eee Durham Starts |Report Rates Doubled Princess Quest Bowmanville Hospital BOWMANVILLE (Stafl) " Pout ' t 0s were ho Durham County for the fourth at the meeting. They are: publ:| powmMANVILLE (Staff) -- Hos- rical wing were in use all ; MA! ~ Hos, year mentioned plans for an additi your Ia preparing io send 20 03 city and application, Row Brook pital rates were doubled at thelround. Al times these beds, aso the hospital He reports) 4 . : Hal: beginning of this month, it was well as beds in the corridors were meeting with representatives 4 in the annual dairy queen com- rymple, and Mel McHolm; fi- 9 y _| reported at the annual meeting of required for surgery patients. In|councils concerned with the pr i petition. The sompethion for Dp ghee, Bie Shortt, Albers ay the Bowmanville Memorial Hos-| all there was # total of 2346 oper- posal, Mu~h legal work has " ham County Dairy a Luce Bren. Lawrence Styles and Don|Pital board Thursday. |ations performed in the surgery to be completed before acti get under way much earlier than Brown, 4 ith Stanley Wilkins, business ad- at BMH during 1958, |may be taken on this matter, / usual so that the contest can be Budd: locatéon and sonpet jon, miaistrator. said tial bed rates' Other reports hear incied] ' wound up In June. Bruce Taylor bios Welt" for the wards increased from $8 that of the fi ittee| Ground ittee chairma | H. B. Welsh, field representa. Transportation committee will per day to $16.65. by chairman Glenhome Hughes,|James Strutt, mentioned gener i tive for the dairy branch of the be made up bf Department repre.| , Admissions, births, patientiwhich included mention of rate repairs made to the grounds f _ 7 department of agriculture, and toy b days, number of full time andincreases as compared to other the Bowmanville Centennial, an' | county convener, told an organi- id part-time employes were all in- years, stated the parking lot would + | zation meeting in the Bewman- creased during 1958 at the hos. The new rates came Into ef Tepaired and require attentic' | ville agricultural office Thursday B'ville Men pital, stated the report. + tect Jan, 1. 1950 They are $16.65 When the Liberty street sou: | | all counties in the province will Mr. Wilkins said there were for a ward, as compared to storm sewer project has bee stage the competition ®arlier this 2591 admissions during 1958, 340 ip previous years, ry for » completed, { year, i. nore than in 1957, There were 49 semi-private room, which was Representing the women's au: All counties this year are being . births in 1938, as compared toi$11, $21.65 for a private room,|!lary, Mrs. Bruce Mutton told th assessed $25 entrance fee, he told or Ilda 426 the previous year. A total of formerly $13, | gathering the auxiliary contribu the group. In Durham the amount, © 17,500 patient days were spent In| Rates for private rooms pon. © approximately $6000 wort will be raised by asking the] . ,n pyran (cp).A long and|BMH, exceeding that of the pre- taining baths are one dollar more bedding and kitchen supplies Ruiry Doan Sasoclivjony technical preliminary hearing|Vious year by 2331 days. than rooms without. Nursery, the, hospital in 1958. : oe sone oF fh I 1 aed "ley, wh, Magia INCREASED ADMISSIONS (ered lo fom) yp, VELL id oS 7 J assist the department in defray. Walter Tuchtie committed three, myo average number of admis | Mr. Hughes stated the staff tivities sponsored by the .auxi B. /, ing transportation expenses tc men for trial to a higher court. ying per day was increased 6.51, tu, 00 FUEL EL PG LE BR lary. p 5 /) the CNE. This will put all