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The Oshawa Times, 24 Jan 1959, p. 2

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' 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Jenvery 24, 1959 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN | Should Oshawa's Board of Education rescind a 26-year-old ruling and employ married women teachers in high schools% The board will decide Monday. The majority on the board will turn their backs on hidebound tradition and admit the mar- ried women teachers, a survey today indicated, but some are reluctant to give them more than a 3 Horses Are Destroyed In Barn Fire Fire destroyed a large barn on Farewell s'reet early Saturday morning. Three horses inside were burned to death while the barn's owner, Willlam Goyne, and his family were asleep In their home a few hundred feet away, Oshawa fire fighters answered the alarm at 225 a.m, but the blaze was too well advanced to tion endorsing an end to the married women teachers ban be- cause of what it termed "the scarcity of qualified teachers," Each of the city high schools Istand to lose two teachers this year if a chenge is not effected street, Rising indignantly from Monday night, Said Father Coffey last March 18; "If a married woman teaches school, she has two bosses, her husband and the board of educa- tion, and she can't work for both, Secondly, we want young women for the teaching profession and we won't get them if married women with a visible means of support take their jobs, The rea- son for much of the delinquency in present children is that in many cases both parents are away from home working and are one-year contract. . CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE leave any hove of saving it. They patrolled neighboring houses in case of sparks blown by a strong falling to bring up their children properly, We are contributing to {for sction threatened 'The purses get all tied up in red tape again, traditional white Alderman 0nd" | That's when Dafoe claw away snow from the oved to be the man of the with their hands , the true hap-| eroned young girls on McGregor Ld OBITUARY 33 Hef Mls rg rf : 'to Council for many years and 1| MRS. DEMERISE BOVIN for one, am sick and tired of In poor health for several years Council's Indecision, This is a Demesi e Bols, widow of Joseph reasonable request, Let's do this Bovin, died Thursday J thing right, and be done with it, 23. She was In and stop playing around." A'. men Dafoe 4] Jy his 500-|Bovin had watt lights, but ha get smal 3 A JERRY LUKE, 4, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Jack Luke, 117 Hunter St., Oshawa, has her brace adjusted by the physio- therapist at the clinic for cere. bral palsied and crippled child. wind starting further fires, barn crashed in flames the metal tempt to rescue the animals hope- less. Also lost was some form machinery owned by Lloyd Gif ford, The horses belonged to Philip Druz, He and Mr, Gifford were renting barn space from Mr, i |Goyne, A neighbor rushed over to the Goyne house to awaken the own- er shortly after t he alarm had been turned in, The Goynes did not hear him, The first they knew of the fire was at 7.45 a.m, when Mr, Goyne was leaving for work, Twenty fire fighters under Platoon Chief E. M, Ostler fought the blaze through the night, A crew was st)ll on duty at press time, dousing the smouldering ruins and watching other prop- erty In the Immediate vicinity The barn is believed fo have heen one of the oldest in Oshawa Its value was put In excess of $1000, It was insured, No Indication of the cause of morning "As the weoden walls of the roof caved In, 'making any at the fire was advanced Saturday " Whether or not this survey is accurate, the subject has p I's been a controversial one, has split past boards (and groups of the citizenry, too) Into bitter factions, This much seems certain --~ such a change could not be effect- ed without stout opposition, espe. |clally from trustees like the Rev, |P. Coffey, Beparale School repre- sentative on the hoard and long an outspoken critic of the em- ployment of married women teachers in high schools. | Father Coffey and his support ers have several reasons for up- (holding the ban, chief among {them being that the employment 'of married women teachers con- tributes