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The Oshawa Times, 28 Jan 1959, p. 15

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13 BASEBALLER WILL APPEAL SAN JUAN (AP) ~ Orlande Cepeda, tirst baseman for Puerto Rico's Santurce club and for the San Franeisco Giants, said Tues day he would appeal for a hear- ing from Puerto Rican League resident Carlos Garcia Noceds efore a $200 fine levied against him Is made final, Cepeda wos THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednsadey, Jenvery 28, 1989 Ontario Major Bowlers UAW Hockey Loop Sets Playoff Dates 'Organize New League A very important meeting of|pating clubs, with total pin-fall, ce Major league bowlers was held | determining the uitimate winner, siamo Beales Sisiusced ne jis the Royal Connaught Hotel, while the Oshawa Major finals last night, at an executive 5 Hamilton, over the past week-end. |1eague does mot qualify under meeting at the Union Hall, Included in the meeting wereiine present set-up, the Oshawa Tony's Refreshments, who fin-fined and charged with assault delegates from the Toronto City| delegates were invited to this ished In first place, will tangle and released in $500 bond after a Major League, Niagara Peninsula meeting with the thought in mind with Hoy Paving in a best-of (riot halted Sunday's playolf game Major League, Kiichener-Water-|that possibly a league of nature three Series "A' semi-finals at at Mayaguez in the eighth inning, loo-Galt-Woodstock etc., known 88| mentioned, could be organized,|10. a.m, this Sunday morning at|Cepeda threw a ball at the stands the Inter-County Major League, for the next annual event, the Bowmanville Arena, In Series after fans had showered him with and representatives from Osha:| 1n order to qualify, a Major|B", Les Maddock's White Rose|fruit and bottles, wa, be organized con- opened defence of their cham. = A new organization was form-| Ipionship at 1130 am. inst '|ed, known as The Ontario Major whithy Cobourg .|third-place finishing Belko Redy-| Bowling Association and the main} , ete, with one or two Mix. I * |objective of this new body will be, |ciube from any of these commun.| The winner of Series "A" and GETTING HOCKEY SCORES AND STANDINGS OHA-NOHA Senior A Old Country Football May Close In January ; By M. McINTYRE HOOD [castle's ground by 4 to 1, and put X Special to The Oshawa Times |them out of the cup, Derby Coun- made Preston North End play Simcoe Hall Minor Basketball Action MAJOR LEAGUE In the lowest scoring Major League game of the season On-| LONDON - Disruption of the! tario Steel "A's" continued to set United Kingdom soccer football | #X4r8 time before folog dows 19 the pace in the league as they schedules for the last two or three Albi el a es tn po whipped the tall end Jaycee weeks, because of the weather 8 Sued Jo Sop Shetfield Rockets 38-30, creating Impossible playing condi Socom on Y Ther il face This was a close game at all|tions, has resulted in an outbreak ednes iA bd a les oe times with the "A's" moved|of ideas and suggestions for cop-||TC FOURC BATON CRAESTAC KU ahead 19-12 at the halfway mark ing with the unpredictable climate 0 momen olayt ng. 3 yh and remained in the lead through of this country. et a aa - ying 3 pug iden out the sec alf to gain their 'aking a prominent place in the, ' 2 victory, suggestions is one that football © drawn games, in mid-week. ONTARIO STEEL "A's"--Paul should be entirely discontinued BITS AND PIECES -- Ian Gerd Goldstein, 13; Gil Graham, seven;{during the month of January, and ner of Motherwell, has been trang George Fuller, 10; Chuck Tuscon, the season extended to include! ferred to Raith Rovers for 8 2000 three: Dave Kelly, five; Total 38. the month of June. That Idea has pounds fee, to help the Rovers ROCKETS -- Barry Appleby, many supporters and one Scot-|in their struggle to avoid relega-| 10; Paul. Edmondson, two; Tony tish football critic, writing inition , . , Dundee and Aberdeen Stergen, one; Greg Milosh, five; "The Scotsman' goes the whole managers indulged in a merry Ernie Mills, three; Bill Miklas, (hog, and suggests evening week-race to secure the signature of nine; Total 30. night matches in July. ABilly McMillan, a mucth-faneied W L Pis.