46--Neal Estate Wanted HOUSE FOR SALE? Before listing, eall us for an appraisal free ndvice, RISTOW and OLSEN REALTORS RA 5-6165 19 ATHOLL 5T, W, Por Sole (43 --Reel Estate Por Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, January 13, 1999 15 home 5 Aibod le modern, five-room binge Le hi low, 1ow monthly payments, BA (ELA | N ST, WHITBY bungalow, [45--~Reol Estate $00 DOWN, 1 sarey wiler 390 p.m % Five Hom brick hou pW ff Drew Bireet H LIVE LIKE ROYALTY. IN AN EXCLUSIVE LOCATION ROSSLYNN [3--Reel Estate For Sale LLOYD REALTY [id INSURANCE REALTORS Open Evenings A GOOD BUY ONLY $900 DOWN Four-room #uceo bungalow, Needs some work 10 make 6 ANDERSO S-100m modern large living room with fires place, hardwood floors, ol) burner, me dern conven jences, This is 6 3-bedroom bungalow, Available for im mediate possession Will take other property or auine mobile for down payment Call Wm Fialka, John Wacko Regl Estate RA 56569 Po, a at, Do ) oe oF rm eh r, RA 56974 Pho large front foo "with , PAT penis Avenue, and FURNISHED, TV lead-in, wink, un ing space. Apply Rew, a... vi bus Wine, "eon: ROUSE "Hive rooms 09 as My; 60h. hot heated; adults, Apply | 301 Gibbon Street. RA 51815 19 ia LLB gi ~~ hain! nice comfortable home. Only yard, Now available, $65 monthly HA $7,900.00 full price, 25 BoA | DOUG HURST, RA B-5 $9,500,00 FULL PRICE Comfortable living for any one in this immaculate 2- bedroom bungalow. Alum= inum storms Gnd Screens, large fenced-in lot, Schools, shopping and buses right of your door. Carries for only » SEVEN "Foom house Pear Ritson! School. BA 8-86 iL TWO rooms, first floor, euphosrds and sink In kitchen, separate entrance, close to Shopping Centre. RA 81418 ie | . TWO light housekeeping rooms In pri vate home, central, three minutes' walk from North GM, five minutes' from four corners. Phone RA 52292 iL DON'T MISS THIS| SPACIOUS THREE ROOM APARTMENT hig CLIENT WITH UP TO $2,500 DOWN WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE 5 ROOM BUNGALOW WITH BASEMENT APARTMENT OR 6 ROOM TWO STOREY BRICK SUITABLE FOR SUB LETTING, CEN- TRALLY LOCATED, IF YOU CAN HELP CALL RA 3.2254, LLOYD AYERS REALTOR, 196 BUILDER'S SACRIFICING OPEN TO OFFERS FROM $395 FULL DOWN PAYMENT IF YOU QUALIFY 6-7-ROOM RANCH BUNGALOWS SPLIT LEVELS FINISHED DELUXE RECREATION ROOMS OLORAMA HOFFMAN KITCHENS "HA $56.00 per month, principal, Interest and toes at 52%, | anywhere | | Compare value This can't he beat. Call DOUG GOWER, RA 8.5123 Lloyd Realty Ltd --- 101 Simeos St. N, RA B-5123 | LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | Good sized living room, bedroom, average size kits three-piece bath, rang TV. aerial, chen ette, refrigerator gurage laundry facilities Everything paid. $70 mont} ly, One child welcome APPLY 16 TECUMSEH RA 5-2022 BEST APARTMENTS IN OSHAWA In new Duplex, design ed for family living, 18 foot living room with picture window, huge kitchen with dining area, and door to sunny balcony, Two wonderful bedrooms, lots of closet space, tiled bathroom This apartment, com pletely electrically equipped Convenient to public and separate schools, shopping and transportation JOHN WACKO REALTOR-INSURANCE $6,500 Full price for this lovely § room bungalow with all med on CONVENIENERS, close 10 school and transportation Nice lot, Taxes only $70.00 Good construction Immed iate possession. For Infor: mation call Stephen Melch RA 5-448] NHA Low price. . Low down pay ment Easy monthly pay