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The Oshawa Times, 27 Jan 1959, p. 12

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12 TVR OAWA TW, Tewdey, Joneery W, 1999 iis THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [7 1~Accountants 8--Bullding Trades 15-Instruction (22~Radlo & TY irs (32-~Articles Wanted 37-~Male Help Want 44--For Rent INDEX WOVTRITH, Wastes, Wo 320 Cr | CARPRNTER work, amtng Wi FUROR, sudsgt counsel, 1) Fags 19 TOWNS cor aled; Rr -- OK hn Please Note ff 40) no bolts, ming, ki LLL SLTEL UT) [od oom, heavy wirlag, snk 100 | HA B-1084, vole, #il 'welded, AN shannel seria) Dudes now In stiest for ll Ty WANT Au po Max, Osnaws, Braitord, orm fern, wo ond rg ve Joe to pL A ------ rvite wil welded All shesnel senile WANTED hoards In Kitchen, dre" 2 Shag Th AAR dy i fom a ATA TE desde © wi | BCRAP AND POULTRY ea N ef Yo min pu 4 { Ir 3 : VOTAT) io And Lalevieion ser Birttw, MA may Corts of CLASSIFICATION al wry wai, Ayr sireet | siding, ose welling the Tit Th Chim call A ------------ = vies, All makes, Fred Thompson, 187 Thanks == | J 9 AM. SAME DAY tonhEROONS ord Osha, rae i peives Musle Studie for oll Instruments | Vet Breet, Call RA 34703, A TURNER Man for ¥, Hopkins and Company, Cortilian Pi Tun . DEATHS = Barrier | Vuriie Accountants, 178. Ki Sireet Atk Winmbia ag And Nesting wippies, ane Tuning ' . weeks, [) 11 AM. SAME DAY S=Chiroproster | Kast, Oshaws, Ontario, RA b: We an, Harald # rise, ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES TV, AERIALS o RA '3.2043 part-time pr defi DIAL RA 3.3492 ADention | BOR LANCE Oniarie Reaoining phon hosting ana ong ' Now. and User Piohos « Sold end Installed cleaning niahed, three large rooms In new home Shnsing Services meos Biree LoS A n Moved and Repaired (collect) ' Private Wath and entrance. Suitable for || #=Optometrisn | services Pi o ali business, 184 Bond | FAINTING, decorail and. mudern (Naw ond Used) 20-41, eerlal, $29 ond up, I" ee or nr His oF small fam)'y T=sirveyors Latrast Wen, Roum 1, Ofien RA $0091) | and, Fees setimate Phone wr Full selection of ell Instruments Cul nA' via 8 ter Ll BIRTHS Ta-Yateringiions LEE i nier and Co -- 477 Simeos Street South ROLLAND Iv. CEDARDALE OX oh janie. warm, cm; Furnish b=buidrg Viator Adenia Ed gu] 10---Sharpening farvies _ Soitaamce J CORBET. ..... BEARER SCRAP tern heaskespind' voomt, neuting $=Bullding Trustes in Bankrupiey 7 ne IRON METAL LTD, OSHAWA TIMES i Rs, XA Wathind, mndhing, central 1 BROWN Claire snd Edith (neo Zant, CA Davidson) are happy 4 announce Me | |O==Sherening Service Jan, Qtaws! # a CP. / SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! ALERVATE Aula Insurance, ave up 1 yh V. RADIO SERVICE | IRON 1 : METALS 22¢| working couple only, $15 a Mig i} hhag7, sal of & won, Stanley Gordon, inl] 1) e-Business Opportunities i "w Vinal servios wows hae, ea LG e Oshawa Genera sp N "i. your ne, Ad fhe iehaws Genersl Hospital, on bn Ha fuminess Cpportunition ERG ni Shore, be Kins The most complete eutomatis [£745 ANTENNA PAPERS ; : RAGS 41--Room ond Board FURNISHED bedroom, w Ber osamaking Sirens Kaul KA Joa) winding equipment In Osh | 17..Money to Loan INSTALLATIONS | opp SATURDAYS ALL DAY (0 He a soi oh Bh man, sheliners Hr +905, nie AND REPAIRS Hae Hance lo sou 221 | Mame Avenue ole BOOTY ~~ Harry and Frances (pes Brown) are very happy to Mnounce the {mioideniy LJ pple | 2---~Barristers owa for sharpening Hond- | FTRHT and second TI : Ale ESIDENCE RA 8.418 birth of their aon, Lawrence Harry, | drm Hii ONO pale " " "Hl | RESIDEN 4159 , 14 7 7. SALMERS, WA, Barrister, agreements. purchased and " : figl me THREE : room apart new Hospitals on Fries, Jumnty i 1090 | 1=ineiruetion citar, ate. Lite Bimeos Bel worth | saws, Bandsaws (metal end pick wad Wennick, BaTTWare in Ring RA 5.7844 100 ANNIS STREET tiove Yorn Oh ast pion, Cy wo wai | orated, myltable F Lh, oa A wpecisl thanks to Dr, G, N. Meliveen, | | = Irairance rad ilies BA $a%il} ww RAL wood), Lawnmowers, Skates, jee ERT 731 FREE PICKUP CoMvonTANE yoom = on we, Welcomed, RA 4307h LL) || 17=poney 10 Loan i n . : orth Of wx: | FOUR "voome "and hall, Wiishen wil " . L | / a nd mor, Mortgages and S " J SMYTH -- Mr. and Mrs D/Avey Lil (0 n Wented |sowsAW David T.. Rarer Rd BL STAN'S SHARPENING and second morta th Mortgsgm, and FAST TV, SERVICE | A mols, Phone Ra RA builtin oui rds, Smyth (pee Mann) wish to announce | ival of h fy 1 BaMert, Swarte, Barrisier and Nota FOR YOUNG Isdy = ; rs daughter on Sunde Jani go [dence KA 80084, SERVICE, Cor, King & Burke, Publ, ho! Migr MR dt Prom Ate 2 | CARS WANTED HRY a y s wi void, Box 488, Op oral Riapital [| 20mCortage NON if, Vadzte, N or RA 33224 phi pi Guarantesd expert [ob oinle $100 bi RA S30 3 44 pray et heated, asavy - | Sorvies ® WM rest BEAT In town Fini | fr Wl modern + KARR antenna, Shoppin 2) =Parsanal Worth tug + A i oY A 11-~Business Opportunities s | FOR WRECKING Onveniences, close to south GM RA Contre, un al door, King Ban, wl 12 Radie Repairs ( purchased, NF arranged ' 4480, Apply 036 A DEATHS 23==Waomen's Column QC Edger F. Basedo, @ §50 PER week. Nallonal Greeiin cad Phased Fraser, Drynan and "Wr CALL RAB 5286 | i APY Fiaihe Rivest FOUR = room, heated spariment oy J # and Boyehyn, Barr Co, requires a distributor for Oshaws | Scrap Iron end m BOOM and hoard for three genilemen UeeMarket Basket | HuMTAREYS " Namphrers; OC, district Mush We vellanle, could he | Ll - OSHAWA ELECTRONICS 4 ht, C nate Phone HA Av, aior 8 or 6 pm, 111 yale entrance a Bond Bireet East, 28Pals and Livestock |G, EK W. A Hillman, (handled on a part-time basis to begin, -- -- -- ougnt, Ca ROOM m "and "Bowid for imo Ti i" unfurnished a) rf 's Column B, 8 King Street West, Fhonesi [8665 invested fully secured by stock, or; v wa General Hospital on Monday, || 26==Farmer's Ln. RA 88177, Hes, HA 54604; oF partial company financing ean be ar PARKWAY TELEVISION HA aoiemen 1 to share, Phone KA B RE ly od pain mente, a Ton oe ais: | 37=ebuel,. Wood t | Whitby, Mo #4761, Morey io los ranged, Heply giving background, ete, RTT EB i ondhin: Apghy" Fhamas "0. "Hindle J in her 70h year. Resting at the|| 8=--Summer Reser |W, BRUCE Affleck, BA, Farrel to Bon ati, Osawa Times, ELECTROHOME, RAG & METAL fen And hoard for Single wan: with Wareiatar, 4's Wing Bast, "RA 41700, Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, | 28@~Hunting Solicitor, 425 Fark Road South, KAMEN snd women! Be in business for RCA. VICTOR, ADMIRAL quien WR EHRER bedroom sells Tevel Brick with Meniorial Service in the Chapel, (| 20-=Summer Properties For Sole #6704, youreels $100 bus 8 wonderful specinl See ea oar K in ip v CO), pg Tr rapa home with finished ree, room, $08 Yadnasday ' 3 "Welly, ad earnings "oh Ir i : Wedne January 4, 3 p.m, Inter o Wanted IGREER and Kelly, risers, "Woliel 3 usineas im hed, ar {A nie WESTINGHOUSE dg ks I ih Sule} ie monthly, Phone Whithy MO 82537 14] Gen 1 on 4 rk ment Oshawa Union Cemetery 10-=Lost and Found Loree 16, 1% Bimeos t South lL ie BAR BR TR Bo "Your Landing Neighbor" The finest In television end RA 5.2311 ing; Apply 160 Park Hosd North, 171 pi Sam furnished basement ' ly ave OYE = Suddenly ot bis home In|] 31 ==Articies For Rent | 1244, Residence phones: a - OF CANADA LIMITED service | wer, BA, Be, RA B-3368; Te v : F 00) Al ROOM and hoard, hi ki In, (and ref Fr, Tos, dosern Charien Tarvert cor, Th JemAviiiies Yunis al nA; HCl, RA Bout, © Duncan B GRILI (formerly Bellvue) 918 Simeos NRA 3-3043 id Obi A WL ST [Eiean scvommataiton. ¥hone NA $9110 | Windeor "Rvened A ore me oaeph Charl ¢ 4A dm uction Bales Phillips, omm., A . LOANS Up. TO $3,000 ROOM and hoard, close to four corners | BINGLE furnished bedroom for husks Bis Bist year, heloved husband of = Violet Strath and loving father of | 38==Employment Wanted | JOWN A, MasDONALD, WA, Barrister 35--Employment Wanted [snd GM, Good Kuropean meals, WA | ness man, In diet home, Apply #8 Col B0160 or 99 Figin Street East, horne Street West Mrs. G. lie (Joyew), of Oshawa, || 36==Female Help Wonted and Solicitor, 101 Bimeoe Birest North Fully equipped, | ¢ , | dour brother of Laura' of Winnivex. | 37 aie Help Wonted A 34-100 counter. OSHAWA OFFICE T.V. AERIAL RELIABLE woman would like [roming, WOON Sul nt TOF deadtena Bias NEW semiinte Ti Allen of Wak Honnlul and Fires IND , Barrister, A & RY € 4 gd piip ified Brill ug i Pi Pag nl i=--Mois w Female Help Wanted | THOMAS M. RONDLE. Baris rvister, Soll 18 stools =~ #4 tables | 29V4 Simcoe St, South WIND DAMAGE near Routh GM Plant, Phone RA yaw, fo 1 south plants, home privileges. HA | clo bo oth ant uw, Fone" WA le resting at the Gerrow Funeral || 39-=Agents Sirest East. Phone RA 81764 EL RA 5.1121 Chapel, for service | 40mGpportunition (GREER, Mirghy and MacDonald, Wav Reasonable rant, | f for fast, efficient replacemert (WUTORER with #0 youre' experience MOON and board for gentlemen, sin: AVFARTMENT, two iares rooms wis In the chapel on " 4 =hoom end Board cisters, Bolicliorn and Notaries Fublie, PHONE RA 55743 [ SEABOARD FINANCE Co, or repairs, gall collect requires full ime employment in orl, CTS, SOE Rte: HA 8 he i ig Wivaia homes 88, 8 pm. lotermen in h y re A 4 ' BA S4717. Hussel around Oshawn, Have heen mest man: |' ddmRoom and Board Wanted 6 King Bliewl Eas fl auer An hain store, Write to Box 430,147 MIL Rivest 100 \ubile, near shopping centre, and hus, y ia . ad=Wanted Te Rent J. Murphy snd James A. Maehons gi ~Mortgages TOWNE T V Oshaws Mes #0 43--Wanted to Rent Avily 808 Riduewny Avenue nx { ter, Boliel MOON, ©Oharies Wiliam (D.Y.D) ddemfor Kort JOUN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Bolle MAKE MONEY |WE WAVE clients monies for loans on Th WOMAN would ears for baby In her v LARGE bright 4 reem apartment, TV At hig Inte residence, Seagrave, Ont, tor and Notary Pubile, 18% King treet LING TROPICAL PLANTS ( b . 4b--Real Estate For Bole 5.220. N vale mort SELLING PIC [first and second mortgages and pur own home while mother works, Phone on Saturday, January 24, 198 Wl diuehtnl pitate ION rt Kast RA $360 WHA and private mo This is @ full-time opportun: |chase of agreements of sale, Louis BOWMANVILLE RA 37618 #00 A AR, MAIN floor, Alka 3-ro0m AAR Moon, husband of the iste Annie | ¥ bY 850 to |[Myman, QC, 47 King Street Kast, Osh RELI ¥ BR NCH MANA ER i hath with tied bathrooms, selfs Wells, deariy loved father of Roy, || 46-=Real Estate Wanted [RALPH 8 JONES, BA, and Thomas H Ity for @ man, 25 to 5 2 [awe HA 5.4043 AARLE woman will five day oare a Contra, RA 51769, after Aubrey, Olga (Mrs. A. Wallaee) of || (7 4 somobiies For Sele Associate Barristers and Soliel have an exclusive established - MArket 3.55822 ia ne hid, onli Ra 2 A He OF b RA 3708 Bolton, Cora (Mrs, ©. Wright of Can ABA tomoblies Wanted . dealership in a dignified bus " Aarwashion phone 'Ta saan on LARGE FIRM AFVIOR apne Tov Toni Tam ere pington, Na (Mrs, William Keen), and "als ns In 2 eAifumople Repair waar] nes. No vy work re : - FREE ESTIMATES pm i" 5 Blmene Street South and 130 KI the Ia fra. Eva Bult, in his 8dth | 49==Autome MANNING ¥. AWARTE, Barrister, quired and financial return MORTGAGES CART ST Fro d dillew ng : Btreet East, Apply tn Jones and 0 your. Hesting at the Chapel of Me. || §0-mArticios For Sale WORK GUARANT ah aly Dermott Panahaker, Port Perry, for || ¢' cl ote Gg oryer |Roliciar, Notary, Money dean, Auer | ocsibilitiny unlimited rel 3 EED ail or ar loping Ay 07s "| Transferred to Oshawa ih himeoe Aireet Routh, ~ Phone na ale, 22¢ amployment consider one ¥ on Wednesday, t 2 I service on Wednesday, pm. In $2--Lagal Notices | Block, 36% King Street East, KA 34607, Reliable ond financially "a Area, requires three bed phi 4 SAT Tow torment Pleasant Point Cemetery , Dial RA 4029 of d 0 h - . mr CLASSIFIED AD RATES [nee aN. Ge 32und Daren wan are ear AGREEMENTS 23--Women's Column 36--Temale Help Wanted | "°°" home by Feb, Ist, [Wh h month Arly si RAHME od (nto rest ia the Solicitor, Money to loan, Office 0 Investme ¥ Ired 898, SFEOTAL = heal permansnis, 6 . pRABME - Ratsred inte res in th 38 words or tows [| Solicitor, Mone te loan, ORS) sith n aay re L] OF SALE cold waves, #5.50 fon iri 0: | WOWEN Tor shane war Vir North-east or north west Two JJirmished ohrumkeening pam 06 Pine Avenus. RA B-8363 son only, 81 Kink Beveet East, Bult. district preferred, Fermi Ava; Te MAD (+4 Marie Reeson in his 83rd year. Resting RTIONS 1.28 1.48 4 ing Street Kast, WATTRE ol -- TE THREE « room, self + coninined apart at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh oiiihet VIVE Tetons Bien 1 J sih0l Rest] 33) ores. a5 Terminal and Agreements of Sale a hh TTR WATTRERAES wiied. "WII Be Phone RA 5-518] ment, heated, hot water, heavy" duty awa, with Memorial Service in ne 4 C INSERTIONS 878 418 [| aence, RA #5973. Building, Queensway, bought $old and arranged " nips, 37 Ritson Rand North, Ra | Hotel. Before 3:30 pm Miring, near Shonbing Co Centre, Yond Chapel on Wednesday, Jan, 28, # we . ar ity and Farm property an Hy ' : : . . ; pm. Interment Oshawa Union 'Cems. (|W not pala within 7 devs the {| GHETGHTON, W. Toronto 18 Summer Collages, $2,000.00 | amor, | TWO iris required aa domestic help In 20¢|NTOE three + Bedroom bungalow, Tally tery. (All Orangemen are Asked to at Charge rate will apply, Murdoch, Barristers, Kolteitor , Ni b 3 OSHA oy 5 APPLES for sale yo hy the bushel |congenial Teronte homes, Highest decorated, vallnhle Fehruary 16, 108 tend the service \n the Funeral Home, 1 || Public, Bank of Commeres ing, b and up, OSHAWA ACCEPT. (or hasket. Apply' 188 William Biveet wages, live in, HI 43613 op RU 31308 | @@=For Rent Ellgaheth Crescent, hetween Oshawa Tuesday 7.50 p.m.) 2h Above rates opply only te wk Ameo Biroet North, RA Jat 5 % 12--Dre smaking ANCE CORP, LTD, 112 [East RA #2082 200 wu THREE + "room Spariment: private, "10 Whithy, Phone MO #4589, Whithy, | , QC; N.C, Fraser, QC) spawn -- Simcoe St. North, Osh one - pon i . ¥ 4 1 Insertions ordered . | id rth, Qshawa, OOKING apples, #1 bus PARTY plan Landing manufacturer fe a a al ite yest In of a later Wate constitute @ new i Murdoch, NHA mony DAEMMARING and alterations, RA| plone RA 5.3568 your container, |, L, Stainton and Kon, [0f household (tems and cosmetios re a a yr TWO « room Srartment, furnished, for He AN '1on0 hanie Iadiuk widow|| original order, 4 1 miles eunt of Taunton, KA 88014 Hires Bo imited number of representa THREE fon rane st Tol gentlemen, RA 06 1] AY, Ja H, A 0 | -- 0 0 . | oom a U hy hasl Slowinskl, In her 85th vear | Frotessional and B nase fletings " 4--Dentists 13--Gardening & Supplies 19---Personal 25-Pets and Livestock appointment 88h heavy duty wiring, Central Park Bou: | THREE . room - all eonveniences, at the Armstrong Funers $7.50 par menth for ne a Ted PORTRAITS d levard, Now available, .865 monthly HA fete PATKIng space, 348 King Street Oshawa, with high requiem I line $1.00 per "%, 7, ACIUK, Office hours i ing and gard done In ofl from photo or I WANT to talk to twe women who Shaw i Yoo || Each additional ings by appointment, 389 And GATTO | onahot Have a bortialt painted foy| TWO Labrador Reiiever mais pup ||, WANT to interasied in wippiement 0:4804, 1 In mass in Bt, George's Ukranian Greek | [00 Ee nin. Fhone RA §.aass, | IN¥ oo ed, sodded, for | oui favorite Valentine. Price is res. [10% 24 months ald, All needles, Phone IK heir income, or Part me, fe: TWO room, unfurnished apartment -- furnished rooms, bedroom and Sathalle Church, Thurstay, Jan. 20, 4 Each initial er, , stweviton, (8 move Sires EC r awne JHlougned, sonable, Phone KA § 708 280 |Reaiin, "e LR dof ( 6 thet | will K Jah ta In: |hulliin euphoards, Apply oh hand Kiglen Wilh ve(rigeraior, wink, bulltin anil 8 and & wi -- GINTERED Kaymoyed pupples for . Must have mature judg: | Street East, Rif[Cuphaards, Barking space, Apply Bh] t A be Bl bd pon x roed The edditienal, 5 Nursing ory) con i Everything you RA ' JL ie You Me not Uying » full and happy ful Apply Mara Kas fat or, Myrtle, hont, beh 1] personal Opbartunity TWO Hy housekeuing TET \ Elgin Street East ' Ll tration, a Complex, Hypnatism ean help, | one Hrooklin 60 Ho (for vapid advancement, Personal Inter: | FHA hime on ral, fires nutes" walk [TWO «= voom, selt-oantained » al" five minutes' from water, lights and heat nel f ING HOME Also reduce welght, stop smoking BEAUTIFUL baby bud 3 for |View required For appointment phone Arrangements See wplisation, ANDEN NURSING WINTER lisve nervous paing, #aln eonfidence training, talking strain Toire, RA Hi) after b _ 8h from North Phone RA 5-8308, if ane_on man or Near 5, Saturday elo, Consult Edwin Heath, Institute of | Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, FOUR + voom basement i LEWINGTON'S KING ST, WEST Ethnieal Hypnosis, Professional Build - FLOWERS hpi net be Exclusive nursing home for SUPPLIES na, 304 Dundas West, Whithy Dally BOARDING, trimming, bho, do PRIVATE SECRETARY children welcome, clase to south GM ONE roam far, psnllenan, rvle hath 4 The Daily Times shel 8 pom. Raturday 10 am, 1 pom, [fleeing Waubena Kennels, RA 86381 Fhone RA 8.7763, 20f y responsible for errors in advertises convalescent and elderly peo ICE SALT dvi 10 8.4632 Whithy For law firm, Legal experi- ONFURNINRED two Tooms and" kit | N1OE ¥ room apartment in down Prem L] Manis. viaoiied bib Bg le. (Men and Women), WILD BIRD FEED FARKTERT service in town, Immaculate |26~--Farmer's Column ence preferred but not essen= | guongiie huliiin cupboards with sink, HRA Mone W ' RA 3:421) -- RA 8.4212 Tou dB Bu any ed Nurses and dieticians In NO, | SUNFLOWER SEED odorless dry cleaning, Shirts skilfully | WOLNTEIN cow, dus to freshen Ta two] tial. Applications fully eons reasonable, Fhone RA 86446. aellition, immediate po 24 King §t, East, Oshawe Insertion attendance Tray service, y . laundered, Bpecial rates for hotels, in| weeks, RA 3.0049, ait) fidential STORE for rent, eomer Toeation, "oon $100 monthly or 880 unfurnl 1 2 Kane nt, ner bayend the price CROWN DIAMOND PAINT Prim i clubs, Funeral ' b H 0d doors from Ken's Org for a single insertion of || radio, TV. lounge. BIRD FEEDING STATIONS [neciaity. 'Manis Cleanors, 304 simoos| BEAD farm sieck wieked up promptly WRITE BOX Wily ae Sakmann Ww yatysn st Tulite Kh UR re rrisemants in whieh y Street South, RA 5.0043; after h ane eollect, Rowmanville OSHAWA TI i ------------ S---------------- n66L \d alse reserves the right PIGEON FEEDS ' I Wer HOURS: | Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone bd THREE nice rooms on Fernhill Bivd boa Wu 6--Optometrists PET. FEEDS RA 5.7804 . I 22 veoond floor, heated, heavy duty APARTMENTS . lassif erding te he - GERROW FUNERAL [| 1a classity advert tors 29'% OW, TUCK, Oplametrisl, spestaiisin WAVE vous Arinking Froniom? Witte | 27 --Fuel Wood -------------------- private hath And Private en: 0 1] CHAPEL In the sass of display "- a 18 a umaliien w p and COOPER SMITH CO. Aleatnliog Anonymous, Rox M0, On woon tuiting 4 hy bus saw and hala AVON on' Apel To Wiliam FOR RENT ments The Times will be held Ifa uiide examined sf home, RA $8143 . - p---- ws |8AW, BOW plowing, Phone RA 8-87 Tesponaible for more space than [| iiney Bias, 31 King Fas 16 CELINA ST, I -- CALLING HOUSEWIVES | omen wiidia ves am, A bachelor apartment, ene The finest service ot j \ --- moderate prices gd A 7--$ RA 3.2312 FLECTROLYSIS 30--Lost and Found weer | AvON offers a career to the (four - piece bathroom, washer, serial,( three-room apartment, ene bd co all advertising matter ---=aurveyors LONT = Red purse, Saturday or fun woman whe wishes to be In parking, Adulte, main floor, han iy six-room Apgriment Very : pot' . ; 5 - u 0 \ RA 8.6226 produce ull advaitiong ma; | TON SR :(14--=Household Repairs Removal of superfluous halr, [hy Contains gold watch oh "NSE] business for herself but ean [FERRER EA ROMA pi] central, RA 5-19 ¢ Wo INGEEUracies In form of |tarto Land Surveyors, Professions locket, Reward 390 King Street West any nageureciss ih ORY f | gineering, 70 Harwood Avenus South, REFAING to all a. Marie Murdutf will be In LONT--Rear fender skirt, bine, Phone only work part time, For full ' madern bungalow, with advertisement are contained there ' PH A M0131 Yas. Vaguum el \ '| details contact Miss E. Outer b 4 big Rand Li WERE, Ais dusie( Othowa, Feb. 1011, Prone HA baati, hewes te 'HOLS SEOEL A pid fated 64 . ONE BEDROOM BF od technician. RA 850304 nm } Hot } ORT «= January elween an i | LL} | IN MEMORIAM | Surveying and Engineering, 13 Bloor asnosha Hotel on these dates Ty. W-Jewsl Bulova wrisi| Toronto 19, RU 2.7567, Rear Ros and Road and Aimee rest APARTMENTS Attest Kast, Oshawa, Ontario. RA CHEATERFIRLDA rohulll," Tecavered for appointment watch, Generous reward, Fhone RA . on \ NIOE room with two beds, may be 58648 Ike ni ay On " CARD OF THANKS prep WH, TROLLOPE, Ontario Land |! Teniont "Sain action tan 0---Cartage bY JUNIOR shared with friends, use of private] Immediate possession, oleae KERTON -- In loving memory of Surveyor, 318 Alles Street. RA 86881, | F Oshawa Up 31-~Articles For Rent Kitchen, Phone RA 8.0880 after 8 p.m tically equipped; best locas , Emily Cockerton, who ot West, (LIGAT oartage, roomer service, parcel | py STENOGRAPHER z LiL : Ianuary 27, 1044 Dial RA 80311 delivery, RA § 8763. ELNA rentals, RA 5.2801, Niralght : tion, Buckingham Manor, Jur hearts your memary lingers ktud milly. wlik 8---Building Trades GALL Jon, RAFT Tor savoentis 19] Stith and Hl Tay For Insurance company, In ONE an ght Rousekeeping room, weetly tender, fond Clark 81 mily wis Nae, " - ER, ' Santis a iar, fang oP nn these wha sent Towers | PLARTERING and v TI painting and handyman, 21-~Personal Service teresting position, good starts RA 88676 aay Jo nat whine of Tou {ana Hal hy igi on BAM tn isi ng Teas FURNITURE repaired ond Touphol: [REWING machines Yepalr and servies ' RENT A FLOOR Ing salary, Ne previous a A-9584 . = ---- Lovingly remembered hy son, Bill Aurse y 4 H Our materiale for recover: (i, sii makes Elna, RA 53801 A perience required day Dh four-room apartments, To the Rev. Dargan and Rev. Wighton | Workmanship suaranteed, A. Woods, ng Bry e R. Dalton, 78 Charl a FINIS ER TWO (hres or 1 » OOOKERTON -- In loving memory of | for thelr' comforting words and help in| RA #1311 Le RA 3.7213 ym aries Kant RARY silting huresy can supply Te. SANDER and H week, Hours 8,30. 4:45, frond Noor, ehlidren weloome Pons MODERN 2 BEDROOM 8 dear mother and grandmother, Emily |the lots of our hushand and father: gooxwaoi, (nauiation, Blowing meth - lihie experienced women for haby si FR Modern office, Opposite h . APARTMENT Kertan, who passed away, January | And all those very jd friends wha ods, all materials and workmanship | ne " tingi also to care for ohildren or elderly DO IT-YOURSELF Shopping Centre, THREE or four roams, ehlidren wel 7, 104 helped In #0 many wha fully guaranteed. Free estimates lod 0: peaple by day er longer periods, rea come, Phone Whithy, MO 83178 be] At 15 Gibbon Street, will be Deal ries 16 Weak, Dut all Tn va Me, Sars ei oe Jewly hana da Aux ert oe |W " didi 0 Ole re ' A Diney, Al HARRISON & KINSMAN PHONE tween 7 and 8 pom 1" available February 1, Adults death tries te hreak, hut all in vain - ARRAWOGT Tare Gl sorrel Tole oe hours, § am. 108 pmi| 947 Simcoe St, 5, RA 3-4428 OFFICE SUPERVISOR Bg TT ae a a 1 To have, to love, and th to - OAREY Entered inte rest In the awa, on Sunday , 1989, William Cash Charge || residence, RA 63405, TROPICAT, Lo SALES b Alfred Rahme, beloved hushand of | o eancpeuTIVE DONALD BLAKE DODDA, barrister First end Second Mortgages 24---~Market Bask a i) a 4.30 7 Cl i Waehine "vepaire In your BW, fo 7 pm, Closed Thursday RA 5. 1161 boards In kitohen, adults preferred In ihe wieatest surrow o's heart ", I oe estimates ome, pf makes, $3.80, Call RA 8.6720 | M'ermoans, haatde ia ito io The yada may Wipe out many (hings| f LONDON taller Ta, Indien' ui - " | pe --.. § The no ot a or Guilt Plea PLUMBING and heat! fittings, ---- CT TV] ng, | MAde to bi PIA od --_ PO IT YOURSELF! SIMCOE North, four and fiveroom 21 ai BON TREET 9 When we were ail together ph fly. G¥pra appiled, vented ssamions, Prone Shard remodelled. 31 Kine East, RA| with the power tools and LOCAL UTILITY Shiites, filly, equipped. Colt Bal. -- nd ever remember " hy equipment you can rent at \ : . By daughters Fine and Dorothy, son "in | on free v= (MAN with ton truck avallable any ' FURNISHED bedrooms, very central, law Jimmy and grandson Poni B $11, 767 o plumbing Dial RA san, J Folin, 15-Instruction time. Clean iar a > ahi Poi Jans, Rarpening Service REQUIRES with parking space. Apply side wa ANTRND, 5 co h QOCKENTON ~ i ving mamery ol n AREY anes Render Wate Tes, | "MMe rates RA 1.4078 RAHA Orin Soar Hoar ONE CASHIER {rane Hulchton Anarimeniy, 184 Wik BUILD ok . mother, Emily Cockerton, whe Royal Academy ballet, Highland "nee . . 4 m acker whe HAYNES Her now: 430 King: West ATH Belt, Dise and Oscillating 18 - 25 SINGLE room for twa gentlemen, fur Living room, dining area, away January 27, IMA would we give her hand to BUILDING CONTRACTOR TTLTIAN ® JANE BLACK Slenderlzing Sanders; Skill Saws; Electrie nished with Kitohen privileses, RA ' Gem Thefts [| nm ts. Old floo 1) a Wh, Tian Studio, Slenderizing, Redue Hammer and many other Junler matriculation, typing, [58035 after § p.m 32 kitchen, electrically equips patient face to wee, i abr Superty " shoal aerohatie. Friday and Saturday $3 : tools cash experience preferred IX rooms, heated. hol water, suil twa Ped, washing yi, gar her voles, to see her amills made like new. Hardwood Masonle Temple, RA 3720) Ing, Steam Bath and Mas families, Apply 348, Toranta Avenus age, RA 8. AS In the days ¢ § yy dhe axe tal hed 10 n,| OTTAWA (CP)-Laurette La or tiling, Carpenter work al -- gs. 45) Simeon 80 South 32-Articles Wanted WRITE BOX 43) ATTRACTIVE, furnished roams avail 19¢ toil and sirife trelle, 44, Monday pleaded guilty] terations. Kitchen cabinets 0 i th WANTED « Cammeralal, second hand OSHAWA TIMES Ni ny LEA Park Hoan each other's hand ence : our specialt ~ | For Fun, Popularity and Success | i 11,767 In nods rap Y RA 5.9602 tor Appointment, floor polisher In geod condition for Jan Tn heaven. that happy Nie jlo the of Hide the fang) A CALL RA 3.7194 | TRY DANCING all tar service. Phone RA R466 Ll] . : TWO rooms, furnished ar unfurnished, BEST : L Ninf Open 10 am 10 pm Li: = Upright or apartment size adults only ARMY M1 Dunkirk Ave Sadly missed by daugnter, Dally; won: [jawelry store where she had|™ - -- You Can Actual nue, RA 5.7850 w \ i Hrandohild y EE Vil h. Nial ke and pri , fhaue Jidran! Erandeniidren and great: | kod, She was remanded to GRAVEL Go DANCING | White he oY Da oa Hy thd CLERK-TYPIST WREE « room apartment, furnished, APARTMENTS | Feh, 2 for sentence After One Lesson At | 3 SWISS EXPERT ARELING farnilure or slesning out very central, single or Sobble Rreterred, ac ACKIE ~ In loving memory of 8" ypc i tets court wan told thel Cement $9.00 per head. Road ARTHUR MURRAY | WAT [your basement? You will Interesting opportunity, private entrance. Appl Contre IN OSHAWA who passed away January 37, 1985, (stolen articles, ranging in value| fing and coarse $8.00 per DANCE STUDIOS CH REPAIRS [diet brig hot vou iano RA 1413 I eo Prego Anas trom all sorrow and pain: [from $7 to $500 each, had been| oq pe gatisfied = Dil |. V2 Simcoe StS. RA 8:1681 | Electric Shavers & Appliances [Street Nouth nial ne for a young lady, to [Wii aption of hard Ally 418 Rowen In new Duplex, design. v Street or RA &1 ed for family living, 18 Awa from all sorrow and pain, OIL PAINTING NASH JEWELLERS |ARLLING. tornitire Wo Ra gain valuable exper yoy you in Aine, Wx NO modern] gon living room with Some day when life's journey alrecovered by police from lwo RA 1.5279 Welek bungalow, kas healing, short we" [fishing-tackle boxes in Mrs. La-| Re hall all be (gether again trelle's home here, ( [sto oto. Far tap cash offer, contaet| § art A Evening. Classe 198 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH |W aad Lb Bashy gil ience in a variety of erin haan, Fione Alwa 4'W dm, 10 3 picture window, huge P PHONE RA 3.9433 PONTAGE stamp collection and ae-| general office work, [Spacious tive = Toom aparfment in itchen with dining Radio Park Clubhouse oumulations wanted. Highest prices . Hroaklin, Immediate possession, Phane| area, and door to sunny FREE PARKING paid. Send desoription, Harry Wels Accuracy in figures Rrookiin 67 201 i , J, KIRKPATRICK MA Monkland, Montreal 88 a - bale ony, Two wonderful | FIVE « room bungalow, all convent . | d t tial elas | Ji Teacher TAILOR | an yping essential, ences, S78 a month, Possession Fehry bedrooms, lots of closet | L( RING ary 1. Apply 481 Bloor Street Bast. 98 | b } | RA 5.3138 AFTER 7 | Own materials made up. | Webhing's previous |B.M, exper Lian nome ior weit ton ian Race, tiled bathroom, Alterations of all kinds, | Rental Service lence helpful. Write to or naire fhe hu want This apartment, coms Play rooms, kitchens and | LEARN TO DRIVE | Invisible weaving | TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Ruddy Electric Whole Ly Tae i x Moor Se pletely electrically | | | | { Hushand Charles, sons, Harold, Merle | Brantnd Satin aliche : DO THAT REMODELLING | towart and famiifes Mra. Latrelle had been em 108 NOW | WATTS In mematy of 4 loving) RIOVEH hy Jue k i] Limited 18 ushand, Harry Walls, who passed [Cornwall for several year nO a ¥ ein . hegan working in the firm's Ot HELP. OUR WINTER io 1 Pd nemhered ¥ wile, Catherine | awa store last September. The thefts occurred between. Sept. 2 WILKUR tn Joving memary of a and Jan. 6 NO DOWN PAYMENT bur, who WORK PLAN WANT ADS | cabinets, Na job too hig or a equipped. Convenient ' 10 far Alte Ho \ FOR RENT (FARA SE 2 HELPED US uvall." 34 months to SCHNEIDER'S vince Bl. 'near tation | sale Ltd. P.O. Box 250 [ROOM far rent far ans or twa Persons [ to public and separate PLYWOOD Ne payments till April "e RA 8 531 | { 202 King &t West | [Phone RA 33:10 Driving School LEN PULL AN RA 5.4871 | Oshawa x ho ol h Wwping and PRESIDENT PHONE. OSHAWA RA 21c| APARTMENT FOR RENT ransporiation ' 5-69) OR AJAX 12644 DRIVE NORTH ON WILSON 31-Articles For Rent 31.-Articles For Rent | 37--=Male Help Wanted { New large S-r0om apartment ROAD NOKTH FIVE IN FIRST JOB Ris] 3 15--Instruction RA 8 5318 MAN wanted for Rawleigh husiness around floor, electric stove BLOCKS NORTH OF KIN ville, president of Nell 10 1500 families. Goad profits fol B pa My lywood Corp WEBBING' S RENTAL SERVICE hustlers, Write today Rawlelgh's, Dept and fridge, automatic washer AL LOOK FOR QUR man there ~NC [ANOS 4008 Hicheliow, Montreal. 18a] and dryer, hot water heating SIGNS v Hhwre { OSHAWA COl LEGIATE of MUSIC | [1c ENSED machinist for miner lune Y \ aerial, - paved Hathing ANDREW | 1AZL E r | Belt, Vibrating. snd Circular Sanders te ave @ ue Aix WA Neos Steet Nari A Call RA 8.6983 \ Ee | 187 Olive Ave , Oshawa, Ont (English Tail | Ample Parking Floor . nif ~ | mplete | f se Jd waxes weular Saws; Electeie Pil a , -- 3005 Bathurst Stree 31 BUCKINGHAM AVE fa aR a te i Sua J fie 8 . Wssel 3-17 5! \ Ww TRIEHEL, Juldeting: rans, Centrifugal Pump; BIR IGA Te atile 10 (oid. Poke RA 2018 LLOYD REALTY RUssel 3-1733 winches: Power Trowel, and many other Toals Wm RENTAL AGENCY Toronto Modern Instruction on Piano, Piano Accordian. Guit CLEAN, nodt appearing men with [references same sales experience nee: | Our tee ix less than a OF ir, Drums, Saxophone, Clarinet. Results Guaranteed ) MAO up Bartdine. Breeton re vacancy, only screened Phone Oshawa WHREEALIOR ARIE in person only. at bi \ A KInG Street Raat, Sutte 8 N and relia enants Ars Wright RA 8.182 ALWAYS AMPLE PARKING WATKINS router availabe. full ar part| Loved Realty (Oshawa) Lid X ght, RA e158) MLW & FI 101 Simcoe St. N. Apartments now ready for | 282 KING ST. W, RA 3.4873 "Ve otis A THER. oie i RA 8.5120 weupanty UE ad many sales ov a wit | FOR FURTHER INFORMATION--RA 8-632 cd" =e Maria Kusmeliax and tarally, | of watching these Want Ads. 2

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