WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Offices 111 Dundas St, West Manager: Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO, 8-3703 | | Close Meeting To Hear Complaints Ted A for the or oe and four members of his ing of the management com delegation attended the meeting, Members of the press were excluded from a special meet- OES Sees Films Of Europe Trip Plan Bus Whithy Chapter No, #8 Order of the Eastern far held its regu. lar meeting on Thursday evening at the Masonie Hall with the worthy matron, Mrs, Maude Boyes, presiding assisted by the worthy patron, James Martin, and other oficers, et d in the The 8 was usual manner and the flag was presented by the Marshal, Mrs, |0f arenas Mary Inkpen, Past officers of Whitby chapter present were; Mrs, Pearl Roper, Mrs, Elsie Goose, grand representative to the Btate of Texas (acting in the arena, That is the slogan of Minor Hockey Week in Canada, It be mittee of the Whithy District Mrs, D, W, Pearce, sixth mem- p Board 'Monday ber of the delegation, was ab- iy Bwl sent, All members of the school The meeting was held to dis. board ware present, cuss questions brief an to the hoard at brief covered many aspects of its monthly meeting Wednesday. the school's operation including Jan, 17, a delegati of its teachers, discipline, guidance, parents who sald they were sports, soclal and students "dissatisfied with conditions as council, they existed at the school" | The management eommiltee Harold Elms, chairman of the has been etudying the brief mémagement committee, told since # was presented, High reporters, 'This is a committee School Board Chairman Clinton meeting, The matter will be McGee at the Jan, 7 meeting brought up at the next regular | assured the delegation they meeting of the board." The would receive answers bo all board's next regular ting is their wii at last night's Wednesday, Feb, 4, meeting, | WHITBY SPORTS SPOTLIGHT contained In al Questions contained In the ng a spec hockey night Saturday at which time all-star teams of the various leagues will be in action, In ad: dition other games are being played during the week, our support of minor hockey Is urged, For the convenlence of those who want to support minor office), Mrs, Julia Thomas (in office), Mrs, Grace Blow (acting in office), Mrs, Mae Phair (act: ing in office), Mr, James Martin (in office), The worthy matron extended a warm welcome to all officers and v Week For Minor Hockey Don't send-TAKE your boy to|hock Minor Hockey Week Schedule ve, Bowmanville, 7 p.m, Juvenile League -- Whithy Port Pervy, 8 pm, " Priday Saturday by ve, St, Michael's, 7.18 pm, by vs, Lindsay, 8 p.m, members present, and thanked those who were filling in for ab- sent officers, Bick and Sunshine |conveners, Mrs, Elsie Goose, PM, |and Mrs, Jessie Johnston, asso- ciate matron, reported that there were still several members who were {ll or had sickness in their family, Mrs, Julia Thomas PM, benevo- lent convener, Ir the | members of the rummage and |{liome baking sale to he held March 14, Mrs, Taeille Robinson, entertainment convener, reported that she had entertainment plan- ned for the members at fe Alege of the meeting, Mrs, Kathleen |i Wig means con- (night, The new plans, he sald, [vener, advised the members that call for a new fire hall. new (Un, will be ammounced at th [next regular meeting of the council, Fire Chief George Vick announced at A meeting of council in Brookiln on Monday Plan To Revamp Twp. Fire Dept. Plans for revamping the Whit. present method of somding the i Brook. | fire alarm will come to and end by Twp. Fire Brigade. at [because there will be no tele: phone operators in the village, | phone operators sounds alarm through the system, lo syst | Blow, president Mrs, E, Val A oway Tadic, system, said vice-president Mrs, T, Thorndyke, Chief Vick, would mean the Brooklin fire alarm would Tuesday Midget All-Star CGame--Whithy Regular ond midget league games commencing 4.80 (pm, to 8.30 pm, League, 7 am, to Juvenile League Game--Whit- le. At the present time, the ie Yer ap Tollown: THE OSHAWA TIMES, Teosdey, Jonvery 37, 1959 § Almonds Home, School Celebrates 11th Anniv. The Almond's Home and School Mrs, R, Foster and the treasur- Association held their first meet-|er Mrs, G, Boweotl also gave her a en Vaal, Sasurak \poyort ane Mrv, West second y. Mis, L.