coun. Lewis Erlick of Hamilton was per cent to 48.6, and the totaligop 500 contol WEE ATHALE REELECTED ties on an equal basis, In pasi committed for trial on four number of full time employes in oro." fo ™ ine 0 employed at All board members who serve NEW A AX LEGION EX ECUTIVE INSTALLED years, distant counties have com. counts of fraud and Murray Me: 1958 was 65, two more than in| parr . lin 1058 were re-elected for th | plained of the expense in provid- Lennan of Gananoque on one 1957, There were also eight part: "y™ y oooquunay property| coming year. One new membe Me. | William Redmond, secretary; | sergeant - at - arms, Directors ing transportation. count of fraud. time employes, an Incréase ofl, oo, = ht an, reported | Was also elected to the 195 are Don Caldwell, Wm. Ash- | Chairman of the Durham com. FErlick, McLennan and Gerald three. That left a ratlo of 1.510, os ony panning around the board. The members of thi ton, Mickey Flynn, John Brooks, |petition Is Melvin McHolm, and Purdy, 32, of Bowmanville, were employes per patient, down Oly ano" ang said the largest re. vear's board are: Ivan Hobbs --Photo by John Mills secretary is A. O. Dalrymple, all commitied on a charge of con- from the previous year. Inovation was the installation of Clenholme Hughes, H. V. Cryder mri eee | MP, Dalrymple is the Durham spiracy to defraud the Interpro-| Mr. Wilkins said all the bed o-oo conditioning unit in the op- Man, Mrs. L. W, Dippell (nev County Agricultural Representa. vincial Building Credit Company facilities in the hospital with the erating room Ld member) James Studd and L, M |tive, Department of Agriculture, lof money or securities. |exception of those in the obstet-| ' [Dewell, i Ria School Band Vill mms mms =o we fii = A ed Aja Rjax . iy 426 Grand Jury Suggests | -- : - i me John Mi | Penalties Mar | Officers of Branch 322, Ca new executive is James n.dian Legion BESL, were ip Given, president; Ray Ashley, | Art Ward, treasurer Al. Bird, Stalled in office by Zone Com Ist vice - president; John Ma- Poppy Fund chairman and wel- mander William Beaton, The | whinney, 2nd vice - president: | fare officer; Al. Swerdfiger, | a p-- - ---- -- Stage Annual Concert wero Fire Chutes For Home "5 0 The 12 men represented nine (pairs Ww. dou sod examination | Junior Game than two years ago the Ajax Czap, John; Echevarria, Paul; Flute Friars, Jean; Btipaiels; Rae Hopkins lip-proof mats, re-| opp : | PORT HOPE -- Before a goodthe twine on a pass from Cur- high school band has been win Smyth, Janet; Ames, Peter, {vanna, COBOURG -- United Countles| Trombone Bignell, Carl;| French Horn -- Combdon, Rose co f ie { oleum i ace «the qual : y ' uncil will probably send a re- lakeshore communities. of exits, hing acclaim for the quality of Hawkins, Robert; Karstulovich, lyn; Gorman, Joanne; Varty |port from ie Tt Jury at the] Among the improvements sug. Placement Heoleutn in wash.| yd at th | A i ; t] Jury { ( Sug: s, rubber mats in bath.(crowd at the arena here the vis- ran. From a face-off, the visitors fts performances. The band is gro | Glenda 2 Li ! under the direction of Dr. Karl] Baritone -- Hornung, Lynn, | Drums -- Hunt. Donnie: Kirby 1ves ave winter assizes to committee for gested by the jury for the home rooms regular snow clearance iting Kingston Junior B's picked |Tom Pettit was give a slashing Lindemann, who studied at the| Tuba -- McNeill, Kenneth; Mit- paul; Elrick, Margaret; Jen. study. The report recommends for the aged was the installation|from exits and fire escapes, erec.