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The Oshawa Times, 24 Jan 1959, p. 3

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Library A TRE OOMAWA TIME, Setindoy, Jeniowy 84, 1999 § Facilities Taxed ToCapacity NEW OFFICERS OF ST. JOHN THE ALMONER PRECEPTORY w= Officers of St. John The | newly installed officers, front | ceptor; C. Whalley, installing | Briscoe, standard bearer; 8, | ton, registrar; T. Gormley, AMmoner Preceptory were in- | row, from left, are: L. E. | preceptor; T. L. Sullivan, con- | Shine, chaplain; . Glover, sub- | treasurer; C, Sleeman, guard stalled at an impressive cere- | Brocklehurst, director of cere- | stable; and L. W, Ives, mar- and K. Proctor, sword beaver, Hold Accused In Custody Charles Lioyd Willisher, who was arrested by Whithy police early Friday morning, is being held in custody pending trial, Oshawa ls #0 fast that McLaughlin Public Library ser- The accused fs charged with theft, He is alleged to have broken into a parked automobile on Whithy's main street in the early hours of the morning and removed two terry-cloth seat co- vers, Willisher appeared before Mag- {strate Ebbs here Friday morn- ing and was remanded until Tues- dey, When asked by the magis- trate if he desired bail to be set the accused repliel in the neg- ative, The magistrate then said that if he chenged his mind bail vices will soon become inade- quate, according to the 1968 re- port of the chief Mbrarien, Miss ean Fetterly, presented at the al meeting Thursday, | anny ther a branch library or a "book- mobile", The the facilities | Bookmobiles ng used by many libraries in |cluding those in Kitchener, Cha- J {tham and St, Catharines, Peter. borough and Kingston both have | branches, Rev. Dr. George Telford was to service either, ony in the Oshawa Masonic | monies; A, Evans, past prin- ; : Temple Thursday night. The | cipal; M, Gray, presiding pre- | shal, Back row, from left: 0 marshal; George Taylor, cap- tain of the guard; M. Stough- First Baptist Reports Significant Advance to the ney organ in the Jacqueline Winter, Mrs. W. E |Gardner, Jean Britton, Mrs, Ross | The significant advance made ing by First Baptist Church in 1958 spring. } 3 a ; were reviewed at the annuall Fp, E. Crome, chairman of the Porter, Mrs, George Winter, Mis. | meeting Wednesday night. Rev.'building committee, stated that|Alvin L. Hatfield, Mrs K. W.| N. Frank Swackhammer, BA. (the final cost of the church build-|Vail and Mrs, H, 5. Winsley. presided for the presentation of|jng and furnishings amounted to| Nursery supervisors, Mrs F, E reports and the election of offic-|§166,371,55, He extended thanks to Crome and Mrs J. 8. Shearer; ers, the contrr ctors, Bathe and Me-| envelope steward, Mrs, F. M, Me The year saw the formal open- Tejlan Ltd, "specially to Frank|Lellan; building fund recorder | ing of the new building, the call-| por ellan for his personal inter- Mrs, Jack Keenan: finance com-| ing of 'a new pastor, Increase Ingest noting that Mr, McLellan had mittee, Robert Barr, Charles membership by believer's bap- spent countless hours on the job.|Tavlor, ¥, E, Crome, F, M, Mc tism and letter, the purchase of| "Mr Crome stated that the cost Lellan. Gordon Graham, Norma] a pipe organ, and offerings to the|os the church building was con: Bowen. James Taylor; property, | general and mission funds of siderably below the original esti-|Harold Hurst, Ross Porter, Ron-| nearly $30,000 . mate and most of this saving he'ald MacGregor, Mrs, Edgar L. Al-| The filma last year s 4 |attributed to the contractors ward. Mrs. Charles Taylor: bul venture in faith came in the clos-| wen toting. Frank' Newel | ng hours of the year when the GREATEST YEAR an Prank Newel, Ted ps Pail congregation gathered for a The Deacon's Board report, Audlev. Robin Rice. Ruth Brit | watchnight service, and voted tojwith H. J. Audley, chairman ton: music. Mrs, L. W. Parrott,| purchase property in the Harm-|stated that 1958 was one of the Mrs J H Wilkins: Miss Fdna| ony road south area where algreatest years in our church his Greenfield Day, Mio Allan new Baptist congregation will be tory, : (Hopper, Mrs, Donald H. Rice formed | Mrs. F, M. McLellan, envelope ask pianists," Mrs, Mabel| NEW CHURCH DEDICATED |steward, reported progress, |rovee Miss Edna Greenfield, | Morley C, Chester, superinten ; ' 4 i 'Q Mrs alter Nickerson and Mrs It was only in 1043 that the gent of the Sunday School, re Mas. ie any erso| present congregation, organized ported an average attendance of " in 1870, undertook to beeome self- 110 He noted that the paper 'Canadian Baptist" rep., Miss| supporting and no longer a charge| drive netted $500 which was used| Edna Greenfield; church flowers on the Home Mission Board. In gor Sunday School chairs and Mrs. J. D. Smart, Mrs, R. W.