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The Oshawa Times, 23 Jan 1959, p. 16

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to take a parrot away from chil. dren and put it in a home with old folks. At the same time he wouldn't consider taking a bird from a ship and giving it to chil a pemmerem | Saskatchewan's CCF "7 Nal Backs Private Firms f YA ah of ign / ( a By LARRY COLLINS (A. L. M, Nelson, secretary of the Swearing Parrot's Habit - Impossible To Cure By STEWART MacLEOD dren, "Dealing with parrots Is highly specialized job," he said, proudly. ROAD drow rwre---- to have half a dozen homes. Thi AIR swim ivsne BANIUM CITY ae Y atGinA LOMONTON CALGAY 1 LY a8 THUR ve AR TT Canadian Presy Staff Writer [fonds advisory Sommitise, Ad ' 'GINA (CP)--In its search well as loaning money, the fu wt Rg Saskatchewan's So. Buarantees loans made elsewhere, i 4 v : EIHINYILLE "1 clalist CCF government has CAREFUL APPRAISAL Poy NEY SEPT LES ies ARYIDA . {turned to backing private enter-| when 5 businessman asks for | , vy } prise, a loan, the advisory committee | / 4 takes "a normal business look' at his prospects, says Carl Edy, executive director of the govern. ment finance office. They study hi the market, the know-how of the industries to (his management, and the relationship of capital costs to profit, \ New Industries need help from Its instrument Is a $15,000,000 Industrial Development Fund, ¥% (which in 11 years of operation has loaned about $2,000,000 to 30 |borrowers and attracted at' least | three major province, ; The CCF was once dedicated to MONCTO THOIS RIVIERES, TTAWA EL Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP) ~ The distress. Ing thing about a swearing par- rot is that he will probably live for 100 years and never give up the habit, It seems you can scold him, starve him and threaten to sla him and that cursed parrot will still swear like a drunken sailor, 80 it is not surprising that re- spectable parrot - lovers should take a dim view of Polly's im-| purities, | ] is where problems can arise. One of the exhibitors who works in a pet shop made his business| sound like a child - adoption agency, He must show great dis cretion in placing his parrots, FOR INSTANCE Here is just one example: "Oc- casionally we J a parrot that has been raised in a pub, and a clergyman might drop in and take a liking to that bird, . , "Now there's a problem, ate," POTENTIAL EQUAL The exhibitors say that although parrots are traditionally the worst offenders for swearing, all talking birds have equal po- tentials for developing the art, But it seems other species, like the budgerigar, usually spend more time witht he ladies, Their language is more refined, To {llustratet his point, one ex~ hibitor took a reporter on a tour of the talking bird section, CLA i uty AL 1AM public ownership, but Premier | T, C, Douglas has sald often "4 that public, private and co-opera- The first budgie was owned by a woman, It sald, "you are a naughty boy." J The second belonged to a man, He explained that a parrot Its statement: "Mine's a Guin. used to the noise and crowds in on a pub would be bored In a quiet The third, a woman's, sald: home, [Mello my darling." leverything," sald one exhibitor, "And there is a likely chance| Under male ownership, another {A 'parrot reared in a deceni/he will have picked up such screeched: "Shut up." home will develop a similar tem. Phrases as 'fill her up, guv"nor'| "It's sad to see birds from une ORONO perament and vocabulary." |and 'shut the bloody door." |happy homes," sald the exhibje {ADVISE COMPLIMENTS | He sald it would also be unfair tor. mentary," he