ME OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, sonvery 26, 1959 {5 1 NEWS IN BRIEF 100 HURT IN FALLS TORONTO (CP)--One Toronto hospital alone counted 19 persons ~ }admitted with broken wrists Sat iurday as the city's five main hos |pitals reported more than 100 per - [sons injured due to falls on ice patches covered with Show, A Istorm which dumped two inches 7 jof snow brought traffic to a A standstill in some sections and caused 75 traffic accidents injug- ing 23 persons, OVERCOME BY SMOKE CHATHAM (CP)--One tenant was overcome by fumes and \three others were forced to the street Sunday by a $50,000 fire which destroyed the interior of 8 two-storey office-apartment build. ing here, Overcome by dense smoke was a 65-year-old retired fireman and former school teacher, Thomas Howard, His condition was reported satisiace tory, i BABY BITTEN BY RAT OTTAWA (CP) -- A three. months baby girl is recovering {in hospital after being bitten fn 'her crib by a rat described as {the size of a small caf, Lise Beaus din, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, 'Roy Beaudin was bitten on the forehead, temple and top of the head Saturday morning. ON EASTERN TOUR ! ONCTON, N.B, (CP) -- Ng» 6% MAY 1 HAVE I JUST CURED 4 FREER, THAT JEWELRY F /F WOULD . HON aR AR nt THE AFTERNOON WR GINPKNG" J [78 WORTH FIVE TIES WHAT Lf 7 THE TAYES HADWY, BEN ' 10 Rourke Chabon. Onl. het LARYNGITIE! Ji 4 OWE WW TAXES, Soin can 7 por ZR/RLLP ito leave here by plane today for W A -. i ? g " >. St. John's, Nfld. to continue a DONALD DUCK POOR MR. BIMPKING CANT EVEN TALK, HE HAS LARYNGITIS/ Pa tour ¢f the Atlantic Provinces, SALLY'S SALLIES KILLERS WITH STOLEN CREDENTIALS POSE AS TA% COLLECTORS * + © 17 Wing Fentoren Sob icutn, Ine. Word +: ; Tm = Y pi STOP SHES YI ( THAT'S WHAT ! vi "fy | {ONE | i 4 i FLL ME ABOL SHES A FINE TYPIST Jil SHE'S A HARD A1( OH, STO SHES 7 HELLO, WARY | NO, PHIL! NONE, THEY'VE STAYED HAM {fod ABV | [AD Faies y= Pi WORKER AND IS) > = THE VERY = ' (1 WANTED Severs! days [on AS THINGS 7 BVBRYTiNG \[ UNDBR ROCKS OR mAvBE ZX 17 UP TY \ { / " AT THE TEST 15 UNDER HIDDEN IN A DARK CORNER, I | A LITTLE [ B YOU SAD Hie FRIEND we SECRETARY J| | DICTATION ('rei me)| |AN EXPERT 3 (NonsENSE PRETTY ) ® KNOW VERY FAST "| MORE Se pees an OXYGEN TENT, Seagal : $ITEF 00 YOU 4 CONTROL! HAE), 0 TO THE WOSPITAL DALY, MORE! 1 comes mo ms Hosp 7 \ Ne Yate NEED ANY You FOUND AND TO BYBRY CASING, BUT) You WITH SOD Ab DAY. WORK ON AL woLP 7 ANY LEADS 7) Ml 3 MAVEN'T WON ANY AWARDS ) WAVE i om Salle FOR MY ACTING AS YBT| EMNY 88} YO SECRET AGENT X39 RY "He's a wonderful husband, but much of the credit should £9 to me," \7) i) J yes). ; / Js i= ize ERNIE CAY'S ke) A HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN ; ia py bh T0 24 MONTHS T0 PAY For the BEST Deal on a Used Car >. \ PHONE RAndolph 50122 CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED ) tei 230 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA PHONE RA 5.6651 TH | | AH GERI DROPPED | | [80 T JUST WANTED TI 1] [11 IF ANT WH PTI graeme PITA L an BROKE My NICE) | | BE PREPARED, Lueck COMES. NCCI! £) i 7 ' ' WHITE- | MURDER! vou OCRANDMAT? | | MORNIN'/ , on DOOR 4 607 LOST Rig? y IN THE MIDDLE OF CAMP, HOWD YOu UKE TO 8 THAT PILOT for o x [XY ; : Ad <5 VALENTINE : Pe BN | . \S H GIFT Et vane : : oP Ad | 5 44 47S IN 10 MINUTES, 2 WILL ATTEMPT CRASH AN 8 LANDING, \ my WN Inquire Now -- MILLWORK & Z 7 7 71 mianews om ances ave was masieo im oon 6 WITH Y RIGHT: BRICK BANGS THE GATRLLTE BCH. AROUND Til WORLD, AND AT A BATRLLITE | Y5U) WELL BO ) CER) 8 Jus {BUILDING SUPPLIES BHP IN FOR A LANDING AT DR, GAGTLANDS OEVELOPVENT CENTER ON THE WEST COAST, TRY / ROLL OUT 8 ; | 1279 Simcoe N., 3-4694 BRICK'S THE MAN WEB NBBD/ PAM, CAN 1 4 You BELL HMON J JUST WANT TO 2 \ HERE FOR m-------- THE JOB? SEE WIM/ / 8 A WHILE/ ; : : » AC SX. | SUBSCRIBERS BARE TES ER rh ; 4 A THE TIMES E Jn : OSHAWA FOR MISSED PAPERS AND OSHAWA'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE . NL I DID INDEED, BUY TELL YOUR AH ~SANDRA CITY AGAIN = IT WON'T Miss B 18 DEAD SE N UNITED TAXI al Hope You qe COMPANY DAT yen J. K. PLN i Jae ME LONG T0 FIND MY PERSONAL. 7 BACK EAST 0 Cron Wp. ON Mad, MEANYD RA 5-3541 TRIP WITH US, S\N" OFF ONE OF YOUR TIN BIRDS Hf ROONEY ~SHES BOUND 10 DF can" [os Or an SAYS 3 EXPECTS TO SEF THE RED HERE SONEPACE pl If you have not received your CARPET ROLLED OUT // AI y of Times, phone your carrier boy - first, If you are unable to con- tact him by 7.00 p.m, TELEPHONE UNITED TAXI Colls Accepted Batween 7-7:30 p.m, Onlv YOUR LIFE'S MADE EASIER through CLASSIFIED ADS : To solve everyday prob. THAT'S TOO \ GUESS I'LL NAVE lems quickly BAD { LET'S | TO LEAVE. BUT age © ¢ WESTERN YOU $0 LONG | LEAKS LIGHT GATHER YOUR SNEAK i V MOVIE SET I THINK i ROGERS / IT ' EQUIPMENT BACK LATER! -- . 1g RA 3-3492 HE 18. ND SF A DARKROOM AT MY RANCH! Eo ry oe Toot tony fayrents? Conseliaate witha fast ban front ITIZENS FINANCE CO MP aANY Lata ROY ROGERS Loan Manager: Don Tuline 104 Brock St S., Whitby, MO, 8.2367 Othawa resident RA I (ne tall Ooen Fri. till 8 pm., Sat till 12 noon | Loans made in Oshawa. Ajax Pickering av nearby towns