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The Oshawa Times, 27 Jan 1959, p. 6

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TIMES, Tuesdey, January 27, 1909 AJAX Roger Conant, Forest road, underwent surgery In Osh-| g§ awa Hospital recently, and Is re ported progressing favorably, Mr, and Mrs, B, de Forest Bayly, King's Crescent have left for a 'veeation In the south, where Mr, Bayly will rest following his recent fliness, Mr, and Mrs, Cyril Thompson, | | Woodhouse Crescent, . celebrated [thelr 18th wedding snniversary BOWMANVILLY, ENT = today not tomorrow | was the tople chosen by A, W Thompson, Distriet Governor A4 for his official visit to the Bow: manville Lions club Monday, "Never put off until tomorrow max resoniis| Governor Tells Lions Do Good Deeds Today (Mat) of work, but remaining on top opportunity Is going to require a lot more hard work, 1t is mueh more dif fiewlt to remain on top, than i is to get to the twp." | "Jt is difficult to estimate the [his sesston, it was reported Mon | Party Whip Made |; | Deputy Speaker | Mr, Murdoch, 65, has been Con servative whip since the party T} TORONTO (CP) William took office in 1943, His successor Murdoeh, Progressive Conserve: was reported to he William J, |tive member of the legislature for|Stewart, #9, Toronto Parkdale Essex South, will be deputy member and Speaker of the leg speaker Instead of party whip lisiature from 1944 to. 1047, to do wonderful today, "Every kind deed done today Is like a fountain, refreshing every thing In its vicinity, If one Is to tuceeed In business, or In something THE MOST FANTASTIC number of people who £0 0B IN bieagure, plans for the future uy kind deed which you can, life tomorrow apologizing for ' -- 4 The Ajax Women's Tnstitute in shold do today; for today whet should have oon should be made Wday ~ pot 1 ment Wednesday, January 28, Bti(s ihe only day of which we have yesterday, The fact is people say, [he home of Mrs, J, Woods, 1 Dur guy asurance, said the Governor, they eouldn's find time to do cer- ham street, at § p.m. Mr, Thompson said that Lions tain things, when the truth of Mrs, Walter Piotrowski, Dur-|is the largest international service|the matter is they never took the ham street, received a pleasant club In existance, "The reason 1s time to do them," sald the speak surprise. last week, when her|hecause we make ise of our er, The governor summed up with mother, Mrs, W, Btoyke, of Daw|todays, not our tomorrows." he WORK ON ANTIDOTE a wish that the years to come "|phin, Manitoba, and three of thelasseried ie urged members that as a may be rich and full of "Blessings I'sisters, Mrs, XK, Molnar, Calgary;| "Getting to the top took a lot Lions ¢lub they have a golden to others, because members of iMrs, P,.'T, Riggs, Winnipeg, and| Lions International have fulfilled Mrs, J. MeDonald, of Winnipeg, | their todays not thelr tomorrows," {arrived for a visit ' | HOME BURNED | Sunday, Jan, 25, morrow,' "Work" he continued, "is the) best antidote for worry, Putting| things off only makes a difficult situation worse," WHEN HELL BROKE LOOSE STARTS TOMORROW | BILTMORE LAST DAY: "ROCKABYE BABY" "ROAD TO BALI" , J hin MARCHING MOTHERS OF PICKERIN Plekering will be invaded by | of Pickering Village and dis. | are, Mrs, Jean Burns, Mrs, "Marching Mothers" in the | trict, Funds will be used for the | 1iejen Hawker and Mrs, Peggy 4 "0 " Torritying wi HUNCHBACK o NOTRE DAME CinimaticoPl vohmpiuns sald his talks reminded him of | together, The ladies visited other ing "tomorrow never comes', On| and Detroit, Michigan, and are service, west | March of Dimes eampaign | rehabilitation of erippled and | . 