties, Warden Beath is the first East Whithy Twp, reeve to he elected head of the county eouncll since Jan, 29 in $100 Police Raids In Quebec On Sex, Liquor (CP)~Nine per sons pleaded not guilty Tu to morals charges Ia foll police raids on four establi ments here Monday night, ear ried out with undercover help from a group of leepagers, The nine were remanded ball, Police this city across the Ottawa River from the capital described the raids as cracking a lucrative sys tem of luring boys and girls inte . liquor and sex fraps, olice sald those arrested operated in the Standish 1, the niérprovineiat Hotel, the Chez Henri and a tourist me, C, J, Devetten, executive dirs ector of the Big Brothers As sociation of Ottawa, sald six youths did undercover work for police, who made the raldp following several months of ob» servation, Charged with keeping a bawdy house were: Ruth Campbell, 19, Na Gerardinl, 30, Romeo Malette, Joseph Lanthier, iM, Rene Lo londe, 68, Maurice Cousinesu, 40, and Alfred Gachet, 66, Jean Kornel, 27, and Bernard Boucher, 4, were charged with selling contraceptives, All are from Hull or nearby Aylmer, -- SWITCHES TO TORONTO TORONTO (CP)~Jean B, Cam tel, professor at McGill Univer sity's faculty of law has been aps rd a professor at Toronto's dividing the town for voting purposes, There will now he 10 polling subdivisions, Previously there were 11 SCOUT OPEN HOUSE The property commitiee was Whithy Twp., was yesterday by means of the traditional open the council held its inaugural|and that councillor was then re- of Bcugog Twp, and Reeve John hers of the il have votes on the first ballot, Reeve nicipality, The new warden has been olson, rector of Bt, John's Angi: ning his fifth successive term. |cil with a short devotional period, er, he is married, with two sons, in Whitby on Tuesday to see him sort prepared but now found he council were also nominated hut | the county Is Imperative and McMillan, of Reach Twp,, son of session, Prior to the actual voting, each reports that space for the ad- Search Party by a member of a search party early Monday morning after al foxes believed by police to be'ton was in harge of the group 1038 when Lyman Gifford, now Mayor of Oshawa, was elected warden / Osgoode Hall law school, He Is editor of the Canadian Bar Res view, tested game at the local arena Gordie Myles countered with a pair and Pete Babando sank a single tally For the visiting losers it was Roy Partride, Jim Maxwell and Moe Savard, each with a single goal, The win puts the Dunnies hack in a first nlace tie with the Belleville McFarlands, with the Dunnies having six games in hand I'he same the visitors night in their McFarlands will be here on Saturday final anpearance of the season, with the game time sel ahead 15 minut to 8.15 to allow for the presentation after the game to the Belleville team, The Merchants, who had a win string of three going into last night's game, were really fire up for this one as they were seeking their fir t cof ft season over the Dumnles, The lo comnlole his f locals however managed th ICE CHIPS , , , This was an only goal of the first frame as other (remendous hockey gama Pete Babando found the mark, that saw plenty of action, The In the second period # ap. 'lerch were dead game, wed as If the Dunnies they bumped and skated wi fre for 8 run away as they the world champions built up a B50 lead before the Gagnon, their able coach, Merchants really came to life. (otal of 14 minute h managed to get a trio for his wrong doings. Of this 8 were giving total, 10 was for a miscoadict | the Dunale: fgme very anseins', , , Sid Smith, the hard work moments as the period 'was|ing coach of the Dunnies, had] drawing to a close, The th another big night as he triggered and final period was a rea of timely gonls Geo scorcher 'as both teams battle' Bamolenko was not dre sed for tooth and nail, Only one goal this game and Gordie Myles 1 SID SMITH in the final period and came off the stick of Sid Smith } oh 1A n wo th Pu did