-------- a Ee ------ WHITBY and DISTRICT #°% Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St, West Manager: Lloyd Robertson WHITBY SPORTS Asks Pay For -- = -mmt mot SALE Tel. MO, 8-3703 SPOTLIGHT Shales. WHITBY SCOTSMEN HONOR IMMORTAL BARD added color to the program that followed a delicious turkey dinner complete with the ""hag- | gis', Flanking them are Hus sell Findlay, left, and his brother, George, who piped in Rodman 11, of | land fling at the Bobbie Burns' Whitby, shows the Hon. Dr Night held. at St. Andrew's Matthew B, Dymond, minister = Preshyterian Church in Whitby of health for the Province of Friday night, Miss Rodman was Ontario, some steps of the high one of several entertainers who Beverley ' HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Rabid Stock |< 7 comme a2 Ken Watson CURLING . school was chairmen for three Ontario County Council has skits in which Mrs, Ryeroft, Mrs, {passed a resolution calling on the Deeth, Mrs, Dunbar, Mrs, Me-| federal government to pay full Caflrey and Mrs, Samanski acted | compensation for livestock which|oUt various family situations fin- » BOOTS' MEN'S y Regulor 17.95 new oo... 18.98 WOMEN'S Regular 14.95 Now rn... 1188 tended to stimulate a discussion) COLLINS SHOES are killed by rabies. The resolu | in the audience, Mrs, i Belleville Mc¥ariands make their final sppearsnce of the tion, passed in councl) in Whitby yo ae, dey, Sox digeol 119 BROCK ST. $5, WHITBY Dial MO 8-3476 By WREN A. BLAIR season st the Whitby srens tonight, and in a week's time embark 4 } 4 for ¥urope, where they hope to retain the world champlonship| 7 pride, Ju. be forwarend judionce responded with keen for Canada, Before going sny further we remind everyone that © © 4 i I tonight's game has been advanced 15 minutes, to 8,15 to allow ned for Morais, if ing TS, ia Clontd the Weviing for & couple of good Juck presentations, immediately following the Jnl ¥ ' oe ea A yma § Coffee Hingis "bi ~ 8 od game, These clubs battled to a thrilling 33 tie before 2.000 fans ranch in Ottawa for considera Sw ly $ were served hand tonight, 1's estimated that the arena will d The resolution 3 --_--_-- about 2,300 spectators and tickets are available at the arena box- by Neeve Hae Ferguson's agri- office today snd at game time this evening, Last Saturday night culture committee, At present, ! WASHER answered at times by close to 200 Belleville fans who motored up. ler when his cattle or other live | The enthusiasm and din of the arena caused Telegram Sporis|stock die after becoming infected (HEPAIR | Editor George Dulmage (who was on hand) to mutter, "there's with rables, | WORK GUARANTEED is the best game 1've seen in ages." Indications are that snother| oo "et county coun " Shaat-ip, big contingent of Belleville fans will be on hand this evening and| f° EERE BRIE B00 BORE CER li it has the earmarkings of another battle, Incidentally a win foro through Ne Health Ani-| {Wringér rots in stock, area, and the Dunlops have been drilling hard all week toward Tron vaccine for Hl 1 Vorcok fos plete overhouls, this ond the prevention of rabies and that compensation be paid on live rent market prices, { And Appliances Councillors noted that at pres. ont, free vaccine has been dise| {eats but the farmer must pay to have his cattle, sheep, etc, vac- cinated A couple of small preseniations will be made Immediate. Iy following the game representing wishes of good luck In Furope, from hockey fans of this area, It was decided not to make these presentations until after the game, because oh- viously hoth clubs will be giving everything they've got until the final whistle, Only then will it be time for handshaking, hoartiest wishes, ele, which of course will he most sincere and hoped for in the Belleville bid for world honors, But until the game Is over, neither elub will ask any quarter in the control, The presentations arranged snd handled by the Din- lon Booster Club, will include a florsl "GOOD LUCK WREATH" in the shape of a Maple Leaf, emblematic of Can. ada, and also the passing of "Good Luck" silver dollars from the players of the "Dunnies" to the players of the "Macs," These sliver dollars are to represent a symbol, Fans will re. call that last year a group of young boys passed these silver dollars to the Dunlop team as a good luck wish on thelr trip 10 Europe, It Is now fell that the "Dunnies" have a herliage, and that heritage Is that they are current world champions, These silver