says. "It's a ques-| | Another suggested that parrot- [tion of fostering both of them." ORONO ~ The Public School sychology should get top prior. Latest project to benefit from Teachers' Association of Clarke fi¥ pp | DAILY CROSSWORD let him know you like it, and A group of them got together m when their parrots went on dis-! play at London's national exhib. tion of cage birds, and while the Judges listened to these talking Yo! birds go through their nice, clean nursery rhymes, the owners chat- ted about their problems, "The environment means the Industrial Deveiopmnt Fund because its loans are compara- : 4 . tively cheap and money is not ye can operate 10- i vs available elsewhere, . HROUGH CANADA Provincial Treasurer Clarence, The fund is no backer of risky T : Fines denies any suggestion that Ventures. Fepostiag to te legls- period in an unspecified area [the CCF has had more luck|lature las after years of British oS . While the [backing private enterprise than of operation, it had lost only ; ; 56, ftinerary as made public at Ot- |! founding its own town cor porations, of which several have Jawa jolt Hives awd €veva for |iosed down in recent years, | one event was named, The Queen [FOSTERS BOTH and Prince Philip will visit the Stratford Shakespearean Festl- val July 2 during a tour of He sald he wouldn't sell it to the clergyman, "It wouldn't be falr to the par-| " "AERIAL MAP OF ROYAL his map outlines the Queen's | Prince Phillip will cruise the route by pe ship, road and | St, Lawrence River and the rill across Canada during her | Great Lakes in the royal yacht six-week visit this summer, | B. annia, They will fly Into Between the time she arrives | the northland with visits to at Torbay airport near Mt Schefferville in north . eastern John's June 18 and her depar- | Quebec, Whitehorse In the ture from Shearwater airport | Yukon, Yellowknife in the nenr Halifax Aug. 1 she will | Northwest Territorles and nave visited all 10 provinces | Uranium City In northern Sas and the Yukon and Northwest | katchewan, Main purpose of Territories. The Queen and | the visit is the opening of the Actor 'Frank Berry' CHISAGO | TOUR #t. Lawrence Seaway which will take place June 26-27 but arrangements and actual site for the opening have not yet been announced, 'The Queen will visit one United States city when the Brifannia calls July 6 at Chicago which will be holding its International fair and exposition at that time, The itinerary also sets aside "The two things are comple i . "When he says something Western Ontario, the Industrial Development Fund | Township held ta. Japuary, oy nice «CP Newsmap |is the Interprovincial Steel Cor.| 8 n FR Fubte doe ON {hen he starts to swear, ignore a * |poration's $15,000,000 steel mill, | ay oe 0 ol 6 You 8 BEV: pi era ol she Tura' teachers were!" Sometimes, he said, the parrot | | {planned for Regina, The province . be guaranteod $10,000,000 in bonds to|UPable to attend. will forget certain phrases, pro-| finance the operation | Mr, and Mrs, James Lamb and yiding the owner Is willing to! (G]A[B RRO AIF] SI TIEIRIERNOAIDIO LS) AHEAD REIN OW] MAG EOE TE JO 4 ACROSS 1, Bhinto temples , Weakens , Portion Inscribe Guide bobbing 2 Metal fittings, tools, ete, , The alder tree , Compass point (abbr,) , Pounce, as a hawk , Jack-in-the. pulpit , Century plant fiber . Mugs , Eyeglasses (collog.) Bea eagles Wild dogs (Austl,) 17. Three. handed card game Man's nick. name Water craft Furnish with notes Grampus Water fowl Hardens Sandy Literary composition Reclines 18. PLEA FOR RIRDS » { KITCHENER, Ont, (CP) [Maryborough township council, Manufacturing Company Limited, Mayor Meinzinger, who runs Alp... sue attended his Bath, He Is|{now supplying steel pipe for oll Steals Show At Theatre : bird ctuary, appealed and gas transmission lines, o. By STEWART MacLEOD |Vancoyver when 1 was 14. 