4 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, Jonsary 34, 1959 FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE | COLUMBUS | By MRS. FRANK T. SMITH ary [of In { Mrs. Filmer Powell and Mrs. | (CP) (Allan McKenzie were in charge| ounces was laid by a pullet in this for prayer, Joyce Kilpatrick dia, BONUS EGG LITTLE STAUGHTON, Englam An egg weighing seves By ROGER C. WHITMAN of the program, Mrs, E. White| Bedfordshire village, It measures COLUMBUS The January 8ave 8 reading and Mrs, Powell} 10 inches the long way round, SWEATING WATER PIPES |festening it, but it doesn't seem (I tried detergent, scratchless|ncoiing of the Afternoon Auxil-|8nd Mrs. McKenzie read papers) ; OSHAWA-TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK A pA) pm QUESTION: What do you sug- to hold. What do you suggest? scouring powder, dry cleaner and g lon the subject of the program gest as an inexpensive way to. ANSWER: Moisture may have leather cleaner, to no avail. Can jary of the Woman's Missionary | Health And Welfare as they con- cover water pipes to keep them worked into the seam, perhaps|you suggest anything to remove United Church Jan, 14, {cern the North American contin- from sweating during the sum- while floor was being washed. Al-|the stain. lent", | mer months? Would rather not |low the seam to dry thoroughly.| ANSWER: I'm afraid the stain Mrs. Roy Ratcliffe presided "ml open was credited with| use newspapers. Then work linoledm cement into has probably become imbedded And opened the meeting by read-\,. ino te foundation of the hos: ' ANSWER There is a glass|the seam by lifting edge of lino-|in the plastic. You might ing the aims and objects of the pitals, homes for senior citizen fibre insulating tape made es-|leum and pushing in the paste|gentle rubbing with steel wool society and a New Year message. |{ "po early days of missionary pecially for this purpose; available in plumbing supplies! After cement fs scread, press it Is with a flat, thin stick or spatula. |and turpentine, if the dye has not penetrated too deeply. If this Ronald Love conducted the installation of officers for! 1959 and annual reports were Rey, work and of paving the way for help later from the government I PIPES? No Blow Torches No Steam : We Do It the doesn't work, your only remedy is to re-cover the chair, or paint it with an acrylic base paint, i o Officers for the coming year, The Januafy meeting of the HANGING PENNANTS are as follows: Past ig Yea The and Schoo! Association! QUESTION: We want to hang Mrs. Clifford Naylor; president, which was postponed, will be pennants on the walls of our sons' yr.' Rov Ratcliffe; first vice- held Monday evening, January and other sources, |ANNOUNCEMENTS stores and well-stocked hardware down sides of seam, placing stores, heavy weights such as large a. rr books or rocks on top, and allow CURLING ASPHALT TILE them to remain until cement has QUESTION: I laid asphalt tlle i nly hardened on my cellar concrete, following | horoughly harden directions. Within ten hours most RUSTING CONCRETE given hy members of the execu- tive, Home Design No. 473 Features like two and a half baths; full dining roony; den; 1st floor laundry and a spacious living room make a home pro- hibitive in price; unless some of the items are omitted, in which case there is general dis- satisfaction for all concerned. A two-storey home is the an- swer . . . it gives you more live ing space for your dollar, This unusually fine plan will delight the prospective home-owner, It contains an impressive living room with two 15'2 foot wall lengths; a large bay; sliding window wall to private terrace and a striking fireplace of stacked roman brick. The large dining room has a panoramie window wall access to the ter- race, The kitchen has a "U"" shaped work area, a sunlit breakfast corner and door to the 1st floor laundry. The upper floor 4 bedrooms sleeping area has direct access to full bath, Standard Builders' blueprints costing $9.75 a set may be ob tained for this design No. 473 For further information write to: Builders' Page Fditor, The Times, Oshawa. A new Home Planner hook entitled '71 Se lected Low Homes for Canadians", price 75¢, includes this design and may be obtain ed at the newspaper office or by writing to this same ad dress Cost SECOND FLOOR, 930 SQ.FT of the tiles curled at the edges and many could be taken up com- pletely. However, remaining tiles | neither set down in place nor | come up without cracking. Some- one suggested using a blow torch| lightly to soften the tiles and re move for