dollars will be presented to the "Macs" ns a symbol of passing that heritage on (0 Belleville in the hope that they too, will become world champlons, These are "new" silver dollurs the booster club are providing since members of the "Dunnizs'" would he reluctant to give up those given them last season, Also it Is planned to take vp a collection from the crowd, to be turned over to the "Macs Kuropean fund," The Booster Club had planned a small party for the "Macs" similar to the one thelr booster club accorded Whit. hy last year, but It was fornd that they must leave for Hull (where they play Sunday) Immediately after the game, so this iden was scrapped, In any event it shaves up as a great hoes key evening and we remind you once again of the $15 start ing time, Inst Saturday, and it's for sure that a bigger crowd will be on ton. OX ANg tala was brought in| Ba the arena rocked with local cries of "Go Dunnies Go" and were no compensation is paid a farm- nothing like a rollicking amateur game to get one enthused." This| am. recotution states: "We WORK 54 " vg! One " VSpeciol Price on som- the "Dunnies'" would be most gratifying to all concerned in this mals Branch to make: available Sp stock lost due to rabies at cur. 118 Brock $1. 5, Whithy MO 85-3707 tributed for pets such as dogs and | Fathers Night AtKing St. H&S The January meeling of King Street Home and School Associa tion was held on Wednesday even- Ing at the school, It was the an | nual "Father's Night" and it was gratifying to see so many fathers in attendance, The president, Mrs,' A. H. Brown, opened the meeting, | _ | "God Bave The Queen' was sung and the minutes of the last meet- {ing were read and adopted, The room banners for attend ance went to Miss Ecke and Mr, Slute"s classes, The door prizes were won by Mrs, William Avent and Mrs, Glen Baker, Mr, Morri. son, chalrman for the evening, NO WHERE TO GO TONIGHT ? Sure there Is, WHITBY YOUTH FOR CHRIST RALLY, tonight ot 7:45 P.M, in WHITBY TOWN HALL, Hear: The Shearer Brothers singing and playing on their guitar, A TWENTY-QUESTION COMPETITION Speaker: REV, W, NEWELL OF OSHAWA Everyone Is welcome, come ond bring your friends, Next Y.F.C, rolly in Oshawa Jon, 31ste Lokeview Church Team, Toronto Whitby Churches EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH the traditional | fashion always done al Burns' | Night celebrations, Both are members of the Oshawa Gen eral Motors Pipe Band Times Staff Photo | the haggls In THE TOWN AND COUNTRY , . Woy game wish Kingiton here Tuesday, was a bitterly fought affalr, There certainly Is little WEI h i love between Whithy and Kingston at the moment, Pus Gagnon jvsicomad Svetyone 2 the meet talked himself into a misconduct penalty when he reserved a few |e, then introduc og Mr, E, Falr- leholee remarks for referee Al Promaine, The "'Dunnies' had M40, Supeivising Principal, who built up a 50 lead at this point, but while Gagnon sat out 10 min. #Poke of the work done by the guest speaker Fred Ing, LET'S ALL GO TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY Ontario County Farm Calendar Grants totalling nearly $10,000 cultural Society, $500; South On were made to many county or- tario Agricultural Society, $600 ganizations at Friday's session of Brooklin Bpring Fair Associa:| po capor BARRONS ' Basketball Teams Enter Tourney | [utes the "Merchants blasted home three gosls to turn the game into a real battle, Captain Harry Sinden and Gagnon tangled on| Mr, Ing is the assistant con- two or three occasions but nothing serious developed, Playing |vener to the Pee Wee hockey conch Bid Smith turned In a brilliant effort, notching three goals, [team and has been on the Whitby 18 did Gordie Myles who had a pale, while he skated hard all|publie school board for nine years fr ht, Future games between these clubs . will be dandles, and and is at present the chairman of REV, GERRIT REZELMAN 3rd Concession West of Brock N, 10:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP (ENGLISH) 2:30 P.M, AFTERNOON SERVICE St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church BYRON ST, S. don't think this Kingston club isn't a hard-skating aggregation the publie school board, Mr, Ing They're going to be just about the toughest In the spoke of the two new schools that circuit before it's over Cornwall Chevies gave Hull-Cannd- will ho ready in September and | Teams playing Inter-school has lens a real battle In Hull Wednesday night before