|'P 8 hard earned 7-0 shutout vic-|penalty, university of Hamburg where he/chell, Bart; Andrew, Ronald. [pings Diane, § [that more fire safety measures|o fire chutes to supplement ex-|tion of roofs over exits to pro.|tory over the Port Hope Ontarios| Before he quit talking he was until World Terence; | : Y onsta ©S [be constructed at the counties | isting fire escapes. This would|tect them from the weather, and/!n a Central Ontario League d with a misconduct, fol- ater taught music Clarinet Gadd, RRS War 2 Gowans, William; Andrew, Shir-|SENIOR Home for the Aged here 'provide a greater margin of replacement of old beds and Same. [lowed by a match penalty, Students who have become pro-[ley; Ballard, Jean; Bell, Anne;| Trumpet -- Adams, Kelly; Dun:| TORONTO (CP)--Police con- The home is presently in. the safety for the occupants of the mattresses Referees Ned Vitarelli of Peter- {goon MiscoNDUCT ficient performers on the many Bilcox, Sharon; Boucher, Nicole; can, Ted; Gibson, Ken; Kirby, Ri- oi 110e Dennis Graham and John [hands of construction crews home, who, due to their age,! The jury found that the Ontar- borough and Gord Cane of Co-| Ee nstruments in the band exceed Daniels, Marilyn; Durocher, |chard; McKay, John; Roberts, * 5 : {working on additions, might easily be trapped in a fire lo hospital establishment {s be. bourg handled a good game and! In the third, Port Hope had ¥5. They are now divded into sen- Sharon Adelaide Francey; Gary; Smyth, Bob. Perkins would not take the word| * compliation of the report was by their inability to Kurry down|ing operated in a satisfactory dished out 18 minor penalties. Of several chances but Dunlop made jor and junior groups. At present|Rees, Ann; Young, Valerie. | Trombones -- Gleadhill, Trev- of tenants of a downtown apart-| the final duty of the all-male!steps. manner and that a spirit of|these, Kingston picked up 12 and|it 50 for the visitors at 5.25, they are rehearsing for a con-! Tenor Saxophone -- Jankowski, or; Koppens, Bill; Pape, Man-' ment building Thursday and grand jury. | Other suggestions included re- cheerfulness exists. were also assessed with two mis- helped by Jarvis and Terry | - - fe conducts and a match miscon-| Aylesworth. duet. The visitors led 3-0 ending) After the half way mark, Port' eert in late February, proceeds Otto; Peterson, Judy fod. Robluson, Jim; Watchorn, | ,ved two lives. | - : eee aL to be used for the purchase of Alto Saxophone Brown, Jen. Derek; Draine, Peter; -Jones, - . | | nifer: Ellis, Judith Hur, Rose- [Stan Sent to investigate a report that TEEN TOPICS [ Bowling At ge at, a wate shead 40 oo showed signs of tiring and | ering the third canto. Curran scored at 13.20 from Mul- Port Hope had a chance in the holland and Bud Aylesworth and" Yew instruments a w a P rere J + The members of the band are; mary; Walker, Andrea | Baritone = Derrane, Patrick; a woman was overcome by coal a --== Hall, Bruce; Miller, Bill, | Bas. . Dorothy Wallace lying unconsci- | { . Tuba -- Daze, Reg. first few minutes of the game|at 18.55 Mulholland closed out } AT AJAX Clarinet -- Cassan, Robert; ous on the floor of her apart- Pla Entered | Port Ho e with Kingston two men short, but|scoring, helped by yn! ! Gillard, Richard; Bastedo, Lu. Ment [ falled to capitalize. Mal Steven: Senior of the Limestone City | . cille; Robinson, Sharon; Willmot, They were told that everyone son of the locals drew a penalty, squad picked up a ten = minute the constables found Mrs, . Winnifred; Kononow, Lydia else in the building was all right : . PORT HOPE -- Standing of the and while he was off Kingston'misconduct in the stanza, Re-Or 1Z { Tenor