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The Oshawa Times, 24 Jan 1959, p. 7

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meted by Mire, A'red Baressiu, Further were discussed for the t to be held at the church on Beturday, Feb» ruery 7, from 4 to 7 pm, Mr, James Young installed the | Jamaican Couple Married Here To Make Home in London, Ont. The marriage of Mary Alti-|Audrey Allen, maid of honor, and gracia Shelton of Oshawa and Miss Dulcie Wilson, Both wore {Lloyd Jamieson Wilson of Lon-|sheath dresses of sapphire blue 'don, Ontario, was solemnized in|taffeta with harem hemlines and {the Christian Missionary Alliance |flat headdresses of petals and Church, Richmond street east,| white net, They carried cascades by the Reverend William Newell|of shaded blue and white chry- recently | santhemums, | | The bride is the daughter of| The hestman was Mr. John (Mr, and Mrs, W, T, Shelton of Rose and Mr. Vincent McLeod Portland, Jamalea, and the bride-| and Mr, Garfield Girvan usher- {groom is the son of Mr, andleq |Yiee. Lioya Wilson of Kingston, | A reception was held at the A 7 home of Mr, and Mrs, L. . (Mr. T, L, Farmer played the| Akin, Chevrolet street, Repre- witiding Musi and the sololst senting the bride's mother, Mrs, {was Mr @ ), Myers, 1 | Akin wore a blue brocade sheath phe bre, was Even 10 aC dros" wiih oid 'corage, The Oshawa. Her prin 18h gown of | Pridegroom & mother was in oy white peau de sole. ending in a|lace. sheaty style, with 'a pln train, was fashioned with hodice| Irsage. and sleeves of -chantilly iace,| Later the couple left for a headed with seed pearls, A head {honeymaon In Montreal For dress of lace and pearls held her travelling the bride chose a mint {fingertip veil, applied with lace, green wool ensemble with match: She carried a houquet of red| Ing hat and black accessories, roses - and white chrysanthe-| Mr. and Mrs, Wilson-are mak- {mums ing their home in London, On- 'GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES ed to participate, Arrangements were made for a sleigh - riding party on Saturday, January 24,|new officers for the coming years for members and their friends Mps, Albert Singer re-elected for and plans were di d for hav: president; Mrs, Harry Andrews ing one for the Bunday school atias vice-president; 8 suitable date, Thomson as recording secretary; * The success of last year's May Mrs, Harry Blanchard as corre Dance was reviewed and it was ing secretary; Mrs, Russell decided to make this an annusl| Worsley as treasurer and Mrs, event, A committee for this pro) |Alfred Barassin as otionaf oct will Je Hotel M a future! convener. ate, Mrs, ak presen show Mrs, Walter Kuch and Miss Anne yo Young owed lice ct 8 Babat with a gift and expressed." oe ond missionary, Mrs, appreciation on behalf of the Bun-(gey you" onyed Mr, Young, day Bchool committee for their past assistance in this depart-] Refreshments were served by Mrs, Lloyd Stephenson and Mrs, ment, Mrs, Steven Gonia Introduced), ARdrOwS, Mrs, John Kostuk for member: SOCIAL NOTICE ° |ship and Mrs, Alex -Dvernechuk ENGAGEMENT {was a guest at the meeting, Refreshments were served by the hostess after an enjoyable program arranged by Mrs, John Mr, and Mrs, Frank W, Faw cett, Ajax, announce the engages ment of their daughter, Cathers ine Ann, to Mr, Walter Masiewich and Mrs, Joseph Shannon, son of Mr, and Mrs, GOODWILL GROUP There was a good attendance at the regular meeting of the {Goodwill group of the W.A, of | Bimeoe Street United Chureh held in the Church parlor on Tuesday evening, January 22. The speaker was the Reverend C, D, Cross who addressed the | group on adult religious education and the *alue of the individual, Mrs, Frank Cox thanked Mr, Cross, Mrs, John Dyer presided at the meeting, Mrs, Charles Ander: son led in the devotional period, Miss Heather Ross played two plano solos Mrs, Anderson made, 8 presen- tation to the retiring president, | Mrs, Frank Cox, on behalf of the group, | JOY GROUP {| The regular meeting of the Joy © [Group of the WA of Northminster 4 |United Church was. held at the "(home of Mrs, Norman H, Dun- "ford Tuesday evening, Janu- + lary 20, with 10 members present, | Mrs, Frank Baker, president, {opened the meeting with prayer, ! |The group reports were given and Maga, Next month's meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Peter Zakarow, | The bridesmaids were Mis sltario. " Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 / THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdoy, Jenuery 24, 1959 7 CGIT Board | " Plans Youth Week CLUB CALENDAR a " MONDAY To inaugurate Canadian Youth 4 Week in Oshawa the local CGIT| Southmead Park Aux | Pleasant Mon, Aft, Club Board has arranged a fellowship 4 t x hour for Sunday evening at 8:30 Past Matrons' Club, OES in the centennial hall of King 10DE (Prince Philip Ch.) Street United Church Castle Chapter, OL( All youn: besides 18th Scout Mothers Aux, groups and leaders 10DE (Golden Jubilee Ch been invited to attend TUESDAY Miss Margaret Pellow of King TOPS Club Street United Chureh willl Re-Echo Lodge preside, Representatives from the SA Home League [Salvation Army and Knox Pres. Christ Church WA |byterian Church 'will take the Canadian Legion Aux prayer and scripture lesson. Mr.| Ont, Regt, Assn, Aux W. Ronald Collins of First Bap-, Holy Trinity WA tist Church will show a film, *'He| H and § Council Liv Jessie Panton Aux y £i Catharine Marmara and | and Mrs. Louls Marmara and Carmel Mist, both o Osh- | the bridegroom fs the son of awa, exchanged nuptial vows | A ifs1 recently at St. Gregory's Ro- Mr. and Mrs, Louis Mifsud man Catholic Church, The | of Malta Photo by Mary's Studio 'Evening Chapter LODGES AND SOCIETIES OGH Auxiliary Hears Fine Reports SUNSHINE LODGE Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, No | The annual meeting of theloos yoiq iio" regular meeting in evening chapter of the Woman's}. lodge room on Monday eve Hospital Auxiliary was held Mon- ning, Jamiary 19, with Sister gay eveuios, Jan. 19, In Me [ella Pine, Noble Grand and x 2 Sister May Skea, vice-grand, pre. Mrs, Gordon Curley, chalrman, yiqing "All officers were present opened the evening with a prayer, exception of Sister Felicia "The & , The members were welcomed bY | Brinnin who has been ill for|lives". The Sons of Ulster Flute Mrs, Curley and she extended her ome ne. Iband, under the leadership of Mr,| Court Oshawa I0F appreciation for the wonderful at- ' Jack Shearer, will provide spe: Albert Street WA tendance at the annual meeting, The sick list report was given nial music and the entire group| Calvary Baptist YWMC The secretarial and financial re. by Sister May Skea. will have an opportunity to sing. North Oshawa WA rts were presented by Mrs.| Mention was made of the late] The offering will he used to-| King Street WA omas Greer, secretary-treasur- Mr, Spencer, the father of Sister| wards the support of a youth sec) Arvilla McGregor Aux, er. Mrs. Greer Informed the Molly Hurlbert and Kay Grose. [retary In Spain, a project spon.| Women's PC Assn, members that the sale of tickets| Announcement was made that sored by the Canadian Council of, Rendezvous Club for the Capricorn Capers dance on March 2 the president of the Churches | First Baptist WA to be held Wednesday, Jan. 28. Rebekah Assembly would pay, Uniformed members of the Ca.| Friendship Group was very brisk. The members are her official visit at a joint meet-|nadian Girls in Training will re-| Beta Sigma Phi requested to call in théir reserva: ing of White Dove (Ajax) Lodge ceive this offering, At the close WEDNESDAY tions as soon as possible {and Sunshine Lodge in the local{of the service the King Street| Victory Lodge, LOBA Mrs. Donald Cambell, He lodge rooms, Young People's Society will serve Rebekah Lodge No, 3 hone convener, thank er | n refreshments, | Cheerful Givers sommittee far their co-operation allan Betty tose aod Elsie Mrs, Lawrence Horne Is chair- Jlocls Bark Auxiaty r. man e committee ol 7 A ew's a ona" Wows jo receive the Degree. of, Chiv- rangements and Is assisted by 10th Croup' Committee that three scrapbooks and turned youth have people had been ™'Y' Mrs. Stephen Saywell, Mrs, Clar- THURSDAY over to the| Special mentlon was made of lence Penfound and Mrs, R. C.| TOPS Club children's ward. |the night of cards on Saturday go, Christ Church Eve, Guild A letter came from Mrs, Chas. [evening January 31, at the Val-| D. Russell, president of the Wom. ley View Hall on Gladstone ave t en's Auxiliary, complimenting!nhue. the evening group on their work Following the closing of lodge accomplished during the year and all adjourned to the banquet hall wishing them continued succeess, [for a card party and refresh - |Alexander Williams, showed that the group had had s/ very successful year under the leadership of Mrs, Baker, The following officers were elected for 1960: Group leader, Mrs, Wilfred Anthony; assistant, Mrs, Sydney Genge; secretary, Mrs, Willlam Wendt; treasurer, | (George Jewell, Mrs Bydney \ers, gifts and cards, Mrs, Earl Bottrell; representative to manse committee, Mrs, N, H. Dunford; representative to general WA, Mrs, Sydney Gedge; telephone committee, Mrs, Richard Moore, p Clarence Mann; kitchen ONE YEAR OLD TOMORROW Mrs, Ross Jones; catering, Mrs, | |Gedge, Mrs, Frank Baker; flow:| KNOX PRESBYTERIAN WMS The January meeting of Knox Presbyterian Chureh Afternoon Auxillary of the WMS was held in the church lounge, ent, presided, and opened; "God Has Not pres with a poem, Promised," The worship service was con ducted by Mrs, A, T, Findlay, The members were reminded of the annual meeting of East To ronto Preshyterial at Knox Chureh, Toronto, The reports were read and adopted showing a very success: ful year, Son of Mr, and Mrs, Walter | Wallace and Mr, and Mrs, (committee representative, Mrs, Scott, Ritson road north, Is | James Scott, Oshawa, and [rank Baker Doigias Walter who Is cele | ooo, ooondson of Mrs, Henry The group completed plans to [Guild of 8t, George's Memorial Church was held in the parish Among those from out of town hall, who will be attending the Motor| The Reverend Peter Trent in City Choir concert at Simcoe stalled the officers for 1059 as Street United Church on Monday |follows: President, Mrs, E, D, |evening are Mr, and Mrs, Claude| Weldon; secretary treasurer, Wickett, Mr. John Wicket, Mr,[Mrs, Arthur Bunker; eard con and Mrs, 'John Black and Mrs, |vener, Mrs, George Madder; H. Foster, Port Hope; Mr, and |group gifts, Mrs, Fred Gunn; brating his first birthday to- ; Font cater for a hanquet In the church morrow, Douglas is the grand. | Hyman, Toronto auditorfum for the Naturalist son of Mr, and Mrs, Albert Photo by Ireland | ojyp on January 26, Plans were also completed for the annual congregational meeting on Janu P E R S 0 N A 1 S ary 30 and a wedding on March 6 The next annual meeting will {be held at the home of Mrs Toronto guests at the Wilson; Mrs, G. D, Conant, honorary | George Jewell, Pontiac avenue |Shelton wedding Included Mr, vice-president, Mrs, C. D Rus- {where the group will view the [H. J. Elderkin, Miss C, McLeod, sell, president, of the Women's colored pletures of Mrs, Jewel's Mrs. A, Foster, Mr, and Mrs, § | Auxiliary, Oliva General Hos [recent visit to California eld, Mr. and Mrs, R, Feld-|pital with dance co-conveners, ; Bromfield, D M. Fvans, Mr, J. Mrs. Peter Simpson and Mrs, | ST, GEORGE'S GUILD Fvans, Mrs, L. Wilson, Miss nD, |Gordon Curley will receive at a (Westmount Group) Wilson, Miss B. Gooden, Mis s|Capricorn Capers from 9 to 10/ The January meeting of the Flaine Parsons, Miss Clover Trot-|at the Jubilee Pavilion on Wed ter, Mr, Earle Johnston, Mr, [nesday night, John Rose, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Headman, Mr, Vincent McLeod, Mr, and Mrs, B, Wright, Among the out-of-town guests also was Mr. A, R, Taylor of Guelph The second annual night of cards to he held hy St. Chris topher's Parent-Teacher-Associa tion on Wednesday January 26, Brady with Mrs Ruse) duben. | James Johnstone, Alr Vice Mar. aon ville as eo-convener, They will ghall George FE. Brookes, and be assisted by their committee Mrs Renokes. and Mr, and Mrs as follows: Mrs, Joseph Walsh,|J, D, Gordon all of Toronto, Mrs. Harland Williams, Mrs, Ron-| ald Gibbs, Mrs, Leonard Weeks, | Mrs, Kenneth McRae, Mrs, Department to send in any little George King, Mrs, Wilson Map-/jtems of interest, News of teas, ee Aka, Vay rite Dare Show; Wing 8, WACK, rv versaries an 0 Roesche, Mrs, Mark Lambourne, goings are always very accept Mrs, Michael Pauloclk, Mrs aple and for which there Is no charge, Please write or telephone ~" |RA 3-3474, local 13 Evelyn L. Farrow Rew ding Careers | Monday, January 26, the Wom lan's Guild will provide You are invited by the Social |freshments refreshments rs, W, Anderson and Mrs February will be Mrs, E Broadbent and Mrs, Bunker, ST. JOAN'S JR, WA of 8t, John's meeting at the home of Mrs, Westmount group of the Woman's Mrs, M, Gamble, Orillia; Mr, and Christmas convener, Mrs, James will be convened hy Mrs, John|Mrs Percy Pirie, Mr, and Mrs, (Horton; press, Miss Peggy Jack The president spoke of the an. nual vestry meeting to be held on the re. After a short business meeting were served hy James Armstrong, Hostesses for Arthur The Junier Women's Auxiliary Ukrainian Greek Orthodox church held its January The study book for the coming | year, "Missions are Changing" | was synopsized hy Mrs, John Swindells, The studies this year will he very interesting as it deals with the work abroad as well as the vast new work at home, Mrs, A, H, Dancey, first vice. . Walter L, Shannon, 'Ajax, The wedding is to take place on Sate urday, February 7, at 11 am, in $t, Bernadettes Roman Catholle Church, Ajax, NOTICE. to Senior Members (Electors) of the YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION election of FLEANOR HOY GROUP | The monthly meeting of the Eleanor Hoy Group of Cedar-| dale United Chursh was held on Wednesday evening, January 21, with the president, Mrs, Albert Singer, presiding, The devotional period was con- scription your doct fous, 12 members to the Board of Directors Is now being held ALL MEMBERS ARE URGED TO VOTI BEFORE JANUARY 31 -------------------- LL MRL BEST / Cy r= The foremost function of our phar macy Is to cater fully to the health needs of the community and toward ' that end, we are competently staffed and completely equipped to provide: professionally-perfect pres service, Dispensing pre scribed medicine Is what we do best «++ 00 promptly , , , and do ot rea: sonable cost, Trust your health to or == trust his prescription postin od wtogrlty of ow professional service oxtondd thronghout our store, guarantesing id dopendabiity of the valoes we was read by the chairman, Mrs.| ments W. Thordarson |pragdnt Themselves Robert Sholdra, Gordon Curley. The new mem- bers and visitors were then in troduced and welcomed by Mrs.| The Piyah Chapter of Oshawa Curley Hadassah held Its first meeting] Before turning the meeting over of the New Year on Monday, | y to Mrs, Willlam Holland, nomin-| January 19, The meeting opened| | ating chairman, Mrs, Curley with a discussion led hy Miss thanked the members for their| Judy Norden on teenage-parent| support and confidence during the relations. The participants were| past year, {the Misses Tobie Swartz, Leslie] PIYAH CHAPTER The president, Mrs, Walter Exchange Vows In ackstage Ballet xueh, greeted the members on the occasion of the Ukrainian In a pretty ceremony in the | TORONTO (CP) Hallet Is [New Year praising thelr past ac. parsonage of Northminster Unit: growing In Canada, and with it|complishments and wishing them ed Church on Friday evening, grows the need for backstage success in thelr future efforts, |Evelyn Lila Farrow became the|workers, says Kay Ambrose,| After the business meeting, {bride of Mr, 8, Willlam Thordar- [artistic director of the National [thanks were extended to Mrs, son, The bride Is the daughter |Rallet Company of Toronto Kathleen Semohovska and Mrs, of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth W, Far-| Not evervhody interested in bal. Willlam Iwaskiw for accompany: row of Oshawa and the bride: let can become a ballerina, but|ing the children of the Sunday "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" The following members were Goldstein, Helen Schwartz and] elected to office for the coming Master Ronnie Swartz and Gor- year: Mrs. Gordon Curley, chalr-/don Berg man; Mrs, FE. G. Suarez, vice: A discussion of the coming chairman; Mrs, Thomas Greer, bazaar followed, It was decided secretary; Mrs, Ray Lund, trea-{to hold the annual bazaar on surer; Mrs. T. E. Sutherland, cor-|May 12, The following are the responding secretary; Mrs. Dan- booths and the convenors fel Shutka, knitting convener; room, Mrs. Richard Erman; Mrs. John Ovens, assistant knit./plants; Mrs, Rodney Kruger; ting convener; Mrs. Douglas Sa-| manufacturers, Mrs. Louis Sklar; gar, sewing convener; Mrs, 8. A touch and take and white ele Henry, assistant sewing conven: phant, Mrs. Abraham Waisglass; er: Mrs. Robert Smyth, social|sewing, Mrs. Martin Norden; tie convener; Mrs. John Snyder, kets, Mrs. Al, Zweig; cakes, Mrs, scrapbook convener; Mrs. G. S. [Sydney Shoychet; candy, Mrs, Willlams, publicity; Mrs, John Robert Werner; groceries, Mrs Howson, membership convener. Sklar Sr.; Israeli, Mrs. David Mrs. Curley urged the members Crotin: toys, Mrs. Allan Spring; to be active and with thelr sup-|publicity, Mrs. Wilfred Stemer- port would do her hest to help the off. General convener is Mrs, organization grow, Reginald Gilbert assisted by Mrs Refreshments were served hy Harry Greene. Mrs. Robert Smyth, social con- A tea and fashion show ls sche vener, and her committee duled to take place on Thursday, ---- -- April 16, convened by Mrs, Paul | Pollock. | bodice. A Jewelled hat and vell| fand a corsage of red roses com: | (pleted her costume Mrs. Wannamaker, matron of Conway Rites Solemnized honor, was in vellow nylon chif fon with a shirred bodice and The marriage of Iris Marguer- floating panels at the back Her | te, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. corsage was composed of pink Michael F. Conway, and Wilfred roses. Lonls Wannamaker, son of Mr,| Mr, Floyd Wannamaker acted ind Mrs, Clayton C. Wannamak- as best man, wr, all of Oshawa, was solemn.| A reception was held at the ged recently b ythe Reverend home of the bride's parents. The! §. CH. Atkinson in Albert hride"s mother was black chif Mreet United Church fon and lace over taffeta, with Attended by Mrs. Floyd Wan. black and white accessories 1amaker, the bride wore a waltz. Mr, and Mrs. Wannamaker 'are ength white chiffon gown with a making their home on RR 2 fraped cowl neckline, and shirred Town Line north. Wannamaker ~~ PROMPT PRESCRIPTION SERVICE STORE HOURS Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays Tpm. tobpm. QAMERAS © COSMETICS PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS CP WOM PT FREE DELIVERY A, OSHAWA 530 SIMCOE ST. S, LR iy feoKinG $7. 8. | PHORE RA 3-2245 PHONE RAS5-3546 Aaya é RE PE STS A groom is the son of the 'late Mr [there are plenty of rewarding and Mrs, Thordar Thordarson of |oareers behind the scenes for Winnipeg and Teeland [those who are prepared to work, The Reverend H, A. Mellow she sald {officiated and the bride was| They can he costumes design given in marriage by her fa-{ers, specialists In nrancnes of ther, She wore a street - length costuming such ax matching | gown of white velveteen with fit-[colors and painting eloth, or they ted bodice, sabrina neckline and|can design and bulld wets sheath sleeves. The houffant skirt] says there Is unlimited scope for pa was fashioned with unpressed electricians and special-effects | School carolling, to Mrs, Dmytro Luchak and Mrs the for the carollers ghe Holy Supper to he held at the in thelr house-to-house Jury. & Lovell LIMITED OSHAWA--BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY ""We Send Medicines To Europe Postage Free Iwaskiw for arranging Nicholas party and to Mrs, Steven Hercla and Mrs, Paul Pliska for preparing lunch St Everyone was reminded of the rish hall and all were ask pleats at the narrow waistline. |men On her hair she wore a flal,| But anyone who wants to get white velvet bow from which fell{jnte hackstage ballet may have an over-the-face vell, Her flowers!is start at the hottom, and that's were red roses in a corsage, (how Miss Ambrose started Miss Marilyn Louise Salmon was maid of honor. She wore Dior blue velveteen with a fitted bodice and bracelet - length TO YOUR SATISFACTION sleeves and bouffant skirt, A / matching feathered bandeau and] and CARPET SALES a corsage of pink roses completed her costume, 174 Mary St. RA 5.0433 Mr, Arthur Farrow acted as best man. | A wedding supper was held at Sandalwood." The bride's moth er wore a sheath dress of flower ei mlished cotton with blue overdress of organza and a white velvet hat, The couple left on a wedding HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHRISTINE |, Tox cousle tot an, & wedding and Mrs, Douglas Stephenson, [to make their home In Toronto, | Saguenay avenue, - " - - 5 (I TH SIXTH HAPPINESS? ye Ingrid Bergman Curt Jurgens Robert Donat BUDDY ADLER'S soduction of THE INN OF TRE SIXTH HAPPINESS STARTS WEDNESDAY \ Two years old tomorrow In | Chwistine Gale, daughter of Mr MOTOR CITY CLEANERS WINTER DRY CLEANING SPECIAL 1.25 65° Ne PLAIN DRESS or MAN'S SUIT Reg. $1.50. Reduced to . { PLAIN SKIRT, SWEATER, TROUSERS (or Slax), Reg. 75¢ each, Reduced to MOTOR CITY CLEANERS BRANCH STORK: 184 Simcoe South at Town Line RA 3.7021 RA 5.6498 ® FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY ¢ ¥ Kingston Road East k 'H ! y DE LUXE a PHONE RA 3-4631 50 MILL ST. OSHAWA THE SERVICE WE PROVIDE "LET ONE CALL DO IT ALL" INDIVIDUAL MACHINE LAUNDERING SANITONE DRY CLEANING © 0 0 0 SUMMER -- STORAGE -- WINTER RUGS -- INVISIBLE MENDING -- DYEING MINOR REPAIRING FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Fot your convenience, customers in Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Bowmanville, Port Perry, may call Eveleigh's in Oshawa without a toll charge by signalling the operator and asking for ZENITH 13000 egenl Rl \

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