losing a close officially opened the new addition now the Ontario County Council In Whitby The made To the Township of Mara to promote schbol fairs, $250, A grant of $30 to each ol the public libraries in the county and a rant of #23 to the Manilla pub dle library which is a bou wf "Ontario Agricultural Counefl Beni A Extension Work (Ont, | tra following grants were , of Agriculture) $500; Cen! Spring Show, $25; (Ont, Dept, of South Ontario Ontario Statutory Grant Agriculture), $300 Plowmen's Association, $300 North Ontario Plowmen's Asso elation, $300; North Ontario Agri tion, #350; Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Agricultuial Society, The first two Lake Ontario ketball are: Senior Marlene 2-1 decision, A real donnybrook broke out as the game ended , , lo King street school, Mr, Morr). / H 3 Secondary School Association Burnside, Sue Cuddy, Pat Jamje- Hap Emms Is talking of moving his Barrie Flyers to North Bay $330; Brock Agricultural Bocioty, [gyi diethall "games of the son, Barb Kochany, Jo Lindsay, (next season because of dwindling erowds in Barrie. However, $300 Scott Agricultura' Boclety, roger "tournament were played Gudrum Menzel, Ann Mitchell, |"Hap' might find It a bit tough to sell the North Bay people $350; Rama Agricultural Boclely, ui "whithy District High School Elaine Spencer, Vivian Spenc [Tunior "A" hockey, He mentions that even though they have a $250; Cannington Agricultural 8o- my pedsl™ The senior and junior Dale Stonehouse, Carol Swain. (168t place club they are averaging more than 1,500 a game in the ciety, $300; Ontario County Soll teams of Cobourg Collegiate were Lucille Tutt Judy White "May, But we remind Hap that although the Trappers are last In and Crop Improvement Associa [the visiting elubs, Juniors : Elaine |Sentor they still were much superior to the Flyers whom they ton $100, The four high schools in thi J Campbell, | eed 741 recently in an exhibition game right in Barrie, This ors bp Kinsmen Club AH: croup. a St. Peters of Peter. dean Farman, Joan Faliman, would indicate that there's a great difference between the call- ir, $150; South io re, hears Hove and Lonanna Film, Frances Gibson, ponte, Gonior and Junior hockey when a last place Senior team District Women's Institute, | horme hy To prog he Long A a RI ean administer a beating like that, It could be very tough to sell North Ontario District Women's | Central Ontario Secondary School lyn Trinn. Cate Van Der Horst|!e people in North Bay this difference in caliber . , . Brooklin ) pp, Lato Yan OFS Cambines meet the Whithy Hillerest Dalry Juniors In a big Jun Institute, $100; St, John Ambu-| ' A ssoclation ehamplonship t , y plonship tourna: and Mary Willoughhy, [tor *'C"" game at the arepa here on Monday night, There's plenty {of rivalry between these teams and fans will see a spirited battle lance, Ontario Council, $100; Ca r Ab ' ! ment bein held 4 nadian National Institute for the fre ] I in the near BOYS WRESTLING Friday the first home meet of + + « By the way, that big return game between Varsity Blues Monday Blind, 8600; = Ralvation Army, ym brik J we Monday, the Whithy girls will $300; Ontario County Unit, Cana: (pavel to Pickering for an exhi- the boys' wrestling team was and the Whithy Dunlops is scheduled for a week from dian Cancer Boclety, $300; Whit: bition game held. The Whithy bovs were hosts night, Feb, 2, at Varsity arena fn Toronto, Many fans have -awked| ------ whout tiekets for this return game and they'll be available at the | MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO 8-3111 If you mave not recelved your Times by 7 p.m, Coll y BELL TAXI All calls between (DUTCH) WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH Rey. J. M. Ward, Minister Mrs. W. E, Summers, AT.CM, SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 10 AM. 11 AM. SERVICES 7 P.M. - MONDAY, 6:30 P.M, = Explorers FAITH BAPTIST MONDAY, 4:15 P.M, -- CGIT WEDNESDAY, 8 P.M, = 421 BROCK ST, N,, WHITBY Niguel d ond 4t Pastor: Rev. E, C. Corbett, B.Th, 20d on - BYPU AT ST. JOHN ST, 9:45 AM, Bible Class and Sunday School 11:00 AM, Morning Worship 11:00 AM, Junior Congregation 11:00 AM, Beginners' Class (Whithy arena box-office next week, by Fire Brigade, $50 Results of inter-mural to OCVI of Oshawa, A dance was The Dunlops are sill smart] games played at noon are; defeated 10A by a score of 17-18 High scorers were: Cato Van Der Horst and Cam Jones Name C. Hoag Town Engineer Charles