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The Oshawa Times, 28 Jan 1959, p. 23

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Winns # "Goods Satisfe This is what the prisoner sees | years ago but over-crowding in | and metal basin in pleture at tn his cell at 8, Vincent De | the prison keeps them In use. | joft only facilities for the pri- : Paul penitetiary in Quebec Similar conditions exist at the | soner's dally ablutions [ cheste | titution Cells were condemned as unfit | Dorchester N.B ins sel for human habitation about 26 | Note the lidded metal bucket | ma (CP 1 hoto) UNIQUE IN WORLD Gold Bullion Listed On Stock Exchange dally, but one which doesn't nec For carefree cooking, choose a VIKING Electric Range ee only at EATON'S § " J | / ich this FORBES RHUDE [tries in the world in wh ) h A Press Business Editor |ls so, |essarlly stand up f nw the Jay: . TORONTO (CP)--Gold bulllon| SMALL AMOUNTS SINCE 1056 The London exchange denis i will be listed for trading on the, Canadian copper refiners has 400-0unce bars, kilo bars a Toronto Stock Exchange starting heen selling gold to individuals In sola, wm "0 pov ind bate af the 1 i XC se relatively small amounts since standard and prices lor Kic Nesta. Feb. 3. Se sachangy 1956, po with recently-increased vary with the premium required adin for the present af|interest, these reac hed $660,000 in |for melting them into 400-ounce -- wil be confined to Cana- December and $1,560,000 in Janu: bars or making kilo bars out of ' sroximate.y ary to date, the larger ones, | gian illo Ey "0 parts' The Bank of Nova Scotia has GOLD RETAIL TRADE » 000 of fine gold, and worth been buying and selling gold since| The exchange's action is be | ur 10 $1,100 ' { October, holding it In vaults and leved largely Sireewd ward They are 1 \anadian | issuing certificates which may be| "retail trade' from people Retin may yr grey we or sold without moving | terested in owning gold in smaller ary of ed A Mines 14d the gold, ok |qunscisies than the 400 - ounce which : A Bank of Nova Scotia spokes-| $14,000 bar, operates a refinery at ank LI a ; {man commented; Montren! Er "We have been selling kilo] Those interested in gold as ange bars, but we are basically in-/hedge against inflation and who Toronto exch will ag hid in transactions more believe the price of gold will ul Nove . by any regular stock consistent with the gold trade in. |timately be increased, auch as in the world {ternationally-transactions in 400. Foreign citizens who would pre- oxgpaney Is 23 asked i trading ounce bars or multiples of it/fer i hold Aoi here Fothny than ch are delivery' In Lon. in other parts le world, might be extended beyond the| Whileh as we y | United States citizens who wish kilo bar--gnid "We have been ing to create|to own gold but who are not per bid "'We' rimentiug. We don't -- may be stimu-|a market and have and of-| mitted to hold & in their own wall hin- [fered on quantities up to one ton country, dated ull ve a 40 0 the kilo (worth about $1,000,000) or mul-| People who simply regard gold mod fit Into|tiples of ome tom, as a glamorous metal and would hs eh Jleanion, make| 'We are offering that has|like to own some, " been assayed or refined by the Exchange iitislale sald hay on y action adds Canadian mint," [pect little price fluctuation or op The wl naw lactity NO FIGURES AVAILABLE portunity for sizable profit, Chief ® ei alr MY fol-| No figures have been an | fluctuation Is expected to result A Jou | growl: a. in|nounced concerning the amount| from dail variations in the ht im Ay oh has de-|of gold in the bank's vaults, One|Canadian dollar's value in terms | in recent months, shipment last fall was worth of the American, " are An outgrowth " tie government's action in oo which made gold a freely $9,000,000, Gold now is valued by interna The London bullion exchange, |tional agreement at $36 an ounce marketable commodity which can be bought, sold, held, imported referred to by the bank spokes-(in United States funds which man, is the world centre for gold means a lower current figure in or exported--one of the few coun- trading and Is made up of bank. Canadian funds because of the ers and refiners who set a price Canadian dollar's premium, Canada's Penitentiaries Are Vastly Overcro W ded petition between two convicts for the homosexual favors of a third, The Canadian government [cause it had no other place to Leghianigm is a frequent prob Bas embarked on a broad pro- (practise for the Christmas €00|jem in women's prisons, | gram of penal reform, What cert, Facllities are not available to! are the situations this Pro- |pypopve FINDERED "| segregate prisoners. gram will try to correct? How |™0 mm ih . { 's penitentiary pris- Fallure of prison construction In recent years Canada's prison do Joos " } work and walt? [to keep up with the growth InloMficials have become deeply ners oi Press reporter (Prisoner population in recent aware of the meed for modern: gk permitted to tour [years has resulted in constant ization, lx of the country's elght disruption of well-planned reform For the most part, they are programas, {doing thelr best to employ the This article la one of five telling what he saw, This situation produced the latest ideas. But they are work: | comment from many penitentiary ing with facilities substantially | |be apparent for three years. | Meantime, teen-aged first of.) fenders still are thrown in with {hardened criminals, | PRISON STABBINGS Stabbings still occur from com: Hlustrated: Custom Deluxe Viking, Model 1530D8W . 299-95 A moderate price Indeed for @ range with so many fine features! In gleaming white por celaln enamel, It's streamlined oppearance. Is one you'd be proud to have In your kitchen and note, too, the time. and labour-saving offers EATON Price, each. CED CRETE UL TET TPT POS devices It "Therma! Bye" element maintains pre-set heat "Micro-tube" alements give almost Instant heat, Three B:-heat rotary switches Removable oven elements, rock supports and storage drawer moke for easy leaning, . starts to cook, switches off at the correct time, & boon te Automatic clock control | | busy homemakers! BATON'S Budget Plan Terme may be arranged with NO DOWN PAYMENT NATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 254 PHONE RA 5.7073 orrow: Overcrowding, Tom PEACOCK officials that, at least In a prac- unchanged since the present By DON 11 Writer tical sense, Canadians are not/penal system's inception more Susan Press ait ries are/feLHINE full value (lor their tax than 100 years ago, Canada's penitentia dollar out of the federal prison| They are hampered by a short: vastly overcrowded, Some prison-| yu om, age of psychologists, classifica: ers live under condllons on Without taking into account hu- tion personnel and teachers, demned a quarter century ago manitarian considerations, they| They are hamstrung even more Thete facts of penal, 'behind #aId, It 1s an economic fact that by the fact al existing penlten: readily apparent in visits en. YOU get more for your peniten:| aries are walled--bullt primar. the walls of the SO0RtY a Pel Itiary dollar It a prisoner comes(iy to keep the worst possible Setinries to see how prisoners , formed. Eventually, near) types in custody, with reform as h {every prisoner returns to so o ; dn the "ight sxtsling federal In ciety, ois Pig! i afterthought Atifutiond, a space intended The rate of recidivism~or re . peater--prisoners entering Cana arin, wn un o pity nies 5 te 1 Jail Breaker iL ast Mare was RN problems Sod now are laying he, cent, up marginally from, » n OPK a and reorganiz: 44.87 per cent the previous vear Pleads Guilty ailon of the "a system. Major This contrasted with 63.5 per cent hanges are possibly three years for federal prisons In the United be [States In 1067 and 82.7 for that 0 T C ts awyy. year in Britain. The over-all re. \JI1 wo oun A WAITING LIST eldivism rate In Canada--for both | The space problem is so acute federal penitentiaries and pro-| HAMILTON (CP)--=A penitent! hat there was a walting list at/vinclal jails---ds about 80 per cent (ary escapee captured after he hee Meant 125 convici were|FXPECT BIGGER BUDGET LOL ML (CRUE Mlered by Viney Jails awaiting room| The penitentiary system's bud: {uyiity to possession of offensive in federal penitentiaries, which got for 1068.30 totals $12,000,000 weapons and burglary tools house criminals sentenced to terms of two years or mores The Penitentiaries Act says each prisoner Is entitled to an individual cell, For lack of space some were living In cell-block corridors at one penitentiary. At another, some were in a prison classroom converted to a dormit ory The pressure for accommoda tion Is so great that cells con. demned 28 years ago as unfit for human habitation still are in use, Cell blocks bullt In the early 19308 for temporary purposes con tinue to house prisoners. In the vintage cells at two penitentiaries the tollets are metal buckets with lids A western-style prisoner band in the British Columbia peniten tary at New Westminster plaved @allhouse Rock In the choir loft ef ba Roman Catholle chapel be: For the next fiscal year begin ning April 1, It likely will he at least 15,000,000 | Tt is estimated to eost almost $2,000 a year to keep each pris oner In a penitentiary. This buys society protection during his Im prisonment, but the only possible return for this Investment is the prisoner's. reform so he won't continue to be a drain on these tax-supported institutions At an October conference in Of tawa, federal and provincial go ernments reached agreement Ir principle on a course that Justice Minister Fulton says "should lead to great reforms in Canada's pen Itentiary system." A Justice department commit tee recently was appointed to work out the details but probably won't be able to present its plans n less than a vear. The commu nique issued by the conference sald concrete results might pot Jack Wavianslan, 20 Who es caped from Collins Bay prisos in {a car parked in front of a bank three weeks ago. Tn the car police found two pistols and 100 rounds of ammunition. He will be wentenced next Tuesday Similar charges against Isobel] Hitoviteh, 28, of Stoney Creek and oronto were dropped. James MeGahey, 31, of Hamilton, impli cated with Hoviansian, pleaded gullty to possession of burglar tools. A charge of possession of an ottensive weapon was dropped Hoviansian was captured by Hamilton police three weeks ago and identified as the convict who awed his way to freedom through '"'escape-proof" bars at the Kingston penitentiary, Provide smooth steam Inhalation te help relieve coughs, colds... with the Berkley Electric Vaporizer Only at EATON'S , , , In this season of colds and respiratory aliments, a Berkley Vaporizer is a health aid that serves every family member, Hel, relieve congestion In nasa ponies and chest providing soothing steam , , , holds about one gallon of water, and runs for six to eight hours without refilling. Shuts off automatically when water Is low, Usable on 25 or 60 cycles, 7.1 5 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON Price, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 277 Metal Wardrobes, Kitchen Cupboards "A place for everything and everything in its place" Metal Wardrobes For use In bedroom, hall or office = this wardrobe's dimensions are space-saving (ap- prox, 30 x 19 x 63" tall), yet Its Interior Is roomy, with a full-width hanger bar and shelf that provide ample storage space for dresses, sults, coats, hats, Two-door style, with a sheet glass mirror, (approx, 11 x 174), and Is fitted with a "Yale" lock, Desert sand finish, 29.95 EATON Semi-Annual Sale, each. ,...,... Useful Cupboards me mums Tall, two-door cabinets----about 66" high, 24" wide, 15" deep; to hold linens or kitchen supplies. Choose white, with aqua Interior for the kitchen; or a sand-coloured unit for your linens! Four shelves are about 10" high; bottom shelf section about 21' high, White has chromium-plated handles sand colour has copper-finish handles, 29.95 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON Semi-Annual Sale, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 370 Streamlined styling , . , supreme comtort ser withe Swivel TV Chair Such @ useful addition te the living room or rumpus room . , « and IVs styled to harmonize with your other fumishings, whether modern or traditional, The sturdy metal frame Is finished In bronze; the high back offers hours of sitting com fort; upholstery Is easy-to-clean plastic In many colours and patterns, The swivel feature means you mey watch TV or tum around to talk without getting up . + « sertainly a cone venience, ' BATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 370 PHONE RA 5.7373 Only at EATON'S! Brilliant New VIKING Stereophonic High-Fidelity Phonograph Separate loudness and contour controls -- you can adjust to your personal listening level Stereophonic sound Is true three-dimensional sound. It has width, depth and direction, Now you can hear the subtle tones and overtones of music that ordinarily records and amplifying systems are incapable of reproducing, You hear the character of the instru ments , , , brasses stand out brilliantly from the mellow tones of the woodwinds . . . you hear the subtle strings and majestic depth of bass instruments. You feel the excitemen: of the conductor and the musicians, You hear all the music just the way it was played--and all In the comfort of your own home! EATON Prices: Walnut or mahogany veneers, each Note the fine features of this "Viking": Powerful 11.tube unit, 6 speakers, each speaker enclosure has one 8" woofer and two 314" tweeters. High quality dual channel amplifier for distortion-free response. Total peak output of 9 watts; undistorted output 6 watts, Separate loundness and contour controls. Diamond L.P, stylus, Garrard changer, record equalizer, Solid wood cabinet approx. 40" wide, 1712" deep, 30" high. Model PCS 360 449-0 459.00 PHONE RA 5.7373 Autumn Leaf Mahogany or Swedish Walnut veneers, each BATONS LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 260 He Is wanted hy provinelal po! lee in connection with the hold-up of a bank messenger at, Sarnia ! and a bank robbery at St, George Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday, Open Fri. Night until 9 Ont. | v

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