"GQ THE OSHAWA TIMES, dey, Jenuer 13, 1 Daley Honored BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT ' Bir Tra ; y M oh TORONTO Blosk Beles Wigh Low 1] a.m, OW'ge Weiss Wish Lew 1} 4m, Ob Mash Wales Wh Low am OF60 night at a celebration marking (Quotations in cents unless merked § 7 Fin b pe 014 wh i lol 40 WB 40 410 500 Wh 4 Bulolo 700 410 + the longest term ever served hy planes, is faced with the prosnect Trans Mt nn 200 $12% Un Telef 1000 106 Jroither, 4A on P 0 ! 4 Abitibi 3 John Alfson of the Ontario Col-|\ver Island for Japan, marking an his direciors decided to go it indicated the government Is une id v Li 35 Westin 4pr 220 860% } 4 1 0 est A Gold Eagle 25 5a sald the painting honored "the, Mr, MacDonsld, president of nance start-up costs, transport hoard Wednesday "very Alg Cen wt 2I0 vy A ps GF Uran tween the emplovees of this de: rugged individualist, He has often\had been installed on the Cowi."0 divert to Canadian commere. Anthes Imp 3 - . oh $10% 16 y Gunnar 1% Abitibi fos # ! : Alas Steel 345 $20 Third CG Iny 300 $14 Har-Min "ou isi a y 20% Seotin attended (holders, and it has been sald by'1o Japan o A ommons this particular recom. Bank N& Hove, ] f of y ' Bailey 8 9% en wards settlement of three-month 1] { all f " smelling of atlar of copper ' y 4 . Rain uB 4 J oo] penses and construction of a dock. wont Defence Minister Pearkes Bail § 8% pr Joliet 28 " Bon PC vis 455 A66 4n8 408 International = Nickel Company.|per concentrates te Japan, gross: (returned from a tour of mines, | Coil Las Kilem rts Brazil : ras without Mr, MacDonald's determ- promise from Japanese hackers|ommendation, Senior officers said Can De 1. Dufault $ BC Phone nt 76 August, 1943, when he was ASK EXTENSION Be Phone om in Lala 4 A A properties . | However, one officer sald that sky : 3 Brown 1528 for Lincoln riding as the Progres-| Two years ago, An eRstern oo. pnpn sc vouTH cec Stone ] © Mie Mae a bow " Hr der Premier George Drew, investments in cowichan asked, Mr. MacDonald, 48, got Into port role, 1t could not quickly © Bok Com f 2 5 P y Macleod k Dome Pele aclen Bank Com 180 8 5 spending summers away from the thoronghly and continuously In | -- rtment : i | Work By RCAF Tor onto, Montreal Stocks By Department Determination | Work by ' TORONTO (CP) Charles 4 f 0 2900 ] ™ Br Mis Cotsdian Br Yn A" i" Hi i sf : n 1000 33 9 200 25% BA 2% + W his 16th year as head of the On- Results In Sal OTTAWA (CP) The RCAF, tario labor department, believed now battling (0 retain fighter 8144 int, 8 ~ FExdividend, xr T Fin wis 87 2100 $10'% 104 Yapl All 2200 124 / v ng {any labor minister in Canada VANCOUVER (CP) A ship (for an extension of a $500,000 0p- of a big reduction in Is trans Un Gas 800 86 | Fatima 100 Viancouer 1000 A 1 MONTREA ees presented Mr, Daley with an'cenirates will be loaded thisicopper mining Only two days after Prime Vanadium 100 i Acad Atl 0 h GW 18 304 Lon fon k n parked 4 llega of Art other siep in the success story of (alone, They shipped development likely to purchase the Arrow fet Alta Dist » 4 un Wodd JA 220 Algome B50 $37 4 Grandue 