THI OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Jovnary 38, 1999 7 TELEVISION LOG | CHCHTY Channel 11---Hamiliton CBLA/TV Channel 6-~Toronts WEBWAY Channel T--Buffale WROC/TV Channel S--~Rochester WGRTY Channel 2--~Buffale WBEN/TV Chansel 4~Bufiale WEDNESDAY P.M, i 8 FM fi=Theatre; Sports SRope Around The sun § Vinyhouse 4=Fun Ta learn $-Three Blooges 1b FM S=Chlldren's Newsresl Children s Thastes ae FM T~Mickey Mouse | S-Huckieherry Hound 4=Dinner Date $~Bengal Lancers mn FM, Theatre; News Weather Y=Early Show News Bdet Jackson "PM, b-News Tim MeCoy "worm, SMeel Lorraine S-Leave It To Beaver | 43~Newsi Weather hidh PM A ~News | L ru | ~ 3 pH aFamily Thestre | A="Tabloid BLommentary 4-Mackenzie"s Raiders gHolence Fiction | Ti FM | T=News; Weather erm | 7 Lawrence Walk #-Disney Presents PF #.2-Wagon Train 4~Union Pacifie LU) | Holenve It To Beaver 4 Adventure of | Champion ni VM 118-0One of a Kind 7-Osnie and Harriet 4-Trackdown | 0.3~Pries Is Right ah FM w 1=Youth Looks Up 7-Donna Reed #02-Musio Hall ~The Millionaire "n PM J =Frontier 7 Acoused #5 3-Bal Masterson 4~Du Pont Show woe FM $1-fan Francisco Beat | Je Boxing $- Have Gun Will Travel 100 AM, 8-The Unexpected THUKADAY 00 A 8.8 Todsy Captain Kangaroo on AM $~Burns and Allan dPopeye's _Piayhouss 3-Rumpus Room vie AM, B-District Attorney A"Topyer 8-My Little Margie we AM, 8,3-Doukh Ra Mi &=For Love or Money fv A 8.5 Transure Hunt THURS EVENING bon PM, 1ieThesire; Sports S~Whistislown bike PM, T=4Disney Time 8--Woody Woodpecker S-Huekleberry Hound 4=Dinner Date News S-Metrop, News S-Jefl's Collie ils PM, 61 Married Joss | $=Early News sino FM, Hw AM, T-For The Ladies 8.4-Price Is Right 1 Love Lucy 180 AM T-Petey Lind Hayes 84- Concentration | &=Top Dollar 15.00 NOON 8,0 Tic Tae Dough ArALNSE 1" PM, TPlay Your Huneh 5, 2-1f Could Be You 11~News é-Henrch for Tomorrow mids FP 11=All Star Theatre Guiding Light [C0 4 TLiberace S-Matines b=Maovie 4~Meet The Millers 2-MidDay Matines LIS PM I=Movie Malines Lid PM Our Miss Brooks 1.00 PM Day In Court Jimmy Dean Helen Neville 1% F Musie Binge News Home Cooking Heggin Bag House Farly rPRBBRI wea aa LILLE 4 11,8-Nursery Achool "im ' 11,8=Dougine Fairbank 7-Beat The Clock As The World Turns | 5=The Rifk 43-Newsi Weather (E] MN. 4 -News 700 An h=Family Thastre b=Binte Trooper S-Highway Patrol 718 PM, T=Perspective TH PM, YLaave It To Beaver 41 Love Luey sJefferson Drum an PM, 11.8-Musie Makers Tdorre 82-Hteve Canyon &=Decomber Bride mM | | | | #8=1t Could Be You | | 4=Yaney Dervinger | yn PM, | 1H=OHA Hockey T7-=Pat Boone 6=Wyals Earp | $2 Rehind Closed Doors | 4=Zane Grey Theatre "FM, I v 3 | T=Rough Riders , S-Loretta Young | 4 3=Ford Show 4=Playhouse #0 won FM | ¥=Marry a» Millionaire | 6 Explorations 8.8=You Bet Your Life 10:18 P.M | 118 Playbill ® Here's a golden chance fo really stretch every January food dollar) Switch to DOMINION . . . treat your family fo good oldfashioned foods. You know, those delightfully delicious, extrs whole some foods that made Grandmother famous, Here are foods guaranteed to set your family's appetites atingling . . . foods that represent real