|CHANGE CUP DATES Claht nlf & a omer Him Dalry Thistle. 8 1 10 Some of the English erities do 3 3 6not go quite so far as that, but| Ville Thornton located Jim in a Mundinger 2 3 4lare suggesting that in drafting] Jaycee Rockets 18 2the sched for next no, Games this Saturday, Jan 31: (cup tle rounds be played in Jan- MINOR LEAGUE -- 10 a.m. uary. Normally, there is a long Firefighters Assoc. vs Police As- ap between the semi-final and soc, and 11 a.m Bolahood Sports|final games, This year, the semi. finals will be played on March 14 and the final- at Wembley on May 3. It Is pointed out that this Tonight's Games Chatham at Kitchener Windsor at Sudbury Eastern OHA Ben! WL Belleville Whitby Hull-Ottawa Kingston Cornwall 4 Tuesday's Result Hull-Ottawa 2 Belleville 6 Thursday's Game Hull-Ottaws at Cornwall OHA Junior A . WLT F APis 30 6 3186 119 63 23 14 4 189 122 50 16:15 5 120 119 43 15 12 12 153 149 42 1321 6119 133 32 Marlboros 1223 6 109 169 30 Hamilton 624 8109 154 20 xIncludes three 4-point wins, Tuesday's Result Hamilton 8 St. Catharines 4 0. 0 game point series will see 8t. John Cadets meeting Parts and Ser- vice while Centre: Street Cubs tackle Bill's Badgers, In Saturday morning's play, Parts and Bervice romped decicive 27-10 victory over the St. John Cadets while in other eontest Jaycee Whites the #0asoR on & winning note by whip- ping the Centre Street Cubs by a 177 score, FINAL LEAGUE STANDINGS WL Pts. Ontario Steel "A's" Ontario Steel "B's" St. Cath, him there pete xSt. Mike's Guelph Barrie i} Jaycee Whites Parts and Service Centre Street Cubs vs CKLB 8t. John Cadets MAJOR LEAGUE -- 12 noon, Bill's Badgers Ontario Steel "B's" vs Munding- |of each of the leagues affiliated pioneers of this movement, John ship. i with. the association | of St, Catharines, C. W. ELLIOT GETS RECORD YOUR Major League must be & travel- noted for their abliity to organ- and field bosses agreed Tuesday Ri ling league, cousisting of clubs ise These fetiows will make if & that Herb Elliot of Australia ran| ouTF sucess. British record, It previously had] and perfectly been recognized as a world ree- fitted to you! City Major League which is con- a] three contributed ducting scheduled league Downy discussion which took place de- es tion, For the first year, the roll-off In order to qualify for member-| of Simcoe and Fred Pe. LONDON (AP) -- British track from at least six différent munici- \ a mile in 8 minutes, 55.4 seconds| A garments The Oshawa delegates who at- in seven different bowl spite the fact that they held no i , p14 voting power, ( 7 Further details should be avall- WHITBY able within the next two or three LICENCE BUREAU I will consist of the champion club to conduct an annual Major roll-|ye, |"B" will clash In a best 3of8}| open off between the champion teams Much eredit should go to the semi - finals for the champion. y ship in the new association, of Toronto, and - being for palities, last August and made the time a/l cleaned, pressed Any Major League operating in|iended were Joo Zak, Lioyd Sa- a city, similar to the Toronto and Alex Donald tablishments, will also qualify for membership in the new associa. weeks and much interest will be shown in this coming attraction Flayolts this Saturday, Jan 81, 00 a.m. Centre Street Cubs L 'Bill's Badgers. | 90 am St John Cadets vs| er. Officials for the morning's play included Walt Bathe and John Matthews, entatives Oshawa "Y's" Men's Club and for of over six weeks could be ridged by moving the third and fourth round games on into Feh- iruary .and March and leaving January free of cup football, Durno's Garage Thursday's Games Michael's at Peterborough Guelph at Hamilton St. Catharines at Barrie from the Toronto City Major League, the champion club from the Inter-County League and the champion club from the Niagara which will take place sometime in April, Open 5 Days Each Week ond Horry Dems Limited | MEN'S WEAR Ltd. 74 SIMCOE N, Beat Juveniles Sunday night at. Bowmanville Arena, Durno"s Garage took the FLU IN BRITAIN Deaths from influenza in Brit Parts and Service MINOR LEAGUR Chuck Debona Peninsula League. til