A, . CONVENERS COMPARE NOTES FOR SOCIAL EV ning a Valentine Bridge and Fuchre In Bt, Gregory's audi torium, February 4, Mrs, Wil liam Hastings, refreshment convener, and Mrs, Forbes Me- Under the general convener. ship of Mrs, Dermot Conway, seated, St, Gregory's and St, Joseph's Catholle Parent Teacher Association are plane GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES " ic. + bb Laughlin, ticket eonvener, port final details, Mrs, J, R, Grant, prize - convener, Was absent when the pleture was | taken, re. ~Oshawa Times Photo | DAT Alen, the new pastor's| wife, expressed her thanks to the Guild for the supply of food Jo Aldwinckle, Wamen's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Jonuery 27, 1959 Honeymooii In Vancouver, B.C. The marriage of Margaret Ann [monde Church hall, The brid Crawforth and Carl Oliver aunt, Mrs, A, R, Johnston, re- Pascoe, both of RR 1, Whitby, [ceived in teal blue crepe and was solemnized in Almonds Unit-(batin, assisted by the bride ed Church, recently, The eves (groom's mother IH cornflower, end A, R. Johnston of Grimsby, blue crepe and lace, Each had Ontario, uncle of the bride, per- black accessories and a corsage formed the ceremony, assisted by (of roses. Margaret Crawtorth, Carl Pascoe PERSONALS (Mr, and Mzs, Wiliams Sdnsman, Mr, and Mrs, George Fairhart, and Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Mer Mrs, Ronsld Nelson, Stevenson Murphy, Mr, and Mrs, William north, was honored on Bun-|Bolssoin, Mr, evening at a surprise party Mowatt, Mr, | Weeks, Powers, road day on the occasion of her bistnda. | Guests tg 14 included Mrs. A ringer, and Mrs, Andrew | Mr. Reginald Geen left this and Mrs, Leonard morning for Toronto where he and Mrs, William will conduct examinations at the Mr, and Mrs, James Royal Conservatory of Music and Mr, Bruce, Mrs, Harry Tresise, Mrs,| Toppings, Mr, and Mrs, Jack!lster in the week will be in Ham» Bernard Bouckley, Mrs, Blake, Mrs. John Luke, Mrs, J, B. Blake, A whirl of house-parties is an- ticipated tomorrow evening prior fo the Hospital Auxiliary dance, |Capricorn Capers, at the Jubilee Pavilion. Among those who will be hosting are Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Holland, Dr. and Mrs, R. J. Kimmerly, Mr, and Mrs, Mortimer Brown, Mr, and Mrs, R. J. Murphy and Mr, and Mrs, §. A. Heney. A reception Aetaminy will be held In McLaughlin Hall on Fri day afternoon when 26 junior stu- dents will be officially received into Oshawa General Hospital School of Nursing. The address will be given the Reverend 91 TODAY Mrs, George Bateman who has lived most of her life in Calvin O'Brien, Mr, and Mrs, Mrs, Bino, Leach, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Bawks, | servatory, Joseph ilton where he will conduct exam» Mr. and Mrs, Donald inations at the Hamilton Con~ the Reverend A, ¥, Bamford, The bride is the daughter of Mr, Mark 8. Crawforth and the late Mrs, Crawforth and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Cecil O, Pascoe, all of RI 1, Whithy. The wedding music was play- ed by Miss Carol 1ee and the church choir sang "A Prayer of (Guidance," "The Lord's Prayer' | and "0 Perfect Love," Given in marringe by her fa. ther, the bride wore a bridal| gown of brocaded white taffeta gathered at the hip line to a fit: ted basque, with portrait neck. line and sheath sleeves, A white velvet and mohalr bow headdress held her walst - length vell of | tulle illusion and she carried a white lace - covered Bible adorn. od with carnations and Sweet heart rosebuds and ivy trails, She was attended by Mrs, Jack |Crawforth, matron of honor, | Mrs, Ivan Barrett and Mrs, Rex | Piper, They were dressed alike in sapphire blue velveteen and) peau de sole with matehing ban Mr, snd Mrs, Pascoe left to fly to Vancouver and will make thelr home on the Town Line Bouth, Whitby. The bride travel. led In aqua wool lace trimmed with satin. beige hat and acces sories and a corsage of bronze chrysanthemums, Guests were present from To- ronto, Grimsby, Bowmanville, Whitby, Oshawa, Pickering, Port Perry, Greenwood, and Allsa Craig, Ulster Girls Choir Hopes To Visit Oshawa is observing her 9ist birthday today, For years Mrs, Bateman ran a confectionery business on Church street and her old customers and many friends wish her continued liealth and happiness, Jane Bone of Five Oaks, Paris, and the Gideon Auxiliary will present New Testaments to the students, You are invited by the Social Department to send in any little {lems of interest, News of teas, Oshawa In April The Ulster Girls' Choir 1s com iy ing to Canada In April at its own| £ Camadion/ expense, to sing for fund raising organizations, Lady Easton has promised to assist tel choir In every way possible. This choir Is famous throughout | the British Isles, not only for its extensive fund raising achieve ments but also for its nfusleal ex surprise parties, showers, anni versaries and coming and goings are always very accept- able and for which there Is no charge. Please write or telephone RA 33474, local 13, A family gathering on Sunday for Mrs, O, M, Alger in celebra- tion of her 85th birthday, was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs Stewart Alger, Mary street, At- tending were her daughters, Mrs Lincoln Elliott and Mr, Elliott, of Tweed, Mrs, Don MacLachlan and Mr, MacLachlan of Aurord; her granddaughter, Miss Fileen Elliott of Ottawa; Mr, and Mrs Ewart Alger, Mr, and Mrs, Wil liam Alger, Dr, and Mis, H, B James, all of Oshawa, Congratu Iations on the happy occasion of EW? with Royal Jelly of the Queen Bee Fabulously rich formula so othe Jous lige every inute it's Ahi ound oistened, softene i rare beauty bonofity of Roped focanae am fou Teed the rich are blended which awaited them at the manse| deaux and earried white velvet | oor gm won more than muffs with erescent clusters of , her birthday were received by LOUIE HOGARTH AUX, The January meeting of Loule Hogarth evening auxiliary of the given by Mrs United WMS of Albert Street Church was held recently The Reverend 8. C, H, Atkinson Tooley, conducted Installation of offieers sioner, who enrolled four new| The following officers members to the group eommittee,! Chalmers for 1059 were Installed Honorary president, Miss Cora FF, Schultz, and Mrs. C, Harvey; past-president, Mrs, Ar. Gower Was (read by Mrs, Norman rand the (reasmirer's report Erie Jacklin The president, Mrs, Arthur |8argent, Introduced Mrs. C, M south district commis Mrs, J, Watt, Mrs, (i, Lee, Mrs Steen burg, thur Howard; president, Mrs, Wil: Mrs, Tooley then installed the bur Down; wvlece-president, Mrs, | officers for 1080, as follows; pres Walter Cole; secretary, Mrs, Law: Ident, Mrs, James Tiling, vice: son Parks; treasurer, Mrs, president, Mrs, Donald Cutler; Samuel Gibbs; literature secre. secretary, Mrs, James Doble; tary, Mrs, Creswell Bassinger; treasures, Mrs, Willlam Ayres, mite box, Mrs, Albert Chileott;| A short business discussion fol. supply, Mrs, Roy Corbman; eom-|lowed, and it was decided to hold munity friendship, Mrs, Stanley a St, Patrick tea, on March 13 Harrison; envelopes, Mrs, Albert This will be convened by Mrs Chileott; missionary monthly, Donald Cutler, Mrs. Roy Corbman; associate sec retary, Mrs. Arthur Howard; the presentation of a "Thanks press