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The Oshawa Times, 23 Jan 1959, p. 8

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Dscar Morrison, leader, Md the offering. It was announced that Mrs, Lean will take charge of the retary"s and (treasurer's of- ces, The prayer missionary for the ear is Miss M, C. Whittier, Mrs, W. G, Battle reported thal home calls and 50 visits to hospital were made, The group's share of expense fund will be met by donations, Mrs. Harry Blakely led in the worship service, Mrs, Kroes Wadsworth told the story of Al- bert Swiestér, a missionary from Germany who went lo Africa in 1912, Mrs. Allan Glover and her group served refreshments, sence: USC, Finds Hearts 13 Of Those Who Give jjunrist Church WA And Who Receive "Names New Officers By CAROLYN WILLETT [ft The afternoon branch of" the| Canadian Press Staff Writer |b, o ois Musmorial, Cureh 5m J OTTAWA (CP)-The personal fi24 members sig nd Pr touch, Uaking those who sive and DE vane presided, those who receive, is put down E mye as one reason why the Unitarian! Min ig Jura reid. Service Committee has recorded $Miss Simone of Inglis House, To. 1956 as an "outstanding year." grote, to be the speaker on Peb- "Our agency works on a per-Oruary 3, and Invitations have son-lo-person level; we encourage sheen sent to the other Church - "groups to attend, The book "Who Cares" will be the study book for the new year, The officers for 1959 are as follows: President, Mrs, Harry Wood; honorary president, Mrs, H, D, Cleverdon; first vice pres- ident, Mrs, ¥, E, W. Thomas; second vice president, Mrs, H. W. Ward; recording secretary, Mrs, J, M, E, Drummond; trea Bi surer, Mrs, Herbert Coggins; E corresponding secretary, Mrs, A, 8. Evans; Dorcas, Mrs, W, H. Griffiths; social service, Mrs, H. | W. Twilley; educational secre- tary, Miss ¥, E, W, Thomas; | Living Message, Mrs, W, J, Hughes; Little Helpers, Mrs, Frank Brown; extra-cent-a-day, united thankoffering, Nathanie] Institute, Mrs, James Bcarrow, Mrs. A. 8. Evans was present ed with a gift In appreciation of (her five years as president, A! letter of thanks was received for the assistance given to the stu dents at Wycliffe college, ! Future activities were discus sed Including the pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday, February 10, world day of prayer, February : 13, vestry meeting, January 26, two years after a two-yesr stay in Halifax, the Mayers have two 'addresses--New York In summer and Ottawa during the winter concert season, While Mr, Mayer studies and prepares for his concert season from New York, Mrs. Mayer gets in some work there too, | - SLOW MUSIC | Adagio, as a term in music, means the notes should be played very slowly. AT -THE-EAR | HEARING AIDS » TINITH DIPLOMAT SLIP.ON WEARING bhi ow ZENITH " EYEGLASS HEARING AID Woria's most attractive, in: 59 A PICTURE TO BE TREASURED In this five-generation pie- Mr. T. 8, Foy poses with his daughter, Mrs, James Sin- ger, left, and granddaughter, Mrs. Malcolm Cattanach, right, | Seated is his great-granddaugh- great-great-grandson, ture taken recently at a ter, Mrs, Ronald Knapp, with | Mrs, W. Christo | street pher Knapp. The picture was [ family | gathering held at the home of | Mr. Foy's youngest daughter, | Pasadena, California, |and hymns were along the New|} | Year theme, L. west, + with makes his home, Mrs, 8 and Mrs. Knapp both live a Applewood Acres, Port Credit Ontario, and Mrs. Cattanach in Mrs. Dean Peel} Jeffery, Bloor ™ King Street F riendship Group Names New President, Officers | Mrs. Seymour Bigwood was in. tional period, the theme being stalled as president of the fellow-|"'Light," The Scripture reading ship group of King Street United|was given by Mrs, Glenn Howell, | Church Woman's Association at/The secretary, Mrs. Grant Beal, ita January meeting held in the/read the minutes and the treas- ladle, lounge on Tuesday eve. urer's report was given by Mrs, ning, January 20 |Fay Brooks. | Mrs. Glynn Pearse, chairman Discussion took place on the of the nominating committee, plans for the forthcoming "Snow. presented the following