resetting, What do you recommend? ANSWER: Instead of a blow| torch, I'd recommend using an electric iron set for medium heat to soften the tile, Incidentally, | this is a good thing to remember | when laying asphalt tile: the) weight of the iron, and the mild heat to soften it helps make a better bond between the tile and the adhesive, CONVERTING GARAGE QUESTION: We want to con concrete, How can they be in- sulated" ANSWER: The walls should be furred out for a distance of blanket Insulating material tween the furring strips. Finish the walls with panels of plywood, QUESTION: A cinder block ad dition to our cotiage at a lake is developing rust spots from scraps of metal such as wire, nalls, ete, working out towards the outside of the blocks. We painted this with a white paint used purposely for cinder blocks, to cover up these rust stains, Now the same stains are showing through, Would plaster or cement coating correct this? ANSWER: I'm afraid that rust stains will continue until the metal works through the blocks. However, you might try the fol- lowing to remove the stains as they occur: Dissolve 1 part so- dium citrate in 6 parts of water, | adding 6 parts of commercial gly cerin, Mix some of this with WASHING PAINTED WALLS QUESTION walls have become soiled-looking can | go about washing them? ANSWER: The walls can be plasterboard or lathe and plaster. ached with warm water and] ~ vise us? ANSWER: Try attaching the pennants tothe walls with 'rub-'waiter Holliday; treasurer, Mrs.|p.m. in the church. Annual re . most Brpest White; pianist, Miss Lois|ports will he given hy the secre. variety and stationery stores. The Heddon; assistant pianist, Mrs, itary and the officers for 1959 cement may be rubbed up after Arthur Smith: ber cement, available at it dries, leaving no. trace when removed, Scotch tape or plastic tape could also be used; not hard to remove any marks they might leave after removal, LINOLEUM OVER TILE? QUESTION: We plan to redec- | orate the bathroom and would Mrs, like to change the color of the floor. The floor is tile. Can we ever it with linoleum? ANSWER: This is a job best vert an attached garage Into an' enough powdered whiting to form done by a professiona, unless you secretary, Mrs extra bedroom. The walls ares paste. Spread a thick layer over happen to be quite experienced. |Explorer leader, Mrs, 1 suggest your writing to one of the well-known manufacturers for | Our bedroom|an instruction book on laying lino-!¢iffe, |leum about 2 inches. Then install a&|They are painted plaster and we|worthwhile to get be: don't want to repaint now, How | the tile to make sure the linoleum {will lie on a perfectly flat sur-|the World Day of Prayer You will also find it very a linoleum face. rooms without defacing the paint ocident, Mrs, Ray Scott; second 26 in the Junior School, or the wallpaper. Could you ad- yjce.president, Mrs, Filmer Pow- ell; secretary, Mrs, Ernest Web- her; - assistant secretary, Mrs, literature and 1i-| brary secretary, Mrs, Elmer| Powell; community friendship| secretary, Mrs, Norman Gim-| blett, | Christian Stewardship secre: tary, Mrs, Stanley Webber; mis- sionary monthly secretary, Mrs, David Dyer; supply secretary, Thomas Flett; Christian Citizenship secretary, Mrs. Roy Ratcliffe; peace secretary, Mrs, George Scott; Temperance secre- tary, Mrs. John Whiteoak; card Norman Scott; Harry Mountenay and representative to the official hoard, Mrs. Roy Rat- DAY OF PRAYER Arrangements were made for service dy The members of the Columbus WA will hold the January meet. | ing Wednesday, Jan, 28, at 2 will be Installed RIGHT PLACE . GILLINGHAM, Eng, (CP)--An Afghan hound worth £40 missing for three days in this Kent town! was found wandering in Afghan Road In nearby Chatham, : - mt -- BOOST LIBRARIES LONDON (CP) -- Expenditure on Britain's public libraries has increased to £17,537.000 from £11,804,000 in the last five years, LOW POWER LONGFIELD, England (CP) A resident of this Kent town sald electricity Is so low at weekends | there is not enough to boll a | Plumbing Co. Ltd. Fast, Modern Way If or when your pipes freeze just CLIP THIS AD IT'S WORTH $1.00 TO YOU! METTE 23 Celine RA 5.3279 kettle. Officials are Investigating to be held in the Church on Friday, Feb, 13, and TILE ON PAINTED CONCRETE [mild suds Change the wash| QUESTIO!: The concrete floos water frequently and be sure the | in our basement has been paint. rinse water Is clean. Work on a ed, Now we are thinking of cover- small section at a time, washing fng it with asphalt tile, Must and rinsing it. Start at the