Noon i A 15-game roll-off will be eon- Soturday Un ad RA 3 3611 ducted with five games being League schedules could be made to conform. The one big catch in that is that Western League Saskatoon 4 Winnipeg 0 Two very close games were played in the Minor League with ong upset taking place as Police Association finally won their sec- ond game In 10 starts as they od CKLB 31-28, The Jaycee Blues continue to set the league on fire as they won their ninth game In 10 contests by edging Bolahood Sportshaven 26. This was a close game all the way with the Jaycees hold- ing » slim 21.16 lead at the half wpy mark, BLUES -- Carlos Felix; Stan Dalidowicz, 17; Kelth Hooey, one; Walt Rebot; Jerry Bourdage, four; Oley Skotchko, five; Marcel Boivin, six; Total 33. Spertshaven -- Walt Drozdibeb, Ene; Ted Monchesky, four; Ben ng, Debona, 11: Merle Cole; Saramak. Total 28, SECOND GAME Police Association played their host ina of the Jobson 4 they Tony . Early Wynn Signs . Chicago Contract CHICAGO (AP)~Three pltch- ers, Including veteran Early Wynn, today joined Chicago | White Sox for 1959. The Sox have 15 plavers signed of 29 on the roster. Wynn, 14-16 last year, took a slight pay cut, Others signed were lefty Rudolfo Arias, 7-7 for Havana, and Hal Trosky, 11-8 for Colorado Springs. February, over here, is lable to|measure of th: Oshawa Juveniles produce just as bad wintry weath-|by the score of 9 to 4, This was er as January. So It is not likely|a good fast and rough game, Calgary 6 Spokane 2 Sedttle 4 Victoria 1 ain in 1958 totalled 2,702, eom- rolled In each city of the partici-' pared with 6,942 in 1957, / that anything will be done alongwith referees Ivan Locke and this line, Mel Suddard handing out 2 yeu ¥ altles. For the winners, the o DEVICES PROPOSED man's line of Shetler, Kilpatrick, We are also reading of a flood |p Myles had a real night, shar- of ideas for protecting pltches|; "1g points hetween them along from frost and snow, The device with R, Plancke and D. Price of underground electric wires, nicking up three points aplece.! successfully used by Everton, is 'rhe Juveniles' best was big Nich! being Investigated by a number of giiehen with two goals and Butler ~-- Suggestions, other clubs, But there are other ,iso Mapes getting one each. 1st Period 1. Durno's, D. Price, unassisted. 2. Durno's, Plancke, Shetler, | A plastic manufacturer under-| takes to provide a plastic tent | two; Walt Kurhan, Chuck] REMEMBER WHEN ? . . ts By THE CANADIAN PRESS to cover grounds completely, with : {the tent a foot or 18 inches from Winnipeg Monarchs won the (he ground, and with hot alr fed| world amateur hockey champlon-| nto it during spells of snow. This ship 24 years ago today at Da-| device, he claims, would be effec vos, Switzerland, by beating Swit-| tive and would cost only about zerland 4-2 in the final. The Cana-|one.fifth of what Everton's elec-| dians were undefeated In seven tric installation costs. Another| games, retaining the title won for|idea is that the grounds could Canada in 1904 by the Saskatoon be protected at small cost by cov- ] 4 8. 6 Myles. tnd Period . Durno's, M'Tavish, Kilpatrick, Hughes. , Durno's, Lack, Durno's, Kilpatrick, Shetler, Myles. , Juveniles, dleton, Mills, Price. Nicholishen, Mid. Quakers, ined a elose 31-38 decis! m The Police team seem to have found that they too can play as a team and not individuals and this| teamwork really paid off as they won their second game of the sea- POLICE . Larry Jacula, four; Lowell Harrison, two: Dan Pe. ters, seven; Terry Le Blanc; Ken HOAD BEATS SEGURA PERTH, Australia (AP)---Lew Hoad defeated Pancho Segura 2, 6-2 Tuesday night In the first match of a four-night $14,000 pro- fessional tennis tournament, Frank Sedgman trimmed Mervyn Rose 7-8, 62, In another singles match while Ashley Cooper and ering them completely with a foot| » Ry fipatrick, of straw during wintry spells and removing it Just before the games, This Is done with good effect by one of the leading Welsh rugby football clubs, and it fis inexpensive, because the straw can be stacked and used time and again, All of this shows that the spat of cancelled games, on account of unplayable