secretary, Mrs, George San. Badge' to Mrs, James Bowman ders; planist, Mrs, William Gra-/In recognition of her work In ham, Mrs, Walter Cole led in the devotional period, Mrs, Down gave a paper on Mexico from the study book Mrs, Samuel Gibbs and her committee served refreshments, 1ST GROUP COMMITTEE The regular meeting of the 1st Group Commitiee of the Gir Guide Association was held at {guiding In the south district and in the first |Presetation was made by Mrs, | Norman Gower on behall of the (Group committee, Refreshments. were served by Mrs, Sargeant and Mrs, Gower, and the lucky cup was won by Mrs, A, L. Stevens, BATHE PARK AUX, The Ladies' Auxiliary of Bathe Park held its monthly meeting wa 5 recently in the Park building with Mrs, Cleve MeMann, president, presiding Mrs, Willlam Halght read the minutes and roll call {was taken showing 11 member present Mrs, Delbert Olmstead was re ported to be In the hospital hy Mrs, Roy MeDonough, sick mem hers convener, The treasurer, Mrs. Byard King, and the bingo treasurer, Mrs their reports Plans were made for a St Patrick's tea and bazaar to be held In the park building on March 17 at pm, It will he convened by Mrs, Cleve McMann with Mrs, B, King In charge of the apron and sewing booth; Mrs, Wilfred Ogden, candy; Mra William Blair, baking: Mrs, Rob. ert Gow, the tea roam: Mrs Arthur Lymer, raffle tickets and Mrs, John Fisher, advertising Election of officers for the next term will take place at the next meeting on February 17. | Bingo was played the winners [being Mrs, Byard Xing, Mrs [James Reld, Mrs, Willlam Halght, Mrs. Wilfred Ogden and Mrs. John Fisher, The contest was won by Mrs, B. King. Re freshments were served by the hostesses, Mra, C. MoMann and Mrs. Arthur Lymer. Mrs, C. Me Mann was holder of the lucky cup. 17TH GROUP COMMITTER The 17th Group Committee of the Girl Guide Association was held recently with Mrs, George Wakelin, president, presiding, Plans were made for the moth. or and daughter banquet to be held In February and also for a home baking. sale to be held In Guide House The secretary's report 8 For YOU who like to look as pretty at breakfast as on a din. mr date! Make several versions : of this wrantle wonder sew. Fegrupey with Mrs, W. J. Saxby thriftly in checks, polka dot, or . solid colors, Tomorrow's pattern aR Suuthments. ware served by Misses' Wrap-on Women's ST. PAUL'S GUILD when they arrived In Oshawa, in December, The Reverend D, A. T. Allen gave an interesting talk on the! format of the Old and New Testa ments of the Bible Mrs, Ross Bell and Mrs. Ian sang two duets, "I | Would Be True" and "Open My| Eyes", Dempsey thanked those | taking part, Relreshmenits were | served by Mr |Mrs, Ian Chalmers and Mrs, RI: chard Copithorne, | Mrs, A highlight of the evening was! group committee, | John Fisher, gave ' #4 © GROWI Daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Reynolds, Courtice, Vieky Marie, Is celebrating her sixth birthday today. Vicky is granddaughter of My George Reynolds, Courtice, and | | Mr. and Mrs, James Kane, Bowmanville, and great-grand. THREE WAYS TO ENSURE BETTER HEALTH FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Printed Pattern 4777 Sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 48, 48] The January meeting of St Size 34 takes 4'5 yards Minch. Paul's Preshyterian Church Guild Printed directions on each pat. was held recently with the new tern part. Easier, accurate president, Mrs, W, T, Dempsey Send FIFTY CENTS (300) in presiding | coins (stamps cannot be accept.