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The Oshawa Times, 27 Jan 1959, p. 4

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dhe Osha Times Published by Canadfbn Newspapers Limited, 57 Simcoe St. S,, Oshawa, Ont, Page 4 Tuesday, January 27, 1959 Time and Money Saved 'With Insurance Slip One way to save yourself five aollars, wor 8 lot of unnecessary steps, Is to have the slip your car insurance man gave you after you pald your premium, when you step up to the wicket to buy your 1069 car licence, The young lady, who checks your slip and takes your money, is both per- sonable and courteous, She is also quite firm about that slip, If you have it she rings up five dollars less than without it. The extra five is for free- loaders who cannot afford or will not pay insurance money to protect others, Motorists, who forget the little slip given when they pald their premium, and sent again by most of the insurance men early this year, must run into the thousands in the province. The fact that they have two of them on the top of the dining room cupboard at home is not enough proof for the good ~ look=- ing girl at the licence office, She may believe you, You may look honest, Your life may be above reproach, But with all the saints and apostles on your side you will not get your car licence at regulation rates unless you push that little white Liability Insurance Certificate through the wicket, with your last year's licence and whatever cash your horsepower makes you pay, We are passing this hint on as a re- minder to the thousands who have yet to line up for the 1959 licences to own a motor vehicle, It is to prevent some hurried and harried soul, who has patiently waited for the line to move along, being sent home after his tire- some wait, Do not think it cannot happen to you, The good-looking girl we referred to earlier will vouch for it, after re- gretfully and often repeating to motor- ists in a hurry the old laundry slogan of "no tickee, no washee." Reminder to motorists, Fill out your old licences, Tuck in the white slip, And don't forget to take some money along. It costs plenty nowadays to use our roads, Wastefulness Of Crime Crime causes waste in two ways, the Calgary Albertan points out, and goes on to comment: When certain people sre out of prison they create no end of trouble for the public and put cost- ly police forces to no end of expense, Getting and keeping those people be- hind bars would mean a big saving And needlessly keeping certain peo- ple in prison is equally wasteful, They may be quite capable of earning their own llving and contributing to society, yet are living off the taxpayers. Get ting those psople out of prison would save a good deal of money Courts, in fixing prison terms, are supposed to take into account what length of sentence is really necessary, but they can't be too flexible. They have to go largely by the book, and if the book says five years then it's five years even though one year might be found later to have been enough to teach. the required lesson, So to reduce the waste there should be constant review of all prison popu- lation, to authorize the release of everyone who can safely be released and to guard against the risk of con- tinued imprisonment doing the prison- er more harm than good, The federal justice department has just appointed Canada's first full-time parole board, The work was formerly done by officials within the depart- ment, but not on a proper scale or basis, Now four competent and re- spected Canadians, each with exper- jence in this work, will take over the responsibility, Incidentally three of them have worked with the John Howard Society, wheih will take a good deal of pleasure in the board being set up The government and in particular the justice minister, Mr, David Fulton, are to be complimented for this step, The country applauds it Children In Factories An Interesting comment on the prac tical application of Communist ideas has been reported from East Germany. There the Soviet-supported Com- munist regime launched a program of "polytechnic education." Reduced to elementary terms, the program required several hundred thousand students from 13 to 18 years old to each work one day a week with- aut 'pay in state-run factories, collec tive farms and construction projects Even the state - controlled East- German press has reported criticism of the program In discussion forums Thus, a health officer says the work "imposes too much of a strain on a youngster." A factory inspectors says few planis do a good job of construc tion, Factory managers complain that the plan interferes with production In stead of alding it. Workers say it Is dangerous to have the children in some shops. Farms give them nothing but routine, menial tasks Americans and Britons decided more than a generation ago that child labor was undesirable--eversghen paid for. Their capitalistic hu laws against it, which are not only enforced but are buttressed with compulsory school attendance Communism (or state capitalism) uses one after another the forms cast aside by free society 'as unprogressive, It levies consumption taxes which bear most heavily on small earners instead of collecting graduated income