555 OA Ro EP THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Jowsewy 37, 1999 1} FUR, FIN AND CAMPFIRE Bullet Bob Turley Detroit Tigers Boast By JACK SORDS Isn't Happy 'Either Couple Su 'Sure' Prospects Aya Bowne NEWS " Both Lucky Births Grill and Jubilee (823, 902), (#4), M.| Le [J - Don Lee, big right-handed son Pavilion Biaad Bitte the. race. for uorh $08 (307) wd 5. Wenn S08 i840), |G Weedeoch 89, ~ © Teel #0 and ROCHESTER, N. Y. (AP) record s glittering world! NEW YORK (AP) ~ Mow ve|of Thornton Lee, former Amerk Ov "ot In the sanding. wha whan 4 each of| ingles -- RB, MeGiliis 286, J hell Team standings -- Cuskoos 18, Conar Bullet Bob Turley today jolned series oe rm {heard shout those "can't miss' can League star southpaw, hubs mentioned the ehh | 55, M, Thompson 291, 4. Dunn 143, J.|les 1h, Crows §, Blusievs 5, Robins § Asour RABBITS the lengthening list of malcon: $5,000 OBJECTIVE kids, the kind who sre supposed|back again after posting |" To Reishaot Mel Fis ct A gad, & eapls 4, Chicusdess 2 Wppmrwily tents with New York Yankees| Turley wouldn't sey what t he to be sure shots to make the bigimark st Charleston, He fanned tained tap Poviion with & two 10 one Davie 221, A Garrard i». A, Smart who think they are being|wanted, It was understood, Jump from the minors to the|11l In 276 innings, and his earned Yietory over Bovis Fins Station, nd B19, N, Olesuk 217, 201, B. Lawson 218 an Yaw 70s od squeezed in general manager ever, that he would take no 4 Wales s, Well, it appears Detroit run average wes an impressive shaken vay Luss Woke ~ + ol a A os out Tommy Goths By Rigo Phind George Weiss' austerity program, than $35,000 Tigers will have two such specl-2.95, ane Avis Trim look two points wih Goguen 'e Bowman 93, 4, lo. move Inia A ros ie with He received his contract about| "I'm not complaining shout the mens in spring (raining camp) Larry Oshorne, 8 big first Pa Homes end the stimmete| Noel th), J, vin, ig A BB BW 10 days ago, he sald, and he isn't igure," sald Turley, 8 mild-man. next month, [man with 8 good record in the Jumped into ith spot with this velushis LOCA 1813 LRAGUS [8 single poms Hf tha hee a they da nered fellow, "The elub just sent] American Association Officials minors, will receive a thorough "5ier 's olub received 8 yr Je riples -- RB, Richard 888, 1, 1eoted Werner's 3-1 and Berg's Men's by the papers that Yogi me the contract to keep within, who watched pitcheg Jerry Davie test, He batted 287 at Charleston | when ing vere ott | 0 WN Matgrove , x Wien Wear edged Black's Men's Wesr olw Mickey Mantle, Gil Me:|the rules, I intend to take it up erect 8 leagus-leading 2.45 earned and walloped 31 doubles, 19 home, Favs havi sg purmigte 41, M. Bmith 813, A. Wainer $03 wa In Group 1) Warriag ond Kinsmar add Heinecke 603, Ford snd Moose wit run average while winning 17 and|runs and drove in #7 runs, (club. aise - IMardware split with Bond Clothing - and gia alley 79, ad Mount) em a, imeriean 109108 (ive for Charleston are con| Maury Wills, » Negro shortstop B dd pale Hi Wikeows 00, 0, Gama Soviets Vb Isl pitce tie wiih bu cuts." he said Monday niiht, "1 League hurler to win 20 or more|Vinced he will land a starting purchased from Spokane, 8 Los| orem Punarbecks, was the up bows, 81 Wolloek 20, Doms Rea asion Adinbn, bon also read in the papers that the games In 1958, and he thinks he, {berth with the Tigers this year.| Angeles Dodger farm club, . re- er of the night with a triple i A. Cooper oe Lge Pollard's Shell Station 31 and Jos Yankees sald thelr payroll was can do it again, Southern Association officials garded as one of the fastest men ay , ond | hs whew comer Wading 21, 11 Topham he, kee Kivane Byort Shap divided points' with going to be about $700,000 this! Turley received the 8. Rae are equally as high on Steve De- {in baseball. In six years In or ay, bine ' (1 more ox Haley we, 1, Andereon 200, RB. Arp Con ALL year, 8 record high, |Mickok award -- a $10,000 dis- | Waist, 8 slugging third baseman (ganized baseball, the 28-year old Periehes " aliopd - ee the Cy , Adams 01, 27; E. i the Jos in Group " by shuuting rr) , € 2 4 "tt all [ate fellows gre going) mond. studded sold belt Monday Who MAinieica 13 Hive Tus st Seadner sie 281 bates, iad Pa i wih ar bf pls . Poser 1, J, ver Reka Casters io mage vice r rl 2 he cut there mus plenty night a4 $10 professional & # 310 average with Birminghum.| Bob Johnson, 8 Z-yesr - old hh We A on Shother MED SveThgs Laren y A) " hous I the fins) meten J was AVS ig mare lor ue. ood to disclose Wit lo TT by & national * Davie, 25, Is a six-foot, 180-|third baseman, was purchased sw Second section sandings = A, p| Esse winning the lest trom Buriers | 4 Bob | Loaters 10, Instigators 9, Misfits J an with 8 close HEN pay the Yankees offered him for panel of sports writers and ung righthander, He Is sald to|from Toronto Maple Leafs of he on a, oh Mine Seer 58 43 \s by od Sore 7, Bucher Aflinons 3B Wail Oomek. tod thie waek's triples 1969, 1t is belleved the world|sportscasters, finishing far ahead|P8ve & good curve and an ex|International League where he ond C7) has (Group: phuckers's 10, Trynards 9, ea with 745, and Reg Hickey turned In the champlons wrote down $29,000, of Jimmy Brown, starry Cleve: cellent fast ball, hit 242. lardwliers 8, Jumpers §, Beginners § | A Tl Bl about $5,000 more than Bob island Browns backfielder, and Demir has hg oi A oeking Farl Rerih, former sien SE Mii) a Sur we - Mawkeyes +, A Cameron had Tis, ous ain sald to have collected last year Archie Moore, the light heavy- {obi Je Jiuoh or five years Shite; i 4 Yost J fied | 270, Masiewich Just bar missed] PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES Ay Hotgoon 100 when he posted a formidable 21-7 weight boxing king. s on . our new ou rs iy the 800 mark of the M8' Team standings this week ~ Tellers K Burne 6 wis Knderin tn def. 17 ROCKIE from Wichita, he didn't hit for fellow ta having Bi 00d Kebon | Baflors 12, Starters 13, Dots DoLitties (ery 682 Tovdan: 618, K. Whiley The Tiger roster contains six average (237), but he wallop # Real Bo 12 Jumpers 11, B-Bobs 11, Ernies Bur. (666, B Weten ser" 3. "Hawks 00h, 0 rookie plichers, one catcher, six|17 home runs and drove in 98 pointy bointds Lucky Burka ON) 18 ies 10, Ups and Downs 9, Wigh Balle Duncan 663, W, Newlands 635, J. Cook i plublise Pavilion 19 points; (9, Lucky "13" 8, Boomersnus 8, The 651, 6 Gedge 60, 1. Moore 645, ¥ PP ie SPORTS IN BRIEF infielders and four outfielders, ru ' J Oshawa' Koo bB Bill's Pills 7, Spuiniks 1, zor.) Dumss 846, J, Logemon 44, §, Rows A DOS - PURSUED " wn) ---- = Vikon PU 1, Gray Beards 4 Winey 4 Booeh Bt Mot abe 41, Gills 0, Fo RABBIT WiLL RUN LONSE2 4 NAME NEW MANAGER (told Minnesota Athletie Director J ordell Homes 1 points, [Yi And The Dtets 031, G. Mition 891, 1. Wopking 627, D a CE ddd "0 RICHMOND, Va, (AP) Steve] Ike Armstrong in a letter the So Sor Rick Ferrell Gets REMEMBER WHEN? . :? "Hien | ore Pid | ee with 721 (73, 319) rimmed vy Wi von 07, 0, Willaims [i a TE ® i. - Souchock, who spent 7% years in|viets want the U.S, Nationals be. By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ea saan tree 101 Wierd Alf Bris ehois oh am. wn Man Cook Hal x vors os, RB. Welth mor the major leagues as a first base-| cause there (s no intercollegiate | Detroit Promotion ade Castilloux of Montreal, M Wenning 788 | 50) Fess Wranton: o0 (05, 201), ey 81%, G' Oliver 1b ; === |man and outfielder, was named team in Russia and interest the Canadian lightweight ate oh io Sis Sian