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The Oshawa Times, 24 Jan 1959, p. 9

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be THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Jenuary 24, 1959 § -- ' Banana Lake Snow, Ice, Floods And Fog Will Be Giver | SPORT FROM BRITAIN Disrupting Soccer Picture xs Enolish Cricket fans HANDY ANDY SETS PACE best speckled trout lakes In this Glum Over 'P 001 Show' Northern Ontario region, Is to be i , MeINTYRE HOOD (round of the English Cup are; 1040 in the records to find a|dey, and the winners will play, a. Special to The Oshawa Times |Newcastle or Chelsea vs Atton| worse day for soccer foothall|their fourth round game on Jan, gen 4 second Bnet limit By ED SIMON Only baseball ean equal ericket LONDON ~ Snow, fee, floods Villa; Blackburn Rovers vs|than was experienced on Satur-(3l, Should any of the other re|ouiones of four. and five-pound Canadian Press Staff Writer (as a game for armchair strateg. and fog have played havoc with Stockport or Burnley; Worcester|day, Jan, 17. Frozen grounds, plays be tied or postponed in| yeckieds only a decade ago, The LONDON (CP)~In the half-|Ists, But accounts of a world [the completion of the third round|City or Liverpool vs Bheffield snow and mud caused cancella- midweek, the schedule will be oareless introduction of perch|!i&ht of dawn Englishmen hy the series are elched with the glory games for the English Cup, and United; Stoke City vs Ipswichition of 28 games in the English further complicated by more minnows by bait fishermen ruin.| thousands huddle glumly by their and-slam home runs, brill. threaten fo disrupt league sched. Town and Charlton Athletic vs League and 10 in the Scottish|third round games being played eq ff, , radios, ant no-hitiers, sparkling double ules as well, Some of the games Everton, League, In England and Scotland on the day set aside for the| Banana Lake is 20 miles south. The focus of their semi-consci- plays and hazardous stolen bases, which were postponed have had TRIAL CALLED OFF [combined, only 22 games were fourth round, And that's what the! west of this railway town on the 0Us interest is a sun-baked cricket In a Test Maich the emphasis is to be called off a second time,| What the Scottish Football As-played, weather can do to British soccer CPR 170 miles west of Sudbury, |Piteh in Australia, where 22 tired *" failure, and postponed for another week. sociation refused to do, the por the first time since March, football in January, |SURVEY UNDER WAY men In flannels are playing out] When a Test batsman steps to Replays of drawn games have|weather man has done, The In-\1o17" when 27 games were can. . {the last 45 minutes of a Test the wicket, he knows In advance had to he eancelled because| ternational trial between the SF Al celled, the a Jam, pools were, rome TOR DOCHERTY in | A survey now Is under way on Match, The thoughtful BBC has that every sports page in Britain grounds are still snow-bound,|and Scottish League had to hel alled' off for the day, meaning a half of Arsenal and Scotland nd [the winter ee to prepare the Inke gone on the air at 6:45 a.m, will record the precise manner while the Derby - Preston game, [called off hecause Ibrox Park|incc™ inning "into hundreds of always piased on the wi v los for poisoning, Because of its/London time, to let British fans/in which he loses his wicket, His postponed in the first instance|Glasgow, was unfit. for play. 1 thousands of pounds for the pools, | his Abad, Bi WIE: ghd small size, less than a mile long know how things are going, best cover drive, his shrewdest hecause of snow, was cancelled had been strongly eyed yo fland also for the government, | jon ail Bo By dhl and a quarier-mile wide in A The news is mostly bad, Re late cut, his most skilled hook to lat the second fry because of a game be cancelled w ent was which imposes a tax on all pools' (al's regular centrenalf, Dodgin hanana shape, it is ideally suited nowned English batsmen, counted 'he boundary will he worthy. of pea-soup fog. With the wintry|found