| The devotional period opened by | od) for this pattern. Please print the group singing the hymn plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, Jesus Stand Among Us". Mpa, | STYLE NUMBER C. R, Whalen read the scripture] Send order to ANNE ADAMS. and Mrs, Robert Andrews led in care of The Oshawa Times, Pat. Praver | tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont I'he reports were read Mrs, RUGS AND LIVING ROOM SUITES Cleaned to Perfection NU-WAY RUG ond Carpet Sales 174 Mewy RA 5.040) q PARAMITTLS carnations and tinted blue | Miss Janie Crawforth was the flower girl in a full-skiried dress of white velveteen with a rap phire blue eummerbund of peau do sole, Bhe wore a blue velvet bandeau and carried a nosegay of | white button chrysanthemums and Sweetheart ros | eo bridegro rother, Mr Ronald Pascoe, acted as best 8, Gordon Burkhart, man and Mr, Arthur Wilson and mage sales, to pay Mr, Jack Crawforth ushered, The reception was held in Al f chrysanthemums |; "ito musie festival awards, al though it spends most of its time singing for organizations, and it has performed In Westminster Abbey in London, England, During its visit to Toronto In April, the choir has offered its services to worthy organizations in Ontario, The B0 girls, between | the ages of 16 and 23, ralse mon individually In various dolls' clothes, - making candy, jam and operating rum thelr own expenses, so that practically all the proceeds of thelr concerts go the organization sponsoring them, The. choir has made a tenta tive schedule and has reserved April 18 for Oshawa. Any recog nized organization In Oshawa wishing to raise funds through the generosity of the Ulster Girls' Choir should write Immediately to Harry Warlow, 20 Colborne Street, Toronto, who has been asked to make the arrangements for the cholr, There is a group of Irish anoers within the cholr which lends added color to its perform. ances, Stresses Need ' CUTE COMPANY Mrs, Alger from her daughter, Mrs, Edward Gurr of Warwick, Bermuda and many other friends Past Noble Grand, Sister Betty McColl, and Sister Elsle Green tree, members of Sunshine Re- bekah Lodge, No, 222, have been recommended to receive the De- gree of Chivalry, This ceremony will be conducted by the Pat riarch's Militant, With a limited number of tick. ets to be sold, reservations are coming In early for the Knights by ALICE BROOKS Cute crib of carriage cover Baby will smile at his pals 'n pl y with thelr curls and bows. Company for haby! Faces easy embroidery «= hairdo of yarn, tacked down ribbons sewn on Pattern 7176: transfer of 9 heads 5% x 7% Inches; directions, | Send Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (stamps eannot {bo aecopted) to The Oshawa Times, Household Arts Dept, Osh. lawa, Ontario, Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER. Our new 1060 Allee Brooks Needlecraft Catalogue has many lovely designs to order: erochet. {Ing, knitting, embroidery, quilts, Idols, weaving. A special gift, in of Columbus Mardl Gras dance, February 6, Among those who (will be making up parties are IMr, and Mrs, James Smyth, Mr, {and Mrs, J, J, Kelly, Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Dathe, Mr, and Mrs. {Gerald Osborne, Mr, and Mrs Leo O'Donnell, Mr, and Mrs. | W. P. Kinlin, Mr, and Mrs, R, J.| right into this new kind oo can a queen be? Try DuBarry J today and see! Royal Lipstick, in a queen's ransom of a case, 2.00, C . fit-for-a-queen colors, 1,25 Sick in refill, in + How prett loyal Lipstic 8 KING ST NG UP Of More Dietitians MONTREAL (CP)«Dlane Ray: #8 mond, president of the Canadian i Dietetic Association, sald Sunday that all aspects of the associa tion's work emphasizes the need 4 for more professional dietitians in Canada, Other speakers at a weekend meeting of the association's ® hoard of directors stressed the need for more dietitians, | Directors and committee chair {men from all parts of Canada dealt with ways of encouraging Immigrant dietitians to obtain university and training credits to .