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The Oshawa Times, 27 Jan 1959, p. 3

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Married Teachers Will Be Retained ChuchHas | Board Voids Policy Fine Year | poy hlished In 1932 PICTURED ABOVE ARE ( tion who attended the rally at | and Alex Johns, both mem. | ber of Port Perry executive; | a Ontario election and Of P rogress Married women teachers will ly involved this year. A male some of the members of the | Port Perry Monday night. They | bers of the Reach township ex- | Tom Harris, Liberal candidate | Alan H, Hollingworth, of To- be employed In Oshawa second. . teacher could be lost because of Ontario Riding Liberal Associa- | sre, left to right, Earl Martyn | ecutive; Mrs, J, for Ontario riding in the forth- | ronlo, guest speaker, The fourth annual congregation: ary schools on the same basis as hig announced proposed marriage p-------- - - H-------------------------------- al meeting of The Christian and|unmarried women teachers from BR lo one of the six, PY Missionary Alliance Church was now on. " 52 TEAMS COMPETE iberal S eaker held Wednesday, Jan, 21, In the| A motion to this effect was . on 3 PERMANENT CONTRACY ' L main auditorium of the church. proposed by Trustee M, Brown to ! ; " A your ntention s ve The minister, Rev. Wm. J.|the Oshawa Board of Education : fhase Leng SH 4 Derinent son Newell, presided and conducted 8 ontay night at Oshawa Collegi- fi Bl, rustee ¥. R. ] : : brief devotional period, ate and Vocational Institute and si x 1 on nac 10nN The pastor stated In his re- carried nine to one, : 4 "Yon," replied Trustee Brown, port 0 the gatiering, "that In| meustee Brown moved: '"Mar- EB oi FThire i 16 diac mination in the 7 ' ¢ " frit tfulne . 1 motion," Referring to the PORT PERRY (aff) -- "The He continued: "A Liberal gov-|*piritual frultfulness the pa # ted women teachers may be | REEL s on lise. he DA " fo Liberal Party with special peler. Arment would bring in a compre. (YOM Was the most Prosperous employed in Oshawa secondary A 1 think It will be a major problent," " 4 ince the beginning of the work| y . B & ; ence to provincial affairs' was|hensive reform, We all know of ¥ gD J or schools and In the event of preg » Ba Planned For Thursda \ [the Rg min by Allan H, the department of highways scan-|!n 1064." Bald Mr, Newell, "41\nan0y the hoard of education . Trustee H, B, Armstrong agk- way 401 which is decisions for Christ by children, may" grant Yoave of absence or wr i ed: "Should we not have an @- Hollingworth at the Ontarlo Rid. dal and of High 4 ; The week beginning Jan, 24 to Youth Organization (10 teams); The executives of the hockey! ing Liberal Rally here Monday still yet to be completed but is Jung people nd adals, h N0imay terminate the contract of Spe tlaute In cose wi Jue Feb, 1 has been set as 'Minor and the Inter » Church Hockey leagues, the coaches and man. night, og Ly ik Hae ot high Js We hank God for "His "gracious "6 Johor €onesrned. ih contract we can't do Hockey Week in Canada," Across Association (10 teams), From agers on regular hockey morn:| Attendance at the rally was a built in time of war" ness In giving us such answers to| Clarifying the board's position anything about it." the Dominion of Canada, hockey every team In the above » men: ings, afternoons and nights need small, believed caused by the cold Iprayer, and in these lives as" that no discriminatory Infer- "Yes we can," sald Trustee Hollingworth is a| Mr. Hollingworth charged that orice' ac heen openly confessed £1 might be taken, Trustee Brown, "We could change the people of every classification will tioned organizations, four play. moral and final support, |weather, Mr, be setting aside the week for|ers, the coach and manager, willl The national effort Is made up'former member of parliament for, the provincial government has | § Master." (G. K. Drynan proposed the mo- policy as was done In 1032." hockey activities, In Oshawa it be dressed In his team sweater of the sum of the effort which|the riding of Toronto York Centre hever hod the Sourage p ring The financial income was com.|tlon be amended, The amend. ' Trustee Britten sald: "I feel will be known as Minor Hockey and skate on the ice, at which takes place In Canada's thous. from 1053 to 1087, [In 4 comp sory automobile "UE mensurate with growth in the/ment, which ind approved with g there should be some allowance Week in Oshawa and in Ontario, time, the Mayor of Oshawa, Ly: ands of communities, large and| "we now have a government *"¢® Ach congregation, The young church the motion, » sled, Toad Jord #0 for young teachers coming out of Minor Hockey Week, man A, Gifford, will officially small, Its success deponds on (hat has been in power since NO PLAN contributed $2267.06 to the for. employed shall a Jorderet. : college, I would prefer to see a Can you imagine Canada with- declare 'Minor Hockey Week In everyone and the committee 1s 1943", he stated, "It Is time for a 10 conclusion, Mr, Hollingworth|elgn missionary work of The | contract dont cal Ww i Syren TRUSTEE M. BROW! contract offered with a three-year out hockey? Of course, you ean Oshawa' Along with the Mayor certain minor hockey will not be change and also for some humility seated, "The Progressive Consery-| Christian and Missionary Alli. Sontracts with vamaspiel secont minimum ad a five-year maxis not! But isn't it possible that too will be the officials, dignitaries let down in Canada and in Osh-| at Queen's Park." ative governent has been talk. Ane, now supporting 825 mis. ary aig Ey Xeapt 41 fo! a time when hiring for the fall mum" at many of us take the value of and hockey notables who will de. awa, two SETS OF BOOKS ing of planning and development, (slonaries in 23 foreign lands, A [1A PROSHAACY C |i Is a tople of concern, [This would 4 i go hub Canada's national game for clare their support during this| Make a date now and be there Hina . nied: | DUL It has never developed a plan pledge amounting to $2043.23 has Trustee Brown pointed out that! Inc Ussing the principle of his pose," wan the opinion of Trustes granted and fall to realize the week, on Thursday, Jan, 20, by 7 pm. Mr, Hollingorth commented: | planned to develop one, There been made for the year 1950, In he had checked with other boards motion, Trustee Brown sald: ""1|/G, A, Fletcher, "All teachers many benefits our youth get py Aven CROSS.SECTION {Pais 1s a family affair, It will be "It 1s very ditioult Jo establish}, a glorious opportunity for the|addition to the missionary bud ad Ti Preqnancy clauses, feel we have no right to deny alhave pensions to consider and through playing this vigorous, es: ~~. "° ™ 1am the responsibility of every coach Wate We are linan lo y in 3 {Liberal government at the pres. et, the current income for the| wr Toc complex than the one portion of the population the right this would introduce an interrup- sentially - Canadian game? A feature this Thursday night, and manager to see that every|tario, because the provincial gov. femi Map ty ave saen what the| church reached $10,043.87 -- from it Mote Lop ex to earn a living, [tion factor for them as pensions 'Minor Hockey Week Jamboree'niaver on his team will be in ernment has two sets of books Conservatives have not done for general giving, |stated, were common, He continued: "I have checked depend on continuous employs TI GRASS ROOTS will introduce to the public a gyendance also, ie 'Frost' government claims Now, under the leadership of | The attendance at the morning AGAINST INSECURITY to see If any other boards do as ment," | Drynan's| We are regarding married women, He added: "1 feel we should Minor Hockey In Canada Is the cross - section of the players . that it has Increased the school] AR hoi ol we're WOrship services averaged - ap i Te 'Grass Roots' of all hockey, its (Atoms, Pee - Wees, Bantams, THREE GAMES SCHEDULED 'grants, but instead the grants Jona, Winerme TE fet vote preximately 110 and go RL aT ocy] teachers and have found none. have a standard contract for foundation, and for that repson Midgets, Juveniles, Juniors and The program for the 'Minor have decreased, We still have ¥ obs of torylsm If we prepare|services saw an encouragingnrineipal ld, presume one What we are doing Is out of married and unmarried teachers the Canadian Amateur Hockey Seniors) of all hockey teams In Hockey Jamboree' will be as fol 4000 dite red school houses' In vigorously for the next election," Average of 95 In attendance, Ten os (he objects of this motion step with the times and 1 don't and rely on ] poliey change in Association, its branches and af- action In Oshawa during each lows : by! nario. 1t 4 shoe iL phvel The speaker was thanked by|new members were added to theo enable us to obtain and keep|think Wo can Ifferentiate fromthe future tho need arises. fillates, invite everyone to join week throughout the hockey sea.| 6.30 p.m.--Official opening by the number of students who have (membership in 1088, The Sunday competent teachers." He noted, the rest of the population in this) J. A, Yanch, separate school with the Oshawa Minor Hockey son, It will be an opportunity for| Mayor Lyman A. Gifford, Others knowledge and could go to univer. Tom Harris, Liberal candidate gohool enrolment Increased to "A good secondary school teach. |regard," representative, sald: "My prime Association, the Catholie Organ. the entire family to see for officiating will be the presidents sity, but lack the necessary funds. for Ontario riding, Also present at|166, and the Junior Alllance|er does not need and will not| 'The only problem 1s when concern is for the pupils. 1t in tzation, the Inter-Church Hockey themselves what has been going of the Oshawa Minor Hoc he y| Education, , fonelhing DN the rally was Col, William Abel,| Youth Fellowship (12 - 16 years) jaye a job with an insecure|chlldren come along" he con | most dntale that, they be faced League and the Neighborhood on In the Minor Hockey way in| Association, Cathalie, Youth OfjEom § under i EL) ot organizer for the Ontario Liber. averaged 25 in attendance each| W |tinued, but }, Boutt Shue yi hw A A po rn y 0 ng a Parks Association, in emphasiz- Oshawa; to Inspect the Chil. ganization, Inter » Church Asso- the pro ' al Assoclation, Eastern Ontario Friday evening, Rev. C. R. Nel: "mc a00ision volds a 1082 poliey|0r8 Will prejudice thelr own chil:(teacher In mid-term." ing Its great importance to Can. dren's Arena and witness three clation and the Neighborhood something should be done about ' {son was the Sunday School SUD ich made it possible for the dren in order to keep working, Also," he added, "we discuss. Turning to practical considera-|ed having teachers on a perma ks 3 i" section, | | v ada and to the youth through the|top - notch hockey games com. Parks Association, plus addition: I! ka _ |erintendent and Cordell Darling(y oi (0 replace & woman teach observance of 'Minor Hockey mencing at 7.30 p.m, Since this als, hs \ tions, Trustee Brown pointed outnent basis, This is a step in the John Linton read the report of| oy oq1 farm, 1f such was the case sponsored the youth activities, |= , lr a Week in Canada' in every city, night is for all children, they will| 6.45 p.m. Introduction of all er who got married during {six women teachers were direct: opposite direction," town and hamlet, be admitted free but general ad- teams in Minor Hockey Leagues eman out fo the nominating committee, fol-|p nme at would automatically | . -- In Oshawa, the Inter - Hockey mission for adults will be 50¢c, [in Oshawa lowing which nominations we T® expire at the end of the school Association has arranged for a, Minor Hockey in Oshawa Is| 7 pm.--Taronto 'Bantams' ve made from the floor, The follow: yoy and a suitable replacement |! St ourtain - ralser to 'Minor Hockey blooming and will expand In the Oshawa 'Bantams', | ing were elected to office for the, engaged when possible, If no pea cer Tresses Week in Canada' when they pa- Children's Arena, weckly, and all| 8 p.m.--Toronto 'Midgets' vs, or en ence year 1060: [suitable replacement was avail:| rade representative players of the city hockey organizations will Oshawa 'Midgets', Executive committee --general 10 policy was to let the mar: | every division, every team In the welcome full support in their ef: # p.m, --Taronto 'Juveniles' v&.| Following the conviction of two King street west, Jan, 22, They treasurer, Harold Porter; finan- riled woman remain on a tem: Oghawa Minor Hockey Asso: forts to provide an opportunity Oshawa 'Juveniles', Toronto men on a charge of|\Were remanded one week for clal secretary, Jom L nlop; Tl porary contract for the next year. £0 or en Ire elation 'City League' (20 teams); for the development of the physi robbery with violence, Monday, sentence, suring ot petorys thomas hid} The policy was laid down orlg.| the Neighborhood Parks Associa: cal, character-building and other| Oshawa Police Chief Herbert) Lapine told the court that Ho | ey Ti onaty members. Harold | Maly as a means of favoring) The need for a comprehensive|-- the first being established in tion (12 teams); the Catholic benefits of hockey for the youth H Flintoff commended his detective had retired for the night, Jan poi annd Donald Myers men teachers with families, andy ahiiitation program for erippled|1949, earn ow staff, 22, when he was awakened by "po i"0e elders -- Gilbert Wil.|unmarried women teachers dur, children in Ontario was stressed | pen OPPORTUNITY o/@ noise, He sald that he went/, "lm rr iit. John Linton|INE the economic depression ofihy Dr, Harold V, Cranfield, of", : ; ; ' ' the thirties, the Ontario Soclety for Crippled| "Crippled children's work will 11] Th t "The arrest of these men, litt! 1 o eq ho 5 . into the foyer of the dance hall, p eo more than 48 hours after the of: and Elmer Lick, The change has come in time not be | od \ Children, t satisfactory until evi | To Simulate fence wan committed, is the re.| Which adiolna his home, and was "cy piytian education committee, The ¢! a ot seven Clidean, ai the meeting of the COL Higuciory. vit evel » re 3 confronted by the two accused, ' ' sult of diligent detective work by 3 y ~chairman, Rev, Wm. J, Newell, teachers In an era when second: | Gonogha on Monday, (ing a properly equip| centre", ) tum "" " : : . . . Sergeant of Detectives Wiliam 0 Phe big ne, he ad, iv committee members, Denti! school teachers are in such| The Oshawa service club has/Dr. Cranfield continued, He also Jordon, Detective Sergeant John|dieating Carr, ung me ck Dale, 0, Nelson, C, Darling, Miss 1 they can pick and choose (anid that Acne han} Nowe yoloctlve Ken|on the bed, then tied me up and ) Mrs, (demand they can pick a "0 assumed the obligation of rais- sald that medicine has long ree. Powell and Delective enon the bed, then tied me up and T, Husak, Miss M, Pollard, Mra. | Sositions Department heads at vWf on ognized that 'treatment of the Young" The chief sald that the gagged mo. They took about $200 Linton, Herron and Don Myers. [Co "ot iho Oshawa colleglates|\N¥ 316.000 this month fo assis [whole man Is essential to physical The sight of blood, protuding/three plainclothesmen had work.|(from a locker", General Sunday School Superin would have been affected If the in je huliding at ne Srentneet og mental well-being. awa Little Theatre for the 1050 presentation which is actually bones, general hysteria and peo: ed "around the clock' and had| Sergeant of Detectives William tendent, Orval Nelson, [ola ruling had remained, [Rl ph os Fogg on Hipp aa Ho stressed that physically 89 season Is Charloite Hasting's opening night {ple In pain In a disaster area, if made several trips to Toronto and Jordon told the court that the| Junior AYF president, Dennls| : y ! h ld nea i whi rope sspital hanicapped children must have exciting suspense drama "High Harriet Rapley, president of the c!Vil defence workers are unac-|one to Hamilton in the course of two had been arrested in Tor. Williams, ON EQUAL FOOTING ig an SRA bro Ras |affection, receive education and Ground" which will be presented Oshawa Little Theatre, whose un.|CUStomed to it, can seriously thelr investigation, onto, He stated that the two were| President, Ladies' Missionary | The Immediate effect of thejiit Sorel 'who heads the elub training so that they are In a to Oshawa audiences on Feb, 11, tiring efforts to perpetuate the hamper rescue work | Steven - Carr, 10 and Keith co-operative', and read state: group, Mrs, Evelyn Kroeker, {new policy Is to put Oshawa on commitice charged with the raly.|position of doing useful work and 12, 13 and 14 at the McLaughlin theatre In Oshawa, have encour The City of Oshawa and Ontario) yames Little, both of Toronto, ments made by each of-the ac-| Ushers, head usher, John an equal footing with the vast the money, explained the pay their debt to soclety, J : Public Library Theatre at 8.20 aged many a novice, will direct county civil defence organization pleaded guilty before Magistrate cused, admitting the robbery, ing of Gaateh, 8r.; I, Terleckl, TL, Kint:imajority of other Ontario boards ™ " : " y nla nasualty av. Pa ! \ | : yroposed method to the members. | It was explained that the Met p.m. This is the second major "High Ground", Mrs, Rapley is now holds a class in casualty yg" mhhy to a charge of rob: The pair admitted that they had lov. Ji Jatin, 5; Tolle, ( ; De Cranfield told the club that ropolitan Toronto area will ra " L] production of the Little Theatre well known for her directing skill mulation, There are 10 volun. bing Theodore Lapine, 64, pro. spent the money on clothes, liquor q 'h of th f } | id Jude oo ' 04, | \ ' Yin ™ p » . 12,000 physically handicapped much of the money for the new for the season which has thus far and will be remembered for her ors studying this course under yu iaior of the Avalon Dance Hall, and women, L Church planist -- Mr, Thoma haven oa known to be oy ri training centre; but that the ree been an extremely busy one excellent presentations of "Teach|the supervision of Art Forsythe, ~ (Farmer, 1 16 director. Wal: orl province. A total of $1,200,000 iy mainder of the province will pro Ah ; " : y 4 Rl A . . A n QR {4 Whe \ . n Pe, { \ \ Two more performances of Me How To Cry and Our the local training officer, They , Hoi ans musie director, Wa spent annually by the Ontario vide the money for the residence, Ontario Society for Crippled Chil | the one-act play "Scattered Show: Town", She has chosen the sus. have two instructors from the 2 J 4 ers', which is being presented at pen ie thriller "High oly as Toronto Red Cross CELEBRATING [ 0 ace ria Soclal fonveners, Mrs, T : 4 en | 1 he py ote mm. - -- the request of the Mental Iealth her vehicle to prove once again| In April, during civil defence |Fasmer, Mt F. Terleckl and rs eC on Bley i tion 10 188 Moneys { League In conjunction with the what an exciting experience a exercises, these volunteers will) [ Mrs, J. Ganteh | ps sg Aa | 1 ty Home and School Clubs, are good play, well directed, can be, Use a preparation of greasepaint BIRTHDAYS rau arge - Fernhill, -Storle and Rundle ox fn Rearly 4209 3 le Shi ea S ul scheduled for Feb. 2 at West Naturally the plot cannot be re. and cosmetics to make up reals Congratulations and best [] [teams were the big winners in fron last Jens, a ht the ay . mount Public School nd on veale the ramatic 1a. [tie casualties, : | . p ff N J y 'R/ ' P | a Marek 8 of Gog elie vealed Balls dramas Ala One of the values of the coursel Wishes to' the following res. | Maglstrate F. 8. Ebbs Mon. eor £ S [Re Jane plas, A te. GRA It was also explained that the| J.J or ar es School on ! ! a Youle Bloat Shelia that | provides the experience] dents of Oshawa and district {day committed Fred Knapp, 40 " MN | elghborheod Tiart Leafiue society employs 22 nurses who) The first play of the season I BE a airien Sa NCORSary to m ke quick but ac NED ite selubruting birthdays . Lory fos tried o 8 htfe ig Rach Of the Hiway Seofee last year paid made visita to the) Richie Arthur McMahon, of 33 waa | " ast Anglia, K ' p ORS ! ! of fraud, A preliminary hearing 0 a homes of crippled children, The|Rit i north, was fined When We Are Marri intro-|e » © n «| curate judgment of injuries suf:| today ja 3 ' . Por: ole J omes ot orpplet X : don road north, was find -& en We Are arrled" Intro: country, In the cast of charac. curate ju it of inh \ Miss Karla J. Perrow, 406 [of Knapp's case was heard last urc as qh urvhal de fonted Soutiznend, growth of the work among orippl: total of $20 and costs by Mags | week [ Storie heat out Woodvie Uv Lied children is also iIndleated by istrate F. 8, Ebbs, Monday, when duced to local audiences several ters are eight women and three fered when applying first ald in| Br aro th, Whitt new members of the acting men, The personalities of these an. emergency rock street north, thy; y p defeated Fastview, 0 8 nen, The personalities of these Anna Dee Dart, 337 Pine ave Monday, Knapp did not speak [While Rundle defeated Fastview.r,. that today there are 20 cere: he pleaded guilty to two liquor group who acquitted themselves characters are well drawn and LEARN ATTITUDES | ther game North Oshawa. aVinin ulin 4 with honor and give promise of should give the newcomers as As well as this, the volunteer| enue Mrs, Alfred Bickell, 12 jon his own behalf, but re-elected, | Fi Y A Woods few No, 2, 3 to 2 bral palsy clinics in the province charges, good casts for future plays. The well as the veterans a chance to portraying the casualty usually Centre street, Bowmanville; | Prey lously, he had elected to be ne ear The team standing at the end | McMahon was glven the alters orly regret that the Little Thea: sho wwhat they can do, Each ac- achieves a broader understanding Joele Bogaard, RR 2, Osh tried by judge and Jury, Monday, of the first section was: Storie 48, [native of a $10 fine or a month tte has concerning this play, 1s tor regardless of the size of his of the attitudes and needs of a| AWwai Mrs, Margaret Pleau, (he changed his mind and elected| The annual vestry meeting of yernhill 44, North Oshawa 40,! Recor ong lot Jel) for Ding Miwa 3 4 plies that so many of the season's sub: part is given excellent possibili-/ wounded man, 765 Chesterton avenue; Susan to be tried by a judge without a St. George's Anglican Church was Rundle 86, Woodview No. 2, 81, [fined ho" la Sutifeuce ar s \ 3 mn for { scribers had to be turned away (jog for geod characterization Simulated wounds are also used Sleeman, 60 Fernhill boule: jury, held Monday, Jan, 26 in the Waodview No. 1, 28, Eastview 27 dp vard; Mrs, Leo Gray, 178 | yo fs charged with defrauding Parish Hall and Southmead 20, | own onten § drunk in a public place. because of the limited seating; The , linical de trat for the { y people who work on In clinical demonstrations for the | . cupacity of the library: theatre. «npopg (he unsee nore medical profession when actual] Gibbs street: D. M, Storie, [a0 0ghawa auto dealer, Gordon| The church wardens, John Kit: rw ras Be: The executive has suggested that Woh than uh naceh Than are not available RR 2, Oshawa; Joyce Dodd, of $2,200, . chen and William Hart presented THURSDAY RESULTS Joseph McNelll, 44, of no fixed these 'members do their utmost "unsung heroes" of the many! Oshawa is very fortunate to Ravary, an Brock Streot | Ll [the annual financial report which| Players who doubles in and out address, was in court Monday, to hook reserved seats in advance nrodiictions, have plenty of work have such a course available. | north, Whithy: Paula Cowan, |showed an Income of $48,709.14 of of 401 = J. Houston, R:. Pope, M, morning, This was no new exper: | DID YOU KNOW Esther (lence for McNeill, in fact, It was of the week of the performance, i, un A There an 64 + of the 270 Central Prk boulevard which $0,353.33 was f Wilson, Greta Houston supplying and arranging There are not too many of them 0,003.33 was for missions Rho \ More members can he accommo: spans! R Pali in Canada, as there is a shortage #outh, | and objects bevon " Adair, Doris Crawford, Dave Rae, his 49th appearance, props" for this preentation & | e S on S Je yond the parish, Rae, Bd] When Magistrate F. 8 Ebbs Without this particular group of Of Instructors, The first ve persons to In. The organizations had an income M. Rae, 1. Fayle, T, . eo WN Y | » woilve members assisting tha di.| Students who pasa this course,| form The Oshawa Times of of $7,452.20, |Cornigh, Billle Perryman, L. Cor: convicted McNeill on a charge of that for only 95 you ean . + ' . + Bip 'n OAL , hy | OITY being drunk in a public place, | tr ven "Ont 18 vector throughout rehearsals and If they wish, may attend an in.| their birthdays each day will or rea S Norman Hinds was appointed Nish, Bill Bertyman, R. Hopton, Crown Attorney A.C. Hall, QC [Benioy Pull-Course Business - luring y \ resents tructors course at the Federal! receive double tickets to the by rector 'nw ID, Clark, R. Hopon, 0, Clark, I, /Lro orney A, C, y WLC, during the actual presentation, § ( y the rector as rector's warden declivied to read the accused's re: § Men's Luncheon from 11:30, supplying the necessary sound ef- Civil Defence College, Arnprior,| Regent Theatre good for a | Jadran Miloven, 28, of Whitby and William Hart was re-elected Parson, Taaker, J, Goulding, cord, saying: "It would take §2 in the Main Di oulding, N ariage, yy \ pm, n 1] ain ni I Th ft C fects and so forth, many produc, Ontario four-week period, The current (township, was sentenced to three as people's warden, : " ' n e ase tions would fall short of he mark. | pT oavah, this course Is hut one. atiaction 1 Is 3 By, Meavater {months in jall by Magistrate F. 8. The warden's noted the many Graves, D Plow, M. Me [Longe th tad fan 1 woudl Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL Magistrate F 8. Fbhs id The perpe Y \ many programs organized to 'arrior" also "The High Co R A ) NON. ' aay gh three darts in ave tate I ! p agistrate F. 8. Fbhs told The perpetual question of the|of many prog ' arrio Tibbs, Monday, following his con. improvements during the year, in Rae 100 J. Houston 100, Jim McNeill was fined $10 and costs { with the alternative of 10 days. ! Gregory Dillon, of 43 King street "Property People' to the actor train civil defence volunteers In| of Loving." viction on a charge of threaten: buildings and grounds. They ine! west, that a suspendad sentence hastening to his entrance is "¢y Canada ing with a gun with Intent to cluded the renovation of the cha. Crawford 100, J : | winnars of baseball | was "out of the question in his you have? which may be a The 800 volunteers in Oshawa extort, (pel, the dedication ohil.| Team Lo cation of the chil-|p Wh 86, North Oshawa 80, conviction on a theft charge. | handkerchief, cigarettes or a under direction of Lt.-Col, F. §| N Ri ti ! sen TeN's chapel. : The magistrate, sentencing Dil- mateh, so that he will be pre. Wotton, are part of an organiza ew 10 ng ae, tat at work, Milgvaw foes In Agel, satined, fies, win Storie 77, Rundle 58 lon to two months in jail, in pared when the time comes to tion that has centres In all zones his landlord with a .32 calibre/a window of appreciation for F.| High three darts in baseball Oshawa Police Court Monday, light his cigarette with the physi. and municipalities throughout In Con oland [deer rifle, when the landlord re. Drage, Altar cross and Candle. One inning -- Bill Perryman 8, noted that the accused had mot cal realily rather than an imagin. Canada, in case of a third world g fused to drive him to Toronto sticks, a new fence and groand Give Clark 8, Lilv Rae 8, George responded to threa previous sus. ary match, This Is just one in-{War. op LEOPOLDVILLE, Relg!lan fram their home in Macedonian improvements for the cemetery, ker 8, Doug Pellow § i pended sentences stance of the value these people MOCK RAIDS STAGED Congo (Reuters) New disturb: [Village near Rrooklin [the renovation of the vestry and FIRST SECTION RESULTS Russell Bulpit, 22, of the same 'Who work behind the scenes are, Mock nucleur raids are staged ances broke out today in this| A report from a psychiatelst tn Officers, new music cupboards,| Section winners Storie 48 address, was sentenced to one '0 the polish of a finished pro. Nation wide elvil defence groups capital of the Belgian Congo and the Ontario Hospital, Whithy, In:|&nd altar guild sacristy "I Fernhill 44 ' : month on a similar charge. Roth duction 2 ; test their efficiency in handling # geene of bloody rioting three formed the court that Miloven. The following were elected as Leading in double ins 401 § Hen, Pleded gully | Ast eek tu Toi Seucrvid ao Sie Risaster. I this type of test real weeks ago goal : a was not mentally sick or neurotic, |la¥ delegates to the synod for|John Wyatt of Storie Park 17. | AR 4 POC TURES Irom 110 Feb. 7 at" Hondoreon® Mog the ' arg! Police and native troops under ganianoing Milaven, the Magis. | 1%9: Mis, E, Green, 8, T. Hop.) Leading in double outs 401 3 \ . Ww Id Wid wi \ ( A ) ¢ A \ Simcoe street §, 8S, Kresge store 4 % ro . Jleodersan s » Book wag the at hh aoldiens Relglan command were called trate told him "vou are a king, J. J English, E. Farrow. Bill Clark of Woadview No. 1 and \ on on e / [type of training known as battle disperse angry African crowdsiyo, aiid he sentenced up to 14! Davis, Substitutes are E. NJ. Houston of Rundle Park tied tate » ; » i \ re hs who stoned white motorists and vears for this offence." Weldon, J. H, Kitchen and Mrs. with 11 Travel COMING EVENTS Admits Theft Hie] atlon. A ee ind uprooted road signs along the © J. Marshall High three. darts 401 Jim rifle and ipl id gy a highways leading from the native The Parochial Tribunal include Crawford of Eastview with 138 ih ) nt WASH sale St. George's Pari . ammunition was fired close over t'tY to the Eurapean quarters of WANT AD FINDS Wilt Baker and Harry Suddard.| Team standing in baseball } . Arrangemenis Hall, Centre Street, Fridy Headache Aids thelr heads Leapaldville aac he treasurer of the Church and Storie Park with 100 al . |The illusion was completed with}, Police said the disturbances COMPANY FOR BOY [Envelope Secretary is Mrs Rob: Baseball 8 innings George -. RUMMAGE sale, 8t, Andrew's Chureh,| George Hatfield, of Taunton mechanically produced battle broke out following rumors that [ert Corneal. The auditors-elected Parker of Fernhill Park with 32 S Ai R il I a native child had been killed by Parents of a spastic teen. Raseball one inning Dave 0a - I - a - ole $ Tuesday at 1 pm road west, must have had a King: noises. With frequent practice were Ray Gibb and John Stead a white ager in Michigan used a Clas: The rector's report showed 62 Rae, Lily Rae of North Oshawa RUCHRE, Valley View Clubhouse, size headache they h | a) al ey gained the confidence nec: ® i Gindstane Avenue, Wednesday, Janu Ay gained the confidence nec The child, who had been caught] sified ad to appeal to other [baptisms and 8 confirmed dur John Wyatt of Storle, Ray Adair Tours Documents \ " - least, this Is what Magis y ary 38, 8.18 pom, seven pris A ag cessary to cope with the real + \ de 1 \ n ud trate F, §, Ebbs surmised when thing efficiently looting the debris of a shop rani teenagers to visit and play [ing the year, 49 weddings and 46 Of Bastview all tied with 7, | cents - he convicted Hatfield of stealing] People always wonder how they sacked during the rioting earlier) with him, Response was heart |burials, . . a bottle of Bromo Seltzer and a would react If confronted with the his one, ad . ven Slightly warming The , rector, the Rev Clinton! (ALL FREE OF CHARGE) Kinsmen Bin 0 packag © of Anacin from the Lob: horror of a full scale disaster bgt Bad fp Bi Jropriuths People 'solve different and |D. Cross acted as chairman for g AW Ripsrmatker at Athol and This question can now he anser hospital jie " Shi ) n 9 unusual problems with Osh. [the vestry and expressed his deep ATTENTION 57 K « ' elina streets, Jan, M ed for civil defence volunteers us. ooo . | 'awa Times Classified ads. appreciation, to the wande | SE ------------ H JES 2 Int fie) L L @ Wanens ang TUESDAY, JAN. 27 31 Hattie 4 hh dl y adm Hed the ing the various devices of simula a Send your message to the the people for their excellent sup MOTHERS OF TWINS ing Street East, Oshawa Jubilee Pavilion the out we do " ge Ba ed disasters, They are be oming OLD WEAVERS Whole town for only pennies a port. The rector emphasized the | Those interested in forming o FREE ADMISSION act ns He w 3 0 ned $10 - hare and by id ie aod > | By " Pb hots hii iw wo Ra IE No bi > the cliuroh to the world | sitshatp sib, . , colt -6 1 ol as fi | unte re becoming accustomed ln England by Flemis eavers| start your ac and in the community as God's Jan. 22, 23, 24, 27 costa, {to scenes of blood and pain, lia 1283, | (chosen vessel of reconciliation, RA 8-5069 or RA 5.0676 The next offering of the Osh-'dated at the Wednesday evening

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