| Mrs, Foster then took over the Tran was in charge, The meeting meeting, apened with "0 Canada" and Was proses wore, um he followed by the Lord's prayer, The minutes of the previous meet. Ing were read by the secretary DAY-BY-DAY RED CROSS MEETING Install Officers At St. John's WA The 8, John's Anglican Chureh WA held thelr monthly meeting |at the Church hall on Wednesday |evening. Rev, G, Nicholson pre. |sided at the installation of offi: PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs, Robert Heron of Euclid street, entertained af Butomley, | their home last Saturday even. honor of her sister, the Honorary president, Mrs, | rE lant, {secretary Mrs, C, there will be a bake sale follow.|truck and radio control and ing the meeting of May 28 which alarm system, will be presiding officers' night| Speaking to the eouncl, he he sent through a Zenith num.|treasurer Miss M, Sleep, corres: ber, The call would be accepted Ponding secretary Mrs, ¥. Nor by the Oshawa Fire Department |tham, extra cent a day Mrs § | former Miss Gladys Chariton, By WREN A, BLAIR [who was married in Toronto te i , £, Selected by his fellow -em- | 27th, He replaces Willlam y Whit Roach and 1s shown here wor ploves in , Erle Liovd ing at the art board at head will take over the position of quarters, Eric 1s 18 years of advertising manager at Grand | age and is presently employed Union's Head Office in Rex-.| as a grocery clerk in the Whit dale on Clerk's Day, January | by Grand Union Supermarket Dog Catcher Asks $9,600 Salary Twp. council learned 'they will destroy the fast night that hiring a dog themselves." eatcher may be an expensive 400 DOG TAGS proposition, At a meeting In| Tax collector Ted Heron re- councll, only one written appll- noted that slight more than cation was recetved, the appli- 400 dog licences had been sold cant asking an annua! salary of in the township In 1056, Weather $0,600, all suggested that there are pro. The application eame from bably 1,000 dogs In the township Russell Weatherall, of Cresser| "We have got to do some Ave, Homeland subdivision, He thing," said Deputy - reeve explained to council later that Down. "and maybe we will pay he expected the job would be so you $0,600 but not on my vote great that he would have to hire|I would not be here next year an asvistant and also retain aif 1 voted for that" bookkeeper to keep proper re. "I don't see why you would According cords, to his anplice- need a bookkeeper,' said Reeve elon, he would supply dog | Heron, William "You ere not catching equipment, Including a going to pick up all the dogs in kennel to keep 12 the " Last week, Wentherall's dog! : "You don't know me when 1 was attacked by a fox while it start," sald Mr, Weatherall, *'I was chained in his yard, {expect that the 12 cages would Denuty-reeve Heber Down sald be kept full for about the first that he was a Mttle taken aback four months, until the public by the size of the salary re-|learns the dogs are going to be quested, | picked up." "If any person ons up to| "If you took om the town of have a dog destroyed end finds Whithy too," sald Deputyreeve out we are paying more than Down, "it would cost about $0,000 to have it done," he sald. $20,000." r------| 80M o would not even are necessary Weatherall, Belleville McPariands and the Whithy Dunlops battled to a 44 stalemate here Saturday night in the final meeting of the two clubs for this season, The "Macs leave for Europe this coming Sunday and a nine-week tour of various countries to be highlight. led by the World Champlonships én Prague Mar, B18, The "Dun nies' trailed 3-0 early in the first period but rallied for one mark er themselves before the conclusion of the initial stanza, In the second period Whitby struck for three unanswered tallies to go |ahead 4-3. Both clubs battled through a blazing third period until "Ike" Hildebrand finally tied the count with slightly more than | six minutes remaining in the game, It was the second week in a row that these clubs had fought to a tie, and both contests were real hockey treats, The Whitby Dunlop Booster club did & hang up job during the evening supported generously by the hockey fans in attendance, A silver collection was taken from the crowd, and $138 was contributed to the "Macs Overseas Fund." Silver dollars provided by the booster club were presented to the entire roster of the Belleville club as a token of good luck, topped off by a beautiful floral wreath in the shape of a Maple Leaf, The and a garden tea and bake table maid that four prospective sites lon June 27, Plans are also to befor a n made for the bazaar in October, 4 no date set as yet, The following invitations were said that hy next meeting of receivad and accepted; Eastdale| council on Feb, 9 he would be A dentinad He |chapter, Feb, 13, grand officers' able to make an announcement. heen in use In other