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The Oshawa Times, 23 Jan 1959, p. 14

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14 TVR GSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Jeweery 09, 1999 © iiss LTHE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS |i | (1--~Accountonts (B--Building Trades ~~ (15--Instruction ~~ (22--Radio & TV Repoirs (32--Articles Wanted [= Room ond Boord (44--For Rent Please Note I INDEX MONTEITH, Monteith, Nishi and Co, (CARPENTER work, (rami VIED Juda eoteh: ond Tablas "on we bt mom ahd board for uit baie vous nd both. ite Miche J od. IC A tants, licensed Trus (ming, kitchen cabinets, Nis [] 9.00 hasuied Ascountants, liom Alterations and repairs a 4 | Music Studio for oll Instruments PARKWAY TELEVISION dum oe desk, Whitby MO 82818, 18¢ 1H | stove, h now In effect for ? (tees, Ajnx, Oshawa, Biratiord, Toronto; DUsNOSE Ou fs son TO WANT AD V5 Mamas, FAC, A Man [0k 90 to0 oma Work pusreness | Viera Tuning | ELECTROMOME, PIANOS = Upright or apartment size, ROOM nd board Box 423, Oshaws Tomes, | | Hon this column | teith, &, Comm, CA; G. W, Riehl, CA; [RA 3-357. ml ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES Will pay eash, State make and price, | Duich Tomily: Apply "0H FIVE room apariment, heated Births, Memorloms, Cards of LA |B, F, Lightfoot, CA; Georse W. Treth \AvL "(ypes dwelling re) 0 RCA. VICTOR, ADMIRAL Write Box 337 Oshaws Times, Btreel, wi avy C SSIFICATION 135 Simeos Street |yid nd Chim New and Usen Pianos " J ROO 558 Sav TT Toi shan binder Krage, Wy nian, oonping 1 wey, CA, RA 53027, plastering . | mAceountants | North, Oshawa =a aaa neys, new and repaired. Dial KA 50304 (New and Used) WESTINGHOUSE 35--Employment Wanted single room for gentlemen, good park. | 33128 crilfled | Gordon May " - ZeeBarrinters ; LS or Sir aT omp 1 [att ne FORT wipes | Full selection of all Instruments | The finest WT 0nd | uu TABLE woman would Tike ironing, |!" APPIY 160 Park Rosd North, 1IH| vou Foom, heated partment, Pri d=~Chiropracter | Ean, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 53508 | Phone RA 53521, Harold 8, Sark, Lid, 477 Simeos Street South boing, ste gi "home, Loesisg soon ad boast, hows, sonked mals, Tale miranss, by Bond Street Eosl, DIAL RA 3.3492 4--Dentisn |wERGER YRANKEL AN | plumbing, heating and engineering, 255 ' 918 Simcoe N~--RA 3 3043 near South ant, Phone AE ceommodation, Phone RA 5 i pai Jvien |couniants and" auditors, "10s * Wing | Eitcoe Brest Sovch OIL PAINTING "5 RELIABLE Jady with rel on Daeg To SAREE alumi kad aphvisionis, Wo : | ady erences will |» GM, G Curopesn meals, 0 otoretrists Wireel East, RA 30231, |10--Sharpening Service T.V. AERIALS for "child by day tn own home, #5160 05 2 Fin Brest Eat, Rly ohomas Mia"s 7408 A 7 Su J rvevors BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting |... --r ee Evening Classes Sold and Installed Call KA 8 ROOM and board for gentleman. Close | pup pp os Sang, "iit level brick Je~Veterinorions Ser complete bookkeeping M R OMAN Id like ho rk, wo to all Mouth plants, home privileges, BA BIRTHS 8--Building Trades Berea; Wot, Room 1 Offies, WA 803011 SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! Radio Park Clubhouse | 20.1, pong iid up, Fore ovs 8 week. Phone BA 2 i [131 4 | monthly, Phone Whitby' Wo Vin, 1] PBuilding Material | ay 7608, | PAINTER and decorator, enced er and board for genilemen, sin | 1o=snarpemng' service [yeni SR The most complete outometie | pj KIRKPATRICK ROLLAND T.V, In il branches of ihe trode, seeks ble beds, howe priviegen," Garage, UNFURNISHED 34 room spariment . WE, ' i n Ld ALDWINCELE « Mr. and Mrs, Clive HH ambusines Opportunities N Liew grinding equipment in Osh. | Artist Teacher RA 3.4849 | sasdy position, Privaie it Rd vant "om 1a aso iano 754 o A ® space, Very al #. Aldwinckle are happy to announce fad 4 Street Sa=~=Business Opportunities 8, King rest] owa for sharpening Hand RA 5-3138 AFTER 7 i RELIABLE woman will give day eare| COMFORTABLE room In lovely home, THREE . room ape t _ » the birth of A daughter. C nvalyn Dawn, Worled Es BL You CA at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie v ig ' V ingle beds i are, ex-|bath, immediate wii on Thursday, January 23, 1959, A sister | |2-Dressmaking Friedlander, Comm, CPA, sows, Bondsaws (metal end TOWNE to one iid cal "A i. nh We a am" 'of {hth, immadinte [rey oo ih VM i" for Cann 4g J avise 13--Gardening & Supplies 2--Barristers wood). 