7 3 " 2 934% SAN Hil Nek A se |partment and Mr, Daley." flouted conventional promotion|ehan property, Mr. MacDonald '® Ale carriers "a much greater Arean 5 811404 114 ST) Gunnar wis Algoms 37 y 1% A : | wom iL in Manitohs, Quebec and Nova!terests and those of his share- deal to ship copper concentrates PEIng done hy the alr force Auto Eleet 2s Hea h Lol] Mr, Daley, 68, won praise dur: his e tors that he could falll 9 A v0, his competitors thal h {i L The Japanese hel q p ped finance ial i Rank A$ : Homie: : mendation will require further Bank ont Jello v 2 Bank NE rts #5 m5 WH Steel Company of Canada and|per has shipped 8,000 tons of cop:| Mr MacDonald now has Just about it 728 Britalia 00 200 Kerr Add Bath Pow B plus his recent efforts In averting ing $1,125,00¢ smelters and production facilities RCAF Thiwsday appeared un. Coll wie Kirk Min BA Oi 7%) y ployees ne po {to pour $1,000,000 into develop. they haven't yet had an opportun one , n Fx 1625 L Shore A BC Power 390 did Husky 100 Brown i In wartime the RCAF would he ] 7 ' H i'r sive Conservatives took office un- mining company that had heavy Cl ¥Fnd ¥ 7 p p 4 ' Can ( 695 ndry 74 Dev Pal Mace 0 . Can tom mining originally when he was 16, do this unless if had heen (rained ( dl mr + 00 i 7 Puven 1004 Madsen 7" id ' ( 530 5 7 ] ols fie Bg 1] fn : fit E48 1 INTERPRETING THE NEWS arto Sih, wind fe Tl ! t in Manitoba mines, When he The air transport hoard sald it ({ { ( ( ' - |] Not 1M Wed Daley was honored Thursday Could Be Cut Toronte Mock Exchange 500 13% vights, sw--Fu-warrants ) Tr Can PL de] hh #00R 451 SIRYe Bales ta 11 » m 1,011,000 Industria Un Steel 0 $12 The department's 350 employ. ment of 3,000 tons of copper con- tion because things were Lough In!port aircraft n hd Frobisher § | J P| i robishe oil painting of himself done hy|weekend at Cowichan on Vancow | My, MacDonald said no, He and Minister Diefenbaker had again Bloek Bales with Low il a.m, Chige w 250 Geea Mines A " won Wenon's 180 om j Alls Dist 2% 290 0 ston A Gant YK Deputy Minister J, B, Metzler Oswood G, (Ozzie) MacDonald, lore to Tacomas, Wash, to fi. Interceptor for the RCAF, the afr Alla Gas 840 29% 6 ?» » A : : ' ward A. m0 Hop "re f f Industrials long and happy relationship be- Cowichan Copper Company, 8 8] About & year ago, after & mill SIPongly" urged the government Alumint Vii Lule A 126 926% Aqpoiid Sock Salen igh Low am, Ch 4 : ' ' ' 155 630 38 8 Officials of 1abor departments procedures to guard his own in-lgnnounced a multi-million-doliar Portion" of transport work now Argus 250 $9 ; . 98 848 ; Hard Rock ; Aliimin 9h . 4 ~ 1 Transport. Minister Hees (old Bank Mont Hollinger » F p 0ilr Ashe M44 ~ ing the Inst year for his work to-iinto a gravel pit and come out qo Lit, SEER A Bath Pow B25 " Int Fan Pr OWIChAN'Ss pre = Production ex-\aapafy oyamination and he will Alan 10 Bank NS 7 sirikes by employees of the! [In the last year, Cowichan Cop Bell Phone aa } Bailey 8 A 2100 810% dohurke » Banque P( h On the surface at least, the 25 Calalta Kilembe f V " Bell Phone he] $2 4 a strike hy Ontario hydro em: [t