minfeipall- ing, Miss Olive Goldring, past He sald that he was also|ties and has proven to be less president for the past 10 years, night; Delpa chapter, March 13, presiding officers' night siudying the possibility of a The altar was draped in loving two-way radio alarm system and memory of lala B, Wood, past control system, . He sald that g in Hamilton, Nov, 17, 1968, The comes to Brooklin in July, {meeting was brought to a close| |with penny draw and closing drill, | | Immediately following, Mrs, | | Pearl Roper showed moving is tures of her trip to Europe last summer and this was much en: | joyed by all, Refreshments were the Government's Vision Bright In Northern Developments who would sound the siren in ew fire hall have been prookiin, A two-way radio hook./ma Goldring, flower fund Mrs. D, to re: up with Oshawa would make it) Birbeck, doreas secretary Mrs, |, port where these sites are but|poeeible for equipment to be/E. Rowland Oshawa directed from . He sald that this system has expensive than telephone and | more satisfactory | AM the next meeting, he will rand matron, who passed away when the dial telephone system also present specifications for a vices, Miss M, Bleep made the new fire truck, evening was concluded by the playing of "O Canada' and the fans served by Mrs, Jean Sutherland, OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern: conservation and resource man: dog here changed their wsual cheers of "Go Dunnles Go" to "Go refreshments convener, and Macs Go" in quest of that world champlonship., It was a great game, and the fans are to be highly commended for their part in the sliver collection contribution, which again stamps this community as one of the finest hockey centres in the country The Dunlop Booster club headed by President Bob Ballard can take a large sized bow for their part in the simple but sincere wishes at the game's conclusion, The game was delayed almost an hour In startiig because bad road conditions caused the Belleville club to be somewhat late In arriving, Another packed house viewed the contest and hockey fans in the Eastern Senlor "A" circuit are surely get ting plenty of action this winter, "Ike" Hildebrand played a tremendous game for the Bay of Quinte squad as he has been doing all season, The pint-sized speedster and former Osh. awa General has chalked vp an impressive total of 28 goals thus far in the group race, and his performance in Europe Is going to mean a great deal to the club, "Ike" is taking this Job very seriously and if his club plays as hard as we think eo will overseas, the Belleville Macs should bring home the bacon, Jean Paul Lamirande again played a stellar game as did Gordie Bell in goal, Others who showed well were Floyd Crawford, Moe Benoit, Billy Graham, Lou Smirke and Bart Bradley, Meanwhile the Dunlops' fallure to get into the game early caused them to have to accept a tle, In many games lately the local club is down two or three goals before they seem to get rolling and Its Just about a physical impossibility to get this far behind and hope to win hockey games, Recents ly they were behind 3-0 to Varsity, fought back to tle it three times but finally dropped a 6-5 decision, Then a couple of weeks back they were 50 behind In Hull, Again they fovght back gamely before dropping a close 6.5 game, A week ago tonight they were hehind 30 at the end of the first period in Belleville and wound up on the short end of a 6-2 score, and last Saturday night were behind 2.0 at the end of the first to | | opment is brighter than ever, Northern Affairs Minister Alvin Hamilton sald Monday, Referring in the Commons throne speéch debate to what he sald were press 'hints that the Fourth 100 vision is fading," he declared: "Fxactly the opposite is true." |, David Tewls registered Ms| are Hamilton sald the govern: fourth consecutive score of 100 nent fg pushing plans and pro- in the junior division of the feats in the first phase of a pro- Whitby Rifle Club at theirigram to build a nation of 50,000, weekly shooting Wednesday of (400 population, last week, He sald these things are hap- Virginia Baughman post & 9 poping: high in the ladies division, coinmittes, Hewis Scores J. Fraser was high in the senlors| ference is heing planned for 1060 with a score of 100, Flmer| which could start "a program of Treen was second with a score of | - - or -- 99, and H, Baughman third with . » R M Baehenan's Rangers ore oa FLUSSIAN IViEN in first place and boosted their P " score to 3066, Minty's wives| J) H d are second with 3048, Other ance ar standings are: D, Jes Lin ment Squad, 2004; J, McQuay's E S a 5 xpert days Whithy took second place in| A the Metro League shoot in| OTTAWA (CP)-'Chinese men December, The election of 1050 dancers Jump lke cats -- very officers will be held this week. (Soft, says Madejda Madejdina, - -- - one of Russia's great folk dance creators, her ment's vision of northern devel. | 1, A national conservation eon. ® agement unparalleled in Cana- dian history." 