'Lownmeviere. Skate LEARN TO DRIVE dishwashing. Phone HA 3340 siier | 33 Wanted fo Rent ONE furnished room, will young si GOULDING -- Mr, and Mrs, George | |4==Household Repairs PAVID Bowmti Davvior--ToWs ' 4 ' . ; T.V. ANTENNA SALES [pm _ : we i . or Indy, Apply 620 Bimeos Sires Goulding are happy to announce the || |5- «instruction Sar, 3 Simeoe South, RA 8.9502, Resl.| ®t. STAN'S SHARPENING SCHNEIDER'S AND SERVICE LABY would like household duties, (GENTLEMAN would lke furslshed | guasoon North, four and five-reom birth of daughter at the Oshawa ll (oo ( once ' v | " office or store ning. Any type of |DBchelor apartment or furnished house: | ol nl, TO C General: Hospital on January 20, 195) dence RA 1.0284 SERVICE, Cor, King & Burke. Driving School employment eonsidered, Phone RA keeping room in Oshaws. Phone RA |SESEMERt fully "uippad sll RA A sister for Janet and Ellen Hmioray to boun | MeGIIBON and Basiedo, Barristers, RA 3.3224 lh All-wave aerials, rotor aerials, |5.4700 194 |8:5462 17¢ | ork on 8pm | 8--=Loan Want Solieitos MHents' funds Ava ile for | nis bus KORRY Mr. and Mrs, John ll gn pone iy je yi a aval "Street | 157 Olive Ave, Oshawa, Ont, TV. towers, antenna repairs, (3 F le Help Wanted 44---For Rent man, in ie ar Col Arthur Korey are habpy lo snsounes | gpg onal North, RA 53566, Charles C. MeGib:| 11--Business Opportunities oll work guaranteed, For 6--Female Help Wante BI gy grrr gh dh Bireet West, ir 0 ' -- a fA AE iid Hospital, | 20-Cartage Joon. QC; Edgar F, Bastedo, QC RA 8.5315 free estimates -- phone col- PARTY To NE _smploys. 4a decorating nished, 88 month, Apply after 6/NEW Jevarste "hesind ape a ry or For. || 21=Porsonal Service [AUMTAREYY and Boxthya, Warrisiars GRILL YoImvrance lect store. Trving, am Apvdanis Whoa RA 8.6463, ; the clome to schol and us, Phone and aby doing | Ja=Rodie Repairs GE, Boyehyn, BA; W. A, Hillma . . ot 25:45 and available for full time when | APARTMENT byliding, thres . room, E------ re 23-=Women's Column King Street West, Pho ALLBTATE Auto Insurance, Bave up to BOWMANVILLE [necessary, Apply Box 425, The Osh-|four - piece bathroom, washer, seria, APARTMENT, (wo large rooms wilh RA 5:1177) Res, RA 5.4604; or Fully equipped, 2 per cent, nine months to pay, For awa Times, sisting age and exper: | parking, adults, main floor, immediate Private Nk ashroom, In private home, od ence possession, Near Shopping Centre, Ap |SLOVE cable, cuphosrds, ele, reason: STAUFFER Mr. and Mre, Brice 24=Market Basket . Maulfer (nm Joap McKnight) wish to Whitby, MO 8.2761, Money to loan 34.4 | service at your home, call RA MARKET 3 5 2 ) ! oot counter, | ply 213 Stevenson South, 164 |Able, near shopping centre, and bus, 5 2 LA # full eh widower's | Ply Ahiaiy or AT tenire. 40d pub announce the birth of a son, Allan || 15--Pets ana Livestock Ww. BRUCE Affleck, BA, Barrister and DY ie of Sew David on Wednesday, January 31, 1000. | 26=-Farmers Column Solicitor, 428 Park Road "Mouth. RA 18 stools -- 4 tables Wo (home, thr three school-age children, Phot | THREE - room spariment, Bulliin eup:|3.2051 at the Oshawa General Hospita 27 =Funl, Wood boards, TV outlet, Private entrance oP Wy TTT pr Reasonable rent, a 3 LARGE Wight 8 voor" ovn W | whirR-- wanted, full or Apply 260 Thomas Street, 18 antenne, tian Fly Hy hartmanh, TV brother for Kenny, Thanks to Dr. Mor I8eSummer ROSS . Sn aa ones and Kelly rristers, Bolle I FIRNT and second mort , #ale -- / { ne J rurnar | torn te, ia Mime Biren Bout, Dis PHONE RA 5.5743 HLL iy Bhat 23--Women's Column (ime. Apply Mr, Campbell, Gonowhs | suns = room ~apsriniant, Todor, | nese, main floor. also §room pari (RA"3.2278. Kenidence phones: J 17¢|nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King [SPECIAL -- heat permanents, $6.50; | Hote Feb. 3.1 orivate entrance, private bathroom. contained. Centra), RA 51768, after 1 in Tal --) 1 TALVAK-Mr. and Mrs, Rein i9==Summer_ Properties For Sole Greer, BA, fic, RA 5.3368; Terence ¥ Street East, RA 37292 cold waves, $5.50 Page Hairdressing. | GRAPHOTYPIST for addressing and | Vacant now. Across from BGM. Rea: (8 RA 37092 36. vak announce the arrival of their baby or Wanted Kell 3 ( A 85832; Duncan R B 3 Kelly, BA, BCL, R 58325 Dunean TENTS monies avaliable for £ Fst 496 Pine Avenue, HA 55363 | matting department of local firm, Must ig Apply 339 Malaga Road, ub LARGE, new four » oom "semi Dase- daughter, on Monday, January 19th, ll Jo ion ana Found Phillips, B, Comm., RA 81974 cL 950, at the Oshawa General Hospital : d and second mortgages, Mortgages and have typing experience, and be able to ne LD, + Barrister agreements of sale purchased, Apply [fe gecurstely, High school ueation , y : if 1 Jl =Articies For Rent JORN A, MaeDONALD, BA, Barris R Pp 24--Market Bosket | ed FURNISHED bedrooms, very central ro ra [! iy ah, M |p red. PSI, Blue Cross and pension ' Ld ral, ull bai pATMS rna ' with parking space. Apply side en hast, water, included, King East a J2-=Articios Wanted and Solicitor, in Simeoe Street North i, Swartz, Barrister and Notary = Polaioss, appies and ur EATHS J4=Auction Soles pened pT rrr Corner Store selling, confee- Publle, 4% King bh Oshawa, RAlnios at 1387 Ritson Road North, RA pian. avaiable Auply in parsol 0 1D trance, Hutcheson Apartments, 156 Wil A ater, 80 1G ' A D mmf mplovimant. Wanted eitor and Notary Public. jy King tionery, Ice-cream, tobacco, CLIENTE' money to loan on first mort pan. 75 Richmond Street West, Oshawa, On am Stress East, Fhona RA 33179 | rusNISHED Nouseksaping room for d6--Female Help Wanted [reat East. Phone BA 8176 wage. Mortgage and agreements of sale|25--Pet d Li k | tario ! WER or lous rooms, children, wei: ote 0111.10 fond hoa, Une. of relriges: 17-=Male Help Wanted [ARF Mirsiy ad NagDorad War. [70s and groceries, with [Eee Rl ae arrak on 8 and Livestoc | : Phone Whithy, MO 8.2175 be. |#10r, Phone RA 84721 : SAW = In. ths. Osiaws Jb==Male or Female Help Wanted | risers, Solicitors and Notaries Publie,| four rooms living quarters, [¢ reighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur. |REACK Labrador puppies, seven weeks tween 7 and 8 p.m 1H *WO large room apartment, healed, Mospiial on Thurs January 22, | 39=Agents Wanted | Street Kast, RA 24717. Husselll go04 basement | doch. old, 810. Apply 138 Roxborough Avenue PRIVATE SECRETARY TWO partly furnished housekeeping |IEDts, hot water, TV serial supplied, Oscar V, Shaw, beloved husband of | o..Opportunities J. Murphy and James A, vachonaid 17¢ rooms; use of washing machine, Apply Ground floor; also one single room Berneice Harrison, dear fa f 1 Room ana. S00rd | JonN A, CAMERON, Barrister, Boliel Owners in poor health, Fine |18a--Mortgages BOARDING, trimming, bathing, de For law firm, Legal experience 48 Drew Bireet, RA 3-4152 after 4 p.m one Lo RR Leanor (Mrs, L, Wilson) of Belleville, o aN Publie, 18% King street : fleeing, Waubens Kennels, RA 56321 | | 17¢ {SIX rooms for rent, heated, hot waler, PRE nr. NO oh the d2==Room ond Boord Wented tor and Notary Publie, 4 I] * for young couple, | WE HAVE clients monies for loans on preferred but not essential, - ---- Bult twa families, Apply 348 Toronte in his faar, Resting ab the Me | East, RA 3.2260, NHA and private mort first and second mortgages and pur-| BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for| Apnoiications fully confidential, |FIVE - room apartmeni, will share 20. 10 did 18 Intosh Funeral Hom 4d=Wanted To Rent gages arranged Write chase of agreements of sale. Louis 8, |[LTAINIng, talking strain, Apply Mrs / [With other couple, Phone Ajax 4 : root : - - EAA ---- East, Service In the chapel on Satur Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh. Broad, 114 Elgin Street Ea Write: Box 422 evenings 6f [FIVE « room storey and half, with rite I ' rage, one block from King Street mahi central; reasonable. Phone HA POODLE PUP ~ Male, 3 18d EEL 16f| FRONT, furnished bedroom, with sll conveniences, continuous hot walter, 45=Real kstate For Sale Greer, Associate Barristers and Soliel 4b0-~Real Estate Exchange tors, 65 Bimeoe Kireel Bouth, RA 8 3525 - , Mortgage loans available OSHAWA TIMES | For Funeral Flower 40-~Real Ketate Wanted | - If 47==Automobiles For Sale Z, T. SALMERS, BA, Barris 19h] MORTGAGES keeping, quiet couple, $35 per month, |ARPIY 137 Blmeoe North after § pm, LL . Simcoe Si $125.00, YU 5.2192, Port 48---Automobiies Wanted Dia otfios RA 83700" rem. and | Perry ? FEMALE Phone RA" 3.2393 16f| RA 6-936 | a housekeeping room, immediate TWO - room apartment with bulii-) LEWINGTON'S | 49~Automobile Repairs 55042 . y MODERN AGR EEMENTS |26--Farmer's Column | STOCK CONTROL i sion, RA 85253, 218 Celina Street. | cupboards and sink, sind Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin months, black miniature, [wo unfurnished rooms for Ught house For Rent Ee day, January 24 at 2 p.m. Interment | 44 RALPH 8, JONES, BA, and Thomas H pd , RA 34043 ai-- - . 3 oy BOX 424 AWA id | Oshawa Times (THREE room, self-contained apart #5 monthly, Phone KA 81674, 1] | [ Arrangements See FLOWERS 80-=Articlos For Sole [MANNING ¥ AWARTZ, " Barrisier, Alig a 1 Kolieitor, OLAr; one 0 loan 80 ---- Phone Hina wa dar " alates "res 'V. Mackey, BA Henry SERVICE STAT ION OF SALE iY LIL % 5.8088 bale 4 CLERK unh % g M100 = four - room, | RA 8.621) ~ RA B.6212 | Bloek, 20 King Binge! Eas BA 341, 5 [pg Must be fost and eccurote ot front apartment, centrally LA RA 00, or AD farm stock picked 1 ' p «| dh h ' H - 4560 34 King > By, Owrgwa CLASSIFIED AD TES TORTI FP. MANGAN.GE, - FOR LEASE ; : | Phone am ock biked up prom pil ne tw RA Ra ov ( ors from Kern's Drug | Solleitor, Money to loan, Office 14 Irst ond Second Mortgages Argwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Resident of Oshawa . Rent TYTREETTY IT I Yr _ Store) | awd u on King Street East, Oshawa, RA h0232, IN WHITBY and Agreements of Sale 27 --F W preferred, THREE - room apartment, privaie en: LA) ---- tin Thr ----- residence, RA 5-340 bought sold and arranged on ~Fuel ood APPLY trance, all conveniences, Apply Ho2| mediate possession, Phone RA iis, CONSECUTIVE A. 1 - : % GERROW FUNERAL : INSERTIONS. 2.28 2.48 | DONALD BLAKE DODDS, barrister AREA City and Farm property and [WOOD cutting by bux saw and chain FIELD AVIATION Drew Street 160 od bi . 6 CONSECUTIVE and Solicitor, 2004 King Fv it Ke Summer Cottages, $2,000.00 saw. Snow plowing, Phone KA 59727 COMPANY LTD THREE - room, self - contained apari-| TWO room apa euphoards, sink, CHAPEL INSERTIONS 3.78 4.13 h id sii Opportunity for right ond up, 'OSHAWA ACCEPT. 30 L ' ment, modern, with heavy duty wiring, [heavy wirin entrance, Ons en nT won ro} [dance, 8A 32272 PP y rg ANCE CORP, LTD, 112 --Lost and Found Municipal Airport RA 51354, ior (chile weloying, La Salle Avenue, Call d - v " ' pm B80) . The finest service ot Charge rete will apply, [CREIGHTON ram, Divian sd person. Apply giving | Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, |Lo#T = Red purse, Saturday or Aun Oshawa | ATTRACTIVE three - room, wnfurniah : aT ; | Murdoch, Barristers, eltors, | Pi % day, Contains gold watch and silver led, sell + contained apartment, private | OFFICE space for rent, Two locations: moderate prices, Above apply only te ers | Public, ommerce Building, 5| name, address and Phone RA 5.3568 locket, Reward, Phone RA 33638, 18f| 170 enirance. ton mervice Tidement: PrvAle 65 Simcoe Street South and 130 King inal ord or consecutive inser RA 33446; T, XK ing couple, 1630 Bimeoe North, KA Street East, Apply to Jones and Greer, RA 8-6226 lone, Subsequent insertions ordered , QC Fraser, QC; G. K phone number for {19~--~Personal |vour ofl RLS i 8 . ae |8-0024 LI HA Simeon Arent South, Phove " ' .. Murdoch, NHA mort wel Bulova wris {3 sas 3%0 King Street West Wr SWI: @ raw Dr ord Murdog mo appointment All re- IV YOU are not living a full and happy |watoh Generous reward. Phone RA SALES LADIES | | life because of Tension, Fear, Frus 0 17 with refrigerator, Central, Suitable for Professional and Business listings no! - Whithy, ultra-modern in every respeet, $7.50 par month for 3 lines o | 4--Dentists plies will be answered. [uraon, amples, Hytmintm in eis | LONT--- Registered female Heagle pup For full time employment, [ana ar two girls or couple. Phone BA |ci0.0"(0 'schools, shops, transportation, ---- - ' ooed In le on einity IN MEMORIAM Fach additional line $1.00 per | 5TGF. KCIUK, Office hours § to 8 WRITE BOX 419 le cleryous pana, gain (Soutien eof Dagmar. Claremont 30717 14f| This company offers pleas- |gix rooms and hath, Broadioom down: oxen 0 Toronto, Wiens ath, Institute o | ONE large light housekeeping room [4 NEW Bream soli Dilek" Bungalow " month : Open evenings by appointment, 256 ete . ' : i he OSHAWA TIMES | thnssad Hypnosis, Professional Build. | LOST = White gold watch at Shopping| ant working conditions, em maine, olf nested, + {dad drive, LH TWO room unfurnished aparimont fach Initial letter, abbreviation, | Simcoe Street Bouth, Phone RA 5.222) ] A § ond ¢ sign, figure, count es a | | , #304 Dundas West, Whithy, Daily Centre on Tuesday, Please call RA| ploye discounts, 40-hour, 5- built-in _ cupboards, Apply 208 Bo word, Box charged |be edditionel, | §eNur ng