1 : ooninets ANA mena y PTR Tne report sala me Canadians T Captain Marrsy of the Oshawa Oscar Morrison, leader, dedica (USC Finds Hearts a yt I Fiugole LB Bais tans} : HE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Jonuery n, "we 9 (Ca { (| ed the offering FROUPS CLUBS AUXILIARIES fire Seon, iingh p " very fibre of the country." y Y the home and) It was announced that Mrs 4 those who receive," Dr. Lotta Very puntry : ! : J J ' Bie ieveution Mo io Bla es", Lean will take charge of the Of Those Who Give Hitschmanova, USC director, 'They belong to every prov (fishermen, They helped her con: HOUSEHOLD HINT "| hat es ti various ways secretary's and licasurer's of: . said in her annual report, file. ovary inom bracket, SVaPY TYE 1200 9 the USC fund Along A thick foam rubber pad will CANADIAN LEGION AUX, (is hoped hare will be & betler| rive can start, fices b's And Who Receive | In 8 year that saw funds denomination; hoy Sve #ither with clothing and other articles, usunlly 34d enough hight wea / |atiendance of members The prayer missionary for the {raised in such ingenious ways as 1 © . "| Wounded 13 years ago, the ¢hair to make a smai child com- The Ladies Auxiliary, Canadian "py, oq oring report was given n ii William James thanked| cris Miss M. C, Whittier LS ILYN biisg breeding dewsworms, the volunt:| Churches, their clubs and lodges," "0 " 5 parts foriable at the dining (able. Cut egion, Branch 43, met on Tues: py Mys, C.F, Vermoen and a ablsin Mutsay also anmounced| Mrs. W. G, Battle reported thal y ary organization's pre-Christmas SANG CAROLS oi the world, 10 sponsors 2 chil. to fit the chair seat, If is alvo a ay evening, January 20, with the|substantial profit turned over to Mra. James ulo SMECRCOL 5 home calls and 8 visits (0) OTTAWA (CP)~The personal fund drive netied $207,000 to #up-| Carol.singing officers and men dren's homes in Korea, India| "A*hable protection for the reg resident, Mrs, Herbert Bathe, |the (reasurer the new Birthday Card convener, [hospital were made, The Braun» touch, linking those who give andiport 0 projects in 11 Asian and|a¢ the army's Western area com. and Europe, One Korean home|'8" chair covering or finish, ~ residing, Convention minutes Members are reminded of the irs, Malor Rankin closed in share of expense fund will be those who receive, is put down European countries mand in London, Ont., last vear is for disabled children, Through -- rere read by Mrs. Alyn Elliot, meeting next Tuesduy 8 Tl oor Yen was served by the Met by donatiohs as one reason why the Unitarian! 1p material sid, the USC sent| collected more than $1,287, School a foster-parent plan, 682 young COLORED PRINTS ecretary, p.m, apd should come, if possible Vellowship Group Mrs, Harry Blakely led In the Service Committee has recorded $406,575 worth of relief supplies projects net dimes and. dollars, sters in USC homes are Calicoprinting, or pressing rol I Aovided to: have 5 ight and support the president, offi. Next week Captain Donnelly of worship service, Mrs, Ernest 1956 as an "outstanding year." overseas, nearly iriple the $160, In Hespeler, Ont, Mrs, George sponsored hy Canadian "par-|ored designs on coiton and other his - Tuesd y in an] cars and exoculive chosen fon Ajax will speak and present| Wadsworth told the sory of Al our agency works on a per-|000 worth of food and clothing Peace raises dew-worms and ents," Eight new homes were textiles, was practised by the an- 4 - he 1 t wil he held" |eolored slides of the work of the Dert Swiester, a missionary from: son.to-person level; we encourage sent in 1957, Idoes a bustling business with!added last year, Ielent Egyptians, pug ibid