wouldn't have been done In Japan and says he has a perturbed nhout the board's ree. € Chieftn Joon f Lake Cin BCE 4hpr 28 3M He became labor minister In ination Be Phone z ' ¢ {ment of further Cowichan copper ity to study Its implications ( Homestd 100 178 7 1aiteh BC Phone 224 4 J elected to the Ontario legisiatur pe p Li heh TA ' Husky 300 expected to carry out a full (rans. I Fndry VL] Cian Brew pr 10 9 Highwood Malartie Bronze 50 CBAL A wis 215 525 825 28 y % Jupiter 4 Maralgo 5 i CRAL B wis 100 fupliar ; : pis Celan 750 {gradunted, he remained in the has heen alleged that in many Cd Cel 10 4 ' po ( 100 in Celan 0 Medal Maritime el $ipr 4 mining industry, working In varl- cases commercial earriers cond I ' Chem Cell 306 .. y ; ] € Coll pr 2000 ; : dan Oil 82 2 ous capacities ranging from as perform RCAF transport duties € Curt W 4600 08 9 N Chamb f Matalin 3000 | PR 1310 ig r n FF transport dutl c N Cont Mavbrun 32500 Com Ent 200 i saver to accountant al less cost \ om | , ' iy He obtained a lease fo a gold! The hoard did net attempt to Dredge 10 ow N Davies Meintyre 15 3 p Hydro Car 278 Northeal / 1 2 MoKen 1100 3 1 I" Con Mand8 1145 820 ] | Dist Seng 100 | property in Manitoba during the establish the amount of work CPR ano 4 NCO pr 3 Merrill 200 oy " LJ . ' Comh Ent 100 Hu Okita f i Milliken 6225 2M; h Bridge In AR T V Second World War, but it burned that could he diverted to com Con Gas 50 8354 Pac Pele 4 Minda 1000 D Padry 790 p (0) 181 al 1A a {down hefore he was able to getimereial carriers but said itis Permn Pr Min Corp 70 Dom Tar 9478 $15% "% 4 Hi going, and he could not getisatisfied that it would he large He siaved in Norway, forsook Permission to rebuild it, This sent enough fo permit a substantial Corby vt iD S184 4 . 9 p Petrol | Min Ore 1500 Cosmos 100 812% I Dom Text LLL] + » Phillips Moneta bi DORON 0 $7 171 By ALAN HARVEY fought (Mim Into the wholesale plumbing improvement in the position of | supply business In Vancouver for regionnl carriers," Dist Seay 330 833% 4 x 2500 2 D Bridge 470 $2114 2 prove am oi y : Mt When 1200 7 1 ni | Canadian Press Staff Writer his German nationality ! wn y 4 4 + " A 1 1 , with the Norwegian underground { Willy Brandt's forthcoming four years The hoard noted that the Unlied | A weekend prospector, he snent States Congress has ordered the 0D Dairies rt 888 50 1 Rovalile 2 2 New Alger 1000 visit to Canada affords a closeup ABAINSL the German occupying [view of a man who may be prime , his evenings pouring through a U8 military alr transport serv Nn Fadry 500 84% N H00 Dom Slores 155 SHR4 South U ew Hid i Foundat M) ; 18 N Cal 1000 9 3 E] ndatn Bnooner ow Fraser troops during the Second World! a pe G3 « War, was captured hy his former minister of free Germany one countrymen but gained his free.