THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 38, 1959 16 In TAPIA TrANSIion $0 Some: (Volumes on The CTusaaes--Miss| (force fer they Are MATTIea DUL| MAGINITAE C, ©, Bick said] AOUSEROLD GAS CHEAVER 10 mos------ -- [ting we cannot foretell, MacCallum liken Uptoning to mu Policewomen May (must leave when motherhood ap.|!8ck of supervision of children! A large is Sada i en] CLAYDON, ns (CP) = Gas " "Half a century ago (things ne or walking in the Gatineau) Marr and Remain, proaches. (was a cause of Juvenile erime be turned into a decorative stor- cookers are to be Installed at & Traveller in M. East Counsels [re ug uses Foe, he yo | ary Foe Chit aman iaeey "le 485 elena i lr ps by ovr ew shal. Ue Bull, my " {fact has been grasped that' hu-| An enthusiastic gardener, she, TORONTO (CP)-The Metro dy a James Ackey should resign to look after their with adhesive-backed plastic in{munity, because the cost of cook~ . ' {man beings can modify their own regards Uxbridge, Ont, as her politan Toronto Police Commis hd, to ho 2 2 at ry was children rather than remain onlyour choice of colors and pat-|ing & meal by gas is cheaper Silence Rather Than Headlines; isi, fi aru sess is eran' vm, 6c had ln "Gc urs 5 35." i wise st sleeve rn nt ily less subject to disease and mis-|\country residence there before thelicewomen may remain on the| 1® Awked that policewomen get S-------------- EI By ALAN HARVEY served in Greece and Lebanon, fortune, and looks forward to|Becond World War and fondly 1e:| wt eee" | DETMiASION to remain on the force s| further betterment, calls her 16 fruit trees, after they marry as a safeguard Canadian Press Bist! Writer (She went to Beirut in 1064 as Two brothers, now dead, worked|against the possibility of thel : counsellor and oted tol "This Is a tremendous change,| Religion and public service are ' ' le posstlility of thelr OTTAWA (CP) -- If you 18v0% charge d'affaires becoming the|and it has An accumulating mo. her family's main themes, a universities and Bible societies, imarrying "an undesirable" man. grandinther preached in Gaelic | fhe long view in International Alf ei" woman head of mission mentum," fadrs Elizabeth in the Glengarry, Ont, chureh of | , ry to though not technically accredited , MacCallum, Songh x y IMPORTANT REAEARSH " Sovelist Raith andor. Mev, Jathar world authority on the Mid Oita | A "well of ignorance" Is beingithe late ¥reder! peCallum, ; £7 she sees today's head. Bhi wih With the histor: torn away, Archaeologists are(was a lifelong missionary and her bh i G ANTI C EVER \ D A i OPEN r mother, the former Mima Reid, in # chastening per-|ihe deps 's 'memory' constantly discovering new facts | tive, he the po wri and yet shout one of the cradles of clv-|is a Methodist minister's daugh-| . From 1043 to 1047, this reall about her, lization, Wistorical statements ter, f once considered gospel truth are| Her sisters, Mrs. £. M, Laird, , markable Canadian was the © Asked what she considers the ont's sole expert on the 1d. | most interesting current general. being proved false, now in Lebanon, and Mrs, Fran. East, Here is her advice; ation bout the Middle East, Whe Jot Dried oi ool. bes Stoner of Jn Angeles. ! PUBLI c "Outsiders should adopt replied: perhaps Dr, Kenyon's Digging Up|formerly 'oronto, are active) I Ou a 8 'The pace of events, The area'Jericho or one of, Runciman's'in social and educational work, (Clearance f PRICES tude of assion, understand and qu observation, A pr frisndh silence may often ' d o wisest course," : URGES PATIENCE 0 p F Thursday, Fridey, Seturdey Only --- Thurs, & Sot, till 7 p.m., Fel, till 9 pm, arises or coups d' | i vveyt ovis ¥ Aran n a BN | Double Guarantee Oshawa Discount Credit Plan "It may be that we at! 1 IR 8 TJ | | w/; Everything sold ot Oshawa Discount