that no Anglo-Seots would] Cet Tl deed 8 blagk Nay Ls equine cenitehalf, in \for poison treatment, lon for hig scores, contrive to get [mention only if his score ap- conditions continuing, games are) be available for the SFA side, but for soccer, and the games that|pior w 1] i ave fla ne District forester T. W, Heuston themselves out 'n a host of frus- proaches three figures, being laid over for another week, |two makeshift teams were soleckt nd g0 on As scheduled were play: |i A om wa again 5 gays there's little doubt the lake|(rating ways, English bowlers, The fielder who makes a eatch lin the hope of a break In the ed. Nothing has heen done about| Cum oor orrible conditions, brs yr yee 8 err) ¢ Same oa be brought back to its former the terror of the cricketing world,|is likely to remain anonymous, weather, [a new date for the game. wri ere, After the game, Arsenal condition as a producer of bigitire In the hot sun and are clouted|1f he misses one, he will live in Yo | At an emergency meeting he: Manchester United's defeat by ARSENAL ON TOP manager George Swindin told us: | (rout, He cites this history of the|to all corners of the ground by|infamy for at least 24 hours, : IT LOOKS {ween the heads of the Football Norwich City in the cup has| me only teams among the first| NOW I've got a nice problem igke in a recent report: [the Jubilant Aussies, FANNING FLAMES RINGING UP IKE ANDY Association and the F.nglish pointed up the weakness of the qi ion" jeaders to pla efor a change, Tommy played such| |, hich' AME L (Ty ' d Mat play wer . Until 1039 Banana Lake, which pAY RUINED Goad POINTS AT A WIL SET A League, It was agreed that un {United s half-line, and Matt Bus- sco oy and Preston, Both of ® blinder of a game that I'll have oq), springs and has no sur- onded by the sulphurous dis. PACE WHICH NEW CLUB played cup tie games would take by is on the hunt for a powerful lipo won, Arsenal's 31 home|t0 Consider him for the centre-|ro.e" ou iiar wag completely de- By the time the broadcast ends, patches from reporters on the MAY BRING . GCORING precedence over the league centre-hall to plug up the holel iio over Everton put them on half job in the future," Tommy's uoid of fishlife. Yet it had signs the listener's day is already(spot, plus contributions, fre- THE BLUESHIRTS RECORD |schedule, The fourth round of the|through which the Norwich cen: top of the league, one point|COMMent was "I don't mind of being a good feeding ground, |Fuined, He downs a gloomy|quently ghost-written, from big THER FIRET rl FOR THEAm| (oP is due to be played on Jan-|tre came to score two Roals, On|. 2" 0 Wolverhampton, Pres: Paying there again after this." Tats rd. toFenle en fo" breakfast, scowls at the choleric name cricketers of the past, the 5 CHAMP uary 24, But any third round ties| top of his list is Mel Charles, of fon beat Leeds United by the| This might well soive Arsenal's Ands A orests crews Intro- 'headlines of his neighbor's sports home-front comment grows in GCORING CH "decided by then will he play-|Swansea, and it is reported that BY y the) atre.half problems -- and those, duced 1500 yearling speckled page on the crowded subway and, bitterness as the match progres. WI7 A not d ) same score to come even with|®®" problem An € trout into the lake, The fish y ; ed on that date, with the subse: he will dangle a transfer fee of the Wolv ints, Wolv lof Scotland as well, since the rout into the lake. The fish grew somehow, gets through a day's ses, SEASONS, auent fourth round games put £50,000 in front of the Swansea | e Wolves on points, olver- [0 itis Ors Have pot. Re rapidly and reproduced al a great work, Afterwards, in the pub or Anytime the fans' group Is in " hampton, Blackpool, Bolton Wan- rate due to abundant food and 3 p 11 directors, The bait may be too : ' el, © ory 8 ue to abundant food and a hy the fire, the post-mortems be ¥ [off until January 31, which willidirecto ie y derers, Manchester United and|Yel come up with a satisfactory goonq gpawning area, In a few gin ' danger of running ok Lovie me neellation of some league strong to reject : i heb Yanbu. 