| 1956 a building i was | § t, Barr: Association Tepresentative, begun, the King street east prop- od 1. W. Parrott: tellers, F, Crome, erty was city and thelpedSPoris, Yoke Also received ort Hall, Allan meson, Met. r . president, |. Chute, Mrs. M. Joyce, G. W, On June 2 the first sod was|y iio: Choir: Mr, Herbert E | %esse, H, S. Winsley, Margaret turned and ly nine ths | yon leader: BYPU. Miss Winsley, Elizabeth Winsley, L later the new building was dedl-|c 0 Br ; . } New tton, president; Broth.| Parrott, George Winter, Richard) cated. Now In this opening year erhood, Mr, Gordon T. Graham, Britton, Frank McLellan, Norma of Baptist Advance in North Am president; Dorcas ' Group, Mrs Bowen, Carol Britton, Joseph Wil.| erica the members have assumed Jack Keenan, president. (This Kins, Donald Rice and Ray Besse, | this missionary responsibility | goon was organized during 1958) Ushers, A. Tmeson, Fred Hurst, | for spreading out in a growing because of the number of women Arthur Howard, Frank Barnum, | city. i " (who were unable to attend the|Fldon Nelson, James Taylor, | The following organization Pre: afternoon meetings of the W.A,)!Hugh Gannon, R. Holthy, Clare sented these reports for 1958: Couple's Club, Mr, and Mrs, A.|Daymen, Brian Moorby, Rohert F. E. Crome, church treasurer, Hopper, presidents; Mary Elliott! Barr Jr,, Ted Parrott, Paul Aud.| presented the financial statement Smith; Mission Circle, Mrs. R,!ley, Douglas Tavlor, Ronald Al-| showing summary of receipts as|y,ncon "president; Women's As. ward, Ronald McGregor, George follows general fund, $8132.90: | gociation, Mrs. Walter Nickerson, Winter; elections, Albert Hall Jnisslons, $2760.88; hullding fund;| president Walter Sewell, Carol Britton 3a OLS ryan dung Wh ol A report on the progress of the On a unanimous vote of the fa The total receipts from the ne organ bd Jo gtven by thering Rev church and all organizations| "Parrott. made an honorary deacon. equalled $32,500.16. It is interest. OFFICERS ELE( ing to note that-five years ago, in| Brian Moorby presented the re 1954, our total church receipts port of the nominating committee | were $14,801.68. In that time weland the following officers were) have more than doubled our giv-|elected don's ing Clerk L. W. Parrott, church clerk, re- surer, F. E, Crome ported a total of 285 members. cons' hoard, 8. J During the year nine members | Moon Allan Hopper were received by baptism, and 10les, Mrs. Sidney Canfield by letter, A few moments of si-|A, E. Bart.n, Mrs, G. W. Besse Miss Norma Bowen, in RECOMMEND PIPELINE LONDON, Ont. (CP) Lon special tri-party water pipe Parrott: trea lin gotlating committee has to the dea- [recommended construction of Leslie W deaconess-|at an estimated capital cost of] 000 above the previous estimate, CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth. days this weekend, Those celebrating today are: Marcel Grenier, 56 Di vision street; Jimmie Nimi- 11" Cedar street, Whit Tommy Reynard, 321 Lakeshore Randolph Scott, Jr,, 302 Muriel ave.; Mrs, Art Brown, 33 Lakeshore; Mrs. Winetta Robertson, 275 Jarvi treet Mrs, Norma Rivers, RR 3, Bowmanville; Marie Smykal, 1568 Verdun road; Sidney Canfield, 365 Jarvis street; J, A, Morphy, King street west; Rich- Branton, 480 Fairleich avenue; Murray Stauffer, 338 I" ard ent ing on Sun Dervent, 747 Rowena street; Mrs, J, H Marsh, 18 Patricia street; C, Steele, RR 3, Oshawa; Mrs. Mary Remego. 281 Be! lard street; Mrs, M, Valllen- court, 177 Elliott street; Miss Louise Groddaid, RR 3, B manville; Robert Johnson, 489 Fairleigh avenue; John Logan, 186 Ritson road south; John Ovens, 940 Mo- hawk street; Laurie Macldie, 45 Wilson road south; Bob Simpson, 561 Fernhill boule- OPN of celebrat Fred Those an ard, | The first five persons to inform The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to the Regent Theatre good for a four-week period, The current attraction is Walt Disney's Tonka", re-appointed chairman of the board with Miss Fetterly being re - appointed secretary « treas- urer, Other members of the board are Ald, Ernest Marks, QC, Mrs, H, P. Hart, Thomas L. Wilson, Easton Egerer, Thomas Greer, T. R, McEwen, E, , Clarke and Laurence Savery. EXPANDING WITH CITY | The report, well-received by the board, noted that library services| ~Oshawa Times Photo [would be set at $200, 'MOH Endorses imes 'March Of D The Mothers March of Dimes, . which is being conducted by the |Oshawa Kinette Club between 7 rnd 8 pm, Monday, Feb, 2, has received the endorsation of Dr, / C, C. Stewart, Oshawa medical ; ? ? | lofficer of health ' | He stdtes that the March of § Dimes funds, administered § hy the Ontario Chapter, Canadian / | Foundation for the Pollomyeltis 4 | [and Orthopaedicall Disabled, pla 5M | la large part in the rehabllita- § 7 | the city, The number of books increased from 57,458 in 1967 to 61,600 last year, Books loaned went from 248,185 to 273,863, Books purchas. 2 Hit-Run Accidents 'On Friday The Oshawa Police Department report four accidents Friday and two, early this morning, Friday morning a tractor trall- | as tion of post-polio and orthopae- | Idically disabled patients 2 "This year, under the expand- @ / | ed program just adopted by the & 4 | {foundation March of Dimes reha bilitation fund and programs g ill be extended to adults handi capped by orthopaedically disab- [1in conditions," he sald | "Intelligertly directed rehabill- tation, starting with medically corrective procedures and follow. {ed by training in new skills en- ! a oral yo rhetor rik lables many once regarded as R, C, C, STEWART |er driven by Rona rott, PR Byron street, Whitby, struck the {hopeless cripples to get about, | [and make thelr way In the world, [March is our chance to help south-west corner of the attend- |The Mothers 'March on Pollo is them," Dr, Stewart commented, |ant's hut at the Oshawa Munici- a practical way to help these| Residents of Oshawa are asked pal Parking Lot. Two windows people regain their financial in-[to leave porch flghts on between|were broken and. the building dependence; help them to lead|7 and 8 p.m, to let the canvassers shifted, Damage was estimated {normal family lives. All they know that a donation to the fund at $300, need is a chance ~ the Mothers|is ready, At noon Friday a car belonging Girl Tossed Out Of Vehicle, Dies NAPANEE (CP) escaped with minor injuries Dead is Shurley Coleen Lloyd Kurischuk, between July 1, Napanee Is 24 and July 20, 1958, operated a dual| of nearby Bath miles west of Kingston, The injured: Gordon Denison , of Napanee, Benny Asselstine , of nearby Selby, Glenn Arm Parrott, Robert 36-inch pipeline from Lake Huron!strong, 18, of Roblin, and Gerald|Kurischuk's had completed con. [struction of their dwelling prior Mrs. [$10,500,000, approximately $1,400,- ison was identified as the driver|to the bylaw being passed and McCracken, of Odessa. Den of the car A 22-year-old reserved until Feb.9 it was learn girl died early today when thrown from a convertible that went out, ° Thomas Webb was|of control on an icy highway and Friday, {overturned in a field, Four youths | |than the required 55-foot frontage "lag required by the zoning law here | ed in Magistrate's court The action centred around a contention by the city that Mr, 1958 unit dwelling when he had less r h § The. defence claimed that e SPECIAL SPEAKER 5 Dr, Harold V, Cranfield, of Ll |that, therefore, under the pro-| $ ville McFarlands, who will rep. urer of the club's Overseas Fund, Miss Fetterly advocates ei- library has made § , she points out, are [g Librarian Suggests Bookmobile, Branc than nonfiction 84,827 with 50,181 circulated from adult shel girls lated, At Simcoe Hall 1282 books were loaned, peri Additionally 4011 and 200 'pamphlets were SHEET MUSIC Sheet music is not proving se A popular as was expected, Of the as di REV, DR, GEORGE TELFORD ed numbered 7973 compared with| Other activities at the library 6644 in 1968, Film stock increas-|included the staging of exhibits, expanded with the growth of ed from 107 to 119; records from amateur theatricals, lectures, re 1126 to 1211, Library members| citals and meetings, numbered 24,609 -- an increase of| The 2000, Adult members were 16,476; ($3,207 deficit during the year, Re boy and girl members 8223, Fiction Is still more popular 477 pieces available only 200 were borrowed, But the listening tables in the music room were constant. ly in use, Another service was the loan of recordings of Shake. SPHIYy Plays, free of charge, te schools where they are being studied, Films loaned during the year totalled 1387, Many were borows ed free by schools, The 'little people's film hour' 'had 36 show ings with an attendance of 3668, The Film Council arranged 979 showings with a total audience of library operated at a ceipts were $66,904; expenditures $90,111, CONSERVATORY MUSIC EXAMINERS KENNETH HARRISON The Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto has ansounc- ed that Kenneth Harrison will conduct examinations for the GEORGE LAMBERT conservatory in Oshawa Feb, 4 to 7 On Feb, 9 volce exam» inations will be conducted by George Lambert, McFarlands Still Look For Support BELLEVILLE (CP) -- Belle esent Canada at the world ockey tournament in Prague, are til looking for money and play- rs. Mayor Gerald B, Hyde, treas- ald Friday that $20,000 of the 50,000 required to finance the -- of the team, sald it doesn't ape pear Connie Broden of Hull-Ote tawa Canadiens in the OHA Sen for A will make the trip. "It's up to Broden himself, but he didn't seem too much in favor of 14," sald Reay, At present the only replaces ments with the team are forwards Billy Graham of the Senlor A Kitchener - Waterloo Dutchmen and Dennis Boucher of Montreal Royals, a Quebec Senior League club, McFarlands are trying to have Conacher, formerly of Buffalo Bis sons of the American Hockey League, reinstated to amateur Toronto, a specialist in physi- {by Merlyn E, European trip has been collected, 'nce were observed In memory | Mrs, Ralph Hopson, Mrs, W Nick-|The pipeline report now goes to| The group was returning from|visions of the Ontario Municipal two members, Miss E. M, Hall erson; Director of Christian edu-/the city: council, public utilities|a dance when the car hit a patch] Act, since the bylaw is not re and Mrs. H. Rice, who passed cation, Donald H Rice Sunday commission and the Ontariojof ice, slid across the highway, |troactive they are exempt from away during 1958. School superintendent, Morley E.|Water Resources Commission for smashed down a wire fence and the provisions of the law in this APPRECIATION VOICED Chesher; junior church leaders,|decision Iturned over, (case, F. M. McLellan, chairman of the property committee, extended | the thanks of his committee to the| men of the church for sodding the| lawns and landscaping the church| property, He noted that the bell| tower had heen completed with the bells installed ready for wir- OCVI Wrestlers Badly Beaten By Whitby Team The Oshawa Collegiate and| Vocational Institute wrestling team was badly heaten by a score of 37 to 0 at the hand of the Whithy District High School team Friday night at Whithy The Oshawa bovs lost the entire seven bouts. Six of them by nins and the remaining one by points, Oshawa got some points dur- ing the bouts but the loser of the match ha: his points auto. matically cancelled. The OCVI team was coached by Mr, Sklar while the Whithy team was coached by Mr, Cluthle. The results of the seven bouts were 158 lbs. class---(OCVD) John Aker vs. (WDHS) Wayne Brooks, won fall (5 points) 142 lbs. class--(OCVD) . Ralph Clark vs, (WDHS) Bruce Clair. mont, won fall (§ points), 125 Ibs. class--(OCVI) MacMillan © vs (WDHS) Cooper, won fall (5 points), 140 0OCVI) Wayne tmar (WDHS) Glenn Ks WM points) | 140 lbs. class--(OCVI) Bruce Winning (WDHS) Dave Hea ton, won fall ( oints), 155 lbs. class--(OCVD) Jack Jackson vs. (WDHS) Bob Cor- rell, won fall (5 points) 165 Ibs. class -- (OCVI) Phil Horwich #s. (WDHS) Jdhn Tush Ingham. (70), x RH Dave Ron Ibs. clas Di Br Rui OSHAWA LIFE UNDERWRITERS ELECT OFFICERS At a meeting held at Ade- | Members of the | are: Frank Dunbar, director; | were: Roger Wolfe, second vice laide House, at noon on Fri- | new executive seated, from | Don Riggs, immediate past | president, Jules Ethier, direc- day, the members of the Osh left, are: Lloyd G. Corson, | president; and Andrew Suwala, | tor, Jake Voss, director and awa Life Underwriters As vice president; Grover R. Gage, | secretary « treasurer. Absent | Banner Passant, director clation elected officers for the | president, Standing, from left, | when the picture was taken Oshawa Tunes Photo wh ve ensuing vear cal medicine, and active in the work of several cerebral palsy clinics, who will be the speak- *r at the annual meeting of the omen's Welfare League at Simcoe Hall next Monday after- noon, Dr, Cranfield will also speak at the luncheon meeting of the Oshawa Rotary Club tell ing of the plans for the rehab- Ulitation centre to be built by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children, p the $35,000 mark," he said, "and we expect to make up the differ. Pete Conacher and George Gos- selin plus "another centre man" to their roster before they de- warmup tour, "We are assured of reaching nce in the next few days." The McFarlands hope to add art Feb, 1 for a European Scatter Rugs Sale 1.50 each NU-WAY RUG SAL 174 MARY §T, RA 5.120% Billy Reay, assistant manager AD FOR ROBBER GETS 500 ANSWERS As a part of their show, Cowboy Town in Plainville, Mass., stages a bank robbery, Their ad for a bank robber drow 500 answers from people who wanted to play the part. Oshawa Times Classified ads can solve your money problems the easy way. Sell items your family isn't using with these fast action, low cost ads, Dial RA 3-3402 now to place your ad. There was ahout $200 damage to Mr, Geypens' car, Police found traces of green paint on the bum- {Ivan Kurischuk, of 289 Malaga at the time of the accident, |Rd, under the zoning bylaw was 9 4 ¢ | Friday night, on Bond street, . i (at the driveway to the curling |Greenway, 807 Eastglen drive, Two cars were involved in an (accident at 246 Conant street iranston, 132 Rit. son road south, was involved in a collision with a car driven by -. From Gas Poison BRANTFORD (CP) -- Three persons were in critical condition daughter Alma, 42, and a boarder in his home, Charles Trowhill, 50, Police, called by a neighbor, I m-- 7 to Reuben J, Geypens, 18 Willow per, A car owned by Franz Kaup, rink lot, two cars were involved In a collision causing a total ion Friday, The first car was| |driven by Nick Strynatka, 768 Garnet Chesebrough, 246 Alice street, Mr, Granston's car was Friday night suffering from ef- fects of carbon monoxide poison. forced their way into the home and found all four overcome with Park drive, Whitby, was parked in a private driveway at 50 Wil- liam street east when it was - | Zoning Bylaw | Case Reserved 386 Rusholme road, Toronto, was Judgme . damaged by a hitrun driver Judgment on an action taken carly Saturday morning. The car damage of about $300. One car was driven by Harold T, Butler, 340 Elgin street east. The other Shelley avenue, The driver of the other car was Stephan Rosehor, 605 Shakespeare avenue, parked facing north on the east © boulevard of Ritson road south at| the time of collision, ing which killed one man Friday, Dead is Harry Williams, 78. In hospital receiving oxygen treat- fumes, believed to have ymnid from a gas burner used to heat the house, |struck by an unknown vehicle, {by the City of Oshawa against was parked at 327 Albert street car was driven by Thomas R, At four a.m, today a car owned . One Dead, 2 Sick ment are his son Fred, 47, a CARBON ATOMS Diamonds, world's hardest min- | eral, and graphite, among the softest, are both pure carbon, | Gertrude Co room addition to tects and Eingineers, which wi Lowest or any tender not nece Jackson, Ypes 24 Northtown Willowdal TENDERS For Harmony Road North and Sealed Tenders (stipulated sum) will be received by the under. signed until 4 pm. Tuesday, February 3rd, 1959, for a pro- posed 10-room Scio! on Harmony Road North, and @ 6-class rtrude Colpus School, Plans and specifications may be obtained by General Con- tractors only, from the office of the Architects and Engineers, on deposit of a $50.00 Certified Cheque, payable to A specifications are returned in good condition, Architects and Engineers, S385 Yonge Street, Ipus Schools Il be returned when plans and ssorily accepted, and Associates, Shopping Ploze, le, Ontario BUEHLER] Tender EAT WAT TRUE-TRIM BEEF ({ + 12 KING E. RA 3.3633 Meat Specials ! Mon. Only! Tender BLADE STEAKS . 69° Lean CLUB STEAKS uw 79° Lean Rib Stew Beef 3. $1 Fresh. Made Couniry Sausage 5 .- $1

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