'Want Details |CDCI Boys Of Royal Tour InBig Win | PORT HOPE -- Her Majesty|will stay at Batterswood, resi: Streak | Queen Elizabeth 11 is due to be dence of the Goveruor-Genersl lin [today, but nobody seems to know Hope Sunday Is hoped to be 8%: coiiegiate's three boys' basket. kd | what she will do when she is here, ranged. (ball trams continued thelr string Details of a royal tour of Can-| One speculation as to her Bc: ar victories, Friday night they |ada were released in Ottawa last (tivities Is whether she will 8t-| oot red two of the three games week, Port Hope was mentioned [tend church service Sunday 8 (om gt Peter's High School of for a weekend stopover between !St. Mark's Anglican Church, | Peterborough in the school sudi- Bn Port Hope six months from | near here. A short tour of, Port! coBounG -- Cobourg District! A -------------- the prairies and the maritimes, | Asked what he thought of of-|yo iin | Last week Mayor W N, Moore | eontacted Ottawa in hope of | {learning details of the stopover, | He said he talked to Mr, Lionel | Massey, nephew and secretary to |the Governor-Genera) i | Mr. Moore sald the Port Hope istop would probably he. a rest stop for the royal enfourage, an| lopportunity for the Queen to be off duty for a few hours It is generally known that shel : | | MEMBERS OF ST, MICH. | day when they had as special | Turpin; Guide Capt, G, D, Tur- | AEL's Girl Guides were honor. | guest the district commission. | pin, and Guides Murion Bracel ed at a special ceremony in St er, Picture shows, left to right, and Margaret Mary: Lees Michael's Church, Cobourg, Fri- * Guides Julia Butler and Sandra Oshawa Times Pholo Guides Honored All-Stars Lose ici mili At Big Ceremony In Exhibitions of Bt, Catharines eked oul a 4-2 [triumph over the Trinity College |8chool Firsts The first period was scoreless but COBOURG Forty Girl Guides; In making the presentations, Pty Jockey Michael's Troop Fr, J! P, Collins stressed the im-«| in oo of.10u Michael's portance of the Girl Guide move School Auditorium, Friday night, | ment, He sald it gave Guides the visitors got a pair In Cobourg's All-ithe second, John Bums connect. the weekend In the upcoming Little for the special enrolment andthe opportunity to practice their Awards ceremony conducted by religion as well as to serve the teams continued ed unassisted at 13.35 and then exhibition - schedule Ward Passi shot one home .two downs at Trenton 8 Saturday the District Commissioner, Mrs, community as a whole P. Berbee He asked parents and friend n opposition over minutes later from Chuck Mit tams wilted in the third period as Enrolled as guides were Eliza a standing ova preparation for chell Port Hope took a 5:2 de beth Baker, Andre Gutteridge District Commisssioner COBOURG of the 2nd St were present at St night, Cobourg present tion to to give teams, as they NHL play With Trinity captain Brit Mock vidge off in the third, Nidley made a shot from the blue line by Bill on on'lrerencz Cobourg lee. At Trenton, the local Port Hope finally got going at Barbara Burge, Emily Pinet, Mrs, P, Berbee, Mrs, G. D, Tur Mites made it a clean sweep for [8,30 when Dave Butler punched Eleanor Smith, Mary Ellen pin, Jr, Captain of the Troop the Trentonans 2-0 He was helped on the first by Doirlan and Nichole Gutteridge, of the Troop At home, Pat Briand's bantam Monty Black and Dave Hodgetts, Elizabeth Baker [The evening closed with enter-|squad blew a two goal lead to|while Mockridge picked up a First year pins, awarded by tainment by the guides, followed the shorthanded Port Hope ctew, helper on the second tally Mrs. B. Lehigh and Mrs, R, Lees, by "Taps after which refresh stead of the Port Hope team tir- for the tying goal Mitchell broke ing In the later stages, the Co- away for an insurance goal hourg club ran out of gas In the BASKETBALL Port Hope came| In a Senior Basketball game Inst chapter a on to win Following a scoreless first per fond Terry Lenahan scored a beau tiful goal for Cobourg at 2.20, Bob, Hixt and Ron Milne assisting. | Milne made it 2:0 at 15.20 as he| cashed Barry Dawe's rebound Before the perind ended, Paul Terbenche hit for the Hilltown ers on a pass from Oliver at| 1705 { There was no stopping Port Hope In the third eanto, Duke Mc Cutchen tied the