44 y [Jian £4 hat Saturday. At the beginning of the season, West Bromwich Albion all had a SUcCoRsOF 10 George Young since venre anglers were bringing out, In the current five-game Test | a) y re 0 4 games on tha y on he retired, always ready to help, Frank Ros . | Manchester United said theyday of enforced idleness, ! |five-pounders series England has lost two and (yon" of The Dally Express Som-------------------- da " " oLves V8 BOLTON were prepared fo spend £100,000 In the cecond division, only Ful.| BITS AND PIECES: Tan Bt. About five years ago the first|the third game was drawn, opened a new speculation hy . The diay gt the (Jour round for needed players, They gave ham of the leaders were athe to John, star centre of Motherwell, perch were being caught and the cabling a demand that Freddie of the English Cup brings Bolton| £45 000 for Albert Quixall, and if| play, and their 2-1 away victory will be out of the game for five {rout fishing started into a de Krown 83-Yr-Old Harness Driver Wanderers and Wolverhampton!ihey expend another £50000 for over Ipswich Town placed them or six weeks with a broken wrist, cline, By Inst summer it was pos HOCKEY SCORES |side be aiager of the. touring Wanderers together on the 1al Charles, they will have little left solidly in second place, two points He is the top scorer for his team, sible to catch 60 to 70 perch in| | Prompt rebuttal eame from . (ter's ground, This should he thelqut of their £100,000 ahead of Liverpool, whose match and third in the Seottish league, an afternoon without landing a AND STANDINGS Michael Davie correspondent of till Pre ers u Y at Price Hkoit of the Jound. Baile BITS AND PIECES -- Cros. 8% postponed jih 23 Joss hi Season : single trout, | [The Obsprver Whe word hou wo ' i» : oy 3 in t : ' Wolves were League champions, (san, the Vancouver boy who is only Sure Aames wore Played Xvetton Ja hi v0, Jing it DUMPED BY ANGLERS By THE CANADIAN PRESS dismissal o fhe manager would MATTAWA, Ont. (CP) -- Felix| He then moved to this town Both were high in the betting toithe only Canadian now in English) 8 FF Scoitish first division, BY| mer, at a cost of £7000, a There was only one explanation OHA-NOHA Benlor A cure the bad batting. " in the cup tf until | League football, had a prominent beating Clyde 2:1, Airdrie climb for the new arrivals, Some Ang: ; This," Davie retorted, "is Turcotte Is 83 years old but he 40 miles east of North Bay, sold ¥In the cup this season ) b " wht |network of electric wires, to keep '°" ne y / WLT F AP, | : still prefers the seat of a sulky i i [the fourth round draw was made. [part in the victory of Norwich|ed into a second place tie in the the ground warm In winter, was| ers had dumped their leftover | Chatham 27 13 0 156 136 64 |\1Ke Arguing that the Test cover [Nellle Patch and bought Eddie|when it is over, one of them willlcity over Manchester United, He league with Motherwell, None of | ' [minnows Into the water ignorant|Kitchener 2512 1 175 129 51 age by other fuwslaery would of the damage they would cause, Sudbury 1719 8 143 144 a7 (OC Improv ostron were sent roc chair in the parlor i | , p face os Foeking pro " ° Note, be out of the running for the scored the second goal which put|the other leading teams had a 4 iy Inc hes idee the sustuce, p ope the game on ice after a brilliant|game (The scheme worked to perfection yy, "ey. oaching perch multiplied|s, § M {home, N, # arie 17 10 1 145 149 35 wag 16, Turcotte hopes to handle] "I guided Eddie Note to victo- final at Wembley during the spell of snow and ice, | | the reins of his trotter In meet [ries over the late Doc Young and Norwich City, conquerors of bit of play Another soccer coNFUSED PICTURE {and ne the ground in perfect con. quickly and hegan taking most of (Windsor 1620 2153 147 34 ings at Blue Bonnets and Richel . w/ Manchester United, have again star now playing in Canada may It Gi - v ™ on dad hd the food, starving out the trout, North Bay 928 1119 19 ad Park In Montreal this spring Jacques Lalone at Chelmsford," poor" drawn at home. this time soon appear with Glasgow Celtic With seven English Cup third dition , Hibernians' English Next vie: Yduld. {orale CLAN 186 F A .