merits on these sturdily built, solid brick bungalows, located on large lots, some with walkout basements Only a few left. Inquire now Call Mary Hobbs RA 3-9869 need 53 '81 54 8) MABEL Widow, dan '48 A GOOD DEAL )-2h02 oach 19h some with particulars Choose From DEAL y [1 whith LOTS k 8a within Up for qui ¢. Duplex lot located a stone's throw of the shopping centre WILSON and priced at $3,100. Also FIVE | a building lot 50 120 KING | going at a sacrfiice for OUR $1,700, Call Mike Hre horuk RA 5-6569 are TED CAMPIN BUYING or MOTORS DRIVE NORTH ON b ROAD NORTH BLOCKS NORTH STREET LOOK SIGNS ANDREW HAZLETT 3005 Bathurst Street RUssel 3-1733 Toronto 13th Dated at Oshawa this day of January, 19%9 ETHEL MAY SPRUNT, By her solicitors, Messrs, McGibbon & Basteds, Barristers & Solicitors 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario OF FOR SELLING HIGHEST PRICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF (SAAC FRANCIS BULMER, des ceased, (47 ==Automobiles For Sale A7-~Automoblles For Sale | vais L nyvathasied, oi new is om Wt Proms Pt 50--Articles For Sole "OREVROLEY dine, nn \'m edi gai Widen ilo | WTERED, Expert conversion of "os | WIN aad Shaw Ba » te Hass, and | mitie ERREIMIBOION, nepal, le present WiFi or taps recorder Oshaw rer A, , WI RA 1908 low we § for # oo [8 Char "Brest hone LLL milan he Hee 6 . : y man snd Domestie HIFI| and sieves ' ony. "sis on oon Kors "Mi PONTIAC deluxe, Iwo door, . apron Vor. is Hit and | AM i A em / owner, low milenss, werifice for ito 1% Heine Re | Bimeos Wrest North, 10M We | I void by Buturdny, RA 32876, 17¢| GE ¢ SELLING furnitirel We'll hay 1. 10h PONTIAC sedon, "W BUIOK Kuper (order, fully Ter | rn hd Jouus Moet: Torti , Panos, Haves, can, AHY_ 104 Chirch_ Bree), ow mil inte. | EVANITURK Sale AES to or womninly 9 Automaiie, raalg, henley, ae Mier § wid finor | CALL Barons' lor 'dunranieed service. fog ho, ane owner, excellent CUMTOM Will ear radiod, elacirahome | 18mps, i price co "und ond (abies, | qualified (echiniciang for ali makes and iim ol of wutomntie, Caminion Tire "tore|¥ up! Springhilied matiressen all models for TV'S, radios, washers, Pr ner Pp Breet LL} M I siation w , we lone ™ Wise, i miles. App $1) Horiop OAL | FORD, ont oer, RA 4544. 1b lig RL ; pede, deoke, cade | on. 4s mies ude id ray or Bundey 0 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville, fully | Ehests, ug poe makers, Massacha, obo | Lr eho pi ied oi drastiontly redue wey (Fine "ONEVROLEY Wednn, Tinh. wi power equipped Thin ear is In first nrranued! harons Home Furmmngs weed furore, ise, in he of no An wh PAY men i, 1h -- Phone MO 84517, wi 4 ire Store $3271, 444 Simcoe § (7h Albert Blres - are lower and quality MEher « of your "iwe lone Arline, WEY, in money Pack $lore nat aller wad lake "over Me Abt dailys RA S013 atiar 7 pi, LH ped EMENT paris for all makes hone Aix {00 PONTIAC deluxe, (ourdonr, 2000 and models for washers, radios, TV, Pn Must sell, Can finance, BA BB180, | reir) sp vi Bg 4 Han mall COMBI NATION ESTATES 1925 cash for quick anle, Cull Special | 14d. Simeoe M, DEPENDABLE y Paper praia iid, Bowmanville #50 16 8150 allowance for your aid (ele wi NDOWS USED MArket § 19 vision on any new Electrohome, Ad 4 5 THE ACADEMY AWARD DEW os custom radio mirnl, Vielor or Westinghouse at Park DOORS, AWNINGS, TH CARS S748 witer § pn NL way Television, 918 Simcoe reer BEST FOR LESS, a or iow, Good condition, 71 Wark Tp rk f= Lge Thrifty budget pian, KA 