Saxophone Hogan, but took the janitor's pass key, Ladies Town League shows Mar. got the first counter at 5.48 with Bud Aylesworth along with] (@| Il | Brian, checked every apartment and {gles leading with 68 points, but|Mulholland the marksman. from Curran and Mulholland led the | they share the lead with the|Curran and Buddy Aylesworth. |visitors, while Wayne Nichols in! | Alto Saxophone -- Rapsey, found Mr. and Mrs, George Ry re bh David; Sloan, Ronald; Ritchie, Brady unconscious in their third-| . owives, Who have the same| myoy added another on a pretty goal had to work hard and haye | By BEV HARP [Miss Allen while Mr. Brown will amount, Roll-a-ways are pressing ,,.cinc play at 12.03 with Bud 8 little bit of luck to pull out a | i } L] L] : F 1 | ] | i ( O1 i | 1( y i l Darlene. fldor apastment, COBOURG ~ CDCI's school direct the play and Mr, Davis the with 65, while Uneeda Taxi is(,.) Id | -- rt : y: Nich- v is A 3 2 yr ylesworth finishi of we p . A ; Flute Kerton, Nancy; Nich-| All three were taken to hospital play, "The Ugly Duckling", will orchestra. in: the Runt with 61. The others |" iw oY ng off helped 8) « Ateryed Shout silo sue oll, Pauline, where their condition is reported : b " AJAX (Staff)--The Ajax Film There are about 20 fil I a y m™ ' 4 tory be part of the 12th annual East-| These three teachers, along follow -- Joice Sweanor Elec- hi) : ity George Fentol 7 Council Si een fo Sans he To hie pI ms 1) the og i Sos Hes Thonn psos, salistactory sald that a backfire ern. Ontario Secondary School with the many others who work trons 55, Nicholson File Flyers| , Kingston again at 18,07 with rR Dave gL showed yet, hot with a new executive under the on request : | hac]. Gall a by the coal furmace loosed the Drama Festival to be held at behind the scenes are to be con- 30, Queen's Hotel 48, House of upren pushing t pick home gained the top star with &._ tre 'chairmanship of James Hosinec.! Borrowers must have a quali BR a a i y 1 d e. Queen's University Saturday. The gratulated on the results of their James 44, Shell Oil 34, Eldorays assisted by O'Dontlel] and Guy. mendous display of goalkeeping Election of BP cer was held in fied pro, ectionist or Mr b y Drums = Claringbold, David; pipes and Sbeued the 'dove, fe Festival 1s presented by the de- tireless efforts. |33, Filter Queens 32 and Eido- It appeared as if Curran was All Kingston goals were scored Bi Raary Ta et Tle HE ao Eg wale tee ff reer: Stuart -- leasing fumes. oi partment of drama at Queen's FIRST LEAGUE GAME jettan; stil ju the Cellar, with 30. Allowed oe: But the goal WaS/\ hen in real close, and some of officers are ly, |was od, Pl s borrow |University. Adjudicator will be" The Girls' Basketball team will] Ruth O'Neill took the high sin- ; the, stops h e seem mim Bagg ag Bayly, |wes sinied. | will be Bsa. TO PROMOTE FRIENDSHIP [Professor §. E. Smethumat. (play its first league game against a for_the rack Te hy hockey iy BW rhe ot posible. e made 'secretary - treasurer; Mrs. Lou-|for any damage The Ugly Duckling" is one of whithy, The first exhibition game high triple at. 671, Kingston scored the only counter ho yt ne Was Jala vse Johnson, publicity; directors,| A course to train projection- {six plays competing this year. will be at home Feb. 30, when . b/ 4 y : i proj The play has a fine cast with|they will Those bettering 225 were: J,/at 3.20 with O'Donnell 'bulging, 'orominent local sports fol- | 'James Tennant, John Vickers; |ists will start shortly under the play St. Pete's of - - 'project arrie Dowde tuitl aVIY, ; ( - Cheryl Gourlay, Suzan Canham,| 5 Lees 229-220, Betty Hawthorne {tower and vice - president of the 2 Fo Clone loa te wig Sa dal Students et | a H {Peierborough. 