2, The government is studying possibilities of atomle {cebreak- ers and submarines, and plans for hetter and cheaper Aretle {housing 8. A Canadian company, which he identified only as a subsidiary of a United States firm, 1s trying with government co-operation to work out problems in the way of bullding an economie nuclear power plant for the Arete, successful the plant could also he- xport, activities are being doubled, construction of new ocean-map- ping ships and improvements in existing ones, LAY MURDER CHARGE CARLYLE, Bask, (CP)--Rus sell Standing Ready, 17, of the White Bear Indian reserve was charged Monday with the murder of Jim Sheepskin, 40, also of the White Bear reserve, nine miles north of here, Sheepskin was shot to death Saturday night in his home, fl | vide many an enjoyable moment 70ing an operation at ¢ y Osha General come a new product for Canadian , Geological and geophysical 8, Hydrographic activities will be doubled In five years through |Mr, Bud Nelson, Mr, and Mrs, Don | and daughter, Marilyn, spent The president Mrs, Vallant then | - rou. end in Lon Rig Al presided over the business meet: are Walter Bolen, = The Brock street south Nome and School Association fs hold ing games night on Thursday of this week at the school, Games {will be under the direction of Mr, J, Sheedy, Mrs, he | Whitney, thank offering Miss Fm. was presented with a gift from the members of the association in {recognition of her devoted per presentation, The meeting closed with prayer and r were served by Mrs, Larsen and her committee, Kinsmen Open Outdoor Rink Whithy now boasts an outdoor rink---the first of its kind in town Defart will committes, Miss Theresa Presant and Mr, fam Beattie, of Toronto, wers week end guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Jack MeFaden, of Kent street, on Saturday, An. evening of dancing was enjoyed at Bayview Club and a celebra- tion was held in honor of Miss in many years [Presant and Mr, MePaden's The pleasure okating rink, birthdays, A nicely decorated built hy the Kinsmen Club of | birthday cake was servi in Whithy, ft located in Kinsmen 'their honor, Park, It was flooded Monday | afternoon and the Kinsmen say| The many friends of Mr, L, ©, it will be ready for use today, Crowder, of Anderson street, are The rink, another commumity | haprv: to learn that he ls com. pletely recovered after under for young and old, we Hospital service of the club, should pro. ne "The ok 4 oh be th publie {has now returned to work, and we people w e advantage of It" Lawrence| "WW aught on and Spellen, president of the Kine: (I C8 Ln Mhivhday on men Club,' said today, o turday, A party w on Children should be able to a oY big iki spend many hours skating, Af), Loon oon anions were ine the current weather is any in y vited to share her birthday cake dication of the length of this along with other goodies. winter, ip. ad ew. Loyd Wicks Having Brings boon Tg BL Bg $15 Fine Here friends Wieh them many more Robert Bruce Carswell, 8, happy anniversaries, 106 Ashley street north, White Karla Perrow, granddaughter oflof Mr. and Mrs, Kyrie South. well, celebrating her Ind Sight Open go for the Benin Sat sre Boat In Lake Despite below zero tempera: that he was interested In the tures, = Whitby's official life i Bg could not propose any campaign, " " saver, Harbormaster David ' Rose, tried to get a boat out into| Teeve Heron sald that hel THE TOWN AND COUNTRY , , , Kingston kept thelr hex on Acceptable Lake Ontario late Sunday even. Would lke to see a dog catcher |the Hull-Ottawa Canadiens by edging the Habs 4-3 in Kingston Sat- ing to investigate a report that Work for both the township and urday night , , , Sunday afternoon the Canadiens blasted Belle] LONDON (AP) -- A Roman an open boat was drifting about the town of Whitby, He said that ville 4.1 which still makes you think Hull will be mighty tough|Catholic archbishop says the three miles south of Whitby, He it had been suggested that the ito beat this spring , . , But how can you tell? Cornwall continued Roman church would not object reported later that although he/!oWn would build a dog pound thelr mastery over a number of teams lately by blasting Kings: | to a birth control pill If it did not had been able to see the boat|!n the gravel pit, just north of ton 5-2 in Cornwall Sunday . . . Local fans have a few days off |intringe the laws of God. through glasses from land, he|the, town limits, from league action, Next home game an't until a week from this Most Rev, John Heenan, Arch. male folk dancers and musicians had been unable to sight it from| Councillor Gordon McMahon Saturday night. The "'Dunnies' hit the road this week-end for bishop of Liverpool, made the|®Tived In Ottawa Monday for a the lake, suggested that the town could games in Kingston Saturday night and: Cornwall Sunday ., , .