---- a ---------- 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Jonuery 28, 1959 FOR BETTER HEALTH Plenty of Fresh Air Prescribed for Baby tried for determining When an rs, Y {CORRECT WEIGHT | I don't recommend taking a baby outside before he reaches 8 weight of at least eight pounds and then only If the temperature is 60 degrees or above, Once he reaches 10 pounds, he can be taken out for several hours a day, providing the tem- perature Is above freezing and it tsn't windy or rainy. HERMAN N, BUNDESEN, MD experience throughout the north) oo oPERLY DRESSED Bables need fresh air and sun-lern part of the nation at this Hine sven in our chilly winter time of year improves the appe- So don't keep your fot securely|tites of youngsters, heightens weather if they are k sunny, sheltered spot a are properly dressed, locked inside the house these thelr vitality and puts color In gays In the belief that you are their cheeks, protecting him, Actually, you are| Of course you ean't Just toss Bables 12-pounds and over can out even in sub fovsing na if they Usually, the best time for tak- foing him a disservice, Its appe-|the tot outside without any fore-|ing the baby out is between ten lite Is likely to become sluggish, thought or prephration. bis complexion pasty, | For one thing, there Is a HEIGHTENS VITALITY am, and two p.m Outdoor gear includes wind: welght-temperature formula thatiproof snow sulls over regular mucous material The cool, brisk weather wells generally accepted by pedia-\indoor clothing, caps that pro-| pharynx, and a cough. tect the ears, mittens, socks and shoes, I suggest a couple of other precautions, too, In cold weather you must protect infants and toddlers from the discomforts of running noses and drooling, Application of petroleum around the nostrils will help them from becoming sore, Rubbing more jelly on the cheeks will prevent chapping, And a little lip lotion on the lips will keep them from becom- ing dry snd chapped, QUESTION AND ANSWER M., J.: What are the symploms of a post-nasal drip? Is It related to sinus trouble? Answer: Post - nasal drip Is closely related to sinus trouble, The chief symptoms of post-nasal drip are the constant dripping eof : into the Money Saving SPECIALS! HALO SHAMPOO TWO 98 | TWO 1,D.A, Brand ~~ Reglarly 20s, 30¢, 50s HYDROGEN PEROXIDE . NOXZEMA ¢ Reg. 63c size COLGATE DENTAL CREAM SKIN CREAM plus 1.25 HINDS Honey and Almond CREAM Reg 65¢c ., Reg, 65¢ 2 CAKES PALMOLIVE SOAP 63¢ 43s, 87¢ Richard Hudnut EGG CREME SHAMPOO Giant 10-02 size 1.D.A, BRAND MINERAL OIL Reglar 6%9¢ tube BRYLCREEM plus FREE POCKET COMB 69¢ 1.D.A, BRAND SHAVING CREAM CUTEX HAND CREAM Regular 5%5¢, 1,10 1.25 value Regular 49¢ tube 39¢ ROLIT Lotion Deodorant Regular 1.08 value Regular 98e Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service 'DA: DRUG STORES SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK! Don't get cought In the DARK == stock up with SYLVANIA | LIGHT BULBS 25, 40, 60-wott 100 watt Best friend your nose ever had becouse It's Melobonded for WET STRENGTH wee In Pink Box 2 for 43¢c M AN SIZE 33¢, 2 for 65¢ EVELYN HOWARD HAND end BODY LOTION peratirating ection Ne after-film, Leaves skin 1.00 Poop sticky VELVET SMOOTH, Pounce queers bottle 33¢ FRUIT-A-TIVES "The Quality Laxative" Contains Fresh Fruit Extrect, Nature's Herbs, Vita min 81 63° MACDONALD'S EXPORT Plain or Filter Tips 20's Family Peckeoge 25's 4c Canada's Finest Cigarette © WILDROOT OREAM-OIL Relieves dryness, Grooms the Hair. Removes loose dandruff 43c 73¢ 98¢ 1.23 YOU GET 1. Quality 2, Quantity Baby Cough Syrup Children's Cough Syrup 60¢ Boracle Ald Cherry Cough Syrup [1] 3. Low Price J AY vAL a-WIN DA, BRANDS © ABS & C. Teblen Arometie Coscare .,..,, ond Wine , 20¢, 30¢, 45¢ Spirit Campher Bronchide Bronchide CAPSULES 1.25 59¢ COLD Bronchide CHEST RUB Idaphedrin NASAL DROPS. 