1 -- THE BRIDGE convener Mrs, Emery Baldry, and her co-convener, Mess 11, A, Ward Golden Jubilee Well Attended Social Event 4 «' 10D) em for Colorful flags and hlems made a gala setting the annual bridge held hy the Golden Jubilee chapter, 10DE, in the UAWA auditorium last week A large crest of the Order cen fred the with a painted banner proudly displaying the name "Golden Jubilee Chapter heneath it," Large Union Jack stretched wide on either side and were flanked hy more standards upright on the stage The decorating commitiee wa headed hy Mrs. W. A. L, Free born Mrs stage Douglas Langmald, re gent, officially opened the bridge and extended a warm welcome tn the large gathering Mrs Langmald thanked those present for thelr kind support of the chapter's projects, which enables the many services rendered b) the 10DE possible Tickets were handled by Mrs A. Ward-Whate; tables, Mrs Hn Parr; candy sale, Mra RW THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW A good day for finishing In completed tasks and taking ac tion on programs you have been postponing. In all matters, how ever, follow well - tested proce dures so as to eliminate the pos sibility of error, Co-operation with others will bring benefits FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow Is your birthday your horoscope Indicates bright prospects for success during the coming year If you are willing to assume some additional job res. ponsibllities, Be especially alert during the next five months when some wonderfully new opportu. nities will come your way---even it you have to ferret them out for yourself. An exceptionally fine two-year cycle will bring you excellent results i you start working now! Be conservative in financial matters during the coming vear In this connection, you have no cause for anxiety, ht a policy of consolidation will prove more profitable in the long run than ome of expansion, Porsonal rela tionships will be under generally good mfluences and, if you're single, there is a good possibility of a new romance in early Sep tember, Travel will he well-as pected during early July and late August A child born on this day will be endowed with a charming per sonality and great poise in the face of difficulties | YAN Ct NRE Ry ANNE ADAMS (lamorous wardrobe for the new grown-up doll Santa brought! Easy-lo-sew pattern Includes shirt, slacks, 'coat, hal, robe, skirt, blouse, petticoat and dress Re thrifty use remnants, To morrow's pattern: Misses' apron, Printed Pattern 4M7: For slim, grown-up dolls 10%, 18, 20 2 inches tall, State size, Printed directions on each pat ern part. Easier, accurate Send FORTY CENTS (40) cents in coins (stamps cannot be ac cepted) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE. NAME, AD PRESS, STYLE NUMBER Send arder ta ANNE ADAMS eo The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept, Oshawa, Onl [! | Whate, are seen standing by & | Women, a Victory Lodge, LOBA, No. 583 Installs Officers For 1959 | Victory Lodge, LOBA, No. 0%; tee, Mister Anne Gordon; fifth {held Its regular meeting recently committee; Sister Mary Lewis; In the Orange Temple, with!inner guard, Sister Agnes Well worthy mistress, Sister Florence man; outer guard, Sister Edith held with Sister Kvelyn Fickes asi monies {installing officer and Sister Helen borough: conductor, Sister Bren: quirements Officers dn Perry; chaplain, Sister Nancy holes about two inches apart in Boyle, and deputy mistress, Sis: Selleck : ter Margaret McNevin, presiding, | Auditors: Sisters {formed slek committee, Simi ' Nevin In the absence of the chap FIda Howard, Gertrude Sommer ot ' ui Sister Elva Van Slyke ville, Anne Foote, hy Sister Beatrice Me. stead; The new officers were Installed| The director of ceremonies Bis Langmald, re. {by past worthy mistress, Sister ter Nellie Mclndless, |Anne Foote, assisted hy director of ceremonies, Sister Nellle Me Indless, recording secretary, Sis or Certrude ho Yor presented her with her past mis | f the hridge convener, Mrs. Em or Fv tress jewel mery Baldry, assisted by (he re lain, Sister Evelyn Bilton andy Gas' wa