honest value, No frills, no fancy stuff, but chock full of nourishment and the kind of flavour that makes every. body tuck right in and then holler for " ds." This week, during January Sale, DOMINION is featuring wonderfully appetizing, yet truly economical foods, Stock up and save! oAVE 13¢--STOCK UP AT THIS PRICE--LYNN VALLEY--STD, ! KING OF ROASTS (SHORT CUT RIB) 11==Norm Marshall nm FM, | p42 Dr Malone 4-Big Payolt | WrM 11, 6. Open House 7-Who De You Trum 5 3-From These Roots 4~Verdiet Is Yours "0 FM 1lBugs Bunny T~American Bandstand | 4 Roundabout For a Dw s Iso Your Life | T-John Daly 20-0Z. TINS 1 8--Close-Up bFiight $-Offieinl Detective PRIME RIB ROAST IDEAL FOR BAKING OR POT ROAST : BRAISING RIBS PEAMEALED (END CUTS BY THE PIECE) BACK BACON MAPLE LEAF (1-LB. PKG.) SKINLESS SAUSAGE KIDNEY PORK PORK LIV LB, GREEN PEAS . . .. . 9+:100 LARGE EGGS .. ... 2x89 DELICIOUS FRUIT--SARONG--CHOICE Bdaek Parr 20-0Z, CR 2 Ting 43: Nova Scotia Fishing Ships SLICED P INEAPPLE a yg Ye Weather) M I Y=Nowsi Weather) Sports News| #poria "ne FM 8043-Newsi Wanther Sports Y=Playhouss #3-Queen ih PM, 4~Berial Viewpoint "er $=Feature Movie S-Aports Reel 11.00 P { (1.8848=News Sports | Y= Playhouse | an PM, $= Viewpoint | b=Feature Movie Sports Rael ne rm, 1) <kne Late Show S=Mystery Theatre Fim Festival | s=Jack Paar 1100 AM | | S=Paris Precined | p-County Fair 4 Fdge of Night Trouble With Father "nme M, 11=The Late Show &-Feature Film * 4=Theatre diss PM Places of Eight 15-0Z, TINS 20-0Z. TINS 10.0Z. JAR 12.02. PKGS, 3 2.18. POLY BAG Treat Your Stomach , With Respect If you're drinking milk "to give it a rest", read how even ulosr sufferers find a normal diet| better! Latest studies show your | stomach thrives on everything edible. February Reader's Digest reporta that your stom- ach is, in fact, a dependable | companion -- emotions permit ting. Get your Reader's Digest today: 42 articles of personal and lasting interest, 16.02, PKG, ACTUALLY MAKES CWIRLDRIN JOY LEARNING + 1 YOLUMES + OVER 2,400 PAOES + OVER 1,000,000 WORDS + OVER 7,500 MAL COLOUR RIUSTRATIONS PKGS. OF 6 Grandy last season captained! the Arthur J. Lynn, a Nova Sco-| tia schooner that worked Helle Isle Strait in summer and later wen! to the fishing grounds off) the Burin Peninsula Although the schooners still! fish In the old way, with trawls and dories, they are equipped HI-FI PROBLEMS? | See Crown Import : FOR e Service been drawn almost. entirely from, past months were skippered by fishing oraft for severeal years SAVE 5¢--DOWNYFLAKE SWEET---JUICY--EASY TO PEEL Newfoundland, with the exception Newfoundlanders all from the After a stint as captain of one| of captains and engineers, Sum: go "oy of the smaller hoats operating out| POWERHOUSE OF VITAMIN C---DOMINION 99° ONTARIO FANCY GRADE McINTOSH OR ORANGE JUICE 4 SPY APPLES «59° around Cape Pine and Cape St * the 62-ton schooner Joan Ella BASKET UNIT OF THE WEEK CALIFORNIA NO. 1 GREEN PASCAL 25° Mary's, yields good catches | NEW IN CHINA | Mae, last of the Banks' fishing Silver Will { CELERY STALKS < \ 45° | BN POLY BAG 614-0Z, TINS KIDDIES FAVORITE SERVE HOT DOGS WIENERS 45c 23¢c REALLY DELICIOUS TOASTED RICHMELLO BUNS HOT CROSS GENERAL BAKERIES JELLY ROLLS COLOR QUICK PARKAY MARGARINE CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP DOMESTIC SHORTENING BICKS--POLISH STYLE 2. 