taxes, It pays piece-work rates as a goad to production instead of hourly rates for workers It runs so-called labor unions simply as inst*uments to step up production quotas, Vandals and Weapons Those who have for years protested the manufacture and sale of air rifles, BB guns and pistols will find more convincing evidence in the case of three Saskatoon juveniles apprehended by police last week after what the police chief described as the worst wave of vandalism in the city's his- tory, The boys, uged 13 to 15, admitted breaking into nine homes within a few days and doing damage estimated be- tween $4,000 and $5000. Air guns shooting copper pellets seemed to be the chief werpon of the destroyers, although they also used knives and threw rotten eggs. The Ostyarve Times T. L. WILSON. Publisher and General Manager C€. GWYN KINSLY, Editor, The Oshawa Times, combining The Oshaws Time (satablinhed 1871) end the Whitby Gazette and Chionicle (estat lished 1883), is published daily Suns days and statutory helidays apted) Members of Canadian Daily Newspapers Publishers Association, The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau eof Clireulation the Ontario Provincial Association The Canadian Press is, exclusively en titled > the ww for republication of all news An the paper credited ta it ar ta The Press or Reuters, and al al news All rights of devpatehen ond Dailies Oftices 44 King Street Wert, Torente Cathcart St, Montreal, PQ SUBSCRIPTION RATES n Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax rooklin, Port Perry, Prince o, Hampton, Frenchman's Ray, Tyrone, Dunbarton, Enniskillen, Leskard, Brougham, Burketon, Claremont, wus, Fairport Reach, Greenwood, Kinsale, Rage ck, Manchester, Cobourg, Port Hope, and Newcastle not over 40c per week rovince of Ontario) outside carrier' sO 20. shwawhere 1500 per year AVERAGE DAILY NET PAID 16,166 Ontarie, ered by- carriers lle, A clergyman's home was one of the hardest hit, Every window was shot out, along with every light bulb, every mirror, every picture, every milk bottle. The glass dial on the kitchen stove was punctured: the back was ripped off the kitchen radio and the tubes shot out; both lenses of a pair of spectacles were shot through, Three kitchen chairs were methodically slashed with a knife, It is interesting to note youngsters apparently stole nothing during the entire escapade, They ran sacked drawers and purses but left cash untouched. Obviously they want- ed to express some sort of inner re- bellion and such weapons as BB guns and knives served their purpose well, And what is to happen to the cul- prita? The director of Saskatoon's Children's Welfare Office has social workers on the job Investigating the home and school lives of the young raiders, who will undergo psychiatric examinations, Detailed reports will be sent to Regina, where the province's chief juvenile probation officer will de- cide whether or not to prefer charges In juvenile court A generation ARO a Jest enlightened society would have opened the door of the woodshed and listened the judgment of the family court being administered by a stern father with a keen sense of parental responsibility, & strong right arm and a heavy strap The nine householders whose homes were - smashed in Saskatoon might have to repair the $4,000 10 $5,000 damage unaided. There is no parental responsibility n ' Sazkatchewar that the to law 0 most other Ca pron os by which parents are held responsible for destruction ren. caused bv their child- QUEEN'S PARK Tidying Program Pre, Wa For Legislature By DON O'HEARN Special Correspondent lo The Oshawa Times TORONTO-~The government Is not expected to have any spec- tacular program at this session This Is election year, And rather than any bold, new meas- ures it will be tidying up and cultivating the programs on which it will base its appeal, Heading these, of course, will be hospital insurance. It has been taken for granted all along that this would be Mr. Frost's big point in his next elec- tion and nothing has occurred to change this thinking. GOOD POINTS Along with the insurance plan he will have a good number of secondary points to offer as proof of his record, The establishment of the Water Resources Commission and the work it has done to date on the sewage problem will be one of them. The demerit system and the better safety record will be an- other, A third will be the system of education grants tied to assess ment which was Introduced since the last election and which has tended to make for better equal: ization, ENERGY DEPARTMENT Two new steps which are ex- READERS' VIEWS pected, and which will have their importance at the polls are es- tablishment of a new department of energy and a program of northern development, The energy department will be in charge of all electric, gas and oll resources and will help the government face the criticism it will be receiving over the natural gas administration during the year, Amouncement of the depart ment and promises of the many things it will do to "take every safety precaution possible' could remove much of the sting from the opposition attack, NORTHERN COUNCIL? There hasn't been too much said about the northern develop- ment angle yet, except for the