slate of|flake Bridge' which will be held officers -- President, Mrs, Sey-|in Centennial Hall on Wednesday mour Bigwood; past president,|evening, January 28, Bridge con- Mrs, Wi nk Ball; vice-president,|vener is Mrs, Frank Ball, as- Mrs, (Seni Howell; secretary, sisted by Mrs, Glenn Howell (dec- Mrs. P. A, Tresise; treasurer, orations); Mrs, Seymour Big- Mrs. Fay Brooks, assistant treas- (wood (tickets); Mrs, Glynn urer, Mrs. Audrey Metcalf; card|Pe arse (refreshments); Mrs, | and flower convener, Mrs, Clara Eddie; planist, Mrs. Ivan Morri- son; assistant planist, Mrs, Thomas Goch; group leaders, Mrs. Robert Lean, Mrs. Glynn Pearse, Mrs, Jackson Wray and Mrs. Harry Souch; press report. er, Mrs, Frenk Ball. Mrs. Harry Blakely, past the WA, conducted the proceedings, The meeting was opened by Mrs. Ball who read an exerpt from a letter written by the group mother, Mrs, James Wil- son, containing a portion of the 1939 Christmas message of the late King George VI, Mrs. Jack Perry took charge of the devo- GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES CHIRST CHURCH GUILD Proctor (favors); Beal (tables), Upon taking office, Mrs. Big-| wood ducted a brief busi Mrs. Glynn Pearse volunteered to represent the on the itchen committee, . Blg- wood announced that the congre- gational dinner would be held in the banquet hall on Friday eve. , January 30 and that the Fellowship group would be in charge of the March meeting of the WA. Refreshments were serv- ed by members of the last year's executive, tnatalla, FRIENDSHIP GROUP Jack Perry (prizes); Mrs. K. G.| was 43 members Mrs. Grant|striving to add more members to {the list this year, Founders Day will be celebrated as it is the birthday of Lord Ba-S8 session, Catering plans were dis-|den Powell, founder of the scout cussed with price lists set up. movement, ence were Jiven who attended, gave the secretary's report and called the roll, Mrs, David Morris gave the treasurer's report, The Reverend W. J. Dickson presided for installation of officers, 18T, SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX, The 1st, Oshawa Scout Mothers' Auxillary met on Monday, Jan uary 19, in the scout hall, Mrs, Gordon Vanum president, presi. d~1, with 20 members present, The secretary, treasurer re-b ports and correspondence were read, The next regional confer. ence will be held in Oshawa thi year, Plans have started for the fa- ther and son banquet which will} be at Camp Samac, i In 1958 our active membership i The group is In February, Reports on the district confer- by members They brought back knowledge of scouting, executive officers, and ways and means of helping the Scout move: ment, The green six served red freshments, ST. GEORGE'S GUILD (Boulevard Group) The annual meeting Boulevard Group of the Women'M Guild of St, George's Memor) Church was held in the paris hall on Monday, January 19 Following a pot luck Mrs, Norman Hinds, nr R HOME so complete, buying in the td's Liberal JAIRS -- Armchair, rly 54.95 to 69.50, 00 .. 47.00 N i irfoam, Turquoise, , y IFJELD AND CHAIR -- Po "168,00 RHELD ow. 80.60 Liitiniite " ROCKERS Wool frieze, various 9.95 21.96 Beige and brown ar w= Alrfoam throughout AIRS Various LEARANCE ANCE Following the meeting the mem bers held a pot luck supper, ITA | Making their home in Osh- LODGES AND SOCIETIES PHI PHI CHAPTER entire stock . neetings of the Phi Phi Chap- eld at the homes of Miss Carole during the past month two er of the Nu Phil Mu Degry: of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority were awa are Mr, and Mrs, Lorenzo Roberto whose marriage was solemnized recently at St, Gregory's Roman Catholic Church, The bride is the for. mer Raffhella Pasquale, daugh- E, A. Lovell H&S Fathers' Night LIAN COUPLE 139.00 . A & CHAIR -- nresn " fine quali coats, jack iritton and Miss Marlene Stezik respectively, : © During the two business meet- ngs plans were made for spring = 'rushing'. Also it was suggest b *d that in order to raise money Every . 