65° WHOLE DILLS 32.01. ¢ ww 37 CASHMERE WHITE TOILET TISSUES 4.... 49° 4c OFF PACK---CLEANSER 2.31" 1-48, COMET PKG. 3 5 ' PARTY TREAT---CHOCOLATE e PIECE 29 PKG, oF ¢ 29° 55 ai 318 ww 29r TIN JUMBO SIZE 24° 10.L8, ® Advice P. BAG eo Components ® Stereo and Hi-Fi Equipment ® Tape Recorders ® Custom Installations #n important part in the lives of carry 10 to 12 dorles, with from Mummer and fall are gone for; many Newlogndidmiers | St CHICKEN STEW CI I I BB 2 The Nova Scotia schooners plek| eo cioie™ ishing will stil PEANUT BUTTER Nn ® J | fo that of the in Hallfax {wear the same dark blue tunics, | WORLD'S ONLY FULLY ILLUSTRATED, B B NA NA S GREEN P 1987, and Grandy and his crew| NEW CARROTS 2 "c as I REAL VALUE--D.S.L. BLACK Play Important Position | TEA B A BURIN, Nid, (CP)--Nova Bco-|with the latest navigational aids [| | [ i] | | ® many fishermen along Newfound: ag" (o 27 men, Bech mar that 1 Some of the draggers operating 49 CHOICE aver. They're down to a tenth of their crews. While the draggers Cc that number threaten to put the dory-men out SERVE CHILLED--SERVE OFTEN--MITCHELL'S FANCY CHOICE y | h t { | Wiring he winter or early spring 1001 Pee, NOV APPLESAUCE 3 49 PORK HOCKS | n # [| # ¢ ) One young and energetic New | PEIPING (Reuters)--The Mrst foundland skipper who still pre-iy.o0 women traffic cops, with Jrudyra Stagger pecks, have gone on duty In this {s Edward O. Grandy, a native necks, hav | FROZEN FOODS of the small Burin Peninsula capital of Communist China, The 4 PRESENTS SENSATIONAL FRUITS and VEGETABLES BIRDSEYE SURVIVED SINKING |alacks and hats as thelr male col.| Grandy has been in charge of leagues. [ fleet to sall from Burin ports GREEN PE] 1S She sprang a leak during a bllz SAVE 4¢--OCEAN FRESH----BOOTH ab glipiibag Vd lbs. - JUST ARRIVED FROM ISRAEL NO. 1 GRADE--IDEAL FOR BAKING BUNCHES 25¢ CALIFORNIA NO. 1 TENDER GREEN BROC SIZE 14) COLI 29¢ WITH EACH $5.00 IN PURCHASES PKG. OF 8 BUNS OUR GUARANTEE All merchandise sold at your Dominion Store is unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction NIGHT UNTIL A OMINION ~ VALUES EFFECTIVE IN OSHAWA & WHITBY UNTIL SAT., JAN. 31, 1959 Man fishing schooners still play|and are heavily powered. They JUST HEAT AND SERVE--PANTRY SHELF ese vessels visited this area infout of mainland ports also have of business as times goes on, the 1 bel In recent years thelr crews have land draggers that called here ) CHILDREN LOVE IT--TILLY'S DELICIOUS RED BRAND fers the old dory-and-trawl style long black plgtalls down thelr town of Garnish, who now 11ves| no) inewomen, aged 20, 31 and ®» 'Dominion NON Bosey-seviny Ofiw | gard off St. Plerre bank In May, | FILLETS steamer ANOTHER DOMINION FIRST ) CALIFORNIA NO. 1 GARDEN FRESH TENDER FRUIT MN APPIE LARGE BUNCH Before you buy see .,. IMPORT COMPANY 82 SIMCOE NORTH RA 5.8293 RG size { THURSDAY FRIDAY WE REDEEM ALL FOOD STORE COUPONS MALLOWS MARY GAIL---SPONGE TOFFEE