with Mrs, Robert $A HOME LEAGUE |Home League) Evangelistic Van (Germany Who Went 10 AHICE 11 eee rere p-- - ans. Villiams as convener The rogiiay Iuseting ol thy in in Nova Scotia and Ontarlo, Pea. Alan Glover and her Iso decided to have a vAlon Army HO "REVI 4 1 " efreshments a Ys. and nl -- for held on Tuesday afternoon, Janu ANN CROZIER GROU P ; group served refresh his was set for May 5. The con. ary 20 The meeting of the Ann Crozier OW TINIE repers: will be Mrs, Herbert, Mrs, William James led in the group of the WMS of King Street 1, } Sathe and Mrs, Edward Bouck opening hymn, Mrs Charles United Church was opened by Adagio, as a term in music, wy. The conveners for hooths wilt Langmaid led in prayer Mrs, T. F. Lean with a medita- means the notes should be played se named next Tuesday when it' Mrs, Major Rankin introduced |tion on the New Yesr. Mrs. very slowly, . sensational savings in fine quality furs! JANUARY FUR CLEARANCE entire stock of % regular prices fine quality furs greatly reduced iy jackets, stoles 5 0 OFF for this event!! Every Fur Fully Guaranteed for Two Years! FURNITURE - APPLIANCES - CARPETS - DRAPES SAVE 1, ... ON FURNISHINGS FOR /2 | UPTO VERY ROOM IN YOUR HOME Take advantage of this semi-annual clearance-----selection has never been so complete, or prices so very, very low--If you need furnishings or are thinking of buying in the : ¥ : / M near future--MNow is the time--Free storage--if required--Rutherfotd's Liberal Budget Terms of course! 8 ONLY « CEDAR CHESTS Walnut and Blonds. Red Seal, Lane 30% OFF 4 ONLY « 4/6 SMOOTH-TOP SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES Reg. 49.50, 2 26 JANUARY CLEARANCE, HALF PRICE " 3 ONLY--BUNK BED SETS ---- Red Maple---complete with springs, spring filled mattress, guard rail and ladder, JANUARY CLEARANCE 68.00 4 ONLY~--DOUBLE DRESSER, CHEST AND BOOKCASE BED Seamist finish, Slight.y marked 5 Reg. 149.00. JANUARY CLEARANCE L] 1 ONLY ==3-PC, WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE--Double Dresser, Chest and Bookcase Bed, Centre drawer guides, 119 00 solid gables, etc, Regularly 189.00 ndikit [] 2 ONLY « Vigterlaville Walnut or Sable DOUBLE DRESSER, CHEST & BOOKCASE BED, Regularly 239.00, 168 JANUARY CLEARANCE oy 1 ONLY --KNECHTEL Twilight (Grey) MR, & MRS, DRESSER, CHEST AND BOOKCASE BED, Regularly 329.00, 199 JANUARY CLEARANCE " 1 ONLY---Victoriaville Cherry -- DOUBLE DRESSER, CHEST, AND BOOKCASE BED, Regularly 249.00, 168 00 JANUARY CLEARANCE 1 1 ONLY-SEAMIST DOUBLE DRESSER, CHEST & BOOKCASE BED, Regularly 159.00, 94 00 JANUARY CLEARANCE " 2 ONLY -- "PEPPLER' Walnut or Blond DOUBLE DRESSER, CHEST, BOOKCASE BED, Regularly 399.00, 269 JANUARY CLEARANCE . Clearance of Simmons and Marshall MATTRESSES -- some arehoves id ond sshd, but all in the original cartons, egularly 50 to 89.00, JANUARY CLEARANTE 28.00 to 38.00 36" CONTINENTAL (complete). Smooth.top mattress, box springs, headboard and six legs. Regularly 69.95, 49 MY) SAVE $20 -- JANUARY CLEARANCE {| LIVING ROOM 8 ONLY -- "SKLAR OCCASIONAL CHAIRS -- Armchairs, Rotor styles, ete, == various colors, Regularly 54.95 10 69.50, iaaanct 35.00 to 41.00 1 ONLY == 3.PC. SECTIONAL «= Airfoam, Turquoise, Dupont Nylon, Regularly 299.00. JANUARY CLEARANCE 199.00 1 ONLY -- DUBARRY 2.PC, CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR ~-- green nylon airfoam. Regulorly 299.00, 1 JANUARY CLEARANCE 3 ONLY~--RESTONIC 2-PC, CHESTERFIELD OR DAVENO and CHAIR == Fully spring-built, Red, green or grey, 111] 60 Regularly 179,00, V4 PRICE 2.PC, ; [ 3 ONLY --~LARGE PLATFORM ROCKERS Wool frieze, various colors, Reg, 49.95, 29 06 JANUARY CLEARANCE [] 2 ONLY---=LARGE TV