65¢ Spray... 95 Cod Liver Oll Cold Cream Soap 2 for 29, 6 for 85¢ Cre-O-Tone Flaxseed (whole) ........... Cod Liver 40¢ Glycerine and Rose Water 4% Friar's Balsam Health Soin Oil Capsules Bosom SOM «22s nrsvs "Bavi-Glom" FLOOR WAX 11b., 59¢ TOILET TISSUE 2 for 27¢ 12 Inches WAX PAPER 100-1t, roll PAPER NAPKINS 18¢, 2/35¢ wide Halibut Liver Oil Capaules Idamalt , 79, 1.29, 2.29 Idasel Tablets 39%, 8% Idol-Agar 90¢, 1.09 75¢, 1.9% Socehorin Tablets V4 4h iv sinrsissnrirnns Bah cininniinninnnnes Idaphos Stomach Powder Karn's 28 King East RA 3.4621 Jamieson's 241 King East RA 5.1169 | Spot. Remover Tincture lodine (24%) .... Powell's 3514 Simcoe North RA 5.4734 18, 229, 420 40¢, 75¢ Smooth Shave Stigk Deodorant 1.25 After Shave Lotion 1.35, 2,00 Shampoo vo 1 0 Hair Greem Tene ,... Spray Deodorant Richard Hudnut EGG CREME SHAMPOO Gives hair radiance ond softness Scr 1,25, 2.00 Good Grooming Starts With Ot Spice Ks ases 20¢, 55¢, 7% Tas aas 23¢, 63¢, ¢ HOT WATER BOTTLES DEPENDABLE 2.39 UTIuITY 1.98 9 Simcoe North RA 3.3431 McCordick's 128 Wilson Road South RA 5-8711 TEXTILE MILL CLEARANCE LTD. 75 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-1611 MID-WINTER CLEARANCE SALE STARTS TOMORROW -THURSDAY-9 A.M. SPECIALS! 10 A.M. THURSDAY SPECIAL FLANNELETTES SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE - 31.00 45: | 1.49 » TOTAL COST o DRAPERIES INCLUDING THE FINEST SATEEN LINING! 2 P.M. THURSDAY SPECIAL 48" FORTISAN DRAPERIES Regular values up to 2.98 yard, 9 AM. THURSDAY SPECIAL 36" TUBFAST BROADCLOTH Six shades, YOUR DRAPES MADE Plus free steel drapery track with RANGE 3.98 _RANGE |2 Width | 3 Widths | 4 Widths | 5 Width | 6 Widths | 7 Widths | 8 Widths | 9 Widths | 10 Widths | 4 Track | 6' Track | 8' Track | 10' Track [12' Track | 14' Track | 16' Track | 18' Track | 20' Track $26 | $39 | $62 | $65 $78 | $91 $104 $117 $130 $32 | $48 | $64 | $80 | $96 | $112 $128 $144 | 5160 TT -- TE ® NOTE: These prices include making, lining, track, hooks, weights and measuring, Installation optional, Budget terms If desired, ® DRAPES are custom made to your Individual requirements under expert supervise the purchase of material 2.98 and lon to assure you the very finest In workmanship, . up in stock. Minimum !-r~th 72" ® Choose from Fortisans, Abstracts, Florals, Scenics, Moderns, @ Sample lengths displayed in your home, Our decorators will be pleased to display long. samples in your home day or evening, No obligation of course. 5000 YARDS OF 36-42" BETTER DRESS FABRICS In all colors and designs. Regular values up to 2.98 yard. Sale Price QDR yd. 36" PINWALE CORDUROY All Colors 36" WASHABLE COTTON SALE PRICE P R t T 5 SALE PRICE 1.59 yd. 44: yd. 88: yd. 36" DAN RIVER Sale Price GINGHAMS 89: .. 54° WOOLENS pL. TWEEDS, FLANNELS, CHECKS, NOVELTIES, 2.49 yd. TEXTILE MILL CLEARANCE =» 75 SIMCOE ST. NORTH DOWNTOWN OSHAWA "OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M." 54.60" CELANESE SPRING SUITINGS All colors.