} U L 0 1] S o A p ' round games to be replayed, and born centre, Joe Baker, leads the Next Spring lq Ixaphene | ay 8 Kes : he said, "Eddie Note also raced ) 1 He talis hos. John Santesse| : ' and mavhe add to his many tro (well in North Bay. Then due to against ¢ Ardiff City, Tooting andr oo Jtalian. bom. oI an! He with weather conditions still atro- scores in the Scottish first divi will be dumped into the jake Sudbury 8 Chatham 4 Ph oft vg e owned a 22.8 land dispute there were no), replay Is off until next|was a star in Italy before going clous as a result of a thaw andision with 27 goals, three more OI Motorboat, muting No the en 5 MEN'S Games re Oe able (0 race more races in North Bay and| » her|to Canada three years ago, and heavy rain, the fixture picture for (than Willie Bauld of Hearts. In water through the churning out: North Bay at Sault Ste. Marle horse stable, was unable to race" LoL oo load here by|week, will be at home to either|to Canada three | And ext' Saturday, when the fourth|the second division, Peter Price board motor propellers. Enough Sudbury at Kitchener " Y Grimshy or Manchester City in/has played in Welland and St L ' ' will be used to kill every fish in| Eastern OHA Senlor A i -- 1ast year due to an operation's, kat poke . ' | ~ a But the year before he drove Tom Mckey, a North Bay hotel-\ypo next round, The survivors of Catharines, Celtic have asked round cup games are due to be of Ayr is on top with 38 goals, 0" yh TT he Cremaining trout| WLT F APs Commander, one of his new horses, at Blue Bonnets and Con- : the still undecided tle between|him to come over for a trial and played, is quite up In the air, |one ahead of Dave Eason of Ar : To compete In races at Bon: Fulham and Peterborough United! Manager Jimmy McCrory is now| One third round replay, be: |broath, They are shooting for the|®® well as the millions of perch Belleville 25 13 7192 140 §7 naught Park, Ottawa field, 25 miles west of here, Tur-will meet either Middlesborough waiting for word as to the date/tween Nottingham Forest and all-time record of 66 goals in a In 1960, when the poisonous ef:| hithy : 25 7 4175 105 B4 Mis first horse was Nellie Cotte used to drive his trotter to or Birmingham City. of his arrival amateur Tooting and Mitcham, season, set up in 1928 hy another foutn vanish. a new batch 7h ull-cttawa 13 14 2 loi iat # J av r track. ; y p ) t back to th ear has bee t off until next Satur-'Ayr centre, Jimmy Smit sma spec rou / ] 31] 53 2 Patch, which his father, Xavier, [the race tra Other key games in the fourth| One has to go back to the year ha n put off until next Satu r centre, Jimmy Smith placed in the lake, Cornwall B22 4 0413320 bought for him In Ottawa. Tur-| The only spill in his long career - - Friday's Result eotte entered his new horse in occurred about 18 years ago dur But this time Mr, Heuslon ex. r AY's wt the first race at Pembroke, Ont. Ing a race at Lachute, Que,, when, CANADA OUTDOORS | Plans Program For pects to have Banana Jake in [Comwall 3 Bul won and collected $400, he suffered a broken leg. ! eluded 4 he 4 Wig A roy TLE hina Thi ------------ - po -- - ions which prohip \ )! i Hamess Racing Go live bait. in certain trout waters, Bulloville at Whithy . FIAT 1100 SEDAN . . | y ° Vancouver Gals Finance Quebec's Poison Plan | ome eo wooo cians won 5555 87 toons bom ste dian Juvenile circuit, } h Pote 2213 4163 114 48 ! Juvenile circu Vas Aan: Ix8t. Mike's 16 14 5 118 115 48 to five, Large rear luggage compart - Tri To Amsterdam nounced a special series of har . . ) 43 H \ Less Races for fillies to be run at| in a e 1 t Geiph it 2 3 41 i 2 ment, Hoater, windshield wiper ve tracks and carrying total Aree : washer, d eon ensue pus, eaw,mreoo| CUTS WO eNACe [hia Hai maw a) vo viien 3 11358 oie ae bt ter Lo I ll Rit Bd ps pr Beis A April 25. The new series Is in additioniand Elgin