score at 10.45, 00 faith and by - certificate Terbenche aiding Then Don |transfer into Trinity United Oliver fired the winner at 11,25,|Church during 1958, it was an. Ron Bridesu and Ron Rowden nounced at the Annual general added Insurance tallies in the meeting of Trinity United Church COBOURG Sixty new mem hers were received by profession Ban. it 30 when Doug Wigle missed visiting blanked home two goals within & minute Holmes, Rayanna Lees, Roberta and Mrs. P, Galaskl, Lieutenant who dressed hut nine players, In However, with Trinity pressing were presented to Elizabeth Le: ments were served those present high, Catherine Turpin, Anita by the guides Gutteridge, Mary Jo Dunn, Paul ine Kinch, Mary Lou Delanly ' Margaret Leslie, Connie Perrin, GIRLS BASKETBALL Sheila Holmes, Elizabeth Pinet,| ' Jane Keppy, Bonnie Lee Steele, | M G Joan Cave, Judy McCalg, Judith Y Smith and Dawne Warner an ames Second year pins, presented by Mrs, 8. Bracel, were awarded to| L ft T Pl Darla Gallagher, Linda Russell | e 0 ay 'lizabeth Bolan, Carol Kelly, HH Butler, Marion Bracci, Mar] COBOURG Following is the aret Mary Lees, and Sandra remainder of the high senool urpin girls' district basketball schedule Proficiency badges, presented Jan 80 Bancroft at Ken by Mrs. Murray Smith, Laun-iner; PCVS at Lindsay; St. Pe dress badges Pauline Kinch, ters at COBOURG; Port Hope at Connle Perrin, Joan Care and Whithy Mary Lou Delanty; Cyclist, Feb, 6 PCYS at Bancroft badges: Darla Gallagher and Whitby at 8t, Peter's; COBOURG Elizabeth Bolan; Homemaker|/at Port Hope last five minutes held In the church hall badge: Judith Smith; Cook's| Feb, 12 St. Peters at Port Referee G n shad Preceded by a Pot Luck Sup- badges, presented by Mrs, Leo Hope; Whitby at COBOURG f \ ree ary um, assessed ner, served by the members of Mulbali: Carol Kelly, Dawne| Feb, 13 -- Kenner at Bancroft; |!" penalties, two each the Woman's Association, it was Warner, Judy MecCalg, Joan/Lindsay at PCVS Cobourg stars were Ross Quig-lpoported that church member. Core, Connie lee Stecle, Janel Feb, 10 PCVS at Kenner; (ley, Ron Milne and Terry Lena: hin as of Dec, 21, 1058, was Kelly, Connie Perrin, Margaret|Bancroft at Lindsay; COBOURG han. For the winners, Don Hor- 1042, The Rev, E. C. Kelloway Leslie, Mary Lou Delanty, Pau-at St. Peters; Whitby at Port &an, Paul Terbenche and Donipenorted 57 baptisms, 28 mar line Kinch, Mary Jo Dunn, Anita Hope Ollver were best riages and 33 burials Gutteridge, Catherine Turpin,| Feb, 28 Kenner at PCVS:' At Trenton, the local Mites bat Financial reports presented at Elizabeth Lehigh | Lindsay at Bancroft: St. Peters tled hard for thelr close triumph. the meeting revealed that the Four First Class badges were at Whithy; Port Hope at CO. Goai-getters for Red Alexander's|{church congregation had raised esented by Fr. J. P, Collins to BOURG (hoys were Paul Massey and Gerry $49,900 of which $11,240 was ear ndra Turpin, Julia Butler, Ma-| The district COSSA finals will Bambridge, Bill Cane and Paul|marked for Missionary and Bene rion Bracel and Margaret Mary be held at St. Peter's High School Berthelet getting assists, Danny |volent purposes Lees, lin Peterborough, March 7 Melvor recorded the shutout Highlight of the year was the En |announcement that the congrega pees | (on had decided to bulld a Chris tian Education Centre at an est mated cost of $140,000, The new centre vill comprise a large audl Strikers Keep League Lead | COBOURG It appears no hody Is going to displace Strik- ers from first place In the Bowl o-Drome Little Amateur Bowling League. They have led from start of the season in September Standing to date is Strikers 60; Strays 59; Red Wings 54; Go-Getters 47; Blue Rirds 41; Pee Wees 47; Whiz Kids 37. Peanuts 36; Gliders 30; Fly ers 24; Cardinals 15; [13 The league will hold a parents' day February 2% so that parents may seé for themselves the pro- gress their children are making ir Cobourg's fastest growing sport for youngsters, Other howl Ing league standings are 2 COD MIXED LEAGUE Swordmen 71: Headpins 70; Cookies 70; Phibs 63; Skittlers S58; Hot Shots 55: Pinfalls 54; Underdogs 81; High Hatters 53 Pros 44; !lasheens 40; Cracker jacks 40 SPORTSMAN'S LEAGUE Headpins 70; Moonshiners 66; 1 Wood's Insurance 63; Knights of Columbus 61; Training School No 1, 48; Loal 13138, 39: Cobourg Road Aces 37; White Rose 36 MATHEWS MIXED LEAGUE Hotshots 72: Guttersnipes 70: BASKETBALL AT COBOURG bourg seniors won 53-13 Times staff photo HANDS TIED? BECAUSE YOU LACK A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA You son get ona at HOME in your spare tima, If you wringer oy good ay new ore 17 or over and have left school, write for interest at reasonable rates ! ing free book tells you how! Graduates will re or ceive the High School Diploma of the American School, JACK Bl DDU LPH APPLIANCE SERVICE tack Christie Rear of 68 Simcoe St N RA 5-1179 For Pick-up and Delivery Cobourg's senior collegiate team took a over the visiting St. Peters of Peterborough basketball squad decisive victory HAVING Wringer Troubles? Wa are Our experts rebuild specialis vw |$50 to $5,000 Without Endorsers Bonkable Security Lite Insurance Available will your AMERICAN SCHOOL 847 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON, ONT Weite for FREE Migh School Book end Lesson At Name or pwner) OPEN SATURDAY 17° Simcoe St. N. Address Varied Fortune In Trinity Meet the 7 King Pins 17 ficiating at a service before Her Majesty, Rev. G, Moffat, recently arrived rector, sald yesterday with a smile that a lot of parish. foners would be disappointed If they couldn't get seals, Reeve Reld Budge and Deputy- Reeve Mike Wiadyka agreed on two points: they appreciated the honor being paid Port Hope, but they wished they knew a few more details about the visit played here against Ridley, the visitors broke loose In the dying| minutes of the game to post al close 43-37 triumph over the local | Senior club. TCS led 23-20 at the half, after which the lead changed hands several times, Ridley were up by one point {entering the last quarter, Ridley's best was Millman with 20 points closely followed by Jack Proctor of Trinity with 18 JUNIORS WIN Trinity avenged this loss In the Junior fray by beating Ridley 32 | 25. They were led by John Piper| with 10 points while Mike Mader ville picked up 11 for the visitors In swimming, T.C.S5 defeated RM.C, In Kingston by a 43-33 | count Saturday SWIMMING Bill Warner took a double win for Trinity in tne 100 and 200 vard free style. John Vanstone won the 50 yard free siyle with Bob Bannerman, taking the 50] yard backstroke, Report 60 New Church Members ¢ ---- nounce Draw For Little NHL COBOURG ~ Representatives changing ends every five min rom Bowmanville, Trenton and Port Hope met at Cobourg utes. The last five minutes of all Cobourg's Chateau Hotel Bunday games will be stopped time. All to discuss plans for the Little be will be' wo minutes NHL hockey zone tournament, (0 jong, stopped time, Participating y -- Ba THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Jonuery 26, 1959 7 je ms will use one home referee, "Ser and goal judge. For the finals, neutral officials will . bs employed, . cK ol com ing hu Rheumatic Pains, ting Up Nighis strong © Ody hae, frritating Passage, Lee Pains, and Joss of energy dus to Kid- ney and Bladder troubles, try CYBTEX Quick, complete satisfaction oF money back, Over $00 milion CYBTEX tablets used prove ssfety, suceess, Don't ouifor another day without ssking your Arus~ wish for he held at Trenton C Gardens March 7 : Presiding at the meeting were| tam division with three straight |wyihers of Port Hope, and Don Cobourg Bantams lead the ban- 1 i1je NHI, president, Keith Don victories. They took a close 16-13|Gilhooley of Bowmanville, East: decision from the Saints, Cam|ern Ontario Little NHL commis- | Wallbridge paced the locals to sioner, the triumph with 13 points while! Ken Taylor scored the The draw was the most impor. | other tant matter on the Co- three, Hann had five for St Pe. ours gt pe ached] Mites were matched | ter's, Devlin three, Ranger and against the host town in the 11| Lebarr two each and Rogers one. o'clock opener, In the other hall SPS juniors won from Cobourg of the junior A first round, Bow- | Clair Leahy led the Peterborough squad with 10 points In the tight| In the Pee Wee 2826 in a real thrilling game. |manville drew Port Hope for a 12.05 encounter, (American tussle, Dawson and Carey notch. League) section, Cobourg agaln| ing #ix each, Coyle four and Cala. drew Trenton with