4 | L "ho Irish with Jo-anne and Deanne NEWCASTLE (Staff) Be room frame house on Manvers club was present, ALL TEOHNICOLOR 149 AL TERRIFIO ---- ---- | Mr, Mrs. Jack Lees and fam four - corners {clubs have launched a drive to town for articles of furniture and WARD The Lees' have six children, rent for the apartment which Mr ! [Hi MAX The January meeting Rickey, one year old, | Contributions of food and eloth BOWMANVILLE The story|tal surance plan, cover many in ntarlo, troduced a new In| Centre, with the Regent, Mrs ed i a spare room in their seven: awa appeared Raturday might have| In a statement to The Oshawa| ve standard ward inclusive meeting were brief, as the even rate structure that the cost of hospital (reat: ihe Memorial Hospital at $16.68, held at the home of Mrs, Roger ! Tion Bob Kent, expressing the This is the first time in 20 Aid Family 1 ami behalf of the club, he presented now back in Ajax, They leave | Reorts were heard from eom mittees on club's activities, A Monday evening, Feb, 2, The handicapped persons, Mothers | C . 6" Si e 1959 ly here Saturday, members of ANTHONY ospital Rates Not g assist the family by collecting clothing, the combined clubs are| . H Sunny ems "Gang, hon. Les han swear on King iro ROYAL AFRICAN J of the Ajax Varsity Chapter The family was left homeless ing have also been received from Rif | f § : by § . on increased rates st Rowman: more services than the previous clusive method of charging for Nancy Lancaster presiding -- - proved misleading to many peo- Tames, Stanley Wilkie, hospital may (5 established by the Ontario Mng Ws given over to the Chap TIMES BUREAUS OMB Approves For this reason, it le dlment 1s not doubled, Mr, Wilking Conant, where a turkey dinner, RJAX Storm Sewers ® FILL-A-CARD It should be emphasized thal elub"s thanks to Mr, Thompson, | years that the four have all heen another slogan, "TNC" mean. | relatives in Marble Head, Ohlo, the governor with a sliver tea shortly for thelr homes in the Li . D P DE Will delegation from the Peterborough mothers will canvass the whole | holding the sign, from the left, I 1 [cau fig destroyed the home of | street, about a block north of the| . a -- -- -------- 3 | Newcastle IAons and ldonettes| In addition to canvassing ue ANE RETILERR. 4 Hy F hi articles of furniture and clothing, providing the first two months Thanle | " LN. Lasnions d Doubled" Says Oificia es 10D; was held In the Community) 0 Saturday's fire which start. various groups of friends in Osh ville Memorial Hospital which rate services, | The minutes of the December ple not familiar with the new administrator, today pointed out| fospital Services Commission for|ter's annual Christmas party, out that the new rates, which are) sald the melusive rate Is not neces John Mills Ajax 420 games and gifts were provided BOWMANVILLE (Klar pis throughout Ontario since he introduction of the new hospi JAX POLICE COURT "On Jan, J, 1080 the hospital, in common with other hosplials Dog At Large Woman AAX (Malt) =~ 'Tos many yabld animals around to trent this Oatter lightly," eom- mented Magistrate C, Guest in Ajax Police court Monday when he fined Mrs, Elsle Ogden of Nel- fe days for allowing her dog to at large, Corporal Tom Chambers of the OPP told the court that in eom- ny with Constable