C, Hoag, BA, of Mon. standing in his year when he gra treal, has been employed as town duated from the University of engineer for the Town of Whithy Toronto with his BA in civil en and assumes his duties Monday, gineering Mr, Hoag is a civil and mechan: yo served as plant superintend fcal engineer and recently assist: ent of Houdaille Hershey from ed on the §t NOAWAY | 1030 to 1934, He plana to move his project, He is a graduate of the family to Whithy after the our University of Toronto, and 15 a pent school term ends with Marilyn Campbell leading Milley and Lenora Dennis the top scorers as 10C 10E, by a score of 18.7 and 1B Tripp Lawrence Hospital 108 held afterwards Room 111 are downed 11A hy a large margin Bill Sandy Carol Dianne representatives were downed Jamieson, 11 To Set Policy On Members of the 1080 Students' ing from that 6.5 loss administered by the Blues a month ao. | They | Nevertheless, they'll have to he plenty sharp because Kingston had to settle for a 3:3 tie againat them on Kingston lee, They have a tough, speedy club, and Varisity arena should be a bee hive of activity that night, Last Whitby-Varsity game atiracted over| 3,000, and they expect a full house for this one , , , Charlie Brens | scored the winning goal In Chicago Wednesday night and "Chas" is making his. presence felt in that Detroit line-up . Don't for. gol that Minor Hockey Week In Canada starts today and contine wen for one week, Prior to tonight's Senlor game there will be a minor league game starting at 7 p.m, Since the Whitby. Belleville |game starts early anyway, why not get down a few minutes [sooner and see these kids in action, You'll get a real kick out of it,' [And this week do something for minor hockey, Whether financially or-mateeially It will be well received Spent most of this week | [down in Clinton, N.Y. where the Comets tripped Washington 74 on Wednesday night, They, too, have a battle royal going at home Counell have heen elected Michael Betty, president; Summers, vice-president; Swain, secretary, Class are: Bob Braw Hird, 12; Brian Ron Bremner, 10, Bilt, 9 ley, 13; John and Dale BRYANT TOWING SERVICE 222 EUCLID ST, WHITBY ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE TOWING 24.HOUR SERVICE Phone MO 8.2250 Assistant: Mr, R, Roxburg 9:15 AM, Radio Broadcast 9:45 AM. Our Sunday School Hour 11:00 AM, Morning Worship Mt. Roxburg speaking 7:00 P.M, Evening Service Our Young People In charge PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 307 BROCK ST, N.,, WHITBY Rev, O, J. MacPherson, Minister 9:45 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 PM, Evangelistic Service Musical and Voeal numbers by Bob and Bernice Smerage Grants [tonight, when they host the Johnstown Jets who trail the Comets [hy only three points, By the way we spent quite some time after the game chatting with Ken (Buck) Davies, He plays for Wash. WHITBY UNITED CHURCH A suggested grant of $5000 for dent, but, he sald, the hospital ington this season, and Is a former Oshawa boy as well as a qualified Ontario Land Surveyor, Mr. Hoag Is an executive mem 1 18 an exey D He will assume full respon : . | ber of the Hoy Scout Association sibility for the establishment of 4 an engineer's office and. will and. Canadian YMCA, He is ae tive In University of Toronto ac supervise all the town's work re tivities and has he hair quiring the services of an engl WH ne en chairman of the Faculty Debates Club and a neer member J Ne Also under his suporvision will nember of 14 committees of the University be the Town Works Department which is being enlarged to include the sewer department, formerly under the Public Utilities Com RUSHMERE mission Since a farmer Mr, Hoag was born in Toronto gigipiet pul up a scarecrow re Where he attended Ki Public' nlendent in scarlet jacket and School and Humberside Collegi: hat, he has not seen any rooks ate, He had the highest academic in the field BRO CK Wey \ Phone MO 8-3618 EVENING SHOWS 7 - 8:30 Now Playing 7 /toiy MATINEE 1:30 the equipment for the Hospital in Uxbridge has such grants At a meeting in Whithy on Fri day, the finance recommended that a grant $5000 be given towards the pur GOOD RESULTS Y ( Engl (cp chase of equipment for the 32 ha and bi bed hospital in Uxbridge . years ago, the county made hospital and the the Cottage hospitals serving the county Reeve Sherman Scott, of Pick ering Twp., wondered if it ha ever heen the practice of noting that $30,000 is still out standing In the equipment ac count at the hospital Reeve John Seott Twp, and Reeve Dowswell, of Uxbridge Twp, stated that they thought the hos pital was deserving of the grant NEED POLICY y Reeve Cyril Morley, of Picker Techmicolor Ing village, sald that he was Eyal Sehutberg's Farl INE ; iy § 4 1+) sympathetic to the needs of the | | . 2 ' Cottage hospital but suggested 5 y i] ¥ Le that a commitiee be. named to » 5 ' », work out a policy for paving /4 hy X grants to buy equipment for hos \ A \ pitals . a / Reeve John Mills, of Ajax, also y RAL : suggested that a new paliey he \ 4 Ade.) worked out, He noted that a 3000 bs 4 5 x house subdivision is heing plan pr 0" 1 ned for Piekering Twp., which \ vm would make a large addition at \ 4 the Ajax-Pickering General Hos s - : pital 2 necessity, In that event, he sald, It would he most likely DANA ANDREW Exposes Spy Ring that Ajax hospital would be applying for a capital grant also FEARNIAKERS Warden Walter Reath said that council could not make a grant : i to the Cottage Hospital tor equip CX FoRAN WARLEE EARLE wt, WEL TORME Wawiad Ser VIE AYER ment unless they planned up " . grants for the other OTICE. ., "The Fearmakers" will not be | the comnty. This pronoced eran! he sald, appeared premature Reeve Rae Ferg Wn the town of Uxbridge, agreed that the shown - Saturday Matinee. Cottage needs the money now heen HAS 22 PATIENTS withheld pending a meeting of a special committee of the Ontario same town, sald that the hospital County Council to set a policy for had accepted its first patient on of babies were born there this week day morning, he sald, there a | . . | committee 22 patients in the hospital, Three [] 108 cience GUARANTEES fo 1 BL vod e god | Reeve Milly Two that a special committee be wl fl | a up to set a policy on hospital grant towards the construction of grants and In the meantime the THAT k other people of pital he fo the county to make grants for the purchase of equipment, Earlier a " request was received from the MONDAY hospital board asking for $13,000, Whithy Baptist Church Explorers McGillivray, of Cubs Mother's Auxiliary hoth! (Faith Baptist Chureh Young hospitals of grant may be creating a prece:! former Oshawa General | REV. JOHN M. SMITH, BA, .B.D,, Minister MRS, J. BEATON, ARC.T, Organist LS Y-- AGES Individual Deputy-reeve John Ball A Requirements MORNING WORSHIP p n AM, "THE TWENTY-THIRD PSALM" EVENING HOUR -- 7 P.M, "ABIDING IN CHRIST" SUNDAY SCHOOL 1AM Girls and boys under 9 years Monday of this week, Ax of I'ri --- A motion proposed hy Morley was STAFFORD BROS, Monumental Works 318 Dundas Kost MO 8.3552 Reeve and 1AM Infant Care Junior Worship 10 AM, proposed grant to Uxbridge hos Girls and boys 9 years and over The withheld motion carried wr DR. CHASE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY DOG CONTROL Applications will be received by the undersigned, up to 5 p.m. Jan, 26, 1959, for the following: DOG CONTROL OFFICER Duties to commence upon appointment and to include the enforcement of the Whitby Baptist Church CGIT Castle Chapter Senlur Group Ist and 2nd Whithy Seouts and 4th Troop Scouts Mother's Auxiliary Ladies Auxiliary of 3rd Scouts and Cubs of All Saints Angli A can Church, TUESDAY ] and Cubs COUGH REMEDY This new DIRECTED cough remedy travels through your blood stream to the cough con- trol centre--your (}zone--and stops ordinary coughs right where they start, No habit- forming drugs. No harmful after effects, Safe, effective and pleasant for children too! People's Association Whithy Girl Guide Association Whithy Raptist Church 3 R's Women's Section Whitby Braneh of the Canadian Cancer Society Whithy United Church Raby Rand WEDNESDAY Whithy Red Cross Work Room St John Aniglican Church WA Work Meeting Ruth Group of St can Church Dundas Street East School Assoelation Canadian Legion Ladies Auxili ary A THURSDAY Salvation Army provisions of the Township of Whitby's dog control bylaw. DOG POUND OFFICER John's Angli Duties to provide suitable accommodation for, and the care of, animals im- YOUR pounded by the dog control officer. Home and TWO WAYS TO FAST COUGH RELIEF These two positions may be combined and application in this manner will be Wortien's an Dr. Chase new DMM, cough remedy in liquid or handy tablet form. Your druggist has it=--better have it handy, too! - favorably considered. League FRIDAY salvation Army MURRAY ROBINSON Clerk Township of Whitby ship SUNDAY \ I Chure!l Luion, »