House Is Credit Is sosy of Oshawa Discount House | J an excessive importance to day- | i oor back In time. ings 100k 3 C USTOM (of V1 § M EA TS guaranteed by Oshawa Discount House end You can hove your desired purchases for ey s back in time, things look Is guaranteed by the monufacturer, Wa fee little os Qliorent, Reading and r ing, : $ by the manitoc $ Yea. ere is borne in on one an ap- | i ture oll nationally edvertised, nome bra RA B 1244 3 | I merchandise, at wholesole prices to the 10% down, 1.00 per weak eciation of, the blood that has 272 ALBERT $7 we Ag id dog pi Hin WANE Sl tenia vary aakaopy shout WHEN QUALITY COUNTS Mc lar PHILLIPS TR, 11 DUAL TRACK SUNBEAM FEATHERWRIGHT C TAPE RECORDER DRY IRONS the hatreds of today, but. those atreds have heen expres n the past in a much more devas. COUNT ON UR MEA i 4 Wh on "124 95 Retell 13.50 ~~ Wholessle 9.20 | olesaie ' wt, dU Our Price 7.77 women with monte mi] @ Meet Specials Thursday Only © | RANGES lo Pmt DELUXE FLEXIBLE CAM | elear blue eyes and a friendly manner, Elizabeth Pauline Mac- LIGHT BARS M2 FLASH BULBS Callum was born 63 years ago in Marash, Turkey, the bookish mas | m, hel aor om 3 Fresh Grade 'A' BOILING FOWL .. 25° | | ® i ism | onal he dete arth 0 DIRECT FROM OUR OWN FLOCK REFRIGERATORS whoLesaLe 6.99 mis week | doz. 69e young girl's imagination and pro- Nded 4 tiring point 6 Sue Lis FREEZER SPECIAL 1 GUARD TIRES, 670-16, 600-186, rel. 14.96, our price 12.49 Joh "oman PORK WHOLE HALF CARCASS 032° | L NBEAM iki FREETERS | HEATING PADS | MIXMASTER "We were camping in the Retell 57.50 mountains, and pitched our tent the i Retell 8.95 -- Wholesale 6.18 Wholesale 39.50 ancient cedar trees emong 5 These hoard sbi aie. SPECIAL reduced to unbelievable : Our Price 5.49 LEV do. dhe bay bom i Extra Special ! Thursday 6-9 p.m. Our Price 79.95 . | Discounted to 22.90 yo, opi Sue | | presser ammnmnsnnsonmonnnnnn - fizz | No.l CREAMERY BUTTER | | H 0 ME Eva gi si tal Ib. 49: | Lad | APPLIANCES | ~onurwa nienn a. ant 5" a = WITH EACH MEAT PURCHASE (Oshewal 112, 0S i AWA DISCOUNT HOUSE "In a sountry without represen. tative vations, #8 Turkey then was, hig Stmosphare i Shangs i ; and the parliamentary democracy were extremely stim- gonuine savings slating." Tussdey Naght "TOPS" Club evry BAKING CANDY APRONS Bake Sale Starts Seturdey 1:90 pm, ® OPEN THURS. NITE TILL 9 PM. @ Ra 35-5382 | 290 ALBERT (Between Gibb end Olive) RA 8-031 | - ¥ y ond, Miss MacCallum has OUR FAMOUS YEARLY EVENT THAT BRINGS YOU NATIONALLY-ADVERTISED ITEMS AT GREAT SAVINGS! A STORE-WIDE SENSATION! EVERYTHING DRASTICALLY REDUCED! TTI] 10% to 50% DISCOUNT SALE of 8 un DON'T WAIT! DON'T DELAY! HORWICH EASY CREDIT TERMS A WoPrNG CINTA 405 on APPLIES TO YOUR PURCHASE! ® OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE---RA 5.8843 o ® 20 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH---RA 3.7133 o CARRYING CHARGES DIAMONDS WATCHES RINGS SILVERWARE ALL NATIONALLY ADVERTISED WATCHES . SUGAR & CREAM WITH TRAY mond Wadding bands. All-risk Guarantee ond GRUEN © BULOVA © OMEGA © ROLEX Rings of every description--for women and for men 3.9 ELGIN e BENRUS SOILED SILVERWARE CHEST _ le ta wa 20% to 50% OFF! 4.95 25% to 50% OFF! 10% to 50% OFF! fove wn aie Sin line ot. Sienr Habu: ind LUGGAGE CHINAWARE Costume JEWELLERY TABLE LAMPS Our entire famous collection -- Bone Chine ond Glassware ROM hi a 10% to 50% OFF! CAMERAS Everything in stock including our finest hand.set 1 59, to 50% OF F! 1 0% to 5 5 % 0 F F! Harwich Pasture Camplte Lines of o Kedek * Eumig ® Poloreld sreationt 10% TO 25% OFF! 04 ™"" EMO) oo = 25% 50% Of | = CRYSTALWARE=: 203% OR C 1.00 Down Opens Your Account | Sik Joke re SRM You! ST. 8, | RA 5.8843 RA 3.7133 Our entire stock of fine Diamond Rings and Die --------------------------------