11. ciiioens to set out a few ) fonter warden of Wellington "ony ond major project bac Canadian Press Staff Writer ame Sh Sod, } didn go crumbs each day for the birds ounty. by the Industrial Development LONDON (CP)--"My name 1s|™M!¢ ' "They'll reward us all with [Fund, the Saskatchewan Cemen Frank Berry." voila the big fel spoiled, songs," he sald, FINDS NEW USE |Company, was set up in 1955 with Mongolia 22, JOld times (arconaic) , Landed estate , Marsh marigold , Compass 11, point (abbr.) 185, , Agitated , Game fish 3. Capital of Burma . Eat sparingly Yesterday's Anawhee 33, Floated 34, Brittle cookie 37. In behalf of 38. Chemist's room (collog.) 24. 25, 26, 28, 20. 31, | a marmalade , United Nations , Readers (ecel) , Oaths Poetic con. traction , Swedish coin ,Riodela ee (Urn) us to be- ovel flipped water River, Chips was the twice In ley before (the fund can loan up to 50 per Mrs, Roy Barraball, | ACI Nell Barraball who has been posted to Winnipeg, and his (brother . In -law, Robert Gilmer, ! Says Resources Not Limitless | Te the stage I'm a Cana.| 1 toured Vancouver night clubs TORONTO (CP) -- Lawrence (the province guaranteeing $5,500, eterborough and called on Mr, 0 imitie i on the stag {and the Interior of B.C, Then I HORSES GOING Tye of suburban Scarborough has ooo in bonds avd Mrs, Ps: Hooper Sunday. | MONTREAL (CP)--Canadians| The audience is predominantly |C0me to London last April." SASKATOON (CP) ~8askatoon, dumped 2,000 Christmas trees in Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Essory | Thy le y dal Steel and Prairie Pipe, and| Mrs, C. Barrett who was alof the world commiss! oll scantily-clad chorus lines IN VARIETY SHOW years, Three dairies still have a C X 6, anc ; of th orld commission on so Undismayed he talks with] He hooked on with a touring total of 48 horse-drawn rigs. TOLL EVADERS a conn tat hol Byveashowan Dtient 3 Memorial Hospital, 4 water conservation, machine-gun rapidity, He plles|variety show in May, His Jokes SAVE FLYING HAMILTON (CP) Toll.gate| coment. Probably the Industria owmanville, has returned home, | "Canada Is blessed with a lot." ) FL i a 4 " ural resources as some propa- . dance routing to the sex flends|cident-free year in 1088, The club, who try to whizz through without have gone ahead without Its sup Ware upper Zuesty of Mr. and gandists would lead At the end of 12 minutes) "one windmill," with 1,000 members, flew 'a total paying the 15-cent tol) charge. PO! | "Mr. and Mrs, George Mitchen leve." Bory leaves the siege to foal. In July the Windmill gave him|of 7,000 hours a Neo ' i ' / Imy. Courtle liaison exist. between rural and Now he's on for seven weeks irbirid ' my, Courtice, are spending 10 liaison ex gets an eyeful of the female 4 . y| MOOREFIELD, Ont, (CP) Under Its terms of reference|days w 3 y N urban sections of our country." anatomy which makes the Wind After \ong night ub tout on tha; ohn Thompson, 89, who sald he| days with her parents, Mr, and 3 mill famous ' A few days later, after keeping| a reporter waiting for an intorest:| ing 10 minutes In the gangway| English tour coming up in the spring But he likes the Windmill best "It's a real challenge for a come: | dian." He tells the audience, "My mother would be shocked If she had never missed an inaugural gy ay swimming ashore to his|cent of fixed assets to a prospec: 14 « year - clude kuch stars as Terry Thoma Dowell, Peter Sellers and Kenneth More WINS POETRY MEDAL Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hancock, old owner, Jeanet Mc-|tive manufacturer, or to an In. Peggy and John, visited Mr, and | dustry that will serve agriculture, Mrs, Allan Hancock, Port Hope, [No business in a competitive Armour and Jack Hudson are Borry is shooting for bigger fleld qualifies [patients In Memorial Hospital, things, too NEW YORK (AP)--=W. H. Au.! Generally, five years Is given|Bowmanville, "1 want to make some kind of (den Thursday night received the to repay loans. The interest rate, The annual meeting of the con- The populations of Quebec and Ontario were 'quickly increasing. At the same time, once-abundant farm lands were being taken by industry, housing or becoming less productive In general, He. called for an "action pro- yram" that would start an inven. , Type of car , Bhabby (slang) , 01d World lizard , Comply DOWN . Civil War battle July 12 and 13 for a rest WORLD NEWS BRIEFS Previously, in 1956, the fund Karen, Scarborough, were week-wait, say 25 years or so. [provided a $000,000 loan to organ.|end visitors of Mrs, Thornton Because some parrots live so (wonsion since first elected 1070 the $3,000,000 Prairie Pipe Wilson. long it Is possible for one bird ked Soustice, left Orono by motor Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde, Toronto, visited their son in nN 3 WL : are being lulled into a state of At first he was essentially a (16 Jast stronghold of the horse: a funnel-shaped gulley In the LEADING FIGURE and Marion, Courtice, Mr. and wil an a fale and prodomitianay, bored magician, When his gags over: qrawn milkwagon among major| Scarborough Bluffs In the hope" Prominent in the organization Mrs, R u snell Gimblett andjéomplacency ov ie extent of Thentre to see men perform, It's took his tricks he pushed magle western Canada cities, will have|they will stop water from Lake of all three enterprises was W. J, Sharon were finiier id il anada's natural resources, says 8 place for well endowed and|l0 the background, [motor-driven deliveries In two|Ontario eroding his land, {Sharp, president of Interprovin-|/Mr. and Mrs, Luther Barraball, pr, 0, M. McConkey, chairman We p of 's N " " J slow one Joke on top of another. |usually went over hig. When they| {men at the newly-opened Burling Deve lopme nt Fund's best custo | pe agg Jon Row, Dr. McConkey, of Flora, Ont, Gradually the audience warms|didn't he told his audlences:| EDMONTON (CP) The Td: ion Skyway bridge across the en-|™MeT Me. Sharp Juve nefther Tne Bin | Pir gan ORNIald in an interview Thursday up ["That's okay, I can always re: monton Flying Club was one of 11|trance to Hamilton harbor are re- Coment plan no the steel mils Seow. hy. William Miller "But we don't have as many nat- MAKES A NIT [turn to my old job of explaining|clubs in Canada to record an ac:(porting trouble with motorists 8nd possibly Prairie Pipe, coulc ' Mrs. ! It had reported He suggests the fund may some | p 3 alle 3 "on 4 y 1" . " A ) and family, North Oshawa, vis. Later, he told the Montreal ing pPlovse He Jo called back a six-week contract, He was the three mishaps in 1057. There are PLUCKY TERRIER day help someone develop Iron fied Mr, and Mrs, William Farmers Club there should be Then colored lights cover the first Canadian comedian to star 41 flying clubs In Canada | BRANTFORD, Ont, (CP) A oh, Sow being jowed, 30 miles! Mitohell more farm minded organizations o | there, a ap black terrier somehow stranded northeast of Prince ert, or 8 Mrs, Robert Gilmer and Tam-|in cities and towns--"too little stage again and the audience STEADY VISITOR lon a small fee flow In the Grand Saskatchewan pulp mill, "It's lke this six times a day," says a Windmill employee "Berry steals the show---and the kid is only 21." leading to the girls' dressinglknew I was here--she thinks 1[pname over here, so 1 can go to[1969 gold medal award of the once down to four per cent, now |gregation of Orono United Church tory of Canadian resources and| rooms, Berry told his story {wtill push dope In the States.' the States in about three years Poetry Soclety of America at the Is and "there Is no as. | way held January 20 following arerult in a land-use map for the, "1 started professionally In' Graduates of the Windmill in<land not have to play the dumps." group's annual dinner, Ifurance It will stay there,' says'pot luck supper, leountry, 54, 1) McCULLOUGH'S CASH AND CARRY BUILDING (OSHAWA'S FIRST AND ONLY CASH & CARRY BUILDING SUPPLY OUTLET) ALL BRAND NAME PRODUCTS SUPPLIES FINEST QUALITY MAHOGANY DOORS 1'6" x 66" 6.00 18" 'x 68" 6.00 1110" x 66" 6.00 2'0" 6'6" . 6.00 22 6'6" 6.30 2'4" 6'6" 6.55 2'6" 6'6" 6.80 2's 6'6" 7.10 WHITE PINE SHELVING x 27 DAS 3%ae Lin, Ft, 7 x 3" DAS 5Vae Lin. Ft, 1" x 4" DAY ,.. 6c Ft, 1" x 6" DAS 9e Ft. Vx 8" DAS 12¢ Ft, 1" x 10" D4S 15¢ Ft, Li 12" DAS 20¢ Ft. SANDED FIR PLYWOOD Foor ns 15.8 19.7 23.7 27.4 "QUALITY SPRUCE TAUNTON | ROAD . | DIMENSION V4"x4'x8' 34" 'x4'x8' 14 "x4'x8' | 84 'x4'xB' 14 'x4'x8' BELL TELEPHONE 1x2" 1x3" 1x6" 2x2" 2h" 2x4" 2"'x6" - 2x8" Lak 2x10" - 8' to 16' 2x12" - 8' to 16' 18' & 20' SLIGHTLY HIGHER WHITE PINE VERTICAL SIDING lin, ft. vires BVae 11Vae Lin, Lin, Lin, Lin Lin RAIL! ROAD TITTTTTTTTTTT rr fe neem x x x x x x 138" FIR SHEATHING roor von 10.30 vo 149 +193 STAIR MATERIAL 10" Pine Stringers... 8" Pine x 6" Pine an FIR SLAB DOORS Exterior Paint Grade PAINT pues 1248 &" Standard 4'x8' .,.. 14" Standard 4'x8' i Standard McCULLOUGH'S Je Lin 28¢ Lin. 18V4¢ Lin, 13¢ Lin STAIN 16.55 17.25 17.65 vas ds 28" 20" 30" x 6'8" x 134%... S10" x 134". x70" x 134%, POPLAR PLYWOOD roor 31 Ve SHEET Pine $10.03 vir 13.20 G 1'S 4'xB' ' Good one Side with Improved Back 4'x8' OPEN SATURDAYS TILL 4 P.M. YOU SAVE LIKE THIS on all the materials you buy No. 130 REAR DCOR 68" ae 1072 DONNACONA Foor Te a Lee RRR | SHEET 2.24 7 Va PEG BOARD Foor 12¢ cs 2c... 14"x4'x8" White Natural and White also available in 4' INSULATES AS IT DECORATES " WHITE PINE V-JOINT Ind" . Ve TILE Std. Gauge Lino Tile Std. Gauge Vinyl Asbestos SHEET $2.88 3.84 x 09Va vores 2 18V2 FOIL PAPER" Type No. 1 100' 250' 500' 100' 250° 500' PING PONG TABLE 5x9 x3' --T 17.50 34" Plywood Base OAK HARDWOOD FLOORING 1.80 3.00 5.95 2.40 5.95 12.00 MASONITE x 4' x 8 Std x 4' x 8' Tempered 'x 4'x B' Tempered DONNACONA EXTERIOR SHEATHING FOOT SHEET 16 "x49. ,...... 63¢ 204 7/16" x4'x8' 6.5¢ 2,08 USED UNDER SIDINGS ON HOMES, GARAGES, COTTAGES 5.3¢ 1034¢ 14V5¢ ALL TYPES OF MARDBOARDS IN STOCK 12V4e 8c 8c $1.69 344 4.64 CARPENTERS - CONTRACTORS HOME OWNERS For Cash & Carry Prices not listed please mail with a list of your requirements, Type No. 2 Va' x4 x 4 UNDERLAY PLYWOOD 1.25 WAS BEFORE $1.60 x 4' x 8' Tile Board x 4'Quarter Board x 8' Std 4.00 1.40 2.80 x 4 x4 NAME ADDRESS ........ CITY OR TOWN ... Please Print Clearly DONNACONA CEILING TILE x16'"x16" White each 19.4¢ x12" White each lle Tile 12"x 1 WOODGRAIN HARDBOARD Available in Oak or Walnut Standard colors 1/16 x 4 x 8 ARBORITE .......16.00 WAS BEFORE $19.20 V2 0 3 4.20 Py 4.80 "ea. 16%4c CASH & CARRY MEANS WHOLESALE PRICES at McCULLOUGH LUMBER CO. LTD. 1270 SIMCOE NORTH. ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE per M 230.00 198.00 ) x12 34 Ya | a8 12" Acoustic 2 33" x | RA 3-301

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