game time at gahan two, 1.15, Port Hope and Bowmanville | Ian Munro topped CDCI shoot- will oppose each other at 2.25, ers with 15 points, Phillip getting The Bantam (NHL) division] five, Staples four and Osborme saw Cobourg and Port Hope pick: | two, ed as first round opponents at Cobourg senlors counted on the 4,40, while Trenton and Bowman remarkable scoring feat of Lee|ville will hook up at 3.35. All Woods again to smother the Rev, Ray Garvey's club 51-13 Woods, who last week tossed in 37 points against Kenner, was sharp to toss in Thornton and Dave Fwart were good for eight points apiece 25 points, Monty|land for the winners will qualify for the finals in the evening, starting at seven o'clock Winners in the finals go to Wel All-Ontario Little NHL playdowns. Two periods of 20 minutes dura- | For the losers, Gary Quinlan tion will be the order In the Junior | led the attack with seven points, | The CDCI win left the seniors in! NHL a two-way tie for first place In the Lakeshore grouping with three consecutive victories A playoffs, In the American and classes, three 20-minute periods will be played, If over- time is required, it will he a sud-| den-death affair with the feams LAKESHORE LEAUGE | B'Ville Ties The Lea COBOURG Bowmanville Le glonnaires edged Lindsay Night Raiders Friday night by a 54 score at Lindsay to tie the north erners fo" first place in the Lake: shore Juvenile Hockey League with 17 points each, Port Perry follows In third with Whitby and Cobourg trailing in that order, Bwmanville took a 20 frst ders glonnaires a two - goal edge, Car- leton made it 4-1 at 8:34, three! seconds after Larry Burns of the Raiders had been chased for tripping. With the teams playing five aside, Rich Grozelle rifled a shot from the left boards at 16:12 that found the mark and the period ended on a 42 count After eight penalties in theo {period lead on goals by Eric Car. middle stanza the teams settled | torium, tee rooms, nursery of 'room and the usual church of-[Gills at 7:49. The architect for the new Herbert G fices centre Is {Whitby The plans for the new building] have heen approved by the con:| {gregation and by the Cobourg Presbytery, and the working drawings are now being prepared [by the architect, A finance com- mittee Is presently Investigating methods of raising the necessary funds to underwrite the cost of the project At the conclusion of the meet. ing, Mr. K. 8. Cooper, chairman of the committee of stewards, presented Mrs, Kelloway with a bouquet of roses and a gift on behalf of the congregation | At the close of the evening, Mr, Kelloway congratulated the {members of the congregation on| thelr efforts during the past year, and on the great work under: taken hy the stewards |Pin Heads 66; Lucky Strikes 61; Kingpins 87; Alley Kings 55; Blowouts 55: Strikeouts $4 Roll: ers 50; Handicaps 48; Eightballs 145; Aces 29. LITTLE AMATEUR LEAGUE Bobolinks 41: Fagles 37; Swal: | lows 35; Kingfishers 31; Canaries 23; Robins 23; Red Wings 20; Orioles 18; Cardinals 17; Falcons LADIES' ACADEMY LEAGUE | Jenkin's Cartage 75; Farl's Sunoco 70; Tuckers 82; Harold Fabrics 49; Card Motors 45; Far dellas 44; CGE 37: Misfits 22; Hoseltons 20; Jennings 19; Curtis 7: Ideal 15, High single Pat Dawe 266; high triple P Dawe '677; high average P. Dawe BUYING A RUG? Before You Do . . . See Our Stock HIGHER QUALITY LOWER PRICES |NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES | FOR EXAMPLE: 7 Monthly Receive Payments $ 506.94 $2200 | $1,526.72 | $60.00 | $2,500.00 | "$98.25 You UNTIL 12 NOON RA 5-6541 hoSurgery is John Devitt put Lindsay on the period on a pass from Paul Pres ley Cochrane again gave the Le. | FoundDead By Poisoning | PHILADELPHIA (AP) Two men and two women were found dead Sunday In their fume:filled home in the Frankford section The wife of one of the victims was reported In critical condition at a hospital, The dead were Daniel Doyle, 65, whose body was found in the family auto In a basement gar age; his daughter, Marie, 24, a nurse; Ernestine K, D'Estel, 68, who lived at the Doyles home, also a nurse; and her nephew, Joseph Gately, 27. Mrs, Cecilia Doyle, 55, was in hospital Police sald Doyle's body was found in the car. The ignition key was turned on and the gas tank dry, The other victims, in