460 Whitby MO B-4891 : . her, antiques, 58 CHEVROLET Sedan You dais = tied Mba. Shiiqiat Manufactured In Whitby FOR BEST ive)" Gina, "mais [SALES LTO KALA COLONIAL condition", y Breet or pheme [ STUDEBAKER VOLKSWAGEN / [ {RADIOS, record players, hid and A LOCATION 47 --Automebiles For Sale| 'S7TMETEOR Deluxe Sedan SALES and SERVICE (warao are al here 81 the lowest prices ALUMINUM \, | door, power gilde, power seer ng "One of the nicest in 4 | Felevision, 018 Simeos Birest North OSCAR vidio, white walls, 274 Windsor Siresi Oshawa' OSHAWA, ONT [KENWOOD mixer with ix altach | §] Swap and Barter RA 5-764h 16 CHEVROLET Deluxe V8 e RAndulph 3-346) ments, in perfect eandition, RA 39168 Vir RIN y vonler, votoiller, tie machine, box and al MA a ew. m id transmission, radio MAKE AVtoMAdiC Liundramal, Hendin oihin Aralier; all kinds of Jivmblog ' , | supplies anted combination TV, teals, OSCAR ih VOLKSWAGEN, wilh radie, low ¢ ARVROLE I 2 . Luxe "motors or whit have you Chin's, at » | WwOaen : VOTIT alter 6 pon {some other family with & low 608 | sesmmm-- CA -------- FOR APPEAL 'WW PONTIAC tudor, deluxe, radio DONTIAC Del Hard Classified ad, Disl HA 30408 now | §2~--=Legal N Notices Siratkhi wale or will trade fo Inte | J 4 dy Mii rare HENRY J Tuteie [place it or narmation Ww J ' 4 ) , phone Broakiin, | mission, radio, "'A levely PONTIAC Automatic, 156" Awa hridesmaid's dress, sine 13 NOTICE TO CREDITORS OSCAR MONARCH, clean body, dual mi] KAMBLER == Radio green, Worn once Reasonable, Phone lers, heater, running well, Best offer CHEVROLET Deluxe Se HA 87771 16 p " Autematic trans tutone, and radio [pitas new and used. For the hest deal | IN THE ESTATE Of N.H.A MOR TAG {da ZORD sdnoitiine dada A For | ! CHEVY, 4-doer Sedan in town see Dominion Tire Store, (ELIZABETH BURGOYNE, DESIGN Go direct South on Park Rd, |Customiine sedan, (ake aver payments, 5 PONTIAC V-8 Sedan futone Bond Street West, HA 56011 | deceased a £01 ) ) 0 La i left on Stone, apposite She Rtpa Automatic transmission, , Schofield Realtor | 0 Lake. vin ief an blank: uwwemie Semmens Tada, power steering Bene, it Wanted AL sarin having, Clio RA 3 2265 NE ron FropeHiy. wit | 4 PONTIAC tw donor havi » furan al nEs oo ular 8100.06, half-price clear Elizabeth B irgoyne, late of o - & n mp Y " ailin J ulamatie ry rib mit urge Aa y Weekend LL) dan Auto iaiible hed, dresser and chest, will the Town of Whithy, in the h pm LL matic : ransmipien, IL] ROBINSON ow bland finish, Our som In Jorgotten, RA 5.6544 MURRAY WARSH AVESTATE Aue Insurance, Save un fo] dio, power brakes, power mo hl died en or about the 19th . per vent. Nine monihs tn pay For p oo {| day of December, 1958, are Wilson Realtor REAL ESTA TE CHEVROLET MOTORS WLOND wood heavy seeretary desk and HY amber die RA 5.6588 Rade A real good [WEDDING bargdine during our great de Pens " J J car' presenialive Li iL] LL CRANFIELD MOTORS with ahringe, mattresses guard ral deceased on or before the adders, $6; ap 1 A f4 en all sen, 14.00 Connnental heds 13th day of February, 1959, RA 5.6165 HOUSES wanted for clients RA 3-228 onl / I 574 RITSON RD. © all cash ar your equity. For er Cars To wee us, W. McAuley Realtor USED CARS FOR AN HONEST pn Wilson Furniture, 30 Church Street 1h) Cogn 0 ihe Personal Repres Vie kery & Goyne BA SERVICE SEE "TED PHONE RA 5-6518 VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes | ald day fhe Personal Repre: RA 8.5155 ---- : eese-- | IAF, AUAChmOntS, rushes, gunran