Fred Gall. ay he visited Nelson street in Jamonss to a complaint, He sald, | "We followed the to the den residence, and Mrs, Ogden itted ownership." | Wrederick Bottoher plead: rw gullty to making an improper [faft turn which caused an acel- dent at York and Harwood ave: pue on Jan, 11, He was fined $20 and costs Frank Thompson, 19, of Osh. awa, pleaded gullty on two liquer sharges, one purchasing lquor Elect Off Ajax Auxiliary By GRACE MILLA AJAX - ovinclal street, Ajax, #10 and costs or|full Mrs. M. Richardson, enldent of the La Fined Cony that he searched accused's ear at 11.98 pam, Jan, 17 and found one full bottle and another partly Thompson told the eourt thal the liquor belonged to two other youths whom he had brought to Ajax to attend a dance, They had asked to be allowed to leave the liguor in the car, Thompson was fined $25 and costs on the first charge and $18 and costs on the second, Three motorists were convicted of speeding on Bayly street, Ray mond Gregorson and Donald Pig: gott each pald $15 and costs Robert Felehaber was fined $26 and costs Ted deBoer, Plokering Beach, pleaded guilty to depositing gar hage at the roadside In south Adax, He was fined $25 and costs or 20 days In jal! | icers Dorothy Allan, Mra, Ann Sim, 4 I |" It was reported that the candy sarily an Ancrease, as It COVers| io way a sellout, and contribu not only room and board, but also tions made to the party services formerly charged 88 eX: 014 for the handicapped children tras, such as operating room fees, pine were also made for the drugs, x-rays. and laboratory Theatre Night and a play, work, in fact, any services deem: | ime White Sheep of the Family"| ed medically necessary for a ywii| he presented hy the TCA hospital patient's recovery Drama Group Wednesday, Jan = |a8, in Parkside School Auditor: Unemployment BOWMANVILLE Rae Hopkins Mn, 8.7282 Road Mishaps Near B'ville BOWMANVILLE, (Staff) No one was reported injured in two minor (raffle accidents reported by Bowmanville detachment, Program Change Asked The Annual Spring Fashion Show was discussed, and will take TORONTO (CP)---Ontarle CCF Leader Donald MacDonald sald place Feb, 25 In the Community Centre, Plans are well under way Monday night the provincial gov. ernment. should pay 80 per cent for this event, and it is expected Instead of 50 per cent under the that the show, federal provinelal unemploy ment program, Speaking to a provineial nomin ating convention in Toronto Ht Andrew's, he sald unemployment has become 'chronic' under free enterprise, evening for those attending at the February meeting. Ablack, introduced by Mrs [Colm spol on life in the West Indies, and told of the early his. tory of the island and present. day federation, A ------------------------ "SHOULD NOT BE FOOLED" MONTREAL (CP) «= Stephan Wytwytsky, president of the "If the provinela! government Ukraine National Government-in were determined to tackle the un. exile, says the free world should employment program, the least it not he fooled by proud announce could have done after the federal ments by Russia of technologioal authorities assumed 80 per cent/achievements for the advance of the direct labor costs for win:|ment of mankind, He told a ter works was to assume respon: (meeting Sunday of 5,000 Cana sibility for the remaining 80 per|dians of Ukrainian origin that the cent so that no more than the|achlievements "do not deter the cost of materials would be left|Red leaders from their ultimate with