to the "break-up" of the home and encourages juvenile de- linquency; opposing factions complain that such a stand is "unrealistic" and completely out of tune with the needs of modern education, The question Is a deep and complex one with a long history| of heartaches and bitter dis- appointments for many, regard. less of which side of the fence| they are on, | Somebody Is bound to be hurt by Monday's ruling; the sincere! this fallure if we hire ma women as teachers," Said Dr, Vipond last March 18; "Our policy costs us many good teachers, Young women that would apply here 't because of our policy on this matter, Be- sides, we are being Inconsistent by employing widows who have more responsibilities at home than a house wife whose husband is living. There is a strong sug- gestion of immorality about ex- cluding marri women from teaching and it is quite possible we are encouraging clandestine marriages," GM AMBASSADORS Those two good-will ambassa- dors from GM's public relations department in Oshawa are off again, They are Warren Abbott and % Rae Sheremeta, both Oshewa natives, This time the boys will present their scientific show '1 (such places as Oakville, Hamil ton, Brantford and London, and will tour the Niagara Peninsula, In thelr 45-minute Nustrated lecture they explain the theory behind micro-waves and solar energy. They started out a three. month tour of B.C, and the west MRS, T. J. GROSART This was the case In 1956 and again last year, The 1958 hoard vote was mark- ed by some bitter wrangling be- tween trustees and frank opinions were expressed on both sides. lwish of this department is that| Father Coffey accused Dr. gm provinces last February, |the ruling will serve the best in.|Claude Vipond (since retired as phe hoys took 21,000 pounds CITY AND ren at Simcoe Hall, I Oshawa I'imes Photo ( of |terests of the great majority and 4 trustee) of "playing politics" equipment along and travelled [the cause of better education, [When he asked the hoard to sup- entirely in a truck, GM of course, There Is no ban, incidentally, [Port a motion to engage mar- Rae 'y ried women teachers on the same| Warren and Rae take ' rns in {giving the lectures, terms as unmarried teachers, [" Does public speaking come ¢ s- Dr. Vipond was quick to deny fer after months of constant prac- these charges. He reminded Fa- tice? DISTRICT on the employment of married WINDOWS BROKEN | women teachers in the majority Two large plate glass windows|of Ontario's high schools, Osh-| were broken Friday at the Osh-lawa's Public and Separate Plan To Extend Palsy School they are only able to use the cerebral palsy and erippled chil-room for halt He oath doy. | dren, held at Simcoe Hall, has| The Golden Age Club room at| % strained its limits, It must have Simcoe Hall doubles as a physio gay aed guseraliy Just 4 (oy de. more room If it 1s to accept any therapy room. It Is expected that yo... 20) ag rl ay e more children, [In the new therapy room the inds of the Poe or pout An appeal for funds will be| therapist will be able to handle, 4.0004 '0 Jody tian 18 guy ag e made early In February. The twice as many patients at a time. "ppt clouds spread orb Cerebral Palsy Parent Council, Each child In this group re- ,. "nn 0000 during the night paar working In conjunction with 8im- quires a special custom made| im likely bring a little fresh WEATHER | TORONTO (CP) Tempera. |tures Issued by the weather office at 9 a.m, Synopsis: Temperatures over Southern Ontario this mom. Ing are a little lower than Fri The - school and clinic for awa Shopping Centre. The win-|Schools employ them, but only on dow in the Canadian Bank of|a yearly basis and without a con.| Commerce branch was broken by|tract, ther Coffey that he had long been "a champlon" of the married warren and 1 are able to relax women teachers' cause, since "Definitely," said Rae. 'Both comvletely now on the public coe Hall, will attempt to raise desk, These desks cannot be $35,000 to erect a new bullding | stacked or stored, It Is amazing on Simcoe Hall property. that Simcoe Hall and the Cere The new building will contain|bral Palsy Parent Council have adequate class space for about 30 been able to carry on so long children, 1t will also have a spe- with the facilities available, cial physiotherapy and occupa-| Mrs, John Harrls and Mrs, D, tional therapy room, |Arkless are co-conveners on the In the present class room at|building committee, Donations Simcoe Hall they can only accom: may be malled directly to Sim. modate about 17 children and'coe Hall, a -------- THE LIBRARY WORLD First Ship On Lakes Recalled Straits of Detroit, Into Lake Huron the ship sailed. After con- staff of the McLaughlin Pub. |quering the fierce lake storms, lin Public Library, [the Griffon passed through the TERRY BREEKS AND VELVET Straits of Mackinaw, and on Aug. GARTERS by C. H, J, Snider 27, three weeks after leaving Have you ever wondered, as|Nlagara, La Salle dropped an- did the author of this book, about/chor In the bay of St. Ignace of the long-ago days on the Great/Michilimackinac, having complet Lakes, the days of La Salle, of ® & voyage of 600 miles In a war and discovery, when the total salling time of only seven fleur-de-lys flew commandingly|days. from every masthead? {SECOND SHIP PLANNED Mr. Snider, a newspaperman/ La Salle planned to build an- with The Toronto Evening Tele: other ship in which to sail down gram for 80 years, early express. the Mississippl to China, so he ed a keen interest In Great/rashly sent the Griffon with its Lakes salling, and his unremit-|cargo of beaver pelts, back to ting efforts to find the answers|Nlagara with a crew of only five, to the mystery of times have resulted in a series the first and last voyage for the The following reviews were written by a member of the those early The fates declared this was to be ~ of articles on Schooner Days. |Griffon, for she was never seen snow tonight and Sunday, The cold will continue for another day but moderate considerably Sun.| day { Reglonal forecasts valid until| € midnight Sunday, | Lake Erle, southern Lake |Huron, Nlagara, western Lake {Ontario regions, Windsor, Lon. don, Toronto, Hamilton: Cloudy with sunny Intervals today. Cloudy with occasional light snow and milder tonight and Sunday. Winds southwesterly 185. Northern Lake Huron, southern Georglan Bay reglons: Mostly cloudy with scattered snowflur- ries today, Cloudy with occasional snow and milder Sunday. Winds southwesterly 15, Eastern Lake Ontario, Hallbur- ton, northern Georgian Bay re. |glons, North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny with cloudy periods today | Mostly cloudy with occasional snow Sunday. Milder Sunday, Winds west to southwest 10 to 20, Kirkland Lake, Timmins-Kan. |uskasing regions: 'Sunny with cloudy periods today and Sunday, Not quite as cold Sunday, Winds west to southwest 10 to 20, Forecast temperatures Low tonight, High Sunday: Dawson vine 50 |Vietoria {Edmonton .., Regina Winnipeg ...... Churchill a Fort Willlam .. {White River ... i oR | 14 CHARGE WITHDRAWN | A charge of assault laid ag. For 87 years, from 1673 to 1760, | again. La Salle was later shown ainst John Willlam Toome by D.| while the old Gallic nation across|wreckage of his ship, including wannamaker. of 76 Willlam St. | the seas flourished In splendor two pairs of linen breeches -- thew. "wae withdrawn In a surprise | and luxury under Louis XIV, the|"'terrybreeks™ of the title, which action by the complaintant in French, led hy Rene - Robert were the trademark of 17th cen- magistrate's court here Friday Cavelier; Sleur de la Salle, held tury sailors, {morning The complaintant would! sway in New France. The Intriguing other half of the not divulge his reason for the un-| HARDSHIP COME ALIVE [title is connected to the finding expected action so the charge The glory and the hardships of Of a strip of black velvet on alwas removed from the docket, -| the age which opened up and|Ship's hull in Kingston harbor in laid the foundations of settlement !'933, during the excavating for|---- in the New World, come alive the National Defence College Great Lakes closes with a pres: the wind. A window In the Lob:| The "No Married Women|jgs law Groceteria was broken when teachers" ruling had had a long came a trustee. The a shopping cart was accidental.(ard temptestuous history dating|change was typical ly pushed against it back to 1932 when unemployment - RETURNED TO HOME {Was high in the teaching profes The deciding vole t las aron Gallagher, 14, missing] The ) year oy acting Laaeman A. L, "Inle, Pe from her home since Monday, re wo Jue ibis O'Nell (the regular chalrman, oR iduriion Finley Dafoe desery has heen found working. in nino official opposition arose "unti1| Stephen Saywell, had been ab. © d n Oshawa restaurant, Oshawa po-'1g52 when the board served no-icnt from the cily on business; More than _any other Mond: y lice reported Friday, She was joe on Mrs. T. J. Grosart, head [°F several days). In the case of lor, he was responsible Monday returned to her parents, Mr. and|of the department of Modern|® deadlock It Is considered eth: night for the successful passage Mrs, "Phil Gallagher, Peterbor-| analages at the Oshawa Central | 2! for hoard chairman to support through Council of the plan to ought, [Collen Te tract the existing regulation, put more lights on McGregor !Collegiate, that her contrac in the vicinity of the STUDENT COLLAPSES would he terminated the fol : > YWCA., Douglas Edwards, son of Mr [lowing June because she had the question 'next Monday was YA |the subject throughout the years. know what we're talking about." The deciding vole was cast last worn DONE FINLEY The notice of motion to revive street, ST. JOHN AMBULANCE HOME NURSING COURSE Commencing Wednesday Jan. 28th 1959 AT 7:30 P.M, | School of Nursing Alexandra St, for information ond registry. CALL RA 3-4024 FEE $2.00 " ) "proposed hy Trustee M, Brown' This plan has been kicked a- and Mi n, Rupert Bdwards, 14 maried during her term of em |at the last board meeting, but the|round by City Council for at least i AI 0) 5 , is y | fv, Jo ' od while moat aps Mrs. Grosart (she is the for. |18sue was due for a re-hearing five years; megnwille, " eas tral Collegiate Instiiute on Fri. mer Dorothy Wilkins and fs now regardless of this as other mem: five voung girls enroute 8 he ir, Coleplate ln te on Pe the head of department of Mod. | bers had planned to revive It dur- YW residence have been attack- fo the Oshawa General Hospita: |ern Languages, Winston Churchill ing February. ed or molested. tl H i Al Hospital. |e ye ointe, . Scarborough) wa 8) Opponents of the ban point out| Mayor Gifford act rompLy owas still in hospital this) 't one fo take such a ruling that the roling has deprived Osh.| Monday when he, kot 4 Laan morning under observation. pn eeyiy, She applied to the On- awa of many slficlent high school baaig oe endl FIRMS INCORPOR. taro Department of Education| teachers throughout the years; In'Way ; The current issue maTED (lr a board of reference--a court|addition to the teachers dismiss. Placed the matter before tarlo Gazette carries the infor. to rule on her case -- on the|ed, many unmarried high school ¢ll. ol mation that letters patent of in. "rounds that she was wrongfully| teachers absolutely refuse to con: Council was getting along pret- corporation have been granted to|d1smissed. [sider Oshawa as a place of em: ty well with the plan, Then Al- y ve heen granted lo/' Y 4 : | ployment because of the ban, derman Attersley got into the Armstrong Store Limited, of AWARDED DAMAGES he Osh 1 District Labor act . he was afrald 500 watt Clarke township, Durham county! A two-day hearing followed in| The Oshawa and District Labor would be too "right for TC ue \ 4 Council -- Trustee W, T. Werry bulbs wou and R. and T. Construction Lim- Whithy before the late Judge i ' residents = and the plan ited, which has Its head office in F. J, MacRae (the late Arthur|ls 8 member -- recently passed a nearby residents - and the pian .. Uxbridge, [Sone appeared for Mrs, Gro-| ok nn sart) and resulted In a com-| OSHAWA RINK BEATEN [promise judgment under which| An Oshawa rink skipped by Mrs, Grosart was to be retained Jack Elliott wag defeated 13-4 by for two years. Mrs, Grosart won Nels Devana's Dixie foursome strong support for her independ: In the Muskoka International Bon. ent stand in refusing to bow be- splel at Bracebridge on Friday. fore the wishes of the board with- It was Elliott's first loss, Ninety: out recourse to the law. She also six rinks are taking part, {had the satisfaction of seeing the . board assessed the costs of the . CHECKER SOLUTION |case. $045. ollowing is the solution of the| The Grosart case developed checker problem which appeared girong resentment against the In Friday's Issue; 14-10,5-14, 22- hoard, especially in some educa 18, 1417, 106, 29, 25-21, 23-14, /tjon circles; but the married 30-26, 17:22, 26-10, 9-14, 10-6, 13-'women teacher ban continued, In 6-2, 17.22, 2.6, 14-18, 6-10, 18-|although it had a couple of nar 23, 10-15( 23.27, 15-19, 22.26, 18-23, row squeaks and only edged by i White wins, with a single vote in its favor.' 2, In fact, when he first be- platform, One reason for this is Ir verbal ex- {hat we are both thoroughly a- of many on oquainted with our subject . we to tell Mrs, H. Flan , 250, Guelph street, Osh "a, t this is the Late last Sunday night she was driving t work with two other nurses when a tire blew. The three women speut to hours changing the flat d ring which time more than 60 ears passed without a single offer of | assistance. | One motorist did ask why the trio didn't phone a service sta- tion and drove away laughing hen Informed that the three women didn't carry telephones) "e of chivalry.| dec Also surviving are two grand. children and two great-grand. children, The remains will be at the Armstrong Funeral Chapel for High Requiem Mass In St, Mary of the People Church at 9 am, Monday, January 26, Rev. N. J, Gignac will sing the mass, Temporary entombment will be in Union Cemetery Mausoleum. Interment will be at a later date in 8t, Vincent de Paul Cemetery, Deseronto, . COMING EVENTS -BINGO- | Coronation Orange Temple Sat, Jan, 24, 8 P.M, 20 Regular Gomes-- Share the Wealth 4-~$40 Jackpots to go 1--$150 Special to go 19b GOOD commercial tenants for your | vacant property watch "Business" | Property for Rent" in Classified, Dial CANADIAN YOUTH WEEK FELLOWSHIP HOUR KING STREET CHURCH Centennial Hall SUNDAY 8.30 P.M. Film, singing, refreshments, All young people eam: , lo ST. CHRISTOPHER'S P.T.A. Second Annual NIGHT OF CARDS At St. Marys of the People Parish Hell Wed., Jan, 28, 1959, 8 p.m, RA 3.3492 for an (inexpensive ad to reach those prospects. Tickets 75¢c per person 196 MONSTER BINGO ADMISSION SATURDAY, JAN. 24 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 EACH OF $20, SHARE THE WEALTH SAINT GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH $30, $40, $50 50 CENTS 2 EXTRA GAMES AT $25 FREE ADMISSION KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, 20--$20 | | | $150 Jackpot 0 games JAN. 27 GAMES $20 each line plus $50 full card 2 -- $250 Jackpots 54 BUS SERVICE JUBILEE PAVILION DONALD H. HOWE REAL ESTATE, ANNOUNCES THE FORMATION OF A NEW PARTNERSHIP KNOWN AS . . . WHITBY BRASS BAND we BINGO Erg, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28th CLUB BAYVIEW Byron Street South, Whitby--Games start ot 8 p.m. Bus Service from Oshawa Terminal 25¢ Return SPECIAL GAME OF $250 $20 each horizontal line; $150 a full card 5 games at $30; 20 games at $20, TWO JACKPOT GAMES for us under the pen of this mas. This strip of velvet was one of ler of Lake lore, as they never the clues which 'helped to identi ent-day tale. Whether or not you Howe and Millen weemed to in our history texts, How many know the story of La Salle's great ship, the Griffon short - lived, her fate still shroud. od In mystery, but a ship that should rank with the Mayflower and Jason's Argo? She might he called 'the mother of all sall liv ing on fresh water," for she was the first to ply the waters of the great. inland waterway which lends te the heart of the North American continent, How trivial the problems of sailing the lakes todny compared to the arduous task of building the Griffon above the mighty waters of Niagara Work was begun in January on ground frozen so hard that it had to he eleared and thawed with holling water, Aside from the timber which came from the sur. rounding wilderness, all equip: ment had to be brought "across and up a long river, of rapids, and across a long ¢, and up another long river, full of ranids, and over a cata ! 300 feet high, from France to Q thence to Cataraqul, the "=e to Nlagara," All this, car ried on men's backs before it reached the shipyard! In May the Griffon was launch. ed, to the ery of "A la Chine", an ocean full hoo ehee, fy the old hulls as the French|belleve in miracles, I think you| ships sunk by Colonel John Brad. Vill find THE EMPTY SHRINE" street In his raid of 1758, (by Willam E. Barrtet a most In 1760, after 87 years of unusual and compelling story, | French heroism, enterprise and| The Ile-aux-Erables, in the St.| exploitation, the fleur-de-lys flut.| Lawrence River, long before It] tered down over the Great Lakes became a closely-knit French. | and the Great River of Canada, Canadian community, was the never to rise again, Up ran the home of the Iroquois and the Union Jack, and for the first|/Hfurons, and so was already rich time, the English sound of "Can.|!? legend when, in 145, the mir, | ada" and "King George rang acle was supposted to have hap: out, A new era had begun! ~~ pened. From the graceful schooners of On that summer day, It was the French which sailed the Said, the young French girl, Val: Great Lakes 300 vears ago, we €rle Rivard, had experienced a veer to 'the modern outhoard| Vision of the Blessed Virgin, How | cruiser of Kenneth MeNelll Wells. this incident changed her life and ------ {that of the man who, 12 years PRAC TICAL GUIDE later, journeyed to the island to) Mr Wells, author of the Owl denounce her, is revealed in a Pen books, has nroduced In his|story which casts its miraculous latest book, "CRUISING THE spell about the reader and opens GEORGIAN BAY." an authentic his heart and mind to the mys. and practical bgating gulde fortery of his beliefs. : those who love to cruise Cana. LIBRARY BRIEFS dian waters, After making two, The Little People's Film Hour trips on Georgian Bay in his boat, for Saturday, Jan. 81, will have "toonstruck, Mr, Wells and his the following program: Snow Fi (wife have made available their esta, Fundy Holiday, Sorel and [channels and shoals, anchor The Poef'and the Peasant. ages and harbors, so that more; The Eighth annual Film Festl {waterborne tourists can enjoy the val presented by the Oshawa Island - studded beauty of our|Film Council and the McLaughlin | reat bay which Champlain call- [Public Library, will be held in led the Freshwater Sea the auditorium on Tuesday, Feb and after battling the treacherous| Another book about today and 8 and Wednesday, Feb. 4. Ad Niagara currents, on August 7,ivesterday on the Great Lakes Is/mission tickets are available free the floating fort, with her{Anna Young's "OFF WATCH."|of charge at the library. company of gentlemen adven- Told by the daughter of a sallor.] The main lobby has a very in th sessing no charts and!Miss Young has listened to the teresting display of old books on ation aids but compass|lore of the lakes from the sailors|loan, some of which go back as eadline, began her great aboard her father's ships. and far as the 18th century. A geo- which La Salle hopedihas re-created for us lake life in graphy of the world as it was would lead to China the first half of this century known In 1747 is well worth 'a Through Lake Erle and the! This column of books about the second glance. t ™ venture Real Estate Brokers GENERAL INSURANCE OSHAWA 67 KING RA 5-7732 ST. EAST a -- AGENTS FOR: al, 1 C The D ? P Metropolitan Casualty | National Ben-Franklin Insurance Co: Co: North Natl 1) The Northern Assurance Co, The London & Lencashire Insurance Co, Ind, The Maple Leaf Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Exclusive Rental Agents for PARK LANE APARTMENTS LTD. RS il LEA DONALD H. HOWE Represeniutives For: A. W, BANFIELD CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. FRED R. JONES LTD, N.R.A. INVESTMENTS LTD, ® H. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION LTD. "BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE" or less; To 2nd--$250 in Es Door prize and free 1st -- $100 every night; \$50 extra in 50 numbers line, $50, must go tonight. numbers or less, one number added until won; Consolation Prize of $25. $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES 1. CARD admission tickets Proceeds go to the purchase of instruments . for Whitby Bands CASH PRIZES Four Prizes, $50, TWO $250 JACKPOTS WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 8 P.M. $1,300.00 $100 FREE CASH DOOR PRIZES INCLUDING CASH PRIZES $25, $15, $10 ONE $250.00 JACKPOT MUST GO (59-57, one must go) ONE $150 JACKPOT (must go) 20 games at $20 -- 5 games at $30 Plus Free Pass to Person on Right of Every Winner $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD AND FREE CHANCE ON $100 CASH DOOR PRIZES BUS SERVICE TO DOOR RED BARN (TURN LEFT ONE BLOCK PAST A&P STORE, NORTH OSHAWA) '

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