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The Oshawa Times, 26 Jan 1959, p. 8

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a-- a ST -- FOUR GENERATIONS baby's grand. One-year-old Marina Gall Babington is sitting on the lap of her great grandmother, Mrs. | Thomas Sweet, Centre street. At left is the son, Church street, and baby's mother is Mrs, Jack | Pretty Petty Otticer Posted to Palace OTTAWA (CP)--A pretty Wren petty officer, outbound for Buck- ingham Palace, conceded Wed~ nesday she gets excited if she lets herself think about her new appointment there, "Right now I'm living one thing at a time," said Rosalee Auger, 25, in an interview. She leaves today by air to join the royal household staff as pri- |vate secretary to Esmond Butler, 'the Canadian appointed assistant press secretary to the Queen last March, But reporters who expect to find Petty Officer Auger in a "tizzy'* about the trip will be dis-| appointed. | The navy selected her for the Job, which includes duties in con- nection with royal tour starting in mid-June, on the basis of her stenographic and organizational ability, tact, reliability, capacity | for work and appearance. She was chosen from more than 120 permanent force Wrens. It is| her first trip overseas, and the posting probably will last a year. A trim size 10, five feet, five inches tall with green eyes and [brown hair, petty officer Auger-- [its pronounced o-zy-ay--answer {questions with a quiet aplomb. She was keen on the navy, she said, even before this appoint ment, | She hasn't met her London boss, --tall, handsome Esmond Butler, | 35, former assistant to the sec- retary to the governor-general and a lieutenant-commander in the navy reserve. "But 1 hear he is an eligible #55 /] bachelor," sald Rosalee with a 3% = A twinkle in her eye. Her duties will bring her back to Canada with the royal tour and MANY HAPPY RETURNS, BARBARA probably will mean a trip aboard| Celebrating her first birthday | Mr. and Mrs. H, W. Flintoff, the royal yacht Britannia for of-| today is Barbara Ann, daugh- | Oshawa, and Mr, and Mrs, A. ficial ceremonies opening the St.| ter of Mr. and Mrs. George | J; King, Minto, Manitoba. |B Babington, the former Jeanette mother, Mrs, Carman Thomp- | Thompson, nol living at Hall the | fax, N.S. ~Photo by Ireland [Lawrence seaway. Flintoff, Hortop avenue. Bar- hadi ~Photo by Hornsb, Wome, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's MARY EWOIRSM Westmount United Church WA. Gregariously Inclined Matron Installs Officers For 1959 4 : | The regular meeting of group leaders, Mrs. C. E, Me- Bemoans Lack of Socia 1 é |Westmount United Church WA Inroy; Mrs. Ewen MacDonald {was held at the church with a and Mrs. Percy Neal; Missionary Dear Mary Haworth: My hus- customed to that sort of living|large attendance. {monthly, World Friends, Mrs, band and I are in our late thir- | back home." (The sort of "new, Mrs. Gordon Wherry, president|Alfred Fursey; parsonage, Mrs, i y |G. E. Dunn, Mrs, Gordon Brown; ties, happily married (after 16 Ijopened the meeting with a poem, |r » MF : nd "Thoughts for the New Year| Visiting committee, Mrs, life" you were visualizing, 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, January 26, 1959 years) and have a handsome son, mean), Editor Dial RA 3-3474 4 with a good sense of humor,| At any rate, what you've en.|and prayer. After welcoming the| MacDonald, Mrs. Earl Landon, Frank Bennett through fliness. | My husband does high type re-|countered is different from what/members and friends Mrs. Wher- Mrs George Dunn, Mrs. John, Mrs, ¥. 8, Dafoe and Mrs, y search, we own our home and|you had expected. As to why you!ry turned the meeting over to|Jackson, Mrs, C. E, McInroy; R. 8, Disney were in charge of Child's Bill of Ri ghts Theme Of H&S Fathers' Night The January meeting of Col- therin were read by the speaker, lege Hill Home and School As- who asked the audience to think sociation was devoted to Citizen- about them and ask themselves, ship and It was also Father's|* Night. i Mr. George Fletcher of the Board V of Education who was the guest speaker. His theme was "The Child's Bill of Rights". 'Do we have them?" "Is It enough to have more of Mrs, Harold Nugent presided Hse shia Hay any Jee soun: Mrs. Luthe: ead the|!ry' We have the right to share irly new home-owner in and Ms 8¥ Locks F a ot them with the rest of the world, l jen a Jane ih pis Ss are 3 fairly was read by Mrs, Arthur Cory.|If we don't, the rest of the| 3 FE Eo eed » Mrs. Douglas Langley introduced (World will share its misery with After meeting the same people 18. Mr. Fletcher closed his talk by papny to meet me" the fourth on the score of VIPs from all| "The saying *'Don't expect perfection. |ijma" as the first |Glve them the right of knowing TNT A Mr. Fletcher opened his talk|the truth, Give them leadership| THEY ENTERTAINED by asking, "What is right?" Do!in the things we know are worth we know the difference between while." the childish imagination of a "fib and a real lie? "If we sometimes feel that we | have not progressed in the last fifty years the records used Children to! almost nothing. Even as late as 1913 children were judged and convicted in the same courts as adults and were given the same punishments" The Canton of Geneva was drawn up in 1913. In May 1950 the United Nations drew a draft for the Declaration of Children's Rights. The ten items contained Ont. Regt. OWF Elects Officers Mrs. John Larmond opened her home on Heathercourt drive to the Officers' Wives of the 11th ! Ontario Regiment on Tuesday |three, four and five served the last Mrs. William Paynter conduct. ed a short business meeting con- Harold Harmer held the lucky te cerning the fall card party and a rummage sale in March The meeting was then handed over to Mrs, Stephen Wotten who installed the new executive in a very impressive ceremony. The officers for 1959 are as fol lows: past president, Mrs, Wil liam Paynter; president, Mrs John Rolls secretary Mrs Douglas Harnden treasurer, Mrs, John Larmond; phone com mittee, Mrs. Stanley Skea, Mrs James Warnica Mrs. Wotten presented the past Fresident with a gift of win WIFE PRESERVERS Save stocking boxes; they pro-| Tea was served by the hostess vide an ideal fiiing cabinet for Mrs. John Larmond, assisted by your smali silk scarves, to keep| Paynter and Mrs. Ronald them from being mussed in your on; for her encouraging work over the past two years. | Mrs. Duffy, Mr, be held on Mrs. William Saxley Fletcher, The ines" dies Just look back over sery Rhyme Song," "Dixie Dad- "April Showers'. They work In factories and mines for were thanked by Mrs. Fred Rose \ Members were reminded of the pitality and to enjoy being with| news Is big business; and *'names FOR THE BIRTHDAY hobby show which will be held us, when we are in sight at the February meeting, It was|seems never to occur to these decided that a candy sale would people to February social life 10. Mrs. Ernest Thompson will!soclal leval as the people convene it The mothers who are going to| City Hall to help with the Patch|ing? Should I be content with my Test were named : Mrs, J Loge- | family and ever-loving Siamese man, Mrs. R. Drinkle, Mrs. S.|cats; Knapp, and Mrs. T Hanna LH The attendance prize was won OH or ole, and oe by Mrs Phyllis Sinclair's room. | amily projects and the few oping Interests in common and, | The tea box collection will be 1 [sent to the Canadian Save the [EXPECTATIONS UNREALISTIC will have a cross-section of all{R2n8 ly", and Tuesday, Children's Fund. Grade mothers from grades that your approach to social life|*"crowd'" as such. refreshments, Mrs. Carman Westlake and Mr, dealing with the gradual disin:|job of some sort, outside of home: you are single, there is a possi- received into the lodge. WM Sis- cups. thanked couple, I always returned invita-| Ade-| i Two! 4 {tions within reasonable time, Two : } sang four harmonious mel-| oars in succession we gave a husband gets a high federal ap-|cause you to make wrong de:|on "What is my purpose in life", "Theme Song", "The Nur-|3 "Sweet ee | 880, YOu probably assumed that was seriously fll last year, so I/because you are just what Jou the Installation of officers for 1959. Jomingting Jomuluge, us Al- {am doubly thankful that he Is/say--namely: a nice attractive] nna executive for this year "°C rsey an 8. [still with us, |wife, neither limp nor