Bavior led the western | een treo. . Y ki lh ada In a world field hockey May 7. | MONTREAL (CP) -- A poison of the advantage in mobility and; "All animals, except for wolves 1a php sarted in 187, This year division all-stars to a 124-108 win, Friday's nr Py " From $1398 tournament at Amsterdam | Prior to the conference, which dealing onslaught against wolves speed from the wolves," land foxes, travel around a frozen estimated purse of $100.000 hal over in east Friday night in the yon s"Glelph 6 To make the trip to the sixth has no official champlon, theby Quebec wildlife authorities has| Mr. Bourque, a big, heavy-set lake rather than cross it on the! for colts and will be Tan at ol hts ational Basketball Association 8 Tonight's Games | triennial women's fleld hockey Canadians will tour England, brought new balance to what was/man and avid hunter, said the ice, Mr, Bourque said, "The two (racks, 8 annual all-star game, | Peterborough at Hamilton SEE THE NEW conference they have raised funds Scotland and Wales meeting formerly a one-sided battle be. departmen' also provides a food predators however, take the ion' for Il The two players--Pelitt of the garrie at §, Catharines hy collecting empty bottles, scor- United Kingdom teams tween the sharp-fanged predator complement for big game to help shortest route to their destination| hy . or i aeriea oF ilies, defending champion 8, Louis Quebec League DKW at ing city league basketball games,| \ ""\ ool 0 ada has and moose and deer, the herds through sparse periods in this case and are not hesitant estimated purse for each Hawks and Baylor of Minneapo- Tyois.Rivieres | Montreal § hiring out as baby sitters and 0, cvouned with Ireland, New! The provincial game and fish. (of the season about crossing the Ice." PACK hie lis Lakers -- were named co Western League Sagiog dances and raffles Zealand and Holland, eries department gave up its! He said hay and cedar branches He said at the outset of the a ohelioy, a Irgal, July 18, winners of the game's most-valus|calgary § Winnipeg 1 ' espite a three-year campaign =. 0 to coups are neutrality five years ago in the are bundled and placed at the program the poisoned meat did ob oodbine Raceway, To- able-player award. This Is the kdmonton 1 Vancouver 2 n y a S Sich wares wil sil fig late he ormed hy other VIL ibe ane Montreal division covering south- herds' 'gathering when a heavy|not need to be placed far from Fanta, Faia o Bue: Jrols Ri fiat time J NBA all-star Jaane Saskatoon | Seattle 6 p 4 OWAard by , 2herbr ake f y p 9 | 8. 4 SORT LLY € Hon: that t players ) 2 shared the 2 Tasle cont of the trip. The amount winners of each group will meet Western Quebec from Sherbrooke snowfall makes foraging difficult {settle ments hecause the wolf nets. Montreal. Sept. 7. $7,000 Jat two.» avers have share ( histor er League BODY SHOP ' a New. Vv to Val d'Or in the northwestern for the animals population was thick, bold and A ; will he greater if a player plans Uhtil one team is left undefeated " Quebec Raceway, Sept, 20, $5,500 hi by he i Dyer Pitan It will be the unofficial cham. extreme All possible to alleviate the curious . J It also is the first time a rookie Philadelphia 6 Washington 2 | 408 King W. RA 3.7132 the conference plon, a compromise plan bétween' J. Firmin Bourque, superintend. blight of winter for the animals But as their numbers thinned has received the honor, Pettil Interpational League the all-England and continental'ent of the district since 1952, is done, he said, hecause if big|the animals retreated further into| REMEMBER WHEN ? scored 25 points and Kaylor 24.as Fort Wayne 6 Louisville § ONE QUITS JOB |tederations which are -at odds|estimated at least 4,000 wolves game is unassisted the predators|the backwoods and now much of 2 CAN : _" "the western all-stars seized the v All will he. forced to take about whether a champion should/have been destroyed since the can virtually wipe out the herds the poisoned meat is set out hy By THE CANADIAN PRESS oad late in the second period and leaves of absence from their jobs be named program's start, giving big game, "Wolves are killers instinctiv aircraft, sométimes dropped dir Mike Jacobs, a fabulous figure made a runaway of the mid-sea: and one player, an elementary, England, favored to win the un. herds a greater chance of grow: aly Soinetimes they even kill for ectly onto the lake from the i he hoxing world until his ve.|son classic school teacher, resigned when the oficial title, does not want a'ing.- pleasure and a young an Pane | n | ' ) g wolf can 1 tirement a few year: ler ) A national television audience s¢hnol hoard refused to give her|echamplonship team crowned | This winter, although thé snow: sometimes destroy up to 20 anim.' The superintendent said this i A years earlier, ¢ xd a Lotional. letaviaton nCvasce time off J ANCOUVE fall in the area has been normal, | als a vear." i > method also has another advant- six vears ago today at Miami : The oldest player is Mrs, Sheila VANCOUVER TEAMS Mr. Bourque said a helow-aver:| The 'poison method for killing A8€ In the spring, when the ice Beach at age 72. A long-time as. Pettit and Bavied pr hi g 5 n ven th Larsen, 42, mother of four, and This city Is the only Canadian age rainfall has given added pro: the predators went Into use after thaws ie poisoned meat drops' ©O'late and eventual heir of Tex scoring punch the youngest is Moira Colbourne, centre with an active interest in/tection to the hi ame popula Wily ee into the lake and there is no Rickard, famous promoter of the sparkling playmaking of Boston's ER Pog two years of experimentation danger to other hungry animals. | 1920s, Jacobs established I= rule Boh Cousy could not overcome, 27 a field representative forithe sport, The game was first {jon vith r t A . Medical Serv! es Association. Introduced here in 1896 and now| "The snow forms into an oY [some Yariom Past drape ald as posed by poisoned meat left through control * Joe Louls dur. and gave the West iis third vie Four players are married there are 16 men's teams, nine crust the face when there ¥ on land ing the Brow: Bomber's long tory in the nine-year history of NV |erust on surface ere has been found the best type of heavyw \ Many residents here have been women and numerous junior is lots of rain, making It difficult! paison for the job \ reign as heavyweight champion, 'the game : startled by the sight of the squads for spindly - legged moose and!" The method of administration HARNESS GROUP ELECTION | OF THE -- -- women, dressed in a varied as: More than 600 students take deer to travel. The hardy woll iy simple, A chunk of meat! MONTREAL (CP) -- Hector sortment of shorts, gymn sults of part in an Inter-high school grass meanwhile is capable of greater ireated with the poison is placed Cloutier of Pembroke, Thursday slacks, out on a long cross coun hockey league, No other high speeds on a frozen lake by department!night was elected president of the y try run in training for the Euro: gohool sport has as large an ac. 'A soft, light-packed surface workers, There is no danger of United Horsmen's Harness As pean. tour . [tive list of players resulting from little rainfall, oni attracting animals apart from sociation at its annual meeting, : It will be the second time Can! nyo carne |g a winter sport,the other hand, removes much yolyes and their cousin predators, He succeeded Didier Leroux of ada has been represented at a, played on a grass field 100. foxes "Montreal. conference. In 1956 a Vancouver by 60 vards with 11 : a-------- > . ; 3 . players to a wg? U . 7 team travelled to Australia team { Killer Kowalski REPA IK Are Reminded The Canadians finished in a ; | fr The first international confer. nth-place tie with Scotland in| : = rt pad eg 10 fave ent The ence was held In 1930 after the) Prefers Canadians = Tl ite --- The First of a Series of team, however, played only six|refusal of the Olympic committee] paeroN (CP)--Killer Kowal: & oof matches, winning one, tying one to allow women's teams to com: ; g pete in the Olympic Games. In ski, bad man of the wrestling and losing four ring, says he never restrains ; future conferences will be held ' Ny i « 16 TEAMS COMPETING i ery four years, the next in 1963 Lmaelt from retaliating when ; i WE SUNDA P fa i { 22 member at Philadelphi hi TH French-( anadian fans insult him | ! } Ee ; anada---one of < mher Niadeiphin But he hehaves when taunted hy countries of the International' There are three basic sels of A : ™ 3 ¢ : American spectators, They might 5 rules; the continental, used in 3 i --- 1 WILL BE HELD . ao SUE : NA Tantinental Euromet the 2 Fog | "That's the difference hetween 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Hy re ; nor dase d mon vealth and the United wrestling in French . Canadian ; i o Staton. used in the LS towns and places like Boston, ' . 0 £ ¥ MORROW (vets Sale Bid ayy FRED STONE'S TEXACO SS | BRAVES SIGN MATHEWS cated, and when some of 'em de. 1084 SIMCOE ST. NORTH MILW/ IE (AP) ddie to go for me " A For Advt. Space Mathews of Milwaukee Rraves back, T : : os o VIGOR OIL STATION HY SUNDAY, JANUARY 25th back The next day the guy has a signed his 1959 contract Friday.!black eye and he's very proud of 78 BOND ST. WIEST COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)--Minor Terms weren't announced but the it TTE' league baseball has moved to glugging third baseman, who had, "He says to his friends BISSONE E S SH ELL STATION . 4 3 0900 hrs.~-9 am~1530 hrs, 3.30 p.m. Reighten ls fading anancial ne a mediocre 1958 season, hitting|'lookit d'at black eye. Ry gar ain' 381 KING ST, WEST r LER ure hy package sale of ad qnlv 2351. probably matched his she a heaut? That Killer Kowal } Te} vertising space on the outfield agiimated $35.000 salary for last ski give her to. me las night SABYAN'S TEXACO STATION a : \ Activities will commence with a fences year "In Roston they'd sue." 46) PARK ROAD SOUTH : h h H h fl f th church service on the floor of the George M. Trautman, president Armouries at 9 a.m. sharp. Regi- df the National Association ET ----------_--,{ ONTARIO MOTOR SALES B.A. Professional Baseball Leagues sald 116 of 180 baseball cities in STATION "The new brake job 1 did-on your cat cork e United States and Canada are : "an . a lt a. Ontario County Soccer Association MONTY'S B.A. STATION «++ but then . . . you can have it. , . free ! ! mental training will follow at the could: met the participants more Ridgeway Armouries at Uxbridge shan $1,000,000 for the 1959 sea 284 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH We hope this} iat : . : The Osh tha is hypnotist never goes to work on us A corporation to handle the ad Onnual. FIRESTONE TEXACO STATION Seriosuly speaking, though, no hypnotic powers are oe Us id Airport and Oshawa vertising has been formed In New KING ST. EAST and DIVISION required to get the benefit of our top brake job. We Armouries. York. The plan, approved at the - ; i December meeting of the minors Mm , hd DURNO'S SUPERTEST STATION have a complete shop of brake equipment Memitrs are reminded to Wing aiHavenack Lunch yt Washington, will be a package $74 KING EAST deal with all 116 cities involved ' " " . Unit M 3 The new Carporation ht authorized S A ROBINSON'S ESSO STATION Don't lean about "bad brakes by accident! is Mestiersiip tice will he handled by the pil tows meee owt mae SUNDAY ST. GEORGE'S 374 RITION R3AD J0UTH, ® BRAKE SPECIALIST @ i Aas wi + Under the plan, each particip FEB. Ist HALL BILENDUKE'S ESSO STATION pm, Juin triple-A club would receive 5000 an ad, a possible total of @ At this meeting the con. 1004 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH AAAAAA, ARAAAA, AR lk Ral To Mg FC Rn 394 Albert 30. (commer of Jackson and RHAMES TEXACO STATION WwW. L. HOUSTON HERE IS A CHANCE '] Albert St), Oshawe he 1 doubleA members tive will be elected 1487 SIMCOE ST. NORTH SERVICE STATION ond GARAGE do ee a hus. 39.50 and APPLICAT STARR' T meat, claw A clube $3300 and ATIONS FOR NEW CLUBS WILL BE ACCEPTED S SUPERTEST STATION BNE STW. AK 39903 TO LEARN AND SERVE! 8 class D teams $2,000, EST

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