SWIVEL CHAIRS Various 21 95 colors, Reg. 39.95, JANUARY CLEARANCE ] 1 ONLY~=2.PC, DAVENPORT SET Beige and brown ar borite turnover arms Reg. 239.00, JANUARY CLEARANCE 1 9.00 1 ONLY -- 2.PC, SHETRRE ILD we Alrfoam throughout Turquoise wool Reg. 25 JANUARY CLEARANCE 139.00 1 ONLY-SCANDINAVIAN 2.PC. SOFA & CHAIR green wool, Reg, 169.00, JANUARY CLEARANCE " 2 ONLY--SKLARLINER SOFA BED & CHAIR ray OF red boucle Regularly 219.00 JANUARY CLEARANCE DINETTE - ONLY « ODD NIGHT TABLES --. Blonde and walnut sgularly te 49.95, LESS THAN HALF PRICK 12.00 } ONLY «= 6.-PC. DINETTE Walnut with Arbority Tops uffet, table, 3 side chairs and armehair, Reg. 199.00. JANUARY CLEARANCE 149.00 1 ONLY « 5.PC, CHROME SUITE Extension toble and 4 chairs, Red Peorl. Reg, 59.95, JANUARY CLEARANCE 50 1 ONLY «= KNECHTEL DINETTE --Limed ook Arborite Buffer table, 4 chairs. Regularly 239.00 JANUARY CLEARANCE 169.00 2 ONLY «= KNECHTEL DINETTE -Limed oak. Buffet, table and 4 chairs. Regularly 349.00, JANUARY CLEARANCE 198.00 6 ONLY -- 6'9' x 9' CARPETS Tene.on-tone and Orientals Regularly 69.95, JANUARY CLEARANCE 48.50 1 ONLY -- 6.PC, SILVER FOX (Block DINETTE by Krug. Buffet, table and 4 diners 1 % Regularly 299.00, JANUARY CLEARANCE " APPLIANCES STOVES 1 ONLY - 3 HNpLAY A- BURNER RANGE Safety hack switches egularly 9.00, JANUARY CLEARANCE 139.00 2 ONLY ~~ SUNSHINE -- 23" 4.BURNER RANGE Full, porcelain oven, etc. Regularly 219.00, JANUARY CLEARANCE 169.00 1 ONLY ~~ McLARY 23" RANGE--Visual oven door completely automatic with clock, warming oven etc. Regularly 299.00. JANUARY CLEARANCE 219.00 1 ONLY -- McLARY 30" RANGE completely automatic, clock, back light, etc. Regularly 309.50, JANUARY CLEARANCE 00 1LONLY -- McLARY 30" AUTOMATIC RANGE all Deluxe atures wiih fullvue door and warming oven. Model DEF 30/85 egularly 359.938 JANUARY CLEARANCHK 269.96 1 ONLY -- McLARY 30" "TOP OF THE LINE" RANGE" completely Deluxe with Tele.matie burners. Model SDE /8S Regularly 399.50 JANUARY CLEARANCE 1 ONLY --= McLARY 1958 8.5 CU, FT. -- 149 00 Slightly used. JANUARY CLEARANCE " 1 ONLY «= McLARY 1958 10.5 CU, FT, Slightly used. JANUARY CLEARANCE 199.00 1 ONLY -- McLARY 8.5 CU, FT, -- New, Regularly 249.00. JANUARY CLEARANCE 199.00 1 ONLY .-- KELVINATOR 12 CU, FT, -- Upright freezer Regularly 319.00. JANUARY CLEARANCE 269.00 1 ONLY « McLARY 10.5 CU. FT. -- Automatic defrost Regularly 379.00. JANUARY CLEARANCE 269.00 1 ONLY ARAL 10.5 CU, FT, -- Automatic defrost Regularly 95, JANUARY CLEARANCE 279.00 1 ONLY = McLARY 13.5 CU. FT. . Automatic defrost Regularly 489.00, JANUARY CLEARANCE 369.00 OPEN TILL NINE FRIDAYS 154-156 SIMCOE ST. S. 3 MINUTES OPENS AN ACCOUNT NO OUTSIDE FINANCING RA 5-6559 Featuring the most popular and durable furs of the finest quality, Expertly designed and manufactured in our own factory workrooms, with a background of over 51 consecutive years of experience as wholesale furriers, Mink Dyed MUSKRAT JACKETS i) Natural GREY KIDSKIN JACKETS Processed -- Dyed MOUTON LAMB JACKETS Reg. to $249 JANUARY FUR CLEARANCE - - FEATURE!! Natural GREY PERSIAN LAMB "Wild Mink" --Dyed 9 CHINA MINK JACKETS Black-dyed 'Featherlite' PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS Mink-dyed MUSKRAT BACK COATS ] Natural WILD MINK STOLES Reg. to $495 JAN UARY FUR CLEARAN LER CE - - FEATURE! ! "Emba' Cerulean Mink Trimmed GREY PERSIAN LAMB COATS "Emba Cerulean Mink Trimmed (Dyed) 0) ) i; BLACK PERSIAN LAMB COAT "Wild Mink"--(Dyed) CHINA MINK COAT Mink-dyed -- "Let Out" MUSKRAT BACK COATS Natural SHEARED RACCOON COATS Reg. to $595 . . and many other wonderful buys at tremendous reductions! i, ¥ | ; FURS 75 KING ST. EAST -- Opposite Genosha Hotel