268, Joan Jeffrey 228-228, Gwen| | Intermediate Baseball Club, who | The Film Council has two pro- trations for the course will be Lynda Hutsell, Robin Russell, poop pyRNoOUT y | HH Jectors in good condition for rent/taken by librarian John Vickers | Allan Alls, Neil McDonald, and Teen Town had a very poor Berry 281250. Kay. Sesedict iy ew 1t1izen was killed in a cartrain erash at a nominal charge to all organ. The next meeting of the council Paul Fraser. turnout for Its Western dance Sat- Winnie Trenouth 252. Lois Brand-| . ' ™ / jzations and other responsible will be held in the library on Directing the school play this lay Y id attend 0) citizens, the meeting was told./Feb, 3, Quebec Trip year, as he has in the past, is)hray, bos Jose Who di Ey on ood 38, at a emy 2: appy oman on' Tuesday evening. and his crew have Worked nard Placed about the floor added at|254, Muriel Mochusd 271, Alice| oRONTO (CP)--Laura Sehip| + SUBSCRIBERS mosphere to the dance. [Manley 248-230 and Teresa Me-pone was so pleased at being . RG ) a r these past months and the school COBOURG -- Four students fellowship between English and hi | The *cold canteen' at Teen | Free Elections from jis, town fin visi Que- Frenctspeaking Canadians, og them the best of luck Town is no more, thanks to lg AL LEAD jiinde a siiizes of Canada Mean THE TIMES |bec City during the fort coming asked by the company to advise] =~ - Su 111: y! lv donated By ix y L Pp : Quebec carnival, to further cul-'on the tour and make arrange- SCHOOL JEWELRY nme) 8 Who Jadly ated) In the 50-50 mixed bowling) So, the Dutch-born Mrs. Schip- | BOWMANVILLE ' | The Student Council is consid.|@ [eater last week. league the Donners have a Com-inang did the next best thing--she ® pr ps betwee: Ontario and ments for the g 's stay 3 eC a | fara tie , ween, a i an nes y oF Ihe Soup's stay ering taking on a project of sell-| It is hoped that the Cake Com {fortable lead at the top with 56 wrote 'about it. | FOR MISSED PAPERS AND 1 d | Quebec e visit, unde rench-speaking homes ih shool el I w d petition will be a success this points while all the other clubs i . . sponsorship of General Foods,| Colonel Gordon King, prineipai 1, op Jewelry. T yas tl ~t|coming Saturday. The cakes will [are bunched Prancers have 48 She told Thursday night of a BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST By GEORGE RITCHE . Ltd. will take place from Janu- of Cobourg District Collegiate a Meelis a ey into! be auctioned off, and prizes Dashers and Dancers 4, Comets "rd, she hag Printed an (alley TAXI SERVICE PHONE By G 'ORGE KITCHEN for achieving reunification of ary 29 until February 1 Institute which the four students + oil awarded for the best. A dance(45, Cupids 42, Blitzens™ 41 and, ut a0 triends and kin olk. | Canadian Press Staff Writer Germany in. freedom, namely] The students, Mary Jane Hou- attend, said: "We were delighted project. . ecsion Oni also be held ' he inscription; TEV ' WASHINGTON (CP) The ' of 16. Patricia MacIntosh, 16,/to be invited to participate in the matter will probably be made ' . " Vixens 40. "With gratitude to God and United States: has made clear it through the free election process, | Fio0 10 Gro: 7. 