|giatement Monday night in a Tv, one-night performance in a down Mr. Ross, who has a number of ©XPect some objection if it Meanwhile, if fans want some great action close to home, GET program discussing the world's|toWn, 1.800-seat movie theatre rescues to his credit, reported cArried through that project, | |TICKETS NOW for this coming Monday's game in Toronto be. [iii MURR HE SITES iSont were sold out days in ad: that shortly before dark on! Reeve Heron then appointed a tween the Dunlops and the Varsity Blues, The Blues tripped aaked about a new method of vance, Sunday, he learned that an open COMinittee to meet Allan| Whithy 6-5 a month ago and this game promises to be a sell-out. [pier control in which a swals| The company has just com: boat had been spotted drifting Weatherall In an effort to come Some 300 tickets are now available at the Whithy arena hox lowed pill produces temporary in. pleted a 10-week, 12.city United east on the lake, about three|!0 Some agreement |office. More on that came here Thursday , , . The Clinton Com. ily States tour which Mrs, Made): miles offshore, ] He set out In a power boat -- ets had a tremendous week-end, They scored a double victory|' |. dina described as 'very success VOTING COMPULSORY |over the second place Johnstown Jets in a home and home ser tie hat Ja bo Swpentnsta) py) but efter nearly three hours had] SINGAPORE gov- s | "But ft was very tiring. We to abandon the search because (AP)--Th ies, The Jets were only three points behind going into the week. |: b 4 i We would have to wait to mee(n\,q0 on the average seven per: of fice and darkness | by, was fined $15 and costs hy |Magistrate C, W. Guest in traffic court Monday when he pleaded guilty to having liquor Holstein Herd piss wi "tiv Sor Brings $34630 .- "Our Russian men dancers Jump like this," she added, bring Ing a tight fist down on a polished table in the Soviet Embassy, The talented producer, director and choreographer of Russia's Beryorka Dance Company -- a handsome, middle-aged woman wan trying to explain to reporters the great differences she found In dancing. among the score or| more of countries she has toured lover the years, She and her company of 80 fe. today, Friends are wishing Rava many happy returns of the ay, Belleville and later had to accept a 3-3 tle, The Dunlops must learn, and soon, that once that puck is dropped the game is on, and they have to get down to hard work right off the bat, Otherwise they are going to find themselves on the short end of a good many games In this closely fought Eastern Senior Birth Control Pills May Be SECOND APPLICANT Present in the counc#l cham. {ber was Glen Allan, who sald dence, Constable Morley Nichalson of the thy Police sa was OAKVILLE (CP) « A holsteln on patrol Dec. 5 at 1 am, when herd of 74 animals owned by the he followed a car on Dufferin late George 8, Hénry, a former street, An article was thrown Ontario premier, sold for $34,630 out the window and he stopped at an auction in this Toronto|the car, The constable sald area town, upon investigation he found two The Oriole Lodge herd, estab. cases of heer with 24 pints and lished more than 80 years ago, one with six, in the ear trunk Monday was scattered among He testified the officer with buyers from Mexico, Florida, him went back to where the New York, Tennessee, Manitoba, object was thrown from the car Quebec and Ontario Centres, and found a broken rum bottle, Ontario dalrymen paid the top Carswell told the court he was. prices, Fairlea Sova Reflector, a driving a friend home after five-year-old cow, went to Robert | work, F, Brown of Paris for $1.375, A|-- MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO 8.3111 If you nave net resolved your Times by 7 pm, Call BELL TAXI AN salle must be Jlaced between 7 ond 723 m SERVICE and REPAIR To All Makes & Models BUTT 118 BROCK 8ST, §, MO 8.3707 BRYANT TOWING SERVICE 222 EUCLID ST, WHITBY at his mightiest! 'ONTARIO. MOTOR LEAGUE TOWIN 24.