|IDrary of hooks on the mining In: ice to expend al least $60,000,000 dustry with commerelal carriers In 1959 Dom Tar LIEU g p Tidal 146 New Delhi 1000 Dom Text $10 0 Trind OA F 530 N Hoseo 2100 Vr Pole pr Gatineau In 1060, he hegan developing the and that Britain utilizes civil ear Cowichan copper operation, 'riers for miliary tasks Chem 125 9 P Nat Pete 7 Martin Ford | L] Hig y tn Oils Hus 2 N Kelore 1006 9 i Ford 200 8110% 113 19 Ww Cdn OG 20 225 228 Newlund 10060 1 3 at Paper day f bef th m hi rd A A M r NM PPR ofore wre od s A Danalta 1300 " ¥lama 20000 1 Home OH A " f y It's a longshot, but it could 0M helor ey reais i rp / o ¥ (00 a W Deo wis 200 | Newnor 1000 ome ft 4 / . | i Identity W Nao 1100 100 New Rouyn 3500 f | happen After 'the war he served as ne Gen Bake 210 H Smith p ) " Nick Rim ith pr ' | 4 9 pn v Hy AS Hoo Sin L Mi obi AR p Ea Hud Bay f f | Brandt, once a sireet fighter Norwegian press attache in Ger Goodyear 18 $100 ines Norands | ) imp V Against Hitler, now 18 Mayor ao many, took hack his German eitl 2 $74 A ran 3000 8 4 Nima : 25 26 3 Ind Aveop 50 $98) West Berlin, a nerve-esting Job, \yenghip and joined the Social Hd iki) Algom ; J Slam Wl | Notpas i Infand C pr {He has what commentators call Democrats Though often at odds ! ) #5 50 NOS [4 f 5 "" " 100 p04 Alton 34 4000 " N Golders Nickel "nn political sex appeal" and MAY with the party bureaucracy, he 129 $10 1 Anaoon 1340 7" 7 N Rana Hod ? nt Util emerge as A candidate to S00 pace rapidly 705 $42 2 Anglo Hur 200 12% aid i vq ceed Erich Ollenhauer as leader Norvalie 5000 nies ' ' . " " , 0 $a 7 AnK Rouyn » Norva no ar of the Social Democratic party, WHIFF OF BARRICADES 650 $13% 13% H " Opem 60 TE Lahatt f oy 9 ty To Ottawa, Brandt will bring a 13% yank is 17) Orenada 0 Maruill RB 4 LH [TRILINGUAL MAN beautiful Norwegian wife, Rut ' \ 20 V Ma : ih Ah Rarnat Paranieq rind 3 [The other candidate Is expected and a whiff of the barricades of 1" 1" Jase Metals he 1 " Patinn M 100 2 tn he Ollenhauer's deputy, Fritz beleaguered Berlin 51% 53M Belcher 1000 | ! Gatie we 300 i) A Ralson 4 a | H i (Frler, an intellecinal who Unlike some Furopean left ih Bh BY Relleterre 3A : Bro ow 500 110 100 Mont 1ace speaks English and French as wingers, he has no sentimental Jefferson Hy 1h Ribis 13000 Ques Ascot B48 B f Nal Drug . § fluently as his native tongue hankering to he gentle with the Kelly D A LA Bieroft $00 : Nor anda y § ; Kelly wis . Lid] Bieroft whe #0 f Sue Chip 3h ont Steel # | Present betting is that either Russians, He calls himself A 1 het or Erler will be at the|' Scandinavian « type socialist [1] [1] 1" Bideop $00 ! } - a par Pi 100 $30% 0% Rouzan 500 U Rix Athap - 4ho0 fo a Con. Imply! clear-eyed view of 100 835 35 § Boymar 3000 Rix he Jun ; Prwell helm in time to oppose Dr, Kon mp ng A a 3000 +i - Bron Jo Ratellite 2248 rad Adenauer's governing Chris-<Soviet Intentions ; : i mu 00 Rrunsi 2000 4 Sherritt 1300 : 3 f f tian Democrats in the 1961 elec.