donated by Sis ' planist, Kister Marie Blake ; gent, Mrs, Langmaid pe ter Edith Selleck and won by Sis Ww Hwa lailow f The 1009 officers are as follows: tar Marie Blake inners were ns follows: Mrs, \worihy mistress, Sister Margaret Welcome onl K. Lang, Miss May Storie, elcome guests Bird, Mrs, Hayden Mac: iilian Olmsies | ¢ J ad n § lrwin dssisted Guna, Mis. 8. MeCulloutth, peatrice McNevin Hichard Flemming ie don 'H Minter, Mis wi retary, Sister Anne Burgess; fis of 16: 9 we NY im Lock, Mrs dG, BOWEL aanefal secretary, Sister ( ! Mogw ii ort " od DMrs, Manley Woudreau, Mr dlirude Sommerville; freasurer the mamber under he Con Halph Jones |Gietpr 4 ' ' venership of Mrs, Frank Turney, ; Sister Elda Howard, Mes, Donald Burns was i | Miss Ethel Brennan Director of ceremonies, Sister] A ais a Mace Butler, Mrs Mildred Carnochan; Junior lee SPECIAL DOLL charge of prizes ' | g ' ' Mrs, W. Alexander turer, Sister Merle Hewls; senior] CORNER BROOK, Nfld, (CP) Guests were Aur i lecturer Sister Anne Foole; The doll that was presented for " Mrs. Douglas Mrs. Roy 8, | gent, are playing a hand, Walter Libby and Oshawa Times Photo tahle at which Irwin, Mrs IODE Bridge were hy Mrs ('recording sec: Mary lodge Temple Mrs, Wal Leo Ratelle pleasantly Mrs. A, Aus prised to find tallies ang favors tin, Mrs, Walter Libby, Mrs, W. L junior deputy, Sister Elva Van's lucky draw at a local theatre by the Hadassah group was not Juvenile Lodge held its regular life of Ontario at each table in addition to the Doe larger prizes donated by mem- pg, T, Ward, Mrs. H, J, Pin bers |eombe Miss Doreen Reddoch, Irwin; Lucky tickets hy Mrs, Murdie Macleod Miss Betty Turner, Mrs, Slyke third Sister golden dress and tiara = It was covered with 25 81 bills commliilee, fourth commit "Louise Hockell were drawn Florence Kinsman as Devotional exercises were per. Boyle, Anne Yoote, Lian Olm:|for the coming year are Sisters dent, Sister Violas Kevler; conducted sick list commitien past worthy mistress, Sister For: sle Ball, Elizabeth Farrow, Alice rave avenue ence Boyle, to the altar where [past mistress, Kister Anne Foote, . The next meeting will be held birthday Won January 28 In the Orange meeting bingo was played and will gecompany members of the Second committee, Sister Pearl only dressed as a queen with a meeting y Bruce street LODGES AND SOCIETIES | LEND-A-HAND CLUB Tha Lend-A-Hand Club, Past Noble Grands of Rebekah Lodge, No, 8, held .Its regular meeting in the Oddfellows hall, The presi-| dent, Sister Alice Hayton, pre. sided assisted hy vice - president, Bister Viola Keeler siding, assisted by the deputy) mistress, Sister Nancy Hewitt, | Sister Brenda Perry acted as chaplain In the absence of Sister Shellagh Jefferys, The minutes! were read by the recording sec-| retary, Brother Bill Fllegett Grand Lodge honors were con Shoots Moose And Cuts Out Heart| SUDBURY, Ont, (CP)-~When | woman shoots & halfdon moose three miles from camp, there's only one thing to do--hack out its heart and liver with a hunting] knife and leave the carcass for) The meeting opened with pray./ferred on Sister Diane Cowle and the men fo collect, er, roll eall and the reading of, ® BIIt was also presented, Sister] the minutes. Sister Viola Keeler, Cowle expressed her thanks and sick 1st convener, reported on! distributing Christmas gifts to the shut-in members her annual Teport, Blister Evelyn Fiekes, {reasurer, gave her an-| nual report and the auditor's re- [Law port, Sister Alice Hayton report ed on the CP and T and CP and T for anoMer year. | After the committee the Installation of officers was marshall Pres)! president, Sister Alice Hayton |secretary, Sister Amelia Weeks; treasurer, Sister Evelvn Flokes: | Sisters Flos Hayton Sister Helen Kinsman present od Sister Allee Hayton with a gift from the club for her work dur ing the year. Sister Hayton ex pressed thanks for the gift and for the co-operation she had had 1 ; Sisters during her term of office i MeNevin: deputy mistress, Sister pyalyn Bilton, Gertrude Logan chaplain, Sisterigng Marie Blake, all from Queen!birthday dinner in March Prenarations were made for the, Sister Anne MacDonald is donating the cake, Vollowing the refreshments were served hy hostesses, Sisters Alice Hayton Clonla Couch, lsabel MeDonald and Amelia Weeks MAPLE LEAF, LTH The Maple Leaf, LTH No, 2 the Coronation hall with the worshipful mistress, Sister Doris Law, pre In and gave Sister Diana Cowle was Sister inppointed represeniptive to the secretary, Brother Bill Ellegett, [Push reports dette Fvelyn; good wishes for the Lodge District deputy grand mistress, installed the new officers for 195 as follows Worshipful mistress, Sister Doris associate mistress, Sister Velma Patfield; deputy mistress, Grace Arkle: recording financial secretary, Sister Berna treasurer, Sister director of care Beverly Chese:| Hazel Weddup Sister Arkle; Inside tyler, HBrother past Philin Skinner: outside tyler, Bis of ter Bonnle Hewitt; press report. er, Sister Hazel Woddup The hamper of groceries was won by Mrs, I. Eldridge, Mont The next meeting will he held on February 5 E. Chapman Will Accompany FWIO STRATFORD (CP)~Miss Ethel Chapman, editor of Home and Country, the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario publication | FWIO on a trip to Edinburgh next summer Mrs anee trip Is a tribute to man's contribution James Haggerty of Nap FWI10 president, sald the Miss Chap to the rural Migs Chapman Is an extension service worker with the Ontario department of agriculture This Is what Mrs, Helen Ripka of Sudbury did when she downed A 1,200-pornd bull moose recently | Khe had heen gunning for a moose for three years, tramping' up to 10 miles a day during hunting trips { She hunts with a party of men, operating from a cabin in the | Brought home, the moose Is butchered Into roasts and steaks and stored In a freezer, Moose has its owh cooking re Mrs. Ripka scores A ronst and stuffs narrow sirins fat pork Inte them, Bhe flavors It with garlle Mooseburaers are a dish of her own Invention, She mixes threes parts of ground moose meal with one part of mineed nork, chovped onion and salt, The meat Is shaped Into patties, pan-brolled and served in split buns, CARPETS From the Four Corners of THE WORLD All shapes an sizes NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 Mary St, RA 5.0433 waited for is here . . . Don't miss it! See you at 9 Thursday DAVIDSON'S Our Semi-Annual Clearance of discontinued lines and broken sizes starts Thursday at 9 a.m, , , , There are litterly hundreds of excellent dollar saving buys in good shoes and winter footwear... YES the event you've THURS. AT 9 AM. LADIES! SAVE $4 TO $6 A PAIR SPECIAL CLEARANCE Murray-Selby and Clarks Reg. $13.98 t0 $16.95 9.98 not all sizes In the grou 13 CLEARING PRICE Broken and discontinued lings Other groups of ladies Priced at 2.98 -- 4.98 -- 6.98 shoes clearing young mens dress LOOK MEN! HERE'S VALUE! Discontinued lines and broken sizes and casual w 98 CLEARING CLEARING men's and ear. Reg. values to | HERE'S A GOOD BUY! Broken sizes men's HARTT SHOES. A good assort- ment of sizes, but not all sizes in the groups values to 27.00, Reg. Shearling Lined SNOW BOOTS ws BARGAIN Ladies Reg. to $13.95 CLEARING Q 08 aaa @® PRICE Men's Men's Reg to $1595 CLEARING 11 05 ® Leather Slippers Broken alzes In Romeo, Everet and Gore styles Regular to 5.98 var for the CLEARING PRICE PRICE PRICE This Shoes CLEARING RACK group Includes Casuals, Flats lety of odds and ends Slippers, and a Sites men group . 1.98 women and girly In Fleece lined bro shoes, the group CLEARING PRICE CHILDREN'S OVERSHOES with inside collar and adjus Sizes 6 to 10 and 11 to | in 2.98 wn rubber overs shearling table strap Open Fri. Eve. Till 9 p.m, 31 SIMCOE ST. N, No Refunds or Exchanges on Sale Merchandise DAVIDSON'S @ RA 5.3312 Ta. TOMORROW THURSDAY, JAN, 22 ONLY Quantity Limited WHILE THEY LAST MEN'S REGULAR 16.95 LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER OPEN DAILY 10AM. TO 6 P.M, FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M, LE -- GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED FAMILY FAIR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE