8B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, Jonvery 24, 1989 ~ OSHAWA LADIES The Ladies' Ontario Tankard finals, coveted award of the On- tario Ladies' Curling Associa tion, will be held In Oshawa next week, for the first time in the club's long history, Adding considerable Interest to the pro- vinelal-wide competition Is the fact that the Oshawa Club's | Left to right, the two rinks are: own representatives triumphed | (front) Mrs, L. (Ethel) Oke, as district winners, to qualify for the big playoff, which opens Monday morning, Shown above are the two rinks of local ladles who will represent Osh- awa In the quest for the most desired honor In ladies' curling Ontario Tankard winners, SPORTS MENU my by SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' | 7 PREMIER EVENT of next week, in this locale, Is the annual Ontario Ladies' Tankard ourting amplonships, They've been holding it as an annual classic ever since Toronto 'Queen City"| Club curlers won i the first time, back in 1014, It's a double-rink event, Just like the men, but back in the World War II years, they out it down to single rinks to represent the clubs, but last year they went back to the double-rink representhtion, There are 10 districts In Ontario and as far as we can see, 14 of them will be represented here on Monday morning, with Kingston and Ottawa areas being the delinquents, Kingston's omission is particularly regrettable, since they were supposed to be a 'hot centre" and they have the provincial vice-president in their midst, Apparently, she or they "fell down"; North Bay, Gravenhurst, Barrie, Owen Sound, Chatham, Galt, Simooe, Churchill, Lindsay, Burlington, St Kitts, Weston and Oshawa are all "in." The local ladies won their district in a zone playoff at Peterborough earlier this month, Scarborough Club's two rinks won it last year but al Canad. fans are the Toronto-area representatives this time, All 14 clubs, with two rinks aplece, swing into action on Monday morning They clean it up on Tuesday with a gala ban session at Hotel Genosha on Tuesday evening, where the Tankard y wil bi consola- presented, ete, The Northey oy is the prize in ton division this has been avallable since 1047, Minor Hockey Week Is being endorsed all across Canada, In every village, town and city, minor hockey is A major sports recreation facility, With the National Hookey League, 1's (heir "life blood" so naturally they're all behind It and that means the Prime Minister, Gov't officials, mayors, ete, Nobody, who has anything to do with minor hockey, needs any briefing = they know that If It wasn't for thelr efforts, Juven. flo delinquency would be higher and NHL prospect lista would ho a lol shorter, As they say "keep a boy on loe=you'll keep hime out of hot water," Here In Oshawa, Bill Kurelo, Tom Cotle, "Dutch" Turner, Harold Hudson, eto, ete, the boys have thelr own slogan--'"Take-Don't Send--Your Boy to the Children's Arena," We are probably prejudiced -- hut we think the Oshawa Minor Hockey Assoclation (not to BI Smith--It's Association, not League") Is one of the finest minor hockey organizations in Canada, Certainly they started long before mot of theme-back In 1931--and thelr record In the past quarter-century rates better than most of similar groups anywhere in the Dominion, Oshawa cltisens -- and we're talking now of a lot of young married men who played In the City League back about 15 years ago--owe this group every ounce of support they oan give, BRIGHT BITS: hockey, may be ready to move Into Junlor "A" ranks, Pete Pal angio, the NB, hockey boss thinks so and Hap" Emma is talk ing of moving his Barrie franchise into that community . WHITEY FORD, McDougall and a few other members of the N.Y Yankees, are not taking kindly to the salary cuts that their fron SEEK ONTARIO TANKARD HONORS By Geo. H. Campbell | = North Bay, beginning to "sour on Senor Mrs, A. (Merlee) Lawrence, Mrs, C, (Mollie) Jenkin and Mrs, ¥. (Phyl) Fordham, skip; (standing) Mrs, H. (Audres) Gorrle, skip, Mrs, N, ("Ef") Hezzelwood, Mrs, A, ("Do") Robins and Mrs, G, (Marion) Campbell, Oshawa Times Stall Photo Four Ontario | Rinks Move Up UTICA, N.Y, (CP)=Four On tario rinks have moved into the semi-finals of two tournaments In| the Grand National Curling Club] bonsplel | Rinks from Gananoque and Kingston each won two matches Friday to reach the semi-finals of the Mitchell Medal competi tion, Rinks from Hawkesbury and Prescott reached the semi finals of the Allen Cup tourna ment, In play for the Mitchell Medal, [Kingston first defeated Utlea No, 5 109, then overcame Schenec tady No. 1 12:9, Gananoque de- feated Sno-Birds of Lake Placid, N.Y, 10.6 and Winchester, Mass,, 87. Hawkesbury defeated Fort Henry, Ont,, 16.6 and Prescott de fented Utica No, 8 8:6 In Allen] Cup play The country elub of Brookline, Mass, also made the semi-finals of the Mitchell Medal by trounce: land Gow scored in the |cause, The battle for first place in the their hold on first place in the Bantam section of the Oshawa Bantam League standing when " | Minor Hockey Assoc, continued they handed the last place Police lon Monday night at the Association a 42 deiest, Bradley |Children's Arena when all clubs paced the Canadian Tire club in saw action, In the first encoun- | the scoring department with two ter of the night, Local 206 took | goals, while team mates Lution lover second place in the loop snd Murdoch each picked up one {standing when they handed Local goal, For the Police Association 11817 a 72 defeat, while In the club, Pascoe and Ryan scored, lother games B'Nal B'Rith pro-| Canadian Tire led 24 at the end [vided an upset by downing Hou of the first period, 41 at the end | dallle Industry 7-2, Civitan over of the second, (Local 2784, 62, while the last BANTAM STANDING |gmme saw first place Canadian WLTPTS, | Tire score n 4.2 victory over the, Canadian Tire P1119 last place Police Association Kosal 2 tad : 3 : i 0) . 1 CIVITAN AND LOCAL 1784 | onl 2704 p41 Civitan Bantams moved a Civitan 4 4°31 notch higher in the Bantam|B'Nai B'Rith 36138 standings when they downed Local 1817 327119 Local 2784 Bantams by the score Police Assoe, 010 11 of 62, The end of the first period saw both clubs deadlocked at 2-2, however the second and third periods sew the Civitan club score four goals to take their 6.2/the Oshawa Minor Hockey Asso- win, Willoughby and Barnoski ciation at the Oshawa Children's paced the Civitan scoring brigade Arena on Tuesday night, and with two goals each, while single/each week the league race gots tallies came off the sticks of Red-|closer. In the action this week, nap and Geroux, Furey and|Kiwanis scored a close 43 win Crothers scored for Local 2784, [over Rotary, while in the other games, Canadian Legion and B'NAI B'RITH Kinsmen batted to a 22 tle, while AND HOUDAILLE the third attraction saw Local 222 B'Nai B'Rith Bantams provided edge Lions by the score of 21 an upset when they came up with a 7-2 victory over the highly tout. KIWANIS AND ROTARY ed Houdallle Industry club, The| Kiwanis Midgets scored three winners led 140 at the end of the 8oals in the second period, then first period, 4-1 at the end of the|#dded one third period marker to second then added three more|#core a close 4.3 victory over the |goals In the third period. Seton Rotary Midgets. Both clubs play- and Elliot paced the B'Nal B'Rith [2d scoreless first period, then in club to their win with two goals, Nosel, Peters, Mitchell each plek- od up single goals, Macdonald scored both goals for the losers, LOCAL 2056 AND LOCAL 1817 Scoring four goals in the third period was enough to give the Local 206 Bantams a 72 victory over Local 1817 on Monday night The win for Local 206 moved them Into second place In the league sanding, Sytnyk picked up three goals for Local 200 while Cover notohed two, Single MIDGET LEAGUE A full schedule of games were played in the Midget section of with three goals while scored two, In the last period each team (scored one goal, but the second period edge proved too much or the Rotary club as they dropped the tit 4-3, Gray, Nemis, Nelson and Yahn blinked the light for Kiwanis, while Zarony, Summerscales and Balsam score goals for Rotary. KINSMEN AND LEGION Canadian Legion Midgets and the Kinsmen Midgets battled to a goals came off the sticks of Arm-|2.2 deadlock on Tuesday night, strong and Zarowny, McGarry| Legion led at the of the losers' first period 2-1 on goals by Pren- tice and Linton, while MeCill notched the lone Kinsmen first period goal, In the second stanza Stevens scored for Kinsmen to tie CANADIAN TIRE AND POLICE ASSOC, Hebenton Heads the second the winner came up| Rotary | Canadian Tire Bantams kept up the game, and then the two Beaton's Dairy | Nears Playoff Stage | clubs battled the final 20 min 'utes scoreless, | LOCAL 222 AND LIONS | Local 222 Midgets moved to | Within one point of the first place Lions when they came up with 8 21 victory over their rivals, |Both elubs scored a goal in the [first period, Furey blinking the! light for Local 222 while Wilson! {picked up the Lions goals, Furey) scored what proved to he the (winner late In the second period, #5 both teams played a scoreless third stanza. MIDGET STANDING } WLTPW| LAons 1119 Local 222 81218 Kiwanis $62 Kinsmen 362 8 Rotary 3711 Legion 2712346 JUVENILE ACTION | Hayden Macdonald Juveniles in.| creased their first place lead in| the Juvenile section when they| blasted the second place Tony's club 7-1, In the other Juvenile attraction at the Children's Arena, | Oshawa Dalry scored a 3-1 win over Beaton's Dalry HAYDEN MACDONALD AND TONY'S Hayden Macdonald Juveniles! paced by Nicholishen and Sned don with three joals each, scored | a convincing 7-1 victory over the second place Tony's. The winners led 2-1 at the end of the first period, 5:1 at the end of the sec- ond, then added two more mark. [ors in the final frame, The lone Tony's goal was scored by Hoar, |and that eame In the first period, OSHAWA DAIRY AND BEATON'S DAIRY Oshawa Dalry moved Into a second place tie with Tony's on Thursday night when they came up with a 41 win over the last - A Beaton's club. Yahn paced the winners In the scoring depart. ment with two goals, while Kirk and Micheals picked up single markers, Westfall scored the lone goal for Beaton's, The Oshawa Dalry club led 10 at the end of the first period, 2-1 at the end of the second stanza, JUVENILE BTANDING Hayden Macdonald Tony's Oshawa Dalry ant increase in the number of his assists and Hebenton's goals, Hebenton also is durable hasn't missed a game sin came to Rangers--254 games ago. Tonight he and his teammates are In action for the first time 8| lations officer for the Ontario | will 'be the guest speaker at Oshawa Shopping Centre All Stars, the Intermediate O.B.A.| 'entry, from this city's Industrial League will play their first in a) series of tune-up exhibition games this Saturday when they, visit the! % Trenton Intermediates, With © 0.B.A, playdowns only three weeks away the squad will have | shout a month ago, much hehind work has gone into the ion of a good club. The| Centre TO SPEAK HERE Stanley Hudson, public re. day nights, through the c 8 tion of the Oshawa Board of Ed., lo work hard to in , Since the club A irr Jonmed fi | Shopping Centre Sponsors 'Oshawa Basketball Entry J The 'AStars' first "home § Joma, will be one week from . day, on January 3st. The opposition will likely be Laws' s rence Park Playgrounds from» Toronto, This Is a power-packed. Intermediate "A" club who ip a Surrey leading its Po Shopping Centre club will be on | Saturday nights, 8 p.m, st the ne Donevan gym, wh | The price of admission will be. reltively small for the fine cally | bre of the teams. The Donevan. gymuasium has a cap'! 0. seated comp | expected these ied to iy ked to 2 for Bas! a in Oshawa, and to come out and + Ed: support a "home grown" Oshawa * Dept, of Lands and Forests, the Union Rod and Gua Club meeting, at Union Hall, on Sun. day evening, 7.30 p.m, He will | J show movies of Interest to hun- ters and anglers. Also on the same program will be Dr. I. J. Woolsey of the Dept, of Agri- culture, 'health for animals | By BOB TRIMBEE branch' who will speak on he Canad! Press Biaff Writer current topic of "rables"' a VANCOUVER (CP) -- Wa all interested sport folk ave (piers has been a "Ananolal welcome at this meeting, es angel" for m . pecially anyone who owns a pet. (aa athletes. any Western idl Don Jordan Wins [ms mer?" te shai Via TKO In 3rd 08-year-old jeweller sald in an In LOS ANGELES (AP) ~ World terview. "I can recall as a young. ster in Winnipeg, playing In ™ Mondtie hiskeaital welterweight champion Don Jor- dan scored a third-round techni. a city game, when my check had a onal kpockout over Alvaro Gutler- of Mexico City Thursday field day and scored hall his team's points," rez night at Olymple Auditorium, Each weighed 148 pounds, But Ellers has more than held his own in helping athletic teams, Jordan, engaging In his first start since winning toe title last particularly basketball squads, Dec. 5 from Virgil Akins in Los get an opportunity to play, CHAMPION TEAMS Angeles, put Gutierrez down for a fivecount just after the start He is primarily responsible for making Vancouver the power in of the third round of the sched- uled 10-round non-title bout, Canadian senior women's basket- The Latin boxer arose and ball, An Ellers-sponsored team has captured the Canadian senior women's title since 1980 and in BLL hy TR 1058 Elly og team walked rl od In '| away the men's champion. He was plug hit at will by the x id champion Ww Lupe Sanches, manager of Gutierrez, jumped into the ring to stop the bout, ship, He has been teams Tout Jim Trimble or helpl a peatorio to send teams to International events, for As Packer Coach MILWAUKEE (AP) Jim 35 years. Trimble will be the next coach Born on a small farm near Emerson, Man,, he left at 18 to and general manager of the Gireen Bay Packers of the Na. take up watchmaking in Win- nipeg. A desire to meet the pub- lic resulted in his becoming an optician and in 1923 he purchased tional Football League, it was predicted here Friday night, Oliver E, Kuechle, sports ed- tor of the Milwaukee Journal, following years, despite depres. slon and drought, he opened branch offices at Swift Current, 'Walter Eilers asBeen Western "Sports Angel' Qu'Appelle, Moose Jaw, Estévan and Prince Albert, : It was in the early 1980s that Eilers began actively to help athletes, "Rural teachers would come tinto 'my Regina store and tell me about the problems they had keeping children interested fn sports," he sald, "They sald the children had nothing to aim at or play for so | made up a number of bronze medals ny sent them to nearby rural schools holding track meets, Soon | was send them to most southern Saskatel wan rural schools, i! "By the time the government ordered a halt in the productios of bronze medals in 1089, 1 hi Sivan out more than 15,000 med: als." MOVE TO B.C. Ellers also sponsored bowling, softball and basketball teams 4 the towns where his stores were located, In 1949 he sold out and moved to B.C. . It was a member of one of his Prairie basketball teams that sold Eilers on the {dea of helping senior women's basketball here,' In 1061 Erwin Swanguard, thea sports editor of the Vancouver Sun, urged Ellers to sponsor 'aduating University of Britis olumbla men's team, He and the team won city titles steadily until the 1058 team won the Canadian crown, and formed' the nucleus of Canada's entry for this month's world basketball hamplonships at Santi Chile, Ellers has spent much tims and effort meeting civie, provis- To Best Season since last Sunday, with Bathgate A Jewelry store in Regina, In the made the forecast in a TV sports voting for the Lady Byng Memor- {al Trophy--an honor his gentle manly play won for him a season ago, He Just doesn't brawl, and he's ot some good reasoning behind Is pacifism, "I figured I was on the team to score, and I found I couldn't do It In the penalty box, so I stopped getting penalties," He- benton says In the minors he once racked up a total of 81 minutes in penal- ties. In the NHL he has scored more than 20 goals in each of his three seasons, 34 the first, 21 the sec. ond and 21 last season, This season he has scored 18 in By KENNEDY WELLS Canadian Press Staff Writer Working quietly in the shadow of a high-scoring clubmate, Andy Hebenton of New York Rangers is headed towards his best sea- son In the National Hockey League, Playing, as he does, the same position as Andy Bathgate, the round-faced right winger doesn't rate much excitement from the fans, but to coach Phil Watson he's one of the most valuable men on the club, : "I can use him anywhere, Watson says. "On the power play, or if we're a man short or If 1 think one of the other wings Is slowing down and needs a rest- ing Utica No, 4 12.3 and Schénec tady No. 2 12.1, Utlea No rounded out the semifinal list by defeating Ardsley, N.Y. 16.7 Mahopae, N.Y., defeated Al bany 10-8 and Norfolk, Conn, de feated New York Caledonians 98) to reach the semifinals of the Allen Cup with Hawkesbury and Prescott 'Weather Kind | To Ski Fans [ TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's sunny and cold weather has heen [kind to skiers, Twenty-eight re- {sorts report conditions ranging from falr to excellent with snow from three to 3 Inches deep, ley conditions are reported from only three resorts and only two are «| Closed. Conditions, with depth of snow in Inches are: tl packed; Cobourg, 10; Craigh. office Is suggesting. It could be, for only a matter of money--thel, Fuge: r . end of the great "team spirit" that was the big factor with Yankee oh ay Fugen, 10; Fiewnels teams for many years . . . MRS, FRED POPE of High Park won|it HabiCaic, i SLEGVRIRN, HG the annual Nettelfield Cup In Toronto Ladies' curling play this Hei vile, IB a Carden week, Sho heat Mra. F. Cottle of Toronto 8CC In the final match' 105s of Hive, 25 Lorde REPORTS ARE that Floyd Patterson and Ingemar Johans Fike, 3 Opa, A Sor son are practically "signed up for a title bout, Mr, Patterson iid LAS Drangev ib Hah ratgs as Just about the most Inactive world's champion of all time|Sound, 16 y Brave ) Ry and If he doesn't smarten up----somebody Is going to take his crown Sound, Mn Peter oro ¥ ! ol Y away before he makes his bundle . , . IT'S DEFINITE! Her Ma./00Y, 7: Sault Ste. Marie, 38; «o/Limberlost, 26; Sudbury-Levak, Jesty, The Queen will attend the 100th running of the Queen' Plate on June 30, Get your tickets early! , , , CORNWALL CHEV TES held Belleville McFarlands to a 53 draw last night and tha result not only "jarred the Belleville fans but it kept the "Macs! New on crust or lee down where they'll be easy to pass--when they go oevrseas and bridge, Whithy Dunnies start adding points to their total City League | SUSPEND JOCKEY MIAMI, Fla. (AP) Jockey Bill 3 \ Hartack drew a 10-day suspen. ¢rofl, 15; Kitchener, 8: Newmar: west Gormany and Italy, willl Group A: Poland-Switzerland, 7| 20: Sundridge, 15; Teeswater, 1188 Brace 20; Cedar Springs, § [Dagmar, 8; Oshawa, 6; Snow Valley, 1%; Toronto Summit, 3; Woodstock, 8 Poor and ley or erusty: Ban slon Friday for rough riding inlket, 6 Scoring Marks Has seventh race at Hia The following is a list of top scorers In the Rantam, Midget and Juvenile section of the Osh awa Minor Hockey Association, as of Janvary' 33 BANTAM LEAGUE GA PW Macdonald, Houd, Ind. 22 13 38 Furey, Local 2784 0 SNM For any state In life, prepar Lutton, Can. Tire 1H 82 in Marriage, preparation is even more vitally Rarnoski, Civitan "R17 necessary Rourie, Houd, Ind T88 PLAN TO Cover, Local 208 0 4 Kolesnik. Houd. Ind LIB A MIDGET LEAGUE Frey, Local 222 ILL Lutton, Local 292 FRA] 1S Lessons covering ev Yahn, Kiwanis 13 618 " ; Macdonald Local 322 a an (B 'TS INTERESTING! . IT'S UNIQUE! Righop, Lions nn Dowe, Kinsmen 8412 Konarowski. Kinsmen ~~ 7 8 i 25th (next Sun.) JUVENILE LEAGUE @ PLACE: St. Mary's Ro hen. May. Mac. 1011 30/8 Auditorium, Stevenson's nedtd Hav. Mae Hon Mae Mi Hay. Mae all * EVEIRYON fanes, Tony's An N he, Ho. Mae. 70! For further Information «oll ATTENTION . . . ENGAGED COUPLES ! wand All those contemplating Marriage within the year . , PREPARE NOW FOR HAPPINESS LATER! "THE COURSE OF PREPARATION FOR MARRIAGE" TIME:--8:00 PM, every Sunday commencing Jan. No skiing: Toronto's Don. Vals ley, and London ation |x essential. For happiness mpartant and FOLLOW ery aspect of married life IT'S COMPLETE! man Catholic Church Rd. N. at Marion E WELCOME » Rev. N. J, Gignac, RA 8.5073 slonto the ice." 4 gamen--~along with 12 assiste~-- and he usually finishes much stronger than he starts. Part of this Hebenton credits to centre Camille Henry, who was runnerup to him as Lady Byng winner last season and was one step above him In the voting this season, Henry, who made his name as Hebenton, a 20-year-old Winnl-a man who could score with peg native, has a total of six min: (amazing adeptness despite his utes in penalties this season and small stature, has turned play. {ended well up In the mid-season maker this season with a results Canada Plays Hebenton's always ready to climb This Is quite a tribute from Watson, who normally does more raging than taving, and especi- ally when it's conferred on a re- tiring fellow whose style couldn't [be farther from the rough, tough [brand of play fiery Phil asks from his players, starting times and ruled on the playing schedule as follows (times are EST): MARCH § Group A: Crechoslovakia-Swit MUNICH, Germany (AP)--~The International Ice Hockey Federa- tion Friday paired the teams to play lo the first-round tournament of the world championships to be Jud in Czechoslovakia March gerland 9 a.m; Canada-Poland 3 . m, Thursday the federation seeded" Group B: USSR. East Ger (Canada, Russia and Sweden In ynany 9 am; Norway-US. 2 {the three groups of four teams m. each to play March 548 for entry" Group C; Sweden-Italy 9 am; into the final round In Prague west Germany-Finland 2 p.m. March 10-15 | Group A made up of Canada, | Group A: Canada-Switzerland Crechoslovakia, Switzerland and 9 a.m.: Crechoslovakia-Poland 2 Poland, will play at Bratislava. [p.m | Group B matches (nvolving| Group B: U.S.-East Germany # (Russia, the United States, Nor-|am.; Norway.USSR 2 p.m {way and East Germany are Group C: West Germany-Italy |scheduled for Brae 9 a.m.; Sweden-Finland 2 pm. Group C, with Sweden, Finland, MARCH 7 {play its matches at Moravska-Os:/am.; Canada - Czechoslovakia trava [11:30 a.m | Friday the federation fixed the! Group B: East Germany Now| Bruce V. Mackey, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor wishes to announce the opening of his Law Office in association with M. F, Swartz ot 262 King St, E, Oshawa Phones: RA 3.4697---Orhawe YU 5:2127-Port Perry 2 Evenings and Set. a.m. and rearguard Bill Gadsby back|program. Kuechle sald the deal to from five days of toasting their|land Trimble has been completed weary bones in the Florida sun, and that the only remaining ques- Rangers are in Montreal and|tion was: "When will the P their bitter rivals, the Canadiens, (ers make the announcement." will be without Richard and Phil] Trimble coached Hamilton Ti- Goyette, but rookie star Ralph|gers-Cats in the Big Four, In Backstrom will be in action/three seasons his team took two again, dvisional titles and in 1967 won 'oronto Maple Leafs are host/the Grey Cup, to Boston Bruins and Chicago Before goin Black Hawks visit Detroit Red Trimble coach Wings. delphia Eagles for three seasons, Junior Proposal BARRIE, Oot, (CP)--Pete Pa- langlo, owner of North Bay Trap- pers in the OHA-NOHA Senior A series, says he would gladly re. place his senior hockey team with a Junior A franchise, ¥ was in a telephone interview from North Bay on a statement Thursday night by coach Hap Emms of Poland ously considering' Junior A franchise out of likely new home for Flyers, "If Emms was serious abou moving the club, Palangio said, and stick with the juniors.' He sald although E not be In complete control they would come to some arrange ment, He and Emmy talked about JUNIOR HOCKEY CITY He sald North Bay was a junior hockey city and added Tr successfully in North Bay, The fifth-place Flyers have lost th money for the last three seasons and this year's low attendance has apparently brought the matter to a head, way 7 am; US.USSR am, Group C: Italy-Finland 7 a.m,; West Germany-Sweden 11:30 a.m, March 8 is a rest day while officials draw the final - round matches between winners and seconds of each group In Prague, The federation also ruled that final - played from March 10 to 14 at 9|Friday he will do everything. in| am, and 2 pm, (EST), The final his power to keep the club here! will be staged at noon EST March and suggested establishment of a 15, i] Prague. There will also be|booster club, matches March 9, but federation] ao. members will fix details later The North Bay arona seats at to Another decision was that Inj}. mn a 5 case of a tie on points, the win ($200, had Trappers draw an ning team will be declared on the|4Ve 44e of 1,600 fans a game. basis of deducting goals against] A shift of the Barrie franchise 11:30 asked fans to write and tell they stayed away from why Surly, spearheaded to to Hamilton, |Dec international bonsplel start. the NFL Phila-|i0g I we VAN ODP of H, E. (Jim) Weyman who took North Bay Likes [Ete iz officer, Mare Bt. Hilaire, the bonsplel's drawmaster and honor tary, says applications have been Barrie I he was "ser{. rec hic ne moving the|Quebec City. Included are 45 0. fom Outang, 12 oun Hie Gnited ort! mentioned as a os A the Atlantic North Bay was By from de Allntie ¢ will bring the total to 128 rinks. owners would study pension pres " th nlor t compete for 15 major trophies I would drop the senior team ES of Joa You rs ms would ie hand to defend their hon- ie Cidb Yiik last hu Jootued grand aggregate bow! and the the move a couple of months A590. |r, teay Trophy and was defeated in the finals for the Lieutenant. Governor's ' Findlay, with the same rink, Is | hd spent too much money travelling entered under the colors of the 1 m [in the OHA-NOHA circuit, Unionville, Ont, Curling Club, Emms sald a junior team with wel hy's uk suded with s " ita lower ex could te Won-loat rec ast year and al Nor POra®) most duplicated the 1907 feat of vonlea, Sask, which through the bonsplel undefeated to pick up three major trophies, ; are drawn for play in the Cha. The Barrie Examiner Thursday tequ Trophy and the other half nd for the Omega Trophy. First round matches shall bo|games, Mayor Willard Kinzie sald fond Jobin Cup, gions are eligible to play for the seutenant . Governor's Trophy. peared to be the reduction of t The grand aggregate bowl H 4 oh Sf the 500 Curlers Are clal and federal leaders in at- tempts to ralse money for Cana- Going to Quebec sis: earls brie 3 GERRY Ja FONTAINE contention that ihe toports QUEBEC CP) Hons than 800 tour sports, NFL Pensio Fund Fight = Postponed PHILADELPHIA (AP) = The player pension {ssue was put off' until April and the player draft reduced from 30 to 20 pounds Frl- day as National Football League owners wound up 'their annugl winter meeting, Commissioner Bert Bell sald, gas EY major trophies last year, are attend the week-long 46th Que eb. 1. It has been labelled the Wey- ol this year in honor 920s and built it into an impor. 'syman will serve as advisory ary secre from 100 rinks outside posals made by the players as sociation and then meet for fur ther consideration of the subject April 23 In Chicago. Three days later, also in Chicago, the own. ers and association represent, tives are scheduled to meet, Other accomplishments during the 2%-.day meeting were coms: pletion of the college player draft, a ruling prohibiting players from. appearing In nondeague sane: tioned pre-season and post-season games, and renewal of the Chiov ago Bears-Chicago Cardinals ter ritorial agreement. { ost of the meeting might be described in one word--negative. Eleven proposed rule ol pod were either defeated or withv drawn and of the many con. stitutional amendments presented' only two gained approval, . Bell said that the owners ap" parently are satisfied with the compete for the| league as Is since they passed / [fewer amendments at this meets, Quarter-finalists in these three(ing than any other. The most important action ap- Curlers in the International Nels Findlay's Cornwall Curl- This year e Campbell brothers rink from swept In the bonspiel, half the teams losers #008 draft, Bell said the owners de- the rink winning the most|cided to cut the selections to con least 5,500 compared to Barries'| games in the Chateau, Omega or [form with the 60-player max} Francois Jobin and the lleuten- imum training camp squad re- ant-governor's events, quirements, ep from goals scored {must be approved by the Junior Teams that don't enter the final A council and sanctioned by the round will play for seventh to 12th OHA, place at Kladno and Kolln, Their| Barrie and North Day are al pairing will also be drawn March filiated with Boston Bruins of the! 8 In Prague. National Hockey League, NEW REDUCED PRICE -- ON -- I STOVE OIL | 20- For Delivery By Metered Trucks Phone: VIGOR OIL CO. LIMITED MO 8-3644 WHITBY Premium Quality ® Prompt Delivery ® Courteous Service ® Reasonable Price OSHAWA RA 5-1109 Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E. A. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton. Pre- school, Acrobatic at the Masonic Temple, 91 Centre Street. Fridays & Saturdays. INFORMATION: RA 3.7253 iss]