| In the recent Berlin crisis, he Slocan VR A500 , Prov : i tions was the man under the gun, and Mass¥ 10038 #128 low 12 Cahle 1000 i i a ' Sladacona LLU 5 Q Nal Gas 12 2 2 IM : 4 4 4 i J Mant or 710 ity + Sadamat "ooo 2 1 Stanieigh 945 | Que Pow . [ The speculation 1s of Interest his Hemuess and calm under fire M Cont A $y 1 : © Malart #100 ! Btanigh wis 40 ] Roe AY Can 2 \ [to Canadians since Brandt will won Allied admiration, With the Branrek 1908 Roe pr be in Ottawa Feb, 6 as part of a future of the divided city still in Molson A 126% 04 CanErin #1600 f : v ( 7 Rolland A o y Molson B $2644 A Canis uo : Blartatt 00 7 St 1 Corp [world tour, Erler was in the cap. Guestion he will probably have 5 Hy ent Pa : Raladn § ital earlier this month on a fact. need of steady nerves In months $50 fo $5000 Cheskirk 1000 Sud Cont | hih Jae 2000 f Aullivan - Bhawin am finding mission, Both men are 45 '0 come ih M 300 140 140 Taureanis 7 Shawin 4 pr # 4 4 anh un ue wo ly ih 1 AT SN I 1 FIGHTING DISPOSITION | WAS HOTEL INSPECTOR without endorsers or bankable security irae 4H 4 Hi " . Trin Chik 2 Tor Dom Rk Mig | 8 | Brandt has a repulation as A LONDON, Ont, (CP)--John T on Key 1500 23% 29% Ult Shaw A con Jie ? 4 fy fighter, Born at Luebeck, the in-|May, 87, a former city alderman & UPERIOR FINANCE Reta O #00 hn Mining , 2 Gia a8 is $544 ternationally-minded Baltic port died Wednesday. In the early Ocean Cem 0 Jockey 1000 0 Jockey pr LL] 9 O Jock B pr 200 804 © Jock wis R00 88 218 $338 45 $AR% Pipe Mig 300 460 N Gas 100 882% 13% LUE] iw i} Con MandS 1120 #22 nn 78 SIA C Morrison 1000 WW - me er-------------- 1300 110 C Mosher 1000 400 838 C Red Pop 2000 4 Mis W Cop-Man 8000 105 $204 Coprand 100 LL IL] 1] 8 A Cusen 1500 114 134 "w 100 #8 D'Aragon 1000 3 4" " Silverwd A LLU JRL Dome 100 LLY ig Simpsons 750 $d East Mal 1000 180 0 ! St Pay 60 Maly . t Sull 2450 200 300 % ® on MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES want you to havea. .. Ey - | REC-ROOM 272 ALBERT ST Ra 51200 To help you, they arrange WHEN QUALITY COUNTS... ® FREE ESTIMATES COUNT ON OUR MEATS! \ © NO DOWN PAYMENT MEAT SPECIALS FRI. & SAT. ONLY! © NO PAYMENTS UNTIL APRIL FRESH DAILY SAUSAGES "39+". 29" They also carry a complete supply of: oO OKED HAM 85 Decorative Panelling Decorative Ceiling Tile ERT Wao D LAH WELDTEX SYLVACORD CUSHIONTONE FISSURETONE PORK carcass "3 DRIFTWOOD AMBERPLY STARLITE DIAMOND AE ORaGH mam ; WOODGRAIN SHEETROCK ACOUSTIC BOILING FOWL an 89° " EXTRA SPECIAL ! Floor Tile FARM FRESH EGGS 4..1.00 B. P. VINYL ASBESTOS BREAD 9 nor gye || And as a special offer January 24 to January 31 Only. .. Come Down To Eimbrook rerms ror Meat || RAINBOW WALL TILE 32 sq. ft. Dravevery 2) 3 HA - ¥ 0 p Canadian and delectable marzipan, he es: known London phnehall player Fen foo | L b / 1 caped to Norway as a young man He retired in 1048 as hotel In Haliwel Hoo ' 1 3 e pom oy 100 now au Sane engaging In street brawls specior of Oxford and Middlesex 17 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-6541 an awh u 2100 84 - Catelll A BME lagainst Hitler forces in 1033. counties, Lin a ( ' ( { ( ( 820 $114 C Callinan 1300 14 114% , potable for its fine old town hall part of the century he was a well ¢ NO J | OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 12 NOON ¢ ( That's A Treat To Eat : TO BEAUTIFY YOUR BATHROOM OR KITCHEN ® LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN o' ot orm ms ven I MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA RA 3-4694