{ ' '44--For Rent 45--Reol Estate For Sele 45--Resl Estate For Sele [PUSHISHED bedrooms, very eentrsl, »y with parking space Apply #ide en Hutcheson Apsriments, 156 Wil Lo foc bres RA $3173, "i hot stove, 8 bu. Ry Yor inofrmation phon Gordon Bunker, R RA 55373, a , large ge front room with Bl i oe ace. Apply i 4 cm ---- HOUSE five rooms on bus line, con venient to store and Shopping Centre; hot water, ofl hested; adulls, Apply Gibbon Street, RA 51615. 19 room 3 ' apartment and bath, wiring, Central Park Bou $65 monthly, RA iw duty ene Now avaliable, Fm oom house Dear Ritaon | RA seem, TWO room first floor, eupbosrds -- To n Wikehen, separate entrance, to Shopping Contre. RA 3 us . WO light hov Sovpeheaping 7 Tooms in pri ayo la central, three minutes' Yolk from GM, five minutes' from Nogth RA $2292. a Af -- . room basement apariment, yn a close to south GM .. Phone RA 57763, 208 WEEKLY including heat, hydro, E2 basement apartment, sink Sree Tom 335 BLOOR ST. W., OSHAWA, RA, 5-3406 CRAWFORD McCULLOUGH 45--Real Estote For Sele 49--Automoblle Repairs SOLID brick Tanch siyle home, ierge Jot, Iandscaped, six rooms, bath, Locat ed on quiet residential street # Freder ick Avenue. Vhone Bowmanville MA S147, | 351 rom "ils -- modern, five room bungs- | , low monthly payments, RA id $506 DOWN, 1% slorey home, WA 57545 alter 3.30 p.m 18 CONSTRUCTION LTD. OPEN FOR INSPECTION 6-room Bungalows situated on Burns Street WESTVIEW HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION WHITBY (2nd street south of Whitby District High School) N.H.A. MORTGAGES OPEN WEEKENDS 1 P.M. to 4.30 P.M. eer ------------ OLIVE HOWE ry private entrance, share in elcome, Vacant now. RA ho paring, or TWO sing) rooms + for , gentlemen, hot REALTOR 130 BROCK STREET NORTH pnd cold ul, RA 5.6736, 20m e rooms on Fernhill Blvd, TRY aie heated, heavy duty] wiring, private bath and private en trance, children welcome, immediate selon, Apply 106 William West or ome RA 546 20f Rode two rooms And "it diy builtin cupboards with sink . Feasonable, Phone RA 56448, rnished light 2g Hr hot and cold water, suitable for one or two, Apply 200 King after 5 LADSTONE apartment oh contained, $55 monthly, Adults oni Phone RA 3.9776, THREE bright rooms, sink and cup boards in kitchen, adults Phone RA 5.7767, sIMCOr North, four apartment, fully equipped $6343, 9 am - 5pm LOVEIY large room, kitchen to share Phone RA 5.0500 EL for West, 2 nd five. room Call twin beds, anc rent, corner location , § Johm Street PARK WoOD APARTMENTS CORNER PARK ROAD AND SAQUENAY MODERN TWO BEDROOMS PHONE RA 3-2505, RA 3-9776 OR APARTMENT 11 200 DON'T MISS THIS | SPACIOUS THREE ROOM APARTMENT Good sized living room, big pMroom, average size kit chen, threetpiece bath, rong- ette, refrigerator, T.V. eerial, roge, loundry _ facilities, foe rything paid. $70 month. ly. One child welcome, APPLY 16 TECUMSEH RA 15-2022 BEST APARTMENTS IN OSHAWA In new Duplex, design- ed for family living, 18 foot living room with picture window, huge kitchen with dining area, aid door to sunny balcon' , Two wonderful bedrooins, lots of closet space, tiled bathroom. This apartment, com- pletely electrically equipped, Convenient to public and separate schools, shopping and transportation, DRIVE NORTH ON WILSON ROAD NORTH, FIVE Bl OCKS NORTH OF KING S" REET. LOOK FOR OUR § INS, \NDREW HAZLETT 3005 Bathurst Street RUssel 3-1733 Toronto or Phone Oshawa Mrs, Wright, RA 8-1521 Apartments now ready for occupancy. housekeeping | #8 single, $12 double | Apartment 2 15 "three rooms, | iL preferred 18 RA Suit two gentlemen | it 18 een: | + x 18', Apply In person at Coffee WHITBY - MO 8-2527 | WEEKEND SPECIAL 41.69% DOWN---Situated on a large lot, three bedrooms with large living room, high bright basement, modem throughout, 46--Reol Estate Wanted FAOURES wanied for clients, some with ik a or your equity, ¥or quel | sale cAuley Realtor, ieeety aa RA 2291; Watt "Mo | 89231. URGENTLY NEEDED (1) We require ¢ 6- or 7-room 2.storey home in Simcoe St. N., Masson or Mary St. cree, Clients waiting, 2) We tequire either duplex or home with basement apart- ment anywhere within 1 mile Test-Drive The DKW, 3-6 end the new FIAT For economy ond performance, ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W., RA 3.7132 icles For Sale 52--Legel Notices THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, Jowwery 34, 1999 17 man and Domestic Hi-Fi and stereo quipment. For information phone Osh. "wi Heinz R RA 81460 mornings or evenings, Fern iectronics, 423 Yonge Street, Toronto, FURNITURE fale -- "Reductions w up py to $0 per cent! 3 pe. chesterfields, $89 up! 3 pe, bedroom suites, $80 up! 8 pe. kit chen sets, $44 up! Many table and floor Jam % price! Coffee and end bleh, BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD, 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists In Ford service and ports, Wheel alignment, wheel bolonce, with latest type equipment, Newest type electronic tune-up equipment, J sizes, $19 "upt Rockers, hostess, poh and recliner ehairs, 20 per cent to 40 per cent ut Bunk beds, desks, Solar chests, luggage, smokers, ~~ all drastically reduced! Kasy Ha arranged! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Bireet South, "Where press BLOND wood heavy secretary chair, ressonsble, ¥70. RA 53762, 19 WINE and cider barrels available, al) sizes, Oshaws Hardware and Electric, # Church Street. RA 37624, WILLIAMS pianos, now at & {a price you ean afford, st Parkway Television, ois Simece Bireet _ North, RA i 33043, and 19¢ of 4 corners, Schofield Insurance Associates Ltd. Doytime Phone RA 3.2265 Evenings Phone RA 5-1726 HOUSE FOR | Before listing, call us for on appraisal ond free advice, nicely finished. Close to schools, Call MO 8.2527. LANDSCAPED three- bedroom semi-split with 21" living room, finished rec room' complete with bar, oll large rooms, windows oll twindow including basement; patio ond mony other extras, Close to new St, John's church and school, For further informa- tion call Mrs, Newton, MO B-4875 or Mrs. Howe, MO 8-2527. TRIPLEX All large rooms, ot $19,000 Coll Mr Six rooms per house; spotlessly clean ond decorated, hardwood ond linoleum floors, Excellent value Northey, MO 8.5483 or MO B8- 2527, INCOME HOME - $2,500 DOWN Mear new 6V4-room brick home with mony attractive features, 4 rooms down with 4-pce, bath, 22 rooms up with 3.-pce, bath, hardwood and tile floors, recreation room complete with ber, oil heating, completely land coped with patio. All this for $12,- 400,00. Don't hesitate ond be late. IN.H.A. RESALE 5% % ~ $2,000 DOWN 2 year cld bricl bungolow on | Scugog St; Fi ng large kitchen with double stainless steel sink. loods of cupboards, built-in breakfast nook, 3 bedrooms, ! living room and dining room, 4-pce bath, forced oir oil heat- ing. Full price $12,400 (vacant now), INCOME HOME-$1,400 DOWN 44 rooms down with A Immediate possession on this Only 7 years old, brick, excellent location, 4-pce. bath, 2 large rooms up with built-in cupboard: and sink, extra stool, hardwood ond tile floors, oil heating, garage, land- scaped ond decorated, Income from upstairs corries. ull price $14,700 2 ACRES PLUS DWELLING location 3-pce, bath, spectacular property for small builder, a Cedar St, 6-room insul brick home, oil heating, garoge, (sewer ond water), Full price $12,900. N.H.A -LAST CALL Only 1 left so act fast, built especiolly for the discriminating buver, one who appreciates workmanship plus, many, many extros Cedar Valley Blvd, Full price only $11,888, with $1,790 down, Coll = LLOYD AYERS REALTOR OZZIE ADDISON-RA 3-2254 Excellent BROOKLIN MEADOWCREST SUBDIVISION Here In idyllic peaceful rural surroundings you will find the most outstanding home values ever offered to fit your budget-- yet it's only minutes to Oshawa---Whitby--A|ax--Toronto, | ONLY $450 DOWN (YOU QUALIFY) In H.A. 6% MORTGAGE CARRIES FOR $65 MONTHLY feoture 3 large bedrooms, large family kitchens, 4- oms (some tiled), huge walk-in closets, automatic bathrr oil air conditioning, 75 foot landscaped lots (some fully sodded), piece | Ail homes COME AND SEE THE FABULOUS "STYLEMASTER" BY THE HALLIDAY CO, LTD, IT'S DIFFERENT IT'S EXCLUSIVE IT'S FOR YOU Fully decorated, aluminum storms end screens, all electric light Ixtures COME AND SEE OUR MODEL HOMES--IT'S SO EASY TO BECOME A HOME-OWNER -- | MUCH CHEAPER, TOO, MEADOWCREST SUBDIVISION IS LOCATED NORTH-WEST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 7 Pr oe SATOK REAL ESTATE ONTARIO'S LARGEST SUBURBAN REALTOR 200 | WHITBY CLASSIFIED BUILDER'S SACRIFICING FOR RENT -- Five room apartment MO Apply 117 Euclid Street, Phone 83 ROOM and board for two 83363 FOUR ACRES, house, eight knotty pine floors, three-piece basement furnac:, barn, garage, foot road frontage, §18.500, North of Whithy, Call P MO 84703 or G ering 143, Torunte EM 2.362% 19% FOR rent - 20. Warm, comfortable room and hoard, for elderly ladies, Vary cen (rally located. Phone MO R433 iL PAINTING and decorating and Souter Paint and Wallpaper fo free estimate. Specialists in multi-color | South. [FOR SALE -- Canadian Ge Feb, 23 trie (Roxatene) work, 107 Byron MO 8.5231, FOR RENT -- Two large rooms, thre plece bath, ground floor lences, reasonable. 130 Hyon N 8.2501 MO 18 FOR SALE -- 17" ing base, very gopd working order, $119. Others to choose from pendent Sales, Whithy Plaza 2081 FOR SALE - stove and elec ic dependent Sales 2081 AT. JORN'S Heating Service, oil bur ner sales, service, installations, ( your heating cost, Call St that heat from going up the ohimney Have a Meat Saver Installed. Phon MO 83087, WATER SERVIC ~ 800 gallons ol 1000 gallons per load, Phone MO & 417 Whitby before 830 and after pn Feb Buy Ww Good buy Whithy Plazes "mm am and sell used furniture pliances, furniture. Apply Brock South. MO 4k. Phone MO |, 18e rooms, bath, "Wo terms, Thorndyke, R. Newell Broker, Plek. call Dodd all conven Crossley TV match Inde MOB Ihe Combination oil In MO 18e ut John to stop Feb, 12 Grit furniture will pay cash for used ap basement daa. DOWN, full price $12,080 hunts low, six rooms. four-piece bath, a 'ment, oll, good location, py iB carries $85 monthly, tax Included, Call Thorndyke MOhawk 8.4703 or G. Newell, Broker, Pickering 143, Toronto EM 2.3625 19¢ PANT cuffing and alterations, men's and ladie"s wear; drapery alterations, H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South, Feb. 2d {FOR SALE = Canadian General Elec. ¥itrie. special model B50 Automatic | washer, Model 830 matching dryer. | Both new. This week only $555. Inde pendent Sales, MO 8-208], Whithy r {Plaza 18¢ I! $3500 OPEN TO OFFERS FROM $395 FULL DOWN PAYMENT IF YOU QUALIFY 6-7-ROOM RANCH BUNGALOWS SPLIT LEVELS FINISHED DELUXE RECREATION ROOMS COLORAMA HOFFMAN KITCHENS $67 MONTHLY CARRY N. HA. MORTGAGE Go direct South on Park Rd. to Lake, turn left on Stone, watch for Model Home sign. Salesmen on Property over Weekend MURRAY WARSH REAL ESTATE ~~ o ral Elec 24" fully Automatic stove, one year, full warranty Special $169. In. dependent Sales, Whitby Plaga. MO 8 2081 he © FOR. rent -- Threeroom apartment, heat and light included, $70 per month MO 8-9578 151 DRESSMAKING, dresses, sults, ele MO 84308; 863 Byron North alterations, better made to measure Feb 14 wanted Phone Feb? also feathers prices paid Whithy LIVE poultry Highest market collect MO A.3486 SEPTIC tanks cleansd the aanitary way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward 204 Chestnut West, Phone MO 8.2563 Feb. 20 ° : CHAIN. SAW : skill 0) cgment tom cutting available aws, paint mixer. Wi ond Sales sprayer Ide Rental Service MO 8.3226 hl tae 19¢ OLSEN REALTORS RA .5-6165 19 ATHOL ST, W. 47 --Automobiles For Sale '4 PONTIAC 6 eylinder Laurentian, 4 door, power glide, power steering, radio, white walls, 274 Windsor Street RA 57635, "57 FORD six + cylinder ranch wagon, two-tone paint, like new, Will take trade, RA 50717 after 6 p.m. 9b '55 YOLKSWAGEN, with radio, mileage, Must sell, Will finance 50717 after 6 p.m '0 CHEV, new, $225 cash East '8 BUICK super, steering, power brake 1539 King Street East '$8 PONTIAC tudor, Straight sale or will trade for model plek-up truck, For phone Brooklin, 604-R.12 '53 FORD customline sedan, payment, only $30 per month, '55 Ford Customline sedan, take over payments only $42 per month, King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre 191 's8 PONTIAC two door hardtop Lauren tian, radio, VB, automatic, many | extras, Can be financed, RA 54400 afte 6pm, 18 ALLSTATE Aufo Insurance, Rave up | 20 per cent. Nine months to pay, For | personal service at your home call RA 52802 '57 CHEV. deluxe sedan, radio, very | clean, private, Phone RA 8.5044 after 5 pm, 17 'ss CHEVROL ET deluxe, , windshield washer, radio, shade.lite glass, and fox | lights, Phone RA 3.0051, | "80 CHEV, deluxe coach, green with signals, washers and visor, Good body, motor and tires, $265, Phone Brooklin 18¢ i950 PONTIAC sedan, like new, | viz cash, Apply 194 Church «Street, oi 58 NABH Ambassador, tudor, ha automatic, radio, heater, back up nd fog lights, one owner, excellent vonds ton, RA 8.5001 19 '88 PONTIAC station wagon, two fone blue, 3200 miles. Apply 873 Hortop Sat urday or Sunday 10h '$2 CHEVROLET sedan, financed with no down payment, excellent condition 570 A Albert Street 1st 7088 six cylinder Chrysler motor, com pletely overhauled, all new paris Phone RA 3.2477, 181 i BUICK Super fordor, fully power equipped, low mileage, Immaculate One owner, Finance terms, RA 8.8021 after 5, CUSTOM bullt ear radios, electrohome and automatic, Dominion Tire 48 Bond Street West '49 FORD, best offer RA 8-5400, 160 '85 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville, fully power equipped. This ear is In first clasg condition, Phone MO 8.4517, Whit by. 161 'Sh PONTIAC deluxe, . four-door, 2000 niles. Must sell, Can finance. RA 8.8180 's6 PONTIAC coach, excellent condition, $1325 cash for quick sale, Call Special ty Paper Products Ltd, Bowmanville MArket 3.3381 101 '51 DKW Hardtop, custom radio, RA 5.7488 after 6 p.m 191 '50 PONTIAC Torpedo sedan, 2508 ser tes. Good condition, 71 Burk Street, 19b CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3.2284 "low A A torpedo, custom radio, like Apply 249 King Btrget sutomatie, power Just broken In 208 radio, | late deluxe, 19¢ no down $ treet. | UbE uj SALE? 7 [Hur Bowmanville, GUNS, plies new and used, For the best desl RISTOW and Pond Street West, RADIOS, stereo are all here at the lowest prices It will pay you to shop at Parkway Television, 918 Simcoe Street North, YACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, teed rebullt machines, Rentals vice CONTINENTAL 18¢ e | springs, nearly new, $20.50, 17. electric space heater, nearly new; |dry fubs and fittings in A-1 condition {81 up information gels "tore | _ 50--Articles For Sale BROWNIE outfit, § $5. RA 5-0028, 5, 90 SLENDERIZING "treatments, tein Health Foods, Steam Baths, Heslth Master vegetable Homewood Health Studio, 204 Street , WiPro. and fruit Juicers, King East, RA 8.0611, REFPLAC uly paris s for all makes and models for Lint oll radios, TV, refrigerators, Ranges and all small appliances, Barons' Radio and Electric 1Ad,, 426 Simeoe Bt, South, #50 to $150 allowance for your old tele vision on any new Electrohome, Ad miral, Victor or it Wellingichse at Park HIGHENT prices paid for used Furni-| Morn. Phone RA 81121, sher parts, % HP motors, » fo all wringer type anteed reconditioned wa) Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3 , ammunition and hunting sup. n town see Dominion Tire Store, 48 RA 56611, record players, hf attachments, brushes, guaran. Estimates free, Vaceum Cleaner Repair Ser: RA 81081 anytime FIREWOOD -- $5 and #10 loads, de | livered within 10 mile radius, For In formation phone RA 8.1326, mt bed, 34 inch, complete RA 19 "pring "mattress; laun DOUBLE bed with RA 5-157, BU G 1¥, "IRA 80115, ISELLING furniture "™0F "cleaning "out | your basement? You will get your high |est price when you phone RA 85-8131 The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Simcoe Steet South SKATES, new and used, "Oshawa's No, 1 Skate Exchange", Used skates New skates $4.05 up, Largest Drayton Cycle, 204 f od floor. Jength cage, "Phone ation in town Bond Street East PORTABLE, typewriter, #40; adding machine, 8 bangs, with visible total, $50, Both lke new. RA 3.4434, GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup. plies new and used. For the best deal in town see Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, RA 5.6511 CALL Barons' for guaranteed service qualified technicians for all makes and models for TV'S, radios, washers, refrigerators, dryers, Hi Fi and small appliances. Barons' Radio and Electric | Ltd, 426 Simcoe St 1 FOUR « burner Gurney gas range, extras, RA 50583 201 WE pay highest price "in eity for used furniture, Pretty's Furni- ture Stove, RA 3.3271 "ih Simcoe. South, | KENWOOD mixer "with six attach. | ments, in perfect condition, RA 3.9169 AUTOMATIC Laundro-mat, good condition, 875, Phone RA 5.1644 some other fami Classified ad, Di place It, BABY carriage, grey, #ood condition, $10, Also bridesmaid's dress, size 13, green, worn once, Reasonable RA 87771 PAINT SALE Entire stock at great reduc- tion In price, Gliddon's Spred Satin, Spred Lustre, etc. Re- member the location: 12 Richmond St." East, RA 5.2851, NOW IS THE TIME TO GET READY FOR WINTER For the finest tactory con. structed aluminum storm «windows ond doors Installed to your satisfaction ot low- est prices UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY CALL (ODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE ALEX VAJDA MODERN WOODWORKING RA 5 9851 USED CARS B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN, MORRIS, M.G,, WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES & SERVICE. BUYING or SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3- 4494, Res, RA 5.5574 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN SALES anu SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, TEL: RAndulph 3-3461 48---Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars | for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA 51181 or RA 51188 | HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §. _RA 3 9421 MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good clean cars. Pay off liens. Sell on consignment, Trade up or down, NEW LOCATION King Street East Formerly Varcoe's Drive-in RA 5-5743 50--Articles For | Sale | SELLING furniture! We'll buy it. | irridyes IV's, washers, planos, stoves or top cash offer contact, 19 ie Street. Phone RA BR 1131 | USED tires, most all sires, 83 up. B, ¥, 3 oa 17h Qeedriod Slors, BA § a to 1A Half price. Ra- dio ond outomatic record playre corisole, Air compres. sor, 12 h.p., complete unit, Electric grease machine, with grease gun. Car radio, fit Ford, late models. Portable alr compressor, Very reason- able, for quick sale, OSH- AWA MACHINERY CO, 597 Simcoe St. RA 5.9216. Electric motors, h.p.. New, 18¢ BUILD THAT BOAT NOW is easy with a molded hull or boat kit, from 8' to 26', See Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway. PHONE 1266 AJAX COMBINATION WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS, THE BEST FOR LESS. CALL RA 8-8571 Whitby MO 8.4891 Manufactured in Whitby COLONIAL ALUMINUM "4 two 70 sq, fi. plate glass w 18¢ SELL appliances you don't need to with & low cost RA 33402 now to Phone 1 way Simcoe Street B, ¥. GOODRICH Biores, tires, batter. ies, Kelvinator refrigerators, television Thrifty budget plan, RA 54543, FOR sale -- used lumber, ntiquss, THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE thot the Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa of its regulor meeting to be held on Monday, February 2, 1959 intends to pass a law to stop up ond close thot part of the Dighwey. known os the Old York Troil which lies between ao point nine hundred feet (900°) west of Townline Rood South end Grandview Avenus In the City of Oshawe, AND take further notice thot ot the sold meeting the Council shall. hear Im person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent ony rson who claims that his land will' be prejudciolly affected by the soid by-law end who opplies to be heard, DATED AT OSHAWA THIS 2ND DAY OF JANUARY, 1959, L. R, Barrond, » City Clerk, ply corner of King Street and Church Street or phone RA 37802, 18 BUY NOW AND SAVE , THE CORPORATION bee OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA Peterborough boats, Evinrude Motors -- budget terms, Free winter storoge on motors, Boot proved, storoge. Factory op- Service centre for motor repairs, Open evenings ond weekends, MARINE STORAGE LIMITED Bro oklin, Ont. & SUPPLY _ Phone 87 EXTRA! FOR THE VERY BEST ALUMINUM Doors, Storms, Screens, dows, Awnings and Railings. NOBODY BUT NOBODY can beot our. quolity prices ond guarantes Installations, CALL HOLODY ALUMINUM RA 5-243 Anytime till 9 p.m, --_-- ------ LARSON FIBRE-GLASS BOATS Win- Porch 18¢c 7-25 Bendix, Open Evenings and Wekends Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd. Phone 87 NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa at its regular meeting to be held on Monday, February 16th, 1959 intends to poss e by-law to close to vehic- 'ular traffic Sterling Avenue and Ortono Avenue (former ly Russell Avenue) os shown on Registered Plan 167 be- tween Wilson Rood South ond point twenty feet (20°) of Wilson Road South AND toke further notice that ot the sald meeting the Council shall hear In person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent any person who claims that his land will be prejudi- cially affected by the sald by-law and who applies to be heard DATED at Oshawa, this 24th day of January, 1959, "L. R, BARRAND" City Clerk ss. Meeting = At Hampton HAMPTON ~-- The annual Sun- day School meeting was held Thursday evening Jan, 15, Mr, Reed offered prayer after which the election of officers and teachers took place resulting as follows. a west 51--Swap and Barter CHESTERFIELD, electric cock cabin teller, ali kinds of side and Park Road South, RA 3.7088 52--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CLIFFORD LAWRENCE JOHNSTON of the Township of Whitby Creditors of the deceased, who died at the Township of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, on September 3, 1958, are. requested to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned on or before January 27th, 1959, after which date the estate will be distributed, Dated et Oshawa, this 8th day of January A.D. 1959, Jessie Agnes Johnston, Executrix, by her solicitors, Parkhill & Yanch, 26 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET HELEN COVER All persons having claims against the Estate of Mar- are: Helen Cover, late of the fore of Ajax in the County of Ontario, formerly of the Town of Whitby In the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of May, 1954, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned, on or before the 25th day of February, A.D. 1959, full particulars of their claims, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the unders signed shall then have notice, DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 14th day of January, A.D. 1959 Humphreys & Boychyn, 6 King Strec' West, Oshawa, Oniario, Solicitors for the Administrator, William Frank |S0--Articles For Sale Cover Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WIND OWS AND DOORS Kdéol Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND O PEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS-- Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub E LES EVENISS 15 PRINCE ST, RA 32707 Den Hows, Les Eveniss SALES LTD. 5-4632 RA 5.88 Bill Galbraith, RA 50313 32 cola 6f | cooler, xoto-tiller, tle machine, box and plumbing supplies, Wanted combination TV, tools, motors or what have you, Chinn's, Hill. -- 00d, | $340 Mrs. Gallagher, Superintendent, Harold Balson; assistant superintendent, La- verne Clements; secretary, Jack | Macnab; assistant, Earl Luke: treasurer, Mrs, A, L, Blanchard; missionary secretary, Mrs, Keith Smith; Temperance secretary, Laverne Clemens; cradle roll sec- retary, Mrs, T. M. Chant, In charge of projector, Gordon Smale and Ralph Luke, Teachers -- Adult Bible class, |" Mrs. B. Killens, Harold Balson, Mr, Pryme, Gleaners class, Mrs, Lewis Trull, assistant, Mrs. Wil- fred Greenaway, Young men's class, Lewis Trull. Intermediate girls: Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Percy Dewell, Inter- mediate boys, Mr. Harold Wilkins, Primary girls, Mrs, Harold Bal. son, boys, Mr, Gordon Chant, Beginner's class, Mrs, R. Far- row, Mrs. Earl Luke, Mrs, , Lyon and Mrs. Wilfred Smale. Sunday School representative to official board, Mrs, W. Greena- way, Mrs. Blanchard presented the financil report, BIBLE CLASS OFFICERS Ladies Bible Class officers were chosen as follows: Presi. dent, Mrs, Merwin Mountjoy; first vice-president, Mrs, Flor- ence Werry; second vice-presi- dent, Mrs, Drew; secretary, Mrs, Dave Hall; assistants, Mrs, Clarence Yeo, Mrs, T. M, Mount. Joy; treasurer, Mrs, Laverne Cle- mens; social committe, Mrs, R, Farrow, Mrs, Jack Macnab, Mrs, Percy Dewell, Mrs, Jack Lyon. Cards, Mrs, Fred Payne. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly were dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Caverly, Oshawa, Friday. Mr, W, W. Horn visited Mr, and Mrs, C, E. Horn, Oshawa, last week, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Lawson and son, Toronto, were recent visitors to Mr, and Mrs, Austin Barron, Betty Kellar spent the weekend with relatives and friends at her home at Marysville and Napanee. Mrs. H. Ruttan, of Dryden, was a recent visitor to Mr, and Mrs. Lorenzo Trull at Austin Barrons. Murs, W. Balson has been visiting Mr, and Mrs, Keith Bil- let, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs, E. Strong, Bow- manville, were recent visitors to Mervin Mountjoy' 8. { Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Osh | |awa, and Mrs. H. E, Tink, So- {lina, visited their sister, 'Mrs. {Joe Chapman, during the week- | 'Mrs. K, Winterburn has left {for Oshawa to stay for a while with her sister, Mrs. Simmons, PHONES, THEN ROBS KINGSTON (CP) A man [walked into Tri « Heat Service Store Friday, ordered 'Mrs. Paul- | 23, into a back | and walked out with five pay envelopes ine Gallagher, room containing about By ARCH MacKENZIE Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP)--Modern mari ners in the far north need to know their ropaks from their polynigs in ice conditions, Ice has always been a Matos in northern navigation, GREAT VARIETY Ice conditions can range from frozen islands hundreds of feet thick and -miles across to tiny crystals suspended in the water, The correct terms for describing all sizes, types and extent of ice are laid down in a provisional manual by the transport department's foayeotdlogy bureau. A ropak, for pi Ry is 2 single of ice jammed up on its end perhaps 25 feet high. A polynia is a good-sized Sets through pack ice. The word is derived from a Russian term, Ship - based helicopters, long- range aircraft and radar have been used in the last few years to let vessels know just what to expect from ice on their routes. Halifax, Frobisher Bay, NW.T., and Fort Churchill, Man., provide regular ice broadcasts, Last season, for the first time, Ice charts were transmitted by radio --4he same method used to supply weather maps to air and sea traffic. REGULAR FORECASTS Ice forecasts are broadcast regularly, based on reports and on naval meteorology study of the effects that future weather and tides may have on ice movements Northern shipping moved 77,000 tons last season, about double the 1957 total, and It Is expected to keep growing, Four reconnais- sance teams provided Arctle ice data, But the reports from the ves- sels themselves are valuable, and the provisional manual, to be re- vised when international proce- New Terminology Grows In Northern Navigation "calye" many as 8,000 a year, An & of 400 annually drift beyond ! foundland into the regain shipping lanes, Ca itsel has only gue feo berg-producing region, ee cap on Ellesmere Island which lies adjacent to Greenland fr the Arctic, But it produces whopping ice islands, as big as 20 to 40 miles across, scientists believe, CEDAR CREEK By G. KILPATRICK CEDAR CREEK - Mt, and Mrs, Manson Woods and boys of Manchester were supper guests of Mr, and Mrs, Victor Laroc "que Sunday. Mrs, Joe Mosfenko entertained the Prospect WA Thursday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris were Saturday supper guesis of Mr, and Mrs, Atwood MacRae, Oshawa, Morris Dortherty of Toronto visited his aunt, Mrs, Laroctue, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Norman Birkett and Ivan of Raglan were Eun. day evening visitors al. the Spencer home, Mr, and Mrs, Harris visited Mr, and Mrs, Norman Banks- at Pickering Sunday evening Doreen Cummings and Mrs, Albert Trick and family, Oshawa, were Wednesday visitors of Mrs, dures are standardized, gives the Bruce Cummings. CHCH-TV Channel 11---Hamliton WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale TELEVISION LOG CBLT-TV Channel 6-Torodts WKBW-TV Channel 7-Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5-Rochester WBENTV Channel 4-Bufisle sa1UAD RAS EVE. 116-20 TAU B Star Golf 4~Beat the Champ 2~-Women's Bowling s.80 P.M 11.6-Rin Tin Tin 2-Twilight Th 1:00 Bowling 4--~Matines "0 PM 11~Provineial Affaire 11-6--Citizen' B---All Star Theatre 4~Wrestling 1 ay LJ 11-=Tennes B~Lawren Mr, Fixit aids P.M, 6-4~News; Sports 7.00 P.M, 11---Rifleman 6---lvanhoe 4-U of B Round Table S~African Patrol 1.9% PM ~The Vise he Dick Clark Show 6--Saturday Date 5.2--People Are Funny 4--Perry Mason son PM, 11,6,5,2--Perry Come 7-Jubllee U.S.A, nao P.M, 4 Wanted, esd or Alive LA 11,6-NHL ou, 7--Lawrence Welk 4--Gale Storm 5-2-Black Saddle nen PM, 8:2-Cimaroon City Have Gun Will Travel 100 P.M T-8ammy Kaye Gunsmoke 10116 P.M, 4:00 11~Father 5.00 B~Bowling 11--~Lassie 6--Frontiers 4~Amateur 00 1l--~Amateur §--Meet the STugbont 6.50 8--~Maverick 420th - Cen 10.80 P.M. 11--Man Behind The Badge 7--~Walter Winchell 6--Naked City 8--Pat Boone or of mM PM, 11-6-4-3-News; Weathers Sports 7-=Playhouse 8--~Rescue § UNLLEN 11=late Show 6Jullette $~Just Musie 18 P.M, S-=Wrestling 8~Movie 4=Playhouse $-NY Confidential 12.00 Mid-nite Lae Satsh UNDAY " 30 AM, Cartoons Ll 00 AM, 7--Test Pattern BChristian Science 4~Let's Open The Door wih AM, 8-~Man to Man ty "0 11--Loretta 7--Lawman 7--Colt 45 11,6 8-2--Loretta §-4-~What's &--Roots and nm 8-News Hil "0 AM, 5This is uh Lite 2-8clence Series 10.00 AM, 8-Christophers +=Lamp Unto My Feel 2~Church Invitation 10:30 AM, 8~Dateline 4=Uncie Jerry #~Morbing Gospel Sports as AM, Look " aon revs 2-Faith of Israel no AM 11, 6,4--Church Service 85-~Children's Corner 2-Christian Science 10:18 AM, 7-The Living Word 11:80 AM, J. Hopkins File Kit Carson Al Western Round. Up 1%. NOON Thig Is The Lite Wad Bishop Pike District At Musie Cartoons 4--News; Weather LR 8--Dateline U.N, 4~Look AL Congress wa rm 11=The Christophers 7=Command Perform. ance 6--Good Life Theatre 5 2 'opeye » house 5 2 1 7 Little [URLS [0 For Love Arthur G 10:45 "no Me For The ~Little Rascals Jesse Ketchum Awards 1:00 PM, 1-Rravo Theatre by 7-College News "a focus on Physles 5. 2-Tie Bowling A alone in the at the time, said a man phoned earlier and asked if a| service ma. was in the store. Film Featurette News World Affairs 180 PM This Is The Answer Country Calendar 5 4 2 News 11 8,3-It Could fear 4~Talk Back S~Playhouse 8--Junior Magazine 8~FPro Basketball 2:50 PM, 11~The Living Word 3:00 P.M, 7. Hearing ~The oid i. 7-~Roller Derby 6-~Ceylon Dancers 4=World Of Ideas 3-8ea Hunt 6--Twentieth Century 8 Bob Hope 4~Face The Nation &~Laurel and Hardy 43 PM, 11-Rev. Roberts 7=Bo' Special 4=Philharmonie . Cone oert 11,6--News Maga 7=Paul Winchell 3-Kaleidoscope 080 P.M. 6~Bob Cummings 4~Small World 6-Father Knows Best 3-Biélion, Sheen 0 PM, 11-1 La Lucy in Asked For It mber Bride 1.0 P.M, 11.6-8howtime 8-~U.S, Marshal 4--Jack Benny 2-Musie Shop PM Young 6.4 Ed Sullivan 5:3--8teve Allen B30 PM 11--The Naked City LU 11,6 World's 8,3---Chevy Show a $ealired Jutcheock Keep Talking wa FM, 11,6-Fighting Words 7--Playhouse 11.6-4-2--News; Weather; 11--Late Show 6-This Week 8-Feature Movie 23-Late Watch 4-Captain Kangaroo woe AM, 7--Test Pattern S~Burns and Allan 2 Rumpus Room AM A, 2-Dough Re Mi Wa AM. 8, $-Treasure Hunt odfrey AM, 7-Morning Devotions 8, 2-Price Is Right 4-1 Love Lucy Han Am 7--Peter Lind Hayes §, 3-Cancentration Top Dollar NOON Tac wa PM, Play Your Hunch ob for 1.46 PF, M, 11-AU _ Theatre ru, Guiting Ligh b--Feature Movie 4~Meet The Millgry $-Mid-day Matines sb FM, Matinee PM, don 11 11--Movie s Jovem 1.80 V=Our Miss Brooky ~The World Turps 100 P.M, Theitre 7-Day In Court é=Jimmy Dean S~Helen Neville 12.00 P.M, 7--Music Binge 6~News b~ Home Couking é~House Party 3-Haguls Baggs P.M, Knows Best 1:40 FM, 11, 6~Nursery School IM PM, 11, 6-Our Miss Brooks 7~Beat The Glogk ~The Big Payott Lh i Zlaione ru, 11, PERL House 7-Who Do You Trust 8, 3--From These Roots &~=The Verdict Is Yours Tournament "0 Pr, 11~Bugs Bunny 7--American Handstana Pag M, Party 2-Queen For a Day emi "30 FM, 11~Popeye 6~Howdy Doody 8~County Fair 4--tdge of Night $Trouble With Father MONUAY EVENING Hour Hour Press ig P.M. tury 6--Follow Me" 8--Flayhouse 4~Fun To Lears 2~Three Stooges « 610 P.M 6---Adventures of 4-+Children's London Chich Theatre | a40 PM 7-6-Mickey Mouse 4-Dinner Date $--~Superman 6.00 IM, 11-Theatre, News Weather T--Early Show 6-News 2Jungle Jim 6 PM 6--Live and Learn 8---News JM, Stage "ao PM, 8--Paris Precinet 4 3-News: Weather wii Fa 8 6, 4&-Weather Newsy 00 PM, 11--Theatre 6~Tabloid B=Dick Clark Death Vallay Days 2---Maxquerac Young M My Line Snddies VePorroitin ; PM, noeM, 7-Youth Anonymous 6-Nation's Business 4-Name That Tune 8:2-Alphabet Congplracy 48 PM, ites PM, 6----Scan Ke PM, 11, 6-The Mii 4 The fanalce Texan + Ran PM. 11, 6-Hit Parade 7--Bold Journey 8.2-Wells Fargo 4--Father Knows PRC Te=Volce of Fiios'one 8, 2-Poter Gunn 11L,6,4~ Dann homas ] Bem Play torney Margie Arthur Murray ae a The Law T-John Daly or Money Ladies Dough = Jack HE Be You 1 S-Mr, b. yy Tomorrow EE ---------------------- BE BENE RS a A, ----------