pushy, eut-|, 0 "act president, Mrs. Percy Kitchen committee, Mrs, My problem is lack of social ting no news-making figure in thein oi." oiocident, Mrs. Gordon Small and Mrs. L. M. Stewart. communication with others-- community. And with a husband|wyerey: first vice-president, Mrs,| The business meeting followed though I don't brood about it. who isn't in the news either; and| yo. Jackson: recording secret- With Mrs, Harry Bennett reading After six years in this location, maybe so absorbed In his re- |... and corresponding secretary, [the minutes of 1958 and the De- I have exactly one good friend, a|search work that the social game niu, "Ripert Harrizon, treasurer; cember meeting, Mrs. Harrison; {number of nodding acquaintances'doesn't interest him. (Sclentist nr.' Bunon Boville, ecard con-|treasurer's report and roll call, and two couples whom we see husbands are notably no help to once" "Mrs. Miles Stoughton: Mrs. MacDonald reported hospi. {occasionally |gregariously inclined wives). press secretary, Mrs. §S. J. tal calls, and Mrs. Stoughton aL. Benes mousy Jo 28 BE VERY PERSONAL Preston; erature Sonvetior, Vis ears sent, t elek "hi | LL 8 § " § J ven: | t | Fran wen; pianist, rs. Roy hazaar and chicken patty tea listen, and do enjoy' sociability.| Further, bear in mind that you ro" SVE, BAM Ll ll ed for April 8 at. the church. Contributions were made a socially mixed, middle-to-upper to the Church Board and the p the ¢ thers,| class suburb, in a great elty A ist 2 face in the crowd to others that has become an international THE STARS SAY bullding fund, Itime and again, they are still as|boom town since World War II-- Mrs. McInroy opened the de- votional with hymn. The scrip. ture was nead by Mrs. Ruston, Mrs. Stanley Gomme sang two solos accompanied on the plano y Mrs. Roy Clemenger. Mrs, By ESTRELLITA over the nation and world, who live and work there. | By ESTRELLITA In this city it sometimes hap- pens that a nice couple (like FOR TOMORROW (il 3 DY to. yourselves) hitherto overlooked Stick to routine affairs now and grown offered prayer. Olin the crowd, zooms suddenly don't launch new enterprises.| wp Ehert Small Introduced into the social spotlight, if the Some misleading influences could Mrs, Clayton Lee who gave a talk During our first years here, we entertained --~ at large parties, small parties and couple - pointment, or crashes the news|cisions. In employment relation-'She explained that the smallest with a spectacular achlevemet. ships, be especially tactful with task in WA work is just as im- It is a case, then, of being a executives and superiors gener- portant as the greatest, " " 0 i People seem to enjoy our hos-| name".person in a town where ll, Refreshments were served by Mrs, MclInroys group. New Year's party, and on the third year, when we didn't, we {weren't asked anywhere are news," Once the name is in| But it te news. the face sticks In the If tomorrow is your birthday, 4 |evening, January 20, with first- Ewen|sided In the absence of Mps, our income is quite sufficient. He don't register, it probably i5| the Reverend William Gibb for| flower convenor, Mrs. A, J. Hicks|the devotional servies. The theme Harry, The secretarv's renort war Ebert read by Mrs. R, 8. Disney. The MERRY MATES Under the direction of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Salmers and Mr, and Mrs. E, V. Davies, an eve- ning of Court Whist was enjoyed by the members, Latest spring fashions were modelled by Mr, E, V. Davies during the playing. NERVOUS HEADACHES by Roneld Bilsky, D.C, year followed and members were |asked to submit suggestions to |executive, : The next meeting, on February al a jo {lage in Toronto, H y be different parts of the head, its | CANADIAN CORPS AUX, | location usually indicates the The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Praver and | Canadian Corps, Unit 42, held Winter Now", lits regular meeting on Tuesday vice-president, Sister Betty Cav- erhill, presiding. Installation of five new officers, "e8ular meeting recently, to the executive was conducted) The mew executive for 1959 was by past president, Sister Vera|in charge of the devotional. The Woodman, The members installed executive being: Mrs, N H, Gem. were first - vice - president, Sister| Mell, president; Mrs, Alistair Ful- Betty Caverhill; second « vice «ton, secretary; Mrs, John Mafel, president; Sister Ilene Watts, |treasurer; press, Mrs, Ross Ed. treasurer, Sister Edna Pollard; wards, f secretary, Sister Helen Smithers; sgt. - at - arms, Sister Alma|ing with a Scripture reading, Kellar, Mrs, Fulton read a passage re- | The regular and future business|lating to the first Commandment. {was discussed followed by a social Mrs, Maeil closed the devotional hour of euchre and refreshments with a prayer, February 25 has been set as) displacements of the spinal bones. These displacements, by caus- ing pressures on the spinal nerves leading to the affected organs, Interfere with the flow of vital energy necessary for their proper functioning, resulting in a headache, Ir. regularity of function must be traced to its source and cor- rected, Chiropractic adjust- ments correct the cause, | One of ® series of articles published in the public interest to explain and ustrers le title {arranged by social convener, Sis- ter Helen Smithers, the date of the fashion show, Tick- Whale the rah eT nan w. The next regular meeting willjets are to be sold at 75 cents Biigky, estar of Chirenrastie, Shite be held in the club rooms on|each, Toot (Plazes Theotre Building), Tele- February 17 at 8 p.m, AMITY. GROUP The Amity group of North- minster United Church WA held its January meeting at the hoe of Mrs. Stanley Carkeek, Arling- ton avenue, Mrs. Douglas McLaughlin pre- Plans are being made for a phone RA 8.5156, cooking school during: April, | ~'"The Hope of the World," OUR BUTTONS | think everyone knows the numery game of "Button, "Button, Who's got the butten?"' , , , naturally, we get lots of b in our busi end hing b con quite a chore at times. In fact, with many of the ornamen- tol buttons now en the market it is next door to Impossible to metch buttons . , . particularly when the gorment hes been dry cleaned o few times bufore there is 6 need to res place & missing button. treasurer's report, by Mrs, W. R. Latham. Plans were made for various catering projects and for con- tinning making avrons, The eoroun rehearsal of the skit, "The New Minister's Wife," which will be nresented at con. grecational meeting, Januarv 30, The February meeting will he at the home of Mrs. Gordon Furey, Greta street, HELPING HAND AUX. The Heloinez Wand Anxiliary of Simcoe Street United Church held its January meeting in the form of a pot luck sunper. The Rev, J. K. Moffat said grace and al nartook of a fine supper, Mrs. George Haines, the new presi. dent, presided for the routine | [ business, The minutes of the las! | meeting were read, also the year | Iv renorts showine a successfu'| |1958, It was decided to make » donation to the Cancer Research | Fund in memorv of two former, members, Leta Houlden and Ber | Douglas who passed away last] |yenr, Most buttons on the market todoy are made of various kinds of whot we commonly call "plastics" . , + acetates, ocrylic, casein , , . to nome o few. In the process of manu facture, buttons ore dyed or stained, In some cases the dye Is mixed with the materiel before moulding or shaping, In others, the color Is applied after the button Is shaped, No matter how buttons ere mode, some In dividual buttons are effected by pressing or oven by sunlight, Shades chenge, some color bleaches out . , . se when eo button is lost or broken, it is often necessery to replace the whole set, Some buttons cause other troubles, tod, The dye will sometimes transfer to the fabric In pressing. In the shop, of course, we take every percaution to see that this doesn't Iyour horoscope indicates a highly Isatisfactory year ahead. Phases of your life most generously in- around The realistic treatment of your fluenced by fine planetary as- their handshaker's memory, at least 33 efor a while--until new tides of Same yipg roll in, include us in We are on the us, so it can't be snobbishness, situation is to become quite per. pects are financial and romantic. SOCTETIES Am I getting upset over noth-| coral and specific in your attitude/ To Rive you the picture briefly,| | tow. excellent monetary periods will| [lowaris Othees; Shove to kuow occur during early February, : OARLEIGH LODGE head vou, also those Who are at hand.|most of March, the last three| Sister Nan Kirkbride presided '80 « happy-to-meet- |, "ou te on earning their weeks of July, late October and'at the regular meeting of Oak- within All of these/leigh Lodge No. 151, LOBA, in | nm i _|all of December. : y{liking, being their friend, devel |periods indicate fine return s/the Orange Temple, through increased earning power.| Sister May Oster gave the sick through sound financial report, The scripture lesson and the transactions. prayer were read by Sister Ethel Romance will be highlighted in{Cockerham in the absence of the in the new location was probably] Also, as you have contributive early March, late April, mid-June chaplain. unrealistic; and that you are energy to burn, get a "producer" (mid-July and mid-December, If Three new candidates were quit banging my [ the against {friends we have? J G. within that modest circle, you| Dear J. G.: It occurs to mel|humanity. Don't cultivate | making: maybe on a part-time! bility of sudden marriages during ter Evelyn Bilton and the officers these periods and, If you are al- of Queen Mary Lodge 97 presid- ready wed, marriage ties will beled for the initiation and confer: Mary Haworth counsels i anoihened, gration of an illusion, When you came here, six years|basis. M. H. drawer, your husband's high level re- Avoid fatigue and red the Orange Degree. f search work and his five-figure through het Sojum, Jol oy ma: nervous tension in late June. A gmall gift of appreciation |income were synonymous with or On aT ew, Al e herihowever, since they could affect' ya presented to WM Sister social entree, that would more or|'D care 3 newspaper. health adversely. velyn Bilton by WM Sister Nan A child born on this day will|Kirkbride. things--keeping you on your toes| SEAWEED SALAD be idealistic and a true humani-| Committee reports were as a good hostess and cordial| Dulse, a coarse reddish sea tarian, but may have to curb a and guest, with a widening circle of weed, is used as a raw. salad in tendency toward impulsiveness. 'made. congenial friends | Scotland, Iceland and some other '--- M------ ---- | Also, possibly you weren't ac-places. {less draw you into the midst of iven plans for future welfare The r inder of the evening § happen, But when you press o garment at home , + , or |. Just "touch it up" with the iron, sure you guard against © button stain , , , or better yet, send the garment along to us for our expert care. That way you'll be sure you have Kom Millerd OBLATE MISSION LOST | TEWKSBURY, Mass. (AP)--A $1,500,000 fire slashed through the four-storey Catholic Oblate mis- sion house late Sunday, reducing the brick school for student priests to ruins. All 16 novices " He, and 24 resident priests of the Ob. SERVIE ZYME, late order and 10 nuns of the ERVICE 75 NE ARIEL CLA Little Sisters of the Holy Family -' order fled to safety. Pre-inveniory ev SALE pullovers cardigans Ban-Lon LESS THAN HALF PRICE ! SHEER 51-GAUGE FULL FASHIONED ELASTIC. HOSE DESIRE » Ballet, Charac school, Fridays Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E. A Tap, Toe, ter, Baton. Pre- Acrobatic at the Masonic Temple, 91 Centre Street. & Saturdays. INFORMATION: RA 3.7253 |e ea | EQN } HPAES -- -- Ingrid Bergman Curt Jurgens Robert Donat BODY ADLER'S podeton of a 8 i 4 SP. ||| THEINNOF THE SETH HAPPINESS | | Nylon covered rubber in natural shade. Seconds of 19.95 E oy WL Sn ucond § line of elastic hosiery: Small, medium and large sizes in standard ond long lengths, SPECIAL PRICE 9.95 ox TAMBLYN Sor YOUR STORE 6 KING ST, E. and OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE (Irregulars) Special purchase of a famous maker's Ban Lon Pullovers and Cardigans. Assorted colors such as White, Orange Ice, Beige, etc. Sizes 14 to 20 in the lot. Eo pullovers cardigans 77 477 Cecrweition Oshawa Shopping Centre Hours, 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Wed. till 1 p.m: -- Fri, till 9 KING STREET AT STEVENSON ROAD " A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE

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