grounds, has really Mules, Price, Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick, ble. A fuventien, Nicholishen, Fro- lek, . SHOP AT DUNN'S EESESEENE USE YOUR CREDIT [EEN E MONTHS TO PAY DOLLAR SALE [«} ph ENDS JAN. 31 THURSDAY, FRIDAY "vw 0 > ~ LAST 3 DAYS Men's Top Quality and SATURDAY Segura eliminated Pancho Gon- rales and Ken Rosewall, 2.6, 6-3, 84 in the doubles. aroused Interest In methods to| prevent this occurring every win. ter, PROGRESS IN CUP Progress has been made In Rickey. Marels Esmits, eight; ef Mllosh, 10; Total 31. «Lawrence Burke; a ety, a Jim A : Harry 1 ; Jim Dulny, three; To fk, 11. Total 28, WL Ph 18 3. Juveniles, Mapes, unassisted, DURNO'S GARAGE -- Goa), Wiltshire; def., Hughes, Me'Tav- ish, Plancke, Baker; forwards, Shetler, Kilpatrick, , Lack, cleaning up the postponed Eng- Cole, Brown, Price, s, and lish Cup games and the way is Olesuk now clear to run off the fourth) JUVENILES Goal, Moreden, round without Interfering any|Bobble, Sarochyn, Sneddon, further with the League schedule. Mapes, Butler, Porteous, Middle-| Newcastle received a bitter blow/'on, Nicholishen, Frolick, West- when the lowly pensioners from fall, Wright, Naperkowski, Sad. 'Chelsea beat them on New. owski, Colvin, | ---- LONGDEN WINS §,350th ARCADIA, Calif, (AP)--Johnny den of Tabor, Alta., rode the 8, winner of his career Tues- day. He won it In the sixth race at Santa Anita aboard the favor- ite, The Searcher, Earlier, he took the third race on a first time {starter, Pleyed, trained by his 4'son, Vance. SUIT Trim new styling . . . rich worsted fabrics Spaciany purchased end exeep- tionally low priced for Dunn's of Oshawa. Featuring handsome single breest- ed, two or three-button models in the latest styles for men and young men. Carefully and meticulously tailored by one of the leading manufacturers + + + tailored to add a note of distinction to any man's appearance , . , In sizes to fit men and young men 33 te 52, regular, short, tell and hard-te-fit stouts, ECONOMY RANGE DELUXE RANGE DXTRA SUIT SAVE 59.50 1.00 58.50 79.50 1.00 78.50 HAND GRADE CUSTOM RANGE EXTRA SUIT SAVE 89.50 1.00 88.50 SLACKS Tollorad from the finest inglish end domeetie oll wool yerns, dyed wor steds ond HNenneh In ple 'a' ple, neat, plains, and sparkle tones In grey, blue grey, medium end dark brown end blues, Hook end bar festener sbeve zipper Hy, double pleats, tabs eon back pockets. Sizes 28.44, ° aycee Blues refighters Asses. ae Police Assoc. 1 4 4 13 LJ PLANNING on REDECORATING = SUCH AS= x 4 ~y nf Lo] - R g : : h ; Tiling Floors v Tiling Wallis Modern fwo-but- ton, three-button single breasted ond link models, eilored from the latest fabrics in solid tones, checks, basket 4 weaves, blue, ' brown, navy, grey | end multi splashes, izes 34 to 48. Tolls Harris | included in this group). The finest of English end Canadien workmanship . . oll the latest styles In Bluch- ors, Balmoral end Brogues In both black and brown. AN oizes In widths B-E, EXTRA PAIR SAVE 17.95 1.00 16.95 19.95 1.00 18.95 v Tiling Ceilings ECONOMY EXTRA RANGE PAIR SAVE 9.95 1.00 8.95 CUSTOM EXTRA RANGE PAIR SAVE 1495 1.00 13.95 1795 1.00 16.95 19.95 1.00 18.95 vy New Kitchen Cupboards lo] hy > ~< Cc wn m ~ v Recreation Room PAIR TROUSERS we'290.50 1.00 14.50 aver 39.50 1.00 14.50 RANGE 0 Cc b-] SAVE (a) n Le -y La 3 v > ~ Oo Cc Z Z SHIRTS Stripes, checks and plain . . . all top quality brand name shirts , . dium and large and extra large with long sleeves. 595 100 495 6.95 1.00 5.95 DON'T MISS THESE LAST 3 DAYS 16 SIMCOE ST. S.(OPPOSITE KRESGE'S) Dswyrown SHOP AT DUNN'S [ESSENSE USF YOUR CREDIT EEEEEEEEE MONTHS TO PAY HENRY Over 100 different wall panellings to choose from at . .. Your Redecorating Headquarters OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED 7 PHONES TO SERVE YOU OPEN FRIDAY TIL 9 P.M, TAILORS ~ wn SHOP AT DUNN'S JE USE YOUR CREDIT HM MONTHS TO PAY BEEN SHOP AT DUNN'S BEEN USE YOUR CREDIT EEEEE MONTHS TO PAY FOL weer vous Peon gy Main Office and Showroom COURTICE, RA 8-161) AJAX, ZEnith 2-9600 town Oshawe ST. S.--RA 8.1617 BOWMANYVILLE, MA 3.2130 il Down 84 SIMCOE

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