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The Oshawa Times, 23 Jan 1959, p. 1

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ras TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3.3492 All other ealls RA 3.3474 Fhe Oshawa Time WEATHER REPORT | Sunny with a few cloudy inter. vals and flurry. the occasional snow Price Not Over VOL. 88 -- NO. 19 OSHAWA-WHITBY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1959 io Authorized As Post Office Department, Ottowe Mail TWENTY PAGES 4 ry "FLOOD PARALYZES BUSINESS SECTION all but one bank were closed | great storm that swept across years made the downtown sec as the rising waters completely tion of Sharon, Penn., look like | paralyzed the business district. this, Thursday. All stores and | Floods were the result of a | being followed today by bitter Red Trade Offensive The area's worst flood In 46 the central and eastern states, 'SHOW-CASE | | | | | 5 % Rrrirlatt | Mass March | Scarlett Case fe ss Goes To Jury B.C. Unionists a | VANCOUVER (CP) Labor ] COBOURG -- Mr, Justice Gale, remember anything about the Jeaiars here Plan 4 wi), sarel 4 [presiding at the murder trial of stabbing of his wife last Dec. 29. | vincial legislature next month to Harold Curtiss Scarlett at the| He told the court that he had 0 noort demands for emergency {winter assizes here, this morning only a few hazy impressions of action to combat unemployment {told the all-male jury that if they the evening. One of these was a The move Is the iatest planned {found accused had heen too drunk {vague memory of seeing his of many that have made unem- 1 Ito realize what he was doing wife's body on the floor", with a when he killed his wife Julia Net-| knife, or 'Something tie Scarlett the night of Dec. 29,| nearby / they Should pring in a verdict ofp, J, D, Armstrong, Toronto! Today a mass meeting under mans hr oi Vo given the case psychiatrist, med 'cal direc: sponsorship of the Vancouver La. lg r a verdict at 11,05 a.m, today {tor of the Alcoholism Research bor Council will discuss unem- Lg Sirf bo up His Honor sald | Foundation, said later that Scar-'ployment and, council president that the jury "on the evidence lett's loss of memory was con-|Lloyd Whalen, says, try to come 4 sebul cused. |Sistent with the amount of al-lup with means to "put pressure could not acquit the accused. However, it had to determine|¢ohol he had consumed, on governments until something whether Scarlett had met his| Scarlett was a probable victim ls done . : . | wife intending to do her bodily | of amnesia caused by Intoxica-| The Federal Government's lat- {harm by stabbing her, and had tion with alcohol, he said. jest figures, to mid . December, [ly cold weather. Thousands |,. cared if this led to her death;| Accused came near to break. show B.C. with 68,700 unem- were driven from their homes, lor the jury could agree with de-|ing down during testimony about|Ployed, a detrease of 7,500 from AP Wirephoto fence counsel that accused was one of his reconciliations with his 8 year earlier, and 514,000 per- so drunk at the time of 'the as- wife, Face flushed, eyes wet with sons working, up 15,000 from the sault that he was incapable of tears, Scarlett quoted his wife as | Previous Year, | Crazy Weather forming the intent to act as he|gaying last September, "I've had| The Feb, 2 march on Victoria Pattern Seen Across Canada shiny" | agsion and dispute in British Col- umbia during recent weeks did i ife. Let's t is being organized by the B.C, . | enough, of thin ie, Let's try '°| Federation of Labor, which in a COBOURG -- Taking the stand |." By Boon again", said brief to the government recently In his own defence, Harold Cur- |g. ot "nis voice breaking, |demanded that unemployment be {tis Scarlett, charged with mur. | Earlier witnesses testified to declared an emergency and that |der, sald Thursday he could no sc arlett's presence at a Trenton |the province take action to com- ------ -- m-- home midday December 29, bat it, including provision im. By THE CANADIAN PRESS Causing U.S. Dismay | NEW YORK (CP) Amerl-|the surge in the East has caused) The economic advances would today cross Canada, tracing the ean business leaders are sald to|"particular dismay" In Washing-|be over and above the production|moods of a mixed-up . January | \ 1] The mercury kept on the hop| Deny Brothers __.tcontinued on Page) a mediately of $5,000,000 In assist ance TRIALS fendant in Hava victed just before dawn and sentenced to death, Castro's revolutionary officers, found Jesus Sosa Blanco, a bl] year-old career army officer, | ployment a leading topic for dis-|guilty on five counts of murder, |effect homicide, robbery, looting and) damage. The verdict was returned after a trial of almost eight hours and| more than four hours of deliber-| ation by the three judges. | A crowd of 17,000 shouting, jeering Cubans who had jammed Havana's Sports Palace for the start of the trial had gone home Second Vote On Agreement By Teamsters TORONTO (CP)--A committee appointed by members of team: sters' union Local 938 said Thurs. day night it intends to conduct a second vote on an agreement with Ontario's trucking industry, de- spite the objections of union offi- cers, Members of the local charged {higher court has not yet and armed, bearded Sosa Blanco's counsel, Capt. A three-man tribunal of Fidel Aristides Dacosta, had said he would appeal a conviction to a five-man Superior Court provided under the new legal code put In after dictator Fulgencio Batista's overthrow Jan. 1 The been named, Dacosta had challenged the leg. ality of trials under that code, contending that all crimes charged to Sosa Blanco were #ll- egedly committed before Jan. 14 and the death penalty did not exist then, The Cuban constitution of 1040 barred capital punishment, It was modified by decree Jan, 15 to permit executions for war crimes, Dacosta"s argument also applies to an estimated 1,500 Batista par. tisans arrested since the dicta- tor's overthrow, and to the 250 or so persons already executed by Castro's firing squads. Sosa Blanco's trial was the first of three Castro had announced for the Havana Sports Palace to just. ify to the world his speedy mile itary judgment of Batistans, some 250 of whom already haye been executed, Nearly 400 foreign reporters were In Havana at Castro's in. vitation for the demtonstration of H START IN STADIUM Tribunal Passes Death Sentence HAVANA, Cuba (AP)~The de- hours before. Only about 300 re- s first show-|porters case war crimes trial was con-'guards from Castro's forces today heard the verdict, during 'a heated meeting Jan, 11 that there were irregularities In the vote which ratified the agree ment with the motor transport than three hours late, Repeatedly industrial relations bureau, the crowd Interrupted testimpnr+ One member, Ross Ellis has|with ou charged local President Kennet Used By Police OTTAWA (CP)-The Big Broth: ers Association of Ottawa says no "little brothers" were involved in helping to obtain evidence of Great Cold Wave Follows Storms iM pas i 'wave knifed a j ern half of the United States to-|/tucky and Indiana, day in the wake of destructive THOUSANDS HOMELESS weather that left a heavy toll of| Although the Influx of eold]open hearings Into the charges ming up sal dead and homeless. Woather appeared to ioaten She onday, or th caused the deaths of at least 19 Storms ed 0 anger In some of the five] A spokesman for the union com- persons, some io Nosed 55a Zoos ga states, thousands remained home-| mittee said today the second vote! Dacosta waved aside without Hull hotels and a rooming house. |i punishing blows from snow, less. The cold added to the suf-|will be taken carly next week. cross - examination peasants Mr. Devetten has since denied sleet and rain storms and floods fering. Teamsters' officers had proposed| brought from Oriente province to making the statements attributed) many sections staggering, . | Thousands of workers were (that complaints of members first|testify against the army major, to him, Condit} " in the: diaast [made idle in Pennsylvania, Ohlo|be submitted to international' who was military commander at Nine persons face morals op kions ere v i» a oi [and New York state as steel| President James Hoffa: IHolguim. charges as a result of the raids, pin AB hii 0 e foo "| mills, coal mines and other in| ---- - y 4 . . ; od 1 cnn. [Steven Bernackl, 29, night room dustries shut down because of! Tr 5 istic from Russia and Commu: Russia fell far short of these Russia might be forced into seck- Floods appeared in Nova Sco [clerk at one of the hotels, the| At least 88 persons were dead floods. | Roads jo inundated. | Plan To Suppo rt H ing Activit Alst China indicating that the two|goals it "would nonetheless de-|ing an alliance with the West be. !!a. A bridge on the Nova Scotia|% i 4 88 de. PS : Standish Hall, pleaded not ity fr flood nd effects of the|e g | big Communist powers are rap-\velop into a much more formid- cause of fear of "the surging Far south shore highway was washed | pandish | yl pen fbi RY jjemm 100 ke iets © New Surtalling travel Sires of My overtaking fhe us. m al able competitor in world markets Eastern threat of military and ou! Fhe, road hear Ridgewater, criarge of permitting premises un- Mexico to the eastern seaboard Bn pr Gr npn V0 de st every production field, says'than It is now." economic dominance." (was flooded anc one family wasj,.."} ol k y J rt in the ' ' : -- ' fore om it hy t {der his control to be used as a amage to property was in the elared in many sections of west. orced from Its home by the men millions of dollars. The major|ern Pennsylvania and tome Ohio OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern. hands of pension and trust funds ment will shortly outline a new|and private business generally, federal housing policy, designed] The corporation could be given to keep the rate of house building' power to deal in mortgages on high and pep up trade In gov-/the open market--a market that facing LaHave River { site of an RCAF [he ernment-insured mortgages. may be expanded by the creation Details are being worked out|of private mortgage corporations : Gre A 12 Trapped Men | Jury Decides jirsen esc centre In the mn A dozen coal miners were under the guidance of Works catering to small investors, be giving serious consideration to/ton with the result that {and development of weapons in Weather pattern that saw a 40 the prospect that rapidly growing| Senlor United States of-the military. field In which, the degree temperature drop at OL Communist competition In world ficials have been seriously con-|report concedes, 'the Russians/tawa in ou hours and bathed trade markets might result in the|sidering how to make politically|are clearly ahead of the U.S ' central Nova Scotia In a sum. fairly near future in the govern- acceptable the establishment of a| Red China's xeanslormation, ZY 2, the Mariti ment moving Into a field hitherto|government foreign trade mon-(however, Is regarded as even 0st of the Maritimes were fegarded as sacred o private en-|opoly which might be able folmore portentous than that of awash Thuriday from an east. pigttution. ia neighboring Hull, terprise, compete with the Communist|Russia. ward - spreading thaw, Violen st t, The Research Institute of monopolies on something ap.| 'Peipi stagger! goal." dies ripped through Ontario and! The statement, iasued follow! | are laid, in Qushge, freaking 'windows t organization POACHING equal terme. transform. | (Wisting television nerials. In th America private J hich "Siafme as well as in|continuance of Communist eco-lation of China's primitive eco.|West If was bitter cold--~the high. nomy a modern industrial |eSt" reading all day In the east. " nomic growth and the Increase into We, A ceeuini aman 5. ono sunfale' Communist price wom: | heavyweight capable of compet.|@™ Prairies was five helow zero, § leaders a "report to man.|Petition could cause the end of|ing with either or both the Soviet| A brief chinook hoosted the agement" which claims Washing. private enterprise in international|Union and the United States/mercury in southwestern Alberta ton already is considering some trade in the years immediately within 10 years." to the freezing mark Thursday sort of government takeover in Ahead." The entire report, with one ex. Put the cold soon settled in again, the foreign trade field Soviet goals in the current|ception, is one of pessimism for In, British Combi Jog hung : . {seven-year plan would surpassthe future of business in the On the coast, snow fell in the In- FIGURES CAUSE DISMAY the U.S. in most economic flelds Western world, 'The exception is(terior and rain soaked Vancou- The report, which contains stat- by 1965, the report says. Even if|the "underlying possibility" that|Ver his justice, Sosa Blanca's trial began more ; aman on many occasions and burn board of the teamster joint coun-/homes of farmers sympathetic to » iu not deny that associa. ell for Toronto - Hamilton will|Castro. The prosecution in it had All tion executive director Corneling Devetten told reporters that he used teen-age boys to gather evi. dence for Hull police that led to raids early this week on three {common bawdy house, Oshawa Man eo ditt 2% LATE NEWS FLASHES [ifort Feared Drowned |degrees, Moncton had 55 and It] i | a \ PITTSTON, was 51 in Halifax. Rain covered| |anthracite mine near Pittston, Pittsburgh passed but the tried tod (AP)--Crews| Worried relatives and towns: | MINDEN, Ont, (CP) day an offer to purchase the entire issued stock of F. Perk- swollen me r today Pa. Ohio River menaced areas as it A coron a wide area of the t} Atlantic . | Big Stock Purchase Offer Pesnay)vasia. to the rain Subway May Pass stop people watched quietly from the e's Jury ruled Thursday night land, The offer is 17s 3d for the company's 5,200,000 shares surged) viinister Green and may be an-| These institutions-- being cone inces ON The threat of serio flood TORONTO (CP)---Massey-Ferguson Ltd, announced to Jia lous ocing swollen Susquehanna River from edge of a nearby cliff as the/that Earl. Mills, 52-year-old pouring its freezing waters into|erews worked hour after hour to Oshawa car washer found dead was # nearby anthracite mine where 12 miners were either trapped or drowned, Thirty-three other caped when the rushing stop the flow of water, on a highway last April 5, Until