3 Tat Mon this bea. because © i I 1 "Inext week The Youth for Christ Club, Those hitting over 225 were Dot g4q friends and with deep love, still regards free elections as the Temains unchanged." hd ie 3 A tl inat gin SE ay fo ne Poor attendance at the Council LM aay. Mr. Blackwood Mest: [Austin 310 and 207, Ray Beech for Canada, I hereby announce, MA 3-5822 "'normal and agreed formula' for NOTHING SPECIFIC |General Foods plant here, were!tion on cultural exchange ang, Meeting as well as at other func- director of th Youth for Christ 40, Harold Churchley 208. Art that today, after overcoming f achieving Germans reunification | chosen on the basis of scholasticithe work of Visites Interprovin {tions lately is due to the fact that, a b for tk Bell nh pi Wie (Brandwoy 274, Barb Beebe 26%; many difficulties, I had the great) T ony have ~ igi To . : ii bois y a " j ) ' ("ub for the Belleville area. Lois Brandwood 266, Tom Clark ¥) 13 || Yimes, phone your carrier boy It thus sought to dampen a tide achievement ciales merits co-operation [fifth forms have been writing The Y Co-ed grou « ATK privilege to pledge my allegiance I Yennaifint? ; : é F 20- p had a 257. Olive Martin 257. Ada Hills Sud first, If you are unable to con- of speculation that welled up in pecific" in mind when he made Mary Jane Houston is step. "In this case, industry, educa-/€Xams. The exams began last change In pace this week thelse) i ' 1Siand loyalty to Canada and her him by 7: last week when State Secretary his press conference statement inldaughter of Edward Eley, main-|tion and a volunteer organization week and will end this week. jShange did not if ve hei Ray Zogant 2, Jong Hills soverelgn and that from this day ue} Jim " 7190 ah, : Dulles told a press conference|response to a reporter's question|tenance dept; Patricia MacIn-have heen able to work hand in| The exams were to have start|,ou. "worked in their worksk laer' neo Bpicer oli, Jan Ual0rCion I am a Canadian' citizen," TELEPHONE STEVEN' here he would not say a free clec.'as to whether the U.S. position] ht J . hwhile/ed Thursday but many of the! YS Wor n their workshop as 240, Ned Town 239, Mary Don-| 'Mpg, chipper, the editor of TVEN'S Taxi Yoon 1 a Oe ay pl fee! by was that, an election was the | Losk I Jaugn or 3 Jorn atlas hand to farther. a worthwhile county students were unable to usual, hut, the 3th busied. them- [aldson 239, Walter Ledbury 237 Dutch language weekly or Calls Accepted Between wi y sthod hy Wi at, Yitosh, chief machin djustor; |idea > s selv ite hi n . . > bl which reunification can be method of reuniting East and Harold Greaves is son of Albert] Under the chaperonage of Mrs. [attend school because of the poor 2oiiees "and ing Pisin 8 Olive Ledbury 259 Pergusoninuper published here. paid $15 lo| 7 730 oom, Only vl * st Ger , re : . ' m 8 i . : ve), ! . av y $chieved. ; West Germany Greaves, purchasing agent and F. M. Cassels, Toronto secretary gu ing conditions, 50 {he iii (needless to say, enjoyed the fresh "Ger 600 Hole = Dot Austin Jaye te Savas Jointed She aud, Bhi 0 " a te gepartment (ides Was Herely making SH Munro, son o Me Beh of Visites Ieiprovincinies, he Yustead e n Friday naked cookies. 788. Harold Churchley 675. Leo she Yecewve a ozen congratula- ress officer Lincoln e sum- clear hite went on, that he/Munro, secretary o esearch group, none of whom has visit , : oi dd 4 3 rid rr med up the department's posi-'felt West Germany must not re-|Centre. ; |Quebeo city 'previously, will] One of the main social events CHOIR PARTY {Town 671, Tom Clark 600. Leo Il bel CDCP's choir has pl icer 65 hed 4p felt W ] ! 