oh 2 Henk aan ee Eaeaenmd cura CRRLETT CASE Most Successful Year A quantity of wine was he stopped moving he went to oon 4 leep". He added that Scarlett sumed, Scarlett admitted being ® if uwne, said he had bought two or| 78% 8 fast drinker, ee hotties, DRINK BLAMED Gregory said he knew Mrs, Crown Attorney Deyman pro \Scariett, that the two did not Sliced ores (O04 (501A the THEO yp much except when they| Despite a very heavy downpour new pulpit, a lectern, a sedslin,! Girls work is also in a flourishe {were both drinking, of rain and treacherous roads, cross for the communion table!ing condition, The CGIT re hed made three purchases of To ln Tie Jury by|there was a splendid sttendance|also a Bible for the Holy Table, (was given also the So ap wine, instead of two. Seatiett BP:| oth lawyers were given in the|of members and adherents of floral stands, pulpit drapes, s Mrs, Robert Kirk which showed peared surprised at the evidence. | ero ae" Riohardson sug- Centre Street United Church at|clock, ete, the girls were getting excellent Accused sald he remembered) oq" Tel rote was com. (their annual meeting held in the|$3005 FOR M AND M [training under the leadership of getting on the train for Cobourg, pletely intoxicated a few hours|Sunday Bchool room on Wednes-| In her report of the Missionary | Mrs, Vann assisted by Mrs, Sim- Ho corrhoralod Weiimony, ho before the attack, said that incon.|dsy night, Jan, 21, and Maintenance Fund, the trea: merson and the Explorers by and Mrs. Webb had visited the |#isteucies in testimony by key wit-| About 100 people sat down to s|surer, Mrs. George Dennis, re-|Miss Neenah Kirk assisted by god Mis. ran, fining It closed |Desses indicated thelr similar in very fine uck supper pre-|ported that a record amount of Miss 8. Normoyle, He did not recall drinking any |'o*ication, pared by the Woman's Associa- #3006 had been sent to the tres-| The work of the Semlor WA IE of tio. train. A record of statements entered tion, after which the mimeo- sutey of jhe United Chuteh Nand the East and West Groups He said fe had other impres.|in testimony Tuesday by town graphed copies of the "reports big n addition $211 wasigise the Yivelyn Goodwin Group sions, Ho remembered Mrs. Love. Police Constable Paul Pearse he(were considered and adopted. given to the Oshawa Presbytery was outstanding, : d+ ys ered yan, ov termed, "inconsistent ramblings", |The ladies were thanked for the Church Extension Fund, ; The W.A, raised » total of oss, | ot v . woth "|The comments and questions|splendid supper the Clerk of] Reporting for the Woman's Mis 83106 and gave $2100 to the church gi a rerabared an amb. | Were "fragmentary remarks run Session, Ray R. Valentine, who|slonary Boclely, Mrs, Frc ¥iireapurer, The president in 1968 3 Ho alo tometnbered un ee Ining through a man's mind", (also acted as secretary of the Fletcher showed that this orfan-iyss Mrs, Charles Hawking and Jane, boing Jog. ot the palice "Consider very carefully the meeting, | abject had oversubseribed their for 1959 the prosident is Mrs, od ving. bis picture taken, | Guestion of his intoxication," eaid| The minister, Rev, Warren G,(chiective and had sent wway¥red Graham. The Evelyn Goode * |Mr, Richardson, Dickson, presided and conducted! uo "am LCR tl Tat od. 8h {win Group under its president, DEFENSE WITNESSES Crown Attorney Deyman told a short but impressive memorial AoC S0C 08 Sh A Wis way Mrs. Reid raised $1643 'and gave Four witnesses for the defence jurors the issue wns whether service for the 10 members who planning to start "SehOIRPAhID anton Shutth Jrasaurer, The preceded Scarlett during the Scarlett was gollty of murder as/had left "The Church Militant for|p nan 0 Soo 5 ont student. | on Is Mrs, R. K. morning, Rev, K, ¥. Blachford charged, |The Church Triumphant", They no Ci, Noto a member of Cen Kellington. =" said that Scarlett hud been a| He said the jury must decide|are Francis Walter Rundle, Rich. ofeb Stent BSAC Eo! The auditors report was given regular attendant at his Angli-|whether Scarlett attacked his ard Hallett, Gordon Edward ew" (5 citi Toit y ini 0Y Mansell Gerrow who thanked can church at Trenton, usually wife with a knife with intent to| Petre, Mrs, William Petre, Frod- Queen's Theological C 51 Te go he groups for their work and aione , commit bodily harm, knowing erick Graham, Thomas Bell, Kingston, This is the first asked that the hooks and state Mrs, Rita M. Brown, from he might couse her death, oriPrederick Suir, Fier Dickey dour Tor Hie cn Big Bide Mo ig Ldn Le Sutter next wt he 3 (of s A 3 . 