the munieipalities,' aim of world domination" TELEVISION LOG CHONTY Channel 1l=Hamilion CRLY-TV Channel 6-Torenle WEKBW-TV Channel Y-Ruffale WROC-TV Channel S-Rechester WORTY Channel B-Ruffale WREN-TV Channel é--Buffale Mm. E. Linton, Mrs. Ellzabeth Newman and Mw. Sadie Groves; es' Auxillary te the Canadian| ways and means convener, Mrs Legion, Toronto, and Rose Bate fone Commander, Bowmanville were official visitors at the Jan wary meeting of the Ladies' Aux JD, Allan, with Comrades 8 ,| Groves, ££. Newman, and C, Pat «[terson; social convener, Mra +|Bernice Ashton, with Comrades Willlamson, -M Parish, and Edge of Night WEDNERDAY PM, J} La) He=Theatre) Sports 6-Rope Around The Sun MPiavhouse WURRDAY BYENING WEDNEADAY Aon PM 00 AM, =H 88--Today w =Capt, Kangares 0 AM and Allen yo's Play: | Be Playhouse | 4=Fun To Learn Thies Plookes as in previous years, should prove an enjoyable The guest speaker, Mr, Charles | a fllary to Branch 822, Ajax, Wed-|M nesday evening |D, Manktelo Election of officers and Instal:| Owing to the scarelty of ae:| tation took place, with Mrs leammodation for meetings untll| Richardson presiding, assisted by the new Legion Hall ia ready for Miss Rate. The following were use the auxiliary did not hold its elected to office: president, Mra, |ugqual Christmas party, so have| Edith' Ward; first vice president, | planned a combination birthday! Mrs. Tileen Swerdfiger; second and Christmas party for Wednes vice president, Mra. Vivian day, Jan, 24, at the Community than secretary, Mra, Jali Centre nglish; treasurer Mrs, D, Cald: well, sergeant at arms, Mrs, Members are requested to Margaret Loudfoot; e hap! ain bring a cup saucer and plate, {and cutlery, aa the auxiliary's Mrs. Margaret Steer Executive members Mrs. 'ehinaware is In storage DAILY CROSSWORD ' ACROSS 1. Whee! part 11, Oll of rose pel 28, Land neasure MM. Sign of d fever mw. 16. Ruffian 18, Boak flax 19, Tool £1, Printer's atl 87, Unless (L.) #9, Prepoaition 41, Mr, mountain Landon | 7. (LY #5. Indefinite article #4, Deputies 84, Hreeny 40, Hlow-mow ing person a1, Bullding addition AlN PM, -Ohildren's Theatre (BAN Y-Disney Time 6 Bky King A=Dinner Date Theatre S=Wondy Wondpeoker "an FM 11=Newni Theatre) Weathers Y-Kavly Show " Slt A Great Like b=Nows "on rm S-Bengal Lancers 4 B=News, Weather oan FM, 6 & b-News FU Te PM WY) S=Tablold w s=Rorve 4=Annie Oakley It You Had a Million ARLE AN YPerapective 1" MM, Y-Cheyenns S=Donna Reed Ma Dragnet =Whirlyhirds LEU 11, Front Page Challenge AA George Gobel 4-Ann Rothern AW PM 11, &-Chevy Show T-Wyatt Earp 4=Ta Toll The Truth pon PM, T-Rifleman $-Gearge Burne A Arthur Godtrey "MAM, 11,6 Falla Naked City Hod Skelton 5 B=Hobh Cummings 10.00 PM Alcoa Theatre S-Californians 4 Garry Moore Wa Mm John Daly Death Valley Days Bold Venture 104 BM Weather} 5 Aj L] Weather, Sports TePlayhouse nw AM, 8 Mavie ne rw HA News: Weal | paris [ 4 Theatre | 3dack Paar | Nay BM La \ mn wp new rum fl lve » Humpus Room "AM, B-Distitot Atlomey 4="Tapper My Liles Margie we AM For Lave of Money A 8=Dough Re MI Hae AM 8 Troasure Hunt t=Arthur Godlrey 10:48 AM F=Morning Devotions He AM Y=Far The Ladies 8.0-Frice Is Nign 4-1 Lave Lay HM AM YPeler Lind Hayeg =Top Dollar AB AConcentration Wa NOON News and Weather 3.8-Tle Tao Dough WIN BM d-Apeaker of the House "ww ra, {1=News Y--Play Your Huneh A811 Could Be You d-Hearch tor Tomerrow (LALLA Y=Liberace All Star Theatre d-Auiding Ligh a =Matines J A=Mavie (healre LRM, Meet the Millers | #=Mid Day Matinee LIA PM =Mavie Matines (RLU N | YOur Miss Brooks =The Warld Turns "FM YoDay In Coury A=Jlmmy Dean $-Helen Neville LPM, Yo Musto Bluge 4 How -Haguin Bagels PPM 18 Nursery Nohool NY) | 1,8 Dear' Phoebe Beat The Clock 53 Doctor Malone 4=The Hig vavest LR UR 11L,6Open House T= Wha Da You Trust | AB-Fram These Roots = Verdict in Yours aN PM Pugs Bunny Ameriean Bandstand PM Panty A -Queen For A Day 1} ] SLounty Fay B=Troubls Wilh Father | 82 | 18 Clone Up 4=Fun To lear B=Thres Blooges wih #.M S=Children's Nowares! Children's Thaatre LLU Y=Miekey Mouse &- Huckleberry Hound d=Dinner Date B-Hengal Lancers "PM HTheatre) Newsi Weather Yo Early Show Tim MeCay aM PM S=Meot Lorraine . H=Family Theatre B= Tablod 8 Commentary 4 Mackenzie's Nalders Haclence Fiotion TEM YNewsi Weather 1 a T-Lawrence Welk Go Disney Presents 8.0 Wagon Train Union Pacifie aM PM Helaave It To Beaver t-Adventure of Champlon LEU] 118-0ne of a Kind VoOnnie and Harriet & Trackdown APrice In Right LL] 1=Youth Looks Up Y-Donna Heed 648 Musi 'Hall &=The Millionaire LAL Frontier To Aceoused A823 Hat Masterson 4-Du Pont Rhow LL 11-8an Francisca Beal Vo Roxing 6 Have Gun Will Travel This 's Your Lite Wa PM f= Flt B-Oftielal Detective (LR LER 8 | F=Nowsi Weather) Sparta ne PM, 116843 Nowa; Wanthar: Sports T-Mayhouse Wil Viewpoint Feature Mavie boNparis Ree LAR The Late Show | Feature Film . , 1:00 The Unexpected OPP Monday night The first mishap ocourred on Highway No, 2 at Trull's road, when a car driven by Nell Chard Names were received for the of Newcastle, came into collision election of officers, to be held with a vehicle driven by Fred Lodge, 532 Front street, Oshawa Damage was not extensive to wither car The second accident occurred on Highway 7A in Cartwright Township, The vehicles involved were a tractor Juiling a traller driven by Gerald Brown, RR, Nestleton and a car driven by Charles G. Venning, Blackstock, According the police, Brown was working on the road with hs tractor when the Venning ve higle struck the rear end of the trailor, Venning sald his vision was im- paired by the headlights of on coming traffic as he was coming {over the crest of a hill, Damage [to the Venning auto was estima. ted at approximately $350, B'ville Edges Cobourg Squad COBOURG ~ Bowmanville Pee Wees withstood a late rally to edge Cobourg Pee Wee All-Stars 43 Friday night at Cobourg Arena in exhibition play Bowmanville took a 30 frst pertod lead on goals by Wayne and by Don MeMurter from George Ball at 9.95, Gordie Ste venaon put Cobourg on the score board at 1,12 of the second, Ray [Chapman helping, In the third canto, MoMurter registered his second goal of the game on a pass from Rick Gay at 0.00 for a &1 edge, Gord Kelly got it back for Cobourg at 15,06 with Danny Gadbols the play. maker, Gay fired the winning tally for arrison from Brian Forey at 4.40 f) = The Ontario Municipal Board Monday approved the construc. tion of the Library street south storm sewer at a hearing in the oounedl chamber of the town hall Monday, Tenders are presently being re oelved for the Job at the works |department office above the pub Ho library, Tenders will close Fri. day January 80 at 5.00 o'clock The contract will be awarded at town council meeting Monday, Work on the new sewer system ted to begin early In ¥ and much of the labor will be done by the local labor force employed through the med. {tum of the federal-provineial win ter works assistance program, THEATRE GUIDE Biltmore 8 "Rockabye Baby,, in technicolor, shown dally at , 808, 635 1008 pm, "Road to Ball" in technicolor, shown dally as 1.50, 5,00, 8.5% pm, last complete show starts at 020 pm, (Brook (Whitby) = "Decision at Sundown" 7 pm, and 10,10 pm, "Violent Playground' 8.58 pm, Last complete show 820 pm, Marks « "The Wunchback of Notre Dame" 18.45, 3.60, 6.56, 1005 pm, also "Royal African Rifles' 2.50, 6.38, 5.45 p.m, Last complete show at 8.48 pm, "The High Cont of Loving" in elnemascope shown dally at 148, 460, 0.00 pm, "Underwater Warrior' in eine mascope shown dally at 818, 020, 0.50 pm. Last eomplete show at 8.00 p.m Plaga -- "The Whole Truth" 1.88, 4.20, 7.18, 10.10, "Ghost of the China Sea" 8 pm, 680, 848 Last complete show at 8.48 pm " APEC FOR MISSED ; PAPERS IN AJAX If you have not received your Times by 7 pm, well AJAX TAXI Bowmanville at 17.80 Ravenadale combined with Kelly and Bill Ryan for Cobourg's third counter hut the buzzer sounded before Cobourg could find the range again ROWMANVILLE Burgess, Caldwell, Budy, Gay, MeMurter, Ball, Depew, Werry, Foroy, Wal: ton, Perris, Harrison Hurna, James, Hughes, Crom COROURG --- Sayers, Nicholas, Ravensdale, Robertson, Willlama, Hill, Godfrey, I, Melvor, Lang, Mecrst, Kelly, Ryan, Gadbols, | Stevenson, Chapman, Favart Skull, Crossbones For Cigaret Tax PIERRE, 8D, (AMA bil) whieh would put a skull and orosshones emblem on South Da {kota's clgaret tax stamp was passed by the state Senate Mon. day 10 votes to 16 and sent to [the House (hainsmoking Don Democratic senator, of the hill Under the bill the clgaret tax stamp would also carry an ad monitlon that the state does not recommend use of the product Stransky, was author (GIANT ADVENTURE - wnt wns CIANNA MARIA CANALE With just one second led, aly | PHONE AJAX 333 AN sally must be placed beter 7:30 pm, SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAX! SERVICE PHONR STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3.5822 If you have not received your Times, phone your carrier hoy Hine, Ww ou are unable te con: tact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7.730 pm, Only SUSPENSE SHOW ! amen ee DAVID BRIAN SGHOST Si, pb «CHINA My gE The Next Kinsmen | SUPER CAR BINGO 0 FRIDAY, JANUARY 30th GAME NO, 1 ING 19 31 46 34 38 at 8:30 p.m, In the PETERBOROUGH o | MEMORIAL CENTRE 70 | OVER $5,300.00 IN PRIZES INCLUDING 75 12 regulor games ot 50.00 cash each game 3 Special games ot 150,00 each game 20 Tasty and Large Tender Sweet Home es free Door Prizes Special Snowball Binge Value Now $1 ,00 4 If won In the first 53 Numben Mire The Big Game A Full House For The BRAND NEW '59 CAR Doors open of 7 p.m, come early and assure yourself of @ good seat, PHONE Riverside 3-384 62 | 49 65 51 55 56 58 60 42 29 45 30 You have watii § pm, the fellewing | day to phone If you have a Nil word Binge (Bund Py | ol » pear on the bosk of every Binge sord, Benefit of ARMY, NAVY AND AIR FORCE VETERANS IN CANADA Everything In her lite had led her to Ching... . where God dwelt... where the children lived ...where the Eurasian soldier ) invaded the sanctuary of her heart! Xx _ INorid B&B PEYIGMaN Curt Jurgens Robert Donat What /s the "Sixth Happiness"? Each of us must tind It in our own hearts! CINTURY OR PRENSA THE INN 7ST HAPPINESS TODAY ONLY --e eo CINEMAScOPE COLOR by DE LUXE TODAY & WEDNESDAY "UNDERWATER WARRIOR" ALSO | "THE HIGH COST OF LOVING" i PLAYVE TNLATR

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