0 | P scheduled for February will be s choir has planned a Spicer 650, Lois Brandwood 644, on in these words ign itself to being indefinitely| Visites Interprovinciales an or- spend four days making new the school. concert. The. time is [Party for Feb. 8. Al White 634, Art Brandwood 618, "Our position with respect to separated from East Germany if ganization whose purpose is to|friends and visiting places of his- the normal and agreed formula the Soviets reject free elections.'develop better understanding and'toric Interest. Feb 23.504 2 i the place is! Form 1B 4 phi 8 Sigh Aa Hills 611 and Olive Ledbury y -- . Manet Bindi. Mid Bhi dibiaiie ---- a -- [the uditorium, { p Ml o af, (Gh, : . A ---- a yop The Drama Club and the Music Many other forms are planning In the Wednesday Afternoon A RE Gh ad ok ll LL 0 1 iy nd (4) Department have combined tal.|¢1ass parties, and of course, the, Women's League Colons have top ge go | { bie 4 Lh Fal |ents this year in an all-out effory| S00 vatured teachers are getting spot 'with 68 points, Commas are i i ; : | Wa White said Dulles had nothing] to provide a fine evening of qual |1o-ed into chaperoning them, even|in second with 62, closely followed i ane ¢ E 07 QUAL fhiough they are not obligated to|by Dots with 61, The rest trafl -- MEAT MARKET Bh | The drama part of the show d0 so. This is just one of the Specks 52, Spots 43 and Dashes {4 will be a presentation of 'The Many things which contribute to- way behind in the cellar with 29. * % ugly Duckling". |ward a better student - teacher| Milly Clayton had top single ® 53 KING ST. E. © #11 | For the musical portion of the Telationship. {of 264, Jean Mitchell had games { | [concert the choir will sing selec | of 234 and 224, Olive Brown tions from the Wizard of Oz. The GAME BIRDS [rolled 235-226, Clara Mackay 213-| : [school orchestra will also partici-| The long, wedge-shaped tail is 204. Jean Sanders 212.204, Mary ¢ pate. the distinguishing feature of all Wakely 231, Lols Hepburn a (1) 49 , Conducting the choir will be'species o fupland pheasants. |June Branning 219, Pearl Craw-| ? r. . me ~ ford 213, Muriel' Hiscock 212, Flo npn [McCracken 204 and Helen Markle GRADE "A" LARGE S| MERRY MENAGERIE LOL ib | I roms oon ieee | CALF LIVERS ..85° Elizabeth Sinclair, oldest woman in London, will celebrate her . 102nd birthday without ceremony today. She is confined to. bed in STANDING the home of her daughter, Miss] ¢ {Margaret Sinclair of London. | 8 79 OR MISSED FOR MISSED || BRISKET PLATE 3 ..$1 Td | on 274% || PORK LOIN ROAST . 49° If you have not received your Times by 7 p.m. coll TENDERLOIN ENDS (AVERAGE 3 LBS.) Wis 123) | AJAX TAXI KINETTES RE-FORM AT AJAX Tn =I = 2 Foti PHONE We also have a complete line of smoked ; > ' fe ~ f < Cod N Inactive for the past six | executive was installed by the | from the left: Mrs. David Clar president; Mrs. Ed. Weatherall et Te. eC oy ) fyears as an organized groug Kinsmen president Wallace | ingbold, treasurer: Mrs. Victor Mrs. Larry Pickell, Mrs Ralph Ward gnew-- , iy | Distributed by King Features Syndicate. AJAX 333 l meats and home made sausages & salamis, Henwood and past president Ames, secretary; Mrs. Gordon Webster registrar Wallace | am Legros t g { Pollard, president I \ side f i \ i i , n Legros Installing offi- | Pollard. president: Mrs. Wal- Henwood. club president. Abe "Poor Charlie! That's the third horse-radish he's Ajax Kinsmen Club reorgan . Ae { and the new executive are | lace Henwood. vice - president cat. is. Mh D hresicen t Lee I h n ) . 5 § Mrs ' Re iHKins + " ed this week and the new | shown in the photo, Front row, | Back row: WF Legros, past --FPhoto by John Mills mistaken for grass today! , the wives of members of All calls must be placed before 30 p.m. FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE