BAFFLED PENGUINS BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY | THEATRE GUIDE | WHIPSNADE, England (CP)--| LONDON (CP) -- Sir Wiliam ~-- [Visitors to the famous woo here R car er and Biltmore -- "Rockabye Baby" in have been surprised to see some chairman of the Dollar Exports Technicolor, shown daily 8t penguins baffled by ice on their [Council, says: "Starting out to 1230, 306, 6.25, 10.06 pm. oond "Most people think pen-|make money i: the greatest mis also "Road To Bali" in Tee hai take in life, Do what you feel you color, shown daily at 1,30, 5,00, 8ui0s come only from the Ani-lyoo'y nai for doing and if you § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Jenvery 34, 199 13 PORT PERRY Will Re-Enter 'Rural League By MRS. CHARLES RB, REESOR Woman's Missionary Soclety was PORT PEARY Port Perry held at the home of Mrs, Edgar be represented 10 the Ontario Leask with 29 members present, Ru¥al Hockey Association by a The newly - elected president, sénior team after an absence of Mrs, 8, Griffen, was iv the chair severhl years, The team will be|and welcomed three new mem- composed entirely of players who bers. The recording secretary, have graduated [rom the minor|Mrs, F, DeNure, read the min. Bockey organizations of Por tutes of the last meeting and the Pérry and district, so players will executive meeting held In De- be, familiar to the fans of the cember, The treasurer, Mrs, W, area, Mark, prsented the financial re- The 1959 executive of the team port for 1958, is. President. Meredith McKee;| A: (he close of the business vice - president, manager; Rod Foster, coach; ed the program with a poem, Dos Cochrane; capiain, Glen {oben E 8. Sy ostan conducted the Hill, and associate captains, Bill|gevotionals and Mrs, Linstead Gibson and Johnny Hogg, closed the service with prayer, Players already signed to play vewed: the include Jack Owen, goal; Tip| Mrs. Thom rev Vipond, Murray Jones, Don Co-| third chapter of the study book. chrane, Bill DeConkey and Doug.| Tea was served by Mrs. MeMillan, defence; Bll Gibson, Thompson and her group. Bil Cornish, Glen Till, EImo| pprgoNALS Gibson, Johnny Hogg, Garnet] Warriner, AY My Ron Mr, and Mrs Gordon Goode Jones, Mert. McKee, Don Brooks, left for the Southern Un Ed: Wells and Georze Lee, for States Sunday and Mr. and Mrs, wards Arthur Brock left for Florida # Wednesday. Al present tne team Is playing! In the Tri-County Leakue with the, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Somerville, dack Owen. socgion Mrs, Thompson's group) 8.30 pm, Last complete show |aretic," starts ot 8.25 p.m. "The black boldt's ein come from the B (Wigith, 'Wind Across ek Pverdiades", 7 p.m, and Warmer climes of South Africa b p.m,, also "The Fearmak- and South America--they see ice "830 pm, Last complete for the first time at Whipsnade." pad at 8.30 p.m, ~ "Clancy Street Boys" | 1.05, 445, 8.20 p.m., also "Lau- rel and Hardy In The Foreign Be Po ular! Legion', 2,15, 5.556, 9.35 p.m. / "Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd", 3.20 7.00 10.45 JOIN THE PUN | 35 lam complete show at AT ARTHUR MURRAY'S | {Plaza -- "Nice Little Bank That | SE FOR YOURSELF how fast Should Be Robbed", 1.35, 4.28, | you learn to dance and enjoy 7.26, 1024, "New Moon By] more good times~the easy Night", 2.56, 554, 8.52 pm. | Arthur Muresy way! One les Last complete show at 8.50 | son with sa Arthur Murray ex- | pm; l pes will piove Th I Regent -- Walt Disney's "Tonka" bi sow lof G in Technicolor shown daily atl] Pi Special 2.20, 4.40, 7.00, 9.20 p.m, Last|] Offer-- complete show st 845 p.m, A------------ Ehsutim sadn dioShitatl ant BE 118 1) y ACCEPT A BIG PLAYTHING ST. ALBANS, England (CP)--(] Yous A steam-roller is likely to find a db Sunderland arena as home ice, of Saskatchewan, arrived In Port until such time as arrangements Perry to help celebrate the 50th cam be made in the Port Perry wedding anniversary of Mrs Mem rial Recreation Centre SERVICE CLUB OFFICERS to renew acquaintance and spend At the last meeting of the Serv-|some time visiting in the Yocality, ice Club of the Port Perry United | Church held at the home ol Mrs. Alan Walsh, the nominating CAT GOES FISHING committee presented the new SHALFLEET, England P| slate of officers for the 1959 term During the last two yearg a heron which are as follows has taken hundreds of carp from 0h oe. Ni ii Naish; a pond In this Isle of Wight town. | Goode; secretary, Mrs, corresponding sec, Mrs Fatl swift swipe of its paw. Goer; hospital convener, Mrs, J. Saunders. All were accepted Entertainment. was supplied by | Mrs. Fred Olson recently return- fA -------------------------- ed from California, who showed | COME and DANCE films of California and Wes tern | Capada, Luncheon was served by | the committee and a social half | howr followed. | EE ae od] Come to the YWCA + SUNDAY i EVENING ! 8-11P.M, .. eo HI-FI w ® PING PONG Mitchell Zaleski's Orchestra at the UNION HALL 168 Banting Ave. FUN FOR ALL! EVERY SATURDAY Somerville's parents, They plan) Robert The owner got a cat to frighten McNab: treasirer, Mrs. Wesley it away. Now the cat is fishing Lane; assistant sec.-treas. and too, scooping out carp with a | POLISH NATIONAL | resting place in a children's play- ground In this Hertfordshire city, | to the delight of the kids, City | TRIAL LESSON ? officials trying to sell it got no offer of more than £25, ARTHUR MURRAY 11% SIMCOE ST. §. RA 8-1681 WEED PEST | The Canada thistle, bull thistle |and sow thistle, troublesome! weeds in many areas, are all of European origin. a [WIN ADVENTURE-SUSPENSE SHOW DAVID BRIAN HE pron n eo YEAR'S STEWART GRANGER suokest, | DONNAREED quickest | GEORGE SANDERS WHODUNIT! ® Sy CMA UR CANE. @ PLAZA [JI TUES, WED. LAST ATYTY} TODAY: "A Nice Little Bank That Should Be Robbed" ADDED FEATURE--"ELEPHANT GUN" In TECHNICOLOR % REFRESHMENTS 4199 CENTRE ST. 5,000 HOME FILL-A-CARD Tomorrow's Numbers B-7 0-67| GAME "1" a L1310" HALL TO THE MUSIC OF ORCHESTRA JANUARY 24TH K.C. HALL 184 BOND ST. W, Refreshments Served ADMISSION $1.50 COUPLE Sponsored by Le Club Cenadien-Francels D'Oshawe Yeu hove until 5 p.m. the following dey to phone It you have eo full cord Bingo (Sundey excepted). Complete playing rules eer on the beck of avery Binge co Benefit of CANADIAN FEDERATION OF THE BLIND Not effilieted with the CN.1.B, 8:30 - - - = | MLAUGHLIN 3 |H. GODFREY'S FILM FESTIVAL Under the Auspices of the OSHAWA FILM COUNCIL and McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY Tuesday, February 3 8:15 p.m. Wednesday, Feb 4. AUDITORIUM Free Admission by Tickets Only TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM THE McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY "THEY LIVE AND LOVE DANGEROUSLY IN THE order Tr of the Underwater 4 Demolition Team, J up to now one of our country's carefully guarded secrets! ALL TECHNICOLOR . . . ALL TERRIFIC | "LOLLOBRIGIDA f¥» or NOTRE DAME CingpageoPE pnoon _ co\O® ; Gowns Veronica HURST TF Monday 3 Unit ammorra, taumiL | sowrry Comedy cosTiLLo | «Maroy | "novs Features IHDERH, 7. WARIO: an official explained. gre good enough st it the money - footed and Hum- will come." DANCE TONIGHT Old Time FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6th And Modern o LIMITED RESERVATION oo " SEMI-FORMAL -6.00 PER COUPLE Toronto's Fabulous FOR RESERVATIONS CALL TORNADOES RA 5.2622 -- RA 5-8316 Featured On RA 3-3289 North Bay T.V. ; 'ROAD T0 BALI x7 , i (1d, LUO] ir 4 2 BIG a ar. ST. GREGORY Autti, Z/viky, FEATURES Square Dance Caller BOB FOWLER Little man you've had a busy day an electric dryer set at low temperature. This little spaceman is just back from a trip to Mars (out in the backyard) + + « and now his leader is packing him off to bed. While he was away, she washed the floor. . . the dishes , , . several large piles of clothes . . . and still there was plenty of hot water for this space- man's bath. Reason? Because she has a modern automatic electric water heater with abundant storage capacity and quick recovery when more hot water is needed. Heating water electrically is safe, clean, modern and costs just a few cents a day on special Hydro flat rates. You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. live better... ELECTRICALLY the safe, clean, modern way ELECTRICITY DOES SO MUCH... COSTS SO LITTLE roos preri iv LN "TONKA" IN pn For further information on your electrical problems contact your electrical dealer or . . . THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CF THE CITY OF OSHAWA H. F. BALDWIN, CHAIRMAN GEORGE F. SHREVE, GENERAL MANAGER E-- * ne IR .-, an