'or retarded children a car wash = he operated one Saturday late in March or early April, Another 'money raising project suggested © vas an auction of bahy-sitters, the sitters being Phi Phi mem. hers. The members discussed plans r a spring dance and for foun- fo) deiers day celebration to be held| an or around April 30, on February 3 at the home of | bof The next meeting is to be held 4 Miss Pamela Constable, PERSONALS The presidet, Mrs, W, R, ohnson, entertained the execu- {ve of the Oshawa branch of the 'anadian Association of Con- umers at her home recently, lans were made ext general meeting on Mon- ay, February 23, when a repre entative from one of the meat backing companies will explain Show to buy and cook some of the "Scopomical cuts of meat, This alk will be {llustrated with color- slides. Mrs, Roy Haber, convener of e night of cards to be held at be C. F. Cannon school on Wed- S=esday, January 28, under the uspices of the Dr, C, F, Cannon V Association, \ome on Oxford street to make to hold the|ther The January meeting of the |E. A, Lovell Home and School [Association was 'Fathers' Night," All business was conduct- ed by the men, Mr, Nicholas Lakas acted as president, Mr, Harold Mosier as secretary, and Mr, Cyril Powell as treasurer, The secretary's and treasurer's reports and roll call were read, Miss Fances Mcleod's room won the attendance prize, Rich. ard Debicki played two accord- lon solos and Mark Powell play- ed two plano solos, Mr, Robert Broadbent intro duced Mr, Bobby Attersley, member of the Whithy Dunlop hockey team, and who ls peren. nial scoring champion of the present league. Mr, Attersley WED ter of Mr, and Mrs, Carmine Pasquale, Italy, and the bride groom is the son of Mr, Leon- ardo Roberto, Maly, and the | late Mrs, Roberto, { ~Photo by Mary's Studio | | | Abandons Singing | | For Psychotherapy | And Wifely Duties | OTTAWA (CP)--It could never be sald that Margarita Mayer Plays J avsond fiddle" in the life she shares with her She shi musician Berlin-born Mrs, Mayer is by profession a psychotherapist, She also has been trained as a concert singer with lieder her speciality, The wife of Thomas Mayer, conductor of Ottawa's Philhar- monic Orchestra some time ago abandoned her singing career to concentrate on psychotherapy, Now being wife and eritic to her husband is a full-time job with therapy as parttime summer work, uous hes ; worn HH " your on, " "Lenses, Irame fronts, ond related proles: vices in cons nection with Zenith C1 Aldi ary » only through your il, op omemin, or opticien. DEFERRED PAYMENTS I Desired IMPERIAL OPTICAL 224 Simcoe St. 8. RA 51741 ---------------------- mentioned that he had many fond recollections of the rink at E, A, Lovell school, being a former student there, He started skating at the age of four and, as a fa should have some Interest apart from their school work but not to take the place of it, Educalon is paramount, he sald, and becomes more important year by year as standards are raised in obtaining employment, Children should be taught to compete. with others and to do their best and should learn to take defeat In the right spirit, He sald that he and his team mates noted particularly the fine way in which the teams which they met at the world hockey championships in Oslo N Pleasure Curt Jurgens Robert Donat BUDDY ADLERS Score rodustion of ome and School pld a committee meeting at her accepted thelr loss, COLOR by A film was shown of the world hockey championships which showed the "Dunnies" playing against teams from Norway, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, the United States, and Russia, Mr, Robert Cowley thanked the speaker, Refr were supp the mothers of the pupils in Grade 3 and served by the for oe Luxe an Intelligent and very precep- Hve race, and spoke of the husk- fes in that region, Mr, Campbell showed a series of photographs he had taken depicting wonder. ful details of the Arctic country and inhabitants, Often thought of as a barren country, he brought it to life with pictures of the ani. mal and plant life there, and also showed pictures that gave the audience a good view of the work that has gone into the construc- tion of the Dewline Mr, J. A, Yanch thanked Mr, Campbell on