Services (Present Lessee aware of ik + ® pm, Saturday 10 am, 1 p.m, | 80777 181 | TWO room apartment with bath Bireel East mn KOZUB - In loving memory of sur | Ap Clomifieq _Advartiaments es hi this ad) Phun. MO 4:42 Kiuioy 31--Articles For R day week, hospiligation end | iiniied, Tenlve, Joeation. RA B10 puimiw vedrtem Wn dear mother, Victoria Korub, who left || \0ST be | ' YOUNG married woman would Tike ~Art cles For ent group Insurance, pension plan, §_RA pyle, LL, LL month, Anmiy 381 i: oindal FH January 8, 1987 wpliotion: ice hours: ANDEN NURSING HOME 19¢|tide to Toronto, vielnity Queen and | ELNA ventas, WA Airaignt WHED tw " Wi: | Whitby, God saw you gelling weary, 5, Satur ties wl d) © Spadina, Office' hours 8:30 to 5 RA Stitch and Zig Zag, Summer ond Winter vace- LARGE od rere To He did what He thou conse 12--D 198 tions Phone RA 56448, modern apariment, ® eames and wood a 4 KING ST, WEST ressmoking J ™ rooms, od whispered rest. ™ iv Y : P} ANTENT service In town, Immaculate partments, three appliances = # Dally Times shall not be Exclusive nursing 'home for [DRESSMAKING, and alterations, RA dh dry cleaning, Shirts skilfully RENT A FLOOR Apply Jom, Heal, lights water. | now. now available, 's08 i Apply 701 V , Apply 476 Albert py Oped RA 58741 17] ou wished no one a last farewell, | @ for errors In advertises i hye, | convalescent and elderly peo- [88 laundered. Special rates for hotels, in Nor even said goodhye ments submitted otherwise then in ro yp |atitutions and clubs. Funeral orders our SANDER and FINISHER ZELLERS LTD 108 m. tod pm TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, You had gone hefore we knew i, | pl (M Women), Aa hat, gone neiore we 4 || writing, nor for more than ene Be. en and mer 13--Gardening & Supplies specialty, Maple Cleaners, 504 Simcoe FROM J ROOM to rent In quiet home, near| iF CEEEEERE CE NEARA. Bary. 107 Iways re hered hy her daugh.|| Incorrect insertion of eny ed | urses ond dieticions | Street South, RA 5.0643; after hours, Shopping Centre and downtown, home pear ont ny ° 8 A , Sylvia and Carol vartiamant nor bevond ne orice attendance, Tray service; EN owls ¥ Taidacaving and garden| IRA 5.7824 DO-IT-YOURSELF Oshawa Shopping Centre prvi ges, Apply 344 Burk | Fernhill Blvd, charge of a single insertion of radio, T.V. lounge. " WRY oid? Feel years younger ¢ 17 Street Ll ONE room KOZUB -- In loving memory of ul the advertisements in which error 4 4 j$iised, qurdess and lawns ploughed Lin nie Tamers seenaiine tons | HARRISON & KINSMAN . - ONE furnished Vight housekeeping |Uphoards, ra occurs, And alse erves the right 6 e) tometrists |rota-tilled, Sidewalk slabs, patio slabs | 0. Onh o0 ts, At alll 337 Simcoe St, 5, RA 3.4425 Ath hot and old water, suitable Single room, to classify advertising eccording te P : Everything for your gard 78 PAS 40. Only 80 cents ' Ly fom aioe two. sn single. $13 'double. | Water, In bungalow, RA its own clamification « HW, TUCK, Optometrist, specializing | - JUNIOR Apply 200 King West, Apartment 2/THREE . room, self - contained apart In the cass of display advertise le anomalies, eyesight and {HYGIENIC wipblies {rubber LJoodn) PO IT YOURSELF! ST OGRAPHER after § 15f (ment, heated, hot water, heavy duty aries al ments The Times will not be held [IVR vanings, Mon. Wed, Pri. 4 WINTER | velopes wir Rn Mg Wig ll. ig ith the power tools and EN GLADSTONE "aparimeni, hres rooms, pgp Rg RO fam, me missed and never forgotten by feaanabie of more space than | Disney Bldg, 31 King East 3 [conta; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order] WM P For Insurance company, In. [delf-contained. $58 monthly, Adults only Rg WP ROH at in which the actual error ec SUPPLIE [Dept. A-11, Nev. Rubber Co. Box l,| equipment vou can rent at Phone RA 3.9776 150 [TWO - room Apariment, rer for cupies. The publishers endeavour to |7--Surveyors Hamilton, Ont '| Stan's Sharpening Service teresting position, good start. vPP dupiex, centrally Inoated, |#entiemen. RA 5-616 " XOLUB In loving memory of a | reproduce all advertising matter | "wiiia| (comer King & Burke) RA | Ing salary. No previous ex- SFEER A plex," cantrally 148. 16¢ a rite | . u Floor, | perience required 5.day ONE Tom sive Tarntaned; suit Victoria Kozuh, who passed | correctly but assumes ne liability if |G. T, WORTON and Associates, On ICE SALT WAVE you a drinking problem? ne ; 5 Ary 29, 1087 any inaccuracies in any form of |tarte Land Surveyors, Professional Kn WILD BIRD FEED | Aleoholies Anonymous, Box 248, onh | 3.3224. Chain Saws; 0 5 cannot tell how 1 miss | advertisement are contained there. || Kineering, 70 Harwood Avenue South! Min" SUNFLOWER SEED awa Times Belt, Dise ond Oscillating week, Hours 8:30 - 4:45; gentleman, close to shopping centre cannot tell what ir Ajax. Phone RA A013) CF OWN DIAMOND Fri | San Skill Saws: Electric Modern office. Opposite 350 Frontenao Avenue, RA 8.5267, 18 ouse or en R : Shopping Centre, LOVELY large room, twin heds, and knows how 1 miss her pd ; F. J. DONEVAN and Associates, Land home that 14 jeder Surveying and Engineering, 13° Bioor| BIRD FEEDING STATIONS ELECTROLYSIS Hammers end many ether £ kitchen to share, Bult two gentiemen.| | ovely new six room brick 18f remembered by husband Mil Bureet East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA| PIGEON FEEDS tools OFFICE SNE sor Phone RA 8:0590 vi bungalow, evar 5.5632 CARD OF THANKS ' Christian Jew DONALD HAROLD Oriaric Tom PET FEEDS Removal of superfluous halr, 32--Articles Wanted RA 5.1161 THRER right rooms, sink and oun looking Lake Ontario, Stove a | Sur , 218 Alice Street, RA 85-6801 Marie Murdutt will bs' In (SELLING furniture or cleaning out duh | nn Mk COOPER SMITH CO. Oshawa, Feb, 10-11, Phone [your basement? You will wet your =| Phone RA 5.7767 181 oe "ah ve ory Denies Charge y ae ding radu JS SRUNA 5% Genosha Hotel on these dates (Tie Gutawa Trading Pon, 46 Simeos| CASH IER-TYPIST [ment west shin and 'water sumed. | Please call John Zakarow et PLAATERING and repairs, sement RA 3-2312 for appointment [Street South ; Sultable for business couple or givls.| RA 5:0494 evenings, Daytime AELLING furn Permanent position offering 1 wish to thank relativ | Plastering, waterproofing welghbors for oards, fo poy Tr Teaching Bad | alterations, archways, tiling fonts: 14--Household Repairs 2 Cartage SELL Reasonable, RA 5.8870 tl Schofield Insurance Assoc A V 0 Herators, wurees and aides of floor 1C, Doctors Workmanship guaranteed h l FOUR - room apartment, refrigerator,( Limited RA 3.22685, : a \ \ , contact | 8, Paidwin, Grant and Stocks Aap UAW] AS, i CHEATERFIELDS rebulll, recov LIGHT caring, roomer service, parcel savas, sie, Por wp saan ol by, fo act excellent salary end benefits, laundry fasiitios, hariwend Roots Local 301, Oshawa, for cards and eandy| NTO (CP)--Rev. Jacob|piUMRING and healing pipe [like new. Why pay more? Our delivery. RA 5.3763 {619 Prince Street, Phone | interesiine. work. Bavarian very central, Phone Whitby M ono 17¢ Jocz, a Christian Jew and Ang.| [fn used, eh rom (Are © pl vn Up |21--=Personal Service Ity § hy Li FURNINAED two + room a Fo ----- | Ity for advancement, we : eral Hospital hull Mattresses re refrigerator, laundry facilities, private APARTMENTS Prank Cains ican clergyman, has called "un. | " ring Co, 10 Bond Stree a Bs wat of our: sumtows we: wisn TAIL, ANd. "devoid of facto) Hala and estimates on any. Tope | Dini RA bo31i : [SEWING machines repair and service, WANTED Good entrance, central, Apply 353 Athol Se Sxprese our heartfelt thanks and ap. |TUth" a statement by a Jewish of plumbing Dial HA He M0. Foley, | iro RT Te | all makes Elna, RA 5.2501 cg 3 typing required, some | SECe Bas 18 FOR RENT eolation to our many relatives, SpPOkesman that there were fla. ROCKWOOL insulation, blowing meth: [painting and handyman [MAN with ton truck available any SCRAP AND POULTRY book-keeping preferred THREE - y iment on ground - time, Clean cellars, gar ete, Rea | floor, nicely deco well heated, re A bachelor apartment, one ends and neighbors for their mes grant abuses of reli ods, all materials and workmanship a by J y \ glous instruc. : PIFURNITURE repaired and re-uphol. | ' Rd Tt Rar Roi tion tn Ontario public schools. |Phone a Alas after + Th" |Mtered. Ses our maierials for ve egvar/ MNShle Yates RA 34UTY I. TURNER Apply now-= trigerator and stove, In apartment! three-room apartment, one FS Peed oh 1 dad W Sydney Harri ne Jax after ink. Bruce R. Dalton, 78 Charles East - building, RA 5.8054 after 6 pm, 180 \ Sl Ragland ii ol arvis, chairman of the (RARDWOOD floors tad, wanded. finish (RA 37213 R A 3 2043 PACIFIC FINANCE THREE . room flat, all conveniences pi RAS 1953. 4d " x ' : central, ™ lots of parking space, 348 King Street ors aly Tb thane oe meiloeur. [Joint publie relations puvinitieeia also refinished, Free estimates vou PRE te Sor Ove sg JANE BLACK Slenderizing Carinthia land'n: Nopution Jewish Congress |C*! RA 8130, Sn a. red, gas linings in | 4, din Slenderizing, Redue- ( lech CREDIT COMPANY LTD, (Wes. Morris, nurs ith, this week cited ; ii " [THREE rooms and bath, heated, iin 00 4 ard 128, Rey, 3X: Morar and iw examples of what he termed HAYNES J - Ing, Steam Bath and Mas. n------ me 13 Simcoe St. South |fumished apartment, fig wiring, ONE BEDROOM and sfficiont service. Deepest thanks abuses of religious Instruction in! BUILDING CONTRACTOR {Suw 8 Maching, Topsite Jn Jour sage. 451 Simcoe St, South, working couple desired, HA nanny 1 APARTMENTS from our hearts: -- Mra, Pearl Peacock [Public schools against th | my: 41 mate, eq CAR WANTED THREE - Toam, lirviahed sparment, {faith, ¥ e Jewish Floor experts. Old floors | RA 5.9402 for Appol veent Oshawa private entrance. Buill-ins, refrigerator | . and stove In kitchen, large living room| [mmediate possession, elee~ and daughter nobel my -- mode like new, Hardwood [ROOM papered, #8 up. - Painting, | ' we win tn seproee ur bar 18 10 0 0 Contral Ontario To he rw. Horde FR a EEE qs oan toa FOR WRECKING | Phone RA 5.6573 [if bith Vis "Wk vl) cl 'suoud, bn loc 2 Joom, + 8¢ tion, Buckingham Manor, hanks and appreciation for the acts of Chol last week a minister] 97 : [ Kindness, messages of sympathy, and brought a conv Fw terations, Kitchen cabinets 22--Radio and T.V, Repairs | | | ment and bathroom, unfurnished, cen Beautiful floral tributes trom friends him to lecture vay so our specialty 15-- Instruction TV TOWERA completely ipa % Scrap Iron and metals [37--Male Help Wanted [frat location: uptown, available Feb. | RA 8.8676 Wry ol y 0 . " 3 J y " | . oe tnviNbory during sur recent Be-lihp "advantages of ¢ 'hristianity,' CALL RA 3.7194 TUTOR, student counsellor, 13 years' (year guarantee, $6430; no halts, no | bought, Call CLEAN, neat appearing men "with Phone RA 8430 father 4 VIN IDE NTIFIES re experience, Appointment only. Call rivets, all welded. All channel aerials ferences, some ales experience nec: FIVE «roam brick house, newly deco Suet thanks to Mr. and Mn. 2) Ty Sek JF RA 5.1084 from $29.99; easy terms. Kelly TV, RA SHAW ary, full ot hen elie - rated, central location, tive minutes to A oc . z - " 841 | 4 i fi p \ r nd church . Ohilds of Strathaven Rest Home, Row. |, the o 2, v 0 identified himselt| GRAVEL PRIVATE, teacher, student counsellor, 34 2 + - | 31 King Street Kast, Suite §, 19 hone RA 56304. Avaliable February APARTMENT manville, Rev. G. Telford for his kind! mverted Jew, sald he was! 18 years' dxperience. Appointment only. SPECIALIZED radio and television ser RAG & METAL AMBITIOUS " * 19 FOR RENT and consoling wards, Cedar Lodge, and | Invited last week by the Anglican] Cement $9.00 per head. Road | Call RA 81084 vice, All makes. Fred Thompson, 187 | bi matriculation Yening to ee TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and 4 - . Fe - 11 o) urnishe rooms, LULL those who 30 Kindly loaned ears. Alva ehure hes in Peterborough to ad.| fine and coarse $8.00 per ' {{Willot Street, Call RA 39703, = CO. fessional accountant. Rapid advance: kilchon with refrigerator, sink, hui inf eo d 2 dress the Ang! alton, pre ment 'rite Box 331, Oshawa Times, [cuphoards, Parking space, Apply 99 Seal Home, The tamily of the late Te nglickn Anspciation ofl load, Be sotisfied ~-- Dial [gchool mcronatie. Friday and Saturday | T.V. RADIO SERVICE RA 5.2311 16d Eh Street East 19 He aid he spore iy - RA 1.5279, fh fa, 4 ny 89 BLOOR STREET EAST MAN wanted for Rawlelkh business Ost hi gin Limited - - ---- ARVEY Dance Academy " 3 Sell 'to 1500 families. Good profits for a -- sh ildings Limite Re herr atienrs unday school] ny AT REMODELLING + [eT Artamy nai TT ANTENNA OPEN SATURDAYS [nustiors. Write today Rawieigns, Dont | APARTMENT FOR RENT awa' ailing achers' {nfl ser now x West RA 88188 110-8, 4008 lence of the ot ofl y INSTALLATIONS a4 ions Rlcouleus Montceal. Ite New large 5-room apartment, RA 3-2333 Manslaughter | 1d Gentile children in respect of LICENSED machinist for minor tune 5:2853 : and fridge, automatic washer JOB NOW RARY sitting bureau can supply re | liable experienced women ot bony Ql AND REPAIRS CEDARDALE uh Avely 983 Bimcos Street North RA) ground floor, electric stove / tng: also to care for children-or elderly "He sald he told the Sunday | HELP OUR WINTER people by day or longer periods, rea | Ring RA 5.7844 SCRAP {| FAST selling household product, To N th tant a ~ hat water heating, ew three -room apartment, » school teaches WORK PLAN sonahle rates. Mrs. RB. 8 Disney, RA . 5 Terms Given children . ng to impress on the Yan Office hours, 9 am to 3 pm. = IRON METAL. LTD. Somtnsslons, Je Wid sales, veri and dryer wy TAT th i eres ene in| NO DOWN PAYMENT [arta ¥ Fo Cie Tharsis : : LTD © |e ents ed uk, Wt TV. geval, paved parking, | private both ane enhance OTTAWA CP) Two men MANLY that put Jesus Christ on : MENT atternoans FAST T.V. SERVICE IRON : : METALS [supnlied, he canvhssing, Must Naval Call RA 5.6983 T.V. antenna, laundry room, Thursday were sentenced to pen. "® LToss not the Jewish peo PAPERS RAGS neal appearance and ear. Phone Ra | ample parking, located in ttentiary terms for manslaughter P€:' Play rooms, kitchens ond ir F Popul | F A Zz | Shey ' un, Popularity and Success rom to 3 | ) p tn connection with a fire that! Pr. Jocz sald that the following cabinets, No job too big or TRY DANCING G teed ' Tob | OPEN SATURDAYS AL! DAY | WE require men and women for direct LLOYD REALTY north end, Phone RA 3.3336 Sime seen ines Sep. TOO Archdeacon F. ©. Ong anol 34 mnthy too A ried woe | aba ERE BU RENTAL AGENCY - | dr yom Merrill Plouffe n was sen. Yheduled to address older pupils lo poymen Ap 3 LC 3 C | RESIDENCE RA 5-411 aI was Rory Tall he a et " tenced 10 15 vonrs with baa si-(at a public school, invited Nox fol NS Sarma Wy 4 oh. 30. 0 DANG ING CALL RA 8.5286 | TOO'ANNISSTREET [Nia autem brouet in on motel Our fee is les thon o bor and William W arren. 34. to "PeAK to the st ldots in his place ON { \ R ne Lesson VC IHAWA ELECTRONICS . CK. UP home necessity and sold only on a di hp | z 12 years of hard labor Kime Dr. Joex said he exhorted the 3 ARTHUR MURRAY C LECT FREE PI rect bane, Real anpariinity fox 2 ¥h Thi R eliaple nan Lid MODERN 2-BEDROOM ton. Peniteatitis pulls "to be especially kind to 18 JANCE hig vat 141 31--Articles For Rent 31--Articles For Rent PO Rox 411, Oshawa, PY SY OF Sco Sl APARTMENT imcoe S } K ) -------------------- a ------------------ y RA 8 5123 At 15 Gibbon Street, will he , our Jewish fol They were originally charged ur Ish Tellow-pupils, re | 38--Male or Female availalile Febraary 1. Adults with the murder of Marie Aun mse nas at . lesus Christ an | 4 Buh, 10, one of four children of "sg ec aempid OSHAWA COLLEGIATE of MUSIC | _ WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE wie Wanted wool ANNEX DWELLING OF With Shidton sve de an Immigrant German family asure you | ney who died when fire destroyed alle. proselylize in any fen ' he [estate salesmen ar salesladios required 21 GIBRON STREET downtown rooming hotise An r Sanders; Belt, Vibrating and Circular Sanders; (we hove @- [Highest commissions paid. Must have m : other child and two adults also 3] BUCK | NGHAM AVE complete line of sealers and woxes): Circular Saw Electric Drills {hed rpm an in bath, plus. recreation room were victims of the fire MODERNIZE PLANTS | / Staple Blow T es, Soldering Ir 1) wal Pump; Pipe call Bill MoFeeters at Schofield Insur hot water furmace, electric EAST END The trial of Plouffe y f the. PRINC 'RT Ay . T I = » ance Associates Lid. Davtime, RA stove laund tubs ivate J v of Plouffe. son of the E ALBERT, Sask. 'CP Wrenches, Power Tr and many other Teols 12268; evenings, RA 51726 1¢ i y ' po APARTMENT arch ewner of the rooming house [A modernization pro Lam ai Modern Instruction on Piano. Piena Acco dian. ¢ \ a > dati i aimed | y Fiano Accordian, Guit entrance, October te BUILDINGS r al - euded abruptly Tuesday wilh [at "making northern: Saskatohe or Duns 8 hore. Ela R i WEBBING S HARDWARE DRIVE- IN |41---Room and Board $55 per month, April . id { a guilty plea ou the|van's fish pry N r, Prums, Saxaphone, Clarinet, Results Guaranteed J \ BEST In town, single edd, ail modern| Sept. $65 per month. "Si [lel AG im, fining area, Serge Ave Wert | vacuney, only screened Annex dwelling three 1 id 194 cessing plants u LAanadas inland : conveniences, close south GM. RA ele LON AYLS AMPLE PARKING A400. Apply. 36 Larvalne Street V y tacilitie RA 5.3815 plea Ibe I leted in a bhi | FOR FURT HER INFORMAT ION--RA 8-6321 i 282 KING ST. W RA 3.4873 noon 3 board [5 hres gentlemen RA 34494 A 3 age / 5, y i» . . » hone 3 aller or 4 pm, |)

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