4 0 Yio Serio venieq an spare. Whether fy at was » gun Mabel Burgoyne, Breet Chueh for many, yap Other auditor was Harold Whit men lor is family wh Aiding the| Centre Bt, Church is the oldest|"® WAN 8&1 honor student and Aibread Sr, and fine help was lved together im Trenton, sajd|any intent for any purpose at the of the 12 United Churches in Osh- graduate last year of Central given by Mrs, Whitbread, she found him an honest, upright Hw, Dos y commented op ne AWA Jt WS founded as a Chris Collegialy hore, " | OFFICERS ELECTED young man, Hap, OYA tian Church on Oct, 15, 1831 ana| Mra. William Dearborn report: pho David Ray Robertson, Scar-|consistencies in testimony from| } il Oct, 4, 1928 ed for The: Couples Club, Mrs.| Roy Starr gave the report of yr it's § ae | Leonar bb, My, |from that date until Oct, 4, 108, | gyoii oove' n report of the Sun-|the nominats let's immediate superior at Leonard and Alimo Webb lit was known as the Oshawal¥ t gave a report of the Sun- the nominating committee which : , Li [Trenton CPR yards, sald accused Webb had sald Mrs, Scarlett was Christian Church, when In 1028 it day School which is increasing was adopted by the meeting, E IDENT CONGRATULATED was the most efficient worker|lying outside on the sidewalk joined the United Church under steadily and taxing nll available] Stewards -- Howard Canning; NEW RED CROSS SOCIETY PR S and the best man he had trhined) When or Susan stabbed hort the ministry of the late Rev, Dr, uScomodation, The eonttegs- Harold Winbond 87. H aroid . 4 CL in 8 wars, He said Scarlett Mrs, Webb sald she was leaning | on has gone on records as Hithreac r, Norman elsh, Dr, Smart A MacGregr, | of the Canadian Red Cou So | DE MacGregor poke on he | Me fare lo pork adequate 1h vor My 50, BEAT Lt fon to rm an i ty anid una (orig: Ding» Copan Dean Pel AG: Neon, Hoy te ) . 3 , , A . . 0 ; en! Sure yd Homor ey as A president, Wesley Pow- | aire", In his speech the doctor | dental treatment In Ontario hos- tween July and November, that she fell only after being Church, The minister had Just Fdueaton Ball Wien Shey have Barn, Pe Rar, phiprey dentistry, speaker at the annual | ers, (left), congratulates in. | was critical of the Ontario Hos- A 5 r A " U "e of | stabbed again " his fi f - pitals, It didn't take too much to get|stabbec completed his first year of serv i k | h ; ; |" "It doesn't matte wether she . the Sunday Schoo! and provide a!Areh Britton, D, Douglas, Nore ul . 4 . es ( --0sh Ti Photo [Mim drunk, but he could drink er whether ® ice on New Year's Sunday, meeting of the Oshawa branch | coming president, Db. H. Howe. | pital Services Commission for | ____ =--Oshawa Times Photo [quite a bit after that," said Carl,|was standing up or lying down," | = Lom: D 421,39 RAISED place of recreation for the very| man Petre, Bill Dearborn and the - | Greg / we ved sald Mr. Deyman, "Scarlett had |¥%1.% i active Young Peoples Union, the/following nbw members: Keon in hry gory. Who hed ance lived 4 Hy to find that knife, to| bd {Semurer, Adtiey Weds. feport uf which Mig given iid Pipher, Dow Whitbread, Claude " 3 | #4 vw giving the report of the commit: Don Whithrea © Is also the Plewelling, A, H, Gallinger, Albert Street urc | OBITUARIES fen Re way okay as long 3 he leona downstairs and stab her.' jy of stewards, showed that a|Cubmaster of the 2nd Oshawa Sully and C, Cathmolr, Fo | grand total of $21,395 was raised Cubs and spoke of their activites, Elders - R, R, Valentine, [ FUNERAL OF . in 1058, After deducting all bal-|There are 19 Cubs, (Frank Manuel, Percy Fletcher, L] WILLIAM KUZMELIUK Violence A rey ance that the church groups Speaking for the 2nd Oshawa Mansell Gerrow, George Dennis, Mem ers 1P § 1 ( Ted S15 High requiem mass for William| started 1058 with, this fine total|Bcouts was assistant scoutmaster|Stan Dennis, Charles Hawkins, | resulted, Also speaking on the|Bill Britton who spoke about thelr| Harry Young, Noy Mann, Bert |residence, 52 Bloor street east, . report was the chairman of the work, thelr camping exporiences| Terwillegar, W. Dearborn, Gore : 2 | Tuesday, was sung at B8t, stewards, Howard Canning and|ete, There are 18 scouts, Rondon Wonnacott, W, G, Barton, A large number of the mem-| The Woman's Assoclation| man, L, Edwards, J, Gordon, W, George's Ukrainian Greek Catho-| (®) 1spu e the envelope steward, Arch Brit: Starr, chairman of the group com-| Ear] James, C, DeGuerre and pers and adherents of Albert! (three groups) raised $3921, and Wilson, W. Douglas, B. Nugent, yi church by Rev, J, C Pereyma| ton, mittee gave a very encouraging/two new members Leonard Gold. Street United Church attended) altogether the congregation in all|R, Bent, 8, Gibbs, A, Howard, J. Thursday at 10 a.m | = o % won i During the year the entire front report, speaking about the excel [smith and William 'Frost, the congregation's annual meet-|its departments contributed $33,- Lowry, K. Mossey, Laws. Parks, | Interment was in Bt. Gregory's MONTREAL (CF ) Scattered CCCL) be recognized as Dar oon church Interior was mod-/lent work of Scoutmaster John.| The minister gave the session ing and supper in the Sunday|197, A. Reld, W, Stallibrass, Art Cemetery, ' |ncidens added a ouch of vio gaining agent |ernized, A new choir loft and a|son and his assistants and the|report, He sald there were 12 School Hall, Thursday evening. | It was reported that the total| Walker, R, Wicks, A, Allman, A.["pojibenrers were A Nahor.|l€¢e Thursday night to- the ten-| The CBC says the producers ney pulpit platform were con-\work of Cubmaster Don Whit: marriages, 10 funerals and a As the meeting opened the min- cost of the Church renovation Derry and W. J. Davis, |niak, N. Chmelowsky, M, Hlynka | ston bullding Ap in the quarrel are part of management and i structed and a new organ-console bread and his assistants, Mr, record number of baptisms, 36, ister, Rev. 8, C. H. Atkinson, |proect was $24,611 and that only| Committee of Stewards -- Bor-|w. Samowonyk. P. Frankin and hetween the CBC and Its striking der federal law not eligible to Wf-((n ia1led. This was dedicated to| Starr mentioned the fine work of There are 100 families, Twelve thanked the congregation for(§1500 remained to be paid. The den Slack, George Lemere, C.G' Pernacki. Montreal television producers, |filiate with a labor body. It|ihoge who paid the Supreme Sac. Mansell Gerrow and Gordon Won-| new members were received last its loyalty and devotion to him-|Committee on Renovation &nd|Durno, W. Gardner, M, Hill, Jim The, cor poration Thursday told urged them to go before the Cana: | wifice in hoth World Wars and to|nacott on the group commiitee, | ye ar and the total membership is self and his family, and called) Building reported that plans were geott, George Ford, Ray Mock, FUNERAL OF {the 1,200 CBC employees support dian Labor Relations Board the Ploneers of the Church, In| The splendid service of the Sun-{now 363, He also spoke on the for renewed consecration to the going ahead, and the architect| Ww Down, E. Jones, W, Westlake, MRS. LAURA KING [Ing the 20-day strike to come| The producers, In a statement aqqition many lovely memoriallday School Superintendents, Har-| Every Member Canvas which the implications of discipleship to has been consulted concerning!il, Corley, M. Hughes, L. Gray,| Funeral services for Mrs, |D2¢K to work or lose their jobs. issued late Thursday night, sald git were donated by members|old Whitbread Jr,, and Mrs. A.|Church Is undertaking in Feb. Christ plans for the new building which/w, Milne, F, Cooper, P. Walters, Laura King, 73, who died at the| The ultimatum came alter athe CBC was trying to provoke of the congregation in memory of | Elllott was mentioned along with ruary, He thanked the people for "The year behind us," sald Mr.