announcement of Moosonee de- velopment The observer has a hunch there will be much more to it than this, There has been a bit of thought given here for some time to es- tablishing some form of separate administration devoted to north ern problems and it possibly could crystallize at the session One suggestion has been that there should he a separate branch of government --which there was in days gone b) which would work with some form of a north ern council or informal "little parliament" Municipal Vote Plan Suggested Dear Sir I would appreciate space In The Times lo offer a system that would stop all this controversy after elections I feel that with this suggestion there would not be any favoritism, back: scratching or polities enter into the election The ballot for mayor would be abolished and every candidate would run In a straight contest, The candidate receiving the highest number of votes would automatically be mayor, the others In order of highest votes would be chalrmen of the various committees in order of Inpor- tance. For example, finance Is apparently the most Important committee, so the second highest candidate would he chairman, Each chairman would have the power to add one member to that _ committee, At this point the may- or would take over and fill in the remaining members, In office at the present time, the majority have and are mak- ing a success of their business, so they would be qualified to be mayor or chairmen of any of the committees I think the above system would bring out more voters, because if there is a candidate they want for mayor It would he their duty to get out In full force. There would be the same incentive to vote thely choice into the chair. manship of Important commit. toes As for fining or taking away the franchise from those who do not vote, isn't that bordering on dictatorship? Get out and vote or else! This Is a [ree country In that respect, 1 also think the present mayor and some alder. men will have to be on their toes the next two years, with the re ported treatment one candidate received. Any committees behind closed doors"? Oshawa TAXPAYER THE FLAG Dear Sir With reference to II, Staples letter concerning "The Flag" There are obviously so many answers that Mr, Staples has not tried to find that I would make a very short reply to this gentle man, If you are so sure that we in Canada have surrendered our all, why are you still living this satellite country? Proudly a Ca- nadian, H. J. GODDARD Ajax THANKS Dear Sir: It gives me great pleasure at PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM "Investigators have been une able to find out how the embez. wler spent $75,000 a year.' From a news story, Maybe he ls a heavy eater, It is reported that a New Jer- sey hen has laid an egg upon which is etched "'190-run for your lives!" Good gosh, hen; hurry up and lay "another egg telling us which way and how far to run! It's almost impossible for the average person to have a high. rolling good time without ime pairing his conscience or fnans oes \ Since Khrushchev's decree that bars may serve only one drink to a customer. the amount of off-the-job exercise many Rus: sians are getting depends upon the distance between bars Self-service elevators are dane gerous, fellows. Recently a man, caught between floors with a girl in an elevator of this type that stalled, innocently struck up a conversation with her, and in less than two months she had led him to the altar Suicide Vies n the Beaver Man Killed by tim." Headline Ma Valley Times his is im portant news, as it exceedingly rare that a suicide vieum mia Vel this time to thank you all on be half of the Ladies' Auxiliary Branch 112, Canadian Legion, for the many times our Auxiliary has been mentioned in The Oshawa Time: It has really been a big help and we all wigh you success in the coming year Whithy DOROTHY MOORE, Secretary Dear Sir I have been requested to send this note of thanks to you for the kind and courteous manner in which you have allowed space in your paper for the announce ments and tems of business in connection with the Women's Mis. sfonary Society of the United Church. We appreciate it very much Whitby V. A. KEAN, Corr, Secretary BYGONE DAYS 20 YEARS AGO Joseph P. Mangan, local barris- ter, was appointed returning of- ficer for the County of Ontario, Mary McBrady gave a plano organ recital in Simcoe street church with Reginald Geen, or- ganist, and Lyona Hunt Mangan, soprano, as assisting artists, Local butchers advertised pork tenderloin at 29 cents a pound, round steakat 18 cents a pound and wing or sirloin steak at 21 cents a pound, Mrs. Annie Oakley, president of the Women's Auxiliary of St, George's Church for 14 years, was honored on her retirement, The Oshawa WCTU junior con- tests, with representatives from local and outside churches, con. testing for silver and bronze medals, were held in Albert street church, Mrs. Alex W, Bel], director and supervisor of the medal contests, directed the pro. gram, Joyce Carrington and Nor- man Gentry were awarded the bronze medals, and Ruth Cooper and Joyce Carrington were awarded the silver medals, Mrs, 8. J. Collacott presented the awards to the wimers, Mrs, G. D. Conant was chair- man at the