bot the paint be removed first? If lrom of the wall and work up; in $0, how Is this done? |this way solled water will drib- ANSWER: Most asphalt tlle ble down over an area that's : 4 p lean and wet; If the water ran manufacturers recommend that | 4 : : oh § floor paint be completely remov | down ver : dry, vawashed g7es, r ing the tile. In the/it WOuk eave Sires oe Lr I re floor paint, would be almost impossible to re { | move TAG INCLUDED {an Invitation will be sent to Rag- BIDEFORD, England (CP)-- lan to join with Columbus on that Ernest Shutt cracked his break. date. fast egg in this Devon town, to' Mrs. Ratcliffe asked that mem- find a 2s 6d price label in the'bers obtain any Information pos- white. sible regarding the new mission- cordially invites you to see the Make your home a some of the makers advise test | ing with a ten per cent solution of lye. If the paint can be removed with an electric floor-sanding ma-| Ty h 3 chine or by softening the paint|plastic chair on which my son with a heat lamp held about 12sat while wearing red corduroys inches from the surface and then The red rubbed off on the chair scraping it up with a putty knife NT Prepared paint remover can be : yp FRIENDLY i also used satisfactorily. Latter two methods messy and long. | FLATTENED CARPET NAP A PLUMBING SYSTEM "MUST BE PLANNED" AND EVERY ANGLE [STAINED PLASTIC CHAIR QUESTION: 1 have a white better place to live in... FIRST FL. 1220 SQ.FT. GARAGE. 570 @FT. 27890 CU.FT. IN THE HOME WORKSHOP The Bullding Editor, The Times, Oshawa, Ontario, |) Please send me further detais about how to obtain standard Bullders blueprints for Home Design No. .473 QUESTION? How can I get the nap on my carpet back up again? It has an imprint where the furniture stands | ANSWER: Cover flat areas with a damp cloth and press with a hot iron, The nap will spring back. from the moist heat, Fin- ish by brushing with a soft brush DRYING CONCRETE ! QUESTION: Eow long a time {should be allowed for a concrete floor to dry. We plan to put |down a breezeway floor and want Ito paint it later. ANSWER: It would be best to allow at least four months for the "l See how your Investment is protected through the years In ROSSLYNN HEIGHTS DRIVE OUT TODAY The pleasure and satisfaction you get out of a new home, and its resale value are determined by what goes ino it at the time of construction, Quality build- ing materials are what count, and that's what you get in our homes with Hidden Assets. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS: A Beautifully Planned Community For More Living Comfort! Contact Your Rosslynn Agent: THE CANADIAN '® WILSON REALTOR RA 5-6588 BANK OF COMMERCE ¢ SCHOFIELD INSURANCE RA 3-2265 MORE THAN 800 BRANCHES TO SERVE You LJ BOLAHOOD REALTOR RA 5-6544 PROVIDING SPEclalizép PERSONAL LOAN SERVICE SINCE 1936 o RISTOW & OLSEN RA 5-6165 ain Branch -- N, §. McFayden, Manager 2 VICKERY & GOYNE RA 8.5155 Plans entitled "71 Selected low cost Homes for Canadians." (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times. Name Address By RUTH W. SPEARS Solve table problems with pat.| tern 205. It shows steps in making a week with their sister, Ldllle Richardson. PONTYPOOL Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Stephen- the end table, coffee table, nested MRS. H. ) son spent Tuesday afternoon with tables, stand and other etved LR " RICHARDS |oneir son Bruce and family, Man- shown. Price 40c. This pattern| Neil and Kenneth Fallis are both| Vers Station, concrete to dry also is included in packet 20|in Civic Hospital, Peterborough. There is a great shortage of} GOSENED LINOLEUM which contains five patterns foriyirs Charles McNeil Is staying in Water in the farming community| QUESTION: Our kitchen lino Jving Joom fraliire oat nay Peterborough while Charlie is In!here. Several farmers are draw- |eum was laid down 10 years ago tools. All five oy $1 her hospital ing water from the village pump|in two pieces. Now the centre » 11 five patterns 7. Mrs. Sam Manetta recently on the corner, seam is coming loose and curling Address orders to The Home arrived home from hospital in . {up in places. We have tried re- Workshop Department, The' Peterborough, and is now con. FREAK ACCIDENT "iA cll ee Times. Oshawa valescing with her sister In New| THORNTON HEATH, England See Crown Import York (CP)--A three-ton truck crashed Charlie Rusk is reported seri- into a dress shop in this Surrey FOR . ® Service Mrs, | See us about a Home Improvement Loan for permanent improvements to your home. Repayable in monthly amounts. For further