MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL [oetemiaod alse of commanity|" No, 1. dou, think Tve ever |service--are difficult, to the per-quoted H, L, Mencken in matters Wistful Spinster Needs More Than Call to Good Works Dear Mary Haworth: The #pin- that there are other things In life happiness ster (January 1) who asks art-{than food-freedom to iravel, for but rather the special and con: )atterday editions of Mencken: son whose approach to every as-|relating to love and-or marriage, sociation Is still self-centered and because this field was not his {would-be self-serving, forte, He was a refreshing lcon- From the Christian view, the oxiant in his early editorship of i the American Mercury -- makin sterling value of marriage n't port of "the boobus Manin (never guaranteed); canus'" and his sacred cows, But £4 Jossly if she has missed every- example! But Is that relevant? ,. !tinuing opportunities to exercise jana, in my opialon, yield little ; thing by not being married needs! your piaintive discovery that [0)th, hope and charity In deal worth remembering. M. H, WIFE PRESER more than exhortations to good works, | ' {Hed She meeds to realize that the that you weren't very well pre- Corinthians 13 ed for the assignment when sertation which reveals that char- or personal Interview, Write her soften baked-on - stains, making drama has in mind Is and doesn't square with the facts, | marriage Is a discipline suggests| iio iar way.of-life, Remember 1| "Marriage," which she PAT ' dream-stuff only, you undertook it. Certainly the'ity, perfected, Is the key to the'in care of this newspaper ing with the trials of this par. Mary Haworth counsels them easy to remove, A shallow dish of ammonia left $t. Paul's dis. through her column, not by mall | overnight in your closed oven will | in all probability has it), But if 1 "have it made" and stil] can see that being single has advantages perhaps this spinster won't feel so deprived, The greatest single penalty in| marriage is that it pours one into] 8 mold. Any good wife is in the| tradition of Caesar's wife, really Ahe things she might want to do have to be pruned fo a eon ventional pattern. ("Not only ahove reproach, but above sus- r ""), Maybe she doesn't like idle, time - wasting "ineighborliness.'" So she has to participate anyway, ISN'T IDEAL Perhaps she finds PTA, Garden Clubs, Citizens' Associations, Cub Seouls, ete, Are A frustrating bore, It doesn't matter how she personally feels about it; she has to join, at least, and even attend meetings some times She has to make a pleasan! cheerful home, hand her hushand a lot of palaver, soothe the chil dren, keep everybody's ego healthy and perky, In short being a wife is being the servant of others' contentment and-or con venience, And this is no ideal set up for a "foner' If by loner is meant independent thinking, su perior women, (Didn't you quote H, 1. Mencken as saying so, Miss Haworth?) Many unmarried persons eal their hearts out because they feel cheated; but if they have any objections to single life, ean't they remember: "He travels fast est who travels alone?" R.V, SPINSTER'S PITCH Dear R, V.: In a sense you are telling the spinster "Marriage tsn't all cake--as much as you want." (You had thought It was?) But it never ocurred to me that she had any such notlon Rather 1 felt that she equates marriage with good plain bread to satisfy the hunger of lone \iness; that she visloned normal fulfiliment as a woman wife Hood, motherhood, domestic| teamwork, social partnership; | the emotional security and sup-| of intimate involvement in other lives that complement her own In your attempt to console the spinster (or to let off steam about | your discontents) you offer her | stones Instead of nourishment, | Your comments are singularly 1acking in empathy which Is the uality of being able, imagina vely, to put yourself in another's lace, In experiencing' his pro- | em. JG COMMENT 1 Figuratively, you speak as a habitually well fed, trying to assure a half-starved neighbor SPECIAL this week only at Hana ... | Cp WINTER, FUN / BW go Ww * [from = PICTURES eg | ol . ad -- [2 dy top in of / h 4 oy for Kodok cameras and Alm With Starflash Camera in your choice of colors Everything needed for day-and. night snapshooting, Brownie Starflash Camera that takes Eke tachrome color slides as well as black-and-white and Kodacolor snaps, Builtin Masholder, Plus botteries, fashbulbs, Verichrome Pan Film, instructions, Camera In choice of colors coral red, thy fine blue, alpine white, jet black, FREE your fist roll of Ekta. chrome Him (reg. 1.50) for making full color slides of your winter fun, The complete Starflash outfit 1 95 The 1.50 Ektachrome Him FREE RA.3-4621 | 1 speak as a happily married woman with a faithful provident 4 husband and two derful chil- dren (as. the phrase invariably SPORTSWEAR LID. 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