THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All other calls ...... RA 83-3474 , She Oshawa Times WEATHER REPORT Clearing tonight, Wednesday sunny clouding over again by evening, little change. Price Not Over VOL, 88 -- NO. 22 7 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA-WHITBY, TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1959 Authorized As Second Closs Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa SIXTEEN PAGES RED PARTY CONGRESS Rocket Rattling By Khrushchev MIL t al ority, Khrushchev promised Br MAROLD X. Ke / 7 pr Soviet people a substantial MOSCOW . (AP) Nikita J # rise in the standard of living as a Khrushchev announced today that J result of the increase in the coun- the Soviet Union has started as- § try"s economic potentialities, fur- sembly line production of inter- ther technical progress in all continental ballistic missiles. 7 economic spheres, and a "con Opening the 21st congress of / tinuous growth of the productiv- the Soviet Sommanist pany, the 4 ity of socialist labor." arty chieftain and premier sa the yt countries now ENTER NEW PERIOD "stand at the head of all pro- The Soviet people, he sald, gress." have reached "such summits In a review of Soviet achieve- that they now have the chance to ments in science, including jet enter a "new, important period of development, the period of ex- NEW POWER MINISTRY | PLANNED FOR ONTARIO Strike At Chrysler | Throne Speech i Read ToHouse government department to super- TORONTO (CP)--An Ontario government further to remove difficulties in marketing arrange- aviation and rocketry, Khrush- | tensive building of Communist society." I S ttl d In the political field he called S e e chev declared: for "further consolidation of the| WINDSOR (CP)--The sirike at ments and to ensure more effee- tive disposal of Ontario's farm crops. "Amendments to the Milk In. dustry Act will be , to strengthen the position of produ- cer marketing plans in the dairy industries. FARM SAFETY DRIVE "An accelerated safety pro- gram will be undertaken to dime inish the hazards associated with farming, To help prevent loss from rables in livestock, the gov- ernment will provide free vaccine and will share equally with the municipalities in the cost of vae. cination." The speech sald mental {liness will be attacked through a pro. vise all forms of energy and a searching inquiry into agriculture were forecast today in the speech from the throne in the Ontario legislature. The speech said the new de- partment will be responsible not only for development but also saf- ety and financing. It would em- brace ,all forms of power--elec- tricity, natural gas, oil, coal, ura- nium or any other source. The publicly-owned Hydro-Elec- tric Power Commission produces virtually all of Ontario's electri cal power and is charged with responsibility for a nuclear power program, The Ontario Fuel Board, now under the minister of lands and forests, controls nat- "The Soviet Union has started Soviet socialist system, the unity] Al i ai HP Ey -- A Retroactivity: retroactive period of 135 days from today to Sept 15, 1958 for the general wage increase Skilled trades wage increases: | Eight cents per hour additional, | effective on date of ratification of | new agreement by the union membership Pension program: Pension the serial production of intercon- tinental ballistic missiles." More than 1500 delegates hr (C ; strike throughout the Soviet Union an d lidarity of the Soviet Chrysler of Canada plants in| Communist parties in 70 other HT repent of Soviet|Windsor was settled shortly be-| countries applauded vigorously. democracy, the activity and in- fore noon fodey Terms oa the NTS NSION EASED itiative of the broad masses in|new agreement will be placed be-| WANTS TE oN key task in the building of communism, ex- fore the membership of Local au, Khrushchev said a oy. BE NIKITA KHRUSHCHEYV tension of the functions of public United Auto Workers at a meet-| ig vf B ik fed end to] bodies in matters of state im-jing in the Windsor Arena at noon| the cold war and a lessening of triumph In the peacetal economicportanee, Boreas [8 BF 8% Vl nee agreement was an i i , iti i st iza al and : 1 : | ntersation] vession, But be #50 pS Wits, the eapiigliat the ih and the socialist state,|nounced by Bruce R McDade, | called o8 bis people once more) 3 "Strengthen further the eco-land an all-out strengthening of Chrysler of Canada director of| » Catch up with and surpass! nomic and defence might" of the the alliance between the workers corporate labor Jelauons o" yrs] the leading capitalist countries in Soviet Union. and the peasants and o the oe. agreement, whic} pires per-capita output, | Although he sald expansion of | friendship of the peoples o rR cludes: Total of) 2, "Ensure the Soviet Union's heavy industry would still havelcountry." 1, Sl eSe sour: increase of six . cents per hour effective Sept 15, Russia Sees OBSOLETE VAMPIRES 1958, Oct 15, 1959, Nov 15, 1960 Space Ship | C da Says No LONDON' (Reuters) -- Moscow IATO- partners over | OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada has U.S. or its N pa ver- | salle said oday. ihe problems of rejected a request by a United seas, but not to other Souizies, nh veral countries, | States firm to ship surplus Cana-| It was learned that Fore-Metal| Tore Ju. haga the United dian Vampire jet fighters to the Company, a division of Fikeways Stat led their material and |Dominican Republic on grounds | Incorporated of West Bend, vi] Ble toal ces [that it does mot want to become bought some 26 of the ohsole gl ue ati Bo help, the ra.|involved in any new Caribbean RCAF singlestat Numa out] : | a year ago. dio added, if the whole world co-|flareup. 2 Je 2, 24.600. a ox t t only in the scientific Trade Minister Churchill sald hus wy iy the cost. |Monday in the Commons that the(about, 3360 2 La, bac Considering how long space federal government fumed down, the RCAF. flights would take, it went on, it an application by rs appears wisest to use a|for an export permit to ship the|14 STORED AT MALTON Fourteen of the aircraft aie: whole expedition of several dozen|aircraft to the Caribbean coun- t Malton airport, mear-Toronto, H and reconditioning One sh'p could no ot benefits in line with those negot-| jated by UAW in other Canadian agreements, with company option clause to be administered in con-| formity with the procedure fol-| lowed by Chrysler Corporation, U.S. Eskimos May Be Barred From Whites | "PEDRO MOREJON holds up near Camp Libertad in Havana: ural gas and other forms of fuel, STEP UP RESEARCH "Our research program to hasten the time when we may generate electric power from our almost ble sources uranium is being accelerated. "With our rapidly expand-| ing economy, growing population, greater production and higher standard of living, we must' have an adequate supply of power and energy." The 2,800-word speech, read by Lieutenant - Governor J. Kelller Mackay at the opening of the fifth session of the province's 25th legislature, forecast in. creased government spending on highways, education, welfare, ald| to municipalities and hospital con- struction. . The Pbiive pio grams for mental health, alcohol W. ism, prison reform, provincial|union gram "greatly altering traditional methods." It would improve diagnostie and treatment services, progres. sively reduce segregation or iso~ lation and put the permanently mentally handicapped or infirm 'In more suitable social sure roundings." New facilities would be pro. vided for research, treatment and rehabilitation of alcoholics, while education services would be ex- tended BusDrivers From Oshawa ASHING' officers from Oshawa dis- carry all th nadian officials sald Canada Fliteways officials tried unsuc- | required doesn't want to encour af PR es ty arm, Jt was ing to! sell military equipment to the|.o.srully to get Canadian govern ment approval to ship 12 of the Vampires to the Dominican Re- public. The negotiations between the and the Domini Re- public, headed by Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo, occurred as rebel leader Fidel Castro staged a suc- By ARCH MacKENZIE Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) -- Compliments to the northern native, coupled with a blunt suggestion that cer- tain Eskimos be barred from white settlements for their own (good, have come before the Northwest Territories Council. The regular semi-annual meet- Batista regime, ~AP Wirephoto Morejon, a regular army man parks and natural resources. [cussed today with officials of the AGRICUL INQU Amalgamated Association of Elec TURE INQUIRY tric Street Railway and, Motor A special inquiry headed a list Coach employes their fight to ob of proposed measures to assist oon control of the CNR f is accused of homicide, robbery agriculture. 7 Oshawa Railway bus service, The inquiry will be aimed at ™q,y, "00 rt "in the idiscussion FOUND GUILTY facilitating the marketing and Cuban Showcase | Dtocessing of Ontario farm pro-|Ci*0 PIHER Sion Jlimever: his hands in prayer - like ges- ture as he arrives at his war crimes trial in a court building WOMAN DRIVER IN STRATFORD STRATFORD (CP) A and other crimes during the case of accidents. Jehovah Witness Given Damages OTTAWA (CP) -- The Supreme, The case is believed the first Ousted Cuban President Pilsen Court of Canada today ordered/in which a provincial premier|cio Batista obtained refuge in the) Premier Duplessis of Quebec to|was sued personally for fon. The] The US. Republic. | cessful revolt in nearby Cuba. $33,123.33 to Frank Roncar-|arising from such an action. The| The U.S. company cannot take perf for ddmages suffered in the|nine judges of the Supreme Court the planes out of Canada without cancellation of a liquor permit/had the appeal under considera-|an export permit from the gov-| for his Montreal restaurant in|tion since it was heard last June. ernment. Canada and the us. co-| he | Originally, Mr. Roncarelli sued operate to keep NAH gouty over| The court's decision was 8 to 8, sor $118 741, starting his court ac-(the trans-shipment of arms. [ with Mr. Justices Robert Tas-|ijon six months after cancellation" , John R. Cartwright and [ chereau, John artwrig! of the liquor licence Dec. 4, Bu) Millions May Be Gerald Fauteux dissenting. It reduced by about two-thirds) OTTAWA (CP)--Louise Lamb the $90,000 damages claimed by member of the Jehovah's Wit- H 1 Mr. Roncarelli, and upset the nesses of Vertes, Sue, tin Given To Housing judgment. of the Quebec Court of was awarded $2,500 by the Su- -- &ali J : Appeal which had ruled in favor|preme Court of Canada for o| DFTAWA er ig of Mr. Duplessis. |false arrest by the Quebec Pro- Commons additional "hundreds of W. Glen How of Toronto, coun-|vincial Police in 1946 on a charge| ~.. © ov "win pe poured into sel for Mr. Roncarelli, sald out-of distributing pamphlets lleg-|} using this year to stimulate side the courtroom that the court ally. employment. showed 'commendable consist-| She had sued for $5,000 dam-| A¢ another point, Mr. Balcer ency" in protecting the rights of goes, | the individual against authorities| r Miss Lamb won damages from|give a "more general" support who seek to infringe them. only one of three Quebec Provin-|to construction, both In the field SUBJECT TO APPEAL cial Police officers that she sued. of public housing and in indus- " The decision is subjett to ap-|She took action against Paul Ben-|trial building. | peal to the Judicial Committee of oit -- from whom she received| He said that in 1959 industrial | the Privy Council in London be-/damages -- Charles Forget, and| construction would experience an cause the case was initiated in|Charles Nadeau for false arrest unprecedented boom. the courts before December, 1949, Saturday, Dec. 7, 146, and deten-| Mr. Balcer did not give a pre- when such appeals to London!tion in Montreal police cells dur- cise figure for intended govern- were abolished. ling the weekend of Dec. 7-9, 1946. ment loans for housing this year. CBC Declared Free Of Lord's Day Act Charge OTTAWA (CP) -- The Supreme|gram, The Star and The Globe|as a Crown agent it was exempt | Court of Canada today declared|and Mail -- and private radio sta-|/from prosecution under the Lord's the CBC free from prosecution/tion CKEY have been charged Day Act. | under the Lord's Day Act. {with violating the Lord's Day| Under the interpretation of the The Supreme Court upheld the Act. (act, the Crown's rights are not| CBC by a 4 to 3 majority, withi The Telegram was charged affected by a statute unless "it | Mr. Justices Robert Taschereau,|after it began publishing a Sun-|is expressly stated in the enact-| Douglas Abbott and Wilfred Jud-|day edition March 17, 1957. It/ment that (the Crown) shall be| son dissenting. The court sus- stopped Sunday publishing five bound thereby." If the Crown was| tained the CBC's request for the months later. . {not bound, the CBC claimed, issuance of a writ of prohibition) The Telegram, after fit was| neither was its agent, freeing it from a charge of vio-|charged, laid complaints against QNTARIO VIEW lating the Lord's Day Act bythe CBC, CKEY, and the two However, the attorney-general broadcasting in Toronto on Sun-|other newspapers. The charges| for Ontario day. {were laid in Toronto magistrates «parcon™ in the Lord's Day Act | Ontario courts had ruled that court with the consent of Attor-|ic' that i the publicly-owned CEC, as a|ney-General Kelso Roberts of On-| (de, "Juristic person," was subject to tario the Lord's Day Act. PROVISIONS OF ACT "AGENT" FOR CROWN Under the Lord's Day Act it is But the corporation claimed ynlawful for any person to "carry|the Supreme Court that Her Maj-| that as an agent for the Crown|on or transact business of his or-| it was not subject to the act be-|ginary calling" on the Lord's| cause it was not specifically men- nay ° tioned in it. The CBC, the daily newspapers --- CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 {tario attorney-general on FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 [view. claimed it was an agent of cuted for violating the Lord's the Crown. But where they dif-|Day Act, an agent of the Crown : HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 fered was in the CBC's view that/could be prosecuted. The code definition of "per- son' includes Her Majesty. The CBC's counsel, W. B. Wil. Maximum penalty is a fine|crime against Her Majesty can| £40. The Telegram gather news but do not publish|self. | {on Sunday. The Globe and Mail's| first Monday morning edition|Day Act does not specifically pro- comes out on Sunday evenings. hibit broadcasting on Sunday. The CBC and CKEY broadcast] C. F. H. Carson of Toronto, regifarly on Sunday. : [representing the Ontario attor. . of three Toronto The Tele- said the government wants to" argued that the term atrocities in Cuba and believes which is in the Criminal work of the rebel leader Fidel liston of Toronto, argued before|in esty was included in the code def-|George Beebe of the Miami Her-| inition only to make clear that a ald. ibe prosecuted. The Crown could quoted Batista as saying Castro/ and The Star not commit a crime against it-thad He also argued that the Lord's highways and burning sugar cane fields. atrocities of which his forces are accused were "the work of Cas | The CBC, unopposed by the On-|ney-general, argued that even ifitro and not my men. If they did this the Crown itself cannot be prose-|take sanction.' seek a return to power. ing of the council began Monday,' ranging over Eskimo and Indian problems and other aspects of administration of an area that| represents two-thirds of Canada's| land mass. Comniissioner L. H. Nicholson of the RCMP, In a long review of the Eskimo's problems and fu-| ture, spoke gravely of the need| to set up a 20-mile barrier around northern defence, mining and| similar white centres applying to| all Eskimos who lack housing and| jobs there, Otherwise, he warned, growth will continue in petty thievery, | prostitution and other undesirable traits foreign to the traditional| sturdy independence of the Esk-| imo peoples. The council's aim should be to see to the survival of| the Eskimo as a race and as a northern dweller. | Stratford woman found her husband's car just wouldn't move out of the driveway so she put the car in gear, let the wheels spin, and got out to shove. The vehicle took off across the road and hit a parked car. When making out an insur- ance report she came to the section which requires the writer to declare who was re- sponsible, Without a moment's hesita- tion she wrote: "The driver of the other car. He should never have left his car parked there." 7 CENTRES Help For Polio Close As Phone TORONTO (CP)--The Rehabil and an additional $150,000 has itation Foundation for Poliomye- been appropriated for this year. litis has opened treatment centres| The centres were set up by lo- that bring aid for the disabled of|cal rehabilitation organizations, five Ontario communities as close encouraged by the foundation. as the telephone. ONLY NEED PHONE CALL Foundation President W. Denis| Mr. Whitaker said in the five Whitaker said the posts at Ot- cities where institutes now func- tawa, Kingston, Hamilton, Wind-|tion, "one phone call can bring sor and the Lakehead shortly willlto any patient all the services By STANFORD BRADSHAW HAVANA, Cuba (AP)--The de- fendant in Havana's second show- case trial was convicted before dawn today and sentenced to death before a firing squad. Three of Fidel Castro's officers deliberated for 39 minutes and found former Batista army Capt. Pedro Morejon guilty of assas- sination, homicide, and robbery. orejon heard his fate after a trial' of more than 10 hours, staged - in marked contrast to = a Trials Continue t week's opening spectacle in |Havana's 17,000-seat Sports Pal- ace. This time the scené was army headquarters outside Havana. The courtroom held only 200 per- sons, There were no floodlights, television cameras, or radio microphones. The crowd filling the room o¢- casionally applauded when the | prosecution scored a point, but [there was none of the Roman | Colosseum atmosphere which ac. companied the conviction last week of the first Havana defend- ant, Ex-Maj. Jesus Sosa Blanco. DRAMATIC PROMISE A high spot in the trial was the sudden appearance of Maj, Ca- milo Cienfuegos, head of the revolutionary forces in the Ha- vana area. Cienfuegos--One of Castro's closest associates-- dramatically proclaimed that if Morejon were not executed, "I will shoot myself." He described the defendant as 'the most bestial killer in the world." Morejon raised bis hands,, join- ing then together as if in prayer, as his sentence was announced. Otherwise he showed no emotion before his guards led him out. Like Sosa Blanco, he was ex- pected to appeal the sentence to be joined by a Toronto rehabilita-| necessary to his rehabilitation in- tion centre on which work will cluding financial help where nec-| begin in May. There are plans essary." {for a seventh centre at London.| He said $300,000 in March of - "It was evident that each dis-| Dimes funds will be used this, {F in Ontario needed one single year to pay for rehabilitation of| source of rehabilitation services/the disabled at the centres. The| where any person needing rehab-| foundation also looks out for the| ilitation could apply or be re- orthpedically disabled as well as ferred and could obtain all the| polio victims. services the case demanded,"| *'All other health and welfare | Mr. Whitaker's annual report agencies organizations, including] said. | government agencies," Mr, Whit-| He said the March of Dimes aker said, 'are co-operating in| Id Denies Tale ; ww w Of Atrocities contributed $120,000 to the estab-|this move to co-ordinate rehabili- {lishment of the institutes in 1958 tation services." MIAMI, Fla. (AP) ~Fulgencio| | Batista says he never sanctioned, | th LATE NEWS FLASHES The ousted Cuban dictator was . | interviewed at his place of refuge Italy Searches For New Premier | Cuidad Trujillo, Dominican ME Republic, by managing editor] ROME Rea Ak FULGENCIO Cuba's Batista BATISTA any that took place were the (Reuters)--President Giovanni © Gronchi began talks with political leaders today in a search for a new prime minister to replace Amintore Fanfani who resigned with his coalition government Monday. 'Mom' Whyte Baby With Children's Aid TORONTO (CP)--A 21-month-old baby, placed at a fos- ter home in Englehart, Ont.,, by Mrs. Bertha Mom Whyte, now is being cared for by the Kirkland Lake Children's Aid Society, it was reported today. 1500 CBC Demonstrators In Ottawa OTTAWA (CP)--Close to 1500 'demonstrators, waving placards and singing rollicking French songs, marched on Parliament Hill today and presented petitions to Labor Min- ister Starr pleading the case of producers in the CBC strike. In a copyright article, Beebe weakened Cuba's economy by driving out tourists, destroying Batista said he believes the | place, it was without my Batista said he has no plans to the superior military tribunal. No Action On Pickering 'Cobalt Bomb" | PICKERING, Ont. (CP)--Town- |, ship council was advised Monday | kidnapped here this month, was night to take no action on a claim recovered alive and well early to- (that a zoning bylaw is 'being|day in the apartment of a Puerto {broken by a man who builds co- Rican couple. The infant was ill |when abducted Thursday. balt bombs in his home. | Alan Robertson, 36-year-old en-| legislation which will enable the of consumers whose purchasing habits are being altered by new merchandising facilities and methods. "You will be asked to approve THOUGHT FOR TODAY Your fellow man is probably about as good as you are -- and about as bad. He'll bear some watching. sociation, and David Young, the Local's secretary, John M. Elliott, executive vice- president, at the union interna. tional headquarters here, and other officials. . They met with Reports from Oshawa last week said they planned to seek inform» ation on: employe-operated bug services in the U.S. Oshawa City Council recently rejected an offer by a group of employes to take over the bus franchise. MR. AND MRS. JOSE TAVAREZ ADMIRED BABY N.Y. Baby Found With Abducto: NEW YORK (AP)--Month-old | Jo! Police said Mrs. Ascension Or- Vv Mrs. Tavarez, 31, also identi hn Tavarez, the second baby fied Mrs, Ortiz as the 'Gladys Garcia" with whom the child had been left while Mrs. ent baby was gone when Mrs. Tay- arez returned home. Tavarez apartment hunting. The Police said Mrs. Ortiz, a gincer and physicist, has been iz, 25, admitted taking the child/chubby woman with auburn. treatment of cancer. {making cobalt bomb units In his|from its home because she had|streaked hair, would be charged {home since 1953 for use in thea miscarriage 10 days ago. She| with kidnapping. {and her husband, Angel, a plastic| Hundreds of police and FBI He proposes to move his equip-|dyer, have three children ranging|dgents ran down scores of tips in ment and machinery from house and small garage into a 30-by-50 feet building on his prop-|} erty in a residential area in Pick-had" to make it up to my hus- ering Township midway between hand." Toronto and Oshawa. Council received a petition with|g his from 6 to 9. an effort to locate the Kidnapped "It was because I lost my own|child. baby,' Mrs. Ortiz told police. "1 B dlsignatures, protesting the|claimed the one in the three- move on the grounds he was ex-|rgom, west end basement apart- special phone line had led to the panding a business in a residen- bylaw, ens of Toronto told council the and does not probibit continuing use of land and buildings in effect before then. ) 0° ment was her own. Her husband, tial area and breaking a zoning|was so convinced of her truthful. ness at first that he supported Township solicitor Sinclair Stev-|her story. his neck. However, Mrs. Doraliza Tav- {zoning bylaw was passed in 1958|arez was taken to the Ortiz apart- ment and, weeping with joy, iden- tified her baby from a mark on prints positively identified the Tavarez infant, .eggett TIP ON PHONE Police credited solution of the | case partly to a tip received on a At first she vehemently denied|special telephone line for public ealing the Tavarez baby, and|calls about the case. The same type of tip on another finding earlier in the month of Lisa Rose Chionchio. The baby was located nine days after being stolen from a Brooklyn hospital nursery shortly after birth. Chief of Detectives James B, said a check of foots o