night clothes, were found in the upper floors of the house edical Mirror £2 COME \ Questions i mid are [of general interest will be incorporated in these columns when possible Q. "I have had en irritated bow- ol for 5 years, Is this the same os colitis? Is there @ cure?' An Ohio reader, A. The term "bowel applies to the entire intestinal tract where as "colon refers to only the large intestine, Colitis Is all too common and severe coses ore none too easy to deal with, It varies from a mild spastic eon dition to severe inflammation of the lining tissues, Cures are often possible in mild cases of colitis less likely in advanced cases always considered when the condition has advanced to a point where life is threat. ened. The emotions seem to play a large part in causing colon flare-ups. Let a colitis patient get all worked up over some personal problem and he is likely to backslide far enough to erase successful treatment Doctors do everything they can to prevent these stress-caused tare ups months of Q. "ls a novel rupture in on 8-month-old boby harmful? Should it be topedd'--Mn, A. Although the common umbli- lical hernia (navel rupture) us ually corrects itself without treat. reflect ond treatment of disease Answers: do net necessarily dingnosi ersonal physician. Questions direct f Editors, P.O. Box 97, Terminal "A" columns when possible porated in these 14 classrooms, commit-|leton from Holmeroft at 6:27 and down to serious hockey with only voom. choir'by Paul McCullough from Frank two penalties being called in the final frame. Paul McCullough scored on a 10-foot screened shot | Cole, |scoresheet at 1:18 of the middle at 4:13 for a 52 edge. | Agnes batted In Grozelle's re- bound at 13:40, and the Raiders took fire, Bowmanville fought back and held Lindsay off until the final| Four Persons minus, vien Suis Waorien fn Before the Raiders could find the range again time ran out, giving Bowmanville the verdict in| the tight tussle | ED. WILSON FURNITURE 20 Church St. RA 3.3211 where A DEAL A DEAL appreciated and answeres to those | ment, the condition often causes | much worry among parents, Some, physicians recommend taping while others believe such treat ment Is not only useless but also | delays natural cure, A British doctor studied 100 babies with! umblical hernia. Almost. all small, untreated hernias disap peared during the first year of lite. "aping helped when the hernias were large H Q. Wheat does the word "pay: chosomatic"' mean? A. Psychosomatic refers to a physical disorder of the body which is caused by or aggravated by emotional processes, How ever, when a doctor says that) a certain disorder is psychoso matic or hos psychogenic causes, | he does not mean that it is "all in your head" or that something is wrong mentally or that you are a neurotic Me is simply tak ing consideration that no one is always in complete har | mony with himself, We are oll under some emotional tension and this can affect 'the heart, | stomach and other organs, The| emotions (hate, fear, anger and| the like) are powerful forces which can and often do contri bute to physical ills into the opinion of all doctors. The Is the tunction of the patient's ed to Dr. J. D, Ralston, Science , Toronto, Ontario will or Published as a public service by 28 King St FE RA 3-462) Oshawa easy payments over Years' on your monthly gas bill INSTALLS A NATURAL GAS COMPLETE FURNACE | CONVERSION BURNER Payments as low as *] 4 60" COMPLETE | woxrey EURNACE FOR A NO DOWN PAYMENT LESS Hien $5.60 stalls a gas conversion burner, Fits most coal furnaces. i Simple, efficient, eco- nomical to operate. sk Installs complete gas forced air' furnace, in- | cluding labour and ma. terials to connect with '! nearest existing base | ment ducts, Natural Gas Equipment costs less to buy... less k to install , . . far less to maintain and you get NATURAL GAS the modern fuel CLEAN - DEPENDABLE + SILENT ECONOMICAL + CONVENIENT furnaces, whatever their fuel, and there are also Natural | Gas "custom design" Furnaces for Winter Air Con- | ditioning, Gravity Warm Air, Hot Water and Steam . . . | Space Heaters... Room Heaters . . . Fireplace Units, Consult your own Heating Contractor or discuss your heating problem with the nearest office of (Consumers' Has N Raa.