| obtain professional status In Can. i ada; with the need to recruit 4 more young women through vo. "I'VE BEEN FEELING SO MUCH BETTER SINCE I'VE BEEN USING NIAGARA CYCLO-MASSAGE®" ou daughter of Mrs. Susan Mawds. ley, Southport, England, =Photo by Ireland | FROZEN { ARTHUR GODFREY helps ne oer Ky Tease creme Rl of \ re the catalog to keep a child hap- Iplly oceupled--a cutout doll and [clothes to color, Send 23 cents for your copy of the book, cational work with schools, and with the possibilities of establish ing special training courses for aldes to professional dietitans, The meeting completed plans for the CDA national convention {in Winnipeg June 9-11, | f N CANDY FORM especially for children \ \ ) fashion-centers of the world... 4, x UL |] fy BERNINA ...the sewing machine rated FIRST PIPES? No Blow Torches No Steam We Do It the 7 ¢ BITTY | HN rananpre § 21 VITAMINS, MINERALS, AND & TRACE ELEMENTS DRUGS 28 King St. E. RA 3.4621 Regular City-Wide Deliveries Fast, Modern Way If or when your pipes freeze just CLIP THIS AD IT'S WORTH $1.00 TO YOU! METTE Plumbing Co. Lid. 23 Celine RA 5.3279 a | dgsmnen of on Iation loon |e Hew I fi Ll gh nf people NPIL oR Il wal 0 or ie } ow Ah vary Sheclal'b anh Oyole-Massage® helps relieve Wow I seen And hell ® How It helps Ay pA Wats of blissful relaxation, ® Now It encourages wonderfully re. vitalising, dragless sloop, heim increase blood elven. heipe relieve many kinds of pain , | variieuthrly the moder. Ae tain of arthreitls, uraliiy and rheumatism, whenever they strike. The secret of Niagara's unique effectiveness I's In 11% aclontifionlly controlled heat combined with revo {tionary Cyelold Action® NIAGARA CYCLO MASSAGE 259 Simcoe St. 8. Oshawa, Ontario Foe Boat Mall Eoupen Yoults I" EE RA ely Please nd ¥ hogklet information *N out iy yd NAME siiinininaniiniiinann A [Address CHF sees snrnnasrsnene PROV. Laas | G NOV, 18 lien' pron vial Ax 8 VITAMINS | Including A, C, D and By2 In Candy form | | DELICIOUS WILD CHERRY FLAVOUR Vie Pops + + «+ the naw, modem way to give | ol vitamin for growth and d health, Vite: Faps contain amounts of 8 Vitaming In the glittering feminine world of fashion, BERNINA does everything ++ + automatically, Bernina brings all the glamour and elegant fashion of Paris, Rome and New York into your own home. It does every possible sowing job--from buttonholes to all the varieties of 2 and 8 needle embroidery --from monograms to the most perfect blind stitching... just at the touch of your finger, Get fashion-wise Bernina, ..a master piece of Swiss craftsmanship. starts as low as $109.00 Ask your NECCHI-BERNINA dealer for a free home demonstration, NEGCHI SEWING MACHINES (CANADA) LIMITED Mentreal, Toronto, Vancouver nd B12 In delidon WHD 1 40 plessant 10 take 4 00 good for your children [ © Roch hid ness CW only one Vite-Pep a day! |'s Weeks! / $2 50 . ° SUPPLY al your druggint Vita:-Pops "with children they're tops" For Your NECCHI BERNINA Soles and Service COMMUNITY FURNITURE STORE These Sewnlg Machines are on display==Drep in far Demenstrailon 19 PRINCE ST, RA 8-1131 (Across from Gioy Coach Bus Station) HENRY K, WAMPOLE & COMPANY LTD, PERTH, ONTARI® DRUGS KING ST, RA 3.4621 Get Your NECCHI Machine at HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA) LIMITED OSHAWA 90 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH---RA 5.5332