behalf of the CPTA and presented flowers for Mrs Campbell, Following the program the mothers of St, Gregory's Kinder. served refreshments, final arrangements, Co-conven- ors are Mrs, Gerald Maher and Mra, Jack Audrey. At the recent meeting of the Oshawa Woman's Progressive Conservative Association, Mr, C. H. Osbourn showed beautiful colored slides of Mexico, Among them was a picture of the beauti- ful 40-room house of film actor, Caesar Romero, with a awit ming pool at the front of the house and one at the back for the fathers, . staff, The president, Mrs, Wal. ter Bestwick, in thanking Mr, Oshourn remarked how each pie- ure seemed to come to life by) his Interesting comments, The next meeting will take place on| Tuesday, January 27 at Adelaide House. | 1 group leader, presided Wilfred gig be nd Gay-Ninety Chorus Tray "eove tne sroaners re. Arctic Travelogue Highlight Meeting Barnes gave the treasurer's re-| The January meeting of St, rt, The slate of offices for the coming year is as follows: Group | leader, Mrs, Ray Gibbs; assist ant, Mrs, Albert Barnes; secre Gregory's and St, Joseph's CPTA was held in St, Gregory's Audl- torium, The short business meet. Ing was presided over by Mrs, W. A. Clarke, president. Mrs, tary, Mrs. John Stead; treasur- Clarke urged all members to The January meeting of the afternoon guild of Christ Seno © the par- ster United Church WA was held ig Shurch wai Reid 1a th ba at the home of Mrs, E. H lent | Bramley with the president, Mrs, | Mrs. R. H, Broadbent presided La George Fisher, presiding. Thir-|The secretary's and treasurer's teen members were present, [reports were read. A short devotional period was| The bers were r led by Mrs, H. G. Chesebrough|of the play in the parish hall on who chose as her theme "The January 2 and 23 entitled "Wit. First Commandment." {ness for the Prosecution' by the The secretary's and treasur-|Pllgrim Players. The annual ves- er's reports from the previous|try meeting is to be held on Jan meeting were read as well as|uary 26, annual reports. Plans were discussed for the Refreshments were served by Daffodil Bridge in April. the hostess assisted by Mrs.| Mrs, Avern Taylor presented H. G. Chesebrough and Mrs. [the following slate of executive Allan Creech, {officers for 1959: president, Mrs R. H. Broadbent; vice - president, MEDITATION GROUP [Mrs. G. A, Fletcher; secretary, The January meeting of the/Mrs. M. .W Sutton; treasurer, Meditation group of Cedar Dale| Mrs, J, D. Elliott; social conven- United Church was held in thelers, Mrs. Gordon Summers and {Mrs. Norman Danlel; sewin;, The president, Mrs, Frank | Mrs. Roy Day and Mrs. A. D, | Singer presided. Mrs, George | Broadbent; cards and flowers, Paver read the seripture lesson, | Mrs: Douglas Bales. Mrs. Willlam Henderson gave a| CENTRE STREET WA reading entitled "A Prayer for Te Mrs. read Wir Mey red Graham was Domi llams sang "Bless This House', na TR i ont t seas scompanied at the piano by Mrs, [Association of Centre S1r€ 4 {United Church at the meeting| The January meeting of the| Friendship Group of Northmin- i) THE INH OF THE SIXIH HAPPINESS STARTS WEDNESDAY REGENT gy Inded h 4 Hed JANUARY Foonweitio. SALE of warm-for-winter CHILDREN'S WEAR GIRLS' & BOYS' COAT SETS @ GIRLS' COATS PRE-TEEN COATS Our entire stock reduced to clear! Fitted and loose styles In waols, wool and mohair, seals skins, Each has a fur collor and warm quilted lining, Broken sizes and color assortment, SIZES 2 TO 3X SIZES 4 TO 6X SIZES 7 TO 12 Cyril Norris, Mrs, James Keays; lergarten boys Albert Barnes; Mrs, Percy wal. |derBa oy will be held on Monday, "IKirsman, with Jack Driscoll, Sunday School room, the very best costs no more SAVE MONEY ALUMINUM DOORS and WINDOWS er, Mrs, Alfred Evans, card con- tainment, Mrs, Wilfred Baker, Mrs. Lionel Hind; social, Mrs, fl M A tons support the Valentine Bridge on owers, Mrs, C . Burgess; meeting over to Mrs, Douglas less, Mrs, C. H McGahey; cater- Flintoff and the mothers of kin | ing, Mrs, Norman Hinds, Mrs, ters, Mrs | In saucy costumes, a gay nine Arrangements were made for h " erfold, Isobelle Bolssion, Mae