|it Is hoped will be started this g McDonald, A. Korry, G.Oshawa General Hospital Monday |"*'SY: peaceable street demon: them to go before the CLRB be qanarted loved ones such as althelr teaching staffs, Ithelr support and loyalty, Atkinson, 'has been one of con-| summer, (Maunder, Bert Shortt, B, Heard were conducted by M. McLeod stration hy about 1,000 employ cause it believed they would not had! ; ' . tinued progress spiritually and| A, Howard, clerk of the Bes: and J, Finch. Thursday at 1 p.m. at Armstrong|®® |recelve certification, They sald materially, and all our material|sion, reported. that during the | Trustees -- Art Howard, Ray Funeral Chapel It was followed by another, dis- the CLRB turned them down . achievement is meaningless, un;\vear 5 mesbers had been #44 Mock, W. Wilson, W, 8, Gardner| Interment was in Old Stone 15am zed demonstration by shout twice before, u em ers (0) ow 043 WE A Al ON BS oan Am," 6c, thal hurch C: he 4 PO | CABINET WON'T ACT ,. (and R, Clark, | Church Cemetery, Beaverton, WF Y TREASURER'S REPORT | transferred, making the church's " ™p -- 4 2 {llcemen guarding the main CB( shyter and Conference Pallbearers were N. Page, V. i Pid In Ottawa the cabinet, replying Presbytery | building until scattered by the army 0000 "a direct appeal by The church treasurer's report|present membership 480. In 1068 wiibur Down: alternate, Page, R. Page, L. Brooks, A Kuzmeliuk, 74, who died at his ' . owed that $9615 had been raised|the minister officiated at 35 fu. Rep. f rival of squad cars; by the arrest', cy Leader Lester Pear Y the local expenses and that nerals, 78 weddings and 64 bap- W- Wilson. | ing and 4, Ring. [of three men, whose names were on on wader Taner Leos. 0 u uccession u at ean yo ny wypean (Oa TT MV OAR GM tion Shan pape, marries (he trike, Th "The Radio Fund received $674] The nominating committee pre-| Music Committee -- Cholr|, 0 owing 8 shore flesh the by an assault on the wife of al TAHT WAS 'entirely Inthe hands) "Is your estate a target for us and arvange our affairs inis signed and who do not stand and $2005 was given by the con-|sented the following lists of| President, Mrs, C. Morgan, R.ico 1 y oital Thursday, Jan, Bon-striking TV technician, ony . taxes?" was the topic of an ex- (such a manner, the result of to profit under the will, ) | 0dUCers A0CURE me| The producers are working on| tremely interesting and thought-| which would . regation to the Missionary and names as the officers for the Bent, A, Korry. 22, of Oscar V., Shaw, 55 La Salle The producers accused the CBC plans for a "march on Ottawa' bei A Rerogting he ght (hich Noid be a saving of un | READY-MADE WiLL aintenance Fund, The total year 1959; Envelope Steward ~~ H. |g ™ BRS: Ww, {of wanting to crush thelr associ |' ~ amount 'raised by the html Session -- W. Alexander, C.|Laxton, Intute, Sue deceased was in his| 0 TU Uhich they want Tecuq. 0A Toestay in u sampaign to hors and Kuosts of the Oshawa| Dealing In turn with the most hed SUE having Va School was $1000 with $420 going|Basinger, Percy Bent, A, Blatch,| Financial Secretary -- Mrs, on of the late Obediah Shaw nized as bargaining agent, by "ellie Totticlals told a oe sg i Raul, Club oil dmpor ITAPL akon, Inepie tik, Aft to the M and M Fund ; R. Clark, R, Collison, R. Corb Ross Clark, land Fla Bennett, the decease jorce rather than negotiate WI press conference Thursday fhe ni ropa! TT debit pi i eg hi was born at Midland, Jan, 6, pon pn |CBC will refuse to have further maronto General Trusts, was the methods by which a person can . [1901 and was married at Oshawa R¥F ORY OR LAY loves the dealings: with the producers' as:| zest speaker, : reduce Miglin 4 h-as gilts nancial matters, disposition of CITY AND [In 1925, CRO fold them it would assume, sociation, but would meet the pro-| At" the outset of his address, |of certain amounts, a once-in-a.|!i/® insurance premiums, ete, ome urvivors | A resident of Oshawa for five they had resigned if they did not ducers Individually or In groups. me Morris pointed out that in!lifetime gift to a wife of the home| In conclusion, Mr, «Morris DISTRICT |vears, Mr. Shaw had previously ooo ¢ "within 12 hours, or by 9START HIRING [1087, Canadians pald over 31 and through various clauses in a/ueried his audience -- "is your . {operated general stores in Valen-| yo 0p ihe gay after they re-| They sald they would start hir- cents of every dollar earned to/will, |ostate a target for taxes? Have Not R T n a >= tia, Blackstock, Bond Head and. iveq the word : {ing personnel to fll vacancies federal, provinelal and municipal] Investing ouly in Canadian (You arranged your affairs in such eas Su 1 g OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY Balsam, For the past two years| nainnal presidents of the six|created by those who did not re-|governments in the form of taxes, stocks, within a certain figure of |# manner where your family will President. Ken Smyth, at this he had been an employe of Gen-\oy 0 afiliated unions to which|turn to work, compared with 17 cents in 1020, |income, permits another large be properly taken care of and TORONTO (CP) -- Sir Robert can do is offer retaliation If at:| week's regular meeiing of the|Auto Shippers Limited {thé employes belong were notl:| "The CBC belleves its primary| With profits and incomes at high|deduction; pension plans or -in.| Where there 1s a saving of un. Watson-Watt sald Thursday night tacked |Oshawa (Downtown) Kiwanis) An adherent of 8t. Paul's Pres-ifjad of the step, and two replied responsibility is to the public," |levels in recent years and all well (creasing pensions; these and Necessary taxes? Have you res it doesn't make him feel any! 'Retaliation is of very MNttle Club, read a special message bylerian Church, the deceased ip. their members were pre-|[sald the officials. taxed, the result Is that about|other methods, with their results, [Vised your will within the last better to know that some people comfort if you are dead." {from International President|was a member of the masonic vented from returning to work| Mrs. Nina Mondolini, 39, was!three-quarters of the income tax were explained by the speaker, three years and wil it sult your probably would . survive germ| The defence research board Kenneth B, Loheed, of Toronto, (lodge at Claremont by clreumstances beyond thelr treated In hospital for a eut 1p collected since 1917 has been ac-|who also briefly ouuined the re requirements now? and finally, warfare employing a bug previ-|station at Suffield, Alta., has been marking the observance of the| He leaves his wife, the former control. [that required two stitches after|tually collected in the last 10 or|sult of the new Dominion Estate have you a Will? ously described as a total-killer, working for some time on anti {44th anniversary of Kiwanis In Bernice Harrison; a daughter, | They have refused to cross/two men came to her door seek-|11 years, | Tax, Kiwanion John Cameron intros Britain's London News-Chron-|dotes to germ warfare but secur-|ternational, which was founded Mrs Lloyd Wilson (Leanor), of picket lines set up by the pro- ing her husband, a non-striking| While it does appear that we HIGH COST OF DYING duced Kris E, Morris to the Kh icle reported Thursday that|ity around the project has always| Jan, 21, 1918 Belleville and two grandchildren. |qyeers, who went on strike Dec, [CBC technician, One of the men all work for the Government, it "It costs more to die in Ontarlo/Wanians and guests and at the United Kingdom scientists have been stringent. No reporters have| : Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. 199 to hack demands that their hit her in the mouth when shelis only fair to admit," he pointed than any other Canadian prov./conclusion of the address, the developed a germ known as bhotu-|been allowed to the Suffield sta DUPLICATE BRIDGE Edgar Campbell (Hazel), of Wye | Assoelation des Reallsateurs sald her husband was not home. out, "that the income tax repre-ince, where the testator leaves|thanks of all were expressed by linus toxin which, the story tion Following are the scores of the (Vale, Ont, and two brothers, sents the fiscal expression of cen: his estate outright, with the ex. Kiwanian Reg, Garrett, {|contents of an inte will wit a lawyer, who can advise on fi= } 3 ' ' oT | added "can wipe out the world's| games played by members J ne Stanley, of Midland aid Herman, | turles of groping toward a better caption of smaller dutiable es r Sd ige Club a | ulation." | ya Duplicate Bric sorld and 1s the fairest and most " declan saker. He Robert the inventor of| WEATHER rik ny ay night The funeral gorvice will be held Str on el Defence selenifcally designed method yet a laps oe r'™ re | s oDers, - | 4 South - Bill Baker, | At the Mcintosh Funeral Chapel i ¢ obt ind " 1 ent pla lo ud was | radar, was quoted In the same] North and Sou " aker, oo Nm Satara. Jan 3. Rov devised of obtaining government dye to the Ontario Tax, which Is| SUBSCRIBERS Mrs. t § , J | x " ' issue as having sald In a trans:| TORONTO (CP) Tempera. | Bob Harrison, 76% pts.; N:nerek Allen, minis of St. Pauls revenues, It represents a marked | mare than one-half the Dominion | atlantic phone call that "instead |tures Issued by the weather office |I>aniel, Mrs. Armstrong, 73 pts.; Preshyteriae Courch. will: acne) 1 | stride in both our social and fis: Tax "The two acts differ sub! THE TIMES of the power of the big boy'siat § a.m.: (Mrs, E Wadsworth, y Mis. M |duct the services, Interment will greeimein u 'cal history, " stantially in principle and prac. deterrent, we now are faced with Qunonsis: The storm which Clarke, 72 pts.; Mrs, E Stewart, De to oy caldt. Cottier. Brook |REVENUE INCREASED tice and must be settled separate OSHAWA the power .of the poor man's|gmick Ontario Wednesday was|MI®. Bind, 62% pts, East and|i ih Urovenide Lemerory, Brook: JOHN BCALI : to thelr aid tn th t of]. Quoting statistics relative $o(jy with the Dominion and Pro poison' with the advent of botu-|over Ungava this morning, more| West == Mr. and Mrs, G. Jackson, |" By JO¥ A come fo their aid in the event of ihe rapidly increasing populationiyineial Governments, This results| FOR MISSED PAPERS AND ; 84 pts.; Mrs. A. Rundle and Mrs WASHINGTON (AP) -- The aftack from any quarter, Com:|of the world, the speaker statedrin additional expenses, confusion OSHAWA'S FINEST TAXI linus which allegedly brought ian 1.000 miles north of Toronto world annihilation within reach of Grong" winds generated by the R: Drew, 67 pts. R. Rice, Wm. | United States has run Into diffi {munist or non-Communist, that the population an well 88) a4 delay," he continved, SERVICE PHONE n) B2 , H any small power possessed of gov were diminishing slowly Puchuna, 5a pn Mr. and Mrs Police Pursue culties with Pakistan and Iran in| The United States has never Miher incomes vy helped to In. Stressing the extreme value of enough ambition but still reaching speeds of 28 to|>'e% pa. negotiating special defence Joined the Baghdad alliance, In- Ey pel: Viet a WILL, the speaker pointed out UNITED TAXI REPORTS DISCOUNTED [30 mph over Southern Ontario. CHECKER PROBLEM | Si | Cl } atreements: almed at bolstering Htead: the U.S, participates In| ves agalnst our income to help that "procrastination is rather a However, British medical[lixcept for areas near Lake Following Is thi k's check ing e ue |them against outside attack [committee meetings but stops) noe thelr budget and it 1a up|common disease with most peo RA 5-3541 circles later discounte wis Huron and Georgian Bay, skies ollowing la ip wee A \ short of actual membership, ith what we have left, to ple in connection with drawing, ports of the bug's capabilities for| Were generally clear and temper. |er problem: Black -- 2, §, 13, 20, Both countries are reported In - -- {10 18, Wh Whe keri thelr wills, which to some extent, | if you have not received your » . - BV! atures 5 to 10 above zero in|K 23. White -- 9, 14, 2, 28, %0,| I Kid |sisting on stronger defence as pudget the balance, the speaker . » several reasons dl oe Central Ye A K 25, White to move and win, I na in surances. Turkey, however, Is| . stressed that it was important Is Ulorvesade I Times. phone your carrier boy 1. There 1a 18 Somagion factor orning In Northern Ontario NEW YORK (AP)--Police to.|understood to be satisfied with] aper irms that we should familiarize our oe NYE, Mr, Mors pointed first, If you ere unable te eon. I A an} Sued supply would | temperatures ranged down to 25 day had one concrete clue -- a|th® draft of an agreement pro-| solves with all taxes that Mfect Ol at €Y8IVONe Aha wt tect Nm by 7.00 pa. ppl) [below zero, Ontario's cold wave| The following streets will be|ywoman's handwriting in the/Posed In talks In Ankara | i een - ' ) ¥| be necessary to contaminate the : I, _ wake only Ponbie vehicle 1s here for another day at least, |closed this Weekend " gg he [kidnapping of an ailing, 23 day.| Diplomatic authorities say Sign Contract : of & country, |with srowflurries near the lakes gow Rilo, Sod iy Lom old child Thursday. It was ihe hare sow eens jittle change the Price Increased musts to be observed in making Colls Accepted Between 3. It wouldn't kill nearly every.| Saturday s oul bring some mod. Or avenue from Glen.|C!tY's second baby abduction this Be ndad RE Bd Ti) TORONTO (CP) -- The 13,000. » a will, the choice of an executor 77:30 p.m. Only body--only between 16 and 80 per oration 33 telnperatutes. id uot | EOvS Tireet 10 Pe bruce. street |Your +. [Monday in Karachl. Pakistan, |member Lumber and Sawmill On Heating Fuels and the necessity of two witness cent of those infected would die teglonal orecasts valld ux [a coe: allect ourth Hoan Noa. A specimen of the kidnapper's| Shh x [Workers Union has signed an {08 who are present when the willl Besides, there are anti-toxins ex.| midnight Saturday, quon road to Taunton road east;|NAIAWTItIDE was in the form of PLEDGED SUPPORT |akroement with Spruce Falls] TORONTO (CP) oe BIS | oe tremely effective against botull- ple Bele, Niagara, southern Loy, jo street at Glencastlo|® Pote written at the mother's) que United States Is negotiat- Power and Paper Company of American Oll Company ds, at nus, ay aaron, Lake ano re avenue; Byng avenue at Simcoe "eduest before the latter left oniing "the agreements within the Kapuskasing, and Kimberly-Clark nounced an increase o i an y Sir Robrt, who lives in the, sii on os d > street north; Tecumseh avenue ® id goose hunt for a non-exist- agndad Pact framework in/Pulp and Paper Company of Long| befton price of domestic hea il North Toronto suburb of Thorn. g. 3 ay » Ongon; at Simcoe street north, Streets ent Bronx apartment, keeping with a pledge State Sec Lae, fuels, Sunny with a few cloudy inter.[®" | In the note the woman kidnap: |, atar | | Beginning today the fuels will hill, was asked Jf perhaps he was 4 Boh will be kept open wherever possl.| {retary Dulles made In London| ging of th 3 t nF > relorTing 10° oie Other germ | V8 and an gocasionn) snowflurry| © 0 Emergency conditions, such|Per--8aid to be pregnant---wrote|jugt July 26. That followed the], a A Jirvament, | ncrease one cent per fellon in today and Saturday. Cold today Hy § what she represented to be her a) . , ering 1, orkers, is expecied| astern Canada a the west when he talked of whole cities], 2" las bad weather, may require the/ \ pres C {internal revolt in Iraq, one of the Cb Sheff | ' HL COPE boli Yad Ot 1 and tonight, not quite as cold Sat- (losing of streets not on the Mme, address and telephone original members of the pact jlo snd the six yg contract dis: coast and 7-10 of a cent in the i t 3 urday, Winds westerly 15 to 25 numbr, 1 pute between the union and 15 Prairie Provinces, i six hours by a germ attack. |ioq4ay' southwesterly 10 to 20 Sat- above list, | Police' and the FBI teamed up|e Dulles ald then that the United Northern Ontario companies rep. |= -------- 'No,' he replied, "1 had botu.|urday han States would "promptly enter In-yosenting pulp and pa pulp. f | y. all-night search of the area | E pulp paper, pull CHIMNEY FIRE linus very especially in mind. | } NOT AS REPORTED . "Ito agreements with nations In the wood exporters and independent ' ' | Northern Lake Huron and around 158 W. Bath St, fromi,ijance to give them added se iva id A chimney fire caused an esti. | 4 "But then I have consistently Georgian Bay regions: Mostly| In a report of an accident, ap-| nove John Tavarez disappeared A | ! ( denied any knowledge of bacteri- cloudy with snowflurries today!' aring in Thursday's issue, it with a woman his hi had|CUrityY in defence guarantees, He The agreement provides for ated 5 damage at the Jome u pris et A a0 SONGAY, een was erroneously stated that an, Eg Bl ne {proposed doling this under author e agr provides a E, Mountjoy, R4, awa ig { a. ( y auto driven by D, 8, Noakes, 304] Mee Just 0 gays ago. ity already granted by Congress five-cent wage boost for hourly-|Fire trucks from fire station No L) gh gH : ' . " the Great Lakes, Cold today and The grief-stricken father broad p S 21 ' o PUBLIC ALERTED : 4 Simcoe St. N., had collided wit © & en father broad |ithout the need for formal paid employees dnd a 2'%.per.|3, arrived promptly on the scene : tonight, not quite as cold Satur. >! » Nv had collided With a54 5 radio and TV appeal [treaties cent increase for piece workers,land extinguished the blaze Come and see how a Food Clib oper. He sald he appeared to have|day, Winds westerly 15 to 25 to-|UN® rear of an auto driven by J,|" x cio "da coribed the! agreements proposed hy [effective Feb, 1. | promptly, ates, Demonstrations -- Meat Cutting, achleved something of import | day. southwesterly 10 to 20 Sat _|H. Snelgrove, 130 William St. E n # & feat. | sae SSG a y ance, however, by bringing the day y 0 Satur | Mr. Noakes states that it was/' oj on being sought as 5.foel S'itne US. would restate existing Etc, Ten Nights -- Jan, 26-30, Feb, 2. | | lwelg d I y 5 ' whole field Into the open where|" Kirkland Lake and Timmins. Ns 800 which was struck from ei¥ RE ADO RON BWElagroaments and add a note of he 3... Feb. 6 -- 7 pm. to 9 pm. -- Two people the world over could think| Kapuskasing regions, North Bay|the rear. tae {Congress approved authority to Blocks Eost of Warden and Lawn At ' Y | streaks, and 'obviously preg ny Whi ddl 3 {] awrence about it, and Sudbury: Sunny with cloudy | _-- N------------ -- Inant " They sald she probably [18€ armed force, as well as oco Children $s Do Trainin Classes Ave E, CRT. y vA | * |nomie aid, to assist Middle East Meanwhile, Dr. Brock Chls-|Intervals and a few scattered white River .. was Cuban in trie Lr} And hy > holm, former director-general of snowflurries today and Saturday. | Kapuskasing ...... Iwo other Tavarez children, [SOUMPIeS WhoNe Tudependence AT OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE: the World Health Organization, Cold today and tonight, not quite North BAY «seer, |Josephine, 8, and Dorie, 3, also| 0% Srenigne] by outside attack : entered the debate by saying any |as cold Saturday. Westerly winds!Sudbury vie {left in the care of the missing Or Suhversion ROTARY HALL - Centre St. Stan Bryning 1061 Ra ine Rd RA 8.535 country with a single blologist{10 to €0 m p.h {Muskoka Alrport 8 22 |woman, were found in the apart. |WOULD NEED TREATY . and a few devoted distributors Min Max. Huntsville { iment of a neighbor, They had I'he department apparently Saturday, Jan. 24th could menace the entire globe. | Dawson 61 42 .|Windsor rrsasvas been found earlier walking the feels that any stronger pledge "ne News Chronicle story Victoria 39 8 [London ..... i . | streets might require a formal treaty 10 A.M. FOOD abst botulinus, he Said might| Edmonton ....... 10 1 |Toronto ... RT pl | The mother, Mrs. Doraliza Ta Iran and Pakistan: have crit! eT GLUB help Sonsinge people that war Regina PRP | «12 [Ottawa 7 36 varez, 31, sald she met the!cized the proposed wording - as COURSES 8 WEEKS K t pe 9 > a a! t N ' Yoo Ww a out of date Winnipeg A 1 Montreal A ] woman Wednesday at Metropol far too weak CHILDRE 2.12 YEARS . FEES 2%¢ PER WEEK LN) UNDERWRITERS RD. -- (e) 9.1 188 No government can assure its Fort William 21 a | Quebec 1 hy itan Hospital, where she took the Both have requested sneqguiyve people security," be sald. "All It|8.8. Marie 4 u Halifax . A baby for treatment of a cold ical American ecommitinents tol RRR STREETS CLOSED "land directive justice and he out. | lined a few of the important! TELEPHONE UNITED TAXI