LCST SL ETT E LG 194 #5-=Real Estate For Sale |48--Automobiles Wanted Remain Vion Vetnner Repair for x oi RILEY ALES SERVICE notice "aE P y 5.3406 BIEL or KA B [in wood condition, RA 335 BLOOR ST. W,, OSHAWA, RA, 5 ) ged condom. ia bap a Mon new. M0 or heal offer. Phone HA Lee CRAWFORD McCULLOUGH 3 CAMP 607 King St, Eas yf INCOME C TE D CAMF IN 9-20, ' PAID FOR Newly covered, Apply 680 Masson \ lection of MOT ORS (Just Fast of Wilsen Read) ioed clean cars, Trade up or | iron 108 We have ao selection o . | dow " WRPRATWR Wi Reivaion Won #4 For a sure-fire investment J RA 31-4494 Ke RA 6.5674 19a 114 PARK RD, § HOARTING and frying ahiokenn, #0 and a guaranteed income call OPEN FOR INSPECT [ON RA 3-942] a William Fialka RA " " P . P. | 6-room Bungalows situated on Burns Street THE HOME OF BONDED USED CARS esTVIEW HEIGHTS suBDIVISION D, G, SPENCER CAR MARKET LTD. vi CORBY, del $ Jaden ny Tix ertinder Chryster motor, som | "da ho hor radio, 850 | maven, Sales and service on li Ger: -- mate LEARMININION, heater, radio, one ean atiord, Bi Paikway eis (1) molar ana tres, $285, Phone a A #1409 alive, or avers, Fern #3043 VA Ambaander, Wor, One owner, Finance terme, WA $4041 fag W9°up! | Prines Wrest, Phone A 8413), when, $16 uml Rockers, hostess, swivel | refrigerators, dryers, Hi Fi by) mal Bimeos Blrest Bowlh, "Where prices f i05 CHEVROTET, "0 "condilion, Cl Wa SED rey, mond ol Fh LA payments 188 PONTIAC conch, excellent condition, | Seplinnces, Barons ol Eisotrie 'PONTIAC on do " WINNERS * W. 7 GOONS Warr ire vaier | CALL RA 8.8571 '58 CHEVROLET Sedan w= SABYAN MOTOR ply comer of King wel and Church 'PONTIAC & cylinder Laurention, 4 V-8, Automatic, radio, 2134 RITSON RD, SOUTH {will pay you to shop at Parkway - on FOR BEST TERMS Wi FORD six + cylinder ranch wagon, | Sadan Automalie 16 | CWERTERFIKLD, electric coin eoln mileage. Must sell, Will finance |SELL appliances vou don't to! side and Park Roi Road South LE AN OFFER! made! plek-up tuck be ton WARY carriage, grey, good condition 0) 0 | car' . a AND OTHERS FOR BEST $67 MONTHLY CARRY Phone #4 + 4 Orono | PONT IAC Automatic, | GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup | mission, "Clean as new", only $42 per month. King West Mators ALWAYS SPECTACULAR savings! Modern (wi All parsors having claim watch for Model Home sigr e xl ( he financed, RA 54400 ha OLDSMOBILE aupes ih. Three piece bedroom suites extras, Can he finanoes BAG Alte Bolahood Realtor County, widow, deceased, whe Mal seryine aur home eal BA Hearing |ohmiy, reasonable, $70, RA A-A768 10 the undersigned Personal Res ------------------------ est January sale, Bunk beds, complete RYT pT I 9 CHEVROLET Coac) 0 h )L d Ristow & Olsen |46--Real Estate Wanted iI PARK ROAD SOUTH 49 CHEVROLET Coach sSnawa f «i springfilled construetion, single siges full of their Street, Oshawa, HA 52512 RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN Quality € at Fair Prices having regard only fo claims LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars |Viee, HA B1081 anytime LLL) iLL RU TI N TD x vn, Liens paid eff aporiment buildings Included CONST C 0 : 607 KING 51 OSHAWA Business RA 3-4494 ton and 12 gauge single shot gun, hard 5.6569 | WHITBY 146 BROCK STREET N WHITBY, ONTARIO | [50-Articlos Jor Sole "| ion, Kelvinator refrigerators, isiansion Goed transportation $27.000 mirdfoam flake pillows, $1.70 claims. Immediately after the #4891 MORRIS, MG, WOLSELEY, of which she shall then have for wrecking, Highest prices paid, BA FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, 7 euble fot 1 A HgTe a a Lawson chesterfield and ghair . oR € i € are triplexes, fiveplexes, etc East of Wil Road Residence RA 5.5574 DODD MOTOR SALES Iy used 815 each, Phone RA H2677, 10a | Ih, Fork tenderloin "0c. Larike Rirape fruit, 10 for Abe, Fresh coffee, Abe 1h | Bhop always at Glepofl Super Market, 174 Ritson Koad Kouth, Open to 10 pom, dally ie Phone Oshawa Mrs. Wright, RA B-1521 for MACKIE MOTORS 0 tial ropertie For residentic properties Will buy geod clean cars. .Pay farms, businesses, land and investment call John Wackae | Real Estate RA 5.6569 Apartments now ready BUY NOW AND SAVE Peterborough beats, Evinrude off liens, Sell en consignment, occupancy A3--Reol Estate For Sale . Trade up or dawn chaol) iving roam floors forae" LL - ANd Barage, Val 5 fA wont iit weg "Sw arnriek a fi RA 5.6544 Realtors John A. J. Bolahood Tid V0 BOWN | Taree modern (iis Kilehen, . he ne area, storms and sereens 3 TO SELL YOUR HOME PHONE RA 5- 6569 136 Simcoe $1, J. BARNOSKI, Realtor LOTS Twe lots 40 x 90, Ritson Rd sever, Asking $1,800 each 8 3. near Simcos Street, water and SOUTH DISTRICT $2.000 down front, privately bul $12,500. Act now six roc It ms only twa See this new ranch style briek bungalow heme and compare left stone Asking only (2nd street south of Whitby District High N.H.A. MORTGAGES OPEN WEEKENDS 1 PM. to 430 PM QUALITY HOMES BY S. JACKSON & SON LTD. in 3 styles now under construction n HARMONY HEIGHTS n the WE ARE OVER-STOCKED AGAIN SALE | SALE | SALE ! Selling present stock of used cars for the rediculous "Low Down Payment" of ONLY 10%, Here are a few of the many cars we have aut our {DRSTN, WAGON § guarantee in writing A tandard trans, fin, Sharp. Bonded 98" HOLIDAY 2-DR | year bend DELUXE HEV One full ve PONTIAC tires, fa OLDS loaded 5 PONTIAC with A real family ear deluxe car, white wall : ow Fully powered, 2:tene, 6 many ex Bonded PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4 DOOR vlinder, radio, white wall tires, HARDTOP Loaded NEW LOCATION King Street East Formerly Varcoe's Drive-in RA 5.5743 49---Automobile Repairs Test-Driive The DKW, 3.6 and the new FIAT Far economy and performance ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 40A King St, W., RA 3.7132 Motors == budget terms, Free storage on moles, Factory aps for winter Boat proved storage, Service centre moter repairs, Open evenings and weekends MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED Ont Brooklin Phone 87 EXTRAI FOR THE VERY BEST ALL persona having elaims against the estate of the sald ISAAC FRANCIS DULMER, late of the City of Oshawa, In the County of Ontario, Re- tired Plant Engineer, whe died on or about the 3th day of January, A.D, 1959, are required to file with the undersigned solicitors for tha executor, full particulars In writing of such claims, en or before the 13th day of Fabs rary, AD 1959, after which date the executor will proceed to distribute the sold estate, having regard enly te the claims eof which he shall then have notice DATED at Oshawa, this 21st day of January, A 959%; The best house for the least money | low priced field in Oshawa PRICE S RANGE FROM $12,395 to $12,995 WITH DOWN PAYMENTS 105; FROM $1062 to $1386 CHECK THESE FEATURES Clay. brick A Partial stone front 9 Laundry tubs 10 Ceramic tiled bathroom Kitchen fan 6. Hot water heater 7. Electric light fixtures Complete in every way, One NH A, 6% mortgage covers the balance! Call this office for an appointment to see these | homes at once as the mortgages are limited LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE Dial 3-9329 or 5.655] 5.30 Dial Lloyd Metcalf verett Lllion OFF RITSON RD. 5 $1,500 down, fiv near schools sasy terms ELMGROVE NEAR $3,000 with storm windows J. BARNOSKI REALTOR 18 Bond St Salesman buyers with ex Bonded FORD Priced for quick tras, low mileage 4-DOOR CUSTOM ALUMINUM Doors, dows Railings NOBODY BUT NOBODY. can beat our quality prices and guarantes Installations CALL HOLODY ALUMINUM RA 5-2431 | Anytime till 9 pm BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD, 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3.4675 PHONE RA 3.4675 Specialists in Ford service and parts Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment, Newest type electronic tune-up equipment 50-Articles For Sale il WIGHERT prices paid for used tural ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street, Phone RA 8110) USED washer paris, 4 HF motors, 8 UR. Repairs to all wringer type wash orn. Guaranteed resandinioned Washers. Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3.808 Bowmanville FIREWOOD « #8 and $10 loads, de Hvered within 10 wile vadius, For in | formation phone RA A-1386 17 PAIR of ladies' laminated skis, with| harness, also aluminum telescopie ski poles, never used, reasonable. Phone RA 2.7408 1¥e CONTINENTAL hed, M inch, oompleis BOX APFIRES, nearly new, $8080. RA! dane lL] DOURLE hed with spring mattress Entire stock at great reduc electing space heater, nearly new; laun lid Ary tubs and Ones In AL condition tion in price. Gliddon HA 8130 i Satin, Spred Lustre, ete RUNGE wd floar-length cage Phate member the location ARLLING Furniture or cleaning out] Richmond St Fast, YOUR Basement? You will get your high 5.2851 I KAMLOOPS, eal price when vou phone RA SAIN he Oshawa Trading Pont 18 Simeone | 2 i Mtoe Nou NOW 15 THE TIME ARATES, new and used "Oshawa's 4 Noo | Mkate Exchange' Used skates TO GET READY FOR |81 up. New skates S403 up Largest [selection 1h town, Drayton Cyole, #00 WINTER finest aluminum CREIGHTON, FRASER, PRYNAN & MURDOCH, 8 Simeoe Street North, OSHAWA, Ontarle, Solicitors herein for the executor Thomas Kelso CREIGHTON. NEWS BRIEFS STOPS ARGUMENT [ OLDS, Alta, (CP) Howard Fulcher, provincial agricultural representative here, says good father-son relationships in farm. [Ing are more likely to develop {when there is a written agres ment, The bakie condition for such an agreement, he said, Is that there should he sufficient tne come from the farm to support both e-room bungalow, Balance on sale Win Perch Screens, and Storms, Here are a few samples of older models Awnings SHOPPING CENTRE fully completed Vacant now PLYMOUTH CHEVROLET HILLMAN Radi Tarpeda back Priced ta sell PONTIAC Rig Series DODGE With radio, MERCURY 14-TON PICK-UP A scarce model re cars fo choose fram, All 1955 model cars and up one full vear parts and labor 100%, see DG Spencer or Keith | Whithy, between the hours 4:30 pm, or phone five-roc el and streens m brick bungalow privately built down, new 19 Deluxe 19f 1951 1949 1954 Many are b storm f Radio, ete windshield washers Six Sidewalk Gravel drive Aluminum windows Aluminum doors Storm sewer sewer and water prepaid storm m nded for ira full year's trouble-free driving Rusnell at our lot, 146 Brock St N of 2 am and 9 pm except MO B-4851 ALL-CAR PRICES SLASHED '59 METEOR deluxe, brand new, never heen licensed, list price $3,100 reduced to EDSEL, 8000 actual miles, new car warranty, cost $4,300 reduced to FORD custom 300, 7,000 miles, new car warranty, fully equipped, reduced to $2,295 HEVROLET 6,000 miles, radio $1,995 Plymouth V8 sedan, automatic trans: mission PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, like new, FORD coach BUICK automatic BUICK matic, brakes QLDSMOBILE 88, fully equipped, METEOR station wagon DODGE station wagon, automatic PONTIAC METEQR RA 5.7231 1 Steve Lehan with good: down payments WwW wv daily at _. 12 sanitary Listing wanted, WHITBY CLASSIFIED ROOM and hoard for two ladies. Very ven #8363 MO Baan, 16 FOUR ACRES. house arating call Dodd knotty pine floors and Wallpaper foi | hasement furnace Wn multi-calor feat road frontage Byron South. | Narth of Whithy Call PB Thorndy ke, | MO 84708 or G Newell Broker I ering 143, Torente EM 23625 180 | $3300 DOWN, full price $12,930. Bunga: ( low. six rooms. four-piece hath: hase: | ment, ail sand location, landscaped, | carries S83 monthly, tax included. Call | PF. Thorndyke MOhawk 84703 ar Newell, Broker, Pickering 143, Tarenta EM 33683 ihe PANT outfing and alterations, men's and ladie's wear; drapery alterations RH. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South, | FOR BALE = Canadian General Ele rig special model 830 Autamatie | washer, Model R20 matching dryer Both new. This week only $538 Inde pendent Sales, MO 82081, Whithy Plaga IL FOR RENY Six roam house, TV aerial stove and refrigerator im mediate possession Phone pm MO B33 ILI FOR SALE trie A fully vear, full warranty dependent Sales. Whithy Plaga 08 i FOR RENT Six roam hungalow, ail heat, immediate possession Phone MO A364 apply office of Hollywood Matel Brook Narth in FOR venl Thies roam apartment heat and light ineluded, $70 per manth 300 gallons op MO 83678 ne MO A173 DRESSMAKING and after dresses MO 84308 19a LARSON FIBRE-GLASS BOATS 7 28 Open Evenings end Wekends Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd Phone 87 FOR rent Warm, camfortable roams and hoard for elderly trally located Phone PAINTING and dee and Souter Pant free estimate Specialists Hoxatone wai 07 MO BA231 FOR RENT piece hath fence en Phone MO | Ihe roams, hath Ho eight $2,598 three-piece DAT, HATAge S18 ,500 terms '5§ VOLUNTARY EFFonre KIMBERLEY, BC (CP) One of the world's largest 'Ibar skis Hits, more than 5,000 feet, has heen built here by voluntary las bor, The cost of the equipment was $46,000 : SECOND HOME BC (CP Feacher Miss Clara Kirkham has made the Kamloops bigh school a home - away « from» home for 18 hoys and 14 givls, who come from distant areas, 8he ix in charge of the dormitory building next to the school 314 Simcoe Street South $2,498 two 1aTke rooms, three After PAINT SALE 0" 130 Byron N: MO A250 1h FOR RENT Five roam house. Phone Pickering #94 17e FOR SALE Dining room chairs, table and buffel, chesterfield. 