first of a series of lectures on 'Democracy' spon. sored by the Education Commit. tee of the Women's Liberal Asso- ciation City Treasurer Peter Blackburn assured a clear profit of $1000 on the newly instituted system of certificates for payment of taxes Alex 8. Ross was elected presi- dent of the "30" club, one of the city's oldest social clubs, Taking part in the Burns Club banquet at the Masonic Temple vere, Mayor J, A. Coleman, Dr, T E, Kaiser, Rev, George Tel ford and Alex Mcleese Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Cowan en: tertained the 8t George's Angll can Church Choir at a banquet In the parish hall Oshawa's municipal open al skating rink situated at the rear of the Public Utilities building was open for use, The rink was considerably larger than ordin. ary outdoor surfaces, measuring over 200 feet in length and 80 feet In width RETURN TO WORK BIRMINGHAM, Eng. (Reuters) About 16,000 Midland car work. ers thrown out of work last week by an unofficial strike of 160 crane drivers at a car hody fac tory resumed work Monday at plants of the British Motor Cor- poration, The week's holdup over a claim for a 45-shillings monthly accident-free bonus was estim- ated to have cost the corporation more than £500,000 in production FOR BETTER HEALTH Too Many Executives Have Poor Eating Habits HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, MD Pity the boss; he's a mighty tired fellow, Like most other 2xecutives, he probably began his career full of ambition, enthusiasm and deter- mination, He relished the work; he wanted to get somewhere, He wanted prestige, financial secur- My. = THRILL 18 GONE Well, now he has them. But- somewhere "along the line he -- or at least some executives do -- lost his fire, The zest for doing things just isn't there the way it used to be, Such an executive Is tired, a bit befuddled and often Irritable. He probably doesnt get along too well with associates or underlings at the office. His home life Is no bed of roses, either, Why? Blame it, or at least a good part of it, on poor eating habits, A SUPERMAN? The boss may think he is sort of superhuman, He doesn't think he can become Ill, and he doesn't eat sensibly, Far too many executives rush off to work in the morning with out an adequate breakfast Let's take a logical look at the situation, since most business men respect loge, BODY ENERGY When a person arises in the morning he hasn't eaten for some 10 to 14 hours. His body needs the energy that only food can give it, A doughnut and a cup of coffee won't do the job, Yet, the boss doesn't even try to correct the situation at lunch, No, don't envy the boss, pity him, And tell him he had beter begin eating better in a hurry, QUESTION AND ANSWER M.R.T.: Should a normal and healthy person take cold and flu shots nine months out of the year? Answer: No, Cold and flu in- oculations should only be given " recommended by your physi clan, Why Men Don't Talk Nearly every woman com- plains that her husband 'never tells her an . Marjorie Holmes in Reader's Digest thinks (} figured why men are so close- mouthed (she says there are "several basic sex differ- ences"), hints on how to make men talk, Get your Reader's Digest today : 42 articles of lasting interest. y He probably discusses some busi-, ness deal over the luncheon table; maybe he has an argu. ment, At best, he has a hurried luncheon, It generally isn't well balanced, either, TIRED AND RESTLESS Thus, by the middle of the af- ternoon about the time you begin looking at the clock and start thinking of going home the hoss Is restless and pretty tired. It's no time to ask for that long-deserved raise So Mr. Executive leaves the of- fice, maybe for his favorite pub, and downs several stiff ones. It relaxes him, and for the time being he loses some of his In- hibitions. But sooner or later his Jiserdsved life catches up with lm, CHOOSE DAIRY OFFICERS CALGARY (CP)=W B, Rettle of Fergus, Ont., has been re elected president of the Dairy Farmers of Canada, it was an nounced Monday following the or ganizations annual meeting Other members of the executive include Heetor Arnold of Camp- bellford and George Lowry of Al monte, Ont Smoother Sledding! We find it easier sledding in our family, That is because a good bank balance through regular saving has given us security and peace of mind, We're all steady savers at THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE MONEY IN THE BANK MEANS PEACE OF MIND Main Branch -- N. §, McFayden, Meneger F. A. Mcliveen, Manager -- Oshawa Shopping Centre 1465 King St. W. Stevenson Rd, Simcoe St. N, Branch -- D, D, 0, Bell, Meneger Lyf he Sintey Stee of Lge " 14-DAY CIRCLE TOUR 5194" INCLUDES RETURN FARE BY BUS HOTEL ROOM = 10 NIGHTS 7 SIGHTSEEING TRIPS CONSULT YOUR AGENT LISTED BELOW [00 Eta Fane. by Bue JACKSONVILLE . $6225 SARASOTA..... $719 MIAMI. ........ $7760 ST. PETERSBURG $7025 NEW ORLEANS. $6545 LOS ANGELES .. $11025 GRAY COACH LINES OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL 18 Prince St. West H. Moore, Agent, RA 3.2241 Whitby--Harry Donald Ltd.,, MO 8-3675 Ajax S.--The Coffee Cup Ltd., Phone 1372 . v Er Ly Mg ' Ajax North--Ajax Coffee Shop, Phone 702

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