information, visit or telephone our nearest branch. W.R. THOMPSON SIONS RACK . USEPA FOR GS AND BOYS OF ALL AGES ously {ll at his home here, town after the driver died at the | Mrs. Willlam Strong is home wheel. Four people were injured {from the hospital, but is in a cast {after a severe fall, resulting in a! gr TT | broken leg MORTGAGE LOANS * AVAILABLE George Hamilton is in Oshawa RalphS. Jones ® Advice eo Components e Stereo and Hi-Fi Equipment e Tape Recorders ® Custom Installations CHILDS WARDR OBE MITERN 223 F. A. Mcllveen, Manager -- Oshawa Shopping Centre 1465 King St. W, & Stevenson Rd. Simcoe S. N. Branch -- D. D, O, Bell, M MEMBERS : W. F. Mercer §. Jackson & Son Ltd, W. Ridgely Ltd, A. W. Banfield Ltd. McCullough Construction Ltd. H. Kassinger Ltd. Fred R. Jones Ltd. N. Johansen and Sons Gold Developments Ltd, Rosslynn Estates Ltd. Bell and Bell Construction Loupan Construction (Oshawa) | with his daughter Vivian Keith and Larry Bradley visit. ed Bowmanville Thursday after: noon William and Leona Frederick, Peterborough, were supper | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon | Frederick, Saturday evening. Barrister & Solicitor Tom White and Morris, Toron- By RUTH W. SPEARS to, were In the village Saturday 65 Simcoe St. South Infants through teens the cloth afternoon on their way to Lind . ing storage problem Is solved 5a Dial RA 5-3525 with this attractive wardrobe Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMullen, Pattern 223, which shows every Lotus, have returned home after CHE i ! { A constriction step and a modern S dWd 1] ers ssociafion method of nmking drawers with common hand tools, is 40c, This pattern also is in the Children's Furniture Packet 12° which con tains five patterns for furnishings little folks enjoy all for $1.75 Address orders to Workshop Department, Times, Oshawa Now Is The Time... to change that old furnace for GAR-WOOD OIL or GAS UNITS The most economical furnace on the market BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE START PAYMENTS IN SUMMER FOR FULL INFORMATION CALL: MOSIER SHEET METAL 21 CHURCH ST. RA 5-2751 or RA 5-2734 Before you buy see ... IMPORT CCMPANY 82 SIMCOE NORTH RA 5-8293 The Home The HOPE FOR LIBRARY PORT ARTHUR (CP)--A $950 000 library for the Lakehead Col lege of Arts, Science and Tech nology will be built this year if a Canada Council grant mater ializes, Principal H. Braun said Thursday. He said the council has heen asked to pay 50 per cent of | the cost with the college raising the remainder. The new library would seat 130 and contain 35,000 BUY A HOME FIRST With all the temptations to spend money that exist today, sound thinking points to only one thing and that is to buy a home first. Owning your own home is the surest way of protecting yourself against the trend towards inflation, td, Glenn Mills Homes Ltd, Townsend Electric Guscott Plumbing and Heating I. G. Travell Harrys Lathing and Insulation McCormack Heating Ltd, W. B. Bennett Paving Ltd. Alnor Earth Moving Ltd. Coleman Lamps Ltd. Ontario Block and' Tile Ltd, Bathe & McLellan Ltd. McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Ltd When thinking of purchasing or altering a home be sure to contact a member of the StatHAMm Motor SALES NOW at one location in Oshawa RA 3.2943 39 King Street West RA 3.7712 Al Statham wishes to announce that since January 1st, 1959, he is at the above location, where he has been servicing the people of Oshawa and District for the past 12 years, Cars can be serviced while you do your shopping in Downtown Oshawa. ® WE HAVE INCREASED OUR STAFF TO SERVE YOU BETTER ® ® IMPERIAL GUARANTEED PRODUCTS © GENERAL REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF VEHICLES ® QUALIFIED LICENSED MECHANICS DEALER FOR INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS TIRE DE-SKIDDING AFFILIATED WITH DOMINION AUTOMOBILE SERVICE Oshawa Builders Association FOR ... ® INTEGRITY ® SERVICE © QUALITY © DEPENDABILITY AFFILIATED WITH THE NATIONAL HOUSE BUILDERS ASSOCIATION Curran & Briggs Ltd, Empire Brass Mfg. Ltd, Canadian Pittsburg Yndustvies Ltd. | Henderson Concrete Prod. Ltd, McCullough Lumber Co, Ltd. Oshawa Structural Steel Brooklin Concrete Products Cooper Block Ltd, Holmes Foundry Ltd. F. J. Donevan & Associates Consumer Gas Co. Oshawa Wood Products Northern Canadian Supply Fleck Hdwe. Div. Strahl & Burghardt Storrar-Dunkirk Ltd. Millwork ond Bldg. Supplies Ltd. Tozer Electric Ltd. INSTALLATION, REPAIRS, PARTS SALES, SERVICE IMPERIAL £ssO PRODUCTS LORNE GOODMAN Plumbing & Heating 758 Mary St. RA 5.1044 a