Jody: Moward Rend 649 (234246); Krnle Hale ukaian Laspians ers B. Colina, W, | manager of Richmond Virginians would be lacking, DETROIT (AP)--Detroit Tigers ih champion, avenged a pre. on 74 Ken Dob: 631" (273, 207); Wert Trick 62) KD BEAN AM aroun Y Piassure Valley He met and defeated the great 8); Ralph Shemilt 621 (232.207); Wl the International League Sat of the American League have p 7 265); Ralph Shem j Wiolg "(41) Can, Corps 6 (28), Local 2784 lof th on, g vious defeat by gaining a unani Lovelock 819 (337, 208); Ron wowel "n Eon, | ons 0 a, 1 eal 4 i ] h | ple Russian hero of track and fleld, |] " TRY OUT FOR RIDERS | irday. The appointment was the named farm director Rick Fer mous decision over Tommy § MOTOR CITY INDUMTRIAL 619 (230, 209); W Norton #17 (248) Vasllly Kuznetsov, who had a/g,0i%,00e on the Richmond front] REGINA (CP) -- Penna State rell as acting general manager. (gal 18 years ago tonight, It ole The scores this week were the best! Bil Gutsell 817 (193); Susie Greer $18] 5 ig. inn "wirbnee C8® dy Placke {world record pending at the time, bh iy lean ! of ree Cart Tl Vi y world champion New York quarterback Al Jacks and half-| Ferrell, a former major 1eanue us 10.pound hattle at Toronto's ®* "Ave hed the pleasure of recording! (259, 205); Boh Carter 616 (212, 230): Group II -- Shipping 6 (21), H and Top Athlete h sin th "0 wig I ha Yankees since they took over full 'hack Flhert (Dohy) Dubenlon of catching star, will succeed John vapie Leaf Gardens (ing ls hme. " To pons fe! Tuomas 011 0. 21,1 Ban. Parade RL BLP R Gf A points In the 10 track and field ooo hip of the club earlier this Bluffton College in Ohio, have McHale, who took a post as vice: (Westmount tobm stayed In front bylens ommi; Ber Wight 80" (241); iH ag ARAL A RBA fh Of 11 Ti 2 evenly n winch week signed tryout contracts with Sask: president and general manager of one point ap | hey dor duty tral Ev Harding 807 (a1, 288); Bruse Wud Wie 3 ia) 40s 1 | 316) w #08 (220, 296); Bruce Dal G I = Tony (30) Downs ime! In th tramen ous, i umph was NAME COACH aichewan Roughriders of the Milwaukee Braves of the Na-| Barry Watson May, 47 Tone ty Aims, ahi [aon 08 can." aoe), Weues ¥ yOroup THY = Tanya § 4) Downs 1e key that opened the door to a 4 (Western Interprovinelal Foothall | tional League iad Bonn 7, #:| Over 220 singles were -- Alex Alex: ers 4 (36), Houdaille 4 (36), Al's Wisse 108 ANGELES (AP) The! number of national and internal BOSTON (AP)--Rudy York, 48,' Union, Both are 23, stand six feet! 'Ferrell will assign some of his Be NHL Material Welth lo 4 the main cof " oA nder 712, Helen Fisher 298, Osear|d (31), Acadian 8 (40) and Swan's 1 mantle of world greatness rests tional awards bestowed on bigi/former home - run hitting first and weigh 190 pounds. Jacks minor league duties to his staff Gano Club when they erushed Motor Morrison 246, Pred McKee 243, Stan (16), ity to ® by polling the high triple | Turner 238, Don Brockman 237, Georpe | with dignity, pride and modesty Rafe for the year 1958 (baseman, was named a Boston called signals for the North In the and will assume all of the duties J on the muscular shoulders of Ra. Wednesday night he will re. Red Sox conch Saturday, replac: North . South all-star game in of the general manager as acting| ST. CATHARINES (CP) of Jin is move Ite ond piace, one | Tavior 297. Don Thombson 285, LA JERSEY WANTS PHILLIES fer Lewis Johnson, perhaps the ceive still another--the accolade|(ng batting practice pitcher Paul 1968 akveive until such time as we Barry Watson appears to be shap-| Clark'y Buperten ar put on oi¥inle 224, Bev Guisell 292, 808 end] PRENTON, NJ, (AP) ~~ The greatest all-around athlete of all:|of California athlete of the year|Schreiber, ame a general manager," snid INE up for a career Just like his iy ficent show ae they rolled the Olive Morrison 821, tate sssembly Monday passed a time | as voted In an Inaugural poll econ. | ' WON'T DEFEND TITLE John Fetzer, chairman of the dad's | iw Jnl of 1501 and : i ple to WEMHOUNT SADIE LEARUS er 3 ned to lure Philadelphia Many titles belong to this 23. ducted by The Associated Press| RUSS THUMBS DOWN HAMILTON (CP)--Frole How: b's board of directors | The 13-year-old son of Marry smpleialy overpan ey Lowi hiding dg i 8 sified to rg a year - old California giant, who of sports experts of member] MINNEAPOLIS (AP) Rus: ard of Toronto has announced he (Watson, who starred for mine mapped out of & sump and grabbed a ses, B, Dunn #87, V, Genus 877, M Fillies 4 he Nation eA i Sands : fan) pnd welkne 4 id stot Bunpers, Selevion ad Yatto lly -- Dieiale po: Y June iy i lala ty Sulend Hs Jon. SET OLA MEETING DATE Years with Toronto Maple Leafs Eh iMag A in an estan - frag ells hun Bind Nandini New Jersey, The bill now goes ) pounds. But not all of them stations J ' hh d { y A ald are Tepitered in the realm of Rafer, president of the student|the University of Minnesotn the Ontario squash rackets tour: TORONTO (CP)--The annual {¥ Je Nelional Jockey Liapue, ir are fn. Wighiy opirited action Knox Si. L. Dorie #1 ¥. Coclideato the Saverner, 3 be bil 18 pact: sports, kody at the University of Califor [hockey team represent the United nament this year, Howard won meeting of te Onlare Luerome this city's Tittle NHI pal viples; D, Wi nw mes), T I », 10 ie Bag $5,000,000 baseball y States | | tithe tit t feat n wi e hel re '" , 8), W, 4 d 708) High singles -- 1, Redke 80, aS He ls the holder of the world| nia at Los Angeles, will pe hon. Slates in games se hoduled naxtthe tills last year by detoating Assotiatio ) Jere | Barry has scored 19 goals this (304, BO . | A kell 287, M, 841, B, Resy 80, [stadium Just outside Camden oe the decathlon, which he| ored at a testimonial dinner|winter In Moscow, Walter A {Don Leggatt of Hamilton, A new March 7, It was announced Mon. show hi " fabulous fashion last/where he will be presented with Brown of Boston, vice president senior men's titleholder will be day. Delegates will discuss sev- season for the little league Maple| RRS (130, #89), D. bine 20,5, Hamnion on The Phila Fads rie summer in packed Lenin Stadium a rig and his name Inscribed onfor the Amateur Hockey Associa [crowned at the tournament here eral recommendations for rule| Leafs, Dad coaches the OHA. 640 (85 ag 418, o19|feid" ma. B. Dunn nV. dente wis [Connie Mack Bladium ud in Moscow, a perpetual trophy. lin of the United States (AHA), today and Sunday. Ichanges. "Junior A TeePoes, (286, m8), V. Cou #is (208, 901), C, 810; N. Rowden 207, L, Doyle 208 » delphia We've Got To Clean 'Em Off The Lot... NOW...RIGHT AWAY! 1940 NASH 1951 CHEVROLET |"55 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN DELUXE SEDAN COACH. Licence C9172, 109 5 pl mouth A $49 Licence A3271 $325 Formarly local dostor's gar . .. eri y Couch 1947 PONTIAC 1951 PONTIAC 1953 AUSTIN A SIDAN LICENCE 99456 SEDANETTE HARDTOP. Licence A4067. $ 2 4 5 Licence A15858 FULLY EQUIPPED Licence A6724, Like new Automatic, Radio, Spot Light ........ 1953 VAUXHALL poN'T miss THIS one! | 1948 CHEVROLET | 1951 BUICK SDA AAA Licence 991995 ---- $93 | lune $393 | '57 BEDFORD VAN 1445 1950 BUICK 1952 PONTIAC [wc $1095 SUPER. Licence A16876. COACH S$ 42 5 1955 METEOR Licence A3830 1999 |sorontiac | 1952 Buck Te S1093 1954 BUICK Soon wiih 0 3Q8 | on Lavomge $795 | = Chevrolet Ph ir $845 EE Cha 1951 DODGE 1954 FORD 1957 VAUXHALL Lier 0 ro Be ri Na ti SURGP S| ion ak snr tr IPI I aro "$1545 dows, Custom Radio. V-8 Motor, Loaded Custom radio 51095 |CLIFF MILLS MOTORSLTD. @Z» 230 KING ST. WEST : OSHAWA RA 5-665]