304 Ry ron Street South Whithy. MO 82700 18h FOR SALE 1" Ing base very $118 Others pendent wales 2081 FOR SALE stove and elecy ic dependent Sale 2081 FOR SALE Dining piece solid oak and walnut Street Whithy NO 82748 FOR RENT Two ream hot and cold water, $37 manthly Den Hoosen, 66 Church Street ering AT. JOHN'S Heating Serviee ner sales ee, installations your heating cost Call Mt that heat fram goin Have & Heat MO Basa WATER SERVUE 1000 gallons per load Phe Whithy BUY and sell fuiniture ha Cash fog Hanves, furniture. Apply 21 Broek South. MO & 822 RA 5.498) RA 3.0290 190 RA 5.9191 RA 5624) f gro onihle loge Maga dick Barriage 1 Spree Re coach, INCOME HOME ~ $2,500 DOWN 12 room brick home with many attractive features bath, 2% rooms up with 3-pee batt recreation room cc har, "oll $12 $1,695 $1,798 $1,695 Near new 614 4 rooms down with 4.pce od and tile floors mpletely landscaped with patio Don't hesitate and he late N.H A. RESALE 512% - $2,000 DOWN Possess this 2 year old featuring large kitchen with double stainl of cupboards, built-in breakfast nook, 3 beds living room and dining room, 4-pce bath, forced air ail heat ing. Full price $12 400 (vacant now INCOME HOME-$1,400 DOWN Only 7 years old, brick, excellent location, 4! 4d-pce bath, 2 large rooms up with built-in cupt extra stool, hardweod and tile floors, ail heating aped and de In upstairs carrie automatic Qreuse gun | ] \ $14,700 50 CHEVROLE | sedan, radio and heater $348 ford late model at r Compre Ver 2 ACRES PLUS DWELLING SPECIAL TO.DAY ahle, for quick sale AWA MACHINERY lan heater, ? 4 DODD'S MOTOR SAL 114 PARK 9 RA 3-9421 Crossley TV mateh king order from. Inde w y Plaga. MO 8 [LI Combination oil Good buy, $8 In Whithy Flags. MO & 1 with this for wnplet All ha rdw clean as a pin, heating, ¢ 400 00 to four door, special hardtop, 36 radio 295 century four door hardtop, aute {Bond Siveel East . J ; GUNES ammunition and hunting sup radio power steering, power plies new and used. Far the heat deal Nn otown see Daminion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street Weal, RA A631 r the structed windows 10 your esl price Uk 10 CAL tuctery eon AO ond doors installed satistaetion at on tee! ms Immediate brick bungalow acugog WM sink loads om suite, nine 12 Kent 1% $1,398 $895 Ele COSTLY HALT CALGARY (CM) A motorist whi stalled his cae on the CPR vightsolsway and delaved a trang continental passenger wain for 16 minutes was lined $200 -and costa or three months (in ml when he appeared in police court IS0--Articles For Sate Winter-Seal AND XY Canadian General Eloe. | low Automatic stave. ane special 8168, In MO 8 1h apartment Van Pick 17¢ 1% Ra vel compres tiie motors, '3 to 895 | $ hp New. Half price. $895 | dio and Lr playre cons LA 1a hp. $545 44 MONTHS TO PAY 1ODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE ALEX VAIDA MODRERN WE QDWQL KING automatic LI \ Ais amplete unit radia oll hur "ul lohan to step Wh Ihe che Pha mi « sory two door sedan, perfect, garag oF with fit rable Electric grease machine radio 9 Cat rated me from adic nstalled ne eq hetter QSH neasure alterations elo made Byron North LIYE poultry alse feathers Highest markel prices paid collect MO 83488 Whithy SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary WAY. new tanks installed Walter Ward , 34 Chestnut West. Phone MO 82560 ast, built especially WHITHRY t \ Wore tes workmar LICENCE BUREAU CHAIN SAW At before 8.3 n iis efre \ ) co ' wl 4 Arik racho ang used ap basement used furniture wanied will Phone 3 N HA LAST CALL vl water ALUMINUM WINDOW Koal Lite Awnings AND CLOSE Aluminum CUSTOM AND OPE RAILINGS BUILD THAT BOAT NOW v with a m N Interior and Exterior Full LLOYD AYERS REALTOR QZZIE ADDISON-RA 3-225: Rathi Donald 4 WV g OPEN SALES days each RDAY UNTIL N Harry Limited ded hu EVENISS LTD from 8 y 26 1} SAT week and Ajax Maring PHONL No. 2 Hi 1266 h hwaoy AJAX QON yes Whitby