OSHAWA TIMES, W. 1, 1959 . : Notre Dame" 13.45, 8.50, 6.08, HEARTY EATER Senge. He finished off wh 18 ™ ednesday, Jonvery Farming Body I THE ATRE GUIDE 10.06 pm, "Royal African ne DONCASTER, England (cP)--|tard and prunes, a! fles" 2.0, 535, 8.45 pm, Charles Moody, a 204-pound mar-| between courses, He sald he had : : . ia 5% Vr de [OHERNEY'S |-- py " Plaza -- "The W) Truth" 1.35, i Inside Picture of Russia Passes Cattle "ine, ims hae io) "43n 71s So o'yom Ghoti ot ener, ie seve Si, So 4 SHU, is toute Good Used | Hell Broke Loose" 2.20, soul Last complete show 8.45 p.m, ---- » In "Main Street USSR' Resolutions | 2. kins wei Fh tas di Me S EAD SASKATOON (CP)--The Capa-|Brock (Whithy) -- "Decision at HH - dian. Federation of Agriculiore, Sundown' y win. - ony oy Suir Shaws Say ot 106. 340 FIRST OSHAWA SHOWINGS! T Reconditioned What does the future hold for| HISTORY OF HOPE velops in Communist nations and passed several resolutions on pm, also "Violent Playground'| shoo is bm. x Russia and for Sovist jelations Flora Lewis, who is known as Se aind. Suess iy expiens- cattle at its Ihree-day convention 8.35 p.m. Last Jet show show 4 pm. non-communist wor ' ' w, A one of the world's ablest Journal-|\0 "0" Cl from Soviet domi. opened here Tuesday 820 p.m, . & quaint Russian pro- penet Delegates requested the Cana-|Marks -- '"The Hunchback of| Appl Dotes: "There will be/"th has writlen a Tang nation with the return to power of | gian department of agriculture to M d HOUSEWIVES -- : iances way DONT BE -- A CRANK e " street 100," | $0rY of Poland called "A CASE |Waldyslaw Gomulka. extend research on control of saying "every HISTORY OF HOPE" (Double-| History has aiready recorded livestock and poultry diseases, Were told a recent revision of ex | Be" "cpr" "ert pirpp his day' There have|day of Canada Limited), This is|this Polish struggle for greater|and recommended that when vet Press rates Increased costs off : s good many "holidays' onan engrossing story of Poland's|\iberty, but the effects of this|erinarians are scarce, technicl-|transporting purebreds from 1%| Wort on o prasticol . ELECTRIC Russia's street since Stalin's peaceful revolution; movement, great or small, are to|ans under their control be allowed to three times the previous basic | gyginess Training Course and there is reason for the| Despite long oppression and be found in the day-to-day head-|to handle cases of bangs disease rate, | of the RANGETTE ussian to anticipate more, occupation by a foreign power, |lines of the dally press. and tuberculosis, | pris sunvention aad federal al OSHAWA / This preamble 4s from a new Poland has always fought back to| Flora Lewis displays fine| A third resolution requests the be asked to pay compensation on| "Redi-Heot" complet book written by Iving R. Levine obtain its freedom and assert is craftsmanship and a keen insight federal government to facilitate| =o fod wilh pentatio py BUSINESS COLLEGE automatic oven pi Wh -- NBC. commentator who re- sovereignty, The outlook was es into Poland's tragic {reciprocal trade with the United ¢ f EVENING CLASSES . ; plight in this {sume the cost of Inoculation of 9 eelved thousands of letters: from pecially gloomy after the Second gh States so export of Canadian 0 cons RSet ops oD Yusadoy and Tiumdoy 30 os ; ® our of steners ing World War when that country book; her story is ome of hope cattle can continue, i te vader. the Sy labored under Soviet Sy and dedication which should in| The CFA sald it will make BVaHable seri or domestie Evening The Polish people, however, ithe all who believe in freedom, |every effort to have the original | #199 Se of vires to ve spines 111 Simcoe St. 8, 4 especially those on freedom's side rail rates for transport of pure- =" RA 5.3375 book is "MAIN STREET,|that undauntable love of liberty a | ot '|under the Animal Contaglous Dis- aa) % 1 VHA of Canada Which is their trademark, took of the Iron Curtain, 'bred livestock restored. Delegates eases Act. 8 ) UBS! eerste ------------------------------ ' ) and it is a refreshing tome, |advantage of 8 chain of evefits | > Hahly informative and well writ-|following Btalin's death to gain ! ELECTRIC ten to satisfy much of our curi-|® degree of freedom without " osity about modern-day life in breaking from the Soviet Union. 7 FIRST NOTICE -- RANGE A good - looking "Canadian Russia, In this book, Levine an-| Author Flora Lewis -- her voice How many years of schooling Wave broadcasts from troubled : : A are compulsory in Russia? {spots abroad -- has skilfully oo ot of false traced the events leading to IT] ° IT { ' How much does a s Poland's partial evolution from od ig i Ground 3 ; swers such questions as: is frequently heard on CBS short teeth cost? tok, n : | Do Russian women make thielg[Fuasiin cont h 3 8 Sly own clothes or buy them ready). nt of Prd ED ak made? and should By Charlotte Hastings oy 3-BURNER From birth in a government hospital to the grave In a govern: |, "or yeep abreast of the i. " , , ment cemetery the life of a Rus- times. It st how unrest de-| ' A FASCINATING PASTIME 4 A ; : 23" ELECTRIC olan, 4 intertwined with govers. a PRESENTED BY | FOR KIDDIES AND COLLECTORS ment regulations that reflect a | outious tuierisiure of Sears! Bet ie ee The Oshawa Little Theatre No. 169 STUDEBAKER GOLDEN HAWK I % RANGE and contempt, Mothers are grant. M | ed generous maternity leaves of| l | A perfectly detalled of A' idem van A y | | mod a ge, completel: 112 days with pay, and hospital | of the sleek, powerful, . a refinished end dy care is free, but fathers are not world-famous Hawk", admitted to see either their wife S FEBRUA - - - Available in authentic duos y oe, or baby during their nine days one finishes with Yiumpatont ARE (1) in the hospital. During preg- 8 | Length 4% Inches, Price 69¢ } \ 4 v \ | ® nancy Russian women are sel AT dom seen on the streets; preg Vo WY AE AEEER COU pancy garments are not avail. + toss Yawr ori fon : 7 . £1 | able, so, without clothes to fit, : H f ' 5 ? 3 p ) : ; | ible, 89. Witow, oli | McLaughlin Library Theatre a a I ef; FINDLAY PAY BVALL FER | sail Lonel ty Ja . ak | 22" ELECTRIC Russians marry by registering RESERVED SEAT SALE FEBRUARY 7.9.10 finishes, Length 3% Inches, fntention, paying a stall fee, Price 65¢ | ? y , h RANGE aud setnning a Week later to FILL-A-CARD No. 179 STUDEBAKER PRESIDENT confirm the marriage. No vow ey At obs time the marriage 4 --_ __ ------ This superbly detailed repll- Modern, push - button range with visuelite door end storage mony. At one time the marriage | ca ofthe elegant Studebaker ' = 4 h # . IY | g > Eo President Is the lost word 2 . | A ; drawer was accomplished on We fu In design. Truly a prestige ' ran YY . 1 I visit, but.the week - long 'cooling | cor, Includes white walls, " He os oft" period was fravduced © try | ; win rengrn NX i Lh to slow down the rate ¢ vorce. | H windows, Length Inches, = i ) a government has tried fo in. | Canadian Federation of the Blind Peony troduce a bit of cheer into the ' ' drab ritual by suggestion in the| Tomorrow's No's. No, 693 7.2 HOWITZER umns of h | | | one ride choi" wear 3 N=37 G54) HOME BINGO kp led TIN I ~~ minf || MOFFAT Ih con be fowe an g p v i | Soe or Gully fovwel dren fot] GAME NO. 1 | | tain Vi , Dua peer 7 || 40" ELECTRIC Length 8% inches, Price 694 #R0006T) should wear a necktie, 4 psu eacty Sav of wy Reve BINGO Meet the Lucky Winners WADE | ADDED ATTRACTION | RANGE 46 62 . 0 mectem dim of Our Final Game : MECCANO A made Xouner rengy wih but the regulations are 1 19 31 See them at your dealer's age space, tighter now, Those seeking ee rns vr ar] 2 20 34 49 6 5 Levine bas written an| 9 25 38 51 67 | john Stoffa, 458 Main St. E., North Bay, Ont, | Sond to Meccano Limited, Dept. 1-9, it 00 o book which all should 10 26 55 68 | Mrs. S.Bavis, 107 McAllister Rd. Downsview, Ont, 675 King St. West, Toronto. / Adventure Raging fi K Mr. J. Martin, 759 Pape Ave. Toronto, Ont. x x To The Very Peaks ) oY sid be beter ME 27 42 56 70 | Mrs. G, Peterson, 214 Cocksville, Downsview, Ont, 4' of Excitement! : 29 45 38 75 | MT umn Redon, Te | ange fimo A TH ge WESTINGHOUSE Be Popularl]._ *., ©. | Weisedtinis sme on. || op WALMSLEY & MAGILL || AUDIE MURPHY SSAA Y =3 £m || REFRIGERATOR tr as tay fon PRN ST. Ext | M0, Ves" nN 9 AT ARTHUR MURRAY'S [srs ie ne | - Since we are discontinuing the Newspaper || \@&8 RA 5-3506 - every Binge eard, Bingo for the present, The Canadian Fed- COLLECT DINKY TOYS ly par" lect ia h | eration of the Blind wishes to thank you for : : Lk ibetioiEv] ve General Elecirlo ed ar id ws nly Benen of your patronage and support hopi er ow) REFRIGERATORS mes~the easy . +» hoping you - pa: ne 9 I Antiar Musiay way! One les. | ARMY, NAVY AND will give the same support to the Army, SUDDARDS | . : with an Arthur Murray ex- || AIR FORCE VETERANS Navy and Air Force Veteran's Bingo which with right. or left-hand doors, will prove it to you. Come IN CANADA starts immediately! 495.7 SIMCOE SY. 3, PRICED TO 129 n now for | big Special { RA 5-3979 ; : LEAR of ) FUN TO COLLECT Last Day "Hunchback of Notre Dame" Royal Afticun ¢ a ---- ; FRIGIDAIRE #22 P0R YOURSELF how fast WILL YOU fii This unit Is In excellent shape. @-rorrring a 0 INOYId BeYSMaN A | ARTHUR MURRAY | 7 10 CU. FT. muss | Aen. (EF XZ wine QUT JUrSEns SOOLERATOR ALTE ng w howe TOMORROW! , Softest of loves! [ soiree svar. | NR) - Yous ENTLE,, 4 e / a : KENMORE Ages to s'whits ye EP ow ling wie 2 (3 OIL SPACE HEATER Eurasian soldier... 50,0000 BTU Complete with humidifier end storage tank, el 4 2) : ah A W » : wstaceo . 69.50 pa wo onan iano ah SIRE Be I Wu 75 on 23 te | weal BEL | BENDIX BO "a ad) AUTOMATIC What is the Ly. fe y | sili ® 3 WASHER "Sixth Happiness"? A sit i ! hs + ih : ; A REAL PRICE 49 Each of us must (|BUY AT THIS .. DIRK BOGARDE nd i 7 i i YOKO TANI find it in our Prices fu This agai All The. Abové ows own hearts! Se ? PN vi 5 | AbuLTs 60c ADULTS ase I RECONDITIONED ale / 8 : \ Bo. | STUDENTS 35¢ STUDENTS 50¢ CHILDREN 20¢ CHILDREN 25¢ and GUARANTEED STARTS a COW i bn DOORS OPEN DAILY AT 12:30 P.M. TODAY hadron . a A | | CINEMAScOPE COLOR by DE LUXE : | CAST TIMES TODAY | ; y AN ¥ FEATURE DAILY AT 1:00--3:40--6:25--9:05 \ "THE WHOLE TRUTH" . ; : ) pe : "Ghost OF The Chine Sea" : clio, cl DOWNTOWN - OSHAWA WN ne