a in the n trie . night when the that 3.33 the Dunnies will be this Saturday eljeville McFar- lands will be the visitors, Don't forget this game will start 15 minutes earlier to allov for the presentation after the game , , It should be a dandy and another packed house, so better get down enrly Manager Wren Blair left right after the game for Clinton to take a lock nat hig other hockey team, the Comets Summary 1st Period Babhando-Atters ley le 0.56 15.08 FEteher int Attersley 13.29, Raglan int 2nd Period Whitby, Myles Attersley, 2.36 3. Whithy Babando | Myles - Attersley 4 Whithy, Smith-8inden-Ted 0O'Conne 7.06 5. Whitby, Smith-8inden. 7.84 fi, Kingston, Partridge-Clarke- Colvin, 9.40, 7 Kingston Maxwell « Bell ringer-S8avard, 10.30, f. Kingston, Savard-Maxwell Fildes, 16,35, Penalties: Olsen hook, 1.56 Gagnon elb, 7.00, Gagnon misc, 7.84, Chasczewskl charging 9.16 3rd Terlod 9, Whithy, Smith-Sinden, 6.18 Penalties: McBeth charging 11.18, Gagnon rlash 12.52, Sinden slash 12.52, Kane trip 16.08, Buckacheski hooking 18.27 Reeve Walter Beath, of Enst| The new warden was elected elected warden of the county of|ballot, The clerk, William Mann- Ontario on the first ballot when| Ing, called each councillor's name meeting, In the running with | quired to announce aloud for him were Reeve Anson Gerrow, whom he Intended to vote, Bome Mills, of Ajax, two votes, depending upon the Warden Beath, 39, garnered 20 number of electors in thelr mu. Gerrow claimed 12 and Reeve| The first act of the new warden Mills, § was to call on Rev, George Nich- reeve of East Whitby Twp, for(can Church, Port Whitby, who the past four years, now begin: opened the 1959 sessions of eoun- Prior to that, he gerved as a councillor for four Roby A farm:| MAIDEN SPEECH In his maiden. speech to his His wife and mother were hoth|council, Warden Beath admitted on hand in the council: chambers| that he had a speech of another elected, didn't need it, He sald that action Two other members of the| to prevent the spread of rabies In they withdrew hefore the ballot- stated that such action will be ing, They are Reeve Howard undertaken by council at this a former warden, and Reeve Wil-| During the year, he sald, eoun- liam J, Heron, of Brock Twp, ell wauld also have to consider candidate gave a short address ministration of Justice in the to the council, court house Is Inadequate Kills Fox Here A fox was killed early Tuesday, Police organized the search [that combed the swamp in Port fox attacked a dog on Bro k | Whithy in search of 8 group of street south, Cpl, Cliff Parting Niving In the area y The fox was given power to act in a reques Bowman and Gibson, following from the Whithy Boy Scout a request for an appraisal of the gooiation for town hall property on Brock BL, the town hall on Feb, 21 for a reported that they aporalsed the goout Open House entire property at $59,000, The property is composed of It INVITED TO DINNER A 77 feet along Brock St, running] Members of the council and by ¥ on Colborne, 2 feet, to|their wives extended an) ireen {invitation to Whithy Brass Band Banquet, to held this TEAR DOWN POST OFFICE [coming Saturday' night in the A request from Area Develop. Legion Hall for permi sion to demolish old office building at ROAD inte of Brogk and] The street Dundas handad to the "tudy pronert committee, The firm 0" indicated that the lot would he $35,200, It was pointed out sed for a parkine lot until such! ON il that the Department off destroyed ! time as a new office building is Highways did not intend to par months erected sihsidy on any greater amount| firmed at this time, Counell learned today, "KEY WEE at lng 4 nla ' MINOR HOCKEY WEEK that last rt upplementar The vierinarian sald he was Me Mayor will declare the budgets had also heen approved . currently treating a large num week of Jan, 24 to Jan y 2 g | WHITBY PERSONALS | | . "I was relieved by the re ul 0 S order to tle up all dogs" | Games Night Recent guests at the home of ames 10 Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gagnon, ald, "We have too many case of Euclid street, were: Mrs, The All Saints! Anglican) shot on killed by Ken Pindar. one of g olice In the search, were the pes al east men the he EXPENDITURE commiliee hylaw calling ox diture post ection was proposed road bl 0 1059 0 Reports that 65 to 70 dogs suf in! fering from distemper have heen during the past Whithy were local two in eon by a vi 0 cent he of distemper, It is widespread [throughout Whitby," | The matter was directed to the| attention of town council Mon-| J , nughte anielle, Church Evening Gul ( alr : 'ok and Yailgnters Raniels a y . a iuild held thelr Association, The lelter asked' of 3 onireal; | 1 oy and h annual games night at the parish] oouncil to take immediate action Jane i ph yeas w Rg hall last Monday evening under concerning the number of dis Toronlo g i ere, Of sha direction of Mrs. C. CC. Wat. tempered dogs running loose in son, assisted by Mrs, F the subdivision, day night in a letter from the| Mrs, J, Silvester, mother of Read a Prizes were drawn hy Following Mayor Harrv Jer Mrs. 8 the another permission to Use pindar farm, located south east one killed, The party is using a of the Dunlop Tire Pant, It was dog to track the foxes several civilians assisting Whit- would likely be resumed during ithe weekend | Distemper Epidemic . Also Hits Whitby veterinarian It they saw to the said addition fox Tuesday, in FOR Cpl, Partington sald the search 60) on one of Whi temper reaches {ts final stage (when the dog takes fits) there Is no hope Distemper can be transmitted as easily as the common cold is transferred from one dog to another hy being near each other vig the air, Animals suf fering from the disease need the care and treatment of a veter- inarian, They also need rest and nursing, Brock Motors may be purchased jes invited, SUN 116 DUNDAS ST. W Building and fully equipped restaur- ant (seating capacity approximately Restaurant business and equipment For Information... SALE thy's main streets, separately, Inquire CAFE WHITBY -- EST Lead Midgets Whithy Minor Hockey Assocla.|" standings of the midget division The league leading Brock §t, Motors club have four players among the top six scorers, Midget Hockey League Standings tion has released the purer 1 NOTICE OF MEETING Service Rd. Plans | Youth Fined$2 End At Blair St. For Purchasing A 19-year-old Whithy youth Pland for a service road, uneillor Jack McAvoy and WA8 fined $25 and costs when he ween Oshawa and Whithy and Maror Jermyn both stated that plong the north side of Highway they felt Is did not 401, were unveiled at this wee make the new a service meeting of the Whithy town road for Whithy council, After looking the plans| The plan was turned over to over, council will send a resolu- ;,, p'anning hoard for tion to the Departmen! of High- further Members of the Ww court Tuesdar liquor while under Ytowskl, ' of 116 appeared hefore Frank Ebbs on to obtaining Age Hickory the prop 0 road John St Magistrate pleaded guilty In Whithy police ds Is In the Oshawa General Hox pital, Her friends wish her prompt recovery Mrs. Carol Sutherland enter tained her group of ladies of Lec avenue last Monday evening Games were ployed and the Ineky winner ere Mrs, Doreen DePratto and Mrs, Katle Van The h tess served a tasty lunch Mrs, E. A. MacMillan, leader of the CGIT group of the Whithy Baptist Church, attended the annual meeting and banquet of at the parish hall Board the Ontario Girls' Work Park Vista Gardens Ratepayers) Mrs, R. Fo ter, of RRI, Whithy \ 4 , myn's proclamation ¥riday that Armstrong, The lucky winners all dogs he tied up hecause of a case of association were; Mrs, G, Gouldbuin, Mrs. ! confirmed rables In Brock 8. Motors , Brown, Mrs, G, Hamer, Mrs, Whitby, the sent: 8 Cooke's Faso Mrs. H, Wright: Mrs second letter giving councll 8 pandsmen p [FH Rppoet ol thelr action Pickering RY 4 distemper Is a complex iy Broa Me Sally Jones, disease taking anywhere from rs, Vi rs BLUrEess two weeks to 150 days to hecome Doug Law and Mrs, VV. Burdgee apparent in the animal, Early Brian Fletcher Very dainty refreshments were signs that a dog is suffering Stan Sharman--Cooke's served with Mr II, Probert, in/from it are lack of apnetite, Ron Bremner---Cooke's charge, assisted by members of vomiting, a dry cough or dysen. Ron Moore--Brock St, the evenin guild Ihe nextitery, If your dog shows any of Brian Hall-Brock St, meeting will be held on Feb, 2 these signs call a veterinarian! Immediately | , ¢ 4 C 1 G Cioode, 1 3 4 7 Lomax, Mrs Top Scorers Roper, Mrs Brock St, Brock St, | Drainage Act, will be tion by the Council TO CONSIDER BY-LAW OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY Take notice that a by-law for raising $50,000,00 under the provisions of The Tile tudy this If the disease Is recognized PC James held In Toronto at Park avenue taken into considera- of the Township of wars noting its concern over the , attended absence of a sery Ie e¢ road run council meeting ning west out of Whitby discussions Showing the plans was High ways Location Liaison Engineer W. R. Kinear. Plans are r Id Jrvice You, rom d and adding that arlington Twp. border to Blait pecommendations for improve 5. thy. The service road ments in the plan will follow ends there and does not con tinue to the west of the town to a Ajax. HOUSES In to a question by MONTREAL (CP) Paul Mayor Jermyn, Mr, Kinear said Emile Cardinal Leger, Roman that Highway 2, to the north of Catholic Archbishop of Montreal, Highway 401, could act as a Tuesday announced plans for service road. He pointed out that having several houses built on there would be no access to land he owns im order to help Highway 401 hetween Whitby alleviate unemployment in the and A'ax when all road clo ings Montreal area, He told a press are complete, The department conference several needy fami plans a fly-over at the Pickering-|lies would live in the houses when Whitby townline, they are completed, | Barter, of the OUT of the the nin portion to enter A resolution is now going to department noting the coun dissatisfaction with the pro early it gives the animal a 50.50 chance of recovery, If the dis- Whitby at the Council Chambers, Brooklin, on the 23rd day of February, 1959, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock in the evening, MURRAY ROBINSON, Clerk. MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO 8-3111 If you nave not received your Times hy 7 pm, Call BELL TAXI All galls must be placed between 7 and 7:30 pm "BOWLING NEWS WHITRY Church last Saturday. Also at tending from Oshawa were: Mrs Home, Mrs, Dancy, Mrs, Brown of the Oshawa Board Mrs. €'. Sleightholm, of Green matter and had observed the street, is opening her home to accused sitting at a table, He dav to the members of the aid he had asked him his age Clover Leaf Club, and the accused had told him he was 21 On the way to the station, he sald, the accused admitted that he was only 19, PC Barter ad- vised the court that he had given the accused a warning Whithy Police Department, told the court that on the afternoon of Jan, 10 he had hotel in Whitby FRIDAY NITERS LEAGUE Graham, 216; Ruby Spanner k the ladies Bill Grylls, 220 high single last week with a 250 man, 916; | Alherta Hutchinson took the high(217; Fd Hutchinso 2 257: | [triple with 639; Ed Hutchinson| Dave ain: Na hott took both the men's single and| Carter 214: Al Fry. 201 ; NO LAR , [hgh triple with 208 and 734 Lemon League: Chris Robin. VATICAN CITY (AP) L'O8:| (ver 200: Ross Spencer 260:son, 75; Nancy Carter. 97; Jane servatore Romano reminded Ro- Alberta Hutchinson, 231, 235; Myers, 90 4 : man Catholics Tuesday they can-| Fred Stevenson, 240, 249; Ruby | ot collabatute with Marxist so | Spanner, 269; Ab Samanski 220. clalism, The warning came after| 245, Dink Bye, 213, 246 hy Shout Sunsuiping under age some Italy's Socialists, led by Stalin | Simpson. _r BL Ser oa ; arlier, peace prize winner Pietro Nenni, (247, 219; Glen Rorabeck. 205 The accused told the court that|at thelr national congress in 240: Marg McLean, 219: Robert he had been charged with a Naples decided to break their | Brown, 242, 238; Agnes Simpson, similar offence when he was 17.'long ties with the Communists.'232; Bil Fulton, 275; Gene | Top Legal Cases Recalled In Book "Voices In Court" JMombers, of the legal profes. wide popularity and subsequently|good play but it has the added slon, and also many outside of it,(he was encouraged to prepare pleasure of being drawn from will find great pleasure in a new this book real-life and not from fant book, "VOICES IN COURT: Al " fiction, li TREASURY OF THE Law" HAPPY DISCOVERIES FASCINATING CHAPTER (Brett-Macmillan Ltd.) which has| Included also are happy dis: Professor Daven ort explal been edited by William H, Daven. |coveries from the files of 1aw that an anthology Bs Pa port, who Is head of the depart-|Journals and from books, both snipping or RE ere hit ment of Humanities, Harvey|American and English, long out|may seem a that og | Mudd College, Claremont, Cali- of print, experienced In the 9 a I fornia | The, cross-examinafjon of Mrs, |Gener phone Ny arespon:| This is an anthology of the law Reginald Vanderbilt by Herbert|pesearch, reading, writ op tor whose list of authors bears an|C. Smythe in the celebrated oonving ' and poner or Hing authenticity, almost. as majestic | Habeas Corpus proceedings) which are part of hy iy i as the law itself. Chief justices of brought by Mrs. Vanderbilt | editor 1s In constant n a of iy the Supreme Court, the great|/against Mrs, Harry Payne Whit! Phere is also a Re criminal lawyers of England and|ney, to recover the custody of her! chapter entitled "Jeffrey . America, and an occasional lit-| child, was one of the legal high-|gansing Judge from the vost i erary classic are included in this|lights of American court history fof England" and pre 4 od jh treasure book, which contains!in recent years, Seldom has any Thomas Macaulay Hefire W y many hours of entertainment case received so much publicity, (an incredible jurist 'Who 4 1 is One of the highlights 1s the discussion, criticism, and even huiy and 'humiliate the his od brilliant cross-examination of Notoriety as this one did. Mrs. |hatore sentencing 1 . ue Lord Carson in the Oscar Wilde|Vanderbilt claimed her 1l.year imost Bhasin J 9 S the} case, on the second day of the old daughter had been technical: {jon Some af hi is gis ' first trial when Carson finally|ly kidnapped by her paternal|epyel to rR vacel Were) pinned the great wit and play. aunt, Mrs. Whitney, with whom explains, however that sl wright down with his blistering the child had been living at her|iputh has heen written a | |McLean, 206,. 225; Marim Jack Scott, 200; Barbara Sher. | Bleanor Stevenson, | entered on another a FOR NEEDY NO COLLABORATION o -- SHOES FOR - MEN WOMEN CHILDREN SEMI-ANNUAL SHOE CLEARANCE Starts Tomorrow Morning 9.30 a.m. SAVINGS TO 50% | | | WHITBY BROC Phone MO 8-3618 . EVENING SHOWS 7 P.M. Opa AST COMPLETE SHOW 8.20 = THE WHO WALKED E if XJ STARRING HUGH OBRIEN---ROBERT EVANS The Story of A Maiden... wo et A Warrior,,, go ® . And the Paradise \" they Challenged! od |verbe! attack, also included is Long Island country estate for|feys and that although he we the cross-examination . of Mrs, |about two years before the incep- apuel and intolerant Ne { 'the Reginald Vanderbilt in the tion of the suit i stories concerning him hi famous custody case over This persistent and skillful exaggerated daughter, Gloria cross-examination. by Mr, Smythe] This is a book to be read and Professor Davenport started makes a thrilling chapter in this [treasured for many years by {this anthology in 1954 with an ex-'book, one of the most unique of {those inside and outside the legal perimental course in legal litera: its kind in recent years profession. It a handsome ture at the University of Southern, Reading these famous cross: volume, original and well pre California, The course attracted examinations is like reading al pared, her