it is halted, said mine Murdered by a person or persons superintendent Robert Groves, Unknown, ese re ' river(TéSCue crews won't be able to miners es Port Griffith just before noon bé cleared before the search be-|way 121 between here and Kin Mills' battered hody was found "un directly underneath the On. suddenly ate a hole Into the Knox Pein pumping out the mine, And/by two campers a short distance !2rl0 legislature building at Coal Company tunnel at nearby n¢ mine, he sald, will have to/behind his car parked on High. Queen's Park ins Ltd., diesel-engine manufacturers of Peterborough, Eng- downstream [inte West Virginia and Ohio. Under Legislature TORONTO (CP) Avenue . spur line proposed east-west giving the proposal an estimated value of some $12,600, it 000 cach, A University { Toronto' : : : abway may Canadian Girl Wins Slalom ST. MORITZ, -Switzerland (AP)--Canada's Anne Heggt- veit decisively won the women's slalom race of the Interna- tional White Ribbon ski tournament here today. Miss Heggtveit, 21-year-old Ottawa skier, came from behind to Low-Cost Housing Inquiry Demanded TORONTO (CP) -- Controller Toronto Transit Commission en- Donald Summerville today de- nounced in the Commons in a few weeks. Involved may be these decision: 1. A call on Parliament to pro- vide the Crown-owned Central Mortgage and Housing Corpora. tion with some $250,000,000 in ad- ditional direct lending power, 2. Boosting of the payment sidered by housebuilders organ- izations, banks and other come mercial bodies--would sell bonds, say at $50 or $100 each, and use the funds to invest in Insured mortgages. This would bring a new body of customers into the secondary mortgage market. manded a federal government in- vestigation Into what he said were construction blunders in the South Regent Park housing proj. gage value from the present 98, lect, | 3, The possibility of granting . Apt : He said 250 dwelling units in/CMHC full powers as an ap- Transit Commission workers today demanded a meeting ps | , | with management over former chairman Allan Lamport's the low-rental slum clearance proved mortgage lender, whi . hide) : project are "seriously affected by| cre w Sharges of bungling in handling the commission's sick bene. | Son C0 ro alls, water SEEK NEW LOAN SOURCE [8500,000,000 in additional lending | penetration and permanent dislo- Behind some of these propos: power to CMHC in (he last two . »oa cation." |als, now under high-level consid-|years. Speaker Declines Opinion | The units were built under the eration, is a government desire| The corporation is understood OTTAWA (CP)--Speaker Roland Michener today declin- + |Central Mortgage and Housing|to build up the secondary mar: ito have about $100,000,000 left, It ed to suggest what could be done to a former member of Corporation in co-operation with ket for mortgages and 1ift a load is felt an additional $250,000,000 Parliamept who was reported to have slipped into a Com- the province and Metropolitan of loans off the back of CMHC, will be suficient to keep house. mons seat briefly Thursday night. * Toronto, Imoving more of them into thelbuiding moving this year, beat Norway's world champion, Inger Bjoernbakken, by 1.7 seconds, Unions Demand TTC Meeting TORONTO (CP)--Three unions representing Toronto Thursday. gins for the 12 missing men. (mount, about 50 miles northwest £INCCrs have heen given approval "We never heard the water| After years of working the of Peterborough ot ne Sabet fou) come in at all." one miner said, Anthracite vein, the area Is! Dr. John Whiteside, a Peter. Park vg Indoate gncer Queen's "It was just there." honeycombed with interconnect. borough pathologist, said Mills the building 4 i 3 je 52 ie Seven men, some aided by a Ing tunnels. There were fearsihad a skull fracture, concussion by 0% Srould. he Impery/ies map of the miles of ancient coal !! at other mines down on the Wy. bruises to the face and cuts on| tunnels, got out by climbing an Oming Valley might have to be the nose and head air shaft several hundred yards closed, throwing hundreds of min- focated upstream from the hole ers out of work Twenty - six others wandered through the maze of tunpels in walst-deep water for seven hours before a rescue team found and brought them to safety up the alr shaft, - guarantee under insured loans to MAY TAKE TIME a full 100 per cent of the mort- Expansion of the secondary {market may take time. In the meantime the government wants to keep up the house-building pace. Production has been aided by Parliament's turnover of some the underground tunnel. If the subway cannot go under| He had suf- Queen's Park, its route south on {Toc in his own blood while University Avenue would have to lying beside the highway. follow a dangerous curve, Labor Themes Feature A little diesel engine kept push ing coal cars into the whirlpool of water and ice chunks that marks the hole made by the river, But the cars, and the tons of bailed hay also used to plug the breach, vanished in the swirling waters, OTTAWA (CP)--A government non-union people are disturbed supporter says safeguards are over the Increasing power of la. needed against abuse of power by bor bosses "and their ability to lebor unions, paralyze our economy with Williams H. A. Thomas (PC-- strikes." ; Middlesex West) said during the! The public was protected by Commons throne speech debate|law from exploitation by big bus Lhursday night that people alsoliness "and many believe the believe an incentive to economic time has come when serious con- CANAVERAL. Fla Sabi would be to restore con sideration should be given to the rocket. housing a highly i of unions lo the rank and imposition of safeguards against ed ICBM nose cone roared] ¢ and to curb "the ever-increas. unscrupulous abuses of power by ing power of labor bosses." big labor," His remarks were made shortly He said the ability of big labor after Prime Minister Diefenbaker (to "dictate" ever higher wages ind several cabinet ministers in industries under its control card top officials of the Cana |ereates unrest throughout society dian advocate and is a printipal contributor to greater higher wages and/inflation seculty in the an Labor wasn't wholly to blame The second stage failed to ig submission to the cab for economic instability but ited Bho i 1 what makes big labor show up ( employment figured largely|so badly in this mad race is that in the continuing throne speech they have side try ITY EMERGENCY debate, The Tan -- 5 te fun oe Sragk fio HONE NUMBERS cused by Paul Martin (L--Essex' The unemployment exchange LICE RA 5.1133 East) of inactivity in the face of between Mr Starr and Mr. Mar the worst unemployment since tin centred on figures of toristre. IRE DEPT. RA 5.6574 OSPITAL RA 8.2211 | Stage Rocket " In Mission \P ava off to A blazing start early today wt n fizzled out far short of fs 4! mile target The} %0 - foot, two- stage Thor Able ket was fired to gather varhe fata for big interconti ental] range ballistic wich As the Atlas Labor | Congress trade missiles rade more -social nual CLC inet the depression davs tions for jobs at National Em But Minister Starr ar- ployment Service offices, totall gued that Canada is well on the ing 749.806 at Jan. B acainst 708 wav out of the recession 371 a year earlier and 574,237 in Mr. Thomas said union and mid December, Labor % Debate In Parliament New Chrysler |= 'previous Liberal administration. |ment sz Mr ptr, Stare emphasiaed the 43. Offer Hopeful Sign In Strike S fig ure from the level a year earlier, Mr, Martin said the Jan. 8 NES figure was too low by possibly WINDSOR (CP)--The strike of 50,000 who didn't register for Jobs 3 gon United Auto Workers Union because their b laim to unemnloy-| (oy C) members against Chrysler Insurance benefits had been! canada enters Its fourth day exhausted, He added there also|yoqav with hopes still high for an vere another 50,000 fishermen not early settlement included in the list H A Wats tle t i : at i i, ope tha settlement was im- : Mr Martin said the govern- oot was strengthened Thurs. nent "is not giving any evidence day by a report from an unof- of an ability or capacity really to ficial union source that Chrysler do something about this very ser had made a new offer y lous problem : The union source said the new Mr. Starr likened Opposition offer was responsible for an 18. «wader Pearson's: criticisms ear hour adjournment in the discus: lier in the debate to 'an old maid sions during which the union spinster screaming about a man delegates met among themselves, under the bed while they, Shortly after the talks were re- have been screaming, this gov sumed at 2 p.m. Thursday there ernment has been taking action!\was another short adjournment, continually once again for the union bargain. Unemployment also came up in ers to meet alone the Senate where Opposition. Bargaining then resumed and Leader W. Ross Macdonald said, went on without another break Canada wouldn't faced with|until after 11 p.m., when a halt serious unemployment and infla- was called until 10 o'clock this tion If the government had fol-/morning lowed the financial policies of the Both > RNA "BRIDGE SMASHED Buffalo's | falo river after a grain freight. The wreckage of com-! Michigan avenue bridge lies in | er was torn loose from its ' the rushing waters of the Buf- | moorings by the flood-strength- sides any declined to progress. ha BY FREIGHTER ened current and sent smash ing Into the bridge. Two men were injured but not seriously ! ante In the destructivé collision --AP Wirepholy

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