catering job. The next meeting Gibbons, Tillie Hickey and Jan ary A. planist, gave a spirited rendition ed by the audience on the more familiar selections, | Likes a Sip of Tea), of The Oshawa Times oy ORILLIA, Ont, (CP)--There's a [torial staff, who had spent 16 tastes in food in this town 86|Working as a radio wri Alfred Barassin Tuesday night, January 20 Imiles north of Toronto, the Dewline construction, des: ticle called "Prudence in the|Mrs. Roy Bishop; secretary, Mrs, [llunter about 23 years ago, starts the Eskimo, describing them as| Parsonage". Mrs. Albert Cars-|Dean Peel; treasurer, Mrs. David [the day with a breakfast of | Dies', Mrs. Alfred Barassin sang |Mrs. C, 1. DeGuerre, Mrs, Farl tea. For dinner, the parrot makes | "My Task". Mrs, Frank Singer |James, Mrs. David Morris; flow- (2 banquet of fresh vegetables, vener, Mrs. W, F, Clarke; enter. February 4, then turned the work conveners, Mrs, C, M, Mur- Liovd Saunders. [ties chorus line with Maria Ath- garten boys. 4 "lof old-time songs and were Join- | 60-Year-Old Parrot Mr. Robert Campbell, a mem-| 60-year-old parrot with special [months in the Canadian Arctic " J sting observations of Mrs. Albert Singer read an ar- Other officers are vice-president, - Polly, acquired by Mrs. Al Siihed interesting chuetvations of well read an article "Truth Never (Morris; parsonage committee, cereal, toast dipped in honey, and read a poem, "In This Quiet Corner" It was reported a bale of cloth- ing had been packed and sent to (Overseas Relief, It was decided to have a hope chest, which the members would sew and knit for, and the articles to be sold to ald the missionary work of the group. The minutes were read by Mrs, Albert Porter and the financial report was given by Mrs. Earl Hoy for the treasurer, Mrs. J, F. |er conveners, Mrs, Earl James, Mrs, Walter Vice; door conven: er, Miss Flora French; lunch convener, Mrs. Mansell Gerrow; quilt conveners, Mrs, Roy Bis hop, Mrs. Ace Abbott; pianists, Mrs, Gordon Wonnacott, Miss Irene Winter, Mrs. Charles Hawkins, the re tiring president, was presented with a gift and an address. Mrs. Fred Taylor led in the de- votions, giving a reading 'Pause with apple or banana for dessert And on special occasions Polly | will gobble up bits of hard-bolled eg and erisp bacon | When not too busy eating, Polly | will talk. HOUSEHOLD HINT | Experts estimate that about) three out - of ten families In| America do not get enough cal- clum, Milk Is an excellent sup. plier of calcium, as well as of other nutrients, hence should not NU-WAY RUG | 174 MARY §T, Before You Do . . See Our Stock HIGHER QUALITY LOWER PRICES AND CARPET SALES RA 35-1202 "Do it Now" You will be acting in your own best interests during the winter seasonal lull and when prices are at the Reg. 19.95 and 35.00 NOW 15 Reg. 19.95 and 39.95 now'15°°19 Reg. 19.95 and 35.00 now' 12°15 One. and two-piece styles, in tant gabardines, Zippered pile some with separate helmets. Ot BOYS' & GIRLS' SNOW SUITS GIRLS' CAR COATS These coats warm linings and zippered pile lined hoods weather resis. » lined hoods; hers with Borg sheen cor quilted Broken have size and color range including red and beige, SIZES 4 TO 6X 77014 Reg. 6.98 and 7.98 NOW i) ; PLAZA HOURS 9.30 am. to 6 pm, Wed. tll 1 p.m.--Fri, tll ® Morton, who was absent. apphire had nd » il in the New Year." The Scripture linings SIZES 4 TO 6X (1 piece) be reserved for children only, OSHAWA JAYCETTES... NN ANNUAL SQUARE ROUND DANCE SIZES 4 TO 6 (2 piece) Reg. 13.95 Rey. 17 05 ond $ $ NOW 9 NOW 15 Finieitio OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ERN GLASS CO. 1216 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ® "Your Auto Glass Specialists' © RA 8.6214 After 6:00 P.M. John Reid RA 3.7679 C.P.T.A Valentine Bridge and Euchre WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1959 AT 8:00 P.M, * ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM o LUNCH PRIZES ® AT THE AIRPORT eo Saturday, Feb. th Bryce Brown Orchestra « 9 T0 12 $3.50 Per Couple KING STREET AY STEVENSON ROAD ® Door Prizes

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