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The Oshawa Times, 28 Jan 1959, p. 20

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20 THE OSH/WA TIMES, Wednssdey, Jensery 35, 1797 i] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [Ei 1--Accountants 8--Building Trades __|15--1Instruction 15--1Instruction 30--Lost and Found --Feomo i od (44--For Rent i Tm "Riehl and Co. - 5 LOST -- Ned purse, Saturday or Wun ™ apariment and Bathe Please Note | INDEX te heats, ed v0 Poe 0 A Ht bark foci, ewhra, Phone WA 3500," 1h E 5" Vache, it ove asking I : ; ting {1ocket, Reward, Phone RA 33538, 18f R - bo ds 4 then, ofl ouadines now in ottect to ll TO) WANT AD [ice Ay Gees; Mishort Jor: uming, hon, io OSHAWA COLLEGIATE Of MUSIC | ours sir si vin i CLERK-TYPIST Eiht Rat bs Hoh this column; teith, B, Comm., CA G, W Wie, CA) ALL (ypes dwelling repairs, roofing, BA 8-435), Reward, bith, CA: GO. W. Man 9 Interestin rtunity, -- CLASSIFICAT ION Ny. Li 53627, 195 Bimeoe Weeet gigi KA "Thai HA $0994 31 BUCKINGHAM AVE ! 31---Articles For Rent for a 9 op d , va a su om " 9 AM. SAME DAY 1 =Accountonts Norlh, Duta dordon Maz, ' VINA reninis, TA 52901, Hirata young 2% 2Borristers #, 7, Wopkine a Carillon ARDWOOD (iso fin} Stiteh and Zig Zag, gain valuable exper- TMS w= |p A Wireet (od, A ' " ' { - P DEA 2 AT. SAME DAY 3=Chiropracter if io nT ay Th Modern Instruction on Piano, Piano Accordian, Guit- | * : once ino variety of DIAL RA 3.3492 3-funtin ven BOB CLANCY'S Oniarla Accounting | BAINTING, dscoraiing and modern / RENT A FLOOR | ty o hpi Optometrist Serviees" ofter complete bookkesping| signe ise swim. Front BA S050 gr, Drums, Saxaphone, Clarinet. Results Guaranteed. | SANDER and FINISHER | general office work, En periment, Bevis das T=Burveyor Renderer: NA 3 ox Office RA B07) | goo wool, ne fon, Blowing meth: FROM Accuracy In figures FOUR rome ET BIRTHS ih ng a dpi rT [a "maces "a sms] FOR FURTHER INFORMATION--RA 8-632] | DO-IT-YOURSELF, | ooo" 0 7 CL bi, "embotd, Pok sie ie $--Building Traces hointe, and audios, hcensed|Phone: 043 Aan ater 8. | Cl HARRISON & KINSMAN . Boal 0 couple 9=Bullding Material Aceoun in Bankruptey, b4 King Street " TUTOR, student counsellor, 13 ye 337 Simcoe St, 5, RA 3.4425 previous LBM, exper- pin , Oshawa Times, = |0==Sharpening Service East, Oshawa; B, L, Yale, CA; F experience. Appointment only, JACITR Nichia aud Shisle Tine 1) Business Opportunities Friedlander, B, Comm, CPA, PAINTING AND jence helpful, Write to wiring, go ¥ ) 4 pportunities ° WERGER FRANKEL AND CO, ae DECORATING cher, studen y J DO IT YOURSELF! a oh he don o, nin the om Ha=Dilings 0 nity a (countants and Muditors, 4 King lolists In flooring, Horde barionte, Iridant Sou only. awa Times, a. Ruddy Electric Whole- 3128, awa General Hospital, A brother for | a _n ouumaking Street East, RA 3.02 Speclolis i hy pur » FOWTRATTH "done In Barty puns fo Fd with the power tools end B YOUR room, m, heated apartment, Pris John, 13=Gardening & Supplies | 2--Barristers youd, Sording. ond Jin ni. wy anes wis Hiss nee) iis Da WT ag Bb fd gauipment you con rent ot sole Ltd, P.O, Box 250 pT 4 Bond ire amt, LIS -- To Bridget and Kit, al |4wbousehold Repairs in all a g sonable, Phone RA 37089, 220) Stan's rpenin rvice ; Pb hy Po a ey Jan-|l 5 cine] po (GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bas. estimates, ry Fie (corner King & By ox Oshawa, JHREE + room "furnished basement uary 24, 1050, at the Oshawa General Fistars, Bolictiors and Notaries Jublie, RA 3.9206 TLUIAN Wine Wa uontor: 20--Cartage . 3.3224, 'Chain Sows; LRA 2lc nk and cupboards, stove Hospital, | b= Irsurance 6 King Street Kast, RA 54717, Rugsel Dancing School, ballet, ta n---- . a ' H y and refrigerator, children welcome, 11 17==Money to Loan J. Murphy and James A, MacDonald, ---- m= | sehoo) _serobatie, Friday and Satu ny Yoomer service, parcel Belt, Disc ond Oscillating |37 Male Help Wanted Windsor Avenue, WA 39379 Ht 4, 7, PALMERS, BA, Barrister, Boll Masonie Temple, RA 3.7283, SIGHT ori RA 53702, t 1 Sanders; Skill, Sows; Electric SINGLE furnished bedroorto=™ 18--~Loan Wante# citer, ete, 13s #imeoe rest morth.| JACK C, MacDONALD Hammers end many other VICRNAED, machinist lor minor, Tan Vere | ness man, in quiet home. Appiy' 39 Col DEATHS Ho ariveg ah gniios RA 047415 residence, RA PAINTER & DECORATOR OIL PAINTING 21-Personal Service tools, up. Sooty + A borne Street Went, Ot. oh SEWING machines repair and service, vr wa NEW hen ated apartment 20==Cart age | BOWMAN David m3 Barvisiar. oi "Hole: Poperhanging and Painting cl to all makes Eins, RA 5239), 32--Articles Wanted 0 boys in College Jo district fo 10 10 eect arg ad herty 2) =Parsonal Service itor, 3% Himeoe Bou Gyptex Evening Classes bounds aid Tnches 5 HTH FANOR = Upright or spares uN bo sis 6 fod Phone HA Boe 59027 after 5, 504 Dunkirk, LOSE LOVERIDGE ~ Suddenly at RR Ll /2-Rodio Repairs | dence RA 8-0204 pa ne 2 | LARGE bright ariment. TV Bo aroni' sn 'overnige, 'ied 41 13= Womens Column ao BRON, wd "Fase, Brier nn Work Guaranteed Radio Park Clubhouse daar Name' sient ike. "ror J wih by "exut" fse m and. rie rm ECR rth oo, sore, , Nancy Jane Love Kollaitors, jents' funds availa y -- - Bhi p-- : ment, b months, Beloved Infant daughter of [| 24=Market Basket first mortgages, 30 Mimoos Hirest| 50 Nossou St, RA 3.7080 M, J, KIRKPATRICK BABY willing bureau can supply 16. | SETTING furniture or closing out |e rences, some wiles experience nec. || bith With Wied bathrooms, self Walter and My (Trewin) Loveridge. (| 25-=Pets and Livestock North, RA 53566, Charles C. MeGib- Arist Teacher 1 ™ ! mig oh ou wil a you Lo ur bari ima. Excellent re. Pianad. Son ral, RA 51769, Resting at the Riri uners! Chapel: 26--~Farmer's Column bon, QC; Edger ¥. Basedo, QC, 9--Bulding Material RA 5.3138 AFTER 7 od, by day er longer periods, ren highest fice When Jou shone AAD 131131 King Street East, Sulte 5, "19% | ¥Wo furnished housekeeping room, Any at 8 o'clock, In:|| 27==Fuel, Wood IMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barristers, i - : sonable rates. Mrs, R, 8, Disney, WA|The Oshawa Tra on, MEO | WATKINS' rout lable, near shopping cent Chapel on Thursday b QC, (CORN ensilage, 20 to 38 feel, ; oii " I SR i 3.4921 Office hours, 9 mm, to 2 p,m, Street South, » » | time, Phone HA 5.0000, le, fill of yn Fernhill Blvd, we, BA v4, 4 Cemeter 78==Summaer Resorts Solicitors I, Humphreys: " | Day it, terment Bethesda Cemetery, ' G, E, Boyehyn, BA; W. A, Millman,| foot, MO 82172, Whithy, 430 pm, to 7 pm, Closed Thursday SELLING furnitur iy W, ---------- NICE three - bedroom bungalow, fully decorated, available February 16, 108 hau Hunting LLB, 6 King Btreet West, Phones: Music Studio for all Instruments |L } turnitu AY Yodan in Tron: Ontario | 49=Sumimar Propet Por Sakic" wh Sr unr | 10---=Shorpening Service Plano Tuning SOND are oT Til ios yh gvaniont, Pnon|. © + 10" wemendous expan. | lscoraed: go MA EE a ound Whit, Wo 476 5 nade to ord Iterations, fur coats |19 Prince Street, Phone RA 8.1131, 4 ane rescont, between Oshawa og me ]. J0meboet ang # W. BRUCE Affleck, BA, WS! SAWS! SAWS! ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES pir hiss A Wh King East. MA - - - sion In business, Fuller Brush and Whitby, Phone MO 8.4280, Whites d father || 3) Articles For Rent Solicitor, 428 Fark Ro SA New and User Pianos #5531 A | PONTAGE stamp collection and i Wanted 0704, N Used) pai -- cumulations wanted, Highest pri Co, mgquires five. full-time |¥Wo Foom apartment, "furnished, for 32h rticios Wan ------ The most complete automatic (New ond Use: MAN with ton truck \lable any paid, Sends description, Harry Weiss solesmen, seven part-time |¥entiemen. RA 5.6 im Resting at the Armstrong J4==Auction Soles time, Clean cellars, gars, elo, Ren | 3615 Monkland, Montreal 28, Home, Oshawa, with Memorial 35-=Employment Wanted FA Rae: phones: J. grinding equipment In Osh. Full selection of all Instruments | Ch Ci0i CO mA. Bano, lM ry. | salesmen, dealership basis, TREE ror wy onvenienoet: Po. Chhpe, d6--Female Help Wanted [Greer, BA, So, RA ioe) Dinens owa for sharpening Hond- 477 Simcoe Street South i ---- - -- Webbing' Also ten delivery men, $1.25 |West, ne tery, Masonie under the 37==Male Help Wanted [Kelly BA, BCL, i Dune! ------ ---- oh TWO Taveier plees of Mount Zion No, ». Brookin, J8--Male or Female Help Wanted [[Phillips, B. Comm, nA Lim, . sows, Bandsows (metal end LEARN TO DRIVE JANE BLACK Slenderizing Rental Service Bor hou sor wnt fone TWO lurnished rooms. Pa, Sukie be held at the funeral hom JOUN A, MasDONALD, BA, oor Buildin oor iPhiip A ay evening 9 p.m, 39==Agents Wanted and Nollcitor, 101 Simcoe BLre wood), Lawnmowers, Skates, Studio, Slenderizing, Redue- TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Vo ne oh cupbonrds. Parking space, Apply «W, A : -- 40==Cpportunities Phone RA 88511, I / 3 4) ==Room end Board THOMAS M, RUNDLE, Warrister, ok etc, STAN'S SHARPENING SCHNEIDER : Ing, Steom Bath ond Mas FOR RENT 23 ind Hgnts seitcontained variment For Funeral Flower 42--Room and Board Wanted itor and Notary "Public, 2014 SERVICE, Cor. King & Burke, Driving School sage. 451 Simcoe St, South, 282 King St, West aE hte dunt. dnetuded. Ale 0-622, Arrangements See 43=Wanted To Rent [Street East, Phone RA 8.176 RA 5.487 Co dde=Por Rent | GREER, Murphy and TT Bar RA 3-3224 157 Olive Ave., Oshawa, Ont, RA 5.9602 for Appointment, 873 C NICH Tour Tom Soar enT To owe 0g ) U blie | LE NER © [| 48 mao aor or soe fe gel, 14 NEY Wn TT Business Opportunities Open 10 am. - 10 pm wale Parking. CANE [maitre slat, consis 450--Real Estate Exchange J, Murphy and James A, Machonaid, h Areetine"Card RA 8- 5315 TV R and dryer facilities, immediate possess Phone: 46=--Real Estate Wanted RALPH 8, JONES, BA, and Thomas H " FER veel Nutone < Tot ng Larg ll et -- 22--Radio & v a epairs N sion, #100 monthly or $60 unfurnished, RA 8.6211 = RA 8.6212 4J==Automobiles For Sale Greer, Associate Barristers and Soliel: (£0, FOMUERE Be, could be TV TOWERS completely Installed, ) WA TED Man for RA 8.8180, 208 24 King St, East, Oshowe 48-=Automobliss Wanted tors, 65 Simeoe Buret Leh RA 5-393. |) Codled on a part-time basis to begin, For Fun, Popularity and Success |year guarantee, #64 04 ho bolts, no : APARTMENT building, three « room, y ' Mortgage loans available 005 |: ted fully secured, by stock, wvets, all welded, All channel serials = our - piece bathroom, washer, aerial (2 doors from Karn's Drug ASuepi/limanlia Repairs : J SWARTZ "Parris , I med financing can be ar. TRY DANCING from $20.05; easy terms, Kelly TV, RA SCRAP AND POULTRY part time parking, adults, main floor, immediate Store) 80---Articis For Sole AN NING ots, Money to loan, Asso. ranged, Reply giving background, ete, You Can Actual! 5121, 1. TUR | : possession, Near Shopping Centre, $70, 81==Swop and Barter Pinte, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry lo Box 427, Oshawa Times, GO DANCING . TURNER cleaning. 212 Stevenson Road South, fH] AVAILABLE March 1 = new semis 52--Legal Notices Block, 26/4 King Street East, RA 34607, After One Lesson At vice, All makes, Fred Thompson, 157 residence, Dial RA 3.4029, AKE MONEY LAE fh Elliot Street, Call RA 30792 detiched, {hree-bedroom, brick bungae GERROW FUNERAL || CLASSIFIED AD RATES JCC s sioNaan.ac, Warr sei LING TROPICAL PLANTS ARTHUR MURRAY . { ere RA 3-2043 Fang nly, iid en CHAPEL 28 words or lowe [| liciir Money to a, "RA boas | This is @ full-time opportun- , DANCE STUDIOS (collect) [ Road, Lake Vista Gardens, Alax, Ons i words of svt Lio at, Oshawa, "| ity for a man, 25 to 50, to 11V2 Simcoe St, 5, RA B-1681 Iv. AERIALS 3 Sa 2 The finest service ot : hi n exclusive established old and Installec OSHAWA TIMES NEW, modern three-room decorated 5 3 CONSEC ONALD BLAKE DODDA, barrister ave o 6 : Md Cleot moderate pices, NER TIONS 128 248 | ond Solicitor, 261% King Street East,| dealership In a dignified bus 1 a Insurance ahaa Moved and Repaired CEDARDALE 22¢ bate mang Apa, Fleethisally eyuite RA 8 6226 é CONSECUTIVE Telephone: Business, RA 5:5801) Resi Iness, No heavy work re- |ALLATATE Auto Insurance, Save up to 20-1, aerial, $29 and up. SCRAP Bi Salis aly pre rally located, i INSERTIONS 378 403 | dence, RA 8:5) : LL i quired ond financial return 2 Fal Sent, MING OI os li AH ROLLAND T.V 38---Male or Female tre, RA 6.1002, 4 El 390 King Street West MW not paid within 7 days the OREIGITON, Fraser, Dryn possibilities unlimited, bas "RA 4849 IRON METAL LTD, Help Wanted KIX - room house on Bulaile, three bed: Charge rate will epply. Murdoch, Barristers, Bollcitors, Notary Rellable und financlally 3 a rooms, garage, immediate possession, | Public, Bank of Commerce Bullding, 8 Coq "00 cons" Who are car |17--=Money to Loan e---- S---- IRON : : METALS OPPORTUNITY for two sales repre. IA 3-4420 ot Above rates apply enly te Simeone Street North, RA 3.3446; 1, K sou Pp y -- y sentatives with Initiative for nationally | MopERN ~four-room apartment, ail IN MEMORIAM fll orders for consecutive In Creighton, QC1 N, C, Fraser, QC) G, K,| - owners should act now, FIRRT and second morikage, sale T. V. RADIO SERVICE PAPERS : : RAGS ndvertined | product, Kalen Xperience] Tome ionces rat erter Mest ment, al ions, Subsequent Insertions ordered | ool Te TT Murdoch, NHA mort:| Investment required $895, agreements purchased and sold, Hen preferred but not essential, Call RA ror Laundry facilities, parking, Bus 0 ores dove corutitute @ new | orn need, Write. to: ple and fennick, Barristers, 31 King ANTENNA OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY [ham Jhefore 830 or MORawk 8.4055 at dior. A Apply 168 Verdun Road, hase 4 TROPICAL PLANT SALES [Street Kast, RA 5-34! DEAN a= 30 1ovilg sanity of & dear gr 3 ewanal ana, Buinees Netings | &--Dentists Nm co. LTD. CLIENTN' monies available for if Tai INSTALLATIONS RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 d1--Reom end Boord $IX = room 14 wtorey brick house, one Sroher, Guares, who passed away Jun | fach additional line' $1.00 par || DR. G, . BC TUK Gifies hours 10.51 331 Ontario Food Terminal [And Sninia 01" vaie' pirchanede APDIY AND REPAIRS 100 ANNIS STREET | eves earls, Mowmammilie, aw. Phone MA 210% month, pen eve p Building, Queenswo M, EK, Swartz, Barrister and Notary . Alls Sh Gods Sa Judes, Boch Initial letter, abbreviation, | #imcos Street South. Phone RA 5.332). ing Wu 18 Ys Publis, 207 King East, Oshawa, RA Ring RA 5. 7844 FREE PICK-UP [ating distunce to south GM, Phone [rou bedroom Rouse, with garate Some day whtn lies Tourney ls snded 3 po oh Ibe oaitiohan 5--Nursing Services 214; n-------- i ROOM and board, excellent meals, (104d, olifside city, rent reasonable. We shall all be together again, || Word. Box charg ' | GLENN woney To Town on fire JUEh -- close to South GM plant, IRA 8.8436, 2af | IA 39701, ~&adly missed by sisters Doris (Mr. [| All Clowfisg Advertisements gage, Mortgage and agreements of male ST T.V. SERVICE CARS WANTED : oom spariment, bullt-in "oupe Garrow) Gwen (Hrs, Meee) and bre: | MOST ben CAA RB By ANDEN NURSING HOME GROWING purchased, NHA mortgages arranged, FA AL Ainge wedi Nokth Oshawa. snares ex, H04Td outlet, _private win, ther, Arthur ublication, hours Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur : Street " i Licensed) ! 3 " cellent meals, Phone NA 8.6710, 16 Avply '209 0 Thoma eat, 8, Saturday § ( doch From A to Z FOR WRECKING Y ---- - OUR + room heated Apartment, selfs OHRISTOPP a io loving JRomogy ho] Gl Go KING ST, WEST emer rn FOR YOUNG lady -- warm, nicely ¥ ~ anuaryw Tote: di FITAATION Times shall net be Exclusive nursing home for BUSINESS Guaranteed expert job furnished front room, with board, sec: tontuined, ws Street, Phone RA t my soul's sompanien, responsible for "errors in advertise: convalescent and elderly peo« Grocery ond meat bus! MON EY AVAILABLE Scrap Iron and metals onds from bus, RA 5.8013, 214] 0M ey LL PNT [oon NEW m house, All | A Wie, linked with my own, bmitted otherwise than in Women), BEST in town, single beds, sll modern And day by day I miss her more wring, nor for more than one Re: i' eon In ness in rapidly expanding TO HOME OWNERS CALL RA 8-5286 bought, Call conveniences, close to. south GM, RA iy Wht AVY 5 Ro 1 As I walk through life sions, Incorrect insertion eof any ede Uries on ie 54420, Apply 836 Lorraine Street, 4 a wLovingly remembered by husband, || \ortiiement, nor beyond he price ottendance, Tray service, Oshawa suburb can be Up to $3,000 for any good OSHAWA ELECTRONICS SHAW ROOM and Board: Traine Cooked Tews. Aa in pve en Pah avail oe a A anal tp radio, 1.V, lounge, bougn} at reasonable fig- purses: including down bey; ---- - -- RAG & METAL clean accommodation, Phone RA 58-3710, North, "ody Ja "RA A D807 ad, OOK ~ In loving memory of a dear || oo And also reserves the right ure xceptional oppor ment on home, ROOM and board, close to four corners Two %, furnished or unfurnish mother, Mrs, Earl Cook, who passed oceuri, And alto ress vas the right 6--Optometrists dan a ror Ly 0 PF | existing mortgage, consolidas PARKWAY TELEVISION ROOM nod Dosd, widen fo. lout gorudiy Wo son, fm od or unfurnished, why Ja. 2. ii amor. Nistor Its own classification. lo, 1. TUCK, Optometrl y ITe to supple tion of debts or purchases of ELECTROMHOME, :5100 or 20 Elgin Street Kas nue, RA 8.7550, =o ar Yond Tom ruingers, | the case of display advertise J|IR_ Muscle anomalties, ment family income withe | any kind. No penalty for pres R ADMIRAL RA 5-2311 ROOM and board for gentleman, Clos |KINGLE room for Tady OF gentleman, There ia not a day, dear mother,|| ments The Times will not be held [rasues. Fvelngs, Mon. Wed Jn out leaving her home payment, no bonus, RCA. VICTOR, A v - h to al south plants, home privileges, TA with option of board, Apply 819 Rowena Sadly" missad by dhughiers Doria jebonuible tor more space than Disney Bi, 31 Kine ask Comfortable apartment | For fost friendly service call WESTINGHOUSE if OPEN SATURDAYS on Mand Board i OR Le A [ a h at In which the actual error oc. 3 | on end h OOM and board for "gen emen ns | FC rent in ' Myrna and Joyce and soninlaw, Al ies, The publishers endeavour to The finest in teleyisi lo beds, home privileges, garage, brick bungalow, bert bib RY oo ad ing ia 7--Surveyors : . attached -to store Easy SEABOARD service 35--Employment Wanted tose ho in south plants, RA 8.7754 or form basis, Phone COOK --- In loving memory of a dear || SOrrectly but assumes no liability if a, WORTON "and An on 301m lo fesponsible pure DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD, 918 Simcoe N.=~RA 3.3043 ARLINBLR PAM _. [147 Mill Street. 10 p.m, ey any inaccuracies In any form eo tarto Land Surveyors, A -- -- ---- LL LE woman wou e ironing, SPACIOUS five « room a uk. who past awsy advertisement are contained there: [lgineering, 10, Harwoid 'Avenue. South, phaser. "Ly a 29) Simeo For South typing, ele. todo bem 42--Room and Board Brooklin, Immediate pos You are not forgotten sister, n, ax, Phone LL. % . r South ant, Phone 40D' Brooklin 67, Nor ever wil you by on F. J DONEVAN and Kisociaias, Li foods at wholesale and {Formerly Bellvue T Vv AERIAL TL To. JIVE doom P 3 Surveying and Engineering, oor WOMAN would like housework by the |¢ and son, ences, 875 a mo We will n ber th ' earn good mone -- 3 1 : We will remember + oe Mead Street Kast, Oshawa, Ontario, RA g y too, (18a Mortgages : WIND DAMAGE day with references, Phone RA § Hah Wires Toom and board, hed vials Ti ark Now Bor Hie os Tan. y 3.8632 write today to B 434, - wr--------" sisterdn.law Elena, Alexander and IN MEMORIAM er y ox WE HAVE clients monies for loans on niece, Donna, DONALD Hi, TROLLOFE, onirio Land Oshawa Times. tira ane second mortgages and pur for fast, sialon placement Ivo Young experiesiced ah hart | 43 Wanted to Rent Foon s dow matairs, pues fg whiddd : chase of agreements of sale, + we e-- , ' Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh or repairs, call collect, Mores ele. Phone RA" 83118 after, 6 YOUNG office smplove requires Very Rasim gapden, S30, owt § KNOX « In loving memory of a a A dear husband and father, Andiew Knox, wire tn fowl oral 8---Building Trades 12 Dressmaking w= _ |awa, RAS (a T WNE T V pm, ih Side centrally lochted, Jursished room or E To who passed away Jan --- lov! mem: . re-- DRESSMAKING and alterations, MA | = -------- 0 BUTCHER with 20 amali bachelor ment, ONE large light housekeeping Six years have passed and still we Leo White, who passed PLANTERING and repairs, cement + Va rhb indo Bh BB be LR ly. Write Box 437, Oshawa Times. 236 [Lith refrigerator, central, Suitable fos miss him Away ary 24, 1984 |p ering, waterproofing b around Oshawa, Have been meat man: | COUPLE with infant would like lower one or two girls or couple, Phone RA Never shall his rhemory fade We are thinking of you today, dad, alterations, archways, Hling floors -- ORTGAGES RO E " op Pig nt Loving thoughts will always But then that's nothing : Workmanship suarantesd, A, Woods 13 --Gordaning & + Supplie M WMANVILL 3. fh Yura. Wille ty Box 430: pi Rg EUR Phone RA ar. fires or four-room ApArimenia, 231 [TWO ¢ ree or a Around the grave where Dad Is laid.| We thought about you a RA 81311, rden. ite ------ s---------- and WOMAN I] for b 5.7700 after 8 p.m, e Sadly missed by wite, tons, Ron and( And the day before that too) PLUMBING and Ing service--lawna sended, sodded, for MArket 3.5522 [NOMAN would care for works, Phone 44--For Rent Rr sane a en Walter and daughter, Shirley, We will think of you tomorrow lawns ploughed, And each day through the year, [fixtures new al Sidewalk slabs, patio slabs Al SR N I S RA 3.7018, 20t . y 3 : . pn ---- rooms, sink and eu NO ar, Aoloving Jamity 8 8 We will think of You foreve ations at 'reasonable 'Fates. Infor. | Everything for your garden, RA 8575) EEME FREE ESTIMATES LADY would Tike household duties, | OURE to share -- for young married |i io" in Hiehan, tule a r father, Andrew ox, who pase For to us yoo wet aor o---- -- off] it | f amy Jamin ah lo. Wherever Rataver wa do, (THALOR BE SEI A Danity o. Foley OF SALE WORK GUARANTEED [Or or teres. Phone mg 0s: Phone RA 31300 afer 4 F1 Phons RA B17 Eo happened Our thoughts, fend dad, are miways [of plumbing, Dia . 2203-4700, pH es SIMCOE orth four and Ave: Toon with y ARPENTER work, ht [] . WINTER FOUR . room, self . contained apart:| o..ivent, fully equipped, Call « 0 A First ond Second Mortgages and bathroom, unfurnished, cen EV remembered by daughter Betty ming, kitchen eabinein, NIA 'approved, SUPPLIES and Agreements of "Sars |23--Women's Column 36--Female Help Wanted [iii iocation, uptown, available' Fe, #6343. 9 am. - § p.m. big or too small, Work h bought, sold and arranged on |SFECIAL -- heat permanenis, #8.80) [REQUIRED reliable indy fo take care |!Sth. Phone RA 8:0300, ot lib Tom for tw Joatismen, Though absent RA 33870, ICE SALT City and Farm property and [01d waves, 85.50, Page Hairdressing. |of very youn child for about a month. [THREE rooms and bath, heated, un: |M hee a h AU Missed, Si] Javed and ever Tn WILD BIRD FEED S » 000.00 [39 Pine Avenue. RA 3.533, Must be experienced in handling babies furnished ApAFment, Hh wiring, S003 after § p.m. missed, atl \ CARD OF THANKS ummer Cotta 2,000. and devote full time to it. Wages plus|working couple desired. RA 8-837. 19( THREE - room apartment, Shres-pisce =8adiy mis y daughia HAYNES NO, | SUNFLOWER SEED ond up, OSH WA AC CEPT. 4-- room and board supplied, Anyone in - T= |bath, separate en ance, $33 mi SHY var. 3g ; BUILDING CONTRACTOR CROWN DIAMOND PAINT | ANCE" CORP, | LTD, 112 |2d--Market rE terested please contact. #4 Conant NFW, ls toon lid BEek DuSION Guriard Road. Phone RA $6000 BIRD FEEDING STATIONS Sime « Potatoes, apples and tur | Street or phone 3 \ 21h Lad 1 i --- WT . oe St. North, Oshawa meu ot, close to schools, shops FIVE - room apartment, ground RNOR = Bb loving Nampty of Lh te fake his opportunity to Floor experts, Old floors PIGEON FEEDS Oshawa, t 137 Ritson Road North, RA|WOMEN for phone work. APPIY Ih Der | portation. Immediate \[817 Park Road South. ior more ine dear father, Andrew Knox, who passed » y Phone RA 5.3568. ¥ ¥ § +] 953 offey Mahoney, made like new, Hardwood PET FEEDS A ] son only, 31 King Street ron, Suite 3, J. Wilson, OX 99673, HO 6.004 - [formation eall RA 8.2389, w " ugh, or tiling, Carpenter work al« 19--P |] "or 0. bushel | y -- - - i ronte, a w Rev. M. fC Db. Russell, i =--Fariona ) AY 123 "William Street | WANTED = for partime oie Work. KIX soon Bevel. To ware suit wo oa um hve teaver |Drousms. ma My GHAKE. ARG meals: Holy busin stn satin COOPER SMITH CO. |e Thematism, deletion, Tumba: | East TA 8 BD ter part fme of previous families. Apply 246, Toronto Avenue. ONE BEDROOM CR Ea RI ey Sime ~ flow ands ad i) CALL RA 3.7196 RA 3 2312 CAPS ARB A a 25--Pets and Livestock Poe 398, hed Ba", We ROOM jut xii one or two Fo, APARTMENTS N has he led ves, who sent flowers, candy, cards - 4 " 1] 30! Just Mere God's "sternal home and other lovely gifts, All who came EE -------- Ahahkful rary. Atk Your drug TWO Labrador Retriever male pup. ($100 MONTHLY for wearing Tovey | bund rival And left the gate Ajas up to. visit me And, last but not least, i IF YOU are not living a full and happy | pes, 51 months old, All needles, Phone |Aresses given you as bonus, Just how | THREE + room apartment, DYAle| 1ocodiote possession, eles Sadly missed by son, and!/my roommate, Miss C. Grose, who al GRAVEL 4--Household Repai Ue because of Tenslon, Fear, Fri rooklin 608 R 21 p 20 North American Fashion rocks to; bath, tmmadiate Dessassion, : y win tricolly equipped, best locas daughtersinlaw, Florence, «Ways had a Kind and oheerful word | REPAIRS to all - tration, a Complex, Hypnotism oan help lends, No canvassing, investment or ing, 3 [while 1 was a patient in the Oshawa Also reduce weight, stop smoking, re.|REGISTERED Saymoyed ippies {0r gxperience necessary. North Ameriean " h KNOX -- In loving memory of a dear General Hospital, To all 1 say] Cement $9.00 per head, Road dryers, vacuum cl and lieve nervous pains, gain confidence | fale. Abo Mel's Esso Son Myrtle. Fashion Frocks, Lid, 3438 Industrial ei duty "win RY oe Bou tion, Buckinghom Manor. father, Andrew A. Knox, who passed thank you, fine and coarse $8.00 per aPiiiantes Service FE Qual foto, Consult Kdwin Heath, Institute of | Phone Brooklin 603R13, ° Boulevard, Department 1.2068, Mont: | cos N o. $68 monthly, RA RA 8.8676 away Jan, 3, 105, A io | «Mrs. J, Sagritt (Belty) toad. Ba satisfied Dial echnieolan, 3 2 a Hypnosis, Professional Build, REAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready real, LEXY 19 We think of our Dad most every day, | , -- CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recover ing, undas West, ¥. DallY|training, talking strain, Apply Mrs | WAITRESSES wanted, full or part eet -------- - W h he di he th In the midst of our sorrow, we wish | Sat 10 am, 1 pm, hid TWO « room, unfurnished apartment, 1 . Jnge 0 did and the things he'd "0 Bi RoE a aah RA 1.5279. Ike new. Why pay more? Jur rates} IR fio" 0.400 Whitny » Broad, 114 Elgin Street Bast, J time, Apply Mr, Campbell, Genosha |, i. cupbOATdS, Apply 208 i MODERN 2.BEDROOM trimming, . TEA TTrP SAY a ea We and Sydney in his 6. SPECIALIZED radio and television ser tavio Hotel 4 We think of our quarrels, our laugh. appreciation to our many relatives, vebullt. Oshaws ARTA = Tmaee ROARDING, bathing -- pesbmmamm---- | SOTO JU ib ter, our tears, trichits ind, Reijibore Jor, the yindanss DO THAT REMODELLING holstering Co, 10 Bond Street W FANTENT service in wh mm. fleeing, Waubena Kennels, RA 5631. |rwo girls required as dom help Th 0 . APARTMENT INRk of those many precious and sympathy shown us in the loss of JOB NOW Dial RA 3-001, . 's Col Toronto homes, HIEhest|yyio' home, central, three minutes At 15 Gibbon Street, will be Wi A of our Dad as & ¢ specially Wah to thank Dr. Ediwund I TT Ml ™ J . | orders our| 26--Farmer"s Column wages, live in. HI 43613 or RU $1208. [on "North GM. five minutes' from 13 Githe Ai me ot ur Dud a1 4 downie: Har iived he Rev anh M Smith for painting and handyman 9 4 * ¢ FOR sale 200 Leghorn hens, start: Bitour corners, Phone RA 3am, 10 available NY 12 Just plain, like the wea, the wind and Nis consoling words and the W. ( HELP OUR WINTER a ol [Mr el South. RA 50043) afier hours, Ing Ho lay sain. Laying 60 per cent |PARTY plan -- Leading manufacturer [iN FURNISIED two rooms and kit| or with children over 12, the sky own Funeral Home for their kind and WORK PLAN Rn RNTURE Jebnired he ) Te-ubhol. mM A N. | H. mradshaw, first farm south of sohool, (of household items and cosmetics Ye: |oheneite, builtin cupboards with sink, Applyt-- We think and we know he has gone efficient management of the services | rly yg Rr pater, a Chaites Fast. - -------- Plokering Beach Road, near Ajax, 23f quires A Himited nuibar of rebresenta reasonable, Phone RA 5.6448, Hh 21 GIBBON STREET \ with from our side Mra. Myrtle Simpson and family, | NY ow, But we Nn Of our Dad with the|ot Whithy, an| NO DOWN PAYMENT [RA aan sn pasi------ ELECTROLYSIS rn, A sow: due to freshen in two! appointment i BELO R LB tmost of pride | ' p-- | YOUR local chimney eo! I WANT to talk to two women Who py worial, situated on Carnegie Street, ly missed hy daughter Margaret 3 neys bullt and repaired DEAD farm stock picked up mptly. re seriously Interested In supplement. Ploy raoms, kitchens and |yalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti;| - Removal of superfluous hale. a Gne' egiiect, Rowmanville, on 32679. | fg thelr Income, full or part me. Se Phone RA 53188 ne pine Sro EAST END : APARTMENT sondn-law, Wl | RNOR Cle rl WANT AD FINDS cabinets, No Job too big or mates, RA 3.2007, Marie Murdufft will be In |[Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone lected women will be trained WY RICE he WET J y | | 3 1 ol _--_ sure success, Must have mature judg: | NICE room with two beds, doar faiher, Andrew Knox, wha pasied BIRD RESCUED | 'small. 36 months to pay, |REWING machine ei aasamr| Oshawa, Feb, 10-11. Phone |a97 TE ol" Wood nl TAO ier | Ahad in friends, MMe ot private BUILDINGS \ | y p 4 ' 3 N tor rapid advancement, Personal inter: | kitchen, Phone RA 8.0590 after 8 p.m ighhs . sian) brag | BY CAT | No payments till April 30. | ---- - Genosha Hotel on these dates WOOD cutting by bur saw and chain vie w fequired For appointment phone | x nt Living room, dining area, a Ya rw A | PHONE OSHAWA RA [ROOMS papered, 88 up. Painting,| for appointment saw, Snow plowing, Phone RA 8.0737 A 4481 after § 1h rms | Kitchen, electgically equips . a TR When their pet parakeet 5.4917 OR AJAX 1266 |Gyproo applied, sealed || Phone | ved, washing facilities, gar gute Stinky" was lost, the G. 8 hdl Ht Alm RA_8 7a? {31--Articles For Rent [31--Articles For Rent AVON CALLING APARTMENT FOR RENT r= RA 5.3815, a------ . ' 198 God take a message Tvlers of Ec y Rapids ich N 1 3 | ylers of Eaton Rapids, Mich, |} q2--Business Opportunity |11a--Business Opportunity New large S-room apartment, |. 9 Eis ETL ur father In heaven above, him how much we miss Nm placed a "Lost" ad | [ Wy by uh lave daughter.] They soon got a call from. a | Wanted Wanted | B / ENTAL SERVICE earning $2.00 or more an ground floor, electric stove panded TY | woman across town whose | hour representing Avon a few and fridge, automatic washer $85 MONTHLY } o c E, at had found the bird, and ) faily, Contact Miss E i WALKER In loving memory off E ) € | ours daily j and dryer, hot water heating, Aker who passed away Jan |, brought it home unharmed | Wanted To Purchase | Floor Sanders; Belt, Vibrating amd Circular Sanders; (we hove @ Outerbridge, RU 2.7567 be- T.V. aerial; paved parking New six-réom bungalow, Hills ATS ( \ ' See for yourself, Women are | Brough, it home uhirmed tween 8-9 a.m., 42 Saranac side Heights area. Schools, not need a special day | feathers Lued 4 special complete line of sealers and waxes); Circular Saws; Electric Drills; Bivd. Toronto 19. Ont Call RA 5.6983 buses and all conveniences ie days we do not think of you - | GENERAL INSURANCE BUSINESS Staplers; Blow Torches, Soldering Irons; Centrifugul Pump; Pipe [* 5 iw 3 LLOYD REALTY Wily missed by the family MARRIAGE EXPERTS Wrenches; Power Trowel, and many other Tobls, PRIVATE SECRETARY Call For law firm, Legal experi RENTAL AGENCY MR. LAMSON ; | WILBUR ~ In loving memory of our| HAMILTON (CP) ~Lectures on . dear father, Mareison Wilbur, who pass | marriage are being given to a CASH BUYER | h) ence preferred but not essen Gut fee Jia less han 8 RA 5-8831 y anuaty couples' club here by an ob. . | - tial, Ar plications fully con vacancy. only 'screened "father dobar, I fic tetrician, sociologist, psyeholo. | W, TE BOX 422 and reliable tenants W. T. LAMSON \ fo and meory tas st and church minister: Attn ' ALWAYS AMPLE PARKING Rd. Re shalt remember thee," [ance ln Darred 10 persons under BOX 432, OSHAWA TIMES oy | . OSHAWA TIMES hiv Re eH REAL ESTATE and Bary, 18 years old. | 1. 282 KING ST, W, RA 3.4873 . . RA 8.5123 r '

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