-HOUR SERVICE Phone MO 8-2250 fon NO EET 6 OCR MOREY ORR OEY NESTLED \ (ENT PREDCTON CLIN PETE . TECHNICOLOR® 7PM. & 10.10 P.M, Thrill hungry youth « haunting the shadow! of the city streets - searching it EXCITEMENT! &3) SWIOLENT Ui} PLAYGROUND * STANLEY BAKER : ALSO FOX NEWS xs IR Created To Individual Requirements . STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works 318 Dundes Bost MO 8.3552 unconscion of hours they will study observations ted hy fact, number Don Engel of Ayr paid $1,210 for| Transport Minister Hees here to: Whithy Hillerest Dalry Jeplors and Brooklin were ©N¢TS. years, A good folk dancer can vapor laser which blanketed the less he can give adequate rea results of that game were unavailable as this was written «et George Henry, son of the late terminals. Liquor laws are ad: of the "Dunnies" assisting in proceedings . : , Also tomorrow Would not object key elub, poses mechanical methods of I C . I AST COMPLETE SHOW 8.20 d 1 : B "Where there's the risk of S I 1 iff t undernourished contained In a new book, "MOD: complex, for It Is a vital part of Havre with an older compatriot, een, In 1 eremn right, subject to conditions," he 4a.) Courbet Il ked out-of ourbet as well, worked out-o Soviet Union and Communist so." {not having children, than 1,000 beautifully reproduced) |" Here is faithfully reproduced the less somewhat conservating by Rousseau, Daubigny and Diaz. Youths in the two Communist ation and thought should he find The feeble imitators of Picasso, | deep conviction, he said Ing Inte two serious errors dur cp) Richard MacDonald, na: blsm, Expressionism, Surrealism a dependence on the composition chisme, or alternately "action young Nazis two decades ago." What would you like to do to-/inevitahly be lowered" by the'lnte six sections, each with .a local color, Although he had vid] This book also has a classified effort, "and these Lellings get] Dr, Ross sald youth "have not (s hecoming difficult to keep an ings in Eurone (1850-1067). "Pain. roost radical phase a "tonal" [tury; it is designed lo enable an The they did." Council has donated substantial "Architecture: An International spirit took charge of painting. ment Fonthill man, Paul Marshall, hid PROTEST BARS $1,225 for Oriole Lodge Gloriette,| aTTAWA (CP) A temper ernment Monday published a bill|end action. Clinton now leads by seven points as a result of their) 8 WIE 0 Teal or not. Some Whose mother waa one of the ance delegation led by Rev, on making voting compulsory for all|%1 win in Clinton Saturday night and a 54 victory in Johnstown | an oR "uloged formances every seven days" |herd's greatest producers, and|don Domm of Toronto is to meet On Monday, he said the RCAF (Singapore citizens at future elec. Sunday afternoon, The Comets are on the road all this week, [VES a8 you SOW: pin . Ages of the Beryorka female Search and Rescue was notified|tions. Any person not using his| Playing tonight and Thursday night in sunny Charlotte, North|'0 cure ome thing ar USE dancers range from 17 to 20 Woodland Wide Ormshy, also day. It {s believed the group in: but could not make a searchivote is liable to have his name '-arolina . . . hiv [} A five-year-old cow [tends to protest against any plan : y X .[locked in a 1-1 tie here last night early in the second period but| 'Supposing there Is a drug that|zet about $500 a month, along] The animals were sold by p r of the area because of a heavy struck off the electoral rolls un y ] e {could be taken to affect the birth with travelling allowances, Mrs. Sli dalull Sere 16 Mw fedeial ale | not voting. (Minor Hockey week. continues around Ontarlo with many eom.|®f conception without in any way Madejdina sald, 'owner, ministered by \ lake. sons for ot voting, eee | MOUNItES holding special events, Tomorrow night Port Perry Mi. Infringing the law of God, then | ICI ree nistered ny the provinces, [nor Assoc, holds a big night, with defenceman John Chasczewskl | naturally the Catholic Church WHITBY night the Dunlops are engaged In a big exhibition game up In Ni. He did not elaborate on his Top Sur V e Y Of Modern Art agara Falls against the league-leading Niagara Senior "B" hoc. statement, The Roman church op- y Phone MO 8.3618 : IRIN 1 gly HOWS 7 P.M. | Most Rev. Michael Ramsey, NOW PLAYING , EVENING SHOWS . Archbishop of York, spoke for the ana an out Church of England, The most complete survey of painting, the Introduction of Euro:|from military service in 1062 to | ire bey modern art ever published is|pean painting is many-sided and paint along the beaches of Le . and not properly cared for , | JERN ART: A PICTORIAL AN A | ) 0) { i modern life and has thus been in-| Eugene Boudin, who had already | Randoiph Sor then we say that birth control 18 THOLOGY" (Rrett-Macmillan Co.|timately affected by those radis begun to introduce fresh, bright {rp cal transformations in institutions color in his marines, setting r TORONTO (CP) « Canadian compared to thelr China and So. Said, | This is a handsome and faseln: manners and modes of thinking, them against a foil of grays and youth appear 'vague and indif- viet Unlon counterparts, Dr. Ross| But he sald it is wrong to marry ating book --. Charles McCurdy which have characterized this neutrals, Monet and Roudin and ferent" compared to youth in the said this was perhaps 'rightly With the deliberate Intention of is the editor -- and contains more epoch, a : ; a Degas and Manet, despite their doors entirely, In a new improvi:| China, Dr, Murray G. Ross, vice-| "We believe that a voung per {Mustrations, some of which are!revolutionary pictorial means and sory spirit, unlike the dominating president of the University of To- son should be exposed to many published for the first time (new subject matter, were nonethe- landscape painters of the period, | ronto, sald Monday night ideas and that only after explor Lack Of Talent | major art movements and person: comparison with another group of countries impress him because and develop his beliefs and con jalities of the past 100 years, It is young rebels emerging in the late Mondrain, Matisse, Braque, Leger they explain their beliefs clearly victions.," he sald Lowers Drama impossible now In this book to 60's. Degas respected the linear|and Miro were legion in the post: | and lucidly and hold them with] He criticized the YMCA for fall follow in their proper historical examples of Ingres, even in his!war period, however, until a new NORTH BATTLEFORD, Sask. arrangement, Impressionism, Cu- art of the 70's, and Manet showed abstract lyricism called ta "The devotion of Soviet and ing the past 10 vears Chinese' youth~ to Communist] The first was the building of ts tional director of the Dominion'and other modern developments of the old masters. Both built up painting took command of the dogma," he said, "ls as terrify-/ program on the interests of youth Drama Festival, says the stand | exactly as they occurred, their paintings from dark to light, younger generation and occasion.' ing to witness as that of the using questionaires: such as lard of drama 'in Canada "must| "MODERN ART" is organized and with modifications, retained|ally quite remarkable, works He told the annual meeting of day?" The weakness of this was draining 'of artistic talent to pro- concise and lluninating Introduce: Wmself of the bitumens of tra hibliography of 700 entities which the Toronto YMCA that Canadian that youth could only identity as fessional fields tion prepared by a specialist in'ditional chiaroscuro, Manet did gives detailed Information on ar youth without being aware of it/interests things they had previ Mr, MacDonald told Saskateh- the field, The chapters come not on his own initiative arrive at tists and movements, with spe has set a ceiling on personal ously experienced ewan festival officers Sunday itjunder such headings as "'paint- pure color, remaining even in his/eial attention to the 20th. Cen lower every decade {the knowledge, the wisdom nor|amateur more than a couple of ing In the United States" (1885 painter. With Claude Monet, Ca: interested reader to explore in One result was that students the experience to build such alyears. By then he was offered a[1957), "Painting In Latin Amer-/inille Pissarro, Plerre Auguste dividual aspects of modern art! ly set limits on the (curriculum, and in many schools! professional opportunity ica (1925-1956); "Sculpture: An{Renoir and Alfred Sisley, an/more fully. This book is documen:, and YMCAs we have acted as iff The director said the Canada|International Survey" (1852-1988): [Erglishman, a new analytical tary and Interpretive in treat la A second weakness was that sums to promote amateur the Survey' (1831-195 and "The color was futher liberated, and! -1t should find a place on the Ross added the YMCA was seeking be: atre. The festival received $10,000 Language of Art A Riblio- another revolution in concepts of book shelf of art lovers the world Although CanaMan youth were {come all things to all people, he from the council this year and | graphy" {pletorial structure was initiated. over, It is a handsome